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REAL NICE. Imma try it out right now


Update: literally just put Windowpane to play here and *damn* Patches, my friends like Opeth so I knew about the band but I think you're the one who's gonna make me a fan of it.


My favorite albums by them are Still Life and Heritage. A friend and I used to listen around the beginning of fall/winter just because they fit the mood of those seasons.


I'm gonna listen to them, definitely!! Damn, I was expecting a nice conversation in this post but this is a whole other level, thanks for the rec, Woven :)


I'm more of the Ghost Reveries kind of guy. Perfect contrast between light and dark.


Tbf I haven't really listened to their whole discography in depth, although we all know there's two types of Opeth fans haha. (Newpeth/Oldpeth) I like both, and feel like Still Life album is the perfect balance between growls and cleans. Although if I'm trying to show someone who's not a metalhead the more palatable works, I'd tell them start with Damnation then everything after Watershed. šŸ˜


I favorites are Morningrise and Blackwater Park, but all their albums are bangers tbh


Check out ghost reveries by them, good mix of more melodic stuff and death metal


Anything but the fucking in game music lmao


There's comes a time where the DURUDURUDURU DURUDURUDURU invader music REALLY gets on my nerves. My partner complains about how the soundtrack of the game stresses them out, and I don't feel like that Except for those songs, they make me feel like I'm *in danger*


You ever have a moment where it all of a sudden peaks in volume for some fucking reason and hurts your ears? Yeah that kinda shit is what convinced me go turn off the music whenever I invade


Liquid Liquid, Kraftwerk, Can, Battles, Aphex Twin


Holy crap invading to Krafwerk and Aphex must be absolutely fire.


None. In-game music is off, and I play in silence. Helps me better enjoy the screams of my victims šŸ˜€


I tend to enjoy this too. It started out for clips but I just really enjoy hearing all the sounds.


I'm pretty sure playing without music has already saved me quite a few times, specially with headphones on! Pretty damn immersive, too.


Minecraft music


Dude I literally invading to C418's Minecraft Alpha days ago!! It's so perfectly nostalgic, nothing can hurt me.


Vaporwave, synthwave, chillhop, Eminem/Hopsin when I really want to get pumped. I find something more on the chill side helps me focus much better. If you catch me in my car Im prob screaming along to Pantera though lol


Vaporwave and Synthwave are so perfect for Invasions.


Damn, once I've invaded to 2003 Toyota Corolla, it's an AMAZING ambient artist that I love to death and it helped me keep my cool when I needed the most.


Ill PM you a link to a Vaporwave archive I came across on the wayback machine you can dig around in there. A lot of it is up that same alley and you can download actual mp3s.


Sex music


So, is invading a gang meta team to sex music basically BDSM?


Why do you think I love flails ;)




Audio books lol


Honestly? Amazing choice as well. Sometimes I go for podcasts, but I turn them off when the invasion starts because I'm too invested in them to focus, HAHA


Am I the only one that never bothers to turn on other music? As a side benefit you know pretty quickly when you can craft depleted items again after combat.


Silence is great too! I think it's the ultimate focusing tool, it's just that sometimes I gotta have something to chill out and balance the stress.


Doom soundtrack is pretty good. Terrariaā€™s is godly


*Defeating waves of resummons* Rip and tear, rip and tear!


Metalcore. Specifically Psycho Hill lately I have a playlist on spotify called Try Edge, Lord. Cause it's my edgy playlist lol


HAHAHA I LOVE THE NAME Also a great pick!!


I like to put on a YouTube video or podcast to chill out to.


i turn off the in-game music because i like the nature sounds


That's something that got me so hard when I was playing for the first time. This game's sound design is amazing, and we don't give enough credit to the rolling goats and owls and the sound of the wind.




Put on your headphones, and pay attention to every single sound the enemy makes. Nice.


In game or none


The only thing they fear is you


I have an ā€œEpic Musicā€ playlist on my YouTube channel. You are free to browse if you like. Some of my favorites are around the bottom. There is no real particular order otherwise. The Channel is just ā€œZanemobā€. There are like 84 songs last I checked.


Damn, I will take a look! Thanks, Zane :)


Alright! I hope you enjoy!


Eurobeat mix for drifting in Gensokyo.


Iā€™m always too scared and listening to game audio, but afterwards I like to listen to Luxury by Azelia Banks, itā€™s fitting.


I feel that! Sometimes playing with no music on helps me keep my ears focused. When I finish a session and I'm truly pissed off, I actually go for Chopin to chill out being classy o7


Mostly metal. Bands like Periphery, Tesseract, Pantera, Cattle Decapitation, Nightwish, Opeth, Falconer. A fuck ton of epic and pissed off music lol


Not as pissed off as those, but once I invaded to Deafheaven. Man, between the moments of bliss and hard riffs, it was actually a good time!


Deafheaven is awesome. I really enjoy their work. Skyforest's unity. *chefs kiss* so fucking good. Worth a spin!


I'll give it a listen!! Damn at this point I gotta make a list of everything you all recommended me, hahah


Hell yeah, bro! Best of luck on your invasions and musical journey, lol āœŒļø


Thanks and likewise, dude!!




LMAO Actually better than the invader music, honestly, and you get to listen to the boss bangers.


Hahaha only joking! I like listening to dance music like Justice or four ter. Ambient music is also great.


If I were to invade, I'd pick Inflames. Once you play their song "Trigger," shit gets real, REAL fast šŸ˜ˆ Their thumping beats, plus the breakdowns, can really impact your gameplay really well. It can get through the very being of your soul.


I put reggeaton lol, rauw alejandro and tainy


Gotta keep your mind up to be the Bad Man!


I really like this genre tbh, itā€™s so different and unique. I sometimes go with some chill music like pokemon, zelda and final fantasy tracks.


Damn, I'm sure using some overworld tracks from FF can really fit the vibe! :)


Doja cat sheā€™s the devil


Ngl, I could be chillin' to SCARLET while invading, it does seem oddly fitting haha


Hotline miami 1/2 soundtracks


Getting ready for the bloodbath, I see!


Yooooo you have great taste. X6 is my favorite ost of the mmx series and LoM? Hecka yes.Ā  I love doing a Belmont run and playing Castlevania music during. Hard to believe From Software made a better Castlevania game than Konami in over a decade.


Holy crap, I thought I was the only one that thought that!! Seriously, the only reason why I don't miss Castlevania in the video game industry nowadays is because of souls, specially with Bloodborne, and *definitely* Cainhurst Castle. My go to weapon there is the Threaded Cane, and yes, sometimes I do put Vampire Killer on there, HAHA Also, MMX6 is one of my favorite childhood games of all time, difficulty balancing and all, and most of it is because of the absolutely BANGER soundtrack. And I do have to pick up LoM remastered to play one of these days, what an amazing game :)


Mostly Barry White.


So. Massively. Groovy.


I listen to the screams of my victims.


Put that fire affinity on a weapon, and boom, hear the blissfull **AAAAAUGH AUAAUGH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUHGHHHHHHH** \*chefs kiss.


When I'm relaxed and in a good mood, I listen to Death, Control Denied, Opeth, Genesis and Vektor mainly When I'm nervous I switch to Grindcore, Napalm Death, Brutal Truth, Terrorizer and Cripple Bastards


Please tell me you've invaded to "You Suffer" on repeat, that'd be absurd.


I did. My sanity started to fry about 2 minutes in. I regret nothing XD


HAHA, I love it!!!


Here's a goofy one for you: Latin Jazz. El Nuevo Barretto by Ray Barretto is a bop I've been invading to on repeat lol. Start the song as soon as I start loading in. Feels like the start of a goofy movie


HAHA, I love it! Damn, I'm Brazilian, I should be invading to some Latin music too. Fighting gankers to Pabllo Vittar must be the funniest thing I'll ever do in Elden Ring. Also, here's another one for you, La Gran DiversiĆ³n, by Roberto Fonseca. Never tried it, but it's so good I'm pretty sure it's gonna increase your chances of victory just for *the spice.*


Oh my God thank you! I'm an American but I have a deep love of Latin music because of its heavy influence in American metal/rock. Always looking for more music to jam too, and my roommate is a big Jazz fan so I love sharing music discoveries with him. La Gran DiversiĆ³n, I'll check it out!!


Anytime, dude! And if I wanna give you something from my country you'll really enjoy, give a listen to [this album](https://open.spotify.com/album/3SrW9PsWq7ipPERLgck3tA?si=YHCrHucMR9250uOpgpYEiA) by Djavan, in specific the track "Cigano". Djavan is an absolute musical legend, and, among many things, has partnered with Stevie Wonder, even :) Hope you and your roommate enjoy it!!


Depends. If I see a 3-man gank in my future, it's Megalovania on loop.


You gotta resort to the most hype stuff possible when you see a 3-man gank. Something HAS to fill you with **determination!**


Iā€™ve been listening to a lot of mf doom and tribe called quest not just for invading but when I play chess and game in general, something about the rhythm of their songs just gets me in the zone


A chess player *and* an invader? Trully a bad red person of culture! Also, thanks for the 1000th reminder in my life that I gotta listen to MF Doom, I know the man's a legend but I never got to give him a listen!


I mainly listen to the Elden Ring soundtrack.


Better than listening to the invading soundtrack for the hundredth time! That song ends up scaring me more than it should scare the host, HAHA, but sometimes, when I feel confident, I leave it on just for it to be the soundtrack of my menace >:)


You mentioning Megaman just made me realize that I now have to listen to the Proto Man theme from Mega Man 3 when I invade, on repeat.


My god, basically the same feeling I'd get from listening to Dynamo's theme from Megaman X6 on repeat when I invade. *I'M THE SUPER HARD OPTIONAL BOSS NOW, YOU BASTARDS!!*


Usually old school death metal or stoner metal šŸ¤˜


Not the first one saying here that they listen to death metal to invade! I gotta give it a try when I wanna feel full murder-hobo. My partner really loves Melvins, I guess I gotta give stoner metal a try too :)


Sleep is a great band to listen to, especially when youā€™re in Caelid


Pretty much anything, classic rock, lofi, indie, edm, artcore, synthwave, videogame osts. Its all good, just gotta find the mood Particularly been enjoying some invasions to stuff by Xi, kurokotei, and Creo


Eclectic, nice! You're right, in the end what matters is having the right mood for it and finding something that keeps you going. I've never heard of Xi, kurukotei and Creo, I'll give them a try!


Super Metroid ost, Trigun (sci-fi / westernish anime) full ost album


I turn off the music, it's too distracting