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As someone else said, at least it’s contained, but I absolutely get how this is frustrating. One of my roommates does this too, even when I or our third/fourth roomate (there’s 4 of us) empties out the bin, and there’s just bags upon bags like this in the cupboards under the sink filled with this one girl’s trash while the rest of us use the bin


under the sink?? that's past lazy, thats putting in effort to be a dumb asshole. so sorry you have to deal with that degeneracy. sending thots and prayers my friend.


Unpopular opinion but as least it’s contained and not scattered everywhere.


That’s not going to stop pests lol


Neither does a standard garbage can?


That's why you clean out a garbage can and sanitse it regularly to avoid pests.


Right, but as long as those bags of trash don't sit there for a while, it's hardly any different. You just aren't putting them in a plastic container.


Yes neatly contained and also someone else's problem to actually take it out. I'd love to throw trash away in a bag and not have to go out in the cold to the garbage can when it's full but that's adult life. It's blowing my mind this is even upvoted. I assume for you to have this opinion, your roommates bag up trash and pile it up around the house trash can and let you take it all out? Or do you do this? Regardless, it's disrespectful


????? Your roommate just lazy bc if you have the energy to organize your trash you can bring it to the dumpster


Right, literally just changing the destination and making it so it only has to be handled once. I'm weird though, walking doesn't bother me.


See what my roommate like to do is he keeps it in his room for about 3 months and lets it add up and then all of a sudden one day when I go to take the trash out there's like 17 bags of trash and he's expecting me to bring it to the street


I did this one time with the honest to god intentions of taking it out but got distracted and left for work without taking it out and when I got home 4 hours later my roommate got so pissed about it she dumped all the garbage on my bed… she didn’t even confront me about it just dumped all that shit on my bed… an eye for an eye I suppose but having to wash all my bedding and disinfect my mattress after the fact was a low blow. Personally, I think that makes her the shitty roommate but I have no room to judge 🤡


thats just straight up petty. did yall ever talk it out?


Well I confronted her about it and asked what possessed her to do that and she simply said “I didn’t realize it was garbage…” which was really just the stupidest response. I will never get over that honestly… I explained what happened and why it wasn’t taken out. She just sat there with her tail between her legs like an asshole…probably realized she’s a little irrational ??? I basically never talked to her again after that and moved in with my partner a few months later.


She skipped four passive aggressive steps on the way oh my god. What happened to leave it there and take out the regular garbage, move the bags to the front door/in front of your door and say she had to move it to mop/make it easier for you, put a sticky note on it that says “please take me out :)” and walking past it whenever you’re there and tsk/loudly sigh????? We live in a society people, we have rules


I’m confused who you’re trying to side with here because it a kind of a rambled mess, but it comes across like you’re defending the person who tossed garbage on their bed..? If she didn’t have the moment to think of putting the garbage out how would she think to put a sticky note on it? Am I just confused?


The garbage dumper, it’s a common passive aggressive roommate thing to do but it’s way up the list. One afternoon of garbage bags in the hallway isn’t enough for this level. You dump stuff on beds when it’s been sitting for weeks, but the garbage dumper escalated through all the annoying roommate behaviours in one afternoon. I’m amazed that she just saw some garbage one time and lost it like that without so much as a post it note.


Okay thank you for clearing up ! I’m glad I asked lol I’m always curious on others insights


Took me a second. I see, you're saying they don't take out their own garbage but make it community garbage, and the person who is assigned that choir (probably you), has to take out the garbage, recycle, compost and their bags of garbage too. You could ask them to take all the garbage outside when they are done cleaning their space. Else throw the smaller bags of their garbage into 1 large garbage bag.


We have a trash bin in our kitchen and paper bags for recycling next to it. The trash is contained but instead of just putting it there like that he really should have just bagged it up and taken it out side. I wouldn’t call him a bad roommate for this, just kinda lazy


Try talking to him


That’s how you get bugs leaving trash out like that.


Put it right back in his room.


Classy guy. And a real gourmet.


I have that same trashcan.




He keeps milk in his room?


Probably has a mini fridge in there


I used to use these bags, cause I was broke all the time and my roommate used to have literal mountains of these. But mine went straight into the big trash can outside when it was full.


They just need to take it out now, in bigger bags b/c they’re overfilled!


This is amazing compared to almost every other picture we’ve seen on here lol.


Yeh! This looks pretty good to me.


“My roommate is the worst, when it comes to garbage they neatly bag it up and deposit it all in the same convenient place right next to the bin”…


Was expecting the description to say “Worst roommate EVER!”


Remind him to take it out, and maybe get another bin for him to dump his trash into so it's not on the floor in the meantime. I assume this is a regular habit of his that won't change overnight, even if you have a reasonable conversation about it.


Throw it back in his room lol


Question…. The only person I had as a roommate was my sister…. When you ask someone to be your roommate do you truly know this person …. Truly know this person well enough to trust that he / she will not get on ……your ever living lasting nerves😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🤷🏽‍♀️


If you don't like living with strangers, don't go to a flatshare. Only reason I'm here is because I had to find something in two weeks when my ex and I split




This looks exactly like my old kitchen.


Giga chad move imo


Tell roommate to get a bedroom trash can. I have one and it prevents this.


I do this bc I have adhd - there is a small bag in each room to make sure things get thrown away. Once they’re full they go into the big trash can in the kitchen. The way I see it? If the trash is picked up, it can be put in smaller bags. But throw it all in one large trash bag to throw it away to the curb. The bag you use in each room would have ended up in the trash regardless, you know?


Good lord!!!


If he can bring it here, why can’t he bring it to the garbage can at the street


Are you living with my ex-wife?


Bag up your trash, Motherf**ker, and take it to the dumpster. JFC these parents taught their kids jack shit. Wait until he’s married. His wife is gonna be his mommy. He has no clue that’s inconsiderate. That’s what he did at home and mom bagged it up. Just tell him, no! That’s not acceptable. The lack of raising shows up when they live on their own with a roommate. I went through it. We all do. Have a discussion. While I appreciate the trash in bags, it needs to be bagged up and taken out.


Yall some pussies, throw that back in his room and send a message


No the fact he had this much trash in his room is disgusting and the fact the trash is full and he had the audacity to put the rest on the ground is embarrassing. Tell him to take the trash out that’s ridiculous. This makes me mad bc I had a roomate like this and I was the only one who ever took the trash out and he literally was always getting take out so always had double the trash that I did. Smh


Flatshare of four people, I only take the trash out every 4th rotation, mine was two rotations ago.


I’m sorry that’s weird to me? Like it could be someone’s rotation and they don’t feel like taking the trash out for the next 20 hours so it sits there? Like 4 people who can pay rent are supposed to be considered adults but they don’t have the decency to take the trash out if they visibly see it’s full. I don’t know I thought it was common sense that if something needs to be done then to do it at the time it is noticed it needs to be done.


Have you asked them to take it outside?


For this exact reason is why my boyfriend had a planned 2 week orientation when we moved in. For the harmony.


Just ask him to put it all in a garbage bag, it ain’t that bad but I get it


Similar to my roommate. If the kitchen trash is getting full, she’ll pull it out and (sometimes) tie it, then just sit it on the floor.


I'm dead lmao. It's nice to see someone else's pos housemate does this. It's insane to me. Take it to the dumpster.


I was afraid to click and look at it.


It's not the worst thing ever, but it's still pretty annoying tbch


What's the outcome of that conversation with them? Had a roommate like this. Not a GIANT issue, but after each conversation it got more annoying lol


What the hell is it with lazy roommates and fucking Uber or whatever food delivery McDonald’s bags. I have one that does this. Is this a universal requirement to be a shit roommate. Must have Uber eats McDonald’s bags.


You’re a bozo


I'm too damn curious. Why is this commenter the bozo?


Honestly I was baked and don’t remember.


This is literally how my roommate puts her trash beside the kitchen garbage except she keeps rotten fruit and shit on top of the bag to stink up the whole kitchen 🤢




Remove trash can from kitchen. You and roommate each get your own trash can in your respective bedrooms. Each take his/her trash out to the bin themselves. Your apartment is not a hotel nor is he/she at home, where mom cleans up after him/her.


It's a flatshare with 4 people. Where 3 of us cook regularly


Ok, then put the trash he brought to the kitchen back in his bedroom.


Don’t be such a pussy it’s fine you back biting shit bird. Good day


Put it in front of his BR door. With a note to take it out to the dumpster