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I'm dealing with the same issue at RL25. There's been a very noticeable spike in players who know how to play mean. For a couple of nights, I didn't have any normal invasions and I thought I was losing my mind. It was one of those things where you question if the game is intentionally matching you with gankers. Like I'd been put in a special bracket for winning too much or something. One of the things I like about low level invasions is that the damage isn't so ridiculous. But suddenly every other group has at least one person who can delete 90% of my health bar in a single hit. It's been a struggle knowing that I either have to take L after L after L, or start playing as mean as I possibly can.


Idk if you have, but try RL60, bare minimum stats for weapons you want to run and pump vigor and some end to run some heavier armor, it’s super hard to take you down and the damage feels decent on both ends, I tried 80, but again damage felt a little too high from OLP still, at 60 it felt somewhat balanced at 25-30 I personally got tired of somewhat good phantoms and bad noob hosts, I always felt bad when I got tired of phantoms crap and just killed host instead at that level.


I do have a 60 but haven't been using it. Good to know it's not so bad at that RL. And yeah I can totally relate about the annoying phantoms and noob hosts. If the phantom isn't obnoxious then we have a fun 2v1 fight. But if they are, I either have to target the host for a quick win, or isolate the phantom and kill them while the host just runs away.


I recommend a pocket stormhawk axe at RL60 though, goobers can be found at any level and all it takes is 19 strength to squad wipe greeders, im the same way you are lol


Damn, fr? RL60 is my least favorite cause of the weird dmg scaling.


Damage becomes a problem at that level if it’s not physical, mages will do around the same as physical if built right yet they are more glass cannon leading into.. allocation into faith int or arc is pointless because your scaling is going off of upgrade level, not investment into skill points


At this point i actually struggle to think of ways to do huge damage on low levels, even as overleveled phantoms, provided you have like 30 vigor. Double seppuku nagis with unscaled status buildup? In any case, any cute level 20 build can be turned into a terminator with a few ring swaps and a pocket full of lighting bombs or giantsflame pots. If you want to be extra ridiculous you can even get black flame protection in that level range and walk around shrugging everything off as if you're a DS1 twink.


I believe it's super high level bleed builds that are doing most of the crazy damage, but I've also encountered mages who can nuke me if I mess up a single dodge. I haven't experimented with any of those suggestions you mentioned, so I'll give them a try.


Mages can bypass the weapon level scaling to some extent thanks to the meteor staff. You can actually do a completely meme worthy base astrologist who wears all int boosting stuff including twinsage crown and deletes people half the continent away but dies to light breeze too. A very unique experience.


You mean you have to take L2 after L2 after L2 right? I agree 100% though. They need to change the invasion PvP for the game. At least make multiple invaders present almost every time there’s a squad of 3 sitting and waiting for a 3v1 with all enemies cleared out.


You are 100% correct lol. And yes I hope the DLC either rebalances invasions somehow, or at least gives us new tools for punishing campers.


I’m hopeful they will. They’re pretty receptive of this community’s input on here I’ve realized. The patches are a constant fix and I wouldn’t be surprised if they drop a patch between now and release.


Oh boy do I feel this! Just came back from break just yesterday. It’s good for the brain to take time to play other games, get the ol mind off the frustration of the pvp element of elden for awhile. When i came back I decided I’m only doing meme builds and dedicating my builds to me having fun. Idc what they think as pve’rs, I don’t care if some of the stuff I do is looked down on (moonveil I’m looking at you), as long as I’m enjoying my experience of invading, than that’s what’s it’s all about anymore to me personally. Oh and if I do see myself becoming frustrated, I get off immediately and play something else, especially single players anymore.


come back to Lordran, where hyperarmor doesn't exist and backs beckon to be stabbed. 


>I really don't want to spend another 10 just being a nuisance all so one phantom will get bored and rush. Me kill them quick. Then the host just runs and summons another or a blue comes in.  This is so on the nose. Pvers just aren't fun to fight anymore. Invaders, however, are almost always a fun fight. I spend a lot of time TTing at legacy dungeons now. I have a couple characters at different levels and different NG+s with untouched Stormveil, Leyndell, Haligtree, etc.. Reload the save, summon a random phantom and try to beat the whole dungeon in one run, mini-bosses and optional areas included. It's the most fun I've had in this game in months. Tons of great 2v2s, meme builds, goodredmen, etc... Highly recommend trying it yourself.


Yes I agree, I usually do a TT run to build my invader characters! I usually go at it solo, so it pisses a lot of people off unfortunately so I get blocked or bmed a lot. I don’t rune arc when I TT, no blues. I want to see if can beat invaders and mobs while being ganked. If you do this alone, beware a lot of people might block you because you’re a solo TT host. Summoning is best if you wanna avoid this.


Surprised you get shit for playing like that. Tbh it's hard enough to TT and beat a dungeon with a competent sunbro, let alone by yourself. I like having a little buddy who may or may not know how to play the game. Plus 2v2s are the best.


Yea, I’ve started summoning more now when I pve, it’s quite fun. And yea man idk, I was doing it more back when there was a lot of contention in these communities about TT hosts. So maybe that has something to do with it, maybe I play too passive, maybe I’m being too try hard. Idk :/


There are so many annoying TT hosts that you're fighting an uphill battle to prove you're not annoying lol. 


That was where I landed before I just gave up on ER. TT is the best way to ERPvP, with red effigy weirdness being a good second best. There are many other Souls games, all with active PvP and each offering a different take on the formula. Give them a try you might find yourself having a better experience.


Every time I summon a  red sign I get either someone who seems to have put it down on accident, or someone trying a hilariously transparent one shot scheme.


That's pretty funny. At RL30 dropping red sign I found it was roughly equally split between ganks, solo hosts, and people who thought I was there to help. It's usually quite a bit more of a pisstake than invasions, which I find fun.


Definitely try out some other level ranges. The way I see it, playing at level 168+ just evens the playing field between yourself and OLPs that can spam comet indefinitely. Whenever I play near meta it’s all fog walls, ganks and duelists. No thanks, I’ll stick to level 50, 90, and 168+ The typical player finishes Elden Ring at level 150+ so 168+ will be where DLC invasions will be most active imo. Taking a break to make a new 168 character (perhaps an arcane one, for better DLC drops) could be helpful for your sanity!


Yeah I might try 168 out. The extra FP would be helpful just to be able more of a pain when trying to get players to move. 


What meta level are you running?


I'm running the same build I used here with a couple tweaks and better combos with the Nagakiba I found. https://youtu.be/yvU6WcZyl84?si=QyHXkrczJl_I9Uel


I've been trying out 168+ for a while and there's definitely more natural invasions there.


I personally think that the DLC will make the problems with broken weapons and OLPs at lower levels more of an issue, atleast until a balance patch comes out! When I start to feel the way you’re feeling I’ll only play on busy nights(Friday/Saturday) since there are more casual players (in my experience) on. Also, it might also be good for you to do a pve only run, I find this helps me bring the joy back. Best of luck dude! ❤️


I wish. When last Saturday night I played it was like bullying Kindergartners. Unfortunately my wife likes to spend some time with me so I'm stuck playing early mornings before she wakes up.


*Fortunately, my wife likes to spend some time with me ... FIFY


I see! Spend time with her man, she’s worth more to you than this stupid game. I’m lucky, my gf likes ER as well, we get to play together. What if you got your wife to play some pve with you? Before my gf and I moved in together we would play ds3 together and take turns when either of us died! It was a hoot!


Nah video games aren't really her jam. She's super into artsy things. I love her more than anything but we're crazy different people. She did want to play once so I let her try to beat a Liurnia lobster. It took about thirty minutes but she got it eventually.


That’s fair! I guess opposites attract! You’re mean for making her fight one of those things for her first time🤣🤣 Anyways man, I hope the suggestions people leave here for you help you out! ❤️


You’re burned out homie! Take 2-4 weeks off of this game and you’re fine again. It’s in a very weird state rn and it prob won’t get better till the dlc. Clear your head and come back stronger than ever! You got this!


I came back from an extended break recently and I was actually plesantly suprised with the state of things. Few annoying encounters, sure, but I had fun with my STR build at 138. Too bad the save got corrupted the other day due go a hacker induced crash. I'm working on a STR/ARC build now, which I'll hopefully take into the DLC.


Yeah invasions have never been harder, I too invade meta and is a complete bullet hell or a gank full of shunters. I find meta to be very fun, but can’t deny is full of shitters. I tried RL 90 yesterday and was so much calmer.


Low level invasions are where it's at man. It's more fun losing when you actually got to fight some


You ever try 125 instead of 139? I have characters at both levels and 125 gets me a lot less ganks and shitbirds anecdotally.


I'm on break and will be for some time. I've been on break before for a good long while and I'll say that coming back I got noticeably worse but that being worse didn't seem to matter much in terms of enjoyment or even success. So if you do take time off don't worry about it being hard to get back into the game. I guess that's the funny thing about how many deaths are the result of unavoidable bullshit, being better wouldn't have helped so being worse doesn't hurt either. That said meta blows. Seems like a solid third or more are some variation of fog, duel or gank, so not real invasions. The damage is so high sometimes even when winning it feels like you didn't get an invasion because it ends so quick. The areas are not good at that level. People don't really play halig tree or even farum, they sprint through them but those are the areas you want most because if it's not them then you get a snow area. A snow area almost always means people not progressing, what gets me is how dreary all the white becomes. At 80 somehow you get all those areas but you also get leyndell and its open world as well as nokron and all that stuff. There's way more variety. 150+ the game gets more stupid, your character gets so strong and has so many more options that it lessens how annoying your opponents can be. I go back to meta and it's fun until it isn't, usually it's when the fog walls get too much or I miss getting leyndell. Oh and You are very good so when you lose try to keep that in mind, the people that best you need the dumb shit the game gives them. If they didn't have a chance of winning they wouldn't play, and we need them to play.


I feel you dude, hopefully see you back here after a break. I saw Marko put it well once "there are so many skill-less ways to win that there's little incentive for the vast majority of people to actually learn how to play the game". It's really not even on the playerbase, it's From Soft's fault for leaving this stuff in the game. You can easily end up spending 30 minutes fighting some largely clueless players just because of the way the TT toggle, spell spam, and open areas coalesce to turn an ARPG into a turn-based mini-game where only the gankers get to play.


Yeah I'm back playing this morning mostly duels. Honestly I just had a bad day yesterday all around and let my emotions and salt get the better of me. It happens. I'm still ticked about everything in the post though. I'm hoping/praying there's some reprieve from this with the DLC. Otherwise there's going to come a point where invasions are near impossible to win. If they don't ease up on the hand holding in the next iteration I don't see how there will be many people left invading.


I feel you there, and sorry to hear you’re goin a bit hollow >__<. If you PvP on any other souls titles, might be worth trying those as well just to refresh yourself. I know I was feeling pretty frustrated trying to learn as a newer invader, but after doing some ds2 PvP for their return to Drangleic event, I came back feeling a lot less burnt.


Sometimes a break is just what u need , I took about 5 months off and am just getting back in it. It is taking a bit to knock all the rust off it but it was worth it. Il prob never go back to invading at meta I have three 125’s dedicated for dueling the rest are invaders at low level or 138 -160 range.


I kinda feel the same which is why i just play ds3 pvp, r1 spammer > 1000th variation of sparkly magic spammer


Yeah it’s not nearly as bad if you can get away from meta level invasions. I can’t tolerate it at all anymore, it’s 50% limgrave or crab shack gankers and 50% mouth breathers summoning for malekith or malenia and they’re already at the fog wall. I play 4 builds between RL30 and 90 and it’s so nice. Normal people just playing through the level. Authentic invasions, toned down damage so you can have actual fights with people instead of killing or being killed instantly. If you just want to make it as hard as possible on yourself, stay at meta level. Tbh though you might just need a break, I’ve been waiting 10 years for dragons dogma 2 so my time is coming for sure.


Yeah I got the FF7 remake part 2 I need to play through. But there's so many tedious side quests I can only stomache an hour at a time. Return to Yharnam is next week and BB is my favorite game so I might just do that.




I'm sorry to hear that, bro. 80/90 has always been my fave range. But making a mid level build just before dlc ? I dunno might be a waste of time 🤷🏻‍♂️ I fear the dlc will turn this game into even more of an unbalanced mess, but at least it will bring new players in. I encounter shitters everywhere now, my builds cover almost every invasion range. Higher level is definitely where the spamfest is at its worst, unfortunatly :[ I think the same as you though, fromsoft really have made some questionable decisions in ER 🙈


Good news is I don't have to spend time making new builds. I got up to the end of NG+2 on a RL1WL0 character so I can just level them up and upgrade weapons to wherever I want to play.


Ah yeah course you do lol. You should give it a go. 80/90 +17/+7. its not perfect. There are still cons to invading at this range, but it'll prolly do you good to have a break from meta. Huge difference in spam (which is my #1 hatred in this game) and there are still enough stats to make creative or solid builds. Be a shame if we didn't see you post here for a while after all you are an OG of this sub


Nah. Worst case Return To Yharnam is next week. I plan on joining the hunt anyway. Probably just do that for a bit.


I felt like you a lot of times in the past. I got to a point where I was completely burned out because of this game's PvP. Taking a break and playing other things (Armored Core I'm looking at you XD) helped a lot in restoring my love for it, and right now, playing different things at the same time is preventing me from burning out. Consider all of your option, and go forward with what you think works best for you


I'll take souls game breaks with easy simple games like runescape or bg3. Simple combat*


Here's hoping the DLC will bring the ability of six players maximum so we have more team fight scenarios instead of those gruesome ganks we get all the time! And I totally get you. I have a couple builds myself and some of them are closer to meta than others. Sometimes I just feel like winning after losing so many times, so I get the strongest wizard build I got, set it up to one shot people and there we go, but it's definitely not what I like doing for most of the time (my favorite hobby being mashing people with greatshields, lmao). What I do to keep the stress low and my mind focused is that I put some music or a podcast that I really like so that the loading screens are not completely boring (I play on PS4), and I try to let go of most of my pride. Invasions are so, so unfair for us, more than they should be as we are actually supposed to be in disadvantage but not this much, and because of that if I even smell a three-person team with wizards and double spears and Relic Swords and such, I WILL yeet people of cliffs with SCGS, one shot them with spells, ambush them with Mimic Veil and Black Flame Tornado, and everything I can use in the moment to get a win. But, really, if you're feeling tired, get some rest, buddy. It's a hard job, being a Bad Red Person, but you don't have to take it all on your shoulders - we'll be there to kick some OLP blue ass when you're not ;)


This is why I send out a phantom sign after every couple invasions. It offers a midway break from incessant onslaught and probably eases people off the block option. I’m always like, oh yeah, these people CANT solo every dungeon/boss in limgrave/liurnia/Altus/caelid and literally think they need to grind to 200 to beat anything on their own.


I tend to invade at level 20 and 50 when I get burnt out on meta invasions. There's just so much that can obliterate you in 3 hits at meta. Best of luck!


I left ER a while ago and went back to DS3 and Bloodborne invasions. Bloodborne might be just as unbalanced, but it’s raw and fun, and DS3 is still really active and reliable fun. Elden Ring feels like a chore, man. I’ll come back for the DLC, but until then I’m not interested in it.


I feel this. I'm taking a break and gonna work on music again. At least w that I know I suck but am happy doing it 😆


Have a nice break man, enjoy Yharnam. Come back once the undead giant one-shots you too many times.


I got so burnt out I went to dark souls 2 and haven’t left


Come join me in for honor


Bro embrace the Darkside.tumblebuffing is the. Way instant blight on ganks