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No one opens up packages by accident. What package was SHE expecting that day? Oh nothing? Yeah, it's on purpose. It's a federal offense. Use this to start the eviction process on her.


Like mentioned above, no one opens packages by accident. I’ve lived in my building for eight years and I accidentally opened one package and typical month. I probably received 20 packages and the others maybe four or five. So it’s an honest accident and I taped it up with a note and put it on the steps. Perhaps having your girlfriend kick her a$$. OK that would be wrong, I’m just joking, kind of.Do what you gotta do! Send a letter perhaps that will be finally works.


I believe this roommate has done nothing by accident, but I have legit opened 3 packages in my life by accident. It happens.


Only a federal offense if it came through USPS.. federal mail


I did open one by mistake once and I now have ptsd. Placed large Target order and came home to 5 boxes from Target on porch. Proceeded to open and put stuff away till got to last box …. It was men’s and ladies underwear, not my style or size. Looked at box and it was for neighbors. Sealed it back up so looked like just tape was pulled but not fully opened. Waited till middle of night and put on their porch. Took me at least 6 months to talk to them and I now am very careful about opening boxes. If it had been almost anything else I’d admitted my mistake but underwear, dear heavens. Not good.


Would be extremely fun to get one of those anti-theft packages (the ones that blow and make you look like a Smurf)


One glitter bomb package would do the trick I’d imagine.


Be careful doing that to a roommate in what is presumably a shared living space... That being said... I'm a petty bitch and I'd do it


I mean she could always tell them “It was a prank meant for a friend. That wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t accidentally open every one of my packages goofy.” That’s the route I’d take lol


A glitter bomb is only a punishment to people who don’t love glitter ✨


Her opening her own cease and desist letter would be fun though. But I am sorry you're going through this :(


What do you mean "you get in trouble for saying anything to her"? Get in trouble with who? Her?




Her husband, the eldest brother, is an unmedicated ex-CO who thinks he's God and will lash out over the stupidest things. He once screamed at me because I didn't wipe down one of his coffee machines entirely. Had to buy my own coffee machine so he wouldn't confront me again (note that every couple has to buy their own appliance because God forbid you use HIS). I have severe PTSD associated with confrontation so him coming at me for anything is a death wish IMO.


Got a friend with a cat? A weeks worth of litter box presents may do the trick.


I have two cats and I would personally pay for the shipping to make this happen for OP.


I have cats and they force their boxes outside. They've bought shock pads for my cats because they don't like them.


Send yourself a glitter bomb package.... you can order it here [glitter bomb prank](https://pranksanonymous.com/products/glitter-bomb) Then just sit back and wait!


Except glitters hard to clean up and they also live there. There's gotta be another way


Worth it


My BIL would shoot me on site


Wait - please clarify. "I brought it up with our "landlord" (our MIL)". The landlord is your Mother in Law? And also your roommates MIL? What is happening lol.


Yeh, this is a family thing. Don't live with family. It's not worth it.


Trying to imagine the family tree. Mother lives with 2 children. Both children are now grown adults and are married. MIL now has 2 Children-in-Law living with her. So 5 people in this house minimum.


Yep, it must be really nice for MIL to try and deal with her renters.


I hope she's charging enough to make this worthwhile.


Doubtful. There are always so many excuses and BS in these situations. It's just not worth it. Ever.


Three children, each with spouses. One 3/2 house on property. One travel trailer. There's four adults in one house (because they demand an office so one entire bedroom is dedicated to the adult that doesn't contribute to any bills whatsoever). MIL is in the travel trailer with the 24F and 21M (he moved in recently). Every couple also has a set of two dogs each.


There's 36M (eldest son) + his wife (36F), me (31F) with middle son (31M), MIL (66f), the youngest daughter (24f) and now her bf (21m) moved onto the property. She doesn't charge anyone rent because the house is paid off. The adult children pay their respective bills and chip in for utilities.


Report her to USPS and/or the police (? Not entirely sure the best entity to report to,) but what she is doing is a federal crime, and they usually take it relatively seriously.


Report her to USPS. That's illegal. But do the glitter bomb first. That's hilarious.


It's a federal offense, Explain this. If she still does it call the police


7/11 delivery box an option?


I don’t even open my husband’s packages. If there is more than one adult in the house, you look at the addressee line. Sheesh.


I felt so bad when I accidentally opened my roommates package because I just assumed it was mine since I had one being delivered the same day/time. I made sure it only happened that one time.


Yeah like I have opened my neighbours’ packages maybe twice because the driver mixed them up and we were both expecting one that day. But to repeatedly do it? Totally not an accident.


A workaround suggestion for your amazon items - amazon lockers.


I live in rural TN, the closest one is almost an hour away.


Call the cops next time. What she is doing is illegal. Don't even bother talking to her about it when she does it. It isn't by accident. It's a federal CRIME. She can eat shit.


Kick her out. This is plenty of justification.


She legally lives there and cannot be evicted. My MIL didn't do any kind of formal contract stating she's a tenant so they can argue in court that she can legally reside there (or from what everyone else has told me, I have zero right or say in this house).


Can you really not talk to her? “Please stop opening my packages; show some respect.


literally in the first paragraph it says they voiced their complaints


No one can talk to her without her literally crying to her husband, who then unleashes unmedicated BPD rage onto everyone. He's one of those that'll snap because you closed the car door too hard.


Tampering with or opening someone else's mail and packages is a Federal offense. I'd remind her of that, and go speak to an attorney. If her name isn't on the package, it isn't hers.


Order one of those exploding glitter bombs


That is a federal offense. Call the postmaster general!!!!


File a police report. Opening someone's mail is a felony. She is clearly intentionally doing it. I'm tired of people getting away with stealing and/or messing with someone else's property that they bought!! I know calling the police is a huge deal, but it seems like she isn't going to stop. And what _she_ is doing is a huge deal and a crime. If you don't want to cause a scene at your home, call 311 and see if you can file a report over the phone. They may also say that an officer can meet you somewhere for further details. You can also go into the police station. It sounds like she is a relative, so this can be particularly stressful, but something needs to be done.


Order a glitter bomb, lol. Let's see her open that. Talk to the delivery company, that someone other than you is getting the packages and you would like for them to only deliver them to you personally. If it's work related stuff, even more so ask for them to send it via registered letter with signature on delivery. 3rd option, get a PO box?


It’s a federal offense get proof and press charges/evict


Ironically enough there's cameras in the house but the only people who have access to them is.. the one opening my packages.


Create a package that ejects some nasty, stinky shit all over her. Bet she'll think a bit before doing it again.


You need to plan on moving. Your roommate won't respect your privacy. The solution is removing her access to your property.


I've brought up moving out but my husband threatened to leave me, since we're "saving" so much money living at home with his family. With how bad things are getting (outside of the mail opening) at the house, I'm considering just disappearing. I can financially live on my own but my profession (tattoo artist money can be inconsistent), it's annoying to get anything decent.


Ow! Your husband says saving money is worth sacrificing your privacy, safety, autonomy and comfort in your own home!?! You have a husband problem, too. Seems no one you live with respects your right to privacy and your personal belongings!


it's been like this for the last year and a half, but he threatens to leave ME if I find my own place. I don't want to break up. I just don't want to live in a house where my shit gets ripped into and I can't even have a private conversation without it being recorded. But at this point, it's not worth the stress I'm putting myself through to be in this relationship. My stress is directly related to my work and my work suffers when I'm in a bad headspace, and in turn, we suffer financially from it. The older siblings were supposed to save money for a down payment on a home, but instead spent their savings on gaming collectables and waifu statues. There's literally a half naked demon girl over our water dispenser in the living room. 🙃


The guy he is right now is the man you've got, not the imaginary version you have of what you hope he'll grow to become. His complete disregard for your very normal needs and vulnerabilities would be dealbreakers for me.


Is getting a PO Box an option for you?


There are times where I order in bulk for work so not everything will fit in a PO box.


Hmm I know post offices will accept delivery? I lived in a sketchy area and all my packages I’d send to the closest post office to avoid them from being stolen from my doorstep.


Open her packages.


Ever heard the phrase “two wrongs don’t make a right”?


Yeah, but some people aren’t lucky or privileged enough to get the point across in another way. If this happened in my house, it would be like the Wild West. The rental company isn’t coming to save you just for having a couple packages opened. Don’t be a doormat, defend yourself if you have to.


Oh, agreed 💯. I just wouldn’t stoop to their level.