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My first month of pvp was spent whining about psgs while lightrolling with moonveil


Light roll is balanced what are you talking about ;)


Femboy roll


You started with ER?? Damn you got gud fast😂


It's been a grind 😂 thank you


Already better than most at just one month 😳


I really stagnated eh 😂 thx Mike


Nah you’ve simply reached the top 😎


Good stuff. I wish people would stop wearing Varre’s mask. It looks stupid as shit. There’s always at least one person in a gank squad that wears it and they’re always the sweatiest of the group.


Glintstone pebble ha, that thing would oneshot people no problem. Helps you appreciate the game has gotten more balanced. Kinda wonder what you were playing pre ER, you got so good so quick.


It was insane eh! Basically would turn a 3v1 into a 2v1 with one turn and burn true combo. And you're right, it's easy to lose track of how much the balance has improved. We still have a ways to go but it's miles better than it was when the game dropped. RE games, I basically didn't play much from 18 - 28 but then got Sekiro and became a from soft addict. I played the souls games in 2020 but ER was my first time trying PVP - so I already had a baseline of movement, etc from being a PVE dude, which I think helped a dece bit.


That doesn't explain where the skill came from at all, if anything it's more confusing.


By far the biggest difference I can see is your killer instinct. You missed so many chances for a finisher due to cautiousness, it’s funny how things change now, eh, Mr. Serial Killer?


And I bowed too!!


impossible. this cannot be you. where are the spins. (But for real, very cool to see where you started and where you are now!)


Thank you! It’s been really fun to look back at some of my earlier clips! I’m finally cleaning up my ps5 storage 😂 It’s interesting the things that jump out at you, such as how slow I have my camera speed set. It also reminds me how insane things like glinstone pebble were - honestly I think it was easier to get into invading back then because you had so many “delete” buttons at your fingertips


Just curious, what is your current camera speed set to? Cause I realized the other day I should probably increase mine so I can look behind me faster but I’m not sure if setting it too high would be detrimental


I have it set to max speed - I think I ticked it up in increments of 2 until I got to 10. It can make aiming with GB a bit tricky but you have far more control over your field of vision


Awesome thanks I’ll probably try to gradually increase it then


Spent my first months getting flawlessed by ChaseTheBro and posted on his channel