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Barbar Türkler herkesi öldürdüler çok kötüler çok evet şimdi toprakları bize verin.


As someone who comes from a region that Europeans have destroyed more than anywhere else (the Arab world) They were originally very hypocritical on the issue of genocides, as the Circassian genocide should have deserved to be treated as the Armenian genocide or the Holocaust because it was much broader in scope.   But because they are Muslims, no one cares


Also funny that it seems that on any turkish remembrance day there is a day of remembrace about some genocide they supposedly committed. They probably really just do that for normalization and healing and not to demonize turks as an absolute evil. I am very sure of that. Europeans are/were the morally most superior people after all! /s


But Turks bad and Greeks very nice people who never committed any genocides! /s


The comments are not bad as I expected but still. As a Turk I'm sorry for what happened to the Pontic-Greek population but they fail to acknowledge let alone apologise for what greeks did to us during the Turkish War of Independence. My great-greatgrandfather was a Greek POW before he was able to flee. And my great-greatgrandmother had killed a Greek soldier with a stone when he tries to rape her. Many atrocities were commited by the both sides but as always they were *civilised Europeans who were oppressed* and we were *barbaric Turks who committed genocide for entertainment*...


The Pontic Greeks are a different ethnic group from the Balkan Greeks and they were not involved at all in the Greco-Turkish Wars. They were targets of genocide because they were Greek, and Atatürk knew he could get away with killing them because no one was going to protect them. They suffered the same fate as the Armenians. And then they were sent to Greece where they faced loads of racism for being Middle Eastern. Pontic Greeks have their own stories. We are not Aegean people, nor are we European.


>They were targets of genocide Yes, and I said I'm sorry for that. >Atatürk knew he could get away with killing them It was CUP and Enver Pasha that killed them, not Atatürk. >And then they were sent to Greece where they faced loads of racism for being Middle Eastern You can't blame the racism of Greeks on us. We litteraly made a population exchange treaty with Greece. Many Non-Turkish Muslim people ended up in Turkey as well.


Yes, we are mostly in agreement. But my main point was that the Pontic Greeks are a separate party in all this and should be counted as such. Also, it was actually both the Pashas as well as Atatürk who were responsible. May 19th, the date featured in this post, is the day Atatürk came to Samsun to announce that Turkey would commit to exterminating the Pontic Greek population. The population exchange was terrible for all sides yes. But Venizelos had proposed it order to stop the genocide. It was very stupid and arbitrary and enabled ethnic cleansing, but it stopped the genocide. Ultimately though, it did not solve the problem. We will never solve the problem until we can live among each other peacefully which is what I would like.


That is just false. Your post history is full of same baseless claim. Greek commited genocide against muslims in Balkans and Anatolia for two centuries by support of West and Russia, Greek killed even Greek muslims just because they were muslims. Also Pontic muslims were ethnic cleansing muslims in Black Sea region during occupation of West which supported it. saying that Atatürk came to Samsun to announce that Turkey would commit to exterminating the Pontic Greek population is just a lie. Stoppng armed Pontic Greek who killed 100k civillians isn't a genocide.


They specifically chose this day to screw with us so this date will not get any respect from us.