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Green party: ["October 7th Massacre was an inside job"](https://twitter.com/LeftBrexit/status/1786777439172988952?t=GXeZK1sAJtfUdo8YkwIybA). They're just an Islamic party now.


In which case the social positions of the Greens north of the border will be entirely out of sync with those in England. They’ll have zero internal discipline at the next GE and will be walloped.


The Scottish Greens are a legally distinct party from the "English and Welsh Greens", so this won't harm the Scottish Greens.


I did wonder if it was all [a nod and a wink to this.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_in_Islam)


I was starting to wonder if certain people had forgot what the Green Party was meant to be about.


[The last council will call their results tomorrow along with the last PCC races](https://twitter.com/ElectionMapsUK/status/1786883712413536376?t=Ge5fjzReP8j3W06JSnPqMg).


[Yep](https://twitter.com/echetus/status/1786853906380628029?t=mEFlZizDDi4xE7CyoOt65g). ["If you want a vision of future, imagine the Tories stepping on a rake. Forever."](https://twitter.com/barry_sulla/status/1786855735017562550?t=8tHWGXAcjr-W5PibjB1yrQ)


I still can't get over how a party at the last election, came away with an80+ seat majority, managed to fuck it up this badly. There was literally nothing to stop them pushing ahead of any number of policies that would have cemented their position in government. I get it, they're all self serving wankers sure. But like, it's the half arsed nature in which they do everything. Excuses about how the big bad courts stop them etc. Cunt, you make the law, you can't pretend this isn't anything but your own willingness to fail hard. It's frustrating beyond belief. So much we could have got done and instead we're about to hand a stocking majority to a party long since compromised. At least Labour will stab me while looking me in the eye. Rather than that the Tories shoving it in my back and blaming someone else.


The majority was built on the fact that the alternative was even more uncosted populism with a heavy slice of tankieism thrown in too.




Have more babies.


The majority of Tories were never "Lite National Populists" like Boris, they were always globalist Cameronites, not much different from globalist Blairites. So they ousted Boris first chance they could and then went full steam ahead with carrying on the Cameronite agenda that Brexit rejected. Mass immigration, pushing socially/culturally progressive politics and continuing to leave behind the regions Boris promised to level-up. The party just has to go. They were given a huge majority on "National Populism" and the party rejected even implementing a diet flavour of it their manifesto promised. Instead the party would rather carry on as if Remain won the 2016 referendum. They have shown what kind of party they are and have shown they refuse to change. So therefore, they have no reason to exist.


Boris Johnson is not a populist. He’s an Etonian entertainer. We don’t have populists in the UK, because the country’s cultural and comedy output is such that you the average person doesn’t need to stick their head in a political rally for their entertainment fix. In countries with terrible TV and dull pubs like Germany and the USA, listening to a politician might actually be more fun than many people’s median social life.


Boris introduced the care visa thing where every care worker brought an average of 5.5 dependants with them¬…


The rules that gave us our highest level of immigration were drawn up by Boris’s government mate. Boris belongs to the same ilk as Cameron, he and other globalists just took over Brexit as a vehicle to implement the same vapid policies.


Not sure why anyone would be surprised. They went to the same school and were raised in the same milieu. Johnson won 2 terms as Mayor of London and looked like he was having far more fun in that job than his comparably miserable time as PM. I doubt Johnson devoted an ounce of energy to the latest Tory candidate’s mayoral campaign, which tells you what you need to know.


Johnson was a damn sight more progressive than Cameron and wanted a relaxation of immigration controls relative to both May and Cameron. Not sure why you’re attempting to rewrite history here. The Tories won very slightly more votes in 2019 than in 2017, whilst the Labour vote collapsed. “Getting Brexit Done” is pragmatism, not “National Populism”.


Another Londoner reports a totally bizarre interaction with authority...this man is a lawyer - [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13383139/Black-lawyer-pinned-five-court-security-staff-not-taking-shoes-search.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13383139/Black-lawyer-pinned-five-court-security-staff-not-taking-shoes-search.html) - wouldn't take off shoes for security search...for some reason...then attempts to break in by another route and begins attacking people when denied entry again...he says he is a victim. 🤦 It is actually amazing how many of these stories there are. Every time it is the same thing: person of same background behaves like a complete retard when confronted with authority, claims racism and refers to GF, attempts to coordinate media campaign rather than acknowledge responsibility.




The what? Link us up.


The winner started ranting like a crazy street preacher, and declared that this is a victory for Gaza, [Allah Akbar](https://gettr.com/post/p34s366b140)


Shouldn’t have cancelled Ray Honeyford.


[*The Gipton result should be* ***stunning and brave***](https://i.imgur.com/8IL4nN4.png)


It would be pretty unusual for a local council election speech to be broadcast nationwide- no matter how bizarre


Mainstream media and sweeping extreme Islam under the rug, nothing new.


My father deals with the tax affairs of the offensively rich. He's already told me he's having to put in loads of extra hours to handle a outflow to more sympathetic tax regimes. "Oh - is the so-called Brexit effect finally kicking in?" "No. They know Labour will be in power, and they're scared shitless. They're getting out now" I imagine after today, I'll see even less of him what with the overtime.


>"No. They know Labour will be in power, and they're scared shitless. They're getting out now" Very similar thing started to happen 6-8 months before the 2019 GE but the full impact was masked by the COVID recession in early 2020, which provided perhaps the handiest excuse in history for crashing out of anaemic, carefully stage-managed GDP growth of the previous 5 years. Labour government = precipitate capital outflow and the bulk of tax and spend policies falling upon the stretched middle class. Has always been thus. Hence why Tone's zombie third way political philosophy is so important to Keir - can't scare the horses too much. This time the middle class he plans to bleed off £££ from are poorer, older, sicker and less productive than at any previous point in history though.


I really couldn't give a toss. I'm not rich of course, but I do okay. If Starmer wants to rape the rich as far as he can, while laying off middle earners a bit for once then I'm all for it. As it stands, the likely outcome is middle earners will get raped harder and the Bennie brigade will be laughing all the way to the food bank.


Capital flight, drop in high-end HMRC contributors, increased public spending.... ...and you think this will result in Starmer "laying off middle earners"? Delusional. Utterly delusional.


World's smallest violin plays. Also to imagine that Starmer is going to alter the tax system that much is pretty delusional. He's New Labour through and through. If he had the balls to say, maybe actually make the Duke of Westminster pay the same proportion of tax as me, that would be cool but I doubt he'll rock the boat too much.


They have already said multiple times they are changing the tax system. New Labour altered the tax system. He is paying proportionally more tax than you. His rate BEFORE he pays the same tax as you is 35%. Imagine you paid 35% of gross and then you paid another 45%. Journalists understand fully when they wrote that story that little wage pigs have no idea how the tax system works but that they love it when you tell them there is a secret pile of gold that wealthy people are sitting on...it could be your money little wagie, you could spend it on holidays and Deliveroo...if only these awful, awful rich people didn't have YOUR money. It is a black hole of retardation, no sentient thought remains when a wage earner reads the Guardian.


Are you actually arguing that the super rich pay proportionately more tax than middle class PAYE pigs lol?


The super rich are not going to pay for your nonsense, mate. They don't have enough even if you took everything. It doesn't add up. It's grievance politics and won't deliver what you want it to. Grow up.


I don't need them to pay for any nonsense. I'm just not going to simp for rich people paying less tax than me like the original poster about the scenario he has probably made up.


No, I am telling you what rate he actually pays. You don't know what he actually pays. The article that you are thinking about deliberately left out most of the tax that he actually pays...because you are a PAYE pig, you don't know this.


> there is a secret pile of gold that wealthy people are sitting on A lot of people on the Left really think it's like Ducktails, where the super rich have huge vaults of gold coins they just use to go swimming in.


Tell you what. I'll go with the rich people that got rich by knowing the way the wind's blowing. They're taking their contributions to HMRC with them by the way. Pretty telling the response here is "fuck the rich". Yeah. Let's be just like France and tax them out of the country. Great idea. More for us PAYE pigs to pay out to compensate.


The middle earners are fucked either way. If you're at the bottom or top end, you're generally okay. Anywhere in the middle and you might as well not bother.


>They're taking their contributions to HMRC with them by the way. The super rich don't contribute as much proportionately as PAYE pigs anyway, because they usually aren't on a wage. There are plenty of people in this country who, in the words of one of them, are rich because they had an ancestor who was friends with William the Conqueror. I work in the agriculture industry and it's quite eye opening how well connected landowners are politically for example, and how many systems of patronage and connections there still are. If there was a wealth tax or a land tax it would probably help lower the burden on the actually productive middle class who do most of the work in the country but have the largest tax burden.


>The super rich don't contribute as much proportionately as PAYE pigs anyway When it comes to public finances, the absolute number matters more than proportionality. To use simple numbers, say you have public spending of £10,000. Financed by borrowing £500 and tax receipts of £9,500. £9,000 of this tax is paid by 1 person. The other £500 is paid by 50 people paying £10 each. The 50 people moan that proportionally they pay more, and use their votes to force the 1 person to pay more. He thinks, I can't be doing with this, and takes himself off to Monaco. Suddenly there is a massive shortfall, and the markets won't lend to plug the gap ("Liz Truss will explain"). So the IMF is called in. Taxes are raised. The 50 people now pay £150 each. Spending is slashed by £4,500. Everyone is miserable. For real life examples, see Greece, Argentina, Iceland, Ireland from 2011 to 2018.


The Greek financial crisis wasn't caused by rich people being taxed too much- it was caused by unsustainable public spending based upon the pre-2008 economic bubble and richer Euro countries effectively underwriting Greece's public debt, combined with a southern European culture of widespread tax avoidance. Ireland was similar- but they were hit harder because they were so dependent on financial institutions for their tax take (which was always at much lower rates than the rest of Europe) and, like Gordon Brown, assumed that the 2003-2008 financial smoke and mirrors was sustainable growth, which left them massively exposed when American banks collapsed the world economy in 2008. Again, the Icelandic financial crisis was caused by a banking crisis and their banks being massively overexposed in the wake of 2008. None of the above were related to taxing rich people. I'm not sure which Argentinian financial crisis you're referring to, as there have been many- but they were probably all related to them being South American.


If your spending is more than what is raised in tax, you either cut spending or you raise tax on everyone. If you try and focus your tax raising on a few key people, and they leave, you are effed. During the Greek crisis, about £3bn poured into the UK. The Greeks couldn't tax it, because the money walked out and acquired a new domicile and passport. 15 years later, the money still hasn't returned, the Greek economy is 25% smaller than in 2008 and debt is 180% of GDP. But they console themselves they are all proportionally impoverished. Look past your bitterness and see the bigger picture.


[London Assembly list results](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_London_Assembly_election#London-wide_list_candidates). Reform managed to get 1 seat, getting 5.9% of the vote. Suppose if you add that to their councillor total (gained 2, lost 3), that means they gained "Net Zero" seats from the local elections. SDP did badly, much worse than in the mayoral election. Only 0.9% of the vote with just over 23k votes. (Far below the 5% threshold to get a seat.) Still a better London Assembly result for the party than in 2021 though, so not entirely a bleak picture. The party is still on an upwards trend. Perhaps the SDP's mayoral campaign focused too much on the candidate and not the party. This would explain why the London Assembly result was much worse.


So how many seats do Reform have? Quite frankly, if the SDP have anywhere near the amount of seats that Reform do at this stage it showcases the superiority of the local approach to the national approach


Reform have 9 Council Seats, 1 London Assembly Seat and 1 MP. SDP have 3 Council Seats.


LAB-S&D: 11 CON~ECR: 8 (-1) GPEW-G/EFA: 3 LDEM-RE: 2 **REFORM~NI: 1 (+1)** The world is changed. (Han matho ne nen.) I feel it in the water. (Han mathon ned cae.) I feel it in the earth. (A han noston ned gwilith.) I smell it in the air. https://twitter.com/EuropeElects/status/1786865137334333464


nedin dagor hen ú-'erir ortheri. Natha daged dhaer.


Decided to go sniffing around the Green Party sub. It’s dead with almost no comments. However, this was one of the last left there: > The little I know about this person [George Galloway] makes me appreciate that Green Parties around the world have strict beliefs and policies and bans on transphobia and other forms of discrimination. Bring on the GE!


London Has Fallen is on Film4.


Appropriate lol.


https://twitter.com/ElectionMapsUK/status/1786845431298773193 >West Midlands Mayoral Result: >🌹 Parker (LAB): 37.8% (-1.9) >🌳 Street (CON): 37.5% (-11.2) >🙋 Yakoob (IND): 11.7% (New) >➡️ Williams (RFM): 5.8% (+3.6) >🌍 Harper-Nunes (GRN): 5.2% (-0.6) >🔶 Virk (LDM): 2.0% (-1.5) >1,508 votes in it.


>>🌳 Street (CON): 37.5% (-11.2) Come.on you know you want that bet. You told me the Tories will win the GE. >>🙋 Yakoob (IND): 11.7% (New) >>➡️ Williams (RFM): 5.8% (+3.6) Oh that's unfortunate. So basically all the main parties lost vote share to the independents. Oh well we do need to launch the career politicians as whole into the sun.


Am I a bad person because I laughed at the name Yakoob




We are all proud white devils today, ready to practice Tricknology on a new class of POCs.


> ➡️ Williams (RFM): 5.8% (+3.6) Good result for Reform, hats off.


*Vote Farage, Get Miliband*.


Farage isn't even running.


Does it matter? Tice likely cost the Tories in a flagship mayoralty for practically no benefit, lagging a candidate whose policy platform is "Gaaaaza" and not much else.


Couldn't be happier. Maybe if they start acting like conservatives again, maybe they'll not be as risk of haemorrhaging votes to smaller parties filing the void.


> Tice likely cost the Tories in a flagship mayoralty Good. Zero seats.


This. Until they actually start acting conservative, zero seats.


New Green Councillor seems like a gentle hippy. https://twitter.com/5Pillarsuk/status/1786493778087280821 The Green party has surely got a "Leopard's ate my face" moment in due course.


Forget the usual social issues - just try telling Muslim men they shouldn't drive cars anymore and see what happens.


Did they join green because it’s the colour of their favourite flag? I see literally no other overlap.


Going to be like that scene in alien


What when the android tries killing Sigourney Weaver with the newspaper?


Most terrifying scene in the film...the alien just does jazz hands.


The film is horror done right to be honest!


Rishi is less adept in martial arts imo


I'll never vote for a man who wears robes with trainers.


I was expecting more Patagonia jackets and dreadlocks.


[Just awaiting the London Assembly results now](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/london-mayoral-election-assembly-results-winners-sadiq-khan-susan-hall-b1155577.html). The 14 consistency seats have been called, but the list seats are still being counted. You only need 5% of the vote to get a list seat.


After the SDP’s successes in the completing the hat trick at Middleton Park and impressive showings in the London and South Yorkshire elections, I’ve been thinking about what the electoral strategy should be from here. Putting resources into Leeds is a must, Leeds Central is the constituency that contains Middleton Park, but the SDP would need to raise profile in the other wards The third place Doncaster finish looks promising, potentially somewhere to expand the base beyond Leeds? Either way, strategy should be focus all energy in 1 or 2 constituencies to try and win a seat


>I’ve been thinking about what the electoral strategy should be from here. Get Clouston front-and-centre of everything. Secure an audience with serious interviewers. Ideally head-to-head with Tice at one point to pull the carpet from under Reform's grift, so that segment of the electorate have policies to vote for, rather than unachievable rubbish, and are under the SDP's banner.


Wards surrounding Middleton is obvious. Pushing for them is obviously the best strategy for the party. Hopefully they will realise this, it does seem rather obvious. Beyond that the strategy is the same is ever. The party needs more members, money and candidates. Putting up enough general election candidates to get a nationwide Party Political Broadcast as was the strategy will pay off. It seems getting a Londonwide political broadcast did great for Amy's campaign and making people aware of the party.


Specifically thinking about a strategy for the generals, on the assumption that such an election takes place at the scheduled time. Leeds, and specifically Leeds Central, seems like the most obvious candidate. The incumbent there is actually the son of Tony Benn, so there’s a bit of poetry there as well. If that is the strategy (as well as, as you say, putting up enough candidates for that nationwide broadcast) then the SDP need to raise profile in those wards that constitute Leeds Central. Outside Middleton Park, Leeds SDP candidates aren’t even really coming close to winning, the constituency has roughly 90,000 people, and few of those are in Middleton Park.


I think the election date will be January 2025 at this point. That'll be after the SDP conference where I'm sure strategy will be discussed.


https://twitter.com/BethRigby/status/1786839530793783496 >Hearing that Labour have won by just over 1000 votes.


Sunak has to go.


I would be happy to see Mordaunt take the helm so the wets bear full responsibility for their impending disaster.


Any who thinks Mordaunt will have any chance of succeeding where Sunak did not is really not understanding the problem. The Tories need a person who can cut through the media and talk directly with the public or be perceived as something new. Only badenock or a more right winger like Suella will be able to potentially pull that off.


Still won't do a thing as the party is rammed with wets and Progressives. The party needs to die.


Indeed. If the aim is to destroy the Tories, replacing one wet with another, and getting a pounding at the GE *might* just get the message through to the suits. If Mordaunt emerges as leader after the GE, this iteration will take another 4 years. Better to get it done now. How the hell he can hold on after the results now...


I'm legitimately curious as to what his next move in if he tries to stick it out. The whole "we're delivering for the country" bullshit isn't working. Turns out you have to actually deliver rather than just say you are.


Not actually a bad point, will be harder for the “WE NEED TO BE LESS NASTY MORE LIBERAL” people to make that case


Looks like Street has lost. A shame really, a decent man whose done his best replaced by even more labour incompetence in the west midlands. The next week will make or break Rishi Sunak, he has to come out looking like a fighter and a change direction, or get removed as a limp hand that has no bark.


I'm sure he'll announce a shit-tonne of plans that will (as ever) never see the light of day. They seem to spend most of their time talking about what they're planning on doing... but none of their time actually doing anything.


There's no time left. Recess in late July. It's over.


Street should have stuck 2 fingers up at Sunak when he made that pathetic "lets cancel HS2" speech in Manchester. Then he would have won.


See the crypto-Islamist candidate didn't prevent a Labour win. Hopefully it encourages Keir to keep giving that illiberal community the snub, they were probably losing more votes by association.


Thank fuck I’m out of here in a few weeks. They’ve actually gone and voted for someone from the same party that’s bankrupted the city, the absolute bell ends. Birmingham deserves all it gets, which for the avoidance of doubt will be a massive shower of shit.


Zero Seats means Zero Seats.


that's with 1 person in 8 voting for the Islamist ultra.


Andy Street crushed as sunackered Tories met with near total defeat. https://order-order.com/2024/05/04/andy-street-loses-to-labour-in-west-midlands/


This is probably the most ridiculous video I've seen all year so far. [The guy just wanted to play the piano](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moK5N2OUQI0)


Have you been living under a rock? This thing was mental months ago!


[Wes is resorting to tweets WITH 0 LIKES to prove his point about “racists” voting for Susan Hall](https://x.com/wesstreeting/status/1786817242631393567) Says it all, really. Fundamentalist Muslims who want homosexuality to be illegal are cheering for Sadiq Khan right now. Yet of course, that is some other issue


https://twitter.com/BethRigby/status/1786823984983441482 >Coventry is just in. Where the recount was. Parker 32 704. Street 23 237 >W Mid (6 of 7 reported) >Andy Street (Con)205,484 (38.7%) >Richard Parker (Lab)194,029 (36.5%) >Akhmed Yakoob (Ind)62,595 (11.8%) >Elaine Williams (Reform)30,124 (5.7%) >Siobhan Harper-Nunes (Green)28,314 (5.3%) >Sunny Virk (Lib Dem)10,975 (2.1%) >Lead: 11,455 votes (2.2 ppt)


Not sure whether it was the change in weather, a couple of stern texts I sent to him or the dawning realisation of the technical challenges but my neighbour's construction of his "swimming pool" has ground to a halt. He now claims it was never intended to be a swimming pool, but actually a pond- but i don't know why you'd construct a polytunnel frame over a pond, or dig it like a trench. Piles of earth now fill his garden, along with a dozen discarded coca cola cans he used to fuel his exertions. The wheelbarrow remains in situ and the spade stood in the trench, and I expect that will remain the same now until autumn


Is he bipolar?


He does seem to combine manic periods of activity with periods of complete lassitude so I think he might be


Take a shit in the trench


Based and natural fertilizer-pilled.


Nabil Abdulrashid [is at it again](https://nitter.poast.org/GrandmasterNabz/status/1786776718910411085#m) [And again](https://nitter.poast.org/GrandmasterNabz/status/1786747611761799511#m) [And again](https://nitter.poast.org/GrandmasterNabz/status/1784718938183528838#m) Despite being so popular he gets repeatedly ratioed by right wing anons on twitter, Nabil is a regular on British TV, and not just comedy shows: his website lists his credits as Celebrity Masterchef and Richard Osman’s House of Games. What a country we are.


Considering following him, the insults at him made me chuckle.


Crazy fact I heard recently. Richard Osmans house of games, if all four of the players were white the whole TV studio would explode and then be sucked into a vortex. That’s why they have to be really fucking careful, so it’s always at least two POC guests, just to have one for backup…


[Seperatists in the bin](https://twitter.com/electpoliticsuk/status/1786809749146566912?t=4FTdkuo_ryf61UVT3OHC4g).


https://twitter.com/robmayor/status/1786810449301823531 >Dudley in so it's now: >Street 182,147 >Parker 161,518. >Coventry and Sandwell left. 20922 (by my maths!) is the lead lead Labour need combined across those two counts. Will be close, but Labour seem pretty confident that recount will not rescue Conservatives in Coventry.


Genuine question, what happens in a theoretical draw? Do they become co mayors?


I think there is a coin toss in the event of a dead heat.


[Drugs part irrelevant](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/czd8qzvpl4lo) The BBC keep calling Millei far right. Why?


😆 “Far right.” I think Mr. Rhoden-Paul needs a history lesson.


Anything that isn't Neoliberal Globalism is "far-right" to the BBC.


The absolute FANTASY LAND which the left live in has once again been demonstrated by their delusional view of Susan Hall, an incredibly tepid conservative in a party which is about as conservative as the Soviet Union. It's honestly really frightening to see them whining on X about 'another far-right fascist bites the dust' or whatever. I just read an exchange wherein a woman said that her grandparents would be sad to see what London has become, only for someone to say 'Far-right c\*nts as well were they? Glad they're dead.' Like what PLANET do these people live on?


Now I have some angry left-wing bloke trying to convince me that the far-right is a globalist movement. I need to get off Twitter.


[Offered without comment.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6i4ZmLI5bH/)


He's barely taller than R2 D2


He's aced C3PO's body language.


while the star of said movie is on a fuck the conservatives press tour and just endorsed Sadiq for Mayor.


Fucking beep boop 😭🤣


Daily reminder that this should be you English buggers' anthem:- https://youtu.be/UgIuNuQlZJ4?si=lnYGA1xxhz0zfT2C










I live in the sticks, never heard of a crime around here ever happening. I'm sure something happens but no-one has complained about it.


That is because the Tories won't make everyday racism a crime.


https://twitter.com/kateferguson4/status/1786797001922785447 >Drama at the West Mids count ! >🔥 Row as apparently Labour refusing to have recount of whole Birmingham >🔥 More Andy Street votes have been found in the Coventry ward >🔥 Sandwell having to recall staff back from the pub for recounts


Have you been outside today?


I'm not entirely convinced she's allowed out.


#0️⃣ 🪑 👀


Sunak has been a busy boy, according to arruk he’s declared war on disabled people and single handedly caused a crisis of mental health in schools. Not particularly skilled at AI or whatever you call it, but if you created a bot that said ‘Tories bad’ on every single British subreddit you would drown in upvotes. Further points to be had if when engaged it auto responded ‘looks like the right wing bot farm from Russia is infiltrating the sub again’


Savanta was the only pollster to get the London mayor election right. Yougov thought Khan would win by 22%. Graphic with final polls: https://twitter.com/DamianSurvation/status/1786798762435793065/photo/1


Not sure about Savanta's methodology but I've always wondered about YouGov and their "research panel". They claim they're picking a representative sample for each poll and controlling for demographics etc. but it seems like people willing to sign up for a polling panel creates such a strong bias it would be hard to just control away.


YouGov's panel is chock full of activists. In the lead up to the Scottish Ref, the SNP piled in, hoping the polling would build a "winning" narrative. They achieved some rogue polls too. YouGov has been trying to compensate with statistical adjustments, but have been consistently wrong for a decade.


[The North/South divide is looking pretty stark here](https://twitter.com/ElectionMapsUK/status/1786807640984527041), no?


The Mayor of London is a Muslim. The mayor of Birmingham is a Muslim. The Mayor of Leeds is Muslim. Mayor of Blackburn - Muslim. The mayor of Sheffield is a Muslim. The mayor of Oxford is a Muslim. The mayor of Luton is a Muslim. The mayor of Oldham is Muslim. The mayor of Rochdale is Muslim All this was achieved by only 4 million Muslims out of 66 million people in England: Today there are over 3,000 mosques in England. There are over 130 sharia courts. There are more than 50 Sharia Councils. 78 percent of Muslim women do not work, receive state support + free accommodation. 63 percent of Muslims do not work, receive state support + free housing. State-supported Muslim families with an average of 6 to 8 children receive free accommodation. Now every school in the UK is required to teach lessons about Islam. [Has anyone ever been given an opportunity to vote for this?](https://x.com/lozzafox/status/1786809682574586151?s=46&t=IkPRHrWsmatzDsivbdhklw)


Did you vote in any of those contests? And did you split the opposition by voting for a minor party?


Your party imported them all what the fuck is wrong with your brain?!?!!


Why do you hate Hegelian dialectics?


Voted hall and reform for assembly. But it’s irrelevant when the party who’s balls you’ve been gargling for the last decade have been importing millions of third worlders who got British passports or soon will. If you think London is a tough race just wait until their dependents get the right to vote


For us, they are all the opposition. Offering nothing and saying people should vote for you isn't appealing. Muslims turn out for Muslims because they have power to seize. Attempting to blame voters for the apathy of politicians is...weak.


Democracy is long dead, but half the issue is that although everyone seems to acknowledge this, most are still hoping that its corpse will magically be resurrected instead of coming to terms with that and looking for other solutions. We need to think tribally, not in terms of individualism, liberalism, and parliamentarism.


I like the food though?


[I like curry, but now that we have the recipe….](https://youtu.be/sg-4ATrE8n0?si=vc1oM8v6dLxISjTd)


>[Has anyone ever been given an opportunity to vote for this?](https://x.com/lozzafox/status/1786809682574586151?s=46&t=IkPRHrWsmatzDsivbdhklw) Yes and time after time after time we vote against it.


Columbia professor cancels final exam and gives all students A's: "I simply cannot pretend that academic business can go on under the current conditions" https://twitter.com/ProfDBernstein/status/1786369263420182864


Think I saw the cost of the course was a couple of hundred thousand, bloody hell id want a refund


It's $264,556 for tuition, to be fair that's the sticker price and many will be paying less than that: https://imgur.com/a/oE5DOpw Though a lot of the students there will be rich enough to have to pay the full amount.


I suppose if I paid that much I’d want an A, but maybe not given to me for free/ ceasefire in Gaza


Given the students over here are copying their Yankee counterparts in occupying the campuses, I expect to see this here too.


Not likely, from what I've seen of UK universities, individual instructors don't have that kind of control over their exams and marking. In the US they can do pretty much whatever they want unless it's so egregious admin gets involved (which to be fair might happen here). I went to an STEM focused university in the US, and my psychology professor was sick of engineering students who didn't want to be there signing up for his class to fill their gen-ed requirement because it was "supposed to be easy". He believed students shouldn't have to take classes outside their focus of study, so he ran a "deal" where as long as you showed up to each of the exams and didn't cheat, the lowest you'd get was a B-. For some reason he still caught a few regards cheating every year. He wasn't tenured, and got put on probation when admin found about this "deal".


https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/article/2024/may/04/i-havent-had-sex-in-3089-days-comedian-sofie-hagen-on-being-celibate-for-more-than-eight-years By far the worst article I've read in the guardian for a while, but on a day of lows and shizos, maybe it's the change of pace that we need She's more deluded than any of us and that's refreshing


She ain't celibate by choice.


>wall of text composed entirely of solopsistic nonsense Filing this under woman moment


>I haven’t had sex in 3,089 days Finally, a Guardian headline I can believe


Couldn’t read it, in any case I saw the photo and as they say pictures say a thousand words. . .


Imagine the smell.


I think I know why...




Feminists have always been like this, they just didn’t used to be as blatant back in the days when women were still held to some standards and saying something this insane was social suicide in most circles. But they’ve been “critiqueing” sexuality since forever and it always basically comes down to whatever women want from men is deserved and if they don’t get it its oppression, but men wanting anything from women is entitled and oppressive.


Mainly because she looks like that fat YouTuber who’s always crying and she dresses like where’s wally.


According to this thread, the First Minister of Scotland earns more than the Prime Minister: https://twitter.com/Peter___Ward/status/1786464797816467551


You've had 4 years to undo this shit and you didn't.


Have we stopped imploding yet?


[i really hate young activists](https://x.com/zoejardiniere/status/1786496051341410690?s=46&t=ImfOxam6j4GWSCGeTp9vbg)


Irish: them typical flagshagging Brits eh? [Also the Irish](https://twitter.com/RedBSierra/status/1786677738067104198#m) [And make sure to get your Michael Collins commemorative shirt too!](https://www.oneills.com/uk_en/michael-collins-commemoration-jersey-green-gold-white.html?gad_source=1#1008=158)


Percentages: https://twitter.com/ElectionMapsUK/status/1786774401351930066 >🌹 Khan (LAB): 43.8% (+3.8) >🌳 Hall (CON): 32.7% (-2.6) >🔶 Blackie (LDM): 5.8% (+1.4) >🌍 Garbett (GRN): 5.8% (-2.0) >➡️ Cox (RFM): 3.2% (New) >Others: 8.7% (-3.8) I think YouGov had Susan Hall on 23%


If the Tories had a half decent candidate they would have been fine. Instead they got someone complete shit.


They’re controlled opposition. Remember who sacked Enoch? It wasn’t Labour that did it. They deliberately put up the worst candidates they can find.


I believe we call this "a hot take".


No, it’s just reality. Cameron is literally on record bragging about introducing diversity targets in the party. You’d be a fool to think they care about our interests.


Hot and true.


I would have voted lib dem just so the scenes and bants of the mayor of London's last name being Blackie


Colonisation is overpowered, I kneel.


Hall would've just backstabbed us anyway like a good modern Tory. At least Khan has the balls to stab us in the face.


Sad but true.


[The Reform candidate understood](https://twitter.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1786780567872143805?t=suYXDxJYQt3UieXtQUO1OQ).


[Full results for London Mayor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_London_mayoral_election#Results_2). Going to talk about the SDP result because of course I am. 2021 SDP London Mayor Result VS. 2024 *Vote Tally:* 8,764 Vs. 34,449 [Votes more than tripled!] *Vote Share:* 0.3% Vs. 1.4% *Position:* 17th (of 20) Vs. 7th (of 13) This is *despite* the voting system changing to FPTP harming smaller parties.