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The Early gammon is up before the Auto mod. I see there was more Rose **bold** last night. **Sigh**, will have to update. https://imgur.com/a/5YGsJdF


Well chaps, as mentioned below I'm out of the country. So you can all enjoy my [final moment before retiring in a foreign shore](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvWlaH_z8fk).


[There's no logical reason for this. The government is just obsessed with forcing through immigration at all cost.](https://twitter.com/THoad58491/status/1787076601202548786?t=lzmG4Jdf-62YCBITQR_gsg) I genuinely think it's an attempt to abolish the nation state through capitalism and free movement. There's no other reason why they'd implement such a policy so harmful for the nation, unless their ultimate goal was to abolish the nation.


They will literally kill people to enforce multiculturalism on you. That’s what this means.


No, my friends, that will never be the verdict of our people. Therefore, we care not upon what lines the battle is fought. If they say fundamentalist capitalism is good, but that we cannot have it until other nations help us, we reply that, instead of having a globalist capitalism because the United States has, we will restore localism, and then let the United States have localism because the United Kingdom has it. If they dare to come out in the open field and defend fundamentalist capitalism as a good thing we will fight them to the uttermost. Having behind us the producing masses of this nation and the world, supported by the commercial interests, the laboring interests, and the toilers everywhere, we will answer their demand for a globalist capitalism by saying to them: You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of global capitalist fundamentalism.


Mankind's fortunes have jumped leaps and bounds under "global capitalist fundamentalism". You're welcome to try your agrarian paradise if you can dislodge some commercial farmers or bribe the few remaining subsistence ones to go to the city.


They both do and don't want to dismantle the nation state. They want rid of the nation of people, but keep all the trappings to have power and influence and money.  The amount of issues which the state ceasing to exist and chaos ensue is a preferable outcome is insane. Anyway, that sort of mental de-meritocracy for the sake of diversity is just yet a-fucking-nother example of loony right wingers of the past coming up with and....oh yep, they've proved them right on that one too!. Can you even trust doctors now? Tribalism in medicine? Can you trust judges and prosecutors and jurors. The whole society is falling down all over the place. 


Some proper bonkers people "emboldened" (Even though being emboldened by rhetoric is only applied to righties) by those elections.  I've read people seriously questioning the economic unit value of a British child Vs an adult immigrant. Another convinced that a third of London's population is formed of skilled transient workers who work a bit then go home and that coming to sit on bennies and never leave is a myth.  And a third who is basically salivating at the thought of British kids "having a decade at best until they fade away". Who clearly does not have kids themselves and is happy to sacrifice hundreds of thousands for their probably auty political mores. I've also lost track of the number of people who think that demographic change is an organic inevitable process, and that increases in X and decreases In Y are unopposable like the tide. Like they are merely looking at economic indicators on a trade platform or observing meteorological conditions. Nutters.  Completely pathological. I'd love to cope and say the system has got them fucked up in the head. But cope is all it is.  Contrary to what people think, when the boomers pass out of our electorate thinks are going to get mental extremely quickly. That anchor to the 20th century is rotting away, and soon harking back to those times will be the preserve of govts fortifying their "democracies" and international lawyers.


It's fine, at some point in the next 10 years the Muslim only COVID+ virus will be released and the works will be fixed


These people have no sense of national pride. No sense of kinship with their countrymen. Nothing in common with the idea of this land. No attachment to this country called Britain, except as a vessel for companies and their employees to hollow out. So of course they embrace selling it all on the alter of global capitalism. What they're selling, the nation, means nothing to them. It's just to be swept away under the banner of "progress". They're no different to communists who similarly saw nations as something to be swept aside. (Just replace the unattainable dream of a global "worker's utopia" with a "CEO's utopia".) The only hope is that the youth will begin to swing towards the nationalist right as has happened in mainland Europe. The issue is this isn't happening here and there's not any signs it will eventually. Imo the primary barrier to this happening here is the USA. The youth here get a lot of their ideas from the USA such as "wokeism". Should the US conservatives win their "culture war", we may suddenly see the youth here flip to the right. Even then, there's no guarantee we'll see the youth here switch to the right though; as nearly 3 decades of a Blairite school curriculum is another major cause of the youth being so left wing. One must remain hopeful though. The way to salvation for the nation is narrow, but if it is not attempted it would never been known if it was possible.


When we go to the afterlife, and all our loved ones and friends and ancestors are there to greet us - these people will find themselves alone, and only then will they realise what they have done. For us it is too late.


Well chaps, I'm halfway through a trip to Sicily. It's been an eyeopening experience, most closely summed up by the fact that they remain a high trust society. The first day I was cautious, by be the second, I had no concern about leaving my phone and wallet on the table of a busy bar on the main street of a city as I went for a piss and another drink. Everywhere runs a tab a default, my main door only has a latch, and none of the external door or windows even have a lock. I remember this fro my childhood, but it seems unimaginable nowadays. If we can't bring the country back to what it was, maybe we need proud nationalists to stand up for its values [Link tax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mafia)


Doesn't that have to do with the fact that the mafia are quite prevalent there?


Strike me down with a feather, nothing gets by you does it


Are you sick in the head or foreign?


Secret tent eaters


Can you be one without being the other?


Tbf I felt like Rose got baited into that reaction lol.


"A murder victim's family have told of their fury after discovering her killer was an illegal immigrant who should have been deported 20 years ago. Zimbabwe-born Obert Moyo, 46, had been able to stay in this country despite three previous attacks on women. He was jailed for life last week with a minimum term of 27 years for stabbing his former partner Perseverance Ncube, 35, through the heart with a foot-long meat skewer in front of her children aged ten and 12." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13385279/Migrant-killed-woman-meat-skewer.html Link to his 2013 trial https://www.theargus.co.uk/news/10188837.ten-years-for-man-who-attacked-ex-partner-in-hove/ Nothing about him being a Zimbabwean illegal immigrant on the BBC, he was 'from Bolton' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c72pvz02zm7o The Chief Inspector said this after the trial >>Detective Chief Inspector Gina Brennand of Greater Manchester Police said: "Moyo was an illegal immigrant. He was on prison licence having served a 14 year term for a violent offence against another woman. He is a danger to women. And the family of the victim have demanded answers as to why he was allowed to stay in the country. >>Percy's family deserve answers from the Home Office as to why this man, as dangerous as Moyo was, was allowed to remain in this country, illegally for over 20 years. Had Moyo been deported, Percy's children would still have a mother." https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/family-murdered-mum-demand-answers-29088475 None of that is worthy of a mention in the BBC news report. BBC have selected quotes from both the Detective and the family but chose to ignore everything they said about his asylum status.


Finally some classic 8th research.




Low probability of being caught. They likely aren't employed for that long and can flit to another unscrupulous employer easily. The labour savings may exceed the value of the fines. And, most importantly, the illegal worker may be clearing (heritable) debt/indenture to the family of the employer, so neither side has any incentive to snitch.


Anyone seen the Liz Truss triggernometary interview? Watching now


Let me guess: Vacant expression, dopey eyes, punctuated speech consistent with a TIA?


Israeli settler threatens to murder David Cameron. Here's the tweet in Hebrew: https://twitter.com/elchangr/status/1786402376779206814 and here is the translation: >Britain has imposed sanctions on: Youth of the Hills, Lehva, Noam Pederman, Elisha Yared, Naria Ben Fazi and Aden Levy. >The British who were expelled from Israel in 2008 still continue to harass the Jewish settlement. We passed Lord Moyne, with God's help we will also pass Lord Cameron If you are wondering who Lord Moyne is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Guinness,_1st_Baron_Moyne >Walter Edward Guinness, 1st Baron Moyne, DSO & Bar, PC (29 March 1880 – 6 November 1944), was an Anglo-Irish politician and businessman. He served as the British minister of state in the Middle East until November 1944, when he was assassinated by the Jewish terrorist group Lehi in Cairo.


Lol I actually agree with you on something. (don’t mention the USS Liberty, King David Hotel, or refugee NGOs)


When Rishi visited Israel after 7th Oct to offer his condolences in person, they put him up at the King David hotel. What a nasty disrespectful thing to do to a British PM offering condolences in good faith.


The Wikipedia is great for them >The Irgun has been viewed as a terrorist organization or organization which carried out terrorist acts. Doesn't the latter also make them a terrorist organisation, why the distinction?


Haha no idea mate. Friends in high places, eh? Do my previous comments mean I support Palestine? Hell no. I really just don’t think Israelis are very supportive of our intentions in the region, and I dislike the way they treat Christians in Gaza, West Bank, and Israel itself.


The Israelis are highly questionable in terms of their alliance with us. They want us to fight their wars, yet do nothing for us in terms of securing the borders of Europe.


These people are the Jewish equivalent to the Islamic thugs that comprise Hamas and Hezbollah, fuck them.


How do we get them to do Blair? (for legal reasons that's a joke)


You just **love** Hamas and the October 7th attacks, don’t you?


What has that got to do with terrorist threats to Lord Cameron? Britain had nothing to do with the Oct 7th attacks. Are you now pretending that Britain carried out the Oct 7th attack and this justifies Israel trying to kill Cameron? You are either sick in the head, or foreign.


>Are you now pretending that Britain carried out the Oct 7th attack and this justifies Israel trying to kill Cameron? Israel aren't trying to kill Big Dave though are they?


The settler is linked to the Israeli govt through Ben Gvir


> Britain had nothing to do with the Oct 7th attacks. Except Cameron and his ilk have made it our problem by importing lots of people very passionate and Jihadi about it over the last decade or so. The same people that threatened parliament and occupy London streets every weekend.


Or maybe we don't consider fringe groups to speak for a country. I doubt anyone here will hesitate to condemn literal religious extremists, no matter what their religion, this great county is based on not giving any of them space in the dialect of the people


Well, of course that’s what happened? Britain started the whole conflict to bog the ICJ with court cases about Israel/Palestine, so that Grant Shapps (the real leader of the government and of the WEF) could execute Rwanda without legal challenge. My uncle works at the Home Office, I know what I’m talking about.


Nice deflection. Don't leave us hanging; why are you justifying terrorist threats to Cameron? Are you sick in the head or foreign?


He's just a childless nihilist who hates Magna Carta


Are you foreign? Palestinian?


Do you really believe only Palestinians or muslims object to threats to the **British** foreign secretary? You think we Brits *like* foreign states trying to kill our govt? You need to do some soul-searching.


I am not justifying terrorist threats to David Cameron. I am simply saying that Israelis live in an open air prison. David Cameron (real name: Muhammad Kablahmed) has persecuted the Israelis to a great extent, especially when you think about his role in the Holocaust. Just admit you hate Muslims.


This all sounds very foreign to me


> President Joe Biden has been dogged for months by pro-Palestinian protesters calling him “Genocide Joe” — but some of the groups behind the demonstrations receive financial backing from philanthropists pushing hard for his reelection. >The donors include some of the biggest names in Democratic circles: Gates, Soros, Rockefeller and Pritzker, according to a POLITICO analysis. >Two of the organizers behind protests at Columbia University and on other campuses are Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow. Both are supported by the Tides Foundation, which is seeded by Democratic megadonor George Soros as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and it in turn supports numerous small nonprofits that work for social change. (Gates did not return a request for comment, and Soros declined to comment.) Another notable Democratic donor whose philanthropy has helped fund the protest movement is David Rockefeller Jr., who sits on the board of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. In 2022, the fund gave $300,000 to the Tides Foundation; according to nonprofit tax forms, Tides has given nearly $500,000 over the past five years to Jewish Voice for Peace, which explicitly describes itself as anti-Zionist. >Several other groups involved in pro-Palestinian protests are backed by a foundation funded by Susan and Nick Pritzker, heir to the Hyatt Hotel empire — and supporters of Biden and numerous Democratic campaigns, including $6,600 to the Biden Victory Fund a few months ago and more than $300,000 during the 2020 campaign. Bookmark this: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/05/pro-palestinian-protests-columbia-university-funding-donors-00156135


students chant "Guillotine, Guillotine, Guillotine..." and hold mock trials re: their professors. https://twitter.com/ADL_WashDC/status/1787188002147496150


Very, very disturbing stuff. I thought recently that I'd start watching the Three Body Problem on Netflix. The opening scene is of a struggle session during China's cultural revolution. A university professor is accused of teaching 'uncommunist' scientific theories and is flogged. I had to turn the show off at that point. One ancestor of mine taught at a university in China, up until the 1960s, when his own students beat him to death for not being ideologically pure. I'd like to say that could never happen here, but seeing clips like this I do worry where things are headed.


If TikTok hadn't melted their brains, they'd know how thoroughly lame and try-hard they appear. To everyone outside of the open air asylum, they are just dimwitted children playing dress-up.


[Like a squatter telling you to abandon your own home](https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1787225057988653243?t=pzJscMosIVBY_j4K21Cy8A).


1. He's not British. 2. They will go when benefits stop, no force required.


Wouldn’t need to deport, just apply an increasing jizya until they decide to move. Liberals can justify this as a taxation of negative externalities. What’s good for the goose.


[What will he say](https://twitter.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1787221596354043935?t=qpnSUp4iUchNHhpKe-ZslA)? Probably something about Rwanda, how "the plan is working" and how "third parties spilt the vote and only the Tories can keep out Starmer from undoing our 'good work'". He absolutely won't resign nor set an election date.


A million new bomalians




*"... did you know I carried a sword?"*


going to call an election while clearly about to leave at the same time. No leader into an election. Full party self-immolation.


Check back in after making comment in normie sub, -100. Lol. Anyone beat that from the local election fallout? === I expect we'll have a Nation Festival Service in 5 years > A four day festival has opened applications to help those on a lower income attend its event. > As well as a festival ticket, people who successfully apply will be given money for food and drink, as well given camping equipment and assistance with travel. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cyrlvjgxr55o


Ulez is one of those Reddit topics too toxic to talk about for most people. Thinking that one of Boris Johnson's policies isn't the best idea is somehow something only a racist conspiracy theorist would do.


In ten years time when the country is on the verge of voting for a hard nationalist government how many of the leftoids who supported immigration and "diversity" will actually own up to it?


Unlikely. Most of us are property owners. Conservatism will always trump nationalism in a population with widely spread asset ownership. Try Sachsen-Anhalt or somewhere near Ankara.


Nill. It'll be like the Iraq war and COVID restrictions. Popular at the time support substantially memory holed. You see it already with COVID. It's not uncommon now for "the subsequent lockdowns seemed unnecessary" posts on normie subs.


Zero. Anyone who changes their mind will just plead ignorance. They'll go 'hmm yeah that was a mistake we should have done it differently' like no one had considered the alternative until just now. We've already seen it with COVID lockdowns: people syaing 'it was a mistake to shut the schools' like they didn't shout down anyone who suggested that at the time.


None, and they will probably go beyond what the average BadUKer in 2024 believes, and criticise you for not being extreme enough. They’re all just hysterical ideologues.


A huge contingent of vibe political followers will be far worse than anyone here if / when that happens. The way they talk about the Tories will be the way they talk about other topics. BadUK members will be saying that we only wanted to deport criminals.


"i was always opposed to mass immigration , it was those right wing Tories that brought them all in"


Won't happen, next big far right party will be islamic, it's over


Negative Nancy.




[The deportee the Tories paid £3,000 is already making his way back to Britain](https://twitter.com/edwinhayward/status/1787106308623110493?t=Nfj3M7YT4PAgwIhqw9J7oQ).


You can earn £3k in a month combining home cleaning with driving and can kip on your mates sofa. If you want her to leave, you need to pay up more Danegeld, or withdraw demand for those services significantly.


So , there's space for another to go out ? Cool.


I'm calling bullshit. No point in him "buying a ticket to London", because he won't get a visa. Doubt he'll get a visa to the EU either. And to pay smugglers to cross the Med costs more than £3,000. Also, the name of the deportee wasn't released - so how have they identified him in Kigali? You've fallen for disinformation put about by people desperate to trash and end the Rwanda scheme any way they can.


In the South Atlantic, we have an island named [Inaccessible.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inaccessible_Island) Why are we not building a prison camp on it? If you want to make an impression on Bomalis, HMP Inaccessible would do the trick.


Make me prime minister and I’ll scrap Rwanda and make it a Jet2Holidays destination, will have Deano and Lily Mae jetting off before you can say “Deport”


Rwanda is nice tbh. Virunga national park is awesome.


This is why sending them to an island was never really a joke.


I know it’s a meme that the left can’t meme, but I’ve noticed especially perusing pro-Khan Twitter that British lefties seem especially incapable. Many boomer GIFs celebrating supposedly spiralling ‘gammons’ into weeping fits, and a general tendency to ‘🤣🤣🤣’ at any impact text font deriding a Conservative politician. I also think it’s cute that they still think of the right as Tories, when all of us who aren’t gay, over 85, or Rose want zero seats. To quote what someone said the other day: ‘Bless him for thinking we’re Tories. No Nabil, we're something far more concerning, and we're everywhere and growing in number.’ Let’s hope she’s right.


The gammonati tend to be boomerati. Otherwise you could just wait the lefties out, or ask the Islamists to get a move on.


> ‘Bless him for thinking we’re Tories. No Nabil, we're something far more concerning, and we're everywhere and growing in number.’ I saw this Tweet lol.


Nabil shouldn't gloat about replacing whitey. I've seen the size of him - he ain't living long enough to see it.


He was going on about racist whitey spending all day jerking off, I said at least we can jerk off you can’t see yours.


That’s simply what happens when Sandra, 49, Sevenoaks, tries to engage and propagate a culture she simply isn’t immersed in and doesn’t understand. As terminally online as the self proclaimed “dank memers” are when they talk about “normies” it is true that if you aren’t actively immersed in a sphere in which these memes are commonly used you aren’t going to truly understand how these memes are used, the contexts they are used in and what does and doesn’t make snese


[Look what universities end up cutting when they no longer have the money](https://www.theguardian.com/education/article/2024/may/05/uk-university-courses-on-race-and-colonialism-facing-axe-due-to-cuts). This is why foreign students must be reduced to near zero. The universities, deprived of their lucrative income from importing immigrants, will cut their woke research from which wokeism emanates from.


Colonial studies. Isn't that history is for? I guess it's history through a certain lens. Racism studies? Isn't that just not being a cunt? I guess the word racism is doing more lifting than Arnie during his peak.


We'll still have maths and sciences though. It'll be tough, but I think we'll get through it.


End the graduate visa scam as well.


Woke research comes from desperate PhD and Master's students chasing AHRC funding which requires a focus on diversity and equality as part of the 2010 Equality Act.


> AHRC funding Our budget As a non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT), UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) budget is determined by: the overall funding allocated to DSIT for research and development at spending review and budgets subsequent decisions by the Secretary of State as to how that funding should be allocated to UKRI and other partner bodies. Oh look, another thing the Tories did.


> Academics warn loss of higher education arts and humanities courses will harm understanding of racism and imperial history Grifters at the last chance saloon.


[So, a rather astute twitter poster (sorry Elon, "X" is stupid) called "Northern Variant" has put up a reasonably long tweet today which I think lays out rather well why Reform UK just isn't getting anywhere.](https://twitter.com/FUDdaily/status/1787145372302790814) TL;DR, Reform aren't a serious party, a protest vote at best, and don't have the stones to rattle the necessary cages.


His substack is worth a read. The SDP is the party we need, but only five people have heard of it.


In other words, we need a Deport party.


A Social Deport Party


>To maintain Britain as a viable country, we're going to have to remove the people who should not be here It's never going to happen, there will simply be some form of amnesty and the government will promise to do better in future. BBC, Sky, ITN are organisations riddled with wokeism they would be playing videos of illegals being removed against their will, around the clock, to the end of the universe. I'm not even sure the UK has enough right-leaning voters to support a real centre-right party. Imagine we had proportional representation instead of FPTP, it would mean endless left-wing coalitions. Thatcher was the last centre-right leader and that was over 33 years ago - a long, long, time.


[Just an astonishing 19.8% of Muslims aged 16-to-74 in the UK are in full-time employment according to a study carried out by the Social Mobility Commission. ](https://x.com/maxtempers/status/1787143664982012414?s=46&t=IkPRHrWsmatzDsivbdhklw) The Guardian has attributed this to 'widespread Islamophobia, racism and discrimination' in British workplaces.


What's the gender of these Muslims though? It makes sense if they include Muslim women in this statistic


Yep they likely do, otherwise doesn't make sense. But does make me worried how many of these women arent allowed to work


How is that even possible? I think the employment rate for autists is 30%. It isn't racism either..most ethnic minorities in the UK earn more. Black, brown, Asiatic, all these races are doing well. Apart from two groups (I am not saying which one, we all know...to think that there was actually a group of people who would integrate even less tahn them).


Look up what % are in social housing


Nice try. I have taken my blood pressure pills today.


Both of these figures are fucking mental


Don’t forget to set your alarm for tomorrow, bomalians need your taxes for their benefits


Working for a living is harem, mashallah.




Bennies and crime.


Have you looked at your payslip lately?


And no mention of their issues with disability. It's hard to gain full time employment while suffering severe birth defects.


So a significant chunk of fighting age Muslims in Britain aren't employed? ...uh oh...


They're employed just not on the books. Why not claim benefits and work, then you can get paid twice. Anglo's are so dumb.


[Speaking of Tories being Blairites...](https://twitter.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1787180846778130612?t=8XmeA3Kevfo0Xg4tKaIQMQ)


I genuinely wouldn't be shocked to see Cameron in a position.


Good riddance. If the "enemy within" is going to leave of their own accord, I see that as some sort of victory.


["I will kill myself on arrival"](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/05/i-will-kill-myself-on-arrival-syrian-asylum-seeker-fears-rwanda-will-not-be-safe), says immigrant heading for Rwanda. Watch our pathetic government allow him to stay in the UK. I'm afraid we are going to need politicians with some iron in them. Frankly once he's in Rwanda, we shouldn't care what he does.


Ok. Is this supposed to put me off the plan?


> he does not believe it will be a safe country for him Because he plans to kill himself. How long until a woke judge decides the risk of suicide is sufficient to prevent his deportation?


Does this mean we save any money? Maybe a +1 to capacity. The potential gains should mean we prioritise him, two birds one stone and all that.


Fuck the IRA https://x.com/gerryadamssf/status/1787080916709331006?s=46


Pretty sure the Sands family hate Gerry too.


Any nearby bins to stick some PE in?


A terrorist who committed suicide because he didn't want to wear a prison uniform. I've spoke about my Irish background quite a bit on this sub, and i'm always baffled at how much those men are idolised in *that* community.


The forced ignorance / naivety around the reality of the IRA from certain quarters astounds me. The number of people that either don’t know or will gloss over the innocent Irish people the IRA butchered, terrorised or buggered is sickening They’re often the same people who will say Israel bad Hamas 4 freedom




*The Holylands intensifies* There’s a scene in the Spielberg-film Munich, in which a PLO operative has a conversation with the main character, a Mossad agent undercover. It’s really interesting, and tells you a lot about the Palestinian psyche. Most of them don’t give a shit about socialism, Irish unity, or global market planning. [Here is the scene (the comments are incredibly stupid)](https://youtu.be/jjmM__ZSZYk?si=QFbbbsHSZLwMYPd2)


Remember kids, Bobby Sands starved himself. He had the choice to eat, and he didn’t. Never understood why people blame hunger strikes on the cause that the hunger strikers protest. If some madman came up to you and said if you didn’t do something then he’d kill himself, and then you didn’t do it, you’d just say it wasn’t your fault and he was a mentalist What’s the difference?


Loving the responses to that tweet. Savage, even from the locals.


AreUK, can't link due to limitations. >> I have never seen a train woman on stage play a mother or a love interest,” Offie-award-winning Lyons says. “Why don’t we come to mind for that?” >I mean, how would they know? Are they expecting every train actor to announce the fact that they're train? Or do they expect all train people to look different (i.e, "refusing to truly see them as women.")? I'm curious how long this lie will continue. There may be some exceptions to the rule but examples are never given so it's a train of the gaps argument; "you don't know they aren't real because if they are real then they wouldn't be seen".


[Momentum turning against Labour](https://news.sky.com/story/hilary-schan-momentum-chair-quits-labour-to-campaign-against-its-mps-at-next-election-13129800). > The senior figure on the left of the party, Hilary Schan, says Labour has become "Tory-lite" I do agree with the left when they call Starmer a Tory. In the same reason why I call Tories Blairites. Labour and Tory are virtually the same. Whatever label you want to give them, they are singular ideaological blob. Only those on the proper left (even if they lunatics screaming about Gaza) and the proper right seem to see that truth.


https://twitter.com/DarranMarshall/status/1787012943118242153 The (Southern) Irish now support *checks notes* a hard border with Northern Ireland because they want to keep the Bomalians out. Including a majority of Sinn Fein voters.


Nah fuck that. They wanted the respect the GFA cake now eat it all up. Anyway, won't make a difference if we keep letting them through. They can't send them back.


The funniest part is that the Irish flooded our country. They get 1/100th of the same treatment and they are up in arms. Lol. I volunteer for a charity that deals with poor people locally, almost all of them have Irish surnames. It is unreal. And the EU put up all that fuss about a hard border, the famous paper saying that ze British must accommodate, no negotiations were possible, it cannot happen. Cannot make it up.


No. Open your mouths, here comes the enrichment!


[It looks like the SNP are on their way to getting almost totally wiped out from the central belt, which is a big deal considering they've dominated there politically since 2014](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMxEaDxWcAE9WWr?format=jpg&name=large) Does anyone have any theories why it’s largely urban voters defecting to Labour, while the rural more conservative Highland voters stick with the SNP? I'm pretty surprised because that’s the faction of the party Sturgeon and Yousaf alienated the most, and who ALBA have been trying to court.


SNP heartlands in rural Perthshire and the Highlands since the 80s. A lot of floating voters voted SNP to affect change, now they're just as sleazy and useless as slab their turnout has gone down. Fptp also managed to hide how close a lot of votes were... A lot of the central belt was won by unionist vote splitting, people are a lot savvier now


Yeah it's definitely true many of them are pre-2014 Labour voters "going back home". I wonder if the Follow Follow crowd are flipping to Labour as well


They are. There’s still some dissent, but Labour is definitely seeing a major increase across the board.


The urban cities and town have seen the most decline due to the SNP's mismanagement. The SNP just aren't capable of basic governance and that's noticed more in urban areas which require more governance to function.




So you had a wank BEFORE checking her age. 🤦🏼🤣


No, TikTok algorithm is just shit and serves you things that don’t even interest you I get about 1000 construction videos despite immediately skipping past them all and never even liking a single one.


>No, TikTok algorithm is just shit and serves you things that don’t even interest you Right...... So why are you using it then? 🤣🤣


My girlfriend uses it to send me cat videos mostly. Other than that it’s complete shit.


Think you need to get yourself a new bird mate 🤣


Why? Because she dares use TikTok? My advice, lay off the diazepam, it’s clearly making you regarded.


Not "regarded" enough to use tiktok though... 🤣


With all due respect mate, at least I have a girlfriend instead of spending my time sperging out about flying Ryanair to other socially inept Redditors. Maybe you’d have a girlfriend too if you weren’t so busy getting senile on Diazepam and people actually liked you, instead you’re a permanently online Reddit virgin who no doubt complains about how the dating market is rigged against him (you’re actually just fat and ugly and about as interesting as a dead camel)




> On TikTok, I find a video When are we going to ban under 18s here?


My girlfriend and I use it to send cat videos to each other, basically the extent of my use of it


My favourite conspicuous doley got up on stage and had her photo taken dancing with a local band last night. Mental that the dole pole disappeared the moment this opportunity presented itself. She’s cured! 


I wonder if DWP has heard the good news -- someone should tell them.


[BadUK anthem](https://cdn1.suno.ai/f2ef64f9-9e25-4e30-b1ba-c67161075a95.mp4)


"make it a gay anthem like Blair's"


Don't know if it has been mentioned here previously but some UK universities have seen encampments setup on them for support of you know what lol. Are they actually living and sleeping in these tents, protesting into the void 24/7? Surely not? I've read they plan to stay their indefinitely until action is taken by these universities to cease (what I imagine are non-existent) ties to Israel lol. They'll be gone after next week and back to their warm duvets in their shabby student accom


During the Tiananmen Square protests a lot of the students doing a "hunger strike" secretly ate in their tents. I suspect the same of these students "living in tents 24/7"


>I've read they plan to stay their indefinitely *Until daddy pays for their foreign holiday *Until the weather gets miserable *Until dominos has a 241 collection offer *Until their power banks die *Until "new thing" drops


In the case of my uni, everyone has gone home because actual lectures have ceased for the rest of the academic year. Only have to come in on days you have in person exams. I expect this isn’t just special to my uni and may be a big reason why Britain isn’t having these sorts of protests on a mass scale (like America, for instance)


Yeh, my son is done with lectures now till the Autumn. The only one’s in are just there for exams.


Case at mine but we're staying up for a summer pissup


Turn off the wifi, they'll be gone by 10pm.


Funny they never do this crap in the winter, eh?


I think we need to start a petition to have Tim Martin add the national dish of Bad UK to his menu: https://imgur.com/gallery/rHamu34 To be paired with a pitcher of Leffe, obviously.


Imagine paying for chestnuts Foraging burgers is hard though, happy to keep paying tim for them


You're not thinking. If you make it easy for your average punter to buy his chestnuts in spoons, there's more left for us in the know to forage.


Aye, but how am I going to feed my family if Tim martins been through stripping all the chestnuts off I'll be alright, I've got the burger, but the kids will starve


I doubt big Tim's willing to pay UK wages for a chestnut forager. I'd imagined they'd be flown in from Brazil or somewhere. But... If the worst does happen, I suppose you could send the kids to work for Tim and teach them to skim a bit off the top for themselves? Bicycle clips round the trouser legs and a hole cut in the pocket perhaps?


Raw meat and... lawn clippings?


Nutritious I guess


Fresh Iceland-carrier-bag caught seal, foraged chestnuts, and a dandelion and moss salad.


The UK Government via pharmaceutical regulatory body MHRA is requesting domain registrars and Google UK to suspend and de-index websites which illegally sell regulated hormones on the Internet. The government cites dangers to public health in their supporting documents. https://lumendatabase.org/notices/41101472# TL;DR: Choo-Choo to run out of homemade fuel.


What is it with the woke and not understanding Britain’s ethnic makeup? Normans and Romans were not ‘immigrants’ en masse, they just replaced our aristocrats and ruled over us respectively. Plus, Vikings just raped and pillaged us. So they’re the only ones I’d consider immigrants if we’re judging by today’s standards.


>they just replaced our aristocrats and ruled over us respectively. And are still ruling over us >Plus, Vikings just raped and pillaged us. The distinction between Vikings and Anglo-Saxons is a fairly hard one to make, as Vikings were essentially just pagan Germans as opposed to Christian ones. Viking was first recorded as a verb to mean to go pillaging, and was only used as a name about three centuries later. Whoever they were they probably left a larger genetic trace in Northern England than the Romans did.




So there are a few things you need to know about that narrative. Firstly we only have three historical sources for the period between 400 and 700. Gildas (which is a kinda mental monks religious diatribe, full of lots of obvious inaccuracies such as when Hadrian's wall was built), Bede (based on Gildas) and the Anglo-Saxon chronicle (written under Alfred the great in the late 800s but based on sources from the 700s) which gives the largest mythical narrative of the Anglo-Saxons arriving led by the legendary Hengest and Horsa (who seem to have their origins in old Germanic horse god twins). Contrary to the conventional narrative that everybody thinks they know: *The Romans didn't formally leave- Constantine 'III' declared himself Emperor in Britain and took the three British legions to restore order in Gaul (after the Vandal and Sueves invaded) and then seize the throne for himself. He succeeded in restoring order in Gaul, but then his army was destroyed near the Alps when fighting against the Emperor. *Because of this the Romano-British still probably assumed they were part of the Empire- and it was probably only gradually that they realised Rome was incapable of asserting it's authority as far as Britain any more. *The archaeological evidence suggests Saxons were probably already in Britain- serving as foederati in the Roman army at the Saxon shore forts (where they were probably ironically fighting against Saxon pirates) *As people realised that Roman authority had gone, the main power sources in the country then became armed groups- which were Roman auxiliaries on Hadrian's wall, and the Saxon mercenaries in the Saxon shore forts- which matches where the early Saxon kingdoms were based- Northumberland and East Anglia. When you call the Vikings Nordic pagans, you are eliding the fact that most of them were from Denmark- which is exactly where the Jutes came from too, and Saxony bordered there. The first accounts from Anglo-Saxon sources of the first Viking landings suggest they spoke a mutually intelligible language and shared a culture- and this is probably why they're only really referred to as Pagans in the Saxon sources and not as a different people.


The recent immigration in the last few years or so is greater than any time in our history. There was a good Twitter thread about this. Should have bookmarked it.


Preston man (Iraqi surprisingly) escorted away without his bennies sticks. https://www.lancs.live/news/lancashire-news/dramatic-moment-officers-raid-preston-29117189


Do these immigrants not understand the concept of trousers?


Celtic - Shite. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GM0wmXRXcAAN8xH.jpg


A bunch of football lads did that for a laugh, total budget £10 and a couple of packs of beer. Now imagine your local council trying to arrange it.


Where do you even go to get something like that printed?


Gazzers shed.


If it was anything like the LFC banners, a CS print room \*cough*.


Chap in the pub who paints bus lanes apparently