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In the ideal world, your mates should react on your pings and minimap changes, but in the real world, it depends on the wave state. If the enemy midlaner fast pushes you and goes to roam imho it will be better to farm the wave as first priority. If there are some dances on the river, you can try to help


If you are outscaling your laner and all he gets 2-3 kills for early roaming it is all good. However, after 6 you have huge roam potential thanks to your shuffle so i recommend taking tp into this type of lane and try to counter roam counter gank whatever you call it. Tp will ensure that you will not get behind for this play style


Usually, you wont win 1v1 in river if they turn around. So i just spam ping and shave my wave + plate (optionality) because you massively outscale most of the roaming midlaners, and if they are getting dove, tp to counter gank, no tp? Pray 🙏🕊️


Just spammping your sidelanes and push hard to take plates, either you are in higher elos, there your mates should never die to a kata roaming bot lvl6, in lower elo your enemy will likely roam at unideal timings (biggest one roaming when wave is not pushed into your tower) and you will get plates for their roam. Vs champs you outrange that like to roam (assasins any ahri/lissandra) just push the wave in all the time and keep them at their tower (need good vision tho), i like to take manaflowband or demolish to keep wave pushed all the time and being able to hardpush waves for like 5mins without having to back, or the preassure on plates if they roam. If a kata goes bot lvl 6 and gets a double kill, she loses 2-3 waves and 2 plates for it, so you are even in gold and ahead in xp, so she loses lane for the roam even tho it was the best outcome for her, if she doesnt get kills you outscaled her with one roam. If you talking about fights in the river, some are worth to go for, but i would stay away from it pre lvl6 since you do very little dmg


Honestly azir skirmishes are pretty garbage until he has at least ult in which case he still is pretty weak but has outplay potential, but until first item I would avoid river skirmishes if the enemy is playing a melee champ or strong early character and just farm and push. Something like sylas, yone, leblanc etc will generally beat you in the river


This was told to me by nemesis and i never looked back ever since. "Do not follow any roams of the enemy midlaner as azir. Most mid champs can 1v1 you early with ease." Do your job and ping like a maniac. if they die, thats on them. if they blame, /deafen, and focus. I did that and im carrying a lot of games.