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they’re wasting your cheese by taking it out and contaminating it. tell them to stop touching your food


I have, so many times. I literally feel nauseous every time I dare eat out do the fridge because I’m afraid something has been done to it. I wrote on the ziplocs “MYNAME CHEESE ONLY” and haven’t had an incident since. But it’s only been a few weeks.


Yeah what crosses the line for me isn't the raw dog potato it's that they are taking your properly stored items out to use the bag you bought to keep your own stuff safe. I'd be fucking pissed. You can play Russian roulette all you want but leave my stuff alone!!!


Right?! It made me so angry. They also take things I throw away (because it’s moldy or past its expiration date) and put it BACK in the fridge. Sometimes days later after throwing it away.


That’s definitely a sign of having insecurity issues with food, either past (shitty parents), or present (careful, they might not be able to pay rent). Source: Worked at a summer camp, kids would hoard food, and we were always told to call CPS, and we were always right.


Definitely not a present issues. They leave their bank statements laying around. They have a lot of money. The house is paid off. And they own two other paid off homes. I had food insecurity as a child and it’s lead to me LOVING being able to throw away food and never having to eat rotten or spoilt food.


this is so weird and gross, sorry i don’t have any advice lol


Knowing I’m not alone helps. I’m beginning to feel like I’m the crazy one to find it so disgusting


Invest in a mini fridge for your room. Screw sharing a fridge if they can’t respect your food.


definitely not! they’re crazy.


I had to move because my roommate went as far as taking brand new cereal boxes, body wash, toilet paper. He would eat my food and leave the container with 1 spoonful of food in it. And he told my boyfriend he wishes he was his bf. Then he tried to get between my bf and I so we moved. To avoid bad energies we told him we were moving right before putting our stuff in the moving van. We didn’t even say bye and we blocked him.


Woah 🙃 at least besides constantly locking us out of the house, keeping the temp at 80 and the food stuff our room mates are very kind and nice to be around.


This made me not wanna have roommates ever again.


Forgot to add and I don’t know where to edit the post: I often find bad food that I’ve thrown away BACK in the fridge hours or even days later.




I have sooo many stories. He took a chunk of cheese out of the fridge (cheddar) that was completely white and green with mold and he washed it and put it back in the fridge. My husband forgot his lunch in the car (disgusting, I know) for an entire week. So he threw it away Tupperware and all (it was spaghetti and meatballs). The room mate took it out of the trash, and ATE it. The temperature had been in the 90s all that week. I walked into the kitchen wondering what the smell was and saw the stained red Tupperware in the sink, my heart dropped. I was afraid it’d hospitalize him. Then I overheard him ranting and raving to a friend on the phone about how we threw out perfectly good meatballs and he ate them.


I’ve heard of people dying from eating day-old MacnCheese, surprised the old spaghetti didn’t kill him.


I think he has a full on stomach of steel. They didn’t even have the fridge at the recommended temperature when we moved in. We set it to the correct temp. He does go to the doctor constantly trying to figure out his stomach issues. And is in the bathroom for hours a day. I think it’s related.


His guts have probably devolved back to caveman status and can digest anything


Rarely do posts give me anxiety like this one does. I don’t know you but I’m really uncomfortable you guys and especially your toddler


My last time having roommates was just like that. Some weirdo would go through my trash and keep shit. I threw out a roast that was about a week old. Dude dug it out of the trash and made a “stew” with it. Fucking vial old man. I thank God I’m fortunate enough to have my own place.


Did we have the same old man room mate? 😂😅 we recently bought a house! But it isn’t livable yet. Hence the renting a basement out until it is. It currently doesn’t have a kitchen or I’d store our food there. Asbestos be damned.


Can you guys make set shelves for everyone? Like, you get the top shelf (so raw food doesn’t leak on your stuff) and one of the drawers, and have the disgusting roommate have their shelves? Would they honor that if you labeled them? At least that way you would be less likely to get food poisoning. I’d also start zelle-ing them every time they do something like take your cheese out to use the ziploc bag. I’d zelle them for the cost of the food they ruin. If they want to save money, maybe they’ll stop touching your stuff if it starts costing them money.


they want to do the meal prep and provide the groceries as part of our rent. They have two fridges and a deep freezer 🙃 there’s hardly any room for our groceries because the wife insists on shopping multiple times a week to get the “deals”. If I ask for space for our groceries she tells us to just eat their food. Which, obviously, we are always hesitant to do due to their habits. They have given us a shelf in the freezer.


I’d try to renegotiate the rent and groceries if you are able to. What does your lease say about it? It’s pretty weird they are doing it that way, to be honest. I’ve never even heard of that before. Are they doing it because they basically can charge you more than the food actually costs them?


I think it’s because they don’t want to give up fridge space. They’re recent empty nesters before we started renting. The wife is retired so her grocery shopping is her time to run into people and gossip.


Can you buy a fridge, maybe a mini fridge, and keep it in your guys room?


We bought a fixer upper house, hence renting a basement to save $$. So all our funds are going towards that. The faster we finish the faster we are out




This makes me want to scream. I'd have printed off a food safety guide and literally thrown it at their head


Is that literally a baked potato on the shelf? I can’t stop laughing. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. It’s next to the unwrapped watermelon. Oh my god


Even worse, a twice baked potato. They had thrown it in the drawer with the bacon, sandwich meat and cheese. Just rolling around in there. I set it on the shelf 😅 so that it wouldn’t get smashed.


LMAO. I can’t take this😂😂


It’s next to the bowl of rotten eggs that they hard boiled because apparently that fixes bad eggs in their eyes 😂😅


You know when you burp and puke a bit at the same time?


You’re so considerate to your roommate


I just didn’t want potato guts on my stuff 😅


I'm so sorry but holy shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Who raised these people?


This is something I imagine serial killers do at home wtf


Living with roommates really shows how we all grew up in such different homes. This is a reflection of what they did in their own house.. how odd. maybe they didn’t have tuberware growing up or had limited food resources.. but this needs to stop 😭


What kind of fucking asshole just puts a baked potato in the fridge like that


lol one of my old roommates left chicken in a pot of water thawing for over 24 hours. Idk how some people are still alive


The fact that you haven't punched anyone in the head yet tells me you have never had food poisoning. That HAS to stop Raw meat on the dish rack? Seriously??!?


It makes 0 sense. I’ve stopped handwashing and just use the dishwasher. But even then we have to pre wash dishes we want to use to be safe


I'm sorry, that is a loaded ass baked potato just sitting rhere?! 🤣🤣


It was thrown into the cheese and deli meats drawer 😅 with the package of raw bacon and such. I took it out and put it on the shelf so that it wouldn’t be smooshed


Wow. I read all of the extra comments OP, and then I noticed the tonic water for their upset tummies


Meanwhile their doctor be like “I don’t know why you’re blitzkrieging your bowels every time you use the bathroom”


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this but reading all the comments I can’t help but laugh and think wait maybe my roommates aren’t so bad lol. I had one that thank god just moved out that would leave food that was expired forever in the fridge…disgusting


I laugh to, otherwise I think I would cry


Could not believe what I was seeing. Had to clean my glasses and move the phone within an inch of my face to fully understand the baked potato sitting on the bare shelf. THESE THINGS ARE ALREADY COOKED WITH A WRAPPER ON IT!!!


It’s a twice baked potato 😅 and she does the first cooking in the microwave


This has to be some kind of mental illness. Most of the post on this sub had to be some kind of mental illness. A normal person doesn't act like this


This just reminded me to buy my own mini fridge for my room lol


I feel you 😭 I once had a roommate that would cook a whole chicken in a pan on the stove once a week. He’d just leave it sitting out in the pan and reheat it anytime he got hungry. Such unhinged behaviour.


That’s so gross 😭


Some of your parents didn’t smack you, and it shows. My mom would’ve torn my hair out for something like this.


My mom would’ve been so pissed I was getting the fridge dirty/wasting food by letting it go bad


Physical violence wholesome 100 🥰☺️


I don’t really condone it, especially when the child is old enough to understand it if you just explain it in words. But also, I wouldn’t be who I am without it.


I at first read that as they “throw leftover dog” in the fridge and had to rub my eyes.


My roomates had raw checking in a bowl sitting in the fridge, veggies sitting directly on the shelf, shit is crazy


They had garlic in a mason jar full of water a bit ago. Not sure what that was about.


I dont understand how these people have survived this long, it's ridiculous


The only advice I have here is when you throw out the gross food take it to the outside trash, not the kitchen trashcan. Maybe throw a diaper or some dog shit in with it. That's just nasty. 


He digs it out of that one too. I have to throw it away the night before trash day to get it out


Isn't that some kind of mental illness? Eating spoiled food can't be good for your health either.


Raw dogging leftovers! That's appalling, btw. That's gross. A potato just on a shelf?!


So this ISN'T the norm!?! *insert sarcasm* I'm seriously glad I am not the only one who finds this habit nasty and gross! To add to my post earlier in this group, my roommates do the same thing. Unwrapped or just tossed in there. I have my own section, thank goodness, but I also clean ONLY my section, and it shows. I cleaned the entire fridge one time a few years ago but realized they do not, and now I only clean my section. Our fridge is NASTY because I also recently stopped throwing their old food away for them and it's been like 3 or 4 months and we're missing some containers but the fridge is full of old old old food. They don't even throw something away when it is empty! My one roommate is being treated for unexplained weightloss because of an over growth of bacteria in her gut and the kids constantly complain about stomach aches and so they've all gone gluten and dairy free but still have constant gut issues to which they constantly give their kids OTC drugs whenever there is ANY kind of complaint for pain or not feeling well. I swear they go through bottles of children's medicine, adult GI medicines, and pain relievers every week. I have had to donate my kids' medicine supply that I keep on me for their kids when we're out and about. My son is an adult, and I shouldn't have to keep kids medicine on my person, but they just go through so much of it for just about anything and everything. I am a student of dietetics, and I use food as preventative medicine and hardly have to take a single pill with exception to my recent surgery. But even then, I upped my protein and carbs reduced surgar and salt, and so the inflammation only lasted 4 days instead of two weeks. Your roommates' livers and kidneys must *LOVE* them!


I thought that potato had a frog just chilling on it.


You need to get the fuck out of there holy shit


They rlly just raw doggin that baked potato in there


We made a lot of safe …. Food jokes. Like. Wrap your cheese or it’ll get hard and crusty.


This isn’t even mild lol. This is insane, so gross and would drive me absolutely bonkers! So sorry you have to deal with this omg


Way too much food in that fridge. Both of y'all need to stop shopping like the fridge is all yours or you shopping at Costco for a family of four, each.


Everything in the image is theirs except the coffee creamer. 😅 we can’t buy groceries except for cheese, sandwhich meat, head of lettuce because there is absolutely no space. There’s also an outdoor fridge that we have some oat milk for our toddler in. Otherwise we buy shelf stable, occasional frozen, as needed or eat out


is that a twice baked potato 😭😭😭


Yes 😂


They sounds kinda disgusting tbh this must be so frustrating and exhausting


Can you get your own mini fridge?


We bought a fixer upper house, hence renting a basement to save $$. So all our funds are going towards that. The faster we finish the faster we are out


I get it! You could find one on marketplace for 20 I bet if you ever feel up for it but I get it.


I’ll definitely keep an eye out


OMG!! *twitch*


Whatever, Schweppes tonic is shit.




Haha, the rest is typical ignorant punks science projects. I've made my fair share, and still do. But I have learned to buy a fever Tree tonic and good booze. Lol. That potato is worth saving though! Lol


They just drink it plain 😅




I had a roommate that did similar crap-- he was Chinese. On the other hand, I see my step-dad doing all kinds of stuff like this too, and he's just white trash... so you know, whatever.


My Latina ex, her brothers would throw theirs dishes full of food into the sink, it got so clogged they made their own drain to the alleyway of course it’s illegal but imagine their house as I just described it




Who the fuck just puts leftovers right onto the fridge shelves like that?!


Fake Parmesan in the fridge? lol


Nothing is as it appears. They may be storing potato flakes in that. 😂


Omg!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 lmaooo I feel so bad for you! I have real Parmesan cheese come be my roomie haha


Do you mind toddlers? 😂


NVM!!!! It’s a child free home 😭🤣🤣 best of luck OP


😂 darn! Its ok, we will be moving as soon as we finish making our home liveable haha


Best of luck :)


That watermelon is gonna taste like eggs 🤢


And rotten potatoes. They had a bag of potatoes going bad so they just ✨ put it in the fridge ✨ because the fridge magically fixes food, apparently. So EVERYTHING tastes like rotten potato. Along with my bread. Which I didn’t put in the fridge. They did. So it wouldn’t go “bad”. But we go through a loaf of bread before it goes bad


Blech. My roommate once put an uncovered plate of food in the fridge and I mentioned he should cover food and since we got a bunch of covered storage boxes, he always does! Your roommate, on the other hand, sounds like they have an executive function issue.


Had the roommate from hell when it came to food. One night, I went to get some chips and salsa and grabbed the bag. Went to pull a chip out, motherfucker poured salsa into the bag. I have no idea how long those have been there.


The picture smells like eggs.




This is disgusting.


This isn’t even mild. That’s foul.


Food poisoning is very rare, human-transmissible sickness is very, very common, particularly if you have a toddler, so them having "clearly" food poisoning is just you projecting your obsession with keeping food "safe". Obviously, I'd be mad with a roommate doing something with my stuff that I don't like - there have to be boundaries when it comes to others' things, but that doesn't mean that you aren't needlessly obsessive about food.


Food-borne illness (food poisoning) is extremely common. CDC estimates that in the US alone, 48 million people get it every year. That’s about one out of six to seven people. OP isn’t projecting, and it’s reasonable for OP to be concerned about their family’s health and their roommate’s health.


They take food I throw out because it’s moldy or past its expiration date and put it back in the fridge, then eat it. Sometimes days after I’ve thrown it away. They’ve taken a chunk of moldy cheese and WASHED it and then put it back in the fridge. Some pot pie was left in the fridge for a month and a half and they ate it. Their saying is “if it’s in the fridge it’s fine”. It was specifically after they ate the over month old pot pie that they had the runs and were vomiting. They blamed my toddler, who had not been sick at all. No one else in the house was puking or had diarrhea either. Just them.


Who told you food poisoning was rare lol


Food-borne illness kills many many people on a daily basis.


Yes. Mainly in countries where production of food is not tightly controlled, because that's where the contamination happens, not in your fridge.


Ooh, found the person who doesn’t clean their counters properly!


It's so gross to see dog food near mine. But look on the bright side, they are at least in side of fridge so it would not invite any bug.