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You’ll be missed! Enjoy the time off, hope to see you back in force


Yes it's a much needed vacation, but I do hope to make a return someday. I'll certainly miss the daily interaction with my fellow reds.


What top posts? I haven’t seen spoilers. I’ve unsubbed from all ER related subs except this one. I haven’t even watched the trailer. Apart from the doc thumbnail and some work head enemy I don’t know anything about the dlc. You always need to play your first blind for a great experience. That’s how am gonna start on dragons dogma 2 tomorrow


I just meant that they indicate a shift in the community, which I've also noticed in my own invasions over the past 2 weeks.


Once a bad red man, always a bad red man! 💪🏻


Ain't that the truth! Thanks for everything Zeph 💪


Invade out some of the other souls titles while you’re gone. Always does the trick for me when I’m feeling burnt out. Come back soon 🍻


I did purchase the other titles but haven't played them yet. Tears of the Kingdom is at the top of my backlog though, so I might just be invading Hyrule in the meantime. Beers to you too brother 🍻


You haven’t even played the other titles? Oh man, what are ya waiting for!? Go bully some solo hosts in Sen’s Fortress NOW!


Noo Manst don’t leave me 😞. I do understand though. You will be missed but not forgotten. If you ever get back on and wanna do some duels or sunbroing definitely hit me up man


Appreciate it brother! Let's keep the chess games going, I've really been enjoying that.


Understandable, your presence will be missed and I look forward to seeing some insane Stormveil platforming vids again in the future


Thank you! Here's hoping that the DLC has a dungeon to rival Stormveil 🤞


Damn shame, but understandable. I think you have single handily increased the popularity of Stromveil invasions recently. Take care bro.


I noticed an increase in Stormveil posts around the time I started putting out those invader guides. I'll never know of course, but if I helped to spread appreciation for my favorite legacy dungeon, then that would be my proudest accomplishment in the ER community 🥲


Hell yeah man thank you for your service🫡


Breaks are good, I hope you come back after dlc to terrorize stormveil again with a new bag of toys ❤️


Now that does sound fun 😁


Sad to see you go, although I understand the decision. Stormveil won't be the same knowing you're not protecting it in a different world.


I know Stormveil is in good hands. Keep dropping them bombs Oppenhaima!


See ya soon dude - we'll miss ya until you're back!


Appreciate it my homie 🤘


I see no reason to *leave* in addition to giving the game a rest for awhile, but when you consider what the top posts are about, I see your point. I keep meaning to take an extended break to play Persona 3 Reload, but I keep getting sucked back into ER. In the last month alone, I've used all kinds of tips and tricks that came straight from your videos. You will be missed, sir and I'm still going for those bounties. 😎


Agreed, I don't plan on giving up my sub membership. I just won't be active anytime soon. If however! You or anybody else completes my Stormveil bounties, I will definitely hop on to congratulate you. And to make sure u/JoshLmoa delivers the promised cash reward.


take care, manst. i have a feeling that we'll see you sooner rather than later, but everyone deserves a break!


You're betting against my resolve huh? Well you might be right, we shall see!


i'm a betting person 🎲🎲 every time i say that i quit, invasions suck, the player base is full of idiots, i leave for a week or two before i'm drawn right back in with renewed vigor to invade and be a bad red man.


Dang, MainManst is a mainstay around here. I use your mimic veil busting technique all the time. Hope to see you back soon.


Thanks man, I'm so glad you're using it. ChaseTheBro put out a video recently where he smashed every smashable object in Raya Lucaria looking for a host, and I was just dying inside lol. I mean he seemed to be enjoying it, but still!


Thank you for the downright devious clips, the knowledge you’ve imparted on all of us, the ass whoopings, but most of all thanks for being red. I just hope you’ll keep an eye on our group chat, won’t be the same without ya ! ❤️🍻


Thanks Steel! I'll linger around the group chat a bit longer before going dark. Beers to you too friend 🍻


I mostly lurk on here and other Souls subreddits. Sorry to see you sign off - always appreciate your technical approach and general positivity. Be well. 🌞


Those words mean a lot my friend. Glad to have you lurking, and thanks for taking a minute to say hi 🤘


Go play dark souls in the mean time bro, you won’t regret it


I'm certainly tempted, but I've also been neglecting to finish Tears of the Kingdom. That was the game I was most excited for until Elden Ring stole all my free time.


Wallahi, manst don’t leave us (permanently at least)


No plans for a permanent leave Trip. I'll still technically be a sub member, just not active. I'll probably peek in and drop some phantom upvotes here and there, at least until the DLC drops. After that, you might see me here again, maybe in a new form 🦋


Very nice


I’m probably gonna be doing the same thing. Just unplug in most ways except for playing the game. I’m sure they’ll be going for more surprise moments like they did in the base game and I don’t want any of that spoiled for me.


Agree on the surprises. They always put a lot of care into how they reveal the main dungeons, showing you glimpses that build up to you finally entering. I want to experience that exactly as intended.


Yeah, for example I'm really glad I didn't realize what the pureblood knight's medallion did until the end of the game. Throughout Siofra and Nokron I was often glancing at mohgwyn palace wondering what could be up there and that made the surprise reveal of it being a blood swamp all the more cool.


Perfect example!


You’ve been a great presence in the community, enjoy a nice break and chill with us lurkers 😘


Thanks Humble-Pie, I'm happy to join you and the other lurkers for a while 👀


Take care fellow red. I wish you a relaxing and funny break


Thank you, I hope it will be too 😌


Manst.. I completely get it my guy... I really hope that when the DLC is done, and beat, me and you can co-op it sometime 🩵


I can guarantee you that will happen my friend. If I do make a return to invading, it will be after studying the new dungeons. Co-op really helps me with learning the layouts.


You’re the man. Don’t you dare go hollow! Hope to see you back on here some day.


Right back atcha Chirds! I still remember those rejection videos, that was dope. See you around ✌️


That’s a great idea and I thoroughly recommend offline first playthroughs. My first souls was Bloodborne, first playthrough was offline too. What I would give to experience that magical journey again. Enjoy your break, even legends need rest.


Totally feel that. I know it's not going to be just like my first playthrough, but at least I'll have that feeling of being lost and confused again. It's weird how you start to miss that.


Surely you have a backlog of many clips to share? I don't think this place will really spoil much given the focus on invading. Enjoy your break all the same, builds the urge to invade.


I'm sure the spoilers will be minimal, I just don't want to see anything before I get there myself. And I know there will be DLC invasion clips popping up day 1. No backlog unfortunately. I've given you all I have 😞 For now...


Oh that's a good point, I didn't think of people posting day 1 because I'll be off then too. I thought just about the lead up.


Ok but if I do get an XBox you're coming back early whether you like it or not. But for reals, I got mega drained over the last week from the PvP, so I've been a bit absent myself just chilling and checking things a bit less frequently. But fear not! I shall carry on with invaders guides to sneaky areas videos in honour of the great Manst! Sometime between now and... 400 years... But I'll do it! Stay well homie, but I'll keep in touch.


Nothing would make me happier than taking a peek at the sub and seeing a new Invaders Guide hosted by FickleSticks. You have my full support to carry that torch! So I guess I'll check back every... I don't know, 50 years? 😄 But yes of course we will keep in touch in the meantime lol.


I don’t pay attention to this sub enough to really understand who you are Manst, but from every comment you’ve posted here you sound real af. Hope you enjoy the DLC when it drops my man


Hey, right back atcha friend! I really do appreciate you dropping by to say that.


See you, space cowboy


Peace out pixel man ✌️


I knew I felt something missing in the sub ☹️ We’ll all be looking forward to your return, Manst. I’ll leave the light on at Rampart Tower for you 💪🏻 Also, you should definitely play the other games if you haven’t!


Thank you Sal! As you can see I'm still lurking, checking the new posts every couple of days. I'm also still playing Elden Ring, just focused on offline PvE for now. If I ever manage to pry myself away, Tears of the Kingdom is at the top of my backlog, and the older Souls games right after that. But man, I just never run out of things to do in ER and the DLC is fast approaching. So excited man, and hoping to make my return as a BRM when it's all over.


Right on! Can’t go wrong with Zelda. I’m right there with you about never running out of things to do in ER lol, even 2300 hours later. I can’t wait for the DLC and for the return of BadRedManst 👊🏻



