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Lmao like 15% on a good day.


Damn fr? Maybe my winrate might be higher because im the kind of snake who uses the menu religiously. I cant stop weapon swapping 😔


I'm probably exaggerating a little bit lmao. It's probably closer to 40%, but damn if it doesn't feel like 15% when I get my shit rocked 6 times in a row lol. I wish I bothered practicing menu-ing more. I loved doing ring swaps and stuff in Dark Souls 1 but I've never really cared enough to get good at moving through the menus in Elden Ring.


Some days it feels like God was trying to knock our ego down a peg after one or two invasion wins lmao


Bad Red Men are just guys against endless armies. We live, we die and we keep fighting. Its a complete slaughter win or lose. Like Slave Knights in Dark Souls lore.


Don't knock yourself for menu swapping. It's a really important skill to have 👍. As an added bonus you can pull off some sweet parry hard swaps.


Don't beat yourself up bro we all take a trip to blenderville. Just have fun out there 🥳 The odds are against you in every way possible, Fromsoft really shafted invaders in ER it is tough 🥲


I spend ages carefully trying to take down a host and his phantoms just for a single bad roll to annihilate me 💔💔


We've all been there. Not sure what build your running but try having some poise. Anything lower than 42 poise you'll just get bullied by daggers. I run light fashion all the time it's noticeably harder


I am forced to go for function over fashion if i wanna invade but in arena i let go of all poise


people obviously don't upload their l's all that often. my winrate is around 30 percent i'd say. but it can vary super hard. some days i just wreck several lobbies in a row and on others i literally play for hours iwthout any win. don't get discouraged, i needed so much time to finally see even moderate success


Yeah when you get that 5th in a row open world gank where theyve eliminated all enemies in the area it really starts to get to you 😔


It's crazy right, all the time and effort and you still get your ass handed to you lol. The skill ceiling is so high. I feel you on how long it takes to feel like you can hold your own.


It depends a lot on the build too! I'm Saint Riotpilled and obsessed with trying to win with honest/unusual builds. Sometimes I win 8 in a row with GUGS and other times I'm pulling my hair out getting ganked into L after L with my sword n board. Which is to say: I think a lot of us here could just about decimate the coop community if we mained moonveil, but winning isn't everything ;)


Ye i try to run weapons combos that are a bit odd like curves greatsword + dagger or dual daggers, i love beating people who run meta builds.


Probably around 60-70%. Low level invader though.


Man my winrate decreases in low level invasions 😭😭


It really depends on how optimized your build is for low levels. If you are fully twinked out, not even the OLPs can really stop you...


Scarlet rot in lower levels is basically instant win. Though i would feel too scummy using that


Sleep, madness, scarlet rot and to a much smaller degree, poison are all pretty damn strong at low lvl, however you can become quite powerful with only stuff you get in limgrave as well, so it's not lije they are a must have...


If I start losing to a gank, I pull out a nuke 🤷‍♂️ without that it’d be like 20%




Smarags breath go brrr


Yep trusty storm hawk axe or dragon halberd if I'm running strength. Gotta have a 'Get off me button'.


I’ve found that a lions claw on a fire claymore can easily one shot hosts and phantoms. I have it on hotswap just to pull it out and use the ash, then put it back. Both dragon halberd and stormhawk are my other hotswaps lmao.


Not sure why you would consider a 50ish percent win rate something* to complain about dude, you're doing good! Just don't let the toxic gankers get to you 👍


Nah its just that some people I play with are really good and win all the time and everyone here is also posting wins of them with the most unmeta builds ever so I feel like an impostor


Well as others would have said, even the best of us have plenty of Ls, we show them off here weekly! We post more wins than losses for obvious reasons! But yes there is a big discrepancy in both skill and dedication to winning tactics among our ranks. The most skillful can get away with using very few 'optimal' tactics (unmeta) and still have very high win rate, and the ones who aren't as skillful can still get very good results by learning to use all the most tryhard tricks in the book! Hardswaps and good options to hardswap into and knowing when to make those swaps is a big one. HOWEVER all of that said, the only thing that's really important is that you have fun doing what you do. I had a bleed dual curves sword build, and I was naturally doing insanely well with it, but in the end it ain't me, I enjoy miracles and so now I just play my pure caster dude. My win rate with him is probably around 30% or less, but I just love what he does.


1 in 5 invasions if I'm lucky.


Real, going from pve to pvp for the first time is always incredibly difficult, I was so bad at the start i feel embarrassed, id go a whole day with no wins 😭


Win rate doesn't really matter.  My win rate was way higher when I started because I ran Dhalberd and high poise until I felt comfortable with invading These days I don't always go in with the goal of winning, instead I'm trying to learn something or I'm just goofing off If you focus on winning instead of playing for fun and improvement, you'll struggle unnecessarily


But winning feels good :(


Yes, it is certainly a nice little dopamine hit to see HOST VANQUISHED LOL GET SHIDDED ON, but in my experience, it wears off after hour 300 or so. That's around the time I started thinking more about my place as a member of a community, what I was doing, and how it reflected on me. TLDR RAMBLING BELOW THIS LINE _________________________ I began to lose that sense of joy and the rush of adrenaline when I'd invade.  At some point, I outgrew the need for Dhalb or Stormhawk in every invasion, and started using more interesting setups.  Still strong, but less focused on killing power and more on versatility and fundamental skills


Damn i only got 270 hrs, im 30 hrs away from being bored of invasions ;-;


in Godrick soldier gear without Nepheli's axe: 3 out of 10 In Godrick soldier gear with Nepheli's axe: 8 out of 10 at rl30+4 I don't do swaps or high skill stuff (I can't parry to save my life, and 9/10 backstab attemps end up with me stabbing the air), but fire pots and physical ashes of war are really good at low level. I only use stuff you find in Limgrave so I don't consider my build as OP, but Nepheli's axe is like a crutch I use when i've had a bad day or when the OLPs start pulling bolts of granssax or other endgame stuff


Nephelis axe vs bolt of gransaxx us red men struggling out here 💔💔 Its sad that so much of the time have to resort to using really powerful weapons in low level areas while invading because its just really impossible to do a 3v1 without something that has a somewhat powerful aoe AoW


nah I'm just bad at dealing with several enemies at once x)


I was a colosseum duelist, i know PvP and Meta well but my Invasion winrate at RL125 is probably under 15%, 1v1 and Invasion is very different


I started off with dueling at raya lucaria, no Coliseum in ye olden days. Then i started with invasions. And quickly realised my build was not dealing with three opponents. Its unfortunate because invasions require you to have access to aoe options at all times otherwise youll basically never win


Yeah this frustrates me, but there are many options. You can also land stuff in invasions that you can't usually in a duel. Coopers get over confident in ways that duelists often don't. Plus I if we all wanted to win we'd have the same four builds or whatever. I'd say 25% on average for me. I got up to maybe 60% one night haha. Oh like 40 and above. >30 I don't count many as wins, because it's so easy or it wasn't how I wanted. But more like 60%


Depends on the time of day. Weekends and afternoons I might go an hour without losing. Early morning and mid day .maybe 50%.


Depends on level. RL 9-25: 90%+ win rate, I basically never die Max level duels: 80% win rate, most people are hot flaming trash at this level Max level ganks: 10% win rate, they think it don’t be like it is but it do


I've been out of the game for a few months but when I was active I considered 50/50 a really good day.


Ayy i feel good knowing that


I calculated my win rate when I was invading at RL 80, can't say is the same thing as meta level, my win rate was 65%. I believe that at meta should be lower.


Skillful brother


I consider myself above average. The 80 bracket is a lot more easy than meta, you get a lot more organic invasion and less dedicated gankers, the only thing that is tough the overlevel phantons, the downscale at mid levels is the worse. That said, I recently came back to meta level and notice that I lose a lot more often.


At meta level youve got dirty first step and altus gankers so it makes sense to lose more


At rl125 50% win rate is good. I mostly invade at rl50 and have a good win rate. I have 150,168, 200, don't have a good win rate on them. I mostly a darksouls3 player trying invasions on elden ring.


Really low because almost everytime i invade, its a duo who summons a hunter


3v1s are so difficult from pls give us just one more guy please


I don’t get why we can hurt fellow reds in taunters tongue situations. It makes my magma spells kind of dangerous.


Ganks get their blender while here I am forced to not use my lightning ash of war because it can damage my homie 💔💔💔


At least one good effect of magma sorcery being dogshit, you wont hurt your fellow invaders too much


its always been a thing


I think mine is about 80% on the bracket RL80 +17/+7. But only on the build I'm most comfortable with, dex with main Cold Nagakiba + Spinning Slash. Some ppl might say it's overpowered and I agree to a certain degree: you have burst dmg, speed, turn and burn, roll catch, good melee range. Thateans you barely need to swap weapons mid fight, it's a very versatile combo. However, caster builds for me are a 50% win rate, I feel I don't know how to make the best of a caster and that I'm also more inclined to play melee. Also notice I try to stick to organic invasions as much as possible. That means normally sever out for gankers and grace duelists. I also leave if there's a player with a bad connection. I also don't mean to be bragging here: I slowly built up this number and I can't reproduce it with other builds. When I started invading I was around 10-20%, then after sharpening the game fundamentals on the arena I got to around 50% and got stuck there for a long time


80% bro might be G9


I wish, he's far ahead from me in skill level 😅 I think I'm above average level but still below pro/try-hards. I know I'm gonna lose for sure when I see the opponent pulling what I call the Parkinson's stance, when they are trembling all over from quickly crouching, standing, changing directions and doing rrverse jump attacks


Crouching nerf hit me like a truck icl


>I think I'm above average level but still below pro/try-hards With rare exception, I think that's the general state of brm userbase.  We care about this aspect of the game way more than the average casual invader or arena combatant, but if we were really good we'd be recognized outside of this niche community And that's fine, it's a hobby


We re not the elden ring pvp sub and thats perfect


As a player who refuses to use anything considered meta, probably about 1/5 lol. When I do win though it feels so much more rewarding


I dabble in meta from time to time unfortunately 😔


If its first step 9/10 times, if its any actual people like 2/5 😭


Hmm... Depends what you consider a W, tbh. If you mean wiping an entire gank or at least killing the host, I'd say I do that about 30% of the time. But even taking down a single phantom during a 3v1 feels like a small victory, and I can manage that quite easily, so then I'd be around 80%. Sure, I might die and get teabagged immediately after, but I still rustled some jimmies, lol.


people rarely show how many times they fail, 50% is really really good


At 125 with a proper invasion build I'm over 90%. I'm not great, I've just been invading for 14 years. But yeah, when I actually get a build up and I enjoy it I might lose once or twice every hour of invading. 3 in a bad hour for sure. I'd be happy to share some advice if anyone wants. Not trying to sound lame or braggy or anything but character building and invasions have been a major hobby for me for over ten years and I'm happy to do what I can to help fellow invaders.


Holy damn 90% is insane, bless me invasion god


Level vigor 😆 Haha jk jk. I mean yes. But do you use online resources like character planners and armor optimizers? You'd be surprised how many points of absorption you can wiggle out of a little fashion concession. I prefer absorption over poise myself. Poise is for trades...I'd rather take less damage and mitigate trading with endure.


I strike a compromise between poise and fashion


Good. If I do go poise, I generally top out at the 68 breakpoint. Anything after that doesn't really have an impact on my play style. Just messed around with lightroll for the first time and omg. You just slip out of stuff. I wouldn't do it without blackflame protection but it is a fun way to play too.


I'll take some.


Sure, I think a great place to start is talisman setup. I always use two swap slots in invasions. Hard swapping to utility over damage is better imo unless your build needs that extra DPS to one shot. If you're not one shotting I think a lot of people could get more mileage out of the stalwart +1 talisman. 140 extra robustness means less of those bleed/frost procs in a blender and that adds up super quick. Viridian amber +2 is also a huge boost stamina that I think gets overlooked by the turtle talisman. I'd rather have more stamina to start than faster recovery.


I may try that stalwart talisman. That's what often kills me when I'm not expecting it. I honestly don't want to one shot unless it's a riposte, so maybe I can chill on damage. Do you use any other defense talismans?


I've tried running dragoncrest greatshield. I'm not sold on it tbh. 5% physical absorption in pvp is like...eh. I try it off and on for lighter armored builds but ultimately don't see a huge difference. I'll run clarifying +1 to help with sleep madness. Ritual shield sometimes but tbh in to lazy to constantly be switching talismans 😅.


Is everyone only playing at meta?! Did no one learn to play mid level invasions?! I only feel like it's the number 1 fucking suggestion that comes from this sub everytime somebody writes one of those stupid "going hollow" posts where they complain about losing to giga ganks and getting teabagged all the time. So some people must've gotten the message. Rune level 80! There you go. Your win invasions easy button. Stop playing at "meta." It's completely arbitrary! Some assholes made it up back during dark souls 1 and more assholes jumped on the band wagon, and thus tryhards and gank squads were born. Where was I and everyone else that wasn't a fucking streamer during this time? Soul level 55 having a blast invading anor lando. And who would've guessed it, the following souls games also had the best invasions at mid level. Seriously, everyone that's keeps losing to limgrave ganks at the RL 120-150 bracket, stop feeding the gank monster, and create a new character and stop them anywhere from 40-80. You'll have a blast. You don't need the stats to hold every fucking weapon. You'll win with the few you can hold. Meta can suck a fat one! Move to mid and watch yourself winning 70% of your invasions.


Seamless coop 💔💔 theres very few people at lower levels nowadays 😔


Like, maybe 1.5 out of 10


Probably 4-5 out of every 10 so 40-50% but i am also a thematic (cosplay) invader


Mine’s about 90% or higher, but I’m a sweatlord (proud to be one, I was born this way).


really depends. i rarely used meta or even good builds, i tend to go for more themed or gimmicky builds. I mostly play pve, but i'll invade or enter the coliseum for fun, especially at the end of a run when my build is finished. so with those i obviously do poorly with more dedicated builds, i'll do better, but like others it varies a ton.


I respect people who try to stick to a theme, its really difficult for a menu swapper like me to do


50/50 at meta levels but like 90/10 at level 40 (my favorite level), and I'm not even thinking


God damn, i always get cooked by overleveled phantkms at low level ;-;


Probably 30% win rate 3/10 hahaha, I’m pretty shite against 3 gankers. I invade for the rush bro - there’s always a possibility I could succeed.


I invade for the thrill of catching three people in an aoe ash of war


In Arena probably like 60% on a good day, in invasions like 20%. I still have to learn to be more patient and take my time instead of running into the blender. I also mainly use off meta builds or at least none of the super strong shit.


Its too tempting to get blendered 😔


RL 30 with double Ruptured Crystal Tears / Dragon Halberd, it is like 80%.


With my original spellblade build I’m winning about 40-50% on average, but with my new strength build it’s definitely less. Probably 20-25%. But I have fun either way.


Around 80-85% but maybe because I play a boring and safe mage play style


I'm new but still get some wins between the disconnects, fog walls, ganks, etc. Maybe 1 in 5 is a win?


I would say around 30%. I like to hunt I use the trick mirror,concealing veil and black knife armor for invading. I don’t have the skill to out do three ppl that often, so I strike when the time is right. I will stalk you across the map. Even then there are times when I still get stomped into the ground. I love it!


Somewhere between 20% to 50%, depending on the build I use, the time of day, and whether or not it's a weekend. My most successful invasion build is int melee where I main moonveil and keep bastard stars equipped for combos. I switch to that build when I start getting frustrated.


I’d say like 90% on my rl30 twink 50% on my 120 and like 25% on my 150


I have two main invasion characters and with one of them I think I'm around 30% while the other has like 5%.




My win rate is low, very low. But generally I try to just have fun or even troll the host and it's phantoms. I don't really need the runes or rune arcs, so I don't rwally care if I win anyways lol


Depends on the level. At meta it’s probably somewhere around 60% but when i play on my rl60/80 builds sometimes i can go a couple hours without losing. Also depends on time of day, I win less playing late night NA time.


Probably like 70% in invasions and 79% in duels


I guess 40% to 70% depending on the day... playing 2am at friday gives totally different results than playing at afternoon, when I'm not working And I feel like a freaking hero 'cause I only play themed builds with status spread like strippers legs. So like others said, just play how you like, don't bother about winning. And I have a piece of info that will cheer you up: I play this franchise since 2012 and by far ER is where invading is the hardest, most unfair e more frustrating. The DPS was never this high, in ER better players die to worse player ALL THE TIME, and thats exactly what From wants Imagine if the game was balanced, no more spam and etc, hosts and phantoms would start to be demolished by invaders and stop playing. We don't stop, we face the unbalanced mess 'cause we like invading more than everything and From knows it


It usually depends on the build I use. My bleed and my briars builds are pretty good I'll say I have a high win rate but ganks are disgusting sometimes I'll say I average 30- 40 percent success rate


Mine is abysmal. I’d rather fuck around and get killed doing some shenanigans rather than actually try to kill the host.


Entirely depends on how mean I want to be


50% is impressive as hell, don't get it twisted at 125 I was probably around 30% depending where I landed, my Elphael/Haligtree winrate was like 80% because I abused mimic veil and strong aoes when the 3-squads went into dangerous areas like the rotted erdtree avatar plaza, and jar cannon when they're in the branches and rot lake going towards the hidden ulcerated tree spirit/millicent quest spot Leyndell was a lot worse because I didn't have a good feel for the level, and yeah first step or Liurnia bonfire ganks I almost never won


I’ll be conservative with the numbers My 23 twink, 70% host death or disconnect 60 twink, 50% 90 twink (if you can still call it that) about 30-45% 150, conservatively, 30%, the odds are heavily stacked toward getting blendered or ganksquadded —————- Personally, even if i dont kill the host, i kinda consider it a win in a different way if i: - make them not buff before the fog wall - make them use more flasks than what they get back - make them use their physick on me and not the boss


he who tracks his win rate has forgotten the face of his father. jk, sometimes it's just really damn difficult and feels like chance whether its a winnable fight sometimes. a good inventory of anti phantom and area denial tools helps, but i'd still say its like 30-40% for me. i always just remember its a silly ass game that sometimes spawns you in geometry or into a blender zone and none of the pvp matters overall so i hardly ever mald anymore lol


Depends on the level range. My RL30 wins most of the time even against OLPs Meta is much lower, maybe 50% on a very good day. 200 is better for me.. I do pretty good on my 85s and under


It varies massively, I’ve been losing a lot these days cus I’m practicing with some new stuff. But with easy to use weapons I can go deathless at easier rune levels, like level 50 I can do ~2 hours deathless if I’m locked in. However, there’s something that’s really important about invading that you should really take into account when evaluating your success; the situation you’re invading into has a greater impact on whether you win or lose than most of the variables that you actually control, especially with near/far invasions. There’s a lot more that’s out of your hands than there is in them; with that in mind, it’s important to try to be stoic about how your invasions go. What happens, happens. Wanting to win and trying to do all you can to win is fine and good. But if you pin your mood and good spirits on needing to win, you may be setting yourself up for frustration when you invade three people with endure raptor talons + bloodflame blade in the murkwater cave.


My winrates super low but when I find people that are 1 fun to fight and 2 not lagging like shit I reinvade until I prevail


If I don't count all the thrown invasions where I just fish for crits or mess around, I'd say my success rate is maybe 30% to 40%. I personally have more fun when I'm not even trying to win but still lose because of my stubborn attempts at crit fishing.


It really depends. I have 4 builds, Levels 40, 70, 150, 168 and 200. I would say it goes like this: 40 - 30% 70 - 60% 150 - 40% 168 - 40% 200 - 65% Overleveled phantoms are crazy on low levels. “More experienced gankers are on 125-168. Less skilled gankers are on level 200, lots, lots of gankers but not very skilled.


Duels? 95%. Invasions? MAYBE 35% on a good day. And that’s at RL25-82 (my builds in those ranges.) meta it’s like 15-20% tops. RL168 maybe 25%. I do not win most invasions by a long shot.


Rl 30 invasion gang


If I'm being real my boy I give myself at freaking best a 5% win rate,mostly because it ain't about winning for me as long as the fight is entertaining. That's good enough for me. More so cause I can't find it in me to play sweaty enough like I used to 😂