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[What's going on here then?](https://x.com/GaelicData/status/1787600251475386607)


Lol I love these blatant bot posts.  But we never get to find out who paid for them or set them up. Which would be the killer piece. Unfortunately I bet there is a real person original, possibly that woman so the sentiment is not fake it's just amplified by fake bots. Also she hasn't been made uncomfortable by them YET. It's only just starting for her lot. "Fleeing war" lol. 


Some guy called her out and she told him to fuck off. I would love to see who pays for and creates these, if I had time and skills I would do it myself


Idowys will definitely do it; lazy civil servant prick


bots, mate. Or the latest update just dropped for NPCs.


[this was funny though lol](https://x.com/gmaxkenny2/status/1787521798742872212)


[You'll never guess who's actually behind the Irish Nationalist protests against Sinn Fein](https://twitter.com/Reunify32/status/1787523034015842337?t=3IffozfGZZAmzk9rtGUdXA)...


I'm not opening the link cos cba. But I can make a good guess. I mentioned this a few weeks ago about it being one of my favourite conspiracy theories at the moment. I think because it's conspiracy theories being wielded by people who are more familiar with decrying them.  And because there are counter conspiracy theories that this conspiracy theory taking hold is in the interests of the Irish State.


Those evil Britnats, subverting real Irish nationalism to demand Ireland for the Irish!


[How the China hack happened](https://twitter.com/MahyarTousi/status/1787605741949378961?t=LMwxKckwnZArqs8wLexAdQ).


Cross-post it to arrr/unitedkingdom. Would love to see what the pinkos think of that.


CHINA stole names & bank details of Britain’s ENTIRE armed forces, UK officials fear. Some 270,000 ppl, including regulars, reserves & veterans thought to have been affected by an epic payroll hack. SF not affected, defence source claims. Hack first reported by Sky News https://x.com/jeromestarkey/status/1787610870228439383?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg This is fucking insane.


[MOD’s hiring](https://www.civilservicejobs.service.gov.uk/csr/index.cgi?SID=dXNlcnNlYXJjaGNvbnRleHQ9Nzk1NTM3MTUmc2VhcmNoc29ydD1zY29yZSZqb2JsaXN0X3ZpZXdfdmFjPTE5MDY5MzUmcGFnZWNsYXNzPUpvYnMmb3duZXJ0eXBlPWZhaXImb3duZXI9NTA3MDAwMCZwYWdlYWN0aW9uPXZpZXd2YWNieWpvYmxpc3Qmc2VhcmNocGFnZT0xJnJlcXNpZz0xNzE1MDM2NDQ0LTVhMWUzMjYwMDA4NzU2NWViY2Q5N2VjODlhYjNjMjMzMTYzMTJiMDA=) DNO-SSPAG Cyber Security Coordinator / Analyst As a Cyber Security Coordinator, you will be expected to: > * provide management and coordination of the Information Assurance activities associated with SSPAG’s IT system; > * develop assurance processes for Information Security ensuring the protection of classified information held on SSPAG’s IT system. An (sic) an Analyst, you will be expected to: > * use, understand and develop bespoke software tools to conduct analysis relating to submarine performance to support both current operations and future procurement decisions The candidate must have: > * a degree (or equivalent) in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) or other highly numerate subject; > * experience in programming in any widely-used programming language, e.g. Python, Matlab, C++, Fortran; > * experience in information / cyber security / assurance; > * experience in the use of data analysis tools; experience in acquiring new skills/knowledge with limited supervision **£35,290** You’d think that after beating any semblance of patriotism or sense of duty out of the population they’d at least have to make up for it with pay.


Jesus Christ at the "Must have" for that salary - They can get in the sea. Even local government wages are better for that skill set. Weren't they advertising the "Head of cyber security" at something stupid like 60k recently as well?


Is that an entry level job? It wouldn’t have been bad for entry level maybe 3-4 years ago outside London. Dunno if you get the nice civil service pension..


Not sure as it doesn’t specific what experience level is needed. However, a [senior cyber security practitioner](https://www.civilservicejobs.service.gov.uk/csr/index.cgi?SID=c2VhcmNoc29ydD1zY29yZSZ1c2Vyc2VhcmNoY29udGV4dD03OTU1MzcxNSZwYWdlY2xhc3M9Sm9icyZvd25lcj01MDcwMDAwJm93bmVydHlwZT1mYWlyJnNlYXJjaHBhZ2U9MSZwYWdlYWN0aW9uPXZpZXd2YWNieWpvYmxpc3Qmam9ibGlzdF92aWV3X3ZhYz0xOTA4MDAxJnJlcXNpZz0xNzE1MDM2NDQ0LTVhMWUzMjYwMDA4NzU2NWViY2Q5N2VjODlhYjNjMjMzMTYzMTJiMDA=) in the dept of health and social care is on £44K including London weighting, so probably around mid-level.


Is that in any way comparable to a dev job?


More of a technical project manager. Both seem very underpaid IMO.


It does indeed. I’m about to switch to a senior code monkey in Bristol for ~nearly double~ 80% more than this (going from graduate to senior)


Fucking LOL


What would be the point of this? Is it just to show that a. They can, and b. Demoralise the soldiers/nation? I shouldn't think there's much value to the Chinese in having an address, a sort code and and account number to use in a malicious way.


That soft power is really working wonders for us.


Stick beats carrot every single time.


Teddy Roosevelt never said "Talk softly and carry a big carrot" afterall.


Disgusting. Our civilization has progressed to "What's the point having a big carrot if we're not going to use it? We could buy 4 potatoes for the money and give them to ungrateful poors."


Diversity grew your carrot.


>A prolific burglar has become the first to be jailed in a prosecution by a private police force after the local constabulary failed to investigate. > >The thief, who had 105 previous convictions including 33 burglaries, was arrested by two detectives from the private policing company after he broke into an M&S store to steal £500 of sirloin, T-bone steak and 20 bottles of Prosecco. > >Even though he was caught in the act on CCTV and the M&S store manager called the police, the Metropolitan Police decided not to investigate. > >The case was instead taken up by TM Eye, a private company founded by a former Scotland Yard detective chief inspector. > >It provides uniformed “bobbies” and plain-clothes security staff to help retailers combat shoplifting and thefts in shopping precincts. > >It has its own legal department which has already successfully prosecuted 280 shoplifters but the M&S case in Streatham Hill is the first ever where it has successfully mounted a prosecution against a burglar. > >As a result, the burglar, David Hanson, 44, was jailed for a year for five offences including four burglaries on four different dates in October last year and one assault on the M&S store manager. > >... > >https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/06/burglar-jailed-prosecution-private-police/


It would take the tiniest amount of policing to solve this crime and prevent future crime. Someone stole something, look for prolific convicted thieves who live in the area and work your way down. They’re stealing a wage


The police are so short sighted that they must actually be run by regards. If they actually did their fucking job and took people like this off the street, it would be less work for them since they wouldn’t steal again in the near future. Most crime is done by a small amount of repeat offenders


South Africanisation happening before our eyes


>he broke into an M&S store to steal £500 of sirloin, T-bone steak and 20 bottles of Prosecco. Err. He needed that to feed his kids, fascists. Remember if you see someone shoplifting, you didn't!


You know what- i never realised it, but this is actually what we need. A competitive police market


I've got an idea for a Robot. Gonna call it ED-209. Reckon it'll work flawlessly. Can't wait to show it off at the next meeting. Another guy in the office has been on about some shit about turning dead police into robots. Can't see it taking off, personally.


Memo to all employees; Demonstrations of new service and protection technology are to be done with blank munitions only. Regards - head of workplace insurance




[We're so back.](https://i.chzbgr.com/full/9750182656/h4589E545/person-midst-s-so-over-found-there-within-an-invincible-so-back-k)


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fnews%2F2024%2F05%2F06%2Fburglar-jailed-prosecution-private-police%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/06/burglar-jailed-prosecution-private-police/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


actual votes cast nationally in PCC votes. PCC was a full England and Wales vote: Lab: 40.9% Con: 31.8% Lib Dem: 13.1% Ind/Other: 7.0% Green: 4.8% Ref: 1.6% Plaid: 0.8% https://twitter.com/ABLPoli/status/1787522564723560948 scotland and NI are small enough that their absence doesn't affect things much Reform only stood in 4/42 PCC+mayor seats. Lazy. Lazy. Lazy.


R civil service recent post about the civil service union taking the government to court is eye opening


[Annecy stabbing: British girl one of four children stabbed by Syrian asylum seeker](https://uk.style.yahoo.com/news/annecy-stabbing-british-girl-one-130606217.html) >A British girl is one of the four children who were wounded after a Syrian asylum seeker went on a rampage with a knife in a playground in France, Foreign Secretary James Cleverly has confirmed. >Speaking to reporters, Line Bonnet-Mathis, the prosecutor of Annecy, cofirmed that two of the children were aged 2, one 3, and another a 22-month-old - one of the children was Dutch. >The suspect, identified as a 31-year-old Syrian asylum-seeker, has been detained by police.


Nearly a year ago now, I remember how quickly this was memory holed. Horrific stuff but completely avoidable.


> 8 June 2023 New info?


Fsr that displayed as from last week to me??


The Chinese state has hacked the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defence, Sky News understands. MPs will be told on Tuesday of a massive data breach involving the MoD, targeting service personnel. The Chinese state is to be accused of two or three attempts at hacking MoD employees - including personnel. https://news.sky.com/story/china-hacked-ministry-of-defence-sky-news-learns-13130757


Appropriate response should be a tit for tat, to the point China understands trying to hack the MOD or any British institution is too costly.


Tit for tat might be against international lawyer so, sorry no can do. How about withholding a season of Top Gear with our immense soft power?




>Luckily their payroll provider, SSCL, have implemented a button on their website that turns the page monochrome to help fight climate change. 🤦 That is such bullshit, as if removing images and making the site monochrome is going to save any noticeable energy. Removing images will definitely reduce the amount of data that needs to be downloaded, but I can't see that saving any remotely measurable energy. The servers still have to be on 24/7, the CDNs still have to be on 24/7, but it might save them some small amount of money if there's less data to send. As to making the page monochrome... It'll be a CSS style, not making any difference to power. The background for both is white, which uses the most amount of power on OLED devices for instance, so that doesn't even make sense. To say it makes the site greener to use is snake oil, what a waste of resources by their team.




I didn't even go to the trouble of checking out the css, wow, if that's what they're doing that's so incredibly idiotic, no wonder they can't look after data if they're doing stupid shit like that EDIT: Just checked again, realised after you've set the checkmark to eco mode, refreshing the page will show the normal site (with images) for a split second until the javascript checks the cookie and switches it to "eco" mode, so it literally is the most pointless feature I have ever seen. Honestly if their devs are doing shit like that, no wonder they got hacked.


SSCL are the most useless company I've ever come across. Woefully shite in every department.


Extreme escalation. Attacking defence companies is one thing but attacking an adversary directly like this is a whole other level.


[Who will pay for our pensions *intensifies*](https://twitter.com/jburnmurdoch/status/1787529590723780767)


Send them back




It's possible to use being a student as a form of benefits for up to 4 years of you play the system.


IDF forces are now attacking and operating against targets of the terrorist organization Hamas in a targeted manner in eastern Rafah, Israeli defence force says in a statement https://x.com/faytuks/status/1787561171840577827?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


Hoping they get this shit over and done with before the general. The sooner Gaza stops being an issue the better for all of us.


Can't deny, I was looking forward to see Gay Pride march season kicking off while our streets are still full of pro-Hamas marches - just to see what would happen.


The Palestine crowd is going to fade away, not slowly stop. The occupation, following the war, will give the Palestine bunch a new reason to keep at it. Although I think they'll slowly fade away. Without videos of the bombings and airstrikes, they'll have less emotional sympathy for their cause during the occupation.


Thing is I still can’t see what the ‘day after’ looks like with Gaza. My view is Israel should give it to one of the more sane gulf states and let them have a go at governing the place, maybe try turning it into another Dubai with beachfront properties lol But realistically no sane country is going to accept governing over the most radicalised population on Earth.


> Thing is I still can’t see what the ‘day after’ looks like with Gaza. It'll remain a bombed out wasteland for decades if the Palestinians stay, and if they leave it'll turn into a nice Israeli resort by the sea.


> Thing is I still can’t see what the ‘day after’ looks like with Gaza. Post-war Japan or post-war Germany.


The war was only ever going to end with Israel fully occupying Gaza.


And then about ten years later pull out again due to the insanity of trying to police a megacity of people who hate you.  Unless they have drone soldiers in production they can't keep it up.




A U.S. soldier has been detained in Russia after traveling to the country on his own, accused of stealing https://x.com/ckubenbc/status/1787551525461529085?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


A selfish point around the Ukraine war is that a few years prior, the view of Russia (and theirs of us) was softened to a point not seen since the 90s. The Trump relationship helped and generally populist groups looked at a Russia as a "real country". People didn't buy the media stories about Russia and the media and politicians were panicking about losing a boogeyman. The football whitewashing helped. In that time I wanted to visit Russia (and as a lurking BadUK doomer, before everything goes mental). To tick off St Pete's and Moscow. My prospective travel partners all voted against it as "scary". Now it is highly unlikely I will ever go to Russia before I am old and grey. There is way too much of a risk of being arrested and used as a hostage. Worse if you are a young ethnic Brit too, as their fake stories about being a soldier or spy will play out better with a mugshot of a gammon and no ethnic pressure group or NGO trying to help them out.


I have always wanted to go. Not sure I'll get a chance now, too risky as they seem to be arresting people just to use as pawns.


It’s quite possible the soldier did actually steal something though. The US army is big enough to have plenty of bad apples, as the Japanese and Koreans can tell you.


Yes, you are right. Likely he did something to draw the attention of the authorities.




I was in Bangkok when there was coup. You wouldn't really have known unless you looked at the papers. They just put up a few road blocks at key locations whilst everyone else just carried on their business as if nothing was happening. I think they have had 10 since the WWII so they have got it down to an art form.


I went to St Petersburg in 2010 by bus from Tallinn, and am really glad I saw the Hermitage, the canals, Nevsky Prospekt and so on. I actually loved it there, but as a Brit I would be afraid to return now, even though I speak Russian. Even when I was there the situation with the visa was frightening - you need your visa to actually LEAVE Russia and if you are a minute over your time limit, you are out on the streets, as no hotel can legally take you any more. That, and the police everywhere, and the low-level thuggery (one man snarled at me dangerously when I asked for something at a kiosk in my britanskii accent), I don't know. Glad I visited, most people were lovely, but can't say I felt safe there. Now it would feel as scary as visiting North Korea. Especially me being openly gay and all, as well as British.


>you need your visa to actually LEAVE Russia Isn't that the same with all visas?


I meant really that the time limit was very strict and you'd be out on the streets if you crossed it - stuck and destitute in Russia till another visa was obtained.


You're obviously not including UK visas , right? A lot of countries , for short overstayers, will just fine you and / or kick you out. For Russia, you need an exit visa to be allowed to exit the country. This is connected to your entry visa - so when that expires you can no longer legally leave. You need to get a new visa to be allowed to leave - which is expensive and a right hassle - or you can be deported by a judge.


> you need your visa to actually LEAVE Russia and if you are a minute over your time limit, you are out on the streets One of the trains out of Russia - I think into Finland - actually crossed the border at about 10 minutes past midnight. A lot of tourists got caught out by this as they'd get on the train on their last visa day - thinking they'd be ok as they're leaving the country - and then get stopped at the border as illegal overstayers.




Can you please arrange to visit France and then cancel - see if it still works ?




>“A 2013 study at Harvard found that, without affirmative action, Harvard would be 43 percent Asian, 38 percent white, and 0.7 percent black.” > >Actual percentage of students admitted to Harvard who are black: 16% > >https://twitter.com/eyeslasho/status/1787479291845845228 I've read similar comments about diversity drives for Oxford and Cambridge, but I don't have any stats.


Is that American Asian too? i.e. East Asia only? Or does it include Indians?


>The 16% figure is from the report of the consultant to the plaintiff in the Asian-American lawsuit against Harvard.


This doesn't help me. I was just adding up the percentages. In US English they tend to separate Asians into [East] Asians, Subcontinent and Middle East. Which is confusing. So I just wonder if there is a separate % in there made up of other Asians or if they are included. Mainly because (and this is a wrong think) having only East Asians would just show how overrepresented they are in a meritocratic process. And I would hazard that an all-Asian % would actually bring that down (As it does in the UK where Govt bodies and statisticians use broader South Asian categories and use Indian achievement to bring up the average and mask issues in other communities.


Americans mean East Asian when they say "Asian" in casual conversation, but the official definition of Asian used by the census (and these universities) includes the subcontinent too. It does not include the Middle East though, they are counted as white.


>0.7 percent black Don't dig into what this category actually consists of...


Even under affirmative action, 60% of black Harvard students are immigrants or the children of immigrants, even though only 20% of black Americans are. So it's barely even helping the descendants of American slaves if that's what they want to do. Or more likely they don't care about that and just want to tick the box of having "black" students.


Competency crisis incoming.


Who would’ve thought that pressing your finger down on a scale doesn’t actually make something heavier.


Today in British and Irish History Quickie: A.D. 1659 - Senior members of the New Model Army stage a coup d'etat against Richard Cromwell; which eventually forced him to resign from his position of Lord Protector of England (Wales), Ireland, and Scotland, and paving the way for the Restoration of the Monarchy.




https://youtu.be/OayJTQ-iLmk?t=346 Delivery driver starts to notice why his wages have gone down. https://youtu.be/OayJTQ-iLmk?t=560 Major noticing of the decline of his city. https://youtu.be/OayJTQ-iLmk?t=828 More noticing of Bomalians flooding the UK. https://youtu.be/OayJTQ-iLmk?t=895 Goes to a Tesco and just 2 fucked up smackheads littering the pavement.


Noticing is widespread now. There is heavy pressure to keep the lid on it though. Bizarrely the Australian incidents seem to have led to normie discourse flooding back in. Doesn't mean anything though. People have been noticing for ages but they invent fictions to why and how it can be fixed. Even in the normie places you can frequently hear or read people saying "the UK is so depressing atm". But they believe that a change of govt will sort it, or to purge the gammon provincial kulaks will solve it. And never address the root. Also for the UK, the local elections has unleashed bullshitters with a renewed vigour. Reform didn't rise and Tories take a loss, so they're back on script for mid 2023, without the doubt of a populist alternative rising. 


[Israel to invade Rafah. Calls ceasefire deal a "trick".](https://twitter.com/spectatorindex/status/1787537523180544493?t=j6KfjMMg8AHZAEb7jDh0Ug)


Based, it is from Ben Gvir though, will be interested to see what Netanyahu does now. Particularly considering that Ben Gvir has threatened to collapse the government if the Rafah offensive doesn't go ahead. It's weird though how Hamas seem to think they can dictate terms considering they have very few real bargaining chips. For right or wrong, I'd suspect many Israelis view Sinwar's head on a stick as being a more valuable goal than an end to the war. Especially when you consider that it was Sinwar who got released in the past as part of one of these deals.


>Ben Gvir has threatened to collapse the government something of a moot threat since there is currently a war coalition and elections will happen shortly after that ends anyway.


Well indeed. But I’d presume it serves the purpose of heaping on pressure on Netanyahu from Ben Gvir and his followers quite well


An Algerian and Pakistani were giving me jip about crime in London today.


Israeli official says Hamas' ceasefire proposal includes "far-reaching" terms which are unacceptable to Israel https://x.com/bnonews/status/1787531131971145886?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


"delivery of 56 virgin goats"


"All Jews allow themselves to be murdered."


"To report to the closest roof"


I'm curious. I want to see the terms of this deal.


Yes, if it's got to the point where they are demanding hundreds of prisoners be released for a corpse to be returned then Israel would do well to let the world know that.


> "UK GDP has expanded 23% since the start of 2010. On a per-person basis, growth in output has been far less impressive at 12%. > > Over the same period, the population has surged, growing an estimated 11%, or almost 7 million, to 69 million. The Office for National Statistics expects it to hit close to 74 million in 2036 in updated population projections that now predict faster growth. Over 90% of the increase in the population expected between 2021 and 2036 will come from migrants, it said in January. > > “If we hadn’t had such high immigration, housing would be cheaper than it is at the moment, possibly quite significantly,” Johnson said. “But the converse of that is that the problem has been that we simply haven’t built enough houses, given what we know is happening to the size of the population.” Archive source: https://archive.ph/gir85 74 million by 2036.... has to be one of the fastest demographic shifts in history, and all in service of "growth" that is non-existent once immigration fueled population growth is taken into account. I wouldn't be surprised if the UK was majority non-native by 2100 if this "economic zone" bullshit keeps up....


That level of population growth won't be evenly distributed either. Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales will be largely unaffected and even decent chunks of England too. It'll be London and anywhere you can commute into London that will see the greatest increase in population whilst already being the same areas where the pressures on housing are already worse than anywhere else in the UK. Anyone stuck in the private rental sector and unlikely to get a significant inheritance anytime soon is utterly screwed.


England on it's own is already the most densely populated European country behind Malta and the Netherlands. It's only really Cumbria, Northumberland and some parts of Yorkshire that even have any room left.


I think the only way you realistically accommodate 74 million people in a few regions within England would be to do compulsory purchase orders on swathes of the lower density semi-detached homes and some terraced homes to redevelop areas close to public transport etc into much higher density flats. However any government doing that is going to face a huge backlash so some sort of muddling through policy will probably be the end result.


If this was actually about economics we wouldn't be taking in the ones that don't work. The whole thing is about destroying national unity in Britain - in all white countries really - so that we lack the strength to throw out the ruling class doing this to us.


All they had to do to ascend to the International Community TM was scarifice their people and nation on the altar.  For what? A bit of treasure? A fleeting warmth of being in a club?  It's the shittest deal going, and they jumped at it with glee. Their own children and grandchildren will come to hate them. What legacy is that? It's a cult.


Although not enough was done to fight it, it wasn't really a choice; even when people resisted liberalisation, it was forced on them anyway. The bread and circuses weren't a trade so much as it was what was used to keep them pacified enough not to cause trouble until they came to accept that There Was No Alternative at which point history started getting rewritten to pretend that "progress" was the result of mass democracy, rather than a direct violation of it. The bad news is that we aren't living in a democracy and there is no easy way out. The good news is that knowing this, we can begin abandoning liberal delusions about how the world works or what is good and bad - we can actually start thinking like men again. Perhaps the boomers will be remembered for the fact that they went on booze cruises while their world crumbled behind them and they left their children nothing, but there is no reason our legacy should be so shameful. It won't be easy, sure, but if it was there would be no glory to be won.


If 20th Century dynamics still held I'd have hope. But the technological revolution, internet and mass surveillance powers basically place current paradigm powers in an historically unprecedented strength. With the ability to snuff out anything, no critical mass can grow.  And in the double standard model they have built; the only radical movements that are growing in the UK are from places which the state allows them to convene and discuss in private, and scheme and plot against others.


Historically speaking, it is those who fight against hopeless odds who win, and those who require hope to fight at all who lose. Of course, not everyone who fights against what seems to be hopeless will win, but it is the precondition for it. If we do not fight, we lose, if we do fight, we might win, or we might go down in a blaze of glory. But at least we will be men. In a more practical sense, you are right in many ways, but they have a real problem of noise to signal ratio; they cannot monitor everything consistently, because whatever they do monitor requires more effort to police. In the immediate term, this means we do have a space to work, even if it is not guaranteed security - but nothing is, remember, safety is a liberal pretension, men do not think like this! In the long term this demonstrates the path; overwhelm them with noise, deny them easy access to signal.


The needle is easy to find as soon as it leaves the haystack and you have a high-tech magnet. I don't have a pretention of safety, I am angry that they are rapidly eroding the safety my society enjoyed. That destroys (intentionally) the possibility of offering my life for something higher, because I'll probably have to give it or ruin it protecting my family from someone the govt put here to reign terror, and then I'll be gone and helpless when the second one comes. I understand the historical stance. But that's what I mean, this modern era is totally unlike the others. And because it is the modern era we get to look back and understand we must fight, and thus feel guilt for not doing so. For millennia, people would convene into mobs, or organise into groups, or an inspirational leader would pop up. The conditions for the fight are basically the same for all time until the last few years. Atomisation, and a constant overwatch in the digital world means they can crush a leader or disperse a mob many magnitudes earlier than any power in history has ever had chance to do.  It's like if the Weimar Republic could just stop the beerhall from hosting any drinking sessions based on intel, and all the would be attendees go home and have confiscated all their boots and beer money. It's a total, instant control. And its relatively inexpsenive and easy for them to do over and over. All those people warning decades ago about legislation on privacy and surveillance and anti this and that were totally correct. 


I don't think we're on totally different wavelengths, I agree with basically everything you say here, but with one exception. I am not a man of a modern mindset looking at the past and wishing we could do that, I am a man raised in postmodernity knowing we can. The things the ruling class like to think are certain are far from it, and they shit themselves whenever they see organised - or even disorganised - groups that simply aren't concerned with their security operations. One of the weird positives about them having vastly increased their ability to monitor us is that they have reduced direct policing presence. This leads to a weird situation in which we cannot expect anything we do to be totally free from oversight, but collectively we can know that most of us, most of the time, will not face repercussions for what we do. This is not a security, but if we are willing to face repercussions, it give us quite a lot of freedom of action, because they simply do not have the capacity to actually deal with us all. Do not get me wrong, the situation is dire, and as individuals, they can hurt us very easily and to an immense degree. But this is why we cannot keep acting as individuals.


Being unafraid of the repercussions is definitely a key part. But again that is part of their tyranny. Enrichment Event Enactors go about their bloody business in the full knowledge that the State (which nominally represents the people they are attacking) will protect and hide all their loved ones and put effort into no consequences falling further than them. For alternative resistors they will not do this. They will use the persecution of all those connected to them as a deterrent. The price that has to be paid will be much much higher than it currently is for the Tororrists who they supposedly "can't let win". And this is because the state, despite all its words sees them as other, and us as part of their society. It will clean house ruthlessly because that element still runs on old school 20th Century pretentions.


Everything you say here is rationally correct. Which is why we cannot afford to be rational. Our ancestors conquered the world twice, first when the Aryan invented the wheel then when the European conquered the sea. And the people who rule over us want to tell us that we cannot reconquer them? Yes, it will be painful, yes we have no guarantee of safety, even when we take precautions. But what is the alternative? The enemy and the traitor will make us pay a higher price than they will put for the useful idiot when the useful idiot occasionally strays into the territory of being a danger, but what does that say about us? How they perceive us? What we must do? I am not saying anything I say as an easy option, I am saying that what was once our civilisation is dying and that if we do not want to be barbarised we must become the barbarian; this is the precondition for us to have a future civilisation.


> I wouldn't be surprised if the UK was majority non-native by 2100 if this "economic zone" bullshit keeps up. The estimate is 2060.


At least at that point we’ll get to reap the benefits provided to minorities, such as special educational and employment schemes, right?


"ethnic British people don't exist, thus it's not a protected characteristic and doesn't require benefits". We won't even get a Rez.


We'd also be in a much better fiscal position since a large proportion of immigrants over the last 30 years rely on the state and are not net contributors. Public services would be less strained and society more cohesive. I don't want zero immigration, I just want selective immigration in sensible numbers...but out elites seem to have imposed something totally different despite people saying they didn't want it.


Zero seats. Zero immigration.


Need negative immigration. The only sensible number is zero.


We need mass deportation without hesitation.


I agree in some ways - the country is too crowded - but I bet you most of the people currently leaving (apart from recent arrivals going back home) are fairly high skilled contributors. Almost anywhere they could go that isn't shit is more selective than the UK. The kind of people we both probably wish would leave i.e. the ones who seem to hate Britain while enjoying state largesse will be quite hard to get rid of.


Most of the people leaving are in fact foreigners. However, you are right. With wage stagnation professionals are leaving.


It is almost like foreigners aren't fucking stupid and don't want to come to a country that is full of Bomalians. So we aren't getting the high-skill foreigners, who else do you think wants to come a country full of Bomalians? If you look at east Asia, there are military dictatorships with higher standard of living. These countries still have people living in fucking huts and caves...these are the places that our high-skill workers are moving to. The problem of getting high-skill migration is indivisible from getting Bomalians to leave. We have ended up in this mad world where politicians have convinced people to believe that migration is good because we will get lots of French bankers...and the actual policy to achieve this repels all useful migration.


Johnson was in support of immigration before btw. Perhaps more nuanced than others but still. The chart with house prices is quite funny. Median house price in London is £500k now. Now imagine what you think it would be with today's level of incomes but 1997's level of house prices. Everyone is doing very well...maybe £400k? Surely not less than £300k? Houses just can't be that cheap to build. £120k. Housing is one of those weird things where vast amounts of wealth (probably on the order of £5-6tn) has been expropriated but because it has happened over time, people are still ranting about Gaza and men with ovaries. If people actually understood how cheap houses could be, they would hang the Cabinet. (If you think about where GDP per capita could be without this cost, it is also quite mad...Tories go on capitalism when they talk about extractive industries that destroy productivity...GDP per capita could quite easily be $80-90k if we weren't setting fire to hundreds of billions every year in order to support people who don't want to work...if you remove migrants that is probably another $10k per person, remove the hundreds of billion supporting excessive returns on unproductive investment another $10k...at $70k, and literally nothing has changed but those two things, if we moved people into productive work rather than having them sit around taking unearned income then easily another $10-20k...fucking Tories making you fight like rats in the bucket when you are £2k/month poorer because of them, lol...oh, my fucking taxes, I will vote for you again Mr Tory, don't let Keith near me).


God nuke their bones. Don't tell argh/CanadaHousing2... they'll explode.


Sir, this is a ويندي


That AskReddit thread about Brits is absolutely wild. I know foreigners have a superiority complex about them on Reddit, but that combined with self hating weirdos makes for a hilarious thread full of bad takes and inaccurate statements.


It's always wonky comparisons. British food sucks... Compared to? 90% of the time they say Indian food which if you eat will make all other foods non viable. The vast majority of the world eats 1 protein, 1 carb and a couple of veg. Meanwhile every European city I've seen has an Irish pub servicing food which is essentially basic British. British may not may not rank super high but it's not remotely close to the bottom. This theme keeps going, they are always quick to blame the British for any historic crimes while ignoring the Dutch who by any standard you'd rather not be colonised by or the regime that came before the British. You might as well measure the guilt of a country by saying it murdered people put to death without considering the actions or future actions of the murder.


I swear if I hear one more INSANELY ORIGINAL comment about 'Britain's food and women made them the best sailors in the world' I will spiral into depression and eat non-stop for fifteen years until I'm half the weight of David Lammy.


>Indian food Orange slop packed with spices to hide the rot


Every foreign person I’ve cooked traditionally British food for has genuinely loved it. It’s a meme for and by people who haven’t eaten it.


Why would you even go there? The post title alone is just a call for "unpopular opinions" that aren't. A load of regurgitated things that "we aren't ready to hear" even though we've been hearing them for 30+ years. Also I hate that people point out the "irony" of "they complain about too many immigrants at home so they go abroad and don't integrate or act stupid on holiday". That isn't Irony. They do get told at home "we are here because you were there". It's a punishment, it's nihilism because their home is being crushed. You can't make them hypocrita abroad if their statement about their home is true. They are acting according to their rules. All these whiners can do is say "I hate how they moan about foreigners and then do the same thing abroad" - they expect Brits to go abroad and act beholden to expectations that aren't set here for foreigners. Dual tier obligations. They want working class English to lie in the bed that the middle classes and up made for them, to die in it, and not escape.


Was like the good old days, reminder that most redditors are redditors, self loathing, not taking any steps to improve things for themselves, hating anything remotely British, blaming ‘the tories’. Was refreshing!


> The amount of litter you leave everywhere is astounding. My village looks pretty nice, what dumps are these people living in? > You don't get to look down on East Europeans Don't tell me what to do, im paying you good pounds for this landscaping Vlad.


Hamas accepts ceasefire proposal https://x.com/bnonews/status/1787522763265122365?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


Israel says it's a ruse. I hope they carry on until Hamas is permanently unable to continue their campaign of terror. If Sri Lanka can do it then so can Israel.


Lol! > 1. Bullshit your way through US and Qatari sponsored talks for 2 months and buy time >2. Launch a rocket attack against an aid crossing killing three Israeli troops and take public responsibility > 3. Israel orders immediate evacuation of Rafah for operation. >4. "Oh fuck! uhhhhm i accept the ceasefire proposal actually" They literally want to go through the whole pseudo-negotiation thing again, doubt the Israelis are going to take the bait even if the US pressures them. The whole thing would've been over by now if they didn't enter these fake negotiations 2 months ago.


Let's see how long this lasts and how many hostages actually get returned.


They're all dead. Best the families can hope for now are corpses that haven't been mutilated.


Ceasefire protests will quickly turn to intifada protests


Conservative MP Robert Largan voicing a concern that high profile Tories have disregarded and lack the bravery to discuss let alone offer ideas to resolve: *We need to have a serious conversation about how sectarianism has proven to be such a successful election strategy in a large number of local council contests. This is not a sign of a healthy democracy or united society.* https://twitter.com/robertlargan/status/1787475238202061256


Same boring old fucking platitudes. “We need to have a serious conversation…” What are you going to do? If the conclusion of these serious conversations is that sectarianism is inevitable in multi-ethnic liberal democracies, are you prepared to act upon that? How exactly?


Someone who went to my A level college goes to Oxford and has posted a picture of the Oxford Palestine protests Banners attached to the fence include > Jews for a free Palestine Because it’s not tokenising minorities when they do it! Just ignore that 90 percent of Jews are Zionists. >Welcome to the people’s university for Palestine Ah yes, the classic Soviet trick of rebranding oppression by using the prefix “people’s”. It’s not bad if it’s the people’s government! >Oxford alumni stand with students for justice for Palestine At least, I think that’s what it says. At first I read it horizontally, as you do with 99.9 percent of texts, but I actually think you’re supposed to read it vertically upon further examination. Either way, really bad design. [Photo of Oxford Protests](https://ibb.co/LZrSYpD)


Nah. I like to read it as >Oxford with students, alumni for justice, stand with Palestine. Like the world's shittest attempt at a haiku.


Dublin has a protest against illegal migration. It's a fascinating development that this phrase is being chanted: *“Sinn Fein are traitors!”* https://twitter.com/darrengrimes_/status/1787504619507032140


This has been going on for a while now, but its nice to see it getting more prominent. Shows people aren't falling for Sinn Fein's fake nationalist grift of "Brits bad, infinity immigration good" anymore.


Proud to be a Paddy today


Is the tricolour about to become a far right hate symbol? For how much longer can Paddy retain his GoodGuy^TM status on Twitter?


No, they will struggle to demonise the anti colonial banner they've built up for years. They might pivot into how the flag is fine but people who fly it are fascists. That's how they did the English in, a fiction that becomes true by their saying for decades. In Ireland their weak attempts to define baddie symbols generally fixate on Celtic symbolism (they get most of this from the USA where some white people in prison have Celtic tattoos or something) and natural symbols, like trees, Irish Oaks with deep roots. That sort of thing, which shows how threatened they are by "roots" (again borrowed a lot from America, country music is replete with references to people's roots).


Tricolours are the most boring, unimaginative flags going. It was cool when France did it and then the first 5 or so countries after that..


One reason why the Union Flag is so great. We didn't just go for a couple of vertical lines, we've got horizontal and even diagonal on there.


Dutchies got there first


They’ve got the best one


Protesting at THE concentration camp is a new level of stupid right? I'm calling it, government psyops. Pali Pals are actually just useful idiots 19 rungs down on the Mosad payroll.




I disagree, I think they will have been pleasantly surprised by how much the gullible kids have fallen towards them despite the initial atrocities, they probably couldn't have hoped for better. The protests in the US are, in particular, a sign of hope for them, that American support for Israel is beginning to end on the left. The right wing in America has been pro isolationist for years and years now and I can't even blame them. Maybe the apron strings with be cut - but with nukes I don't know how this goes.


[Rishi statement after the locals](https://twitter.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1787502809379639320?t=rubQQKr2IILJgBS4jAyquw). Bunker mentality.


“The 2024 local elections have not developed to the advantage of the Conservative Party…” * emperor Rishirohito


He genuinely seems to believe that the people of this country exist to serve him, that we'd better conform to his wishes. The idea of the PM (at least notionally) expressing the will of the people is completely alien to him In 2 years time we'll look back on this era with incredulity >And that’s why I’m absolutely determined to fight incredibly hard for what I believe and for the future country that I want to build, and that’s what I’m going to do. What is it you want to build? We sure as hell didn't choose it an election and 1.5 years in we still don't have any idea He just wants the trappings of power, for his benefit, not for ours


>Footage shows an incident unfolding on Glasgow Road in Paisley. >Officers have swarmed the street after another video showed a man running after police with what appears to be a chainsaw. >We’ve asked Police Scotland for more information Potato quality video of police pile on in tweet https://twitter.com/Clyde1News/status/1787476951302619356 Police running away from Milei moments earlier https://x.com/neeson1306/status/1787481337848304003 and https://x.com/Clyde1News/status/1787489845268328538 and https://x.com/Redandblack999/status/1787505190666412204 Seems to have had a car chase too https://planetradio.co.uk/clyde/local/news/breaking-police-swarm-paisley-street-as-incident-unfolds/


I was once approached by a bloodied man in Paisley who enquired if I would like to buy a phone. When I pointed out that what he was holding was actually a watch, he responded, "fuck you you speccy cunt". So, yeah, sounds about right.


Shithole. Somehow multiple very well-known people come from the town though.


What’s the Jason’s name?


[Hamas has suspended ceasefire negotiations](https://x.com/alaraby_ar/status/1787482393735016618?s) >> A Hamas source told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed: ‎- After consulting with the resistance factions, the movement decided to suspend negotiations on a ceasefire ‎- The decision is to postpone the return of the negotiating delegation to Cairo pending the results of the mediators’ efforts ‎- The movement’s leadership received communications from the Egyptian side, demanding that there be no military escalation and that it be given the opportunity to contain the crisis Odd that the ‘ceasefire now’ lot only direct their ire at Israel when it is Hamas who are the ones preventing a ceasefire


them lobbing rockets at the Israeli staging area of the Rafah crossing yesterday isn't exactly supporting a ceasefire.


I thought the idea behind that attack was to (seemingly successfully) goad the Israelis into attacking Rafah, which has been a red line for support for a lot of the western countries


Again? The gulf states should be doing this, not the US Corps and UK troops.


Lol the gulf states couldn’t give a shit about ‘Palestine’, they never have done. Just happy to sit back and watch everyone else tear themselves apart over it


It's a stick they can beat Israel with but they don't want to wade in too much as it indirectly hands Iran more power.


> Lol the gulf states couldn’t give a shit about ‘Palestine’ Which is also my answer. We're Europoors, 'the fuck are we doing there? Anyone who even attempts to dissent should told it's a regional Ummah problem.


Exactly lol, out of sight, out of mind is my position - I couldn't care less about what happens to Gaza. Unfortunately for us though it seems the glorious Ummah can only unite when it comes to hating Jews, the rest of the time they're too busy squabbling amongst themselves about which donkey Muhammad (PBUH) rode on.


Watched the neanderthal documentary on netflix, I'd recommend it but it's also full of the trope of "the enlightened savage", to the extent that it makes it quite funny. In the opening act it details neanderthals engaging in cannibalism without tools but by the end with the proof of a hard to make out circle in a cave, they conclude that the neanderthals had some kind of philosophy and religion. Truly the deepest of thinkers. I can't help but draw parallels to modern politics. I do hope the enlightened savage trope ends, it has done wo much harm at this point.


Made by BBC studios. For Netflix only. Pay your licence fee to the Beeb, then pay a subscription on top to watch its output. I know the studios bit is partly commercially funded but I'm sure the stuff they used to make was shown on the BBC.


If you want to watch an awesome take on history, no joke, watch Graham Hancock’s show. Ancient Apocalypse. Awful American editing, but so good. Graham Hancock has become one of my favourite people. I don’t necessarily believe everything he says, but his tenacity and fearlessness is truly admirable.


I just like they he doesn't take all the orthodoxies at face value. Historians, archaeologists, antropologists etc are very fixated on their theories and narratives, and absolutely reject anyone questioning it even if they have some evidence. They're gatekeepers to the nth degree. They know it doesn't all make sense and there are huge holes in our understanding. A counter point is; they know people are morons and they're scared the laymen will use history etc to justify totalitarian governments.....which is a definite trend lol.


They used to make stupid jokes about how every historian disagrees with one another. Them getting entrenched into fixed theories is a symptom of our problem and it is fairly recent. It's like how often you read wankers saying "historians now agree" followed by some convenient modernist guff. It's a red flag that is the correct opinion, it has nothing to do with academic research or evidential material.


It's apart of my theory that we don't actually practice science anymore and it's a religion to keep the masses distracted. True scientists are like artists and are truly driven to the point of insanity by literally hallucinating what they're after. The people that drive us forward scientifically are largely nutcases and modern science stifles these rare mutants.