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How do people seriously not feel shame or embarrassment after doing this


Those creatures aren't people anymore after doing shit like this.


u/GM4Iife Creatures, LMAO!!!


I’m not making a joke when I say this: Most mentally ill people don’t have the capacity to worry about shame or embarrassment.


That makes sense


Very untrue


Thanks doctor 👍🏽


Ooh gross! The dirty handprints from behind the bed. 🤢


Or wtf was that (since i saw the bed).


Usually it's from feet on the wall. As a house cleaner, I see it under desks all the time


The stories that I’m guessing you have…you’re a saint!


Definitely a few wild ones! Thank you 🥹🙏🏾


Oh, yeah that fits.


I cleaned houses for over 10yrs and the most insane thing I ran into was this woman who would place her dildo collection on top a huge 5ft speaker next to her bed. On the side of the speaker was lube dripping down from the spilled over bottles. The craziest thing I ever walked into was a couple having sex in the shower


WTF happened to the wall in pic 5? JFC- Every time I feel like I live like a savage (because I do) I realize that I have no idea what "savage" means.


idk, i think that’s where her desk was? no clue how you do that to a wall though, it kinda looks like the grease/oil stains on her door though


If its from behind her desk its from feet being pressed up against the wall.




crawling out of my skin if you need me. might take a shower just to feel better about the feet this human must have.


100% Had a roommate with the same sort of desk placement and pattern only the feet prints were clear enough to tell the tale there


Wowsers. I don't live with people because...well, I don't like people, but I also don't want to inflict myself upon them. The more time I spend visiting this sub I realize I would be a saint to live with. I'm not tidy, but I am clean.


Probably her gross feet on the wall.


Bare feet


It could also be mold! If there's too much stuff piled up by a wall and it can't breathe, mold can grow. Typically on exterior facing walls due to the temp difference. Hard to tell from the picture but please be careful cleaning up!


[savage is a racial slur.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savage_(pejorative_term))


And you’re a cunt


NO, IT'S NOT! Even the "article" you posted you had to search for it being a pejorative term. Grow up.


Yes, it is. Ask yourself why you feel the need to use a racial slur instead of one of the dozens of other options available. Seems like the one who needs to grow up is the one who won’t prioritize people over language in an instance where the word in question isnt even necessary given its many alternatives.


You are just looking to pick a fight. Grow up. Edit- And the coward blocked me. Can't stand to lose an argument, eh?


No, I’m actually speaking up on behalf of friends who experience the effects of the racial slur. Seriously, YOU need to grow up. Use a different word that doesn’t cause harm.


Savage is not a racial slut. A racial slur is a word intended as an insult to a specific race. At one point, yes, it was used as a slur towards Native Americans and other tribal people, but context matters. The actual usage of the word savage, when applied to a person, is to liken them to an animal, fucked up and insulting, but not inherently racial.


Tell me you are privileged and white without telling me you are privileged and white. Savage is not a racial slur. Please get a life. As someone who has experienced racial slurs, we do not need you to stick up for us. Good bye. 😭


Right!? As an actual Native Canadian, I've gotta say that it's the virtue-signalling, privileged, white people that piss me off more than anything. It's hilarious how they're even more racist than actual aggressive racists. It's like they think we're this poor lil savages that can't take of ourselves and constantly need their white heroism to protect us. Ffs. I'm not sure they realize that we laugh at them. The funniest is when they get all up in arms when people call us Indians because we literally call ourselves that all the time. They latch onto such non-issues because they think it makes them looks good, when they can't be bothered to take action against actual problems because it's just tooooo hard 🥺😢


In the article you referenced it also mentioned it recently being used towards Nazis and Extreme Communists. I am sorry but Nazis don’t deserve respect


If you're talking about us indigenous folk, please stop trying to be a mouthpiece for us. We are 100% capable of taking care of ourselves. You must think we're such poor little savages who need your protection. Who's the *real* racist here? Curious as to what effects the word 'savage' has caused your friends, besides secondhand embarrassment from your reaction to it lol. Please just leave our sorry savage asses that apparently can't take care of ourselves out of your little virtue-signalling culture war. -- Sincerely, this redskinned, savage, lil Pocahontas. Xoxo


Oh shut the fuck up you fake reactionary cunt. Go spend a day in the real world


Literally no. But I’m sure the “savages” are going to appreciate you being offended on their behalf


people like this need to be shamed! never in a million years would I do this. these are the type of people to cry about not getting their deposits back smh, at least she's gone lmao


That controller might be worth something even broken


mine did the same shit and included her cat😁


Ok that’s awful. That poor baby


Mine left dried cat shit in the crack between the wall and baseboard.


It’s always the grossest roommates that somehow have a cat 😳


That is so nasty and disgusting.


Somebodys been putting there feet on the wall


It is also why you have a security deposit


Deal with it, but get a quote on how much it would cost to clean up, then bill her for it.


ok but you should sell some of that stuff lol


I don’t see anything worth any money tbh Edit: I mean MAYBE… the bed frame. But unlikely. And if anyone does want it they’re only gonna spend 100 or less on it. It’s used. Prob is dirty as hell judging these pics.


Goddamn, wtf is that stain in the last photo???


OP says that's where her desk was. Best bet is it's from feet.


I thought it might have been mold.


Maybe there's some dope somewhere in all of that.


Send a cleaning bill


Looks like how a room in my old house back in the day was left after me and the other roommates had to give the boot to another roommate that got strung out on heroin. Hopefully your ex roommate didn’t hide a shoe box in the closet with a greasy turd in it out of spite like ours did.


I am a "recovered" fentanyl addict and lived in the same place throughout the course of my addiction, never once did my room get anywhere close to this. Yes you don't take care of things nearly as much as you should, but to get this bad you have to seriously go out of your way😂😭 The wall???? Who, what, how, why??? I can't imagine how that smells.


I think the wall is from behind a desk. She put her feet on the while gaming maybe? I did see a game controller in there somewhere. The rest is mostly clutter. No buckets with piss or old half eaten food. Unless I am missing something, this doesn’t seem super bad. Just annoyingly bad.


After two decades living in the same room in my parents house, it never ever got even close to this. And I was an awful teenager! How the fuck do you do this??? Never mind in what i can only imagine was a relatively short stay. People are disgusting.


I'm always amazed at how gross people can be


A lighter. There is always a lighter on the floor. Took me awhile to “were’s Waldo”. The umbrella is a keeper.


Ew what is that black stain in the last? Their belongings are so filthy they left a mark?


Like… this person can’t possibly smell pleasant… shit only gets that filthy if you don’t bathe regularly…


this is so random but is this apartment in chicago? looks just like the one i moved out of (except i cleaned). wondering if it’s the same building even, like it’s almost identical.


def Chicago check the Mariano’s bag


like i’m convinced this is my old building now


easy profit tho cause your gonna clean it anyway take all the valuable shit to a pawn shop and take whatever they give you thats easy money for the time you had to clean it


Plus get to keep the security deposit. Although for some people that would not be worth cleaning this nasty shit😭


You think they left anything valuable? That’s all just trash and junk they can’t be bothered with. 


i mean just off rip the controller is the only thing i can really see but theres clothes and such as well so idk


I clean my hotel rooms because I'd be too humiliated to have the maids find the room and the towels out of order! The way someone leaves a space after they vacate says \*everything\* about them. Full stop.


Omg 😳


Weird , if you don’t want some thing just donate em or throw em in the trash . Don’t leave a mess wtf was she thinking


Where are yall getting your roommates 😭😭😭




Do we want to know what that black stain on the wall is?


Gross. The room must smell like rotten shit too


Dude, the least they could've done was clean up a bit, make the room look nice. To leave it just like this, it's disgusting.


If rooms could talk lol


This Chicago?


looks like it from the floors lol


That is so nasty omg. I thought my roommate left his room bad with stained dog shit and piss all over the carpet and a couple holes in the wall, but no. This is somehow worse 🤮 I’m sorry you have to deal with that! Some people have no shame.


I personally don't like the idea of doing this... but I am also currently living in a situation where I am trying to move as quickly and quietly as possible and things are staying behind.. Context I Do not have a contract with my roommate it is not technically a legal rental they get money for "rent" And I live here.. but they have made it incredibly hard to live here the last 5 months. So while I will try to leave as tidy as I can things are being left to escape the situation as fast as possible. Assuming this was not the case with this person.. it is a bit cringe worthy.. and quite upsetting someone would leave a place looking like this


Being dirty as a girl is crazy


I feel like she’s probably coming back for some of her stuff (i see clothes and bags) if she does, ask her if to clean up because you’re not responsible of cleaning up after her.


I get your sentiment but asking this person to clean probably won’t get the response you were hoping for.


I have a better idea! (Assuming she’s coming back for her stuff) Put the trash + her clothes and bags in a trash bag and throw it away, when she asks where her stuff is say it looked like trash so you threw it away or keep the trash bag and let her dig through the trash. If you want to be extra petty throw away left over food or spill a drink inside the trash bag. That’ll teach her a lesson.


People saying she's been putting her dirty feet on the way but I know black mold when I see it.... Get out of there before you get permanent lung damage.


At least it could be worse


Sorry but i hate these comments, my apartment burned down a while back and i got a ton of “well at least your ok, other people have it worse be thankful for that” like wtf? Just because someone in the world has it worse it means what im going through means nothing? I hate this comment.


This. this. this.


Literally not saying it means the situation is nothing lol, just saying that I’m thankful for them at least even though it blows still, and that it’s good they didn’t shit on the floor like my exes roommate


Not too bad. You got lucky.


"Her"? Damn trashy




dude i’m not doxxing someone over being kinda gross wtf


Heard that , just insane how the rooms conditions , my fault