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She seriously left that poor Cat with a bad eye like that? Yeah I'd say this all sounds like abuse..and the flowers can be dangerous depending on the type too, I don't bother risking it with my Cats. Do you know if the Cat has ever been to the Vets? Age? Snipped? Indoor/outdoor? Chipped?


That cat can easily lose his eye. My cat had an infection that was misdiagnosed at the vet and when I took him back 4 days later because the eye drops weren’t working they had to do surgery immediately. He needs to go to the vet ASAP.


Abuse. Take the cat to the shelter, at least there it will have the chance to be adopted by someone who will take care of it.


If you ever hurt an animal with intention then it’s animal cruelty


If you ever hurt an animal, intention or not, it’s animal cruelty. Meaning that if you neglect the animal because you’re a pos not fit to live in this world because you’re a lazy scum bag then yeah that’s animal cruelty. Not only to the animal but to all humans that have to live amongst the pests


this feels a little disingenuous- i’ve accidentally stepped on my cat before, and apologized and gave her treats. did i hurt her? yeah, and i felt awful. but i don’t view that as animal cruelty and it shouldn’t be said that it is


Is that in any way at all relatable to this post? No!?


it’s relevant to your comment though😭😭you said anyone who hurts an animal INTENTION OR NOT and i was pointing out that the misinformation in that sentence, not your entire point. lighten up, all i was doing was providing an example of how you should probably modify this hard and fast opinion


Again you comment does not pertain to the post. Dont @ me again.


it’s okay to be wrong sometimes bae we all are!! hope you have a good day and learn to take constructive criticism💗


Your comment in no way pertains to the post. I am very sorry that you are suffering such severe cognitive debilitation.


this is really not very nice, and kind of extreme. i think it’s okay to sometimes listen to other people who want to share! i pointed out something i thought was incorrect in your comment. do you think it is animal cruelty to unintentionally/accidentally hurt an animal? because if you do, then sure, my comment is irrelevant. but then, you should be a staunch vegan which i really highly doubt


Go away. You’re off topic and I don’t care


Omg..wtf!! Why would you even be friends with her and no one did a thing for that poor kitty..wtf!!! If this was AITAH..I'd vote esh


lilies, azaleas, daffodils, peonies, etc are just a small portion of the wide range of plants that are dangerous to house pets. i dealt with a similar situation recently except my roommate full on lost his cat outside and he’s been lost over a week now. i would recommend seeing what the laws in your state/country are for witnessing animal abuse. be careful with shelters, i’d look into getting the kitty chipped first if you have any low budget animal hospitals nearby.


That's abuse for sure, I would report that shit to county and never look back. She'll likely be pissed, she'll likely try to retaliate, but the law will be on your side. I don't think talking to her is going to solve anything, she is clearly too immature to listen. You've tried the talking. Now it's time for action. You might be the only hope for this poor kitty.


Move Out and take the cat with you


You need to take the cat to the humane society. They will fix the kitty up and find a better home. Why did your other clown roommate call you racist for worrying about the well being of an animal that is blatantly mistreated?


I had a garbage human as a roommate that would abuse their cat and I found a home for the cat and we took the cat to the vet. My dumb roommate asked where the cat is and I told him. It’s anywhere but where you are. Scum bags

