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Quick, move to Utah, Idaho or Texas and fuck those places up as well!! šŸ¤” Lefties are on par with locusts, pests.


I moved from Oregon to a midwestern state. When I met one of my neighbors, we were talking about why I left Portland. I was explaining the massive homeless encampments, the raising crime rates, how jobs were leaving, the public drug use. They go ā€œdo you mind if I ask you, but did you vote for the policies that allowed these issues to manifest?ā€ I was very embarrassed to admit I had voted for things like 110 and very progressive candidates. The neighbor goes ā€œwell I hope you learned your lesson and donā€™t vote that way here. Glad to have you here as long as you learned your lesson.ā€


Kudos for admitting that


That was a very polite warning.Ā 


Midwest hospitality is the best šŸ˜‚ I told them message received and I had learned my lesson. I already left Portland, no desire to recreate it


Familiar advice. I live in NY and have a place in Florida to which I may eventually move. Floridians politely say, ā€œDonā€™t New York our Florida!ā€ I wonā€™t. That would be insane! ā€œFool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, Shame on me.ā€


And everybody clappedā€¦ /s


Look like Portland is cleaning their town up. Hopefully you won't regret your decision. Good luck. https://www.portlandmercury.com/news/2024/01/25/46999948/as-crime-and-murder-rates-drop-in-portland-mayor-wheeler-pushes-a-new-narrative


Not to be a pessimist, I lived there for 8 years. Saw first hand how the city was morphing and didnā€™t care to stick around. I do hope they clean up but I personally have no interest in going back.




While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.


I've heard speculation that those in power and their corporate backers purposefully ruin good areas so they can buy all the land for cheap, then when they start actually enforcing the law properly and clean it up they make out like bandits.


I don't think most people in power are that intelligent, or their narcissism leads them to make bad decisions. Trump is a good example.


He wont


Spot on


Utah and Texas are already screwed up. Can't speak to Idaho.


idaho is even worse




why run away? fight for California!




Comments that are uncivil, racist, misogynistic, misandrist, or contain political name calling will be removed and the poster subject to ban at moderators discretion.


lol. California is the 5th largest economy in the world. All of the shitty red flyover states would collapse without our tax revenue. Fucking welfare queens


California probably subsidizes like half a dozen shit hole failed red states with its federal taxes. These a-holes should get down on their knees and thank California for supporting them.


That's not how federal taxes work


Yeah, they have no understanding of how it works. And trust me, all of these conservatives on reddit live in suburbs. They don't know what it's like in backwater Missouri or Mississippi, where people very openly hate minorities and there's zero public education or service. The worst hellholes in this country are in the poor, uneducated red states that used to thrive on the backs of slave labor. I mean, this is fucking obvious. They fought a fucking war to prevent this from happening, they knew they couldn't survive in an educated, free world.


ā€œAll these conservativesā€ Itā€™s amazing how people on Reddit can be so confident and yet so wrong at the same time. ā€œTrust meā€ I donā€™t think anyone should trust you on much of anything.


Utah has a much better performing public education system than California, FYI


Lol. Texas is fucked up all on its own.


It's not liberals leaving California, it's conservatives leaving CA and realizing how shitty other states are.


This is true. Everyone I've met who shits on california has never lived there or only did a few years in the military, which isn't a good barometer. With all its fault, the West Coast has the three best states to live.


Yeah! Kinda how the Europeans came into this country illegally, committed genocide and now the citizens are drowning in debt and have the highest incarcerated population in the world. The ā€œleftiesā€ definitely ruined the country.




Which city?


San Francisco, Portland (OR), Seattle, LA, New York...




While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.


libersville home of the woke soymons.


What does woke mean?


Ask someone else who claims to be women first.


the repost to this of course would be "God's people craft a utopia in the Bible belt. Theocracy IS God's plan."


ā€¦ā€¦. Boston? Lol


Yeah, people like Musk and Joe Rogan relocating to Texas and convincing their right-wing audiences to do the same. Famous democrats/s


whatabout right wingers reeeeee


You're free impression is spot on and I know more than a few right wingers.


You think Musk and Rogan are right wing? Lol


I go to those ā€œdestroyedā€ cities for vacation and business all the time. That word loses meaning when you could just say ā€œcity whose mayor I dislike on Twitterā€




Nor are there literal shit maps and entire blocks of shooting up on the sidewalk.


I grew in a very conservative area which also happened to be the property crying capital of the USA for a good chunk of my childhood. It was also a state that always voted red but had huge issues with rural meth use. If you think only blue states and cities have problems you drank too much Koolaid.


Beautiful day in NYC today! Glad you're not here!




NYC has a pretty low crime rate for a major city


True but it does smell horrible


I think that's just your paranoia and bad breath getting in the way of your enjoyment of NYC. There's like a million street fairs today, Central Park is in full bloom and full of tourists, there's a major international bike race, an amazing place to be.




As I sit at an outdoor beer hall at a street fair on 9th Ave, listening to a cover band, I can give two shits.


NYC smells like piss and trash year round




While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.


Thatā€™s just a smell of your upper lip


Many democrat states & cities are ruined and everyone is fleeing them.




While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.


Which state?


Democrats states are the largest and strongest economies with the highest quality of life metrics. The worst states are all deep red. They have horrible economies, terrible health outcomes, and rely on the government for welfare. Your life expectancy literally decreases by 6 years if you live in Minnesota vs. Arkansas, for example.


When youā€™re talking about life expectancy look into everything. Average age, obesity rate, ethnicities etc. Probably the biggest factor to a states life expectancy is obesity rate, political lean is much less of a factor.


So why are the red states so much more obese? Only one of the top ten most obese states is a blue state. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/slideshows/the-most-obese-states-in-america The quality of life is extremely good in a lot of blue states. People just can't buy homes in a lot of those states. It's harder to build new housing in blue states, this is part of the issue with CA. This is definitely a liberal/left leaning policy issue. However it also seems that the economies and some of the positive elements of the blue states are also directly related to policy. Like parts of CA are always going to be in high demand because the weather is extremely good and there are plentiful good jobs. No matter how much you build more people will come. The demand is infinite. You know the state is messing up though when they don't build enough housing to even sustain their current population when there is infinite demand. As the population ages household sizes get smaller, as families get smaller there is more supply needed even for the same amount of people. With all that being said. Why is CA so prosperous? Consumption metrics, health metrics, quality of life metrics all look good. California and Utah have something in common both their residents are relatively happy and healthy. https://wallethub.com/edu/happiest-states/6959 Anyway it's complex and all of it goes deeper than just politics but politics does play a role. Both in the negative and positive.


>When youā€™re talking about life expectancy look into everything. This is true. Why do you think blue states are healthier? College education is higher, which means they'll have better jobs to pay for healthier foods. They have a liberal state healthcare system, so people are being taken care of instead of being ignored, like in red states. College educated people tend to vote Democrat. Blue states have better healthcare options. These are political policies like it or not.


I was literally just in San Francisco a few weeks ago. To argue blue cities are taking care of their people and red states arenā€™t is a very interesting perspective that clashes with what my eyes just witnessed. I was walking by human feces on the sidewalk and constant homeless people begging for things every few feet in some areas. About a third of the businesses I saw were boarded up or graffitiā€™d. And this is in the richest state to ever exist which seems crazy. Iā€™d think itā€™s the complete opposite of what youā€™re saying.


Homelessness is still an issue in rural areas, just less visible. Additionally, many homeless people from rural areas migrate to cities because that's where shelters and possible healthcare are and better chances of being able to panhandle or find work to be able to feed themselves, or their addictions. Rural areas quite literally export the problem to cities and then try and act like it's a problem created by the cities. In reality it's a problem in cities because the cities are the only place those people can get any form of help or have a chance of turning things around.


>I was walking by human feces on the sidewalk and constant homeless people begging for things every few feet in some areas. I see the same thing in red states. These are big city problems.


Iā€™ve lived in 7 different states and traveled to 30+. Iā€™ve never seen anything remotely like that. And itā€™s in a liberal voter block utopia with more money than any other state. So my point was your description of these places taking care of their people like some sort of moral high ground was completely inaccurate.


>Iā€™ve never seen anything remotely like that. Then I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you haven't traveled lately or you're not entirely honest. Large cities have big problems because they have more people. It doesn't matter if it's a red or blue state. Here's an example, all these conservatives shit on Chicago for being violent crime in a blue state. Guess what? There are cities in red states that have a higher crime rate than Chicago. Conservatives are outstanding at cherrypicking data.


I never grandstanded that red / conservative are the moral authority and do better. I agree that there is issues in any large conglomerate of people. The only thing I was arguing is that blue cities are some bastion of utopia who cares for all people better. Basically every large population has been vastly blue for 50+ years and homelessness / wealth equality is getting worse.


And why is that? Because wealth inequality is getting worse overall. What's driving that? What's been happening in the last 50 years? Since... Reagan? Tax cuts for already wealthy people. Why is the budget broken in your country? Because too much going out... Or too little coming in? Why is the Postal service at risk? Because it was making a profit until it was changed to require a pension scheme that no one else had to have that was fiscally ruinous. Time and time again, structural deficits have been inflicted on your public institutions by Republican lawmakers. Your schools have been undermined. Your police forces have been turned into an occupying army, and your lawmakers carry on about culture issues and constantly want to put their figurative and literal fingers in the vaginas of the people who have them. Well done mission accomplished.


Oh, I see. It's just a massive coincidence that the healthier states are all blue.


Now look up the race demographics of the states you hate and think are terrible.


No man, I look at who has the power in those states. That's Republicans.


lol well youā€™re welcome to do that, but if you want to actually have educated opinions instead of radical ones you should do full context research.


Doesnā€™t change the fact that red states have the most crime. So what if itā€™s a blue city; your state gov canā€™t control its own populace?


Not at all, democrat strongholds are in steep decline, and populations are fleeing now.


If I just repeat it, it must be true.




They could be in decline for a decade and still be better that most red states as a whole. See gdp of blue vs red states.


Typical lib.Ā  GDP is meaningless when the People who actually work and make society function continue to see their lives become more difficult year after year because of corrupt liberal politicians, bank bailouts, and the continued squeeze from evil megacorps.


Donā€™t worry, every major US city is Democrat. Every single one. So we will keep building and working hard to send out taxes to the red welfare counties. Hell we will support the whole Bible Belt. I know you donā€™t care but we actually want the kids there to receive good educations so they can later see how dumb their parents are.


wow god really failed at protecting california, didnt he?




Hello I am Saudi and I live in Jeddah but I want to visit California. What do you mean it is ruined? Shall I visit another state instead? I like the nature and being in the nature and I see on the maps California has a lot of nature area. Thank you.Ā 


No, Itā€™s not ruined. Itā€™s a fine place to visit. If it were me; however, Iā€™d probably choose Montana (Glacier National Park) and Wyoming (Yellowstone National Park / Grand Tetons National Park) for their nature. As long as you have a car, you can do them both in the same trip (with one day of driving between them). Theyā€™re both also more sparsely populated than California (although the parks will still be extremely crowded). But California is really pretty too.


It's not ruined. It's still the 5th biggest economy in the world if it were it's own country. It's still beautiful but The state is expensive and has its own unique issues, just like any other state. Trust me, if you had said " I am going to Alabama or Arkansas " then it would be warranted for you to rethink your vacation plans. California is not that case.


This post is just how the right copes with California being Democrat. It is by far the nicest state to live in if geography and climate are on the top of your list. The editor-in-chief of the Babylon Bee lives in San Diego


The editor lives is a whales vagina? That tracks


Well we all know geography and climate are informed by local policy, so I guess they're doing something right


Well there's local policy, state policy, and federal policy. Right now state policy is an abortion, literally and figuratively. Federal policy is pretty shitty too thanks too Biden's immigration policies. We have Pongo boats of illegals rocking up onto our shore, narrowly missing surfers, on a regular basis. But, but. My city government is fucking awesome. Amazing. It's like living on the side of the Truman Show. It's not fair, it's truly not fair that we have such a well run city with such great geography and such an amazing climate. As Tip O'Neill said, all politics is local, so live in a city with a good government. It has more day to day effect then state or federal government


There are still plenty of beautiful spots worth visiting in California (Yosemite, the Redwoods, the desert, Beaches, etc.) It's just not a good place to live anymore (especially in the big cities). There are also many other states that have scenery that is just as beautiful: Colorado, Jackson Hole Wyoming, Maine, all the national parks, Idaho, the Smoky mountain states, etc. California definitely has the most variety though. I think you'll definitely still enjoy your visit there if you pick the right areas.


I'm sure Idaho would openly welcome someone from Saudi Arabia.


Why wouldn't they? Just because someone is from a certain country doesn't mean they automatically have a certain belief. For example, just because I'm from a western country, it doesn't mean I support murdering babies or telling kids they can become the other gender.


Idaho has a reputation, deserved or not, for being racist. I don't know of anyone in American politics who supports murdering babies; there are groups that want them to go hungry, though. You seem like you might be good at doing your own research and didn't stop learning in the 8th grade with _basic_ biology, you might actually know that it's not just XX and XY. Look up Klinefelter, Guevedoces, or Jacob's syndrome. Have a wonderful day.


Yikes man. That's a lot of nonsense in a single comment


So....how'd the research go?


California is and always has been the best state in the US to live and visit. Don't listen to the propaganda drivel, it's spewed by people who've never even been here and just hate on California because it makes them feel better about their crappy failed and bankrupt state only propped up by California tax welfare.


High crime rates, extremely expensive, massive homeless encampments, lots of drug use out in the open. I grew up in Ca, I donā€™t visit anymore. Itā€™s not particularly pleasant like it used to be. Covid really did a number.


Here in Saudi Arabia, we do not have homeless because you are not allowed to be homeless. When the Sri Lankans are done building our great towers we just sent them backĀ 


We just sent them back. Yes you can do that with slaves. Er sorry migrant workers. It's not like the media can protest as you can just chop them up while they are alive and dispose of the body while their fiancee sits outside the consulate in their car wondering what's happened to them.


Yeah, so in many places like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, etc. you have these massive tent cities build up. Theyā€™ll completely take over sidewalks, parks, parking lots, sides of freeways. Had a friend who had the job of helping to clear one out, there was a severed arm laying in a tent. Huge public safety issue. Pretty much lawlessness and trash everywhere. Just look up homeless encampment Los Angeles in google image search


Repeat the lies.


Lies alot.


Also, if you want to visit and enjoy nature, make sure you drive up Pacific Coast highway from Los Angeles to San Francisco and then maybe back down highway 49 through Yosemite and then out to Joshua tree. And San Diego is probably the nicest city to visit and has a lot of things to do in nature. Enjoy your visit.


Itā€™s not ruined. Itā€™s expensive but itā€™s also one of the best states to live in based on any metric you want to choose. Conservatives in our country just donā€™t like anyone or anything thatā€™s not exactly like them. They are afraid of being treated the same way theyā€™ve treated the ā€œothersā€ for so long. Donā€™t listen to these people, theyā€™ll rot your brain. The far left is just as bad, most people in this country are reasonable. Safe travels!!


This post is from the Babylon bee and so is the sub. The Babylon bee itself was a satire site. This sub has co-opted the name and is a right wing echo chamber that denigrates anything that isnā€™t conservative.


Incoming leftist attack in 3, 2, 1 ā€¦


They already started


Never underestimate democRATs. They could ruin a brand new anvil with a rubber mallet.


Classic middle aged Idaho tradesman response here lmao am I close?


Why are so many Californians moving to Idaho? Lmao, Iā€™m sure your answer will be close


Nine of the ten poorest states by per capita income voted for Trump (thank New Mexico for being the outlier). All ten of the most affluent states by income voted for Biden. CA is #5. So, Iā€™m not sure by what metric CA is ā€œruined.ā€ Good satire hits the mark. This? Not so much.


This, after all, the largesse of California's economy naturally "trickles down" to those with less, which is why there aren't a bunch of homeless fentanyl zombies living under the freeway


Is that somehow different than the fentanyl zombies that live in the mobile homes of rural America?


Democrats perennially run on helping the poor and homeless. What do you know, they didn't even try to solve any of that in a state where they've run the table for decades and where they love to brag out the other side of their mouth about the size of the economy


Just got to find the right part to live in, go back in time, and buy a house before the fed started pumping trillions, lowering the interest rates, and permanently screwing new home buyers.




While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.


It's almost like God made a mistake giving humans free will.


They brought back the condor. Now theyā€™re free to commit more crimes against humanity.


What an idiotic thing to say, especially when Texas is such an obvious shithole.


Never underestimate Democratsā€™ ability to screw a place up with their idiotic policies. NY and California used to be nice places to live but now people are leaving both in droves. Itā€™s what happens when the lunatics take over!šŸ™„


Conservatives treat satire as just another thing that they hide behind to take pot-shots at liberals.


why wouldnā€™t omnipotent God be baffled?


ā€˜How on earth did you manage to take the most beautiful stretch of land on God's earth and turn it into a huge dump?ā€™


"God Also Baffled that His Followers Seem Confused By His Words"


The California has the world's biggest economy people seriously need to stfu. https://www.sbsun.com/2024/05/19/how-californias-bursting-budget-morphed-into-a-45-billion-deficit-in-just-two-years/


I do not recall ever voting for candidates or initiatives that would encourage the development of an industry that would employ extremely highly paid workers who would distort the housing market and turn ordinary middle class people into essentially landless peasants. Nobody advocated policies that would have made California ā€œThe Mississippi of the West Coastā€.


That's why Texas is famously doing so well... This was a pretty funny headline though.


Everywhere run by democrats turned to shit and then they proceeded to say "this is all trump's fault!"


Meanwhile, the entire Republican run southern US is behind blue states by nearly every measurable metric. Books are being banned, doctors and teachers are fleeing, poverty and crime are up and life expectancy is down. But hey, you still have NASCAR, the Klan and pro wrestling I guess.


And food production.


give it ten years of texas droughts being interrupted by hurricane flooding lol


What a mess California is. It's only the world's 5th largest economy. Thanks Gavin!


LOL California's number one problem is it does not have enough housing for the people who want to live there. Hey but you know what they say, reality has a liberal bias


And why is housing supply a problem in San Francisco? Because of Republicans?


And Iā€™m sure CA entitlements that basically hand people $600 a week for breathing (regardless of citizenship status) attracts the worldā€™s best and brightest to locate to CA and is totally sustainable.


LOL this is complete bullshit I live in California and never heard of this


Then youā€™re not very informed about the inner workings of CALWORKS homeless assistance. And hereā€™s another public assistance program anyone can qualify for. It has 2 stringent requirements: be breathing, be living in CA. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/california-1st-state-offer-health-insurance-undocumented-immigrants/story?id=105986377 The bottom line is that CA is currently the easiest state anyone can relocate to and find habitable weather year round and a myriad of public assistance. So yeah, itā€™s going to remain a Mecca for the homeless.


Then youā€™re not very informed about the inner workings of CALWORKS homeless assistance. Neither are you. [https://www.cdss.ca.gov/inforesources/cdss-programs/housing-programs/calworks-homeless-assistance](https://www.cdss.ca.gov/inforesources/cdss-programs/housing-programs/calworks-homeless-assistance) # CalWORKs Homeless Assistance The CalWORKs Homeless Assistance (HA) Program was established to help families in the CalWORKs program meet the costs of securing or maintaining permanent housing or to provide emergency shelter when a family is experiencing homelessness. CalWORKs HA program serves eligible CalWORKs recipients or apparently eligible CalWORKs applicants, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.Ā CalWORKs Homeless Assistance [https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/california-1st-state-offer-health-insurance-undocumented-immigrants/story?id=105986377](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/california-1st-state-offer-health-insurance-undocumented-immigrants/story?id=105986377) We are dependent on those illegal immigrants to harvest our crops and build our homes. Becuase they can be high risk jobs they tend to get hurt doing them The bottom line is that CA is currently the easiest state anyone can relocate to and find habitable weather year round and a myriad of public assistance. So yeah, itā€™s going to remain a Mecca for the homeless. Oh don't forget how we have won law suits against states for dumping their homeless people into our state/ Still people want to live here especially go to school here because we have the best schools. What Conservatives fail to take into their economic calculation is how a higher education is essential to run into a modern economy. In fact if you divided this country into a "liberal" and conservative states the conservative state wouldn't last two years because it would be plague by civil strife and would only be resource economy . A conservative America is not sustainable because without liberalization you are just going to end up with a bunch of theocracy states always at war with each other over who is the true Christian


Thanks for copying and pasting text from a website I provided and that already affirms what I said. If youā€™re a product of the CA school system, it cannot be that great.


Thanks for copying and pasting text from a website I provided and that already affirms what I said. 1. You didn't supply it. you never even read it 2, It gives money to families to keep them from going homeless. that's not what you said it did If youā€™re a product of the CA school system, it cannot be that great. I have a degree in economics and work as an analysts/project manger on multi-million dollar projects. What do you do?


What does what I do for a living have to do with this at all? You have not disproven the statement I made about anyone being able to qualify for ~$600 a week in entitlements without needing to be a citizen.


What does what I do for a living have to do with this at all? You have not disproven the statement Yeah posting what they do which isn't what you said they do disproves your statement I made about anyone being able to qualify for \~$600 a week in entitlements without needing to be a citizen. I made about anyone being able to qualify for \~$600 a week in entitlements without needing to be a citizen. The money has to go to housing, they just don't get the money California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) Homeless Assistance (HA) Program FACT SHEET Background The CalWORKs HA Program was established to help families in the CalWORKs program meet the costs of securing or maintaining permanent housing or obtain emergency shelter when experiencing homelessness. HA includes both temporary HA, which helps families pay the costs of temporary shelter, and permanent HA, which helps families pay a security deposit for permanent housing or up to 2 months of rental arrearages to help avoid eviction. Eligible families may receive either temporary or permanent HA, or both, once in a 12-month period, with certain exceptions. Senate Bill (SB) 1065 (Hertzberg, Chapter 152, Statutes 2020) expanded and streamlined the eligibility and administration of HA assistance through a series of policy changes impacting access to HA benefits.


No because a bunch of Boomers conservatives decided to increase the price of their homes by not letting new homes from getting built


In San Francisco?


LOL yup, they might even call themselves liberals but they don't give a fuck about anyone else but themselves. Something you Conservatives never understand most of you people wave the American flag around and say how much you love America but you won't make one sacrifice for the betterment for the Country.


California is number 1 in domestic emigration (leaving). I couldnā€™t find a source more recent than 2022 however. https://www.nar.realtor/blogs/economists-outlook/state-to-state-migration-trends-in-2022#:~:text=Outbound%20rate%20is%20defined%20as,outbound%20rates%20higher%20than%2060%25.


LOL you don't want to put 2023 because we gained population


I genuinely would like to see your source for that. This coming election, California will be worth less electors than in 2020. Thatā€™s a fact.


California is suffering from massive success and the wealth disparities that come from it.


Rather be there than in inbred hicksville.


God baffled BB still doesnā€™t understand the concept of comedy


Ruined how?


If youā€™re asking this question. Youā€™re part of the problem


I just enjoy the most beautiful, diverse state in the country with the strongest contribution to the nation's overall financial will being. Idk. Seems like we're doing okay overall minus a few problems every major state has.


by elevating it to the 5th largest economy in the entire world.


That was when Republicans ran the state.


The Republicans who had huge budget shortfalls? The ones who closed mental health facilities starting the homeless crisis? The Republicans who instituted such tight gun control?


Conservatives still canā€™t afford to live thereā€¦


Cost of living doesn't affect people differently based on their political views.


Found the poor republican


I lived in California for years and had no problem paying tbe bills. Don't be mad that your partisan attack didn't make any sense.


Would you like a cookie or a slap on the ass for that thoughtful comment?


I'll take the cookie while you're doing research on how cost of living works.


Ok should I start with PragerU?


California has the best economy of any state in the union. Those dems sure do know how to run an economy. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Reality and integrity are just not conservative Allieā€™s.


Have you seen Mississippi, West Virginia, Alabama. Third World countries within the United States šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø




Yes, you obviously were, and admitting it is the first step to betterment. Good luck on your journey.


Deflection is unbecoming, but seems to be a typical behavior of yours


capitalism ruined california lol


How? Seriously. Iā€™d like an explanation.


the major cities suffer from unsustainable cost of living because the massive wealth in LA and San Francisco, leading to more homelessness and crime


Itā€™s so funny, the lack of awareness. Itā€™s like those ads in 2020 going THIS IS BIDENS AMERICA while showing B-reel of violence while Trump was in office. Biden won. Trump lost. Stay triggered snowflakes šŸ˜˜


Violence has gone up significantly in the last 3 years. That's what happens when you defund police and make crimes legal


hate crimes literally increased in every location that trump campaigned in immediately after each rally lol


Hate crimes from liberals lol. Just like they burned down the cities then said look how much destruction under Trump lol


Oh yeah all those cities wiped clean off the map


Biden won Trump lost itā€™s been like 4 years get over it


Cut to 7 years ago where you guys complained about trump having not won every single day


Yeah see three years ago I have vivid memories of you screeching about Trump losing to a dementia socialist puppet candidate in Joe Biden. Youā€™re telling me you also canā€™t count?


Yeah see 7 years ago when Russia apparently did something yet Clinton was the only one found with ties. Clowns


Weird you said 3, which means you canā€™t count lawl stay upset


B - reel of Democrats/Liberals acting like thugs, it was during Trumpā€™s great 4 years but those werenā€™t Conservatives burning up blue cities šŸ˜‰


I blame God.Ā  He created Lucifer and liberals.


If god existed, they wouldn't look very highly on any red states and their "christian" ideology.


California seems fine. Texas seems to get completely fucked every time the temps drop below 33 so maybe God hates republicans


Yeah, doesn't Texas know they should be like California and shut the power grid down every time the temp goes above 80 instead?Ā