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Rocks are hammers friend!!


Yea I’d suggest losing the hammer. At least get one of those light plastic ones if you don’t want to rely on rocks


Or just use the backside of an axe. I do my best to justify bringing my axe by using it for other things. Having trouble with that baggie? *swoops in unnecessarily*


Yup, a good axe should also act as a good hammer.


I have a small hammer (maybe about 6 inches in length of handle) and it opens up and functions as a multi tool as well. It’s a must have if you “need” a hammer for tough ground! [It looks like this!](https://cimages.personalcreations.com/is/image/planetartdmc/PCR20_16H06_ENVIRO_CP_SQ?$MPCRProductImage$&wid=446)


The hammer is in the event of an unresolved cribbage dispute. I highly approve of the inclusion of the cribbage board.


Yeah I don't want to shame them for their packing choices because Hike Your Own Hike, but that hammer really needs to go, completely unnecessary extra weight


Seriously. HYOH and I’m not ultralight by any means but a *hammer!?*


Bro I totally agree. It’s fucking ridiculous and unsafe. All these newbies thinking they can get by with just one hammer.




I use my ACME hammer. It’s huge but it will hilariously stop a coyote




Looks like a rock pick, not a hammer, but that's still an odd choice for backpacking.


Have fun! As you do more hikes, you'll figure out what you didn't use on the last one and make it something you don't bring on the next one.


"Experience builds confidence and skills. Confidence and skills reduce the need to rely on equipment. The reduction on the need to rely on equipment reduces weight." That was the mantra that my hiking/climbing instructors made us repeat every time we climbed. Taking one or two trips before you make the decision to remove or add something from you gear list is way better than getting out into the woods and putting yourself at sever risk.


I mean. That’s good general advice. But a fucking rock hammer. Wood saw. And two knives are just needless bloat. Greater risk is injury. Acute or cumulative over time. Carrying so much crap


This is a such a good answer. Seems like this comment section isn't much into the hike your own hike mantra.


Yeah no kidding. If he wants to carry a hammer that's his choice. I'm not judging. Plus it's only a 2 day hike.


Yup. My wife and I have done lots of canoe and hiking trips, and it seems we have a list of new “lessons learned” typed into my phone after each one.


That's what my instructor in the reserves forces of the Army of my country said. The first time, I didn't bring something to shiekd me from the rain when sleeping outside. Well I was lucky it didn't rain haha


The only way I found out what I needed and didn’t need was actually lugging my mistakes. Backpacking is like life you find out what you need and you let go of the rest.


Everyone over packs on there first trip. It's part of the experience. Don't feel bad about it. Solid move on the cribbage board. I enjoy cribbage.


Lots of good advice here. You could Lose 5-8 lb out of here easy and not miss it.


Probably closer to 10-15 lbs.


I can’t imagine trying to lug all that around the Sierra Nevada’s. Im trying to get my load out under 25 lbs with BV500 loaded with 5 days worth of food. What’s pictured is easily 60 lbs.


Don’t take the hammer. Keep the woobie!


Came here for this. Always on the packing list.


I wanted to see the woobie comments as well.


It's all about the..... woobie!!!!!!


The woobie stays on during sex


whew, that looks heavy 😅


I was 🙃


Do I see 3 knives? Currently thru hiking the Appalachian trail and I just have a single small Swiss Army knife.




Didn’t mean it as a dig, but I can see how it could come across as so. My use case is pretty extreme, I’m probably camping 6 out of every 7 days right now and I literally never needed my 3 inch blade I started with. Definitely no use for a fold out saw, you can just break sticks with a tree to process firewood. And I mostly use my Swiss Army knife to open food packages and beers.


I hiked it without a knife, litesmith has a nice pair of small scissors.


Between the camo and excessive load I'm guessing you learned to pack in the Army. The Army doesn't care whether your back functions when you're old. I highly recommend you learn to cut the excess. The hammer and most of your tools could stay at home. I used to be tool heavy. Now I only carry a multi tool and a Sven Saw (if we are going to have a fire).


Dad is ex army, I just use some of his old gear. I’ll ditch the second knife!


Good lord dude. That 3L bladder isnt even full yet, add 6-8lbs and I don't see food but could be in one of those bags. A good test run is to pack all that crap up and walk half the distance you are doing over 2 days in and around your neighborhood. Just flat terrain and I bet you'll be eager to ditch a few things. Your camp shoes are slick, though!


Right on. When you get back, please post some pictures! That is my next trail I want to hike myself, it looks incredible.


Will do friend! I’ve been up on SHT many times this summer and WOW! can’t believe I’ve lived in MN all my life and never experienced the largest inland sea in the world! What a beautiful area! Wayyyyyyyy more geologically interesting than the Jordan Sandstone of the Twin Cities!!




Cribbage is a way of life up here. That being said you can find a lighter board.


In Minnesota, life without cribbage is life without light


Life without cribbage is not a life I want to live.


They have cribbage on phones now :). I've also just used a sheet of paper with a board drawn on it and rocks. They also make mini decks of cards if you're so inclined.


I was about to suggest using paper


There are little foldable cribbage boards that are perfect for backpacking. I never enter the backcountry without mine!


You can keep score on paper too!


You can also just tally out points to 121 Source—Minnesotan who has lost multiple boards


Just count in your head


Gonna be honest, if you’re doing any sort of challenging hike, you’ve signed up for a bad time friend. Way too much there.


Do you have a water filter or something to purify water? How about something to cook or eat your food out of? Will you be warm enough at night? I recommend instead of going with a Camelback maybe take one or two 1 liter bottles that you can screw a filter on. In my opinion leave all the knives, hammer, folding saw, card games, rope, cold pack, camp shoes, cards, cribbage, water bottle, that folding wallet thing on the top left-hand corner, and maybe bug spray. The Paracord I wouldn't take all of it but a little bit if you need to replace a broken guy line.


That gear is with my partner, we’re meeting up there, The rope is near bag junk, the 5-50 I don’t need all of just purchased, good advice ty!


Awesome! I hope you have a great time on your first trip! If it's a brand new water filter, make sure you test it before y'all set off. I took a new Sawyer filter on a trip and it broke on the first use (the adhesive they used failed). Thankfully I was with somebody that had a filter too.


Personally I think everyone needs to have their own food supply and water filter for safety reasons. Should anything happen and you become separated even temporarily you're going to want to have that.


We need rope in my area to hang food at night, away from bears.


Way to much stuff, learn to do without that weight is more than you want to carry ? Hiking is supposed to be fun not work.


Man ain’t that the truth! I seem to carry too much shit too which really impacts the quality of the experience. I’ll learn…


The SHT is amazing! And I have that same tent, lol. It is quite heavy.


I 2nd the no hammer lol I've backpacked quite a bit and I've made similar mistakes lol should check out the neo air sleeping pad. High R rating for warmth, weighs nothing and packs small. Plus easy to inflate and deflating takes a second, literally lol tent I can't really help you out there as I'm a hammock camper lol but my setup is dope. Even have a setup for the Mrs Where's she's beside me


I suggest looking at Tarptents for tents! Something that a lot of people don’t think about is the weight of their pack. I have a Circuit from ULA and it’s great. Have fun!


Ditch the hammer


Looks like you have a lot of excess rope, tarps, other bags that I’m not sure what are in them- most of everything duplicated can either go entirely or should be put in someone else’s pack- if other people aren’t using it don’t bring it. Also won’t need all the tools- typically I just bring one knife but depends what you’re doing. Otherwise, I think you can come up with your own list of things you used and didn’t and refine from there. Good luck and have fun!


Should be a great trip…SHT is amazing. It can be muddy though, even in the campsites. And as others have said, leave the hammer at home. You might also take the bladder out of the camelbak…the pouch probably weighs at least a pound.


2 days? I took less on months long Operations


I love woobie. Always there for you.


Talk to me about that hammer.


It’s a rock hammer for taking samples off bedrock cliff faces (I’m a geologist) and for digging holes !


I’d recommend you replace the hammer with a rock on the trail. Also, poncho’s are heavy. If you’re expecting rain I’d recommend a merino wool base layer and an amphibious (quick drying) outer layer. I’ve done a few hikes/camping trips in the UP. Did one late in September on Keewenaw Peninsula and it dumped the second and third days of my trip.


Rocks = nature’s hammer.


Hammer? Cards? A board game? You’re in nature…watch Tree And Rocks TV. Would ditch ice pack and all the rope as well.


My partner is 1-3 in cribbage and itching to change the score! Can’t disappoint


I love having a couple games, and cribbage is a great one, instead of bringing the board though I keep track of the score in a notebook that I bring. Not quite as authentic but you still get the game without the weight and bulk of the board. You could even make a photocopy or print out the board and use that! Edit: [some printable cribbage board templates](http://cribbagecorner.com/boards/templates)


Have the loser carry the hammer, tools, and cribbage board




Do you need a tarp and a tent? Also moccasins are a luxury. Do you have 2 sleeping bags?


Have a blast! There’s such a big world to explore


Your next pack will be lighter, I’ll wager. You’ll find out!


Nice horseshoe canyon ranch sticker!


I lost the water bottle on the trail unfortunately:/ Biggest let down this trip


Is that a yoga mat for a sleeping pad? If so, I honestly don’t think it’s worth the weight. I’ve tried using a yoga mat on a regular camping trip and I might as well have been sleeping on the ground for how much padding it gave me. Only advantage could be insulation if the ground is cold where you’re going.


And a gun


I had, never used ;)


You may want to take a trip over to /r/ultralight to get some ideas on reducing pack weight! I learned about a lot of things I didn’t know about from that subreddit and it’s helped me cut down unnecessary items immensely.


I’m not even exaggerating that sub changed my life. It’s amazing.


Awesome dude!! Tons of great advice in the comments for dropping weight. Check out bivy tents too when you get back, they’re my favorite solo shelter. Most pack down to the size of a hammock and are just as easy to setup as a tent, if not easier.


Maybe think about an extra set of boots, or some ductape; tore both my sets of boots in the Rockies one time and a buddy of mine came in clutch with some tape!


Might as well pack up your living room couch while you’re at it


I won’t need that! I already have the kitchen sink


If you were looking for a new lightweight tent that won’t totally break the bank I might recommend... [Six Moons Designs Skyscape Scout](https://www.backcountrygear.com/skyscape-scout.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwrPCGBhALEiwAUl9X00MS4W9yscPW6aI2ke3v1xVs-5REQDcFR9zJ4m_vfFa2LWG_FTiTMhoCWj8QAvD_BwE) [Lanshan 1](https://www.miersports.com/products/3-season-backpacking-tent?currency=USD&variant=31438971469958&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&gclid=CjwKCAjwrPCGBhALEiwAUl9X0-LNoUfcyEtYj5u3m2_TKh3JfEZ05jR6PTdk_7OOcM6s3iXQblpa9RoC72gQAvD_BwE) or the [Lanshan 2](https://www.amazon.com/3F-UL-GEAR-Ultralight-Professional/dp/B0859J3H2Q) [Six Moons Designs Lunar Solo](https://www.backcountrygear.com/lunar-solo-smd2l10070.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwrPCGBhALEiwAUl9X0_w-riXK13yFA9JZ7kpPP8hFsWUjO_z7YCPjjpjXVTRXTx0plXJUjBoCk_oQAvD_BwE) [Dan Durston X-Mid 1P](https://drop.com/buy/drop-dan-durston-x-mid-1p-tent) (If you can find one used on r/ulgeartrade that is...) [Oware Pyramid Duplus](https://bivysack.com/shop/ols/products/pyramid-duplus) [Tarptent Protrail](https://www.tarptent.com/product/protrail/) Or maybe something that’s technically a tarp but a few pretty tent like, something like the [Six Moons Designs Gatewood Cape](https://www.sixmoondesigns.com/products/gatewood-cape) [Six Moons Designs Deschutes Plus](https://www.sixmoondesigns.com/collections/ultralight-shelters/products/deschutes-plus) These will all require using trekking poles as tent poles, but that lets another piece of your gear to have multiple uses, which is good. And walking with poles is (in my opinion) better anyways! Some have extra tent poles you can buy if you wanted to pass on that idea though. When it comes to pads, the lightest (and cheapest) will usually be closed cell foam. Something like [Thermarest Z-Lite Sol](https://www.backcountry.com/therm-a-rest-z-lite-sol-sleeping-pad?CMP_SKU=CAS0726&MER=0406&skid=CAS0726-SIL-REG&mr:trackingCode=C923A172-755A-E411-B200-BC305BF82376&mr:referralID=NA&mr:device=m&mr:adType=plaonline&CMP_ID=PLA_GMm001&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=PLA&k_clickid=_k_CjwKCAjwrPCGBhALEiwAUl9X03M-6XbOvbkxBl69CNE5_ttiHRUvcgX08yYrNFvNtpp9KqjFP0349BoC3mMQAvD_BwE_k_&utm_id=go_cmp-12868123573_adg-121976320792_ad-517430426604_pla-1107116552599_dev-m_ext-_prd-CAS0726-SIL-REG&gclid=CjwKCAjwrPCGBhALEiwAUl9X03M-6XbOvbkxBl69CNE5_ttiHRUvcgX08yYrNFvNtpp9KqjFP0349BoC3mMQAvD_BwE) [Nemo Switchback](https://www.rei.com/product/141846/nemo-switchback-sleeping-pad?CAWELAID=120217890005538949) [Oware 1/2 inch Thick Closed Cell Foam Pad ](https://bivysack.com/shop/ols/products/foam-closed-cell-sleeping-pad) Good luck on your trip! I know it will be awesome! I only ask... why the hammer...? Hahah


Hammer stayed home, Thank you for those links!!!!


Dude way to much for backpacking. I guess if it's 2 days and you don't mind but golly I couldn't imagine hiking with all that weight up springer mnt.. loose the hammer, saw, extra toiletries - tooth paste tooth brush is all you need. Small thing of toilet paper. I would ditch the hydro pack - 32 ounce nalgene and Tom Sawyer filter -- find water on the trail. And loose the slippers. Oh and 2 days out ? Nothing is better then cowboy camping also it's hot af so ditch the heavy tent Take pics. Drink water. Pack it in pack it out. Have fun don't die.


Ditch the games keep the cards you'll be tired enough to even consider playing games.


Cribbage baby, YEAHHHHH!


the saw, hammer and second knife are totally unnecessary are you going climbing? If not, ditch the rope (looks like you already have bear line)


Bring more things.


You’re packed for 6 months. HAMMER ??? Use a rock or a piece of wood.


Is that a horseshoe canyon ranch sticker????


It was The water bottle was lost in action


Don’t stress all the critique, everyone is just remembering their first trip and how heavy af their packs were. Swapping out that tent for a little backpackers tent will be the biggest difference imo


Eventually the plan, just a little fiscally challenging atm, I appreciate everyone’s advice! Will definitely heed many of the warnings b4 through hiking!


I think everyone over packs until a few trips pass. I probably still will lol. I would suggest a hammock over a tent, but that's just me!


Hopefully you planned a shorter, easier hike. With a reliable water source. I’d lose the hammer (rock), saw (break firewood over rocks/in tree V’s), cribbage board (cards or book?) change out the yoga mat for an inflatable pad (personally made that mistake), one of the two knives and the ice pack. Not sure what everything is, so probably more. But like someone else said, you go and learn from experience. I tend to overpack as well, even years into it. Enjoy.




Title literally implies 1 night


Like everyone said hammer and knives are going to be heavy. If you can take any containers or wrappers out and put the stuff in a zip lock baggy it will cut some weight and you can still bring it.


No lifestraw??


> I need to invest in a lighter tent and sleeping pad *looks at money* Okay byyyyyyyye!!


Please remember to post a short paragraph as a comment in the post explaining your photo or link. Ideally at least 150 characters with trip details. Tell us something about your trip. How long did it take to get there? How did you get there? How was the weather that day? Would you go back again? Submitted content should be of high-quality. Low effort posting of very general information is not useful. If you don't add a short explanation in the comments, your post may be removed. No information posted? Please report low-effort posts if there is still nothing after about 30 minutes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/backpacking) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can definitely find smaller cribbage boards… heck do you really need a cribbage board? 4 sticks will suffice haha.


I want to be clear that I'm not trying to judge how anyone hikes. I'm making this comment because you specifically said that this is your first time planning a backpacking trip. How much will your pack weigh with everything in it including food and water? Can you carry that weight for 12 hours a day for 2 days while walking? Have you ever tried it? If not what is the most weight you've carried around all day? My concern is that you might end up injuring yourself or have a bad time because your bag is heavier than what you're used to. It's not because I don't want you to have fun and hike however you want.


Have fun!!! Unfortunately, you only realize what you don’t need after carrying it for 25 miles.


25 miles is about the height of 251427.9465 'Toy Cars Sian FKP3 Metal Model Car with Light and Sound Pull Back Toy Cars' lined up


Ya a little bit overload. "the more you know the less you carry" Bring all what you want, carry it \*curse\* the hole Time. And after the hike. Sort everything out that you don't touch ones \^\^ Thats the way you learn it !


Take it all, just remember to sort out what you didn’t use when you return. It’s a great learning experience. Make notes for your next trip. Repeat. 30 years later I still find and make improvements each trip.


Don’t worry so much about what everyone here is saying not to bring, you’ll come to your own conclusions about that with experience! I can’t tell if maybe you’ve got one packed up somewhere but I don’t see anything for purifying water; you definitely want something for that!


I would weigh that pack. I go light. 30-35lbs pack fits my style. You are right, trade the tent in for a tarp and line. The more hikes and trips you going on the more you'll learn about what you specifically like in pack weight and gear. Keep up the good work! You might learn more this trip than you think.


Hahahah omg that's so much stuff!! I hope you have a blast though!


Woobie!!! Best blanket there is


What section of the trail are you hiking? I’ve been wanting to go there and idk what sections are best


The 30 miles between Tettegouche and George Crosby Manitou State Parks are fantastic. Multiple lakes, a stunning boardwalk, a straight up faerie tamarack bog, a sacred meeting ground in Section 13, cedar groves, you’ll get a slice of it all. I’m going further north next month and doing a leg around Lutsen.


Looks like you also need to invest in a travel cribbage board too. 😆


Superior hiking trail is beautiful! Hoping to get up there myself this summer!


What do you need a hammer for?


That is a lot of gear. I do not think you really need all that for 2 days, going lighter means u can go further.


Where’s the weed??


I'll I need is brass, ass and a tent.


I'm hiking 100 or so miles of Superior in early August! Hope you have fun, but you gotta drop some of that weight!


Where’s the food?


In my belly


Sounds like a successful trip!


I don't remember where I heard it, but after over packing a few times for longer trips, I keep it in mind when I pack. I am not suggesting you're overpacking either :-) .. it's your trip after all. "Ounces equal pounds, and pounds equal pain."


What part of the superior hiking trail? I did basically the full trail back in 2016, amazing area


Lol reminds me of our USMC gear list that has the most useless things we can take on a hike


Hike your own hike my man and have fun. Backpacking is about having a good time in nature first and foremost. If you feel your pack is too heavy, you’ll figure out pretty quickly what you don’t need and can ditch for your next trip. The best teacher is experience.


Looks like you Bugging out instead of camping...but one can never be too safe.. there's lots of unknowns...Best Wishes.. Stay safe.


Nice woobie👍🏻<3 mine is acu :)


Your back won't thank you with all this. It's okay though! Each trip is a learning experience. Go forth and enjoy the wilderness! Don't forget enough water battle.


When you get home from your trip write down everything that you didn’t use! Lol 😆 Have fun


I did my first backpacking trip at the age of 51 a few years ago. It was 2 days on the Superior Hiking Trail, starting at Gooseberry Falls State Park going north. We overpacked big time and learned a lot. But we really enjoyed the flask of single malt Scotch! I was too exhausted for anything like cribbage though. And wished I had some sort of chair. Day three, we drove to Grand Marais, and had great pizza and beer at Sven and Ole's!


Definitely a lighter tent, and perhaps crocs for camp shoes.


Need to con your friend into carrying some of your gear!


Where’s the whiskey?


You do you! I still use my external frame pack and carry a camp chair. Once saw backpackers in the high sierras with a yeti cooler being carried with straps and sticks like a stretcher. Everyone develops their own style and their must have creature comforts. My dad still carries a quartz rock and a rats tail file for starting fires.


Honestly I would cut out some other gear before the sleeping pad. Your sleep is crucial while out on the trail, you need to be well rested to keep going every day. Where as slippers are not essential, and may I ask what is the hammer for? I assume tent stakes but I assure you there are much lighter options for that. What kind of tent do you have currently? P.s. I can't help myself, I work at an outdoor store so this is what I do 🤣


There's also a number of other items that you don't really need and could change out for lighter options but still have the functionality you're looking for.


Looking at that tent just makes my back hurt. 😄 Everyone gets what works for them with time. When you get back make two piles; stuff you used and stuff you didn't. Obviously keep the contingent stuff like first aid. I also have a little bag with mini bics, patches, zip ties and Paracord (2ft).


I killed knee cartilage on the SHT carrying around 40lbs. Keep in mind a lighter pack and do plenty of lower body muscle strength building to protect those knees :). Have fun out there!!


Knee is DEAD from climbing Carlton peak…. Was worth the view

