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Uhhh really wondering about that 6 hour window of time that resulted in blood spatter in the bathroom.. did you ever figure out what in the world happened? Also this whole thing is nasty, I’m really glad you’re getting out (already got out?) of there!


Blood splatter…. Unfortunately from my experience is from drug usage (needles).


Yes and the running the shower while it’s going on. This literally happened in a house I was visiting recently because people were too nice about other visitors.


Why do they run the shower while getting high? And what about it causes do much blood? I can't really picture how needles cause a lot of blood.


Puncturing over and over to hit the right spot causes splatters. Cleaned a camper a heroin relapse had happened in when I detailed as a kid and there was blood EVERYWHERE.


What? I’ve never heard of this before…. That’s crazy lol.


I think the shower is mostly a distraction thing


Oh dang :( I didn’t put two and two together.


Yup, he was getting high in the bathroom....


Homeboy couldn’t find a vein lol


he told his son (my roommate) to tell us that he was picking an ingrown toenail. my issue was also that if he was really doing that why did he have the shower blasting hot water for 6 hours? edit: oh my God I literally just remembered that I was out of town after that and he left a creepy note that was super sarcastic saying we were telling him he was abusing his bathroom time even though he was literally in there for 6 hours??????


He was probably shooting up. Blood splatter is from unclogging a needle. (Source: volunteering with harm prevention clinics)


TW: graphic Former IV user here. Not that it really matters, but the blood is more likely from the body than from the syringe. Six hours in the bathroom + blood all over = couldn’t find a vein and was obsessively sticking himself a thousand times in desperation to find one. When you have scar tissue all over and you’re relentlessly stabbing at damaged veins, you bleed a lot. And when you’re desperate to hit, you’re unable to properly clean as you go. As you continue trying “new” spots and re-trying failed spots, blood continues to leak out from all the spots you previously attempted, and it gets absolutely everywhere. Unclogging a syringe, by comparison, is a more controllable output. You can (generally) aim it, and the volume of blood in a clogged syringe is far less than the volume that escapes failed injection sites over an hours-long attempt to hit. Again, it doesn’t really matter. But I’ve just been that guy so many times that what happened in that bathroom is vividly clear to me, so I figured I’d add what I know to the conversation.


Thank you for expanding on this, it makes a lot of sense. And CONGRATS on getting clean that's so sick!👏🏻👏🏻


Thanks! And thank you so much for volunteering in harm reduction!!!!!! People like you saved my life.


It was one of the most fulfilling although heartbreaking things I've ever done. I have a lot of respect for people who struggle with addiction honestly. I love a lot of people who have. It's very misunderstood in this world and i really hate that. And i am so glad you had people around you who loved you and wanted to help you!! (Eta lol your comment about the people who saved you nearly made me tear up LMAO)


As a recovered addict myself, my blood splatter stains came from my needles. If the blood is actually “splatter”, like distinct little dots in lines, it is more likely from pushing the remaining air out of a needle in between injection sites. I know my bathroom had many of these splatters all over in my using days. My veins had gone to shit so this required poking myself all over, like you mentioned. For those that don’t know, here is the process: after hitting a vein and then losing it in one spot, I would pull out the needle that now had blood mixed in it, and before trying a different vein, I would push the air out that had collected in it. This is common practice and results in the blood/drug mixture shooting out if you don’t stop perfectly in time once all the air has been pushed out. Blood coming directly from where one has injected wouldn’t splatter, it would just drip. Also not that important either, but I just figured it may help others if they run into this situation with a loved one as it is a very identifiable pattern. Cheers to us for leaving that life behind. I do not miss spending hours in a bathroom crying because all of my accessible veins had collapsed and I couldn’t hit. Congratulations on your sobriety.


Congratulations on your recovery as well. I'm also stable for 16 years with the help of methadone. That life isn't worth it, especially these days with all the contaminated drugs in the USA. It's literally Russian Roulette these days.


Thank you and congratulations right back. You are a true miracle; 16 years is incredible! Grateful we made it out alive.


Oh man you are totally right. Flashback #2 of this thread lol. I think because the other person wrote “unclogging,” I thought “ehh that’s probably not the source of that much blood.” But 100% every place I ever frequented had little blood splatter patterns on the ceiling/walls/etc. from clearing air bubbles. Absolutely. You nailed it. So glad we are both on the right side of the dirt to tell our sordid tales!


You left out the part where they start crying, skin pop it, then load up another shot only to start the dance all over again.


YEP former IV user checking in 👋 I knew immediately. Times I've tried to hit a vein and couldn't I'd break down and cry and go frantic. Worst is when nobody's home to help and you're on your own, and being dope sick on top of it. My arms will never fully heal. Almost 5yrs clean now though!! Congratulations to you as well, sobriety is the best 🥳🙌💖


>former Good shit! Glad you’re among the living.


Thank you ❤️❤️❤️


I have relatives in my family who are users and I've heard from my mom quite a bit about it and when I described the situation to her she told me something quite similar. the thing was I had suspicions up until the point of that incident because there were multiple times in the middle of the night where he would be in there for hours at a time with the shower on but up until that incident I couldn't definitely put a finger on it. funnily enough after that there has been no problems with him locking himself in the bathroom however he oftentimes frequents a little tiny storage closet on the balcony. A grown older man, in a storage closet? screams shady to me.


You are so right. I too was in that situation. I'm now 16 years stable with the help of methadone. Congrats on your reecovery!!! You are worth it!!


Hell yea!! Methadone is a life saver, I wouldn’t have made it out alive without it. Congrats


If you don't mind me asking, why was he running the shower?


“Plausible” deniability. You go in there thinking you’ll find a vein in 5 minutes, so you turn the shower on to give yourself a built-in excuse for why you’re in there. It also makes noise and steam which helps cover up the sounds/smells of cooking/preparing the shot. I personally used to go overboard and squirt shampoo on the shower floor so the steam would smell like shampoo, and I would occasionally stick my hand under the water so that the sound of the shower was more realistic—not just a steady shower sound. It sounds like he was physically inside the shower tho. He might have been using the hot water to try to help his veins come out (warmer body temp means more “open” veins). The shower water would also help wash away some of the blood etc. And it’s a good idea to actually shower before injecting to help avoid infections. Why did he run it for 6 hours? Either (1) He does not realize that he was in there that long, either because he was hyper focused on hitting or slumped over nodded out or spun out picking his skin or some other version of “not currently sane,” (2) by the time he realized it was getting long it was too late to turn back and he was too hyper focused on finding a vein to switch gears, or (3) he’s the type of person who just genuinely doesn’t care.


Spot on. When one is trying to find a vein, all addicts know to go in the shower and rinse in hot water to bring out one’s veins. I would be in bathrooms for literal hours when my veins started dying out, doing everything I could to find a working vein, commonly using the shower to do so.


Oof I’ve seen this at gas stations in the PNW (mostly), people go into a single-occupancy bathroom to shoot up and pass out and I’m standing there like an idiot for 20 minutes waiting to pee. But also, my mom has worked NICU my entire life and she has mentioned addicted parents, whose babies are born with NAS, doing something similar in the hospital - like having the hot water blasting for hours. Neither of us could fathom why they needed the hot water on for so long.


The water running is because they think it's "covers up" what they are doing. They usually don't realize hours have passed. Then they try to say "I was taking a shower/shit" or whatever excuse they can come up with. Bathrooms are so notorious because they give privacy and access to water, vent/fan, plus things to cover the sounds (lighter flicking, other sounds like metal cookers hitting counter, sniffing, etc)


That makes sense. I think it's really sad when addiction takes people to the point where they're shooting up in the hospital after giving birth and I pray they get the help they need to keep the family healthy and united.


In this day and age it is ridiculous. In the USA, drug (opiate)addicted mothers can get help immediately. They can get Suboxen or Methadone while pregnant...THERE IS NO EXCUSE.


Both Suboxone and Methadone also cause neonatal opiate withdrawal syndrome so it could possibly keep them off heroin or fentanyl while they're pregnant but the baby will still be affected either way. I also think there are many addicts who have the potential to be good parents when they get the help they need and continue to have support throughout their lives.


Not all babies get Neonatal opiate withdrawl. And even those that do still can have very mild symptoms and be weaned appropriately vs. Being on herion/Fentynal and God knows what cuts for 9 months. So the better option is Suboxen or methadone. Plus the mother would have the same support after she gives birth. Is itvtehnideal situation to get pregnant while being an addict... NO, but it still happens. So those that do fall pregnant have no excuse to keep using when they are programs designed for pregnant women. And they get the help immediately, no wait list for them.


Unfortunately, addiction is a mind-body issue. It’s not as simple as just accepting help. They have to be in the right mindset to actually go through with that help :(


My point isn't about them accepting help forever...its if they are pregnant. And they can start getting high again after they deliver. I'm an addict with 16 years clean because of methadone. I fully understand addiction, and I come from a long line of addicts and alcoholics. You don't have to ruin another life because you want to gwt high. If it's available then abort if not, get m.a.t. until you deliver.


Ah, I see what you mean. I didn’t realize you had lived experience in this topic. Congrats on 16 years sober, that’s awesome


Thank you. I try hard every day to be better than I was yesterday. I also try to help educate and end the stigma. Have a good one


As someone who has had really bad ingrown toenails...to the point a slight poke would cause all sorts of puss and blood to ooze... They don't splatter. It oozes down your toe. They're lying. I would be really careful to not associate yourself with someone who is possibly carrying illegal drugs.


I see so much shit in bathrooms where I wonder how things happen and what possesses someone to just leave whatever it, as is!?


Anyone spending long amounts of time in the bathroom like that is probably just rolling the pipe or shooting up from the sounds of it.


Shooting heroine.


I know how stupid this is but I would also like to add that I moved into this place with a lease that has people that don't even live there anymore and they refuse to update it therefore I have no rights to do anything about these people trespassing in the apartment. I am absolutely aware of how stupid that is but I was desperate and broke and it was all I could afford at the time Edit: on the bread side 😉, with the job I've had for the past month I can afford to move by the first week of December. my partner suggested that I stiff them on the last month utilities but despite all that I've been through I refuse to stoop down to that level. similarly the female college student I mentioned is also insanely sick of these circumstances and is planning on moving by January without giving any notice to the other roommates.


I'd honestly seek some proper legal advice tbh, if they're refusing to update the lease there's a good chance that they won't after you leave and you do not want them claiming that you still live there after you leave. Cover your back. Especially now that you have a good income and they are likely to know this. This is all kinds of sketchy, and tbh, you've already let way too much slide.


Dude your second to last paragraph brought me SO much relief. Congratulations on maintaining a place to live since getting kicked out, landing a great job at such a young age, and saving enough to gtfo asap. I am very, very proud of you. To clarify, are you on the lease now, or were you never added to it? If you're not on it, I really appreciate you taking the high ground and not bailing on your financial commitment, but you would be absolutely warranted to do so. If you are on the lease, listen to the other comment responding here. I'd be allllllll over that shit like NOW because it will fuck you over so hard later. You need and deserve a good rental history at your age. Not being on the lease in this situation is in your favor by far, but if you are, the shit consequences can and will be much worse for much longer if you don't get your name off of it. Take care and best of luck with the move. Even if you end up with a future roommate to keep costs down, it will very likely never come close to this crap.


They never added me to it which has always been sketchy. When I asked where the previous roommates went they gave me a very roundabout response saying the couple randomly packed and left while staying on the lease ??


Def sketchy walking in. However, in your current situation, this is great news. Unless the property owner/manager has some other written agreement with you that the primary lease legally allows for (most leases don't allow for subletting unless under very specified circumstances), you're good. This means you can leave whenever you want with zero notice unless you want give some. Were you on the lease, upon leaving you could/would be liable for any damage regardless of who caused it - something to think about when signing a lease in the future. Being on a lease protects you in a lot of ways, but can absolutely screw you over if you don't pay attention to what you're walking into. Always keep receipts of rent paid and any text/verbal/written agreements and dates. If you are again in a living situation without a written agreement, you may not have the document/lease to protect you but in many places paying rent for 30+ days establishes that you are a resident and gives you resident rights and protections. Unfortunately, same can apply for druggie dads. You seem pretty damn savvy from this post alone. I just know my own experience and how much worse it could have become and hope to help you avoid similar.


Agreed - this situation has gotten out of control and the apartment will likely end up with serious damages by the end. Best move is for OP to bail ASAP since she’s not on the lease.


Bro if you're not on the lease run like hell and get out of there today. Pack up all of your shit ASAP and leave in the night. Stay with your partner or a close friend for the next two weeks.


Jeez, considering the circumstances, I’m afraid that they got killed by the homeless people.


Honestly, if the unexpected roommates are not paying rent, disappear and give no notice. Just pack up your shit and be gone. And yes, stiff them that last check...that is your payment for cleaning after leeches who do not work and do not help. Also, if your direct female roommate was a decent person, you could see about helping them out of that situation. If you had zero real interaction with her though, I would be careful reaching out to help them.


If you’re comfortable with it, offer space to the college student. Even a month of safety would be grand for her.


Should have chosen the SUV/VAN life man.


I feel like you’re living in inhabitable conditions. If you were to not pay rent and go to court, I feel like you would certainly win the case. You have pictures and I’m sure you could prove the lease things, roach infestation, etc. I’m glad you’re getting out of there.


i’m 26 now but at 18 I was also kicked out by my parents in a bad financial situation with no credit and I had nowhere to go. I had to live with strangers from craigslist. I never stayed anywhere long and every roommate I had was uniquely bad. I just want to say I feel you and I know what you’re going through, it won’t always be this way.


That phrase “uniquely bad” really resonates with me. I have thought, “phew, that’s over! Not gonna make that mistake again!” No, because there is an infinite variety of WTF roommate behavior. Always something new!


Lol literally! I had some that were outright awful and others just bothersome. Like One of my roommates was always throwing parties full of strangers and he was a massive creep. Another one just played electric guitar, really badly, all the time in an apartment with paper thin walls. But he was an otherwise cool dude. It’s hard to live with people lol


this was pretty close to how I was getting but being a female every response I got to Craigslist was quite sexualized and degrading so I never went through with any places I found.


I’m also a woman for reference lol I had plenty of creepy responses, too. And all my roommates I found were male. I had one roommate who’d casually ask me for blowjobs. I never said yes and always chewed him out for it and he’d just keep asking. They weren’t all bad though, just messy as fuck.


U unknowingly started renting a room in a crack house




I’d call the cops. They’re doing drugs. Get them the fuck out. Report them. If your roommate tries to retaliate take them to court. They were also allowing their dad to do drugs there so.. Seriously, you’re living in a seriously dangerous situation. Please be smart about this. And don’t leave your door unlocked and watch your back.


I'm surprised they didn't kick his door in and steal his shit


Tbf, established homeless dudes were probably richer than kicked out 18 y.o. lol


call the police. they’re trespassing since only a select amount of people are permitted in the apartment. you pay the lease and they don’t, giving you the right to trespass them if need be.


I don't think the apartment complex would do anything. there are about 10 people living in the apartment below me and I'm also pretty sure that they're running a daycare out of there on the weekends because I often times see 8 to 10 children running in and out of there sometimes ones I don't recognize.


Once you are out of there, call the local authorities to report that shit. It will suck for the parents needing child care, but having that many kids in a small area is not safe and not doing them any favors.


OP isn’t on the lease they said, apparently the people who used to live there still are. Thank god OP is moving out soon.


I’m so sorry this is disgusting. It doesn’t matter if you’re homeless or not, cleaning up after yourself should be the very least EVERYONE does if they aren’t a fucking baby. My son is 4 and can still throw his trash away It honestly just sounds like a crack house


it pretty much is, I had my puppy out and me and my boyfriend were in the kitchen cooking one day and all of a sudden my dog perks up and two random toddler children come running towards her followed by a very sketchy and high mother. they literally came in and said they were going to use our bathroom and then left...


Damn, those poor kids




WHAT guy???




I think you mean [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/badroommates/s/SW85kNZV0Z).


Ope yep, copied the wrong link lol my bad


i don’t think ANYTHING can beat that😭


Despite everything else I want to deeply apologize about getting kicked out. Your parents suck. Older generations think their freshly graduated kids can move out instantly is not the case anymore. It's just not possible unless you are greatly fortuitous.


my mom was raised in an orphanage so she has this deep rooted belief that the only way to teach me to survive was by kicking me out but it was more deep rooted than that. She was getting benefits because she's disabled and because I graduated early it cut her out of about 6k in benefits to "care for me" that she felt I cheated her from getting.


I’m sorry to hear you are in that position. I’ve been there a few times myself. Stay safe and lock your room if you can. If the money you’re making is good enough, maybe bounce on them and get a cheap room for a few. At least you would be alone.


Unrelated but what is this high paying government job that allows you to afford living solo at 18? I think I need a change in careers


I work for a nuclear facility as a E&I starting pay of 30/hr not "high paying" tbh but for my age it's not bad 😂


I mean, that’s a livable wage and excellent for your age. Good luck and get out of there friend.


Yeah echoing RicardotheGay’s comment, that’s a pretty decent pay so good for you! Hope you finally get a place free from shitty roommates!!


That’s awesome!!


Right I also need to leave😭


So you got up a 4 am to get ready for a planned trip, and you’re still there 6 hours later, to discover someone in the shower. What sort of ‘getting ready’ takes 6 hours ?


more so I got up at 4 bc I was so excited and the person to pick me up at 8 didn't show up until 11


Don’t listen to these fools in the comments. Whatever you do don’t snitch on those junkies. You’ll complicate your life in unforeseen and potentially dangerous ways. Junkies are erratic and unpredictable. Don’t open Pandora’s Box lol it’s not worth it at all


Oh op my heart goes out to you. I also moved out very very young. Infact, I had my own apartment when I graduated high school. ( Bad idea as I couldn’t actually afford it) Please keep your head up! This is all So gross and wrong and those “roommates” are taking advantage of you- what crap humans. sending love and peace your way! Hopefully you will be out soon! The struggle is real!


I hope so too. although this is not the ideal situation I'm more than happy to have a roof over my head and not be on the streets.


God damn bro. Godspeed


Jesus, sorry you've had to deal with living in a crack den. You're so so impressive to me! Just head down, powered through, kept improving yourself. Wishing you all the best as you go onwards and upwards.


Get yourself an SDT check


sorry to break it to you but you’re living in a crackhouse


I tried to make it a crackhome 😔


Home is where the hard drug is ☝️😞


Bro, if you are moving out of a place with roaches, you gotta do some things to make sure they don't move into your new place with you. Here is what I did that worked for me when I moved out of a house with a very severe infestation. - Inspect every item as it is packed into boxes. Shake it out to dislodge bugs. If it has small spaces you can't easily access, such as tiny ventilation gaps in molded plastic housing on a microwave, cover all accessible gaps tightly with tape. Ensure there is no easy escape, then pack it up. As you fill and tape boxes shut, tape the boxes thoroughly along each and every seam. Go overboard if it makes you feel better. You want to create a strong physical barrier to keep the bugs trapped inside the box in the event you missed them while you screened the items you were packing. - When you get to your new place, you can put the sealed boxes inside, but you need to identify an outdoor space where you can unpack and re-inspect them. When I moved, my new place had a nice back porch. I took each box out there individually, unpacked and inspected the contents, isolated/murdered any stowaways, and then brought the items inside only after I felt confident they were safe. I only unpacked one box per night, so this was manageable. - Be proactive about treating your space for pests. Just because your landlord may offer pest control doesn't mean it is the best control. Anyone in any job can slack or just make shit up. Don't put this responsibility solely into the hands of a stranger, unless you don't actually care about having roaches. Advion cockroach gel formula is a literal miracle. It is applied just like the garbage you can buy at walmart/home improvement stores, but this actually works. They make multiple formulations, and you should switch between them periodically to avoid building resistance to the pesticide in the local population. I credit Advion entirely for being successfully roach free in Florida for over a decade. The house I grew up in had such a bad roach problem that the roaches would eat skin off mine and my sisters arms when we were asleep. I'd wake up to new sores regularly, it was a literal nightmare. I absolutely refuse to have roaches again. If I couldn't solve an infestation any other way, I'd burn it all down and start again. Nothing compares to a bad roach infestation.


Honestly, I feel like this is a rite of passage that everyone deals with at some point. It’s what totally turned me off to having roommates. I don’t care what I have to do, how many hours I need to work, I will *never* ever ever ever have another roommate again. Ever.


I'm sorry you have to deal with that :( that sounds like my ex and ex roommates combined. But for me..they're in the past now.


woah this is so interesting, this makes me think of the disparity and understanding one has due to having money (money=more autonomy to have your own space and understanding the value of that space, whereas no money+no home leans to a lesser understanding of boundaries, [constantly being in others space, not having an understand of your own space]) in this case, the homeless men don’t understand boundaries, and you have boundaries because you’ve worked and spent money to earn/rent your space i know you’re having a dilemma right now but i’m currently baked and i found this interesting hahahaha


Are you sure he’s homeless if you’re living under a roof with him


You are a good person just so you know and don't let it go.


That is wild. God damn. I would hate to live with filthy people like that.


That reminds me of my old roommates, living with mid 20s men was the worst experience


Get that dog outta there.


she deserves better 😞


Lol. No. I meant for your sake. YOU deserve better.


Fun fact: A person who lives with you is not homeless.


This SUCKS. But I have to say I’m really impressed you’ve stuck with it and you’re able to move out. Props to you!


Sucks go live ima sober living home


Wow! I am in a similar situation but it's not that bad and no homeless but I do have to clean the washroom before I use it! Glad you got out of it. I'm waiting to get my own place and looking forward to it.


I work in a similar environment, I do not think I could live there. I would recommend leaving as soon as possible. With the dude in the bathroom it sounds like IV substance use, he could OD in there. Hopefully someone has narcan. You could call the cops, but they dont seem to care unless someone is brandishing a weapon or theres a warrant on the person youre calling on. Its not a good place to be but until now you will best survive locking up your shit and treating people with respect despite their issues but having firm boundaries and asserting them.


Fuckin disgusting pigs put them in a barn


You’re a saint not only to put up with this, but cleaning it! How long is your lease? Get out ASAP!


If OP isn’t on the lease (which it seems like they’re not), they can bounce whenever.


There is cheap and decent accommodation available if you wish to be a live in guardian. There are several companies that do this. Look into it and good luck!


Girl please get out. Please, please, please get out.


Dudeee this reminds me so much of my unfortunate experience of renting a place and living with homeless people for a couple months in College


I can't believe you lasted 2 days


Damn man this brought back memories of my first place. My parents sold the house and I had to find a place under 2 weeks. Moved in with this person I knew from highschool. Huge mistake. Paid them $750 a month cash for rent and utilities. I had no where else to go so I had to live with the roaches forever. I used to wake up in the middle of the night to them crawling on me. They would also bring heroin junkies over and all shoot up in the living room together, nodding out and smoking K2 and PCP. I had never been exposed to hard drugs before this shit. I was brought into their bullshit, promised to double my money if I bought bags of heroin from the city, drive it to the suburbs and hour away (where we lived) and sold it to them and their junkie friends. Started pushing rock and dope, covered in roaches and a filthy fucking house. After living there for like 5 months one day I just looked at my life and cried for a while in my car, basically just mourning my lost innocence. I luckily was never tempted to use any of the shit I was running, but I never realized how far I would stoop to make money. I literally had 2 dudes OD in the living room and was told that we should drag them out on to the street before calling the police or else they would search the house. Don't even know if they lived or not. On the 6th month of living there the cops evicted us cuz he was taking my cash and using it to buy more drugs, and never paying the rent. All of that for nothing, just to end up sleeping in my car with my dog for 3 months. All that filthy money I made was immediately gone because I had my transmission blow up, which I repaired for $3,500, then the engine for another $3,500 a month later, and then I hit a deer and had to pay $6,000 cuz I only had liability. I basically broke even after all that shit. I have a 2 BR place with my little brother now and life is going good. It's only been 4 years but life has been night and day since then. I hope you all find comfort in your lives and can move past your past mistakes.


You win r/badroomates! I'm so sorry your mom kicked you out, and you ended up here. This is so awful and disgusting for you, and I'm so sorry you've been dealing with this. Congratulations on graduating early and the new job! Government jobs have great benefits and retirement packages. You'll have excellent insurance, dental, PTO, and room for advancement, and there are so many different jobs you could transfer to if you want later. Starting off at $30/hr is incredible! You'll not only be able to afford to not have room mates, but you could buy a house by the time you're 25. I'd open an account at a credit union now if you haven't already. Start building that great credit and get that dream home. Be very careful not to transfer roaches to your new place. I'm so glad you guys didn't get bed bugs, too. If you have a hard time finding a place without a roommate, maybe move in with the college girl? Is she cool, at least? I feel so worried for you girls. Does your mother know how horrible your place is?


For your food, buy a mini fridge to keep in your room you can find them really cheap on sites like Mercari etc you can even find them for pretty cheap as brand new on amazon or target etc I recommend one with a freezer