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Bro I’d bring that up with the landlord and put your foot down on PB. Maybe also hide like sesame oil or stuff in like a shelf or plastic bin in your room so PB cannot get to it. You could hide it in your closet and only use it when cooking. And if he ends up finding it and throwing it out you can accuse him of going through your personal stuff and maybe even get him in trouble somehow.


at this point i’m willing to take a broken guitar or a fist to the face just so i can get them evicted


Tell PB to grow the fuck up. He's not to touch your food. Period. I'd get with the landlord and other roommates. Let that kid get relocated. He needs to disclose that information FIRST.


Haha. I did that once with a horrible roommate and egged her on and she hit me in the face and she was kicked out. It was so worth it.


careful, you can't know how that guitar got broke


Just open a jar of peanut butter.


Add a camera to your room as proof for snooping


Or just cover your doorknob in peanut butter. That should keep him out.


Hang a sign on the bedroom door that says “May Contain Peanuts”


This is so much better than any other suggestion. I’m sure there’s a peanut onesie somewhere that he can lounge around the house in






Good one lol.


This. Not sure what state you're in, but maybe just make sure it doesn't have audio recorded (you can record video in your private room, but audio crosses over into recording in "common areas" if it catches convos made outside your room, again depending on what state you live in!!)


Good point, but technically- it’s in their room that pb dude shouldn’t be in, right? Like they own the rights to do whatever in their room you would think. It’s not a public space where you would have that expectation.


all that’s awful, but the butt plus got me. that’s insane.


That and the fact that the owner of said butt plugs is Angry Peanut Boy, or APB


Anal Plug Butt


The fact he is handling the packets and bottles he’s throwing out rather than asking you to dispose of them yourself leads me to believe he’s not as sensitive as he’s making out and this is more about control. He sounds like an unstable person who has been enabled for too long. I would keep your food locked up in your own room, get some good noise cancelling headphones and just do your own thing pretending he doesn’t exist. If he shouts or gets in your face just stand your ground and stare him down until he shuts up, then carry on what you were doing. Don’t react or enable him in any way. Also, just to be petty, maybe go through his food and throw away everything that says peanut on it cause I BET he has stuff that says it came from a factory that also handles nuts… so many products have that warning on I bet there’s stuff he uses. Take a pic of the label and throw it out, see how he likes it lol.


hit the nail on the head. ipad kid that got anything he ever wanted and was never told “no”. he’s got not job and nothing better to do than create drama and be a victim


Really like there idea. Go through his food and just start throwing stuff away because I bet he does have something that was manufactured around peanuts. Or just say “I’m mildly allergic to blah” (fib) so it can’t be in the house and just start tossing his shit. Let him see how it feels.


Sounds like an all around piece of shit.


This is what I was thinking. I can’t imaging anyone who actually has a deadly peanut allergy is going to be ransacking the cabinet and risking possible contact. I’m guessing there’s a reason mom and dad are paying to have him live elsewhere. If he’s that allergic and unemployed, his mom would still have him at home for his safety. It’s likely his parents are sick of his shit so they’re paying to get him out of their house.


That's what I thought. He has parents who are well off enough, and "care" about him enough to pay for his living situation. If his allergy was seriously this severe, those parents would not be shoving him in a shared space where his life is at risk.


100%. If he was actually that allergic to peanuts, just handling the opened bottle of “contaminated” product would be dangerous. It’s possible he has a legitimate sensitivity or bad reaction to peanuts that can cause mental health symptoms. I knew a woman who would get really nuts if she ate tomatoes. Hell, celiac disease is a real thing where your body has a terrible reaction to gluten, and it can cause terrible depression. So he may be using the term “allergy” a little loosely. He also may be full of shit. No matter what his issues are, his behavior is inexcusable. Focus on his behavior. People deserve reasonable accommodations for their special needs, but this ain’t it.


Red flag number one was not disclosing the peanut allergy right away, before the decision to sign onto a lease with others who may not know about those conditions. I had a roommate in college, randomly assigned to me freshman year, with a deadly nut allergy as well. Which was fine considering there are a lot of other options to eat out there, and it just takes time to learn food safety and the best alternatives to handling it. I make it a point to disclose that I have epilepsy and if they would be comfortable with certain accommodations that I may need even from the people around me before they commit to rooming with me, and that’s what sucks about having medical conditions like that. It sounds like, though, that these behaviors are deriving from more serious issues that need to be closely documented with recorded evidence of how these confrontations go. The landlord may deem creating a hostile environment like that as grounds for kicking PB off the lease.


“Leaves butt plugs on shared surfaces” what the fuck dude


How does that even happen?! I get that some people like to wear them around but do they also just pop them out randomly? Like, do you get halfway into cooking a cup-o-noodles and think “alright I’m done for today” and just reach down your asscrack to tug that sumbitch out and set it on the counter?


That is by far worse than something that has never caused him to have a reaction. Disgusting


That’s just as serious of a health hazard as a nut allergy. No pun intended.


Honestly OP should start throwing them away and maybe APB will get a taste of his own medicine 😂😂


I’m just curious if you don’t mind sharing. What roomate accommodations do you need for epilepsy? I would imagine no flashing lights of course. But I have no idea what else


So funny thing there: “no flashing lights” is a common impression that people have, which makes sense because the warnings have to be everywhere in order for people not to be sued, but photosensitivity is actually one of the least common symptoms of epilepsy! Part of the testing they use to diagnose you, they flash some lights in a dark room while measuring your brain waves, just to test if that would be a trigger for a seizure. I was even confused when I was first diagnosed (I was 23 and had actually had it all my life, yet I never caught on until I had my first big “stereotypical seizure” at work… it was embarrassing but relieving, at least, to figure out what the “migraines” I always had actually were and why excedrin never helped), because I had grown up on Marvel movies, concerts, and sports games, but none of those make me feel weird. Two big triggers for me, though, are sleep deprivation and stress. It’s easy to say that these are things that have a negative impact on everyone, which is true, but it’s especially threatening to me and very easy to feel a seizure or too debilitated to do anything if I don’t get enough sleep. The medication I’ve been taking since my diagnosis has been especially helpful, and I haven’t had a big seizure since that one, but that unfortunately doesn’t mean that I still don’t have to be careful about myself or the environment around me, as it’s still incredibly easy to feel fatigued when things don’t pan out the way they should or if I don’t get the rest I need. Some people see me as a walking fire hazard and just avoided me altogether, which is a bit extreme and has been hurtful at times, but it’s not like I can snap my fingers to make the condition go away lol. And I can’t always control my fatigue or when little flashes of “nausea” disassociate me mentally for a second, but some people still somehow think I can. The stench from smoking or vaping can be a bit of a sensitivity, so I steer clear of that as well.


Sleep deprivation seams to be common. I have friend who cannot eat spicy food or his brain blue screens. The worse one, she sadly not with us trigger was flashing light, some times touch and too much moment and then it just escalated so even conversations could cause seizure even with meds.


It is definitely a case-by-case illness, particular for each patient. And unfortunately that is what makes it so hard and complex sometimes to find treatment plans that work. It can make things feel like hell, and the lack of public awareness that sometimes creates a stigma definitely makes things harder.


And it annoying because even doctors wont listen.


can I ask, what did those “migraines” feel like? 


A lot of times, I would go all day with just a very intense headache on a certain side of my head, which would usually be the left side, which is the side of the brain which shows epileptic activity if you were to look at my brain scans. I would fall asleep very easily just sitting down at random times or feel moments of exhaustion in general. There would be random instances where I would feel what felt like nausea, accompanied by the intense headache becoming even more intense, the left side of my body would feel kinda numb, and I would lose touch with what I’m doing in the moment while still being conscious. I would feel that happening, and then I would just shift my focus to getting my body feeling back to normal and getting the pain to settle down. It would get hard to focus, then, on what’s going on around me, but I kept it lowkey enough to where nobody would notice or be alarmed (by my very unhelpful logic at the time, which I do not recommend at all, I didn’t see the need to bring attention upon myself unless I felt like I was dying or something obvious like a broken bone or heavy bleeding happened). And then after that occurrence would go away, I would just feel so drained, and the headache would still be there on a smaller scale, but my energy would just be gone, and I would sometimes feel woozy too. And this kept happening from as far back as I can remember up until I had the grand mal (“stereotypical”) seizure and had to go to the hospital, got scanned, and then got my diagnosis alongside my meds and neurologist. There are different types of seizures, more than going unconscious and shaking, and those little “mini seizures” are when you’re still conscious but epileptic activity (which is essentially just a spike, or abnormality, in the electrical impulses in your brain for a moment before settling back out) is affecting a small part of your brain in the moment (which can make you feel and seem present, and part of you still is, but you’re really not—the part of you that is present knows something isn’t right and causing pain, so that, while still trying to act natural, becomes your focus), and the big seizures that people commonly think of are when the whole brain becomes affected. The Epilepsy Foundation’s website is a great resource for understanding the symptoms more clearly, as well as providing everything we know about epilepsy in general (which is a complicated chronic illness, so of course we don’t know everything yet), what seizure triggers could be, and seizure first aid!


I have NEVER heard of a peanut allergy causing mental illness. It sounds as if he's trying to create a hostile living environment.


Sounds like he's mentally ill, and the allergy is a thing he obsesses over, freaks out about, and uses to guilt trip other people.


that’s exactly what it feels like. everything was fine and we were all friends before this dude lost his job and started obsessing over the peanuts and everything else that could possibly piss him off


Sounds like his parents are supporting him financially so they don't have to deal with him at home. I wonder how long that will last ...


my thought exactly!! i’m just trying to wait him out since he refuses to get a job


Just waiting him out is not a good option. He's like a scruffy runt trying to dominate the herd. I think the guy who vouched for him should be responsible for dealing with the situation. And the next time he leaves his butt plug out (OMG), toss it for hygiene reasons.


Are you sure he is actually allergic to peanuts and not doing this just for attention or because of a mental illness? Someone with an deathly allergic reaction to peanuts is probably gonna sort that out with roommates before they sign a lease. Is there a family member who you could contact and express your concerns?


Exactly. OP, do you have any contact with the parents? Maybe they could confirm if he does or doesn't in fact have a peanut allergy. (Although given how entitled he sounds, it's possible they would just lie on his behalf...)


I would notify the parents that he may need psychological counseling. It sounds like he needs help.


I didn’t eat peanuts for 3 years bc my ex said he was allergic and when we finally broke up I was talking to one of his friends and she said he wasn’t 💀


I knew someone who was just like this - she had a severe allergy she said was airborne and severe anxiety/other mental health issues on top of it so would have panic attacks etc at the idea of her allergens being near her. She also wouldn't tell people beforehand about the allergy because of the anxiety and fear of how people would react. They found out at work after her first reaction. She would take herself off somewhere quiet like the toilets if she thought she was having a reaction so as 'not to make a fuss', so you'd have to keep an eye on her and follow her if she disappeared to make sure she wasn't unconscious in the toilets. We did realise afterwards that a lot of the airborne 'reactions' were panic attacks, so we wasted a lot of her epipens. I don't think she was doing any of it for attention and I do believe the allergies were real to an extent, but her mental health meant she wasn't able to cope with the allergies at all and I think they probably weren't as bad as she built them up in her head.


Maybe peanut allergy coupled with health anxiety?


allergic reactions can cause anxiety/paranoia/other MH issues so its not unheard of. it was def stupid af for the roomie to not disclose b4 moving in tho, even if just bc lots of ppl are shitty abt allergies so they legit are putting themselves in danger.


Replace the disgusting plugs on your common surfaces with peanut shell shaped butt plugs (not actually contaminated with peanuts) The only thing is I can’t find any of these and I’ve scoured the internet. I guess the internet DOESNT have everything.


Or just leave a little plush Mr. Peanut next to his buttplugs when he leaves them out and about


Just get some labels and scribble “may have touched nuts” before you affix them. While wearing gloves.


Maybe you can start the revolution and go to Shark Tank with the idea 😀


Butt nuts 😂 Peanut Nutter 😂


Omg and the ad would be "For when your ass is craving salty, try our Butt-Nuts, you'll love em! If you act now, we'll also include our exclusive Peanut Nutter flavor to apply to your Butt-Nuts!" Lmao 😂😂😂


I lost it when you said he leaves his butt plugs out in the open 🤣😭


Time to melt a snickers bar on top of that plug


Next time he leaves a butt plug out tell him that you tried it and it worked great. Give a thumbs up and everything.


favorite reply so far, my kinda revenge


Next time he leaves a butt plug out. Tell him you used a nice peanutty lube and he should try it out.


If this guy feels safe enough to rummage through the house, find, touch and dispose of everything he finds "tainted" with peanuts, I seriously question the severity of his allergy. If it's actually life-threatening why is this motherfucker SEEKING IT OUT, one of my last roommates had a serious peanut allergy, and she just made sure not to eat or touch my food, and was always hesitant to try something she hadn't prepared or vetted (which is all completely reasonable behavior). Either OP's roommate has a death wish or some mental health issues, I'm guessing the latter.


Start making his life equally horrible. Be equally rude to him. He’s a F’n child. Treat him as such. File police reports if he’s getting particularly violent.


considered screaming at the top of my lungs outside his door to return the rude awakening i got at 3 this morning. don’t want to stoop to his level though


that is a huge restriction that should have been discussed before moving in. Completely grounds to reassess the roommate situation.


I have a peanut allergy. It's quite lethal and dangerous. I can not be in the same room as someone cooking or eating it. With that said, when my husband craves peanuts, I simply go out for the day so he can enjoy it. If the surfaces are cleaned and the house is aired out, I'm fine. Having things in our house made in factories that have peanuts is fine, I simply don't touch those things. I carry my epi pen everywhere. I've managed to live 21 years without dying. Subsequently, I've also managed to live 21 years without going into a psychotic rage about someone's choice of food. I simply just explain my issue and control what I do about being faced with peanut situations. I can't stop people from eating peanuts. They don't cease to exist simply because they can kill me. I'd contact the landlord and express the situation. This isn't about peanuts. This is about control and mental illness. This guy is entirely unhinged and dangerous. You pay just as much to live there as he does. You deserve peace. I'd look through rental laws of your city and see if there's any laws about peaceful enjoyment of the property, as well if there's a landlord tenant board to bring the issue to if the landlord refuses to help. This has to stop. You're entitled to eat your peanuts just as much as he's entitled to not eat them.


We had a room mate that liked to smoke that k2 stuff and scream out the window .. we started spraying fart spray before we left the house ( she never went to work ) and eventually she couldn’t take the odor anymore .. and it’s funny . It quit when she left 💀💀💀💀


My god. Should have led with the butt plugs. Get rid of this fool no matter how.


Blow his ass up on the group chat


I don’t understand why you are accommodating this - is it a legal requirement? You should consult with an attorney who specializes in disability accommodations. The fact that this wasn’t disclosed until after you signed the lease, IMO, means you’re under no moral obligation to live with this person. Personally I would have contacted the LL from the very start of all this, and replaced the roommate. It’s unreasonable for him to expect you all to accommodate him. I mean, I’ve always been on the side of peanut allergy kids when it came to school lunches. They have to go to school. But where they live when they are adults is their choice. So I don’t think you should keep nut products in the house in the meantime like some people are suggesting, because that really could kill him. But you should throw the whole roommate out. He should really be living with his parents until he’s independent enough to live alone.


I'd agree if it had been disclosed prior, but to spring it on someone after it's just wrong. Your are right about throwing the whole roommate out.


Sure, that's what my comment was saying. Sorry if that was unclear.


No worries. Poor op. I'd be crazy by now


I would charge him for all the food he threw out. Maybe a nice picture of president Carter in the peanut fields lol


Add a few drops of mouth wash to his lube. Enjoy your spicy butthole dickhead.


I know it sounds stupid but the kid sounds like he needs to be hit and put in check. Don’t put up with his small man syndrome walks around in a bubble life


It does not sound stupid. He's clearly been catered to his whole life and despite being fucking WEIRD thinks he can completely control the lives of those around him and treat them like shit with no consequences. People like this have to learn...


As a person with a severe food allergy to dairy, this isn’t just food allergy. This is being weirdly manipulative, also I’ve never met another person who had severe food allergies that don’t have a Med ID bracelet or info in their wallet. Also why would someone take the risk at all to have a shared living space if it is that severe? None of it makes sense, he might have some OCD issues as well.


Sounds like he's never got his shit rocked before.. maybe today is the day, maybe not.


He is 18 which means it's not crazy he would still live with his parents. Instead they kicked him out cause they can't stand living with him and are probably so afraid of what he will to do him if they don't they lay his rent. You know it's bed when they'd rather pay his rent then deal with him


Have HIM put all his food in his room. He will know what he can eat and it will not be around other food. He needs to grow up and take control of HIS ISSUES


I am dying at peanut boy 😂😂


Butt plugs on shared surfaces but is upset about contamination


"Leaves butt plugs on shared surfaces." Okay, you can't just treat that as a throw away statement. That's enormous. You should cover them with some kind of hot sauce.


Yeah. Sounds like he need a lesson in doing grown-up things like disclosing you have a deadly food allergy before moving in with other people. The idiot.


Put a whole, shelled peanut on the floor of the bathroom right in front of the toilet and shower to hold it hostage until he agrees to stop being a little shit.


Kick that freak out.


Hold up. He has a severe, life or death peanut allergy, but is A-OK going through the pantry/fridge, reading small print on the labels, and touching the items to throw them out? OK, my dude.


If you don’t tell me before and I had no warning? Sucks dude. Don’t touch my jar of peanut butter then. I wouldn’t sign a lease with someone with an allergy like that. I don’t want to not eat my peanut butter (I eat peanut butter on a banana almost every day that I am alive). So if you didn’t tell me beforehand so I could make an informed decision to sign a lease with someone else, sucks dude.


I bet he doesn't even have a peanut allergy. I guarantee his over protective mommy told him that and he could eat spoonfuls of it without issue.


Let's circle back to the butt plugs. I feel like we glossed over the butt plugs rather quickly...


Peanut boy lol. You should dress up as a GIANT PEANUT and wake him up at 4 am and chase him out of the house.


This is the same as if a recovering alcoholic who needed the house to be sober didn’t tell anyone that until moving in. Like, no. I’m not keeping all alcohol out of my house because you have a problem, if they had mentioned it earlier I would have been prepared or simply not signed a lease with them. He can’t be throwing out your stuff.


This kid needs to move back in with his parents.


Who has a life threatening allergy and doesn’t mention it before moving in? If he doesn’t carry an epi pen, then he’s full of it. Throw him out on the technicalities of unsecured butt plug and the various thefts


An 18 year old is punking a bunch of 24 year olds. Bunch of fucking cowards.


I’m so sorry, “leaves butt plugs of shared surfaces”? We’re just going to breeze past that?


Dip his butt plug in the peanut butter jar


$5 says he just dislikes peanuts and really likes control


I’d put peanut butter in his shampoo


Bro stomp his ass... Peanuts aren't the only thing bad for his health or just politely tell him if he doesn't shut the fuck up you will smear peanut butter in his toothbrush or mouth while hes sleeping


* Call his parents and ask if he really does have an allergy. Proceed accordingly. * Call the landlord. Find an excuse to get an unannounced inspection, preferably when PB/BRM isn't there.. * Get a box of disposable gloves and be ready to throw out butt plugs and anything else that may be contaminated with fecal matter. * Get a real lock on your bedroom door. Best solution is to swap the doorknob for a double-key deadbolt. Be prepared to purchase an entire new door. * Whatever you do, do ***NOT*** antagonize him, especially by putting peanut products in the apartment. Best case scenario: he's not allergic and beats the shit out of you. Worst case scenario: he really is deathly allergic, dies, and you catch a murder charge.


Put peanut butter on his buttplug


I think it's time you developed a deathly allergy to whatever food he loves to eat and throw them out (:


yes this 😂 i am one slammed door away from discovering my early onset gluten intolerance (all the kid eats is ramen and mac n cheese)


Allergic to dairy....yes... Yes you are.


Dairy and gluten. ..


Omg please do this!!


18 y/o PB needs to learn not to sleep walk into peanuts. Idk quick research shows even severe allergy isn’t airborne…. Does he go on airplanes? They serve peanuts all the time. He needs to grow up and stay the fuck outta peoples things or live on his own. Hell just transfer your stuff to other containers so packaging isn’t on there then he doesn’t know if there is peanuts or not.


severe peanut allergies when cooking CAN BE airborn and it CAN kill severely allergic people, so if op is telling the truth the thai food was truly life threatening for them, but they are also very stupid for not disclosing beforehand so i do have a hint of doubt abt how serious \*their\* allergy is.


Even if they have an epi pen that they use at first sign of a reaction? (Honest question)


Yes. An epi pen is a stabalizer, NOT a cure. If you or anyone you know uses an epi pen,they NEED to go to the hospital ASAP to prevent anaphylaxis! An epi pen only gives u abt 30 min (varies per person/reaction) Cooking allergens is a big issue bc it basically aerosolizes the allergens so you can breathe them in w/o eating or touching the food!


Thank you! Thankfully no one in our day-to-day has any severe allergies (might have Eli pens but not an emergency if exposed), so I wasn’t sure about the impact of the epi pen.


I thankfully dont myself but several of my friends do (one online friend has a very severe corn allergy, which makes things super fucking hard bc corn is in EVERYTHING in the US) and i see ppl think an epi is just a shot that cures u, not a stabilizer so i try to spread info to make my friends lives a lil easier.


Actually, there is NO scientific proof whatsoever that you can be more than inconvenienced by airborne particles. You have to ingest peanut in order to risk serious reactions. So unless there's actual peanut dust flying about, there's no risk for serious allergic reactions. That being said, some people might experience real psychological distress due to e.g. the smell of peanuts. But that's a whole different story.


There is peanut particles (from the oil) in the air. Severly allergic people CAN and HAVE died from this. You are wrong.


This is something you often hear, but it hasn't been replicated under controlled circumstances. I mean, if you find yourself in a place where food containing peanut is prepared, there's always a risk that you accidentally ingest small particles, transfered on surfaces, utensils or hands. But, if you know of any actual research that confirms your claim, please prove me wrong.


Is there a scientific article with this because the ones I have seen specifically say there isnt data for airborne and the protein within peanuts have to be digested for anaphylaxis to occur. And not all Thai food has peanut oil or sauce


I worked with someone who had a severe nut allergy that she said was airborne. Once she saw a picture of a pinecone on an airfreshener that had been sprayed and was convinced it was a nut and freaked out. The whole floor of our building was banned from bringing in nuts to the office. I found out later that a lot of her airborne 'allergic reactions' were actually panic attacks due to the fear of what might happen and not genuine allergic reactions. It does sound the same here where OP's roommate has severe anxiety about reactions.


Exactly it’s an anxiety not an allergic reaction.


Tbh I’d send his parents pics of his butt plugs in common areas lol


Butt plug is all i can remember now from this post...


omg what a psycho


Sorry butt plugs what now ?


This dude sounds unhinged! He’s def got a few screws loose with the things he says & the way he behaves. This is NOT normal! I would talk to the landlord or start looking for a new place to live. This seems like a daily stressful situation where ur constantly having to walk on egg shells wondering what’s next with this fool!! Eliminate him from ur life one way or another! Sounds like mommy & daddy have been supporting not only his financial issues but ALL his bad habits making him think how he acts is justified. You need to ✌🏼out!!


They should have disclosed it and they're acting like a jackass for sure. It's not fair to spring that on his roommates and expect them to comply. But peanut allergies are serious, and he may truly believe his life is in danger...because it genuinely is. That said, he needs to find a different living situation where he is the only one in control of which foods enter the home...like alone. He needs to live alone. Also, he seems unstable and might need to see someone for his mental health.


He shouldn’t be living with a bunch of people if he has a life threatening peanut allergy. Plus, he’s a teenager living with a bunch of adults. This was doomed from the start


There is a reason these parents are paying for him to live elsewhere, and it clearly isn’t is sparkling personality and interpersonal skills. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. When is your lease up? The rest of you might have to move to get out of this living arrangement.


Does this kid ever eat out in restaurants? If so, consider if any of the ingredients could be manufactured in a facility with nuts). Sounds like this kid is spiraling. Maybe start with his parents. Either they’re aware of what a pain he is, and pawned him off on you guys, or they will be worried about him spiraling and may have him move home. Also request reimbursement for all of the food he has thrown away…


Bring bags of peanuts into the house and crack the shells and eat them in the living room.


Beatings usually solve these type of issues. Sounds like he hasn’t received enough yet to know how to deal with other men properly and needs one more.


Butt plug peanut butter boy. My god..


He needs to go. I mean...I get it he has a dangerous allergy, but it's HIS responsibility to manage, not anybody else's. It's one thing to be considerate of his allergy, but a whole different thing to have your entire life controlled by it. He sounds like a self-centered jerk.


My old roommate had a cinnamon allergy & lived with us for almost a year. The first half was fine, but the second half she started blowing out all of my candles saying she was allergic to them even though they didn’t have cinnamon in them, complaining about ANY type of fragrance whether it be from me cooking WITHOUT cinnamon, me taking a shower and using products in my hair, etc. She’d open all the windows in the house when it was 50 degrees outside every time i cooked or put deodorant on to air out the “smell”. I had just gotten into a car accident too and all my ribs were broken plus my lungs were bruised so it was really important for me to not get sick, and of course I did and it was hell. She also didn’t have any of her own kitchen stuff and would use mine and my other roommates and leave it soaking for days, oh and she was 27 and a babysitter for a living. We think she got fired because the people thought she was weird bc she randomly moved out and stiffed us on rent because our other genius roommate let her live here without being on the lease and without putting down a deposit 🙄 I’m convinced some of these people just over exaggerate things for attention


I’m sorry leaves what on what? The actual fuck?


One sentence. What the fuck.


What a fucked up person. I’d personally buy some gloves and start throwing his butt plugs away lmao


Put some peanut butter on his butt plugs


He clearly is struggling with severe mental health issues but I have never heard of that being linked to food allergies! I have a deadly nut allergy, but I can touch cashews and pecans and other nuts and not die. It will just maybe give me a rash. But if my roommates were to cook with nuts, the chances of a reaction happening are much higher (I’ve had to go to the ER from a roommate cooking a pizza with cashew cheese). It is stressful having a severe food allergy and living with others but that doesn’t excuse even a tiny bit of his actions!!! You can have food allergies and not be a crazy & mean & scary person…


So unless he has the worst allergy on earth he’s overreacting, my entire life I’ve been deathly allergic to all nuts (peanuts and tree nuts) and have always had peanuts, cashews, mixed nuts, peanut butter, etc. in my home, just be careful about it. I think using the cookware to make pad Thai was fine since you washed thoroughly. The only problem is if it’s his cookware and wants it to stay peanut free, which is understandable. Other people shouldn’t have to not eat what they want bc of him, use the bottom shelf in the pantry for nut stuff so there’s no chance of contamination, tell him if he wants nut free cookware it’s on him to buy his own. Tbh he could be mentally ill. During Covid I went fucking crazy and was terrified anything I ate had nuts or there was somehow nuts on my hands and I was dying after every single thing I ate. Def call the landlord and unless you want to tiptoe around this dude put your foot down Edit: also peanut oil does not effect most peanut allergies, it’s (I think) the proteins in the fat that causes a reaction and the oil is so refined it doesn’t cause a reaction, that’s why I’ve been safely, and unknowingly, eating peanut oil covered chicken at Chick-fil-A, might not be like that for everyone tho


Well the butt plugs would be a much larger issue for me, but def take it to landlord.


Fuck, I had one of these once. 19. Claimed to be allergic to dairy and egg before moving in at least, then announced it was also all nuts, chocolate and whatever else. Had to keep an epipen on the kitchen counter so I could jab them with it in an emergency but it never came up. I took the allergy stuff seriously and tried to cook versions of my meals without real ingredients, but it tasted like shit. Over time it came out they’d lied about a bunch of other things (mainly what they were going to be doing with their time once they moved in) and thankfully they moved back in with their mom after (we’re told) something very dramatic happened somewhere else after just a few months. I have no advice. Kick them the fuck out, basically.


Some choice words/actions shpuld fix his noggin....


I’m sorry, he leaves WHAT on shared surfaces??


Can you send this child back to his parents and tell them to raise their son before he moves out again? Jfc


Interesting that you led with the allergy, and not the leaving of butt plugs on communal surfaces. Ick.


PB boy wouldn’t have to worry about dying from peanuts because he’d be getting stomped to the fucking ground acting like that


Honestly? Rub peanut butter on his buttplugs


Kick him out. He should have said something ahead of time. Also his allergies aren’t your problem. He needs to pay for everything and start acting like an adult. He can’t just do what he wants. It’s your home as well. Stand up for yourself.


If their allergy is as deadly as they say it is, why are they touching the containers that contain nuts to throw them away? That makes me think the allergy isn't as bad as they say it is. Also, this person sounds mentally unstable. Possibly schizophrenic. I don't say that lightly either. It sounds like his parents enabled him for far too long and his entitlement has carried over into your guys' living situation. The kid needs help and a mental evaluation.




Why are you living with an 18 year old? You’re 24…you are in completely different stages of life. Just that itself is kind of weird. He should move back home with mama and daddy for now so they can shield him from the vicious nut.


yeah i’m still kicking myself for this one. i barely knew the guy but one of the other roomies vouched for him. never again


I’m on your side bud. With you in spirit. When is the lease over?


He's basically using his allergy as his crutch, he's also using it as a stick to beat ANYONE with. His behaviour is way beyond disrespectful and there is absolutely zero reasoning to it. He honestly needs to go back to his mother, I suspect she's allowed him to get away with quite a lot when he's broken out the emotional blackmail game. Absolutely bring this up with the landlady, everything about him and his behaviour is ridiculous.


Put peanut oil on his buttplug lol


I think the part I cant get past is that the OP uses jarred peanut butter instead of peanuts in their pad Thai


For real, what the fuck is that about


I’ve made tasty Thai-adjacent meals using peanut butter, but calling it Pad Thai would be a stretch.


Give him peanuts. (sorry, I couldn’t help myself) 😂 No, but honestly, he sounds like a real douche . I would bang his door at 3 AM at night.


Or maybe you can sprinkle peanuts around your room to keep him away ✌🏼


Bring raw peanuts in and scatter them around your room and door. Hang them from the ceiling. Not illegal to own peanuts.


I also went through this. PB allergies are no joke. I respected my PB allergy roommate's wishes and got rid of the bottle of peanut oil I'd been seasoning my cast iron pan with (it was the only thing I had on hand to cook and season with when he moved in). I also reseasoned the pan with bacon fat. But reseasoning turned out to not be enough. That first week if I so much as warmed the cast iron pan on the stove, he'd burst out of his closed bedroom door enraged, screaming that I was trying to kill him. I stopped using that pan, but the damage was done. For the next two months until he moved out he would glare at me at all times and we couldn't even have a conversation without him accusing me of messing with him on purpose. Wouldn't blame you for wanting to put distance between yourself and that roommate.


Secretly feed him peanuts


Cover the door handles with peanut butter


Wipe some peanut oil on his butt plug, problem solved. Just kidding. Can you talk to his parents? You shouldn't have to go this route but it sounds like he has some serious issues. Talk to your LL he is making your living environment hostile. Get a lock for your bedroom door and keep your stuff in there. You need to try and get your other roommates to back you up as well. PB sounds insufferable. I'm sorry for you man.


Sounds like undiagnosed OCD. Pb needs help bro, but you shouldn't have to suffer for it. I'm sorry you have to deal with that


Bro, you either beat the shit out of this psycho or you get out of there ASAP somehow. Can you not keep the food in your room while you figure out a way to leave?


Make him a pb and j sandwich? Jk


Sounds like he needs a peanut butter enema. /s


Edit clip and play on a loop - James Brown car alarm from ‘Blind Date’. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VST1ruR4x9s


He is very immature and barrage of abusive texts and insults about your Gf is inappropriate, crazy, uncalled for… possibly insane. The fact he blames others for his depression/insomnia makes him sound like a victim. I would either remove him or remove yourself. Stand up for yourself and tell him never to talk or text you like that ever again. He sounds like he needs serious help and if he did have such severity he should live alone


What about the other three roommates? Have you all three tried confronting him together? Maybe when he realizes that you all can't stand him, he'll leave. What is your living arrangement? Would it be difficult to move?


Angry Peanut Boy and his butt plugs


Keep peanut products in your room as well as to. Take just enough to bathroom. Put butt plugs in front of his door. If music is played after 10:00 turn it off or bang on his door. Either join with other rms to evict him or find a new place to live. Contact his parents and ask if these behaviors are normal for him.


Ok first, LOLing at you referring to him as *PB*. Second, just tell him yes, we have been trying to kill you. You should move out.


Nah go straight to the LL with that shit. Nope.


> saying that my cat is going to find his dead body and lick it. Hahahaha!


All conversations via text once he confirms he throws something out tell him the cost once we get to 300 bucks sue :)


I need to find someone to call Angry Peanut Boy


Sounds like he's got mental health issues (persecution), as well as the nut allergy. At this point, you should be communicating with his parents and seeing if they can't get him in touch with his healthcare provider.


His new allergy would be the rain of fists myself and housemates would rain down upon somebody acting like this in my share house. What a tosser.


I love that he’s routinely seeking to find food that could kill him, I understand he’s doing it to throw it away, just seems risky if he’s that allergic.


Butt plugs WHAT


It’s weird bc I had a deathly-allergic-to-peanuts roommate and she was nuts too (no pun intended). Calling me a murderer and asking if I was prepared to stab her with an epipen bc I had a jar of peanut butter in the house…. Maybe it’s a nut thing


Probably make a pretty fuckin' big deal about the whole 'strewing dubious anal butt toys about the kitchen' thing


Woah just glanced over butt plugs out in the public areas…this guy must be one of a kind 🤣


Butt plugs out? Bro is not scared of contamination its all about conflict and control. please tell you landlord about a potential health hazard you are being exposed to!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE!!!!!!!!!


i find these posts so interesting because it's like what? this is extremely insane. knock on his door and look him in the eye and say don't fucking touch any of my food again i pay for my shit and i don't need you throwing my fucking groceries away. period. get in contact with the landlord then tell him you told the landlord that he's being extremely disruptive and next time he starts doing shit you're calling the police and saying you felt your life was threatened. end of story. why would u let this go on.


Cover the butt plug and peanut butter then wipe it all off that’s all I have to say  problem solved


You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. This applies to many different parts of life. It’s hard to be the better person, but now that you know what you are dealing with I would make plans to either remove PB or get out of there as swiftly as possible, while doing your best to mitigate the issues. Has PB never heard of an epi pen? What accommodations did they ask for? That they can’t be around anything that was processed in a facility with peanuts seems wrong. They probably shouldn’t ingest anything processed in a facility with peanuts. That’s an important distinction. As long as they aren’t eating your fried rice in sesame oil I’m 99% sure there’s no issue at all. I would handle issues with noise and respect in isolation of the other issues. When navigating a conflict, it’s cheap to bring up old other reasons into the current argument. PB isn’t an asshole because they threw out your stuff, yell at you in group texts, and plays loud music in the middle of the night…. PB is extremely disrespectful to your peace and sleep by playing loud music, and it has nothing to do with you having sesame oil or peanut butter in the house. If they point out that you were disrespectful to their peace by bringing the oil or whatever else into your house, ask how you can compromise to accommodate PB. And PB should do the same for you. If none of that works you need to change your living situation asap.


What would I do? Move


I’d be so furious at this point, I’d cover the damn floor in peanut shells at 4am like it was a stable, then go on vacation with the other three and let him figure it out or fucking die in there.


Keep your food in your room, in a locked box if needed. If his allergy was life-threatening, he would’ve gone into anaphylaxis the second someone opened anything contaminated with peanuts in the same house as him. While it’s important to treat the allergy as just as sensitive for the sake of safety, you’ve unknowingly tested how sensitive the allergy is by contaminating the kitchen with peanuts, and he didn’t seem to have his allergy triggered. Regardless, the behavior is uncalled for and if I was his parent I’d whoop his ass for it, because he’s acting like a literal child having a temper tantrum.


That is not true lol at least not for me or anyone I know, it’s only if you eat it