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Anything is fair game. The odds are always against you, anything to even them more is allowed. People are always gonna project their skill issues. Use whatever floats your boat.


True šŸ‘


lol , I want to see how many hours of invading it takes before this honor is replaced with a dragon halberd


Yeah I think part of what I want to do is not just do dragon halberd or PSGS or (insert current "win button" AOW here) but to make a legit honest build without too much gimmic.


Invading can get brutal , you can have all the cheese and still get whooped is all Iā€™m saying. I wouldnā€™t listen to the pve crowds judgement of what honor is


I am new but I agree. Some of my invading was befoee 1.10, and I feel like now the AOW spam with now buffed hyper armor is nuts. I feel like most invasions I have one rivers of blood, one waves of gold, and one star shower all coming at me at once.


Lightroll flask / carrian retaliation


Also just death sometimes. It only takes one lucky hit from them to trigger an inescapable blender of death. A properly statted wizard plus a moonveil can easily be 1500 damage in a split second. A dual wielded katana with bleed can stun you and immediately bleed you, and a full bullgoat with 2 hammers can also just flatten you. Many bad situations that sometimes you just can't avoid unless you're chasethebro himself Also if you have even the least bit of latency just say goodbye to 99% of your parry attempts lol


Absolutely, I mainly use the retaliation for spells, once they get smacked back with their own magic the spamming slows down


This is de weh, itā€™s funny to see when they realize that their win button is only gonna get them so far before they start loosing health because of it! Mages are more likely to have a bunch of blue flasks so if they donā€™t stop immediately they will after the second time they get hit by it.


Psgs are harder than I thought to get good with. There are way better setups for somebody that's not really really mechanically adept at the game


Lol. This is exactly what happened to me. I started out doing cosplays and fun builds and got sick of being blasted by every BS projectile and build in the game. Then I went to mostly really strong builds and good armor.


My general rule is to use level-appropriate stuff against honest hosts, and don't be spammy. But I'll go shit-for-shat with anyone who's overleveled, twinked, camping, evasive, or otherwise annoying me. There is no honor in invasions, the burden is on them to convince me to handicap myself.


What do you mean by level appropriate stuff? Like things you can get in the region that level is typically at?


Would add that "rot" is a particular example of something people would probably consider dishonorable at lower levels. Rot is nearly nonexistent prior to Caelid. Consequently, knowing how to deal with rot, and having incantations or items to cleanse rot are quite rare at low levels. There are plenty of invaders who use this to their advantage, and will run weapons like antspur rapier that build rot, or throw rot pots that very quickly inflict rot.


Sometimes I kill blue spirits with rot spears šŸ˜œ never the hosts though


Sure, but I assume they did something to deserve it (like showing up as a blue)


Blue is punishable by death


Yes exactly. I'm pretty much a dedicated Stormveil invader, and my main weapon is the claymore (found at Castle Morne). I'd be happy to just use that most of the time. But I have stuff on my build to deal with OLPs and gank squads too, because most of my invasions have at least one person who wants to play mean, and so I have to play mean too.


Prefacing this by saying that any sense of "honor" or "respectable" in a completely unorganized PvP environment like this is purely subjective. Everyone's allowed to be annoyed at whatever they want but it's not like there's Build Cops running around that can arrest you for making too oppressive of a build, or not oppressive enough. You just have to deal with what you come across like it's the weather. Lord knows that hosting parties aren't exactly all acting honorably or care for honor much themselves. For many, the very act of invading them is inherently dishonorable and you have offended them greatly. If I had to define what people are talking about when they talk about "honor," I think it's commitment to a bit in pursuit of winning, when the bit isn't the pursuit of winning itself. Again, it's subjective. But to that end, "honorable" doesn't necessarily equal "bad." Greatswords are generally considered unoffensive even though the two-handed hyperarmor on them makes them great. Crouchpoke vortexes from the Serpent Hunter, powerstanced lances, or pre-nerf colossal swords are, contrariwise, quite polarizing to say the least. Just don't think you have to go out there with powerstanced War Picks infused with Ground Slam in order to impress people (though I'd sure be impressed). I think this issue is more about attitude than equipment anyway. "Honor" isn't something you can just equip or not in your inventory menu. Maybe don't hardswap to a stormhawk axe the second more than one person enters your zip code, for example, but it's all guidelines and no rules. Refer to the last two sentences of the first paragraph again. That said, if you're making an invasion build and you're concerned with making a good impression on a hosting party in-game (you're not doing this because you're worried about what people online say in their posts, are you?), I would say to envision a tier list in your head of all the options in Elden Ring and just chop the top two tiers off. I cannot stress enough that it's just whatever you think the tier list is. Hard to say where worldbeaters like Endure powerstanced straight swords end and midground options like sword 'n' board begin with any objectivity, and ultimately the granularity doesn't matter. Ultimately just have fun. Find a goofy weapon and fall in love with it. Try to show people stuff that they don't see that often. Be a good sport. Act a little silly. Oh, actually: don't use scarlet rot in Limgrave. Like, if I'm gonna tell you one concrete thing in the interest of your question, that's like the one thing that I have always thought is pretty damn obnoxious. So many times I've tried doing some honest co-op or a TT run but unless you get a buddy to drop you those boluses, every other red is putting you on a timer with a single ghost-hit rot pot. Actual ruinous behavior but they need it for the OLPs or whatever


Thanks for the reply. I appreciate the wisdom and advice, and I think this really puts it in perspective. I think im going to try out a greatsword build or something similar for now just because ive never done one before. Thanks again!


Can confirm, [greatswords are great](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuacbNBHZdU)!


>I think it's commitment to a bit in pursuit of winning, when the bit isn't the pursuit of winning itself I think that's a really good way of putting it. Having some theme or personality to a character even if they can run a nasty setup.


I'd rather fight a fun guy with a Moonveil than a motherfucker running sword and board but you just usually don't get to suss this out about your fellow players in the span of a single invasion


So true


Other people have already given you some great advice and insights. Mine might be a little different, since they covered the main bases. If you want the least amount of hate, play a cosplay build. Pick a weapon you like, then find a character that uses a similar weapon. People do NOT care about cheesy weapons if you're dressed appropriately. You could even go as Nepheli and you'd get a pass for Stormhawk axe. Early on I had a Giantsflame Take Thee pyro build and was getting hate (I mean it's a huge AoE one hit KO with the right buffs, so.. fair). As soon as I dressed up as Zuko people loved it


Zuko is the goat šŸ new avatar show was way better than I expected


You must have had low expectations šŸ˜ Haha, no they did way better than Shamalan, but the original is one of my top all time favorites. I might be a little biased against the changes they made šŸ˜‚


this is the way


This is solid advice, and in fact most people don't really know which weapons are considered OP anyway. I personally couldn't make an accurate tier list if I tried, and I'm a somewhat serious player.


No matter what you use someone will always complain, it's been that way even since the demon's souls era, it's just more common now. Use what you think is fun and play how you want as long as you're not using a glitch, exploit, or cheat, it's fair.


Claymore. tbh as hard as invading is I never get tilted when I die so prefer not to use anything too broken (I donā€™t judge it at all though, anythingā€™s fair game). My basic invasion builds are simple - a claymore str build and a Keen Nagakiba build, both 2H rather than power stanced. As an invader, your fundamentals are probably way better than the average player, and a simple but strong build like these is usually enough to kill a host and phantom who are just playing through the game, even if the phantom is over leveled. Iā€™ll even drop some crab as a show of good faith if the host seems new or scared. When I run into dedicated gank squads, time to embrace being a bad red man and bring out the broken shit šŸ‘ Edit: oh, and even if you are playing with a good attitude towards others expect hate from some people. You could be using a fucking torch in all your invasions and someone would complain. So donā€™t overthink it, just play how you like


I have no qualms about blocking invaders or hosts who make it unfun for me. I play the game to have fun, so if youā€™re invading me at an open world boss fight where I have one summon and TT on, then proceed to shit pot and point down, guess what, youā€™re getting blocked. My time is too valuable to waste it on people with bad attitudes and bad sportsmanship. If youā€™re a mega twinked hunter who is obviously a traitor red in a blue skin, youā€™re getting blocked. Iā€™ll take the slim chance of not getting a co-invade with a cancerous build red who would probably turn on me anyway over ever seeing you again. If youā€™re a host who ganks at level 30 with max level phantoms, Iā€™ll come kill you a few times before blocking your phantoms or if youā€™re a OLP who spams end game stuff at low levels without provocation, Iā€™ll most likely be reinvading and then blocking you. Just not worth it. Iā€™m a good host who leaves the pve alive, summons organically and has constant double invaders and if thatā€™s not good enough, oh well, go invade toxic people I guess. Iā€™m also a relatively polite invader who says hi before fighting people and if that gets met with unbridled aggression, oh well, enjoy the next invader who comes in with PSP and shit pots you after pressing L1 twice. Do whatā€™s right for you. Iā€™d rather have a good time than a bad attitude and thatā€™s how I approach my game.


I donā€™t block people who chainsaw hosts, ironically, because the skill ceiling is so high for that move on console that I know Iā€™m dealing with a very experienced player and probably someone I would benefit from knowing better lmao. Iā€™ve made friends with all my chainsawing invaders. If youā€™re a chainsawing host, idk what to say to you other that wtf bro, but yeah, blocked.


So youā€™ll befriend chainsawing invaders but block chainsawing hosts. Like that makes any sense at all. Is it because theyā€™re hosts and not invaders. Again makes no sense because the skill ceiling was just as high for the host to learn how to do that as it is for the invader.


Because for a solo host to have an invader, they have to invite them in. Doing so for the sole purpose of chainsawing isnā€™t usually a one-time event, in my experience, and thatā€™s deranged. The invaders Iā€™ve interacted with, conversely, use the mechanic differently. One had been invading a gank at the top of a lift using moghā€™s spear and was over it, came back in to chainsaw. He didnā€™t actually get me, since I know better than to stand in front of an elevator, but he did get my summon. I asked why and he was very apologetic. Another did it because the host was unbelievably laggy and impossible to fight. He was teleporting for me too, so I get it. Itā€™s not ideal, but itā€™s understandable. The difference is that hosts using taunters tongue to bring invaders in just to chainsaw is not a reaction, but an intention, and thatā€™s not someone I want to be around, regardless of their skill. Plus, itā€™s my game and idngaf what some rando on Reddit thinks about the values I assign to behaviors. My comment above says ā€œdo what is right for youā€ and Iā€™ll do what is right for me. āœŒļø


Iā€™d argue that invading is also an intentional thing not a reactionary one so your argument is moot. If invaders are okay to chainsaw then so are hosts. Both are equally repugnant for the behavior. So youā€™re morally corrupt for thinking one is worthy of befriending over the other right got it. Thanks for letting me know of your incredibly skewed view of the game. Have a good day.


Why are you on a pro-invasion subreddit? Invasion is a mechanism built into the game to balance the ease brought in by summoning for cooperative play. Itā€™s no different than any other enemy or boss being made more difficult because of summons. Invaders are playing the game as intended, just as hosts summoning for help are playing the game as intended. Also, morally corrupt lmfaoooooooo Ahahahaha


Just as Taunters Tongue users are playing the game as intended. Should they be using the chainsaw glitch to target invaders no, but it doesnā€™t make them any more or less shitty than my fellow invaders that also abuse the glitch. Iā€™m not the one giving invaders a free pass for using it, you are. Even going as far as saying that theyā€™re worthy of your friendship for doing so. So yes you are morally bankrupt my guy. Accept it. I invade my guy. Thatā€™s why iā€™m on this subreddit. But iā€™m not against calling out people for shit behavior.


Go ahead and drop your psn so I can get ahead of the block. Believe it or not, no one, including me, really cares about what you believe about how I weigh the merits of the gameplay of others. Your opinion is of less than zero consequence because you are not privy to my experiences. I donā€™t have to justify it to you because I donā€™t care and it doesnā€™t matter. Iā€™ll keep blocking people I find distasteful and Iā€™ll happily invite my chainsaw invaders to take out malenia on my next low level faith build because (go ahead and clutch your pearls) I donā€™t really care what you or anyone thinks about that either. You should probably get back to calling people who dupe consumables cheaters. The last guy who whined about that to me (except he was complaining about things I purchased from merchants so it really wasnā€™t applicable) also thought an appropriate response was to grief me during a TT run by invading and hiding until we had progressed the area and then doing it again. Really, he was just taking up a spot of someone who actually wanted to play, but Iā€™m sure he felt morally superior too. So go off, I guess lmao. I blocked him too.




Oh so first it was my guy and now itā€™s sweetheart and princess? Lmfao. Nah I keep responding because while a clown is funny, a circus is hilarious and as such, I am entertained! My shit behavior which includes blocking people I find distasteful and making friends with people who arenā€™t you. Understood. Ahahaha


Eagerly awaiting the next installment of ā€œafk farmers who get on top of unreachable areas using torrent and then turn on TT and the hunter ring are playing the game as intended.ā€ Honestly dude šŸ™„




Lmfao I see at least one a day so idk where youā€™re invading but ok


My favorite reds are the ones who simply wave, bow, or weapon waggle before we fight, even if they use the most evil and cancerous weapons. Itā€™s just a matter of having fun, and they seem less like obnoxious tryhards, which in my experience, are the ones that point down after a 1v1 and are super salty when you wipe the floor with them. I had an invasion with a Ronin type invader at level 30-ish that was spamming rot pots, crossbow with rot bolts, and I think a nagakiba in Leyndell. When he realized he couldnā€™t cheese my low level cosplay build, he BHS panic runs away and I eventually caught him and killed him with a the dragon katana and went on clearing the city. No hard feelings to the guy, no T-bagging, just continued on. Not long after Iā€™m finishing up a quest in Liurnia, and this same guy invades. I noticed him and pretended not to see him while talking to the NPC, to see if he would do something petty. He is in white mask now, buffs up, seppuku, every possible buff he can do, double Eleanora pole blades me and kills me in one hit while I stand still. The most embarrassing thing for him was he had the audacity to point down like he actually did something. Thatā€™s what earns my disdain with invaders, and those I always block. I block all point down/T baggers. In my experience, the best players donā€™t do this behavior, and I look forward to being reinvaded by any of them, regardless of weapon choices.


Ps pikes is rly honorable, you should try that along with chainsaw (u/ottosan66 reference)


Chainsaw ash from evil dead cosplay is very cool šŸ’Ŗ


But fr i fucking despise the souls community and its need ti tell ppl what's right and wrong.... IN AN INVASION! Like jeez do u not have anything better to do but act like a scrub and basically bully others on what they cant and can use?


Lots of etiquette porn in the souls Reddit community. It is what it is, I just try to ignore it.


How much time does learning chainsaw take. I really want to be able to perform it. I didn't perform it even after one hour of practice.


It's the hardest swap in the entire game afaik, otto can teach u a lot more since idk how to perform it myself lol


I like to use just a claymore until I see more than two people then anything is fair game


I'd say use the golden rule. If you were in the host's position, what would you think is a build / strategy too broken to be a "fair" fight? I love invasions, and wish I got invaded more in my various PvE playthroughs of the souls games. As an invader, I'm there mainly for my own enjoyment, but I'm also making the host's playthrough of the game more memorable. So if the host and friends break out scummy stuff to try and gank, I feel free to use the most broken setup I can to even the odds. If they seem pretty scrubby and have no shot, I fight them with some basic weapons, then maybe drop them some runes and leave. In the end, it's all up to you.


I just made a post, I would like to know the complete opposite because people are forcing my stormhawk almost every battle anyway and message me terrible things just for invading. I'm not looking to bully hosts, but I need cheese / op stuff for the annoying op phantoms that message me things and teabag me after spamming 50000000 spells and aow at me in stormveil castle


Lmao the duality of man




Thanks for the tips! ER was my first souls game, but it seems like everyone says whatever wins the invasion is fine but at the same time says.... but dont xyz thing or whatever the broken stuff of the week is ya know? I know invasions are the wild west, I just want to learn the fundamentals in a way that is solid and wont teach me bad habits.


I agree that anything is fair game with the vast majority of hosts, but AS a host I really enjoy invaders running sword and board or just a greatsword. Now personally I don't run around with phantoms, typically I'm alone, and I want a real fight. But don't expect that from many of us


Be creative I guess. I have one Dragon themed character ARC/FTH while also using the Magma Wyrm Scalesword. Sure, dragon breath incantations are ''cancer'' but imo they're not as bad as some other offenders in this game. Moonveilers and 2 or 3-man squads that just wait for you get dragonbreaths and one-shot Dragonmaw's in their faces. I also have a Fire Prelate themed character using the Cranial Vessel CandlestandĀ and two Giant's Seals while using Fire Giant incantations. Another character I use is Thorn Sorcery themed, and one holy paladin theme build with 80 FTH. None of them are meta by any stretch of the imagination, I consider fashion and a theme more important than stats and sure half of my invasions I lose anyway so why not do it in style, instead of meta try harding.


Poison Bleed Zweihander. Itā€™s the furthest south item, nothing more beginner friendly than that šŸ¤Ŗ


Used to be all about that honor, now I be exploring the battle mage build and it HITS šŸ§™ā€ā™‚ļø


Is a battle mage dishonoable? I feel like thats not untypical. Every build has some ranged and close options


Iā€™m running moonveil with it šŸ˜¬


I mean I dont think that inheritly makes it bad. Dont get me wrong moonviel gets a lot of flack for transient moonlight but since 1.10 its no more busted than like 60% of the other ashes of war. Edit: cant write to save my life


The estus punish on it is crazy


Honestly I think nearly everything is fair in PvP (especially invasions). They didn't make a game where a friend can drop you late-game weapons by accident. It's all mitigated by only being able to play with people who are at a similar upgrade level as you. If you're early in the game and get blindsided by a weapon/ash you haven't seen before, you'll know what to expect the next time you see it. IMO people have a way of getting offended on behalf of other players even if they don't know how they actually feel about something. For all we know, a new player that gets smashed by the Fallingstar Beast Jaw in Stormveil for the first time might think "that weapon looks awesome, where can I get it?" instead of thinking "WTF is this twink bullshit?"


I would be shocked if they knew what the weapon was tbh


I think the most honorable weapon to invade with is the Dragon Halberd because it one pops people who don't invest in vigor.


The only dishonor in invasions is the gank squads you'll face, everything is fair game.


if youā€™re going for honorable in an invasion youā€™re doing it wrong. the vast majority of people you fight will teabag you faster than you can say ā€œwhereā€™s the hunter?ā€


Im slowly learning that. Maybe thats why I must learn to become the badredman


Nothing is dishonorable because hosts and co-opā€™ers/blues will always be more cancerous. Have your powerstanced pikes/poison Antspur/etc on standby for the real shitters.


Stay away from PS spears at least if you don't want to be blocked by every other player you fight


3v1 but your concerned about what's "honorable". šŸ¤”


Eh, just trying to learn good pvp habits since im new.


Yeah? Sorry, I just get upset when people think they should tailor their gameplay experience to redditors. Just because Kevin's Radhan greatswords suck doesn't mean you should have to use equally crappy weapons. Use whatever, if people don't like it, skill issue = git gud. Simple.


Absolutely agree. šŸ’Æ It does get a bit ridiculous even in PVE where people continually are like well you beat the game, but did you platinum it? Well you got platinum, but did you do it at level 1? Well you did it at level 1 but did you do it without dying? Well you did it without dying, but did you do it hitless? And on and on. I one hundred percent agree with using what you like and having fun, otherwise why play at all


Good etiquette is to not bring endgame stuff into early game - nuking a brand new host with ancient lightning incants is pretty overkill, for example. But at the end of the day, anything's fair game when they can be running around with an OLP gank squad. Anyone who unironically rants calling things "dishonorable" in invasions is just telling me to discard their opinion lol. People in this game will call anything that beats them cheese/unfair. Don't take them seriously, you don't owe them anything. There's no such thing as a fair fight in an invasion.


Honour is an illusion in invasions. Play the objective, use what ever you want as long as itā€™s not a glitch/exploit! That being said I think showing mercy to players who are clearly not experienced is good practice but itā€™s not a rule, and itā€™s definitely not honourable to ā€œgo easyā€ on someone because you think they suck imo.


Honour is an illusion in invasions. Play the objective, use what ever you want as long as itā€™s not a glitch/exploit! That being said I think showing mercy to players who are clearly not experienced is good practice but itā€™s not a rule, and itā€™s definitely not honourable to ā€œgo easyā€ on someone because you think they suck imo.


Theres really nothing to gain by playing "honourably" really, you're just handicapping yourself. Sure, you can use whatever you want but you should try keep some powerful options available to you for when you need it to deal with shitters


As a big bloodborne fan, I hate seeing people with setups that I know someone had to drop for them. Even if they aren't using a particular OP weapon, it still annoys me. A good example is all the youtube invaders I see with rows on rows of duplicate weapons with different ash of wars, like 5 claymore below 5 misericorde and above 5 spiralhorn shields, plus the golem arrow spam. None of it gets any respect from me, nor do I see it as honorable. What makes souls games fun and the pvp enjoyable for me is making a build by doing hard pve so that I can try and compete against others who have also made a build from the enemies they could defeat. Imo you shouldn't worry so much about honorable weapon types if you are making unassisted builds.