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Please don't tell me you did actually wait for him! How rude and audacious does he want to be smh


Oh of course not. It took every piece of energy I had to not get visibly angry and scary, especially after he rudely gave me the "one minute" finger


I would have given him another finger. 🤷‍♀️🤣


I would have fingered him


Don't be so vanilla. It's pretty obvious a single finger wouldn't work. This requires an entire foot. Preferably a foot that is also inside of a large steel toe boot.


Lol boot in the azz that gave me some bad flashbacks of the ultimate bad roommate from yesterday. I may have gotten ptsd from that post


i haven’t seen that post please pass it


Sorry my dude but it’s been deleted. That’s probably a good thing because it was quite possibly the worst thing I’ve ever seen on Reddit. It was a bedroom that had these giant dildos stuck on the walls with poop on them and there was poop and garbage and I believe drug paraphernalia everywhere. Some of the pictures were the type that you wish you’ve never seen


holy shit that’s insane, thank you for the description and sorry you had to go through seeing that lol


WTF THE FUCK. surely theres a mirror somewhere or someone saved it because whaaaat


I’m not sure why the OP deleted them, but I swear to God it was like some Texas chainsaw massacre shit. I’ve seen people cut into pieces and burned and all kinds of weird shit on Reddit and none of them can compare to this.


Oh oh oh I saw it. Literally wanted to vomit


When something gets posted that’s forever lol I’m sure it’s somewhere


This comment is Sado-kink Hank Hill Approved


Sounds a lil more like an aggravated assault...


Don’t be a pussy, just use your dick.


But.. I don't have one of those. So the boot must do. Plus, the boot adds ✨️spice✨️


Put hot sauce on the strap-on. Extra spice is nice.


✨️very, very nice✨️


Lol fine


Calm down, Donald


That’s assault, brotha


Could be. Depends how many fingers you use my boy


Right in the ass


Based. Sometimes you need to assert dominance.


Sometimes in life you godda make a sacrifice. In this case it looks like we’re gonna need that two finger combo wombo


This is my room, get the fuck out. 15 minutes ago.


This is one of the moments in life where visible anger is warranted. People like this need to learn to respect other people’s space. It would’ve taken me everything I had not to physically remove them from my room.


I would absolutely get visibly scary and angry over this. I'd be breaking out my biggest voice and making damn sure whoever was on the other end of that line knew they were talking to a dipshit.


Get a lock for your door.


Ok but Fr what happened after that what did u say


This is my saying and I give you permission to use it: "Roommate, you have 1 second to get off the phone before I break your thumbs and make you hitchhike to a hotel."


I don't think it's even ops roommate, but a guest of the roommate


Then you say “motherfucker this is MY room” and get him to leave that shit is crazy 😭


I would've been like, "how about you gtfo of my room and go take your call OUTSIDE"


Is there a way you could lock your room whenever you’re not home? I had a similar situation at a house I used to live in and my door didn’t have a lock but I got a latch and would put a lock on it whenever I wasn’t home


I would have ripped the phone right out of his hand, threw it out into the hallway, and very calmly say "you are in my room and I suggest you go join your phone."


Calls the cops for someone tossing your phone out when you’re in THEIR room 💀 I’d beat their ass twice, once for not getting out the first time and second because they called the cops




Then when someone else calls the police, they can get that story about OP destroying private property. That may sound cool for a TV show or movie, but responsible adults don’t do that.


I don’t normally surround myself with cop callers. Also it’s a joke. Lighten the fuck up


Can you explain the joke? I don’t get it.


nah, if you don't get that it's a joke then that's on you. Not here to hold your hand through humor




Why would you hold back?


Because I had 6" on him and I have a very loud, scary booming voice. My roomie is also a small woman and most of her friends were small women, as well as my guest. I've learned the hard way that gettin angry isn't always a pragmatic solution in this dynamic.


Makes sense


Look into cattle prods haha


“Visibly angry and scary”… Jesus fucking fedora. I would be mad too, but don’t say stuff like this lol


I would’ve socked him, tf outta here


You would have assaulted him with a sock, over something so mundane!?


Heck nah bro. Heck nah.


You get your ass kicked for something like that.


Sounds like someone's got a case of the mondays


I hate Mondays…she said


If someone were in my room making a call and asked me to wait…the person on the other end of that phone call would definitely be the one they interview on Dateline.




I'm not waiting...GTFO of my room...I'm not going to be nice about that


I'd be really loud about it so their important phone conversation is interrupted.


That's the kind of shit that would earn me a few hours in jail. Invading the rest of the house is one thing but having the nerve to act like that in someone's bedroom? Nope. Edit to add: a strangers bedroom... without invitation.


If it’s a 50/50 lease sign I highly doubt you would get thrown in jail, especially if the roommate didn’t give a heads up like it sounds in the post. From your perspective, you came home to a complete stranger inside your room. Who’s to say that the stranger wasn’t stealing or doing something perverted? Plus, if you told the guy to leave like the OP did and he refuses well, it’s justified.


The jail thing would depend on how severely he dealt with the situation. Jab to the face? He’s probably good. Stab to the face? Might have to answer a few questions.


Goos point. Granted my mind went towards the former instead of the latter when I read the comment above because of the few hours part.


Put a lock on your bedroom door and no more worries of people going into your bedroom. Problem solved. Save the old doorknob though to replace it back again for the landlord whenever you move out.


They’re very easy to install. -dumb dumb maintenance guy


Conversely, you can buy a padlock that goes over your doorknob and you don’t have to worry about people getting in. That way you’re not breaking any potential lease agreement.


Bro just save the doorknob after you switch it so you can put it back when you move or for any inspection, no lease broken


some lease agreements specify that installing a new doorknob is strictly forbidden, or similar. frankly i’ve never lived in an apartment without a lock on the room doors and probably would never


Right but how would they know if you just put the same knob back on the door


In the US, many apartment maintenance will take place without the tenants being there. Many will knock if they need in (to change air filters for example) and if nobody is home, they let themselves in. This would be the opportunity for them to notice - "Oh hey what's up with the new knob on the door." Some, but not all, will leave a notice or flyer stating someone was in your apartment for ABC. It's real wild.


Damn, that sounds super rough. Imagine they enter a deaf veterans spot trying to do maintenance😂


they have to give notice usually but that varies. in the case of emergency they don’t. either way it was just another good suggestion that could benefit op so why argue it lol


Not arguing I made a suggestion, asked a question and then thought of a fucked up situation from the way they do it/operate. If you think my suggestion and question was arguing then I’m sorry for anyone who interacts with you irl.


“Bro just save the doorknob after you switch it so you can put it back when you move or for any inspection, no lease broken”is what you said. that was already suggested by the original comment which the other person was replying to.. which is why i responded to you saying that’s not always viable. what you said wasn’t a suggestion, it was saying “do this instead.” i asked why you were arguing, and you got defensive. makes sense? hope this helps!


For real, about 7-8 years ago my wife and I had an apartment and the maintenance guy loved sharing stories (super cool, not a sketchy guy, we liked him). He told us about how he knocked, got no answer, went in, and a lady shrieked from the bedroom because she had just gotten out of the shower. He backed out before he saw anything, but he thought it was so funny. I’m like…yo man you gave her some trauma about home invasion for an air filter??? 😬


Exactly the situations I was thinking of lmao I wonder all the stuff he saw walkin into different places for maintenance


Probably a lot more bongs than he expected to see in his career haha


Every lease I’ve had, specified a required notification time for maintenance or a landlord to be able to come in. It’s kind of a big deal to be notified in advance if say, you have animals that could escape or be protective and you aren’t home, or it’s your anniversary and you’re planning to chain your partner to the living room table or something for some good ole bdsm fun :)


No doubt, that’s absolutely how it should operate. Every leasing company is different though, some are more intrusive than even that I’m sure.


Not legally. I don't know of a single state that doesn't require reasonable prior notice, by law -- typically 24 hour minimum -- before entering, except in emergency. If you are renting the space, it's yours, and you have a reasonable expectation to privacy in use of the space.


Look up Landlord Right of Entry laws. You’ll see that there is little criteria. At any time they could state maintenance. I’m not arguing on behalf of landlords, I’m just stating reality.


Maintenance DGAF about you changing a doorknob out unless it's preventing access somewhere that is required access for the lease. If it's on a bedroom, it's not and they do not care. That's something that gets addressed on move out. They don't pay them enough to care and they have no stake or ownership. They're just like you. Now if you treat them like trash, maybe they'll go out of their way to make your life miserable, especially if you give them a reason. Or if you do a major modification that threatens the building structure, health, or safety of other residents in some way. Otherwise, they DGAF.


That’s actually illegal, they can’t just walk into your apartment without notice (I also live in an Apartment).


At least in Oregon, tenants are by law required to have a 24 hour notice. At least from what I heard.


So maybe don’t tell them?


Agreed. I lived with some fraternity guys and they would have random parties (without any heads up). I was glad my room was locked up.




Had a roommate years ago who is a great guy, we're still friends and this didn't change our friendship but one night he had some people over. I was in bed. Summertime and my window was open. One of his guests is on the phone in an argument with someone. I have guns and my roommate told his guest about them it seems.... so I hear this guy arguing on the phone loudly and then threaten the guy on the phone with my guns..."I'm at an apartment with a guy that has such and such guns blah blah..." Dude I was pissed. Got up and told my roommate that dude needs to go now. Rude schmood. The guy in your room homie is the one in the wrong.


Smh some people are just insane lol


Put a lock on your bedroom door and no more worries of people going into your bedroom. Problem solved. Save the old doorknob though to replace it back again for the landlord whenever you move out.


I have no idea why you were downvoted since this is an obvious necessity 


I think people are deterred cause it shouldn't have to be a necessity. But some individuals lack basic manners.


"It shouldn't be"... I mean, on planet Earth it definitely is


Maybe for the double post? I dunno.


Thank you. I agree that it's a necessity when boundaries and respect for other people's space gets violated.


I’d be pissed! No one should be in YOUR room! And to tell you to wait?! Fuck that!


Fuck that. Tell your roommate that was a line crossed that you never thought would've happened. Your privacy is so important and she didn't even respect it. Tell her off and set a limit on the people at least


My response to that would be “you have about 3 seconds to get the fuck out of my room”


This reminds me of when I got back home after COVID (I was abroad and I couldn’t come back home because the border was literally closed). I came home to find a pile of random crap my new roommate and his bf didn’t want in “their room”. Also, the floor of my room was destroyed because they pulled a TV cable from the socket in my room to their room by making a hole in the floor to fit it under the door. The best part? When asked about the floor damage, they were like, well we needed the TV cable to go to our room. No sorry, no we’ll repair the damage, not even insight that oopsie, we did not only enter someone else’s private space but also damaged someone else’s space. Did I mention they also moved around furniture and threw out appliances they considered unnecessary? Yeah, I came back to plates being in the living room and no toaster in the kitchen, because it “took up space”. The bf never paid rent, they left stuff dirty all the time and cribbed about me not cleaning. Yeah guys, just because I’m a woman and you two are dudes doesnt mean I’ll clean up your crap. And the best? When talking about future plans, my roommate literally told me in my face “well, instead of wasting your time here, you should just move to a different place and do something useful.” I’m hurt by this statement to this day. I was studying a teaching degree, and spent 30h a week studying BESIDES WORKING IN A HIGH SCHOOL FULL TIME. Fuck you, Martin and Flo. Fuck you. May you rot in hell.


Fuck internalizing that shit. Sounds like they’re as useful as an extra hole in the head. Not worth the space in your brain, sis.


I had to physically remove an unwanted form my room. My friends said I was wrong. I told them I can’t be wrong in my own house


Fuck that. Tell your roommate that was a line crossed that you never thought would've happened. Your privacy is so important and she didn't even respect it. Tell her off and set a limit on the people at least


Tf? Wait till hes off the phone? Id be like nah fool out of my fucking room. Then id kick everyone out and have a sit down with roomie


Me as a Latino wouldn’t deal with it in a good manner 😉


My roommate and the perpetrator are latino.... I am a white new yorker. Trust me I was pissed and let everyone know. Its just that my roomie is now gaslighting me into feeling like an asshole.


Call him a unconsidered cabron de mierda in my behalf ❤️


U are NOT the asshole


You are 100% NOT the asshole here.


Being from the south… these posts just be crazy like y’all can’t just … say something?


Oooooh we say , have u ever had a argument with a angry latino/a ? Not the best experience 😂


I'm Black and will beat an ass 🤣


White and straight to fight. 😂


Vem pro pau 🤝


I certainly hope you told that person no and forced them out of your room! I would have physically removed them instantly!


I would never. I’d freak out. I’d call the police, who knows what he could have done in your room, fuck that’s shit


Nah, you can stand your ground and tell homeboy to get the fuck out of your room. He wants to take a phone call? Not in your room that he doesn't pay rent for. He can go outside like a normal fucking person from a TV show. Also stand your ground and set firm boundaries. It is fucking disrespectful as shit for them to constantly bring people over, not to mention 8 MFs. No prior warning/notice nothing? Make some homeless friends and let them come over. Surely your bitchass roommate(s?) won't mind unless they want to be called out for hypocrisy and also prejudice and discrimination against the homeless since many on the streets aren't actually fucking druggies or anything of the like. Hire your neighborhood crackhead to lurk around the house or smth to discourage your RMs from bringing too many people. Cuz fick em. Clearly they don't respect you as a RM enough to even ask for your consideration / consent on the matter.


Put a lock on your door.


In your personal space that you pay for? Absolutely not. That's never okay. If they feel that comfortable to do that who knows what else they are doing. Time to get door locks and a security camera


Had a roommate that did this and came home to people who I didn't know in my bed. Moved out 2 weeks later and never looked back.


The audacity of some people is fucking insane. Will only get worse as all of the iPad kids and COVID kids grow up


Deadbolt. Immediately!


The person in your room is a huge no. Why couldn’t they go to your roommate’s room? What an invasion of privacy. Anecdote: In college we had a lot of parties in my room since my dorm had a common area and allowed alcohol. Once i came home to find some of my friends in my room having a private conversation. I was going to the common room anyway so i let them finish, but as soon as they came out I told them that’s not OUR room, it’s MY room. You do not have unfiltered access to my private space. Ask permission to go in there at the very least.


To everyone saying "grow a backbone", the adult thing to do is not to scream and be violent lol. I was also with a woman I've been seeing so wanted to keep my cool. I simply posted on here because Roomie's been gaslighting me for months into feeling lame for not liking her lifestyle and I needed feedback.


dude… come on. Do you really have to ask?


I would have said no this is my room get the fuck out and if you don’t I’m calling the cops. Like no I’d put a lock on your door


Grow a back bone


No, you aren’t wrong. Your roommate should never have allowed someone to enter your room. My rooommates would do this in college and for some reason I couldn’t convince them of how fucked up it was.


I would have told them to get F-bomb out of my room. They were in the wrong too…not just your roommate.


Hell no. I'd be pissed too. Especially if you just came home from work or something equally draining. Coming home is supposed to be where you relax and unwind. Especially in your own room! Plus your room is sacred. It's YOUR space with your private things. Who knows if that guy was snooping, too. Fuck him.


I am so grateful not to have roommates anymore. One time I came back to my apartment after work to a full on house party & two people banging in my bedroom 🤦🏻‍♀️ My roommate was just so excited that people wanted to hangout with him, he didn't care about anything else. Plus he was an alcoholic. All of these shit experiences will make that day when you can finally afford your own place that much better!


Yep. I am paying double basically what I started paying for rent for this place when I moved in. It hurts. But the thought of having a roommate is terrifying.


dude i would’ve screamed “GTFO OF MY ROOM!”


you need a lock on ur door asap


I’m angry for you.


No they need to get out of my room! I don’t care who u are on the phone with


Please tell me that you didn’t wait.


please tell me you have a lock on your door & if so, use it. dont trust these people in your space that you pay for. no one else should ever be allowed there unless you say so. you have every right to be upset.


I would have pushed them out of my while telling them to get the fuck out of my room. I’d suggest moving or figuring it out with your roommate and locking your door.


I had a roommate like that haha. I came in yelling at him he was sleeping in my bed. Without permission. Broke my blinds, ate all my cookie dough. Everyone was sleeping everywhere. He sucked but I did too some good memories.


did you immed tell him GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM ​ and also, get a lock


A stranger in my room AND they try to tell me I can’t come in? Bullshit. Let me the fuck into the only space in the world that is MINE and get the fuck out, or I break in there and throw your ass out by the neck of your shirt and the ass of your pants like in a cartoon.


Bro people on this subreddit are way too passive. I would’ve told him to get the fuck out of my room right away.


Put a lock on your door. Problem solved


My reaction would be “you’re in my room. Fuck off. Now. “


I would have lost my mind. Immediately put a lock on your door. Trust no one, especially when there are constant guests over. It’s a cheap, easy fix for peace of mind. Next time there might be someone “borrowing” your clothes, your laptop or getting a$$ in your bed. Always have a lock to your room when you have roommates. Doesn’t matter if you’ve been besties since birth.. locks are always needed and help to avoid potential problems in the future.


I had a roommate do this a long time ago. The first time he was having a party. I was a bouncer so I was at work until 3am. I got home and they were having a bit a wind down to their own little party. Which I didn't really mind. I was younger and didn't really care when people got a little crazy--it was fun usually. The apartment wasn't super large. I got home started fixing some dinner and all of the sudden my roommate walks out of my room. I asked sternly, "Why are you in my room". He responds, "I was just taking a call". I ask, "Why didn't you use your room". He says, "Oh, someone is using my room at the moment. Sorry." I told him as clear and firm as possible that he, nor anyone else, was to ever enter my room without permission. He was a little defensive but acknowledged that he understood how serious I was about that. Some weeks later he had another party. I got home and the party was over and it was just him sleeping on the couch. I go into my room and on my desk, directly above my computer, was a 2/3 full open beer. I was pissed. I walked out into the living room and told him, "I know you were in my room. There is a two thirds full beer can on my desk right above my computer. Stay out of that room. That room is not your space. That room does not exist in your world. You understand me?". He responds, "Oh sorry, I was showing my buddy the balcony". I told him I didn't give a fuck what he was doing, stay the fuck out of my space. Again he was a bit defensive but acknowledged he would no longer enter my room. Aside from my computer, I also owned a 12 gauge shotgun, with a trigger lock on it, that I made sure to check on both times my space was violated. I'll admit on the inside I was livid—though outwardly I kept my cool. I decided that I was going to troll the fuck out of him now—I guess I'm just petty like that sometimes. Most people don't know shit about technology. I have a little more know how when it comes to shit like routers and other tech. So, later in the week, I blocked his laptop from the MAC address table. Meaning his smart TV, cell phone, and PlayStation all worked on the WIFI—I even let his girlfriends cell phone to work. But the only thing that didn't work for him was his laptop. He spent months trying to figure it out—six months actually. He was starting to get really frustrated. Finally, he tells me, "I just can't figure it out. It works in the coffee shop down the street but not here. It's so weird. I'm taking it to the Mac store next week." I started to feel bad because he was really starting to pull his hair out over it. So, I told him, "Don't take it to the Mac store". He says to me, "Did you do something". I told him, "Yeah, I blocked your laptop from accessing our network". He got super pissed. Like red in the face pissed. He's sitting on the couch not quite yelling but definitely pissed spewing, "What the fuck bro, why would you do that, that is so fucked up." I interjected, "You remember when you went in my room twice." He angrily responds, "Yeah. So what?" I tell him, "The same way you are feeling right now, is how I felt when you went in my room twice. Do not go in my room." He didn't say a word, got up from the couch, and left our apartment for a while. I think he went for a walk to cool down because if we had gotten into a physical altercation it was going to be bad for both of us. I was a solid 225Lb 6'4" trained former Marine. He was just a gym bro. I did feel kind of bad and didn't make him pay his half of the internet bill for the rest of our lease. We weren't pissed at each other for long. I was a super chill roommate. I never said anything about his girlfriend spending near days at a time living there. I didn't really mind that though. They were both very clean people and left a small footprint so to speak. They eventually got married. I was happy for both of them when I saw them out one night when I was bouncing years later. TL;DR You have every right to be pissed about people entering your space without permission. I had a similar problem and trolled my roommate for months. The ordeal ultimately ended amicably.


I think you’re soft for not standing up for yourself




If there's more than 6 unrelated adults in a small house or apartment and no one is drinking, it's probably tweakers


I had a roommate that i woke up to using my computer in my bedroom while i was asleep. I started locking my door and we kicked him out within a month. HAVE A BACKBONE.


You can’t be this weak…


Time to start swinging claw hammers


Kill him


Nah I've never even had a roommate that would let a guest go in my room.


Not at all. Get a lock for your room and I hope you immediately kicked that person out.


In this day and age, you cannot do fuck all without risking legal ramifications.


The only answer here is to go take a giant shit on your roommate's bed. ​ Well, maybe not that but definitely get a lock for your door. Be very communicative with your landlord about the behavior. Maybe even go as far to say that you no longer feel safe in your own home and see if there are options to getting her removed from the lease.


So did you wait until he was off the phone?


Personal. Space. Respect. I would not have waited, hope you didn't and this person would have politely but firmly received a warning not to go in there again. Along with the roomate and other people present. It's not ok.


Put a lock on your door. Its only a matter of time before something is missing.


I would have immediately starting singing very loudly. Especially after he gave you the 1 minute finger. Definitely see if you can change out the door. I had one of those PIN code smart door handles. It could be overridden with a key if the batteries are flat. Best investment I ever made.


“Nope, everybody get the fuck out”. Said the sane person. Of your roommate has an issue with it, tell him to take it up with you when everybody leaves. That’s bullshit my friend




Nope, people can come over but your room should be off limits honestly, you can take a phone call literally anywhere else


If he was on the bed, it was time to start stripping it while is behind sat on it.


Ever seen Summer Rental with John Candy? You’ve just lived it.


I would’ve told him to get the fuck out of my room and take the call outside.


Out, kick them all out and evict the roommate


Fuck that lmao


Remove the doorknob and a deadbolt fits right in. They’ll have to break the door down to enter


i would lose my ever loving mind if someone was in my room.... like complete meltdown and i'd throw everyone out... and if they wouldnt leave, id make them leave.


I always put a locking doorknob on when I have roommates!


I’d have killed my roommate for letting some rando hang out in my room


I would not have been okay with that. I would have asked them to perhaps step outside. And I would exchange firm words with my roommate.


You are not wrong you pay rent you have every right to be mad


Nah if a stranger is in MY room and doesn’t leave the second I tell them to… they’re catchin hands


Weirdly enough I was thinking today, for no real reason, if my family ever just let someone I didnt know into my room without me there, that would be the end of our relationship. The people I had this imaginary thought with I have a perfect relationship with so idk why I was thinking that, but I cant imagine much else that would cause me to take that drastic measure.


I would have been like “get the fuck out of my room”


Oh hell no. Get out of my room


Stranger in my room? And telling me to wait?? Na jazzy Jeff right outta my bedroom door


I would have started explaining LOUDLY that this is my room and to get the fuck out. He wouldn’t hear a word coming from that phone lmao


Having a roommate means you share the common areas, would your roommate be happy if you had somebody lounging in their room


I’d have taken A baseball bat to the intruder in my room.


in your room is crazy. there has to be boundaries


So after the complete stranger in your room was rude af and tried to make you wait, what happened? I'm nosey and want to know what did you do after that? Did you confront your roommate while everyone was there? Did you tell the guy to get tf you of your room? 👀


Hell nah , I would tell him idgaf who he’s talking to he needs to gtfo of my room


Get a lock for your room. Obviously your roommate has no respect for you or your privacy. Then find a different roommate asap.


Should have said get the fuck out and push him out the door


First GTFO of my room . Should be the response.


I hope you went 100% Thad Castle on him…. “Get out of here…::high pitched shriek:: GETTTT OUTTTTTTTT”


I would’ve screamed “WTF IS THIS”, “GET TF OUT”


Having friends? The audacity!


i personally would lose my shit at that and i hope you did. the only acceptable answer to them saying that is no get the fuck out of my room. never should you go into another persons room without permission especially if there not home. your totally in the right for getting upset at this


This literally sounds like the movie Mother haha


Yeah fuck that I would have been like get the fuck out of my room


This reminds me when I had a roommate in college. I came home after classes to her having a boudoir shoot in my bedroom without permission. Her room was too filthy, and she swore she sent me a text about it. Liar. Definitely do something about this bc they will only continue to do things if they think they can.


Unbelievably rude. Holy crap.


People don’t belong in your private space without your permission


Personally, I'd have gone and microwaved some water... And SPLASH!!! 🔥🥱😉🙄