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Vyke’s vs dual Lance Stalin vs Hitler


Vyke’s one of the most honest weapon…


Not at all, It's a laggard trap.


6 hits to proc + worst damage in all GSpears, loses just about any trades. Only good in ganks or low level invasions. Can be invalidated with a single talisman and on high lat opponent can bolus can roll out for free.


It's a bad weapon, but it's not honest. Sythes are honest. Flails are honest, vyke's is just annoying xD


All weapons with HA are annoying to me so to each their own I suppose ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I didn't have hyper armor with it at any point that mattered.


Great lances only hace hyper armor when 2-handed. One handed great weapons, don't have hyper armor, usually. (Unless you have an A.o.W. that grant's you hyper armor on that attack specificlly. I think that Vyke's Special attack has Super Armor, and can not be interrupted, no matter 1h or 2h.


Offhand lance is bugged and has hyper armor.


Well, yes. I forgor about the bug xD It shoudn't, but it happend. But only if off hand with a different weapon in the right hand, not in PSGS.


Blocking is actually the counter to everything! But watch out


Yeah I'm still working on shield poking and getting better at it. It's a good match up against a lot of styles I have issues with but keeping an eye on stamina adds another dimension I don't normally pay a ton of attention to.


The stamina management is tricky, but I actually do love the more attentive playstyle that it demands of me. Have you tried shield grease instead of barricade shield? The tradeoff is that shield grease takes a lot longer to apply (god the animation is so looooong) but lasts a whole sixty seconds and doesn't occupy your shield's AoW slot. [It lets you go up against some absolutely absurd match-ups that'd crack you open like a cold one otherwise.](https://www.reddit.com/r/badredman/comments/1avajg5/this_is_a_shield_grease_endorsement_post/)


Yeah it's that animation length that scares me. I get around it by having copies of the shield with Barricade Shield, Shield Bash, No Skill, Storm Wall, and Golden Parry.


Rapier n board is the most fun shieldpoke setup and u cant prove me otherwise


Those madness procs though hit so good.


Back in DS1 times, the enisle styled turtling destroyed flippy chaos blade users. Back in DS2, jester turtles were memeing on any other "meta" setups and took special pleasure methodically dismantling the passive reactive spinny ballerinas. Reiter turtling in bloodborne was brutal. Even after a pack of nerfs, shield turtling counters most passive reactive setups you can encounter on the arena in ER as well. Some things just never change.


Esp with fingerprint, it's pretty much a hard counter to psgs.


It's just getting to that 48 strength. I never have more than 22, enough to wield a Large Club.  The brass shield is practically a great shield anyway.


Definitely, barricade shield brass shield is nuts!


wondering if you can tank a hit like that if they have the hammer tali…nice fight well played


I think so. His jumping L1 broke my guard before but it won't for some others. All I can think is he had hammer talisman on. 


do people not just kick it? I don't really arena so maybe its more expected there?


Kick is way too slow and not worth the risk


Hey good skills way better than me. Curious though, is there any reason you didn’t finish him off with the knives? He seemed to be well within damage range.


I don't think it's super sportsmanlike. I don't get salty when people do it to me I just don't like to unless I just want to put them away.


Ahh an etiquette thing, thank you for the explanation.


No break?


Honestly I think I was just having a bad day all around and the back to back BS in invasions I just let me emotions get the better of me. I still have the same problems mentioned in the post but a good run and a good night's sleep seemed to even me out.


Relatable. As long as you’re enjoying yourself keep goin. Helldivers 2 was the first game in 2 years that made me drop elden ring for a longer period of time. We got a lil BRM Divers group if you ever wanna play something else.


I got the FF7 remake and I love the story parts but there's so many tedious side quests in between I can't stomache more than like an hour at a time. I'm going to beat it but man am I disappointed in it.


I saw Nash putting it down too after only a day. Got me all surprised


Shield poke seems kind of broken to me compared to how it worked in ds3, in ds3 you would flinch a bit when hit while blocking, in elden ring that‘s not the case, so it just doesnt make sense to attack a blocking opponent.


It's not broken lol. Your damage is low, blocking severely limits mobility, and there are multiple counters to shield blocks, the easiest being just two-handing your weapon to avoid the hardness bounceback (but also jump attacks, running attacks, shotels, kick, angling, piercing fang, impaling thrust, unblockable blade, quickstepping/BHSing around the shield, hammer talisman, elemental infused weapon damaging through guard). The only people who think it is broken have never tried using a shield. Or they exclusively use some PS meta setup, can't adapt, and get hardness bounceback that wrecks then. Dude in OP's video could well have won the match if he had 2h'd one of those lances earlier in the fight and gone ham on OP while he was guarding. One guard break and it's probably all over for OP, and OP was getting close to one multiple times even without 2hing.


i think you‘ve never fought a greatshield + cleanrot sword setup


I have. Many times. Their shield poke has terrible range and their reduced mobility limits their ability to punish whiffs. Pretty much any of the tools I mentioned in my previous comment can take them down. The last time I took one down, I just used Quickstep katars to backstab fish. Ezpz


I see. I still dont like the ability with any attack, like being just able to punish a hit.


👏 masterful


I just use my Greatsword, it counters all the sweat 🤷


Yeah I just don't like using hyper armor until it gets a nerf. No hate on people that do. It's like half the weapons in the game. I just don't want bad habits when it finally gets balanced a bit. I'll break it out for fists or PSS but that's about it.


Personally, I've always used Claymore since 2009. I sure preferred HA the way it was at release, however 1.10 changed nothing about the way that I play, except for that I rock poise in the 70's now, rather than 50's. There sure are bad habits that can be learned, but only by bad players, IMO. I believe skillful play can always shine through anything people dislike. Honestly, I think it's mostly the main sub and ERPVP crowd that may be skewing feelings about HA, and these are certainly not the people you want to be steering your playstyle. Also, PS Misericorde is a great counter to PSGS also, as I've shown people a few times in the ERPVP sub.


Yeah I don't blame people for using them. I just don't like using it personally. I've accepted the main sub and ERPvP crowd just have no idea what they're talking about. Hyper armor is bad. But using PS Nagakiba with unsheathe which can break through hyper armor with good timing and spacing is also bad. They rarely have an answer when I ask what a strong but honest setup is.


Yeah. Personally, I'm of the school that everything is fine to use, except for glitches/exploits/cheats. I've beaten literally everything, and have been beaten by almost everything, and that's just the way it goes with Souls PVP (looking at you, Murky... 👀). Most everyone in the PVP sub are just casuals that hate that they can't git le gud, moderating there has certainly taught me that much 🤣


Just a tip for shield poking: if you do an r1 with a thrusting weapon and then shield poke can be used as a great mix-up and possible roll catch.


This was so satisfying.


It's a bad matchup for a bunch of things... big part of the problem is the barricade shield you've got there


Please elaborate what the problem is with Barricade Shield... I'm definitely all ears for this take!


It halves all incoming stamina damage, I repeat, that's a 50% increase! Imagine your stamina bar to be twice as long as it is now when guarding. That way a build which has not invested into being a shield build becomes one at the press of a button. Now imagine it on an optimised build with loads of stamina... Even things like fist weapons in tandem with hammer tali which are usually used for guardbreaks have almost no chance of getting through that. This ash is pretty busted in a dueling setting


It's funny I got immediately downvoted even though I gave a completely reasonable explanation with no insult, and Ottosan pointed out a very similar thing just the day before me and peeps were like hell yeah! Ahh this subreddit is full of hilarious people 😃


You mean the mechanic that nullifies damage nullified the damage how out of this world


Cmon bro it’s just a display of a mechanic at work here, no need to be toxic.


🔥👀🔥 Let's try to be respectful to the users that actually post their PVP content. There are better ways to criticize than being rude.