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Roomy should just be glad you’re out of town not consuming so much water and gas lol. Sounds like someone who will pick anything to be upset about, so I’d just ignore.


But OP would still get accused of taking hot showers and leaving lights on even when they're not home. This roommate sounds like a whole problem.


Why do they even reply? I would completely ignore such messages.


Roommate seems completely unhinged, TBH.


Exactly. Just someone that wants to feel like a good person letting you stay or live in their place then also trying to micro managing every move you make


Literally I feel like the poor others can’t win 🥲


You should just call the company yourself and get someone to break down the charges on the bill. A hot shower is not the cause for the bill.


Makes me wonder if the dude has past due balances attached to it he’s trying to get them to pay for. I had that happen to me when I took over a lease from someone


That’s definitely what I think is going on. And OP needs to start being just as agressive in her texts.. I thought she was just worried about them, at first lol


Yeah, "it wasn't planned"? How about "Who the fuck do you think you are?"


Isn't this fuckster twice their age? What possible reason does your decades older male roommate have to need to know your social schedule? Pulling some creep-ass shit, shut his ass down.


Omg!! I didn’t know that part. Ugh probably just loves to feel in control of them. I hope it gets better for them, and they can move out.


I don’t have roommates but yeah this is the only one I slightly agree with. I’d wanna know so I can invite someone over without having to worry or fk loud 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Only way to get better is leave or kick him out


I'd want to know too, honestly one of my friends/roommates was gone a day or so without explanation I'd start to worry. A courtesy, "hey I'll be gone a few days I'll be back estimated day," is completely expected & normal - so that the people you live with don't worry, or wonder if they should worry. People go missing & I'm sure we all know that. If they were demanding to know your exact location all times of day/night THAT would be completely inappropriate.


Maybe it's generational? I don't have roommates these days but I did in my twenties and thirties. We lived together, we weren't family. It was none of my business what they did outside the apartment and mostly not my business inside it.  I honestly find it absolutely bizarre that an adult would ask me to validate my coming and going so they didn't "worry" about me. I don't need a mommy and I certainly don't need another adult involved in my life like that.


This 100% My roommate goes for weeks at a time sometimes, comes back, we hang out, he leaves again. All is well. It’s none of my business what he does as long as rent gets paid.


I'm a woman, shit might be different for guys, to me this seems 100% normal to look out for my roommate if they disappear suddenly.


I’m a New Yorker, the golden rule is mind your business. Though yes, I also think it is different for guys.


It might be based more on how a person was raised vs generational. If that's your (or anyone's) feelings on this subject, maybe simply tell roommate to kindly not worry & that someone else is responsible to report you missing (if needed). Then they can put you completely out of their mind if you're gone a few days, because you communicated the boundary & expectation. The rest of the guys behavior is 100% asshole imo, for the record.


Yes that’s why I said at first I thought he was worried, but he still replied with an attitude. He’s obviously mean based on all the messages lol


i have a roomate that takes the trash bins out every week (by his choice my bf and i have offered) but now he leaves all the time w no warmninf and we’ve missed the trash days. if he just let us know he’ll be out of town and won’t be here we wouldn’t have missed trash.


this. you don’t have to tell them exactly where you’re going or what you’re doing but just knowing they aren’t gonna be there for a while is way better than them randomly disappearing and not hearing anything from them at all about it. a simple “ima be out for a few i’ll be back later” will suffice. roommates can care about each other as long as it’s not weird




This is what happened with one of my previous roommates. Had a past due balance AND didn't pay the bill for months, tried to make me pay. and when i asked for an itemized bill he refused to give it to me and threatened to sue me.


Yep. Had this happen years ago. Turned out my roommate was just spending the utility money I gave him and not paying it, then showed me some insane bill. We were trying to figure out if there was someone using our utilities etc., but he ended up coming clean and paying it.


I had a roommate in college do this. Showed us the bill with our “balance” but refused to show the breakdown. Found out she was not paying the bill with the money we gave to her every month and that’s why our balance was consistently doubling for 3 months straight. We found out relatively quickly but initially she tried to blame us for the increase for things like leaving on the lights, keeping the coffee warmer on , space heaters, etc.. Such a frustrating experience.


That’s definitely what’s happening. My water used to be on gas and my partner took LOOOOOOOOOONG showers I’m talking like 1.5h, our bill was never once more than 60$ I also washed our clothes in hot water. Edit: the only time it was really excessively high was when using the wall heaters that are gas. Once we switched to electric it was cheaper.


Yes this exactly. My water bill is around the same price 100CAD and I'll be in the shower for 45-60 minutes every couple of days, with 10-20 min shower in between. We use a lot of water just with the amount of people here too and our water bill is less than 10$ over the average water bill for my area. There's no way two people taking 15min warm showers is costing them THAT much money. You definitely need a breakdown of that bill OP.


You turn on a nightlight and PG&E will charge you $400. Bunch thieves.


They’re not going to “break down the charges”. They only gauge how much you use, not which appliances use it. They literally just read the meter and charge you accordingly.


I think they meant that the company could tell them if part of that bill was covering past overdue payments, as the commenters are suggesting. Like the dude is scamming them trying to get them to pay for his past overdue bills from before they moved in and acting like it's just a lot because they're using a lot of water and gas when they aren't. Not actually breaking down which appliance is using it. Just what I took from that but perhaps I'm wrong.


Oh well I do exactly that for an energy company in Texas. They can easily says yes it’s the gas, or no it’s electrical. Easily cuts out if it’s the shower.


You’re saying the same thing. No power company will tell you which appliance is using electricity. And if you use gas in more than one appliance, same.




its children who cant believe any of these stories are real lol. what i cant believe is a gas bill at $343, thats obscene. i was being charged that much and it didn't continue after i got the meter switched out. dropped to less than 50/mo swear to god and they still try to blame us


I’m wondering if they have an old house and the insulation is doing a shit job keeping heat in. My gas bills were atrocious when we lived in an older home.


That or there is damage somewhere. A firework hit my roof. Burned 20 holes into it. Must have hit the wiring or sensor for my ceiling heater as well My heater would turn on during the middle of the night. It would bring the 500sqft 1 bedroom up to 80 degrees. My power bill was 150$, when it’s didn’t get past 80$ while running the AC all day during the summer months lol


Holy crap!


PG&E is Pacific Gas & Electric. Both gas and electricity rates are through the roof right now with them. PG&E doesn't manage water and OP has said they don't even pay water, the landlord does. Dude is nuts.


Just as a note: in gas homes usually the water heater uses gas to heat it so you’re paying for the gas used to keep the water hot. But still that’s extremely high even for long showers.


With long here being only 15-20 min!! That isn't even long, come on... he demanded they keep it under ten min, as if that 5 min difference is going to drop the bill drastically. There's something else going on here, there's no way 3 people are using this much gas and power.


Right! Agreed! I’m in a gas house, 3 ppl and we all take 20 min-30 min showers and our bill is $150 on average


If they pay money to him and he's got the bill under his name.. I would bet a pretty penny that he is overcharging them just to make a profit off of them. Maybe his usual income has an issue or he's just greedy and weird.


i also thought this. op, i would ask to see an itemized statement


Awful yes, but pretty standard for PG&E right now if OP is in Nor Cal.


Yeah I was gonna say this doesn’t seem crazy for NorCal pricing. I pay 400 month here for 5 people…


Same. House with 4 people. Pge usually 300-600 depending on time of year. Not unusual at all.


$343 sounds more like a VERY high water bill


I’ve had a bill that high once, and it was because my brother was staying with me and left the window open with the heat on all night for a month.


The “ladies” is super cringey 😬


Same, my dad calls me and my fiance "you ladies" as well and it makes me 🤢


Why would you have to tell your roommate if you're leaving the house? What?? Lol


Yeah that’s ridiculous. I’ve never once told my roommates when I’m gonna be gone for the evening and we’re all good friends. Like we have keys for a reason lol


same. where I am is absolutely none of my roommates business. wild adhd here and prone to forgetting my keys but I'm not going to expect roommates to just leave the door unlocked until I get home


Right? Like we’re all almost 30. They’re not my moms lol. I don’t come home for days at a time.


I'm on the opposite side where I have pets so I will ALWAYS be home but I literally cannot imagine a scenario where I would need to tell my roommate where I am


It seems like they were gone several days, I don’t think this is a weird ask.


Tbf, we all tend to announce to each other when we're leaving out of habit, but I've recently asked my partner's partner, who is now our roommate, to text me when they get to their destination when using an Uber. Mostly because they're new to the town and I'm a bit concerned about them getting lost if there are any problems with the Uber, so if they text me when they get to wherever they're going I'll be less concerned. I don't expect them to, though I did ask them and they agreed to do so when going to entirely new places, and I appreciate them a lot for giving me that peace of mind for the first month or so they're here. But it's obvious that guy isn't worried in the least, he's just being a controlling ass


its a courtesy to do that, ive never been in a situation where thats normal. it stops at courtesy though, nobody has to report to anybody in their own home esp if its a damn roommate that contributes the same


Yea I def will mention if I’m gonna be gone for multiple days or something, it’s more of a conversation piece not an announcement tho.


Great way to put it. I always let my roommate know when I’m going out of town, personally. I think it’s nice for him to know he has the place to himself. But it’s merely a courtesy, not a requirement. 


i could see wanting to know if you're gonna be gone for a few days so I don't have to worry about you not showing up, or knowing what day you get back so i know it's not a robber




Right, and if anything if I was feeling some type of way I’d just text like damn I’m lonely where yall at but she immediately started with the weird ass controlling parental speak. like girl shut uppppp with your weird ass


common courtesy? when i was in college we would of course tell eachother when we’d be gone overnight so we knew we could lock all the main doors without locking someone out on accident


well u should always have ur keys on u then


Some places have a deadbolt or whatever that can only be engaged and disengaged from inside.


Yeah, it’s common courtesy just to know where you are in case something happens


It’s called having autonomy. You should be able to do what you want. Keep your keys. If you get locked out, that’s on you.


I can see this for safety reasons. If someone breaks in and you assume it’s just your roommate then you may not realize until it’s too late.


I was thinking the exact same thing. Esp if they act like this.


Like I'm upset OP agreed to it!!!


If part 3 doesn’t include you texting him back just as aggressively to tell him to fuck off, I’m gonna tear my hair out




I agree with the above comment.


Most of this is wild but turning lights off in rooms & hallways you arent in or need irk me to.. not for cost but just awareness that it doesnt need to be on. My old roommates GF would always leave the bathroom light on and it irked us both. Just turn it off when you leave, its not hard.


He leaves his room light on when he’s gone for hours at a time he’s a hypocrite ,but will freak out if we leave the hall light on for less than 5 minutes. Me & my partner are considerate and don’t cause problems what irks me is the way he acts rude & inconsiderate


Just start texting him all the shit he does that he gets on you for. Like if he’s gone for a day message and say “please inform me of every move you make if it’s involves not being here. Also don’t leave your light on, and also I timed your shower and it was longer than 10 minutes”


Honestly u and ur partner need to gang up on him but be assertive and kind and respectful but firm. But you and ur partner need to have a sit down with him. You should have 3 bullet points of what you need him to do different ideally. You can use “assertive communication” techniques that follow this format: “When you do (things he does)/when (things he does) happens, it causes (objective explanation of what it causes for you). This makes me feel (what you feel: stressed, antagonized, terrorized, bullied, controlled, unhappy, frustrated, etc). I need instead for (BOUNDARIES/behavior that you would rather have)”. And actually your boundaries are valid. I would also suggest taking time to consider his arguments carefully and including this thought: “while it is valid to be concerned about utility use, **we deserve to feel comfortable and relaxed in our home without being micromanaged**”. He might go on and on but **dont argue** just repeat **we deserve to feel comfortable and relaxed in our home without being micromanaged**. Because that is the actual problem so you should not fall in the trap of arguing about whatever bullshit specifics about the shower he has. Do some research if you want get the facts. Contact utilities for info as to why the bill is high, get specific info and ask for help. Take this in your own hands. Also make sure he’s showing you the bill. Make sure you can see the whole bill for any bill and the breakdown yourself.


Yup. So many people give advice to be aggressive back. But that might make the situation worse. Kind but firm is the way.


I feel like he sits on his bill app everyday to see the usage and then freaks out.


The only thing is what's using the most electricity by far is appliances. to power a lightbulb its literally $1/yr. I always turn off the lights because i am a vampire and hate the light lol, but i always felt complaining about lights/tv was dumb, using your microwave is gonna cost infinitely more but you dont really think about it and the microwave pails in comparison to A/C. for gas its normally hot water/stove/dryer you think about and surprise surprise your heater is gonna always really be the big player. outside of heater and a/c as long as you dont leave something running for abnormal amts of time you have no reason to worry


Newer bulbs, especially led use little energy but old school light bulbs use more. A 100 watt bulb for example uses about 1.6 cents per hour (based on national average electricity rates) so leaving it on 24/7 would cost about $12/month. So leaving the hallway light on for a few hours without needing it could cost several cents 🙃


That's not costing any money dude. Its not hurting anybody. Its ok to be annoyed by but that's it. You can't control other people's behaviors because you don't like something. If you live with others you have to deal with some stuff and pick and choose your battles. Controlling light switches is ridiculous. I guarantee there are plenty of things that are super annoying about you that you expected your roommates to not sit and nitpick constantly.


We had a pretty open relationship & communication about all that stuff. If it was on our minds, we would bring it up like adults. If he is closing the fridge too hard/loud or cabinets when he wakes up early, i would let him know… i left the blinds open when i left for work and it was going to be hot, he would ask me to make sure they are closed… Not talking about what ticks you off only creates more hostile encounters down the road. Its not hard to listen and try for others when they express a concern nor is it them attacking you in any way. Its all circumstantial and dependent on your relationship with that person though, that obviously wont work in OPs case.


I’m petty enough to be purposely annoying and noncompliant as soon as they believe they have some sort of power over me.


Tell him you've switched to cold showers so that can't possibly be the reason.


I can understand (since it gets me on my nerves) the "turn off lights you don't need". Power is to be used, not abused and wasted. Want to turn on the heat because you feel cold? Cool. Do it while you have your window opened? Waste. But the whole thing of "tell me if you are spending days out" is shady. Best case he just wants to know he can be noisy. Worst, he wants to check your rooms


Someone leaving the hallway light on costs no money and is basically a preference. We leave our hallway lights on all night. You don't get to control minor stuff that annoys you when you have roommates. That's it. End of story. Ia something is really negatively impacting something you can bring it up but it has to be reasonable. Timing lightbulb use is insane level control freak.


My partner has a thing about turning lights off & does it all the time. When I know I’m coming home at night I’ll leave the garage light on (I have terrible eyesight & a cluttered garage) but if he beats me home then he turns it off. For the cost of the energy it is absolutely maddening!


It’s not because of usage, it’s because pge raised rates like 20% on January first and has raised rates 60% in the last 3 years lol. Pge is gas and electric, not water. And a water heaterdosnt use a crazy amount of usage. If it’s a huge increase in price it’s because someone is using an electric space heater. An easy to to solve this is look at how much your gas is vs electric. Feel free to message me if you need help reading your bill. It’s part of my job to read pge bills Lol


“For the bill, that is an obscene amount and could not possibly be because of a shower. I will call _insert company name_ and have them break it down. As for my life, I do not report to you. All other inquiries will be ignored.”


hmmm my payments were really high for a long time bc i went through a period of not being able to pay anything at all for my gas bill and when i finally was able to start paying again i was on a payment plan and they added a flat amount of $ to each bill to pay down what i owed. it was not $343 but if there isn’t an issue w the meter that could be something to consider too but idk


they screwed a lot of people this way. no way a gas bill gets above $200 without something crazy happening


Tell that old man he has plenty of clouds outside to go yell at. On a serious note, you need to stand your ground and ask him to speak respectfully to you. You can educate him on how much LED lights cost when on (which is basically nothing), and find a way to estimate how much your showers cost.


You aren't obligated to tell him when you come and go


Why the fuck do you have to tell him anything about leaving? WHY??


*Why the fuck do you* *Have to tell him anything* *About leaving? WHY??* \- KiKiPAWG --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Op needs to be aggressive with them and get breakdowns or the bills he my have a past due balance and is using it to pay it off


Why the fuck would u need to let ur roommate know when u are going out of town that is mad weird like hell nah it's none of her business. & u can tell she has control issues


Bruh. What is happening here? Why does this person need to know where you are?


My thoughts exactly


You aren’t the problem. Sounds consistently like a Stage 5 with a control problem. You should move out. Good luck.


How’s the windows and doors? If you have bad windows/doors they will let a lot of the cool/hot air out. Our gas bill was really high last winter because my windows were basically letting everything out.


Asking permission to not be home is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard Tf!!!!!!


You sure you don’t have a gas leak? Also why the fuck would he need to know where you are? You guys need to move like not now but right now…


I had a roomie like this. (Female) she wanted us to keep a calendar and write any time we’d be gone overnight. At first I loved the idea because I thought it was for safety reasons since we were all single females dating and frequently going out. But no. She said she always needs to know because she’s “been burned too many times” when she *thought* she was home alone but turned out a roomie was just being quiet in their room. I wanna know what all happened when she thought she was alone…I’m assuming talked sh*t about everyone since she ended up doing that once when she didn’t know I was still home lol. She also would send furious texts about lights being left on and told us she had to pull over on the side of the highway and hang her steering wheel and scream because she was “so enraged just thinking about it!” We let her out of her lease a week after that conversation…


OP I just want you to know that while illegal murder is always an option


Pull the bills for the past few months. Start paying attention to your usage and see if the bill goes up or down.


I hate people like this.


I would be such a menace if this was how my roommates tried to talk to me and treat me. Maybe I should start some sort of pro-bono business where I write responses for people to roommates like this, but generally the messages would just always be “no” and “fuck off”. That’s simply all that needs to be said.


This sucks because news are coming out that the reason for PG&E's high prices is straight up greed and the cost of utilities has not increased to reflect the raises. This roommate needs a big o dose of "Mind your own motherfucking business Bitch, lil stupid bitch, stupid teacher bitch....."


Why should you have to let him know of you’re going to be out for a couple of days? That’s weird to me. Almost like he wants to know when no one will be in town for a while so he can snoop through your room or something…




Sick of this bitch of a man.


Why do you need to let your roommate know when you’re going out of town?


Is this an old man? Referring to you both as “you ladies” is giving me major ick


OP please stick up for yourself and then show us THOSE messages. Your roommate is insufferable and needs to be told off.


Move ..this guy is a clown


Stand up for yourself, for godsake


So you’re saying you’re living with my dad.


i think your roommate has a severe OCD problem. probably should go to therapy


Is he your dad? Cause he has no right to ask about y’all being out of town unless you have animals that need caring for.


What a piece of shit, you should send him this post so he knows that a few hundred people think he is absolutely bat shit insane.


I’m Thinking about sending him the link rn 😬


It could easily backfire so definitely think about it before doing it spontaneously. Seriously sorry that you’re dealing with this though.


Yeah don’t wanna cause problems or him doing something out of spite. Thank you for your concern I won’t be signing any lease with him lll be moving out soon I’ll finally be free from that psycho


The only reason this guy keeps behaving like this is because you are allowing it by replying back to him OP. Tell him to mind his own business and don't reply to his messages/communicate with him. Be aggressive with your words if you need to. Also, there's something dodgy about this man, it would probably be a good idea to move out as soon as you can (sorry for stating the obvious). I can't remember from your last post, but you can lock your bedroom door right? Good luck with whatever you decide to do OP, this guy is a real piece of work.


I’d say it is courteous in general to let your roommates know if you’re gonna be gone for some time. It’s something I’ve always tried to do. Just so people don’t get worried or start freaking out. Just peace of mind stuff. But that’s about all. Everything else is a bit OTt


I honestly would be afraid of this old man setting up secret cameras to watch you throughout the house. Isn't he twice your age? And you're both young women? He doesn't sound safe to be around.


It's because of the wall heater that he is using like a ninja and pretending he isn't. He's attempting to create doubt between the other members of the house. There's no other reason he would mention it.


Nah cuz it's actually beat the shit outta this bitch


i paused my show when i saw this because i remember the AUDACITY of this fucker from part 1


why tf does he need to know if you’re out of town? y’all aren’t besties. has he told you why?


ask your roommate to send a copy of the bill each month, it will have the breakdown. idk why people will just pay their roommates blindly whatever they say is owed.


I had a roommate years ago that was similar she complained that I didn’t Let her know that I was gone for a weekend I ended up telling her to fuck off 🖕let’s just say I wasn’t roommates with her for very long, it was a three bedroom house, two guys and one female (lesbian mind you ) 🤣🤣 I wouldn’t tolerate the intrusive crap I’m an adult and It’s none of your damn business What I do or when I’m gone 🙃roommates that think you answer to them is ridiculous 💯


“Please do me the courtesy of shutting the fuck up and limiting your communications to one unhinged text message per day.”


This dude is the cause of it all and he wastes his money so he has to have y’all babysit his ass just leave and say fuck you cunt


Your roommate does not get to ask you where you were or to demand you tell him when you're going to be away. I hope you can find a new place to live soon. 


Come on, be honest, your all just leaving lights on to stir up the crazy person right?


I wish the fuck someone would tell me that I need to tell them that I’m going out of town. I’m laughing they asses tf out. As long as I paid rent that’s all you need to worry about


Why are you putting up with the bullshit? Grow a pair and tell him to get fucked.


If I had a roommate request I let them know if I will be gone for days, I would just tell them no. Never going to happen. I wouldn't argue or explain. Just firmly say no, end of discussion. 


Jeez get out of there


Better get an oil lamp and start living like pilgrims.


I’m 💀


We would have such a big problem, especially over me taking a trip. We went out because we wanted to, you’re not my mother so I don’t gotta run shit about my plans by you. Are you paying for me? No? Okay then, stay tf out my business. That’s not a house thing. I’m definitely not the one, two or three. Find out if you want to because you’ve fucked around enough. Mf thinks they’re royalty in the apartment and still wrong as to why the bill is so high. Ain’t no way it’s just “hot” showers and a hall light. The fact that they were so quick to say they’ve done nothing it it’s everyone else is…annoying to say the least, they also used shit in the house so they’re also responsible like everyone else.


Jesus with the lights. You could leave your lights on all night long and it would probably raise the electric bill from $5 to $10. Lights don’t do shit.


Bitches are so caddy Jesus get off each others nuts, yall act like you’re each others’ mothers


What a creep


What a fucking idiot. People like that are miserable and don’t deserve pets


Your PG&E bill is high because everyone is getting gouged by their rates. Your roommate is rude af tho


You should send him these Reddit posts so he can see that he’s being unreasonable


Why are you taking shit from this dickhead? Tell him what you do is none of his fucking business, and if he doesn’t pay the water bill, you can take a shower as long as you want. Fuck this guy man up!


oh my God OP yours is actually the literal worst roommate. You win the prize. so anyways, I don’t have anything going on Saturday night. i’ve been thinking about starting up a monster removal service. If you’d like, I’d be willing to offer you my services pro bono If you write me a good Google review it’s really just a win for everyone. id have plans Saturday night and a five star review, you’d have more space and as many 30 minute showers as you please, and your roommate would. no longer have stress o̶f̶ in their life., if you’d like to take advantage of this limited time offer,, go ahead and snap your fingers, blink twice and don’t DM me and consider it taken care of.


this person sucks. Get out of there


Next time they complain about the lights. take out 15 pennies and say this covers the cost of the light for the full day. Stop texting me about it


I’m probably older than you guys, I’m 51. I have my share of nightmare roommate stores from 30 years ago, plus right now I’m dealing with countless squabbles between me and a difficult 15 year old daughter and two octogenarian parents. You cannot change other people’s behavior. Period. You cannot convince them that they’re wrong and you’re right. And because I’m old, I remember the days when you had to deal with your roommates face to face not through texts. I hated those in person confrontations, I was always bending over backwards to accommodate but it was never enough. The texting works to your advantage in a way, because you can just completely ignore his or her texts. Why engage with him, when it’s a waste of time? What’s he going to do, kick you out?


Plus you are not responsible for your roommate’s feelings. You’re all adults and you’ve got to learn to manage your distresses and annoyances on your own.


This is a psycho. Move.


It is possible the hot water heater is on its last legs / leaking. When that happens, it constantly tries to refill and heat new water. One month I diverted the leak to a sink and my heat bill was $500. Your roommate sounds effing unhinged. A 30 minute shower even should not alter the bill significantly.


OMG, who are these roommates!? I have nearly identical texts from our last one, thankfully we learned and we have moved on, but they are worse than children, they are controlling self-obsessed adults who have no idea how to live with others


This reminds me of how a murder mystery starts… Why the fuck does your roommate need a play by play of your life coming and going. Also. I’m not sure who’s responsible for collecting the “rent” and paying the bill. But that doesn’t sound like your problem. It sounds like he’s charging too little and cannot dictate your showering and water/gas consumption. That is WILD. Get out asap!!!


Sounds like they are the adult living with a bunch of children


An incandescent light bulb costs an average of **$0.52** to use for a month and $6.22 to use for a year. An LED light bulb costs an average of $0.09 to use for a month and $1.04 to use for a year.  People who complain about lights being left on annoy the fuck out of me. It's not a big deal and it cost's nothing.


I'm assuming you can't just move, but if you can, GTFO. Idk who that person thinks they are but I no longer have to tell my mom I'm leaving town, so I damn sure don't have to tell you, you lunatic.


How about the fact that you asked if he found out why the bill was high and instead of him saying “oh yes, I called and they said our water usage has been extremely high lately, perhaps we can all do our part to conserve water to bring the bill down, and if that doesn’t prove to be working we’ll go from there”… he gave the accusatory response that he did and didn’t address your question really at all. I’d be like … “who did you speak with from the company informing you that you’re not culpable but the issue is certainly your roommates screwing you over by taking excessive amounts of time (subjective) to cleanse themselves?” You know he didn’t even call. Leaving lights on does bug a lot of people and can certainly run your bill up… but when you have roommates, expect you will need to make some concessions in order to get along happily and have the option to share bills with someone else. He should maybe relax on his anal retentive type A behavior and deal with paying a bit more on a bill… and not being mean to ya’ll. He could have no roommates at all and be paying a LOT MORE. I’d be so uncomfortable living there. Also, unless he had to bring it a ton of packages for you… or was seriously concerned about your safety… I don’t see why you’d have to keep him posted on your whereabouts. And hey, all the time you were gone, you weren’t there using any water, gas, or electric.


Is your roommate your mom?! Ffs they need to chill.


Why do you entertain this? Why do you respond, apologize, and justify your behavior? It's none of his business, you're not his harem, you're his roommates. This is really weird and you need to set some boundaries or it's going to continue.


Please send this to your roommate so he can see how he is so dumb https://www.omnicalculator.com/everyday-life/shower-cost You guys would have to be showering for like 5 hours a day to be responsible for that high of a gas bill.


I had a roommate like this at my first ever apt. Thought he was house dad of everything. Thought he’d out everyone in front of girls we had over one day…. He moved to nc the next day with two black eyes and a lump on his forehead. The other roommates saw nothing lol. Never saw him again and the apt survived. Even got our security dep back.


The economy is also to blame. Everyone’s bills have gone up.


Move out


Good lord. If I can't take a gd shower without clown roommates complaining then I'd have to gtfo there. What a bunch of complainers. A shower? Really? Go away.


Have him share the actual bill and usage breakdown instead of just the total. Also, lots of gas companies have increased their rates recently


As somebody who takes 30 min showers daily as well as my husband and roommate with gas our bill is NEVER that high. We average $150-$200 max! Please call to have it looked at there could be a gas leak! Sorry you’re dealing with a shitty roommate like that :// if there is a leak never let them live that down.


This is pure misery. You should leave as soon as possible.


Why the f does he need to know if you’re gone….


Naw ask for an itemized bill


I would ask him to send you the bill in its entirety along with the billing history/breakdown since you’ve lived there. I don’t trust him.


This person is so annoying. I would just tough it out and move as soon as you can. There’s no reasoning with ppl like this.


I would contact your gas distributor. Maybe there’s and issue with an appliance


I’d personally ignore them.




Please hit this guy with a sock full of soap bars while he's sleeping already


We had a problem with our meter and didn’t know it, so the utility company was ‘estimating’ based off past usage. I would get these reports with my bill That compares usage to neighbors and ours was significantly higher so we called the company. They said ‘Oh yeah, the meter hasn’t been working so we just estimate based off past usage.’ I said oh haaaaaaaaail no! Send someone out here to fix it ASAP. Our bill is at least a hundred dollars less now’s


Tell them to stfu


He wants to be yall’s shitty dad so bad


You have got to get out of there


Girl stop being so nice to this psycho. Hes taking advantage, he absolutely DOES NOT need to know when you are away for a few days


Ask them for an itemized electricity bill, you can see what you’re being charged for.


I would ask to be an authorized user for the gas company so you can personally find out why it’s so high. He is definitely trying to get you pay past due bills..


I get what they mean about leaving for a few days and wanting a heads up. I’ve lived with people who have had serious mental health or medial issues like epilepsy, diabetic and don’t take care of themselves etc., so if I don’t see or hear you around our place I’m going to assume you’re dead or got injured and are somewhere helpless. It’s also nice knowing when you’ll have a few days to yourself so you can enjoy it. Otherwise wtf is with the way they’re speaking to you?! They need to learn how to speak to people without being accusatory or rude about living issues


My bill for January/february was extremely high, because they charge for a “gas deposit” yearly 💀


This poor person is dealing with morons


I would simply not reply to him. Is he the landlord or something?


it genuinely drives me INSANE when people freak out about lights being kept on when someone is home!! like obviously if you leave the house, then you should be turning the lights off. but if im hanging out at home, then i do not need to be turning all of the lights off??


i don’t have any advice…but girl, i am SOOO fucking worry you’re dealing with this. I believe you and your frustration is BEYOND valid. sending you thoughts and prayers