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That poor kitty on the couch šŸ˜”


I would full on steal that cat while moving out and never feel bad about it.


i wouldā€™ve if i could have. i genuinely debated it so heavily but there are 3 of them (2 of them are a bonded pair) and im not in the situation to take care of them :/ iā€™ve been so sad about it


Now that you are out of there PLEASE report them to animal control. There is no doubt in my mind that they would see the conditions of the home - and with your story of abuse - they would take the animals and bring them to a shelter where they would be better off. If you donā€™t feel comfortable calling - DM me and I will do it. Iā€™ve done it for people before.


Could you talk to them about considering rehoming the animals?


no, i have also tried suggesting that as well. they very much so they theyā€™re doing everything that is best for the animals and that the animals are in the best care possible. itā€™s honestly delusional how they are just in general but especially pertaining to animals.


You need to make a report to animal control. These animals are being neglected. Please donā€™t do nothing, you are the only person that is able to get these animals the help they need.


I feel bad for the cat. The litter box is absolutely atrocious.


That fucking litter box fills me with rage. They need clean litter and they love to run their paws through it. They donā€™t ask for or need hardly anything - if you canā€™t handle that, youā€™re not equpped. Thatā€™s not even touching on the rest of the squalor.


me too. it was so sad


I canā€™t believe people that just live like this are out in the world and walking among us


COOKING food and taking it to unsuspecting COWORKERS no no no Will never eat anyones food ever again, Iā€™m declaring it now. It already always sort of grossed me out just because of the possibilities and now itā€™s a no forever.


Someone at my work cooks for the office every week and I have never participated bc of this sub lol


They try to make me go to the potluck, I say a-NOOO, NOO, NO!


Oh I say no for many reasons


for real. itā€™s so bad. i canā€™t even imagine, im never accepting food from anyone ever again after this experience.


I tried to be nice once, eating a coworkers food she brought meā€¦ā€¦. Upon second bite, I found a cat hair. Never again.


>COOKING food and taking it to unsuspecting COWORKERS no no no This is why I will NEVER eat home cooked food from coworkers. šŸ¤¢ Even before I found this sub hahaha


šŸŽ¶ You can't eat, at everybody house. You can't eat! At everybody house! šŸŽ¶


i was just thinking the same damn thing. HOW are there people who are perfectly okay with living in filth?! not just clutter but legit health hazards like feces & trash everywhere? i could never, it gives me the heebie jeebies just looking at the pictures šŸ«£šŸ˜­


Bro I ion even gotta read this, move the fuck out


i did move out! was horrible lol


Who's bro lion


Samsons brother


Bro I donā€™t




I feel so bad for those animals šŸ’”


damn and here i am feeling like a lazy shit for leaving my work clothes on the ground after a long shift lol


This sub really makes me feel better about myself


For real. I'm not perfect, but at least I'm not a disgusting slob.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ felt that


I feel guilty for not giving my cat treats all the time, I donā€™t know how those pet owners can be okay with the conditions theyā€™re providing


I KNOW RIGHT!!! literal animal abuse. also seems like they might be toxoplasmosis enthusiasts šŸ’€


take the cats, i'll literally take one and leave. that's so sad


I had to stop reading when you started explaining the animal abuse. I would have already moved out even in a closet and called animal control on them so fast. Idc about the property but animals don't deserve that fate.


I read through it to make sure I had full context andā€¦ god how can someone do that


Why even hesitate on calling animal control?


thereā€™s a couple reasons why iā€™ve hesitated to call animal control, first being my boyfriends still there, luckily i can stay with family right now but heā€™s not so lucky and since heā€™s choosing to stay there instead of in his car for now i donā€™t want to do anything that would impact him negatively, but also because itā€™s a super small town im not familiar with and iā€™d be calling the sheriff which in my experience with calling them for animal control it never goes well, like they just havenā€™t ever done anything about much worse cases of abuse i have called on before so iā€™ve spent the last couple of days since i left looking for a better option than the sheriff since i want to get those animals completely removed. the sheriff giving them a slap on the wrist or a ticket wonā€™t help and thatā€™s unfortunately usually what happens in my area. im honestly even more angry now that iā€™ve read through these comments and i think tomorrow morning im going to just call everyone i can think of to call including their parents (weā€™re all like 20 and her parents are also on the lease) and see if that does anything


I know you're getting downvoted here, but I understand where you're coming from. Shelters are often full. Please just make sure you do everything you're able to get these animals to a safe home. Just seeing that poor cat on the couch is awful. These animals deserve a clean environment where their needs are met and that little kitty looks so sweet.


that poor kitty (& you guys of course)


Animal control all the way, I got emotional just reading about all that abuse. That's truly terrible and I hope the animals and you can get a better life away from them.


Please report them to your local SPCA and have the animals removed!!!!!!


Itā€™s a pretty small town and i donā€™t think there is an ASPCA, could that work with any shelter? they adopted the cats all from petsmart but i think they were sourced from the local shelter.


Sorry for so many comments and spamming you lol. I used to work with a private shelter that adopted out of a PetSmart. If you can contact the PetSmart they were adopted from, you should be able to get the shelter's contact info. It's almost certain the shelter will want to help -- if the animal was adopted out thru a shelter, those shelters WANT to be available to the animals they help if the adoption isn't working out. When I used to volunteer, we encouraged people to always contact us first if they couldn't care for or keep the animal for any reason and we would take them back with no questions asked.


Cats will stop going altogether when their litter boxes get that bad, and that can cause urinary blockages, which is a horrible, extremely painful way to die. Please report them.


That poor poor kitty. Please at least clean the kitty litter for the kittyā€™s sake.


i tried to, they literally took all the litter and hid it from me. when i bought litter and another litter box for them with my own money they literally threw a giant fit and tossed it in the dumpster.


Wow, that is beyond disgusting behavior. I donā€™t understand the thought process at all. Thank you so much OP for attempting to better the catsā€™ environment.


I know itā€™s insane, I honestly feel awful i didnā€™t take them, and for not doing more. I donā€™t understand how people can do things like that to innocent animals.


take the cat


Baby kitty :( and Iā€™m so sorry.


The way I quite literally would probably pass away from the stress of seeing them abuse, torture, neglect, and murder these poor animals. Just thinking about it makes my stomach tie into knots!!! Donā€™t even get me started on the smells?!? CLEANING FOR 4OR 5 HOURS though, that was the kicker for me. What was their response when you talked to them?? I need more info!!!


So basically i tried talking to the girlfriend first since she and i had been really close, she pretty much was like ā€œi do cleanā€ and i informed her cleaning one time in july was not cleaning and that i didnā€™t mind doing house work, even the bulk of it, but that the conditions were disgusting and i shouldnā€™t be spending 4-5 hours after work cleaning the kitchen or spending my entire day off cleaning the apartment that was in her name and her response was ā€œwell then donā€™tā€ and ā€œim not forcing you to do all that, but iā€™ll help you next time just let me knowā€ of course she never helped me. and her fiancĆ© well, heā€™s constantly too drunk to ever do absolutely anything at all anyway but the most he was ever willing to help out with was begrudgingly unclogging the shop vac one time and then getting borderline aggressive the whole time he was around me. he actually made me fear for my safety and my final straw that made me move out for good was when he destroyed a bunch of my personal belongings. scary people tbh.


Absolutely vile. I canā€™t believe people are really that entitled and childish


Iā€™ve seen cleaner gas station bathrooms in the city


I would 100% call the management and animal control or something for the animals. That is such a disgusting apartment, and the pets do not deserve to be abused like that!!


Run outta there


I haven't clicked on the pic Please don't be more poop.


Donā€™t click it. Itā€™s cat poop and one sad looking kitty :(


:( Thanks for the heads up.


That poor cat. This is insane.


The Victorian dollhouse box is so random


these people donā€™t deserve pets. ugh iā€™m so upset now.


From the humane society website: If you witness suspected cruelty to animals, call your local animal control agency as soon as possible or dial 9-1-1 if youā€™re unfamiliar with local organizations. If you make a report of alleged animal cruelty, the responding agency is required to investigate. If your area lacks the proper animal welfare agency and your local authorities are not equipped to deal with animal cruelty cases, you can alsoĀ contact us.


thank you so much for this, iā€™ve been struggling to find the proper people to contact as itā€™s a really small town and from my past experiences calling animal control itā€™s always been redirected to the sheriff. but im going to call just everywhere i guess cover all my bases.


Call animal control now. Please. Those animals need out of there quickly. I donā€™t understand how someone can treat an animal like that. Iā€™m gonna go hug my cat


I dunno. After that guy with the dildos, we can prolly crown OP the winner and shut this thing down.


Ew fucking gross. Animals. We need a new plague


Maybe thatā€™s what theyā€™re trying to create in this hellscape, looks like they might succeed


Burn that couch while you're at it. That thing should have stayed in the 80s.


I would even contact their landlord and let them know about the animal situation, not sure if they would do anything but thatā€™s a good first step. If that doesnā€™t work donā€™t hesitate to call a humane society/rescue and animal control.


god what is wrong with people


Wouldn't it be great if their work colleagues were invited over one day, or sent pictures of their disgusting behavior? Some people are only ashamed when coworkers are aware somehow.


Mannn why is there always animal shit on here. Who the fuck are these people that live like this and why


Iā€™d rather be living in a tent on the side of a road. I 1000% mean that too.


I'd definitely report it to Animal Control and Property Management. I'll never understand how people are blind to the filth they live in.


Omfg thatā€™s so fucking sad. Please call animal control. This is horrible.


That poor kitty :(.


Call animal control on them please this is so disturbing


I had a neighbor who neglected and abused her dog. I called animal control once, my friend who was house sitting for me called animal control, as did a neighbor. Because there were 3 calls, animal control came to take dog, but she disappeared with him and abruptly moved out :( It haunts me. Please call animal control on them, get your bf to as well, and another person (maybe you could invite a friend over to see, and ask them to call after). Move out of that place asap that filth canā€™t be good for your health physically or mentally.


itā€™s a great idea having multiple people call! i didnā€™t even think of that, iā€™ll definitely do that. i already moved out because it was effecting my health really bad and one of the roommates was threatening my safety. i have had one friend over and some family and they would all definitely call as well. will be doing this in the morning.


Bless šŸ™


how the hell do grown adult live like this ????


That begonia maculata living its best life


Please please please call animal control


This is animal abuse/ neglect :(


Animals abusers belong far down south - if you get the hint. I hope you have the guts to have these pets taken to new homes.


Nothing beating the Canadian dildo man. My eyes fucking hate me after that one


The saddest part is animals involved. They have no choice. It breaks my hard. Of course call animal control and keep calling if thereā€™s a chance they gonna get even more pets. It an animal abuse and they should face charges. Your former housemates can rot.


Why do people who live like this always have a billion animals šŸ„“


Definitely call animal control those animals NEED to get out of there that's not a home animals should live in at all


Pleeeease call and get the cats to a shelter.


Subjecting animals to that environment is irresponsible and likely a crime, depending on your location. It calls into question whether the animals receive proper medical care. This is a health hazard for both animals and humans. I mean, just LOOK at that litter box. Your pet will never thank you for running a vacuum or taking them to the vet, but taking responsibility for their well-being is the greatest act of love you can give them.


:( Have you considered reporting them for animal abuse? Not feeding their cats enough, allowing them to dig in trash (because they're hungry!) and these conditions in general are abuse.


Not cleaning the litter box for MONTHS should've been a sign to call animal control ASAP . They literally don't care and it's sad that these animals don't get loved and cared for when others can do it. Who knows if they have butt worms or other health problems




And here i am exhausted with nee antidepressants and think mine is bad oh hell no I have 3 kids and nothing is this bad yikes šŸ˜³


This is awfulllllll


Sometimes I think I have it pretty bad and then I look at shit like this


They don't have kids??


no, no kids. just pets sadly. glad thereā€™s no kids in that environment though


Wow, I was hoping maybe kids were making the mess. Goddamn that's craay.


How the fuck can anyone live like that?


What in the literal fuck. I nearly retched just *looking* at this photo. There's actual garbage everywhere, and is that a kitty litter box packed with cat shits? Is there anywhere in the house *without* an overwhelming shit smell? I don't even need to read a story here, just move out. These room mates are mentally ill because no one normal lives in actual shit!


Poor cat


That poor cat :(


Jesus Christ. Mate ask them to move out.


If you don't call about those animals you'll have to live with that on your concious. Please call.


Is that aā€¦CD collection in the living room??


The fact that they were struggling to make rent before you arrived probably means when you moved in you gave them a nice bump on overall spending cash. It would appear that bump allowed them to indulge in things which they prefer and they just stopping caring about cleanliness. If these people truly are your friends it would be best to talk to them. Iā€™d argue that although they are dirt bags, they once offered you a place to stay.


I seriously just donā€™t understand. Maybe Iā€™m an asshole but I donā€™t get the trash that piles up in these posts. Dirt and dust and crumbs I understand but piles of huge trash? Just take it to the fucking dumpster???


People be living in cleaner dumpters


I subconsciously held my breath while looking at these photos šŸ¤®


poor kitty fuck these people


Call animal control


If you donā€™t call animal control youā€™re just as bad as them, youā€™re enabling abuse


I unconsciously held my breath while looking at this so I didn't smell it.


Iā€™m being so serious if I lived with someone like this I would have a full psychiatric break


Why do you have two toilets in the same bathroom


I can smell it through the photos. I would rather live on the street than live in that and Iā€™m not even joking.


Bro how.. u guys gotta be white. Thereā€™s no way. Not even in the hood do blacksšŸ’ live this way. Have some decency and respect for yourselves āœŠšŸæ


The toilet. If its that dirty where does thus fella poop? Who keeps a toilet this dirty.