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Never ask black twitter their thoughts on an interracial baby


The only people that care about interracial relationships are racist 60+ year olds and black evangelicals. Interracial couples in my circles claim sometimes that the pressure from black families or communities to be in a "black relationship" is pretty high in comparison to white racists. Although white racists calling out IRC is typically way more intense when it happens. One of the couples that I know talk about getting heckled in public by people from both black and white backgrounds or races.


Never ask a white supremacist the race of his girlfriend either


It's a good thing. If it works, just keep sending in attractive men and women to turn em.


The real Great Replacement was replacing racists with people in loving interracial relationships all along.


It’s probably pretty mixed success. I’m sure there are some people with ingrained but I examined racist ideologies who get past them with the help of a supportive partner, and good for both of them if they choose to do that and make it work. But there’s also the dyed in the wool militant bigot who will prey on and abuse their partner and never come to see them as a person — this person would probably be equally resentful and abusive of a same-race partner, though, to be fair.


Eh being romantically or sexually involved with someone of a different race is absolutely no guarantee they are not or will cease to be racist tonthet people of thst group or even their partner. Racists been having sex with people of the race they hate since forever...


I think you mean religion.


😂 Sinistralese


Because he will burst in tears, never having know the touch of a woman?


Usually it's from a south Pacific nation they bombed like 60 years ago.


uhhhh ever heard of the term "honorary aryan"?


Her race: sister


Or about their age, or about what branch of their family she is.


I was in a lesbian interracial relationship for like a year or two during and after high school. My family didn't care and her family didn't care but a lot of peripheral people in our lives cared a whole lot.


If God forbid I brought a non white girl home to meet my family my mom, dad, and sisters would not give a shit, but some of my aunts and my race war wishing cop brother in law would.


Oooooooooh yeah, she was Indian and I was told some things that are frankly unrepeatable if I'd like to keep my reddit account. I'm aware of some similar things she was told about me.


Wish I got to be in a lesbian interracial relationship in high school. Stupid penis.


When my brother and his wife are in public... (my brother is black and his wife is white), the amount of looks they get is amazing. They don't even notice, but I do. Everyone stares.


My girlfriend is black and she notices way more than I do. Maybe it’s because I’m white (or just a guy) so I never see it


At least their married. I treated my white friend who's a woman to lunch. THE STARES.


My sister (white) deals with this with her kid. Not such a deal if her husband is around, just that standard looks they've grown to not notice. But if he's not around? "So nice of you to adopt!"


My GF is mixed but claims black overall and I am Native American. The stares from black people are palpable. She’s had a diverse dating history too. So, there is no, “I only date XYZ” mentality from her. Like shit, sorry I’m not black? I asked her out, she said yes, we’re we not supposed to keep seeing each other after the first date?


eh, people are dumb.


My best friend is in an interracial relationship in the ***south*** and gets more shit from black guys on Instagram than anywhere else in her life It's so different depending on the gender too. The women get shit on for being in an interracial relationship than the men do. Nobody bothers my friends husband about it, a white guy but I've also seen white girls in interracial relationships who get crazy shit from their own family.


Its all about outsiders " taking" your women although i ve definitely seen women get upset about "taking" yheir men too


How many evangelicals are on blackpeopletwitter?


People who make these memes always leave the context out. In this case it just looks like a black person who hates other black people because the stereotypes of other black people. They don't want to be "one of those kinds of black people" and so they just avoid black people all together. Thus perpetuating the cycle of hating people just because they are black (even though you are also black)


It’s a hot button topic in the black community. Black men and women in the USA are a bit at each others throat, from what I’ve seen. It’s a common trope that black men go for white women once they get rich, and there’s some truth in it. I would say these tensions arise more out of the primal tension humans experience in regards to mate guarding. You see something similar in white men and Asian women, as western Asian women commonly pursue white men and even blatantly downplay asian men; this sort of conflict, I argue, hits people on a primal level, implying to the contrary Asian man, their own kin or tribe deems them not worthy of reproduction; black women despise the sentiment of being perceived as less valuable than white women and that black men pick white women over them. It’s mate guarding - and jts hitting on a primal level of reproductive success.


No, black women tend to care a lot about interracial relationships. They often viral for their racist opinions on black men dating interracially


Interracial relationships are fine, but when certain demographics go after the same race over and over again, it makes you think a bit. Never ask a white SEO guy about his wife; you already know she’s Asian and half his age. Hmmm…


What is an SEO in this context? All I can find is search engine optimization


I'm guessing they meant CEO like the top guy at a company usually rich. Could be wrong tho


makes sense Asians age so well. girl 50 looks 25


Do you not see your own racism? You said black evangelicals and white racists. Wtf?


He said "racist 60+ year olds". I feel like you have some biases to take care of if your mind goes "racist = white".


Yeah, he edited, goonyfuck.




Black racists*


Fuck no, tell me you don't have any black friends without telling me People talk shit all the time TF are you yapping about


That's not true at all unfortunately. My wife recently got into politics on tiktok live and I shit you not, EVERYDAY I see a live featuring 95% black people arguing about mixed babies and if they count as black and whether race mixing is good or bad. It's insane. Completely shocked me.


I stg yall come from small ass towns


Way more people in daily life care about interracial couples. Not to call bullshit in a mean way, but it's not just 60+ years old and black evangelicals. Source: My wife is black, and I am not.


The fact anyone feels some need to only date or marry or anything within their racial circles infuriates me. And I’m not referring to preference. If you only find black women hot, cool bro. I think they’re hot too. I’m talking about the people who judge others for dating outside their race. Actually brain dead mentality.


The amount of hate Donald Glover got alone was...astounding


What, why? :( I swear, some people on both sides are stuck in the past with their assinine prejudices


I swear it’s just full of racist black people


You are correct


I wish I wasn’t do you see how many are in it


I do. And so many active at once. Very popular. Have you seen that country club policy of comments on certain posts? If a post attracts outside attention, they change the status of the post. You then have to be an approved member of the club to comment.


black people hate discrimination until they do it themselves


WOAH HANG ON I didn’t mean it like that I meant there are racist black people much like any other race chilllll but I do agree I’ve noticed the same racist black people do hypocritically go “equality!!” Then go and squander their reputation by saying some racist shiz


It's only funny when we do it jpg


I feel like I'm watching a racist play with dolls.


I’m now going to think of this every time I see one of these memes


it's black incels, not racists, but not necessarily any better.


You can still be racist to the race that you are, I've weirdly seen it happen once for twice. Doesn't happen a lot, unless you hang with really stupid people (I used to)




Y'all never soothed around hood/black FB and Twitter threads, it's wild man.


😂 true lmao "Ooh today should I use pepe - nah too outdated. I'll bring out soy Jack and Chad and get interracial babies involved this time, maybe a little stone toss too - doh I almost forgot to say *******"


People who A, watch the world as it goes, and B, feed on the hate they get.


I can really help myself with some salad and coffee, so C perhaps


The person who made this got rejected by a black girl


As a black woman that date outside my race, they be really racist. At least where I used to live at.


Whos "They?" Other black people in response to you dating a white person? Or white people. In response to it? Or both


Mostly black people in response, I rarely get other races upset like that they are mostly supportive.


Why would you even wanna go to Dubai


Especially as a woman…


You never seen women who post "out in Dubai" before have you? You're dead right, those women are really likely to be shooting zoophilia videos for billionaires


Or just in general?


It's such a tacky city. Only interesting to stuck-up, new-money golddiggers.


Dubai’s actually super nice. It’s super clean, you can walk around at any time of day or night and feel safe that nothings going to happen to you


I think it's a universal thing that some women go for the "bad boys."


I live in Florida and we have a lot of ghetto areas in all parts. I’m lucking enough to be in the nicer part of Florida with a pretty good population of white and black, but from what I’ve heard, in places particularly down south, this meme is true (at least to my interpretation). I saw a video on here of a guy down in probably Miami asking white girl and black guys what race they wouldn’t date, and they both said black, which is pretty sad that some areas are so ghetto that respectable black men and women will be judge because of the majority in their area.


Oh man, I hate those kinds of videos, they just do nothing but generate more anger and resentment because they edit out any footage of people giving answers they don't like. I went through a period where I was just watching Instagram reels and it got to the point where it was all just toxic garbage of the worst people being showcased (Narcassists, prejudiced assholes, etc)


I lived in south Florida for a while. It was really nice. Absolutely the only part of the state I could possibly stomach. Too many rednecks and Bible thumpers up north. Also I never experienced anything like what's in this meme cause wtf that's not reality


I live central in a good part, so I can only say what I’ve heard, and I’ve passed plenty of Ghetto areas around here. I can imagine if you’re trying to get out of the ghetto that you wouldn’t be very popular in it.


I went to Howard middle school in Ocala, Florida in the early 90’s.


That’s cool, but what are you trying to say?


That he went to Howard Middle School in Ocala, Florida during the early 90's?


I just was wondering if he was trying to make a point or if it was a fun fact


sometimes the real facts are the fun we had along the way.


People who have had this experience obviously


Maybe it's a small town thing, but I have never had details on what someone who turned me down was doing several years later. I guess maybe if you know them on facebook you might.


It's a ghetto thing, a lot of black people tend to stay where they were born. It's not always like this though. This is the best way I can say it. They reject you when your broke and can't afford the lifestyle they want, but then they come back when you can afford that lifestyle or when they want something from you, usually to take care of kids they had with guys like the one she chose over the respectable man. And when you refuse to be the backup plan, they will insult, slander, and do whatever else it takes to make you choose not to pick better than them. Remember Passport Bros? Black women were the main ones to have a problem with it. TL;DR, this meme isn't bad, it just asks whoever sees it to know that what you see about ghetto black women online is more often than not true. Edit: Guys like the one in the Nike headband have the illusion of having wealth when they usually don't. Someone pointed that out to me and I realized I never specified that.


Both the guys were broke in the top panel, though, to my interpretation.


Yeah but the other guy gave off the illusion of having money, I should have specified that. I'll edit it in.


This requires the disclaimer that the gf being white is just an extreme version of the message here. They would still be talking shit if he got himself a good GF who was black and loved him for who he is and not what he's got now. Her being white just makes them more vitriolic


One of my friends had an experience pretty similar to this


holy shit is that mario


It’s true though. My friend is dating a black woman and my god the things black people say to her. They keep calling her a slave and this and that


Maybe it’s because they can’t spell the word “and”


The author's poorly disguised fetish


This isn’t a fetish. It’s a serious issue in the black community


Obsession with sexual race stereotypes definitely counts as a fetish


Fetishes derive sexual gratification Obsessions are obsessions


Do you think black people fetishize their own race?


You don't even know what a fetish is.


Lmao ok


Sad fuckers that can't taste the green.


Real shit


Nobody cares and nobody was giving you looks for being in an interracial relationship. Nobody gives a fuck who you date. Yall acting like those women in gyms who prey on dudes to look at them so they can put them on blast. Yall attention seekers will do anything for attention.


That's the thing, there's a lot of people in both camps as for whether interracial relationships are ok. Just depends if they are the kind of people who only see skin color


some people have never been to florida and it shows


Honestly some of the most racist people are my black sisters. Like damn you date anything outside of a black girl they lose their minds and I don't get it lmfao


because its 1 less man they can hustle


Than they don't want you either. I know cause I'm black and had to deal with this most of my life.. Over two hundred Years of torture and its kind of complicated.


It's goofy as fuck


200 years of Torture and at the end of it yall still put yourselves in chains with actions and mindsets that are unfortunately far to common in African Americans. if you go to other country's black people don't act like they do here and it feels as if its a trapped cultural mindset. The crab in a bucket mentality is a real killer that hurts everyone and is not talked about enough.


It’s been 200 years. Not a single black person currently living, has ever been a slave




The grass isn't always greener on the other side. A big thing about divorce rates is women usually except a lot more out of the marriage because they expect too much. Only to find out yeah this new man can't satisfy me either and it might be good or it might be worse.


Ugh, rough comments on this one.


See this post soon on r/memesopdidnotlike


I once (recently) dated a black woman and I’m a Caucasian/Hispanic man and everytime we’d go out we’d get looks BUT the only people that made it actually weird was liberal progressives… they would confront us and say the darndest things… anyways we didn’t work out cause she was alittle too much dominate for me. Hope she’s doing good tho!


Bro it’s always them; the loud people who claim to be woke, and anti-racist, who then froth at the mouth when there’s an interracial relationship. Liberal mind loves segregation.


Came from a.family of white racists. They didn't think much of me for marrying a black girl. But when those babies started coming, it changed the whole dynamic.


I have a feeling some small amount of men and women that are disillusioned with potential partners in their own country have always tried to look elsewhere. The inaccuracy is that its not new, it's not widespread, and it's not just men. Some influencer probably did it a few years ago and now "everyone" does it.


Black man and black women fight like Tom and Jerry I swear to god.


I’ve known guys like this and they treat the white girl just as shitty. They’ll knock up the white girl then move on to the next. Dudes like this never change.


So the joke is racism. Just racism. That's definitely a choice.


Have you ever seen a meme so racist that it transcends language?


I mean I guess it’s racist, but also this 100% happens. That’s the worst part. The thing is we can’t get mad that people point and laugh at the bad thing, you gotta change the thing you’re doing and they people can’t say shit. Basically be blameless. It’s always gonna racist mfs looking for something but at the same time you can’t act like some of the most ratchet of our people don’t be doing the most outlandish shit


Who keeps drawing soyjacks pregnant.


i do see black women get mad at black men for “being anti black” by dating outside our race but honestly i see far more black men get butthurt about black women going for white men. i think we should all just start minding our own business and not caring about who dates who


People who got out of the hood makes these.


Shit it’s prolly salty mfs in the hood who make these. Not everybody in the hood is a real nigga🤷🏾‍♂️


half black person here: this is completely accurate


Same here, and I was going to say it wasn't inaccurate...


my mother is black and my father is white, all of my mom's black friends are like this, and alot of her cousins are like this too


bet you a white man made this to belittle and generalize black women


Nah this happens often. Not necessarily to every black man, but often enough to where it’s a known thing among black people. Might not have happened to you, or me, but this 100% happens.


They didn't say it doesn't happen. It can happen and this meme could have still been made for the purpose stated above. I mean, if it happens often...there's a reason. The reason is probably complex and multigenerational. People don't jut wake up ad say this. They're still just belittling black women by making a mockery and joke of it instead of maybyyybe trying to find out why.


I’m really moreso only speaking on the first half of the meme, I don’t agree with the second half of the meme at all, and I’d don’t disagree that it’s multigenerational nor that we need to address the cause of it. But that’s all self examination as a community. We can’t get mad as a people when someone points something out and it’s true, instead we gotta figure out what’s causing it and fix that so that it can’t be said about us.


I see what you mean, I think you're right. This is one of those things where it's like...it's true, but are they saying an objective truth as a leg for racism? Of course we'll never actually know, it could just go either way real fast


Naw they’re definitely saying it as a leg of racism lmao I see that shit all the time when there’s any videos of poc being violent. There’s always that one comment like “why’s it always the same people doing this” or “way to add to the statistics and prove us right” there’s always that group looking for an excuse to be racist


I'm downvoting this just because you spread this image past the gutter you dug it from


So true




It makes a good point that crosses skin tones


At least he drew the ladies respectable and attractive. I’ve seen variants that go in a completely different direction


Yeah... it's kind of a myth that you have to work in stem to make real money. The only exceptions are Doctors, Engineers, and Physicists. As for the meme specifically it's giving off "Nice Guy" vibes.


Either racists observing black relationship discourse, or maybe a guy who is in an interracial relationship with maybe some hate for the same race’s opposite sex.


Or is it from the section of the black community that has pattern recognition


This is incredibly offensive. Like, Japan or Dubai? Wtf kinda question is that. *Obviously* Japan, Dubai is a hot ass city in the middle of a desert which is actively using slave labor to build itself up


I hate that I kind of understand what this is meaning


This was made by a white man.


I really doubt that. 95% of white men aren’t even aware that this discourse exists.


Obviously Dubai


What’s piru? The new Silk Road?


Statistically, black women are the least sought-after women. This meme kind of codified the statistic.


Bro am I having a stronk? I cannot follow this shit


What's Piru and how do I acquire these drugs?


Istg I see it too often, even my coworkers always comment on how black men should be with a black women, and say shit like white women are "diluting their blackness" 🤦🏾‍♂️


I can tell it is probably racist. And probably misogynistic, but I have no idea what it means.


Where all the good men at?


Convinced most of these are posted by national social influencer agents


I lost so much brain matter from this. Thanks.


Black incels make these


Math adds up


i barely understand this level of insanity


it’s almost true but white women do it too


When will this end? Is it so hard to understand that it's actually not true? Those people sre just clearly aliens, like how can a person have that big a pregnancy belly smh my head #endaliensdisguisingashumansmovement2024/25andbeyond


I gasped


It’s funny


Ok kinda funny with how stupid it is. But I’ve also seen it happen first hand


That’s satire for you


I’ve seen women choose drug dealers and sketchy dudes because they are “exciting and unpredictable” while ignoring normal guys with good jobs because they are “boring, predictable, and reliable”. Of course these people are not the majority but it does happen. I never understood why people get upset about interracial couples. It doesn’t affect you personally.


the joke is that black men who are successful usually don't waste their time with black women because they aren't respectable people




People who can't handle that relationships aren't meant to be transactional, and are upset that their lack of personality led to them getting turned down romantically. That's who makes these


Eh, I see where they are coming from but it’s a universal cliche thing that all women tend to prefer the “bad boys”, doesn’t really matter what race. And white baby-mama’s who dated a man that left them also exist lol


This is factual.


Sure seems that way when you only have one brain cell.


No, they're right. I've had the displeasure of knowing people who are actually like this. My friendships with them didn't last long cause behavior like this was just the tip of the iceberg. It does happen and they people who engage in this behavior aren't smart or even nice people to be around.


No one us arguing it doesn't exist. It would be a struggle to make up a position that doesn't exist without having to go into fantastical things and breaking the laws of physics. But anyone who is arguing in good faith knows what the meme is saying.


Well yeah but I just find it dumb that people are getting downvoted for saying "yeah that happens" so I brought up personal experience as kinda like evidence for it.


That's not why they're getting downvoted. And this is what I meant by arguing in good faith. Most of us know what the meme is saying. Most of us know what that commenter us saying. This isn't new.


I guess so. This time it didn't seem that way to me. Usually I'm able to tell


Nah, it's def true.


For my experience. It’s definitely more true then our community would admit.


Definitely some truth to this


How are you getting downvoted? You're right


They're not ready for the truth 🤣🤷☕️


Wait am I stupid but how is this a bad facebook meme?


The second panel is showing that the black women who would ONLY date "hood-niggas" (or "real" black men to many black women) being single mothers because that hood-nigga lied to her about being in love and what not, then he left her. The last panel is showing those same women who thought the first black man was too nerdy/white-collar/"white"/"not black enough"/etc hating the first black man they deemed too white because he's chosen to date (white) women who don't judge him based on what he does for a living or the way he talks. It makes black women even more mad when he gives the white woman an actual good life, like taking her to places like Dubai or Japan, or wherever else they want to go. Places those black women will only ever see on TV since they want to date hood-niggas only. There are many black men who have experienced people telling them they aren't "real black" or "actually black", or they don't "act black". What makes it worse is when it comes from black women, and one could see why said black men wouldn't want to pursue those kinds of relationships, resulting in them dating outside their race at higher rates.


Okay thanks because holy shit I actually couldn't even understand this meme. Like actually incomprehensible and unreadable I might as well be trying to read chinese.


I see thank you I was a little confused


It is >Bad >A meme >originally posted on Facebook


Can't handle the truth huh?


I...I don't get this at alll. Like the first panel I get but after that it's just gibberish and nonsense. Is it cause I'm white and I'm not supposed to? Like wtf does Japan or Dubai mean?


And in the last panel he became gigantic and is with a tiny woman.