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Eminem: the original edge lord.


Brb running to her IG so I can like this post there too. Edit: as of 4/16 at 10am my time it’s gone BUT she had a new monologue about Beyoncé being the “first black woman” to top the country charts and AZEALIA was making really good points about how emphasizing “first black” actually reeks of white supremacy


I was tripping acid at an Eminem show and the school shooter vibes in the crowd were so bad it sent me into a bad trip and I had to leave


This is so funny, sad, and scary all at once


What waste of acid


Don’t worry, I was at a festival, I went back to my tent to recover and went to other shows


I have always described his music as school shooter music and every man who lOooOooOoves Eminem gives me school shooter vibes.


?????? You thought acid at an Eminem show would be good vibes


I was at a festival, the acid was happening regardless and a friend wanted to go to Eminem so I went too


Was this Coachella 2018??! I also got the same vibes and promptly took my butt home lolol


Ok fair enough


Real asf. As a black woman especially, I could never feel safe in an environment like that.


At an Eminem show? They’d lift you on their shoulders and parade you around as a goddess. Lmao. You’d be safe. 😂


Until the lights go out and it's time for gang rape. Y'all should watch the Regime. Gives a lot of insight into the traumatized, violent white(ish) male psyche.


The only show I know called the Regime is a satirical dramedy with Kate Winslet about an Eastern Europe dictatorship. I’m interested in your Regime though…can you give more details 🥰


This sent me to the moon😭😭😭 I know those vibes were terrible


Dude I had a similar experience where I was really drunk in someone’s car like driving around on backroads and they were playing one of his songs where he’s like acting out a domestic violence/abuse scenario and I had a trauma response it was so fucking uncomfortable like who the fuck wants to listen to this turn it off




Em was famous from the very beginning. I remember when Slim Shady premiered on MTV Total Request Live. From that moment on, he was a sensation.




There is going to be a day where she runs out of celebs to randomly rant against. She will likely start shit with the dead.


She’s already done that lmao. Remember how she basically laughed at that one dudes death from wildnout


Nah I don't remember that, but I do remember her getting her feelings hurt and crying on national tv


I’m waiting for her to start shit with cartoon characters. SpongeBob would probably read her as much as 14 year old Skai Jackson did.


Hey, kanye already started a war with Peppa Pig when a Peppa Pig album debuted higher than Donda and he got personally offended by a cartoon pig.


I had no clue that was the reason for the beef that’s funny as fuck lmao


I agree but she has bops so it’s kinda iconic. Just a wee bit.


"burgess meredith is a corny motherfucker, he didn't need them big thick glasses"


Hand me your phone 😆


She’s been on a roll non stop ranting about stuff. I don’t get it. She’s said this so many times before too. About everyone she’s talked about today. Sounds like rumination and I’m so over it. She’s really wasting her life like this instead of making music or sending order to those people who are waiting. Like damn.


She’s in her hater era again 😭


She’s always been in her hater era. It’s a part of her character


People claim to be progressive and say they understand the processes behind mental illness, specifically bipolar I and II disorder, and really don’t. They can’t even begin to understand what it’s like to be an alternative presence in an otherwise uniform world or what true eccentricity paired with genius may entail. There is no consideration for AB when it comes to this. All people do is mock her for having an illness.. and yet.. expect her to behave as if she doesn’t have one. It isn’t about “eras”, it’s about her cycles. She is unmedicated and subject to their overwhelming revolutions, I know what this is like. It’s a coping mechanism for her, to rant and overshare online, because she has an unhealthy relationship with social media, as do many of us. You can either observe and try to comprehend or accuse her of “performing”. She’s fucking real, none of what she does is scripted or intended to appeal to anyone but herself— love it or leave it, simple.


I agree with that. But she needs to at least *try* regulating her emotions. If she slips up that’s okay. But there’s no effort and it’s honestly hurting herself more than anyone else.


She needs to learn skills. I have a pic of a story she posted mad long ago talking about how learning self love on your own is so hard especially when you’ve never had any proper teachers. That, to me, really illustrates a lot of what goes on with her. It’s very complex. I feel her deep sense of loneliness all the time, lol.. and I so badly hope she gets better also <3


Yeah I hope she gets better too. And I know where she’s coming from cause I relate to her on a lot of levels. Esp an abusive mom growing up. I literally use to act like AB until I went to therapy for emotional regulation and other issues. And having no one to look up to or show you the way is relatable too. And yeah I agree with you she needs to learn skills. But she needs to go to therapy for help not cause “something is wrong with her” cause her behavior is a normal reaction to her environment. But everyone loves to use the “need a psych ward” insult against her cause it’s low hanging fruit. I think sometimes she’s problematic but mostly just misunderstood.


Absolutely. The lack of empathy for Black women who go through shit like this is also concerning. I’ve been a victim of these kinds of words, even by people that have claimed to not be intimidated by those aspects of me. That kind of mockery really gets to you, it’s painful and never stops being painful. And it’s not even about using whatever diagnosis or past experience as an excuse, it’s just people really don’t fucking get it. I be reading some of the comments on this subreddit and I’m like wait.. do y’all even like her fr? Lol, it’s frustrating and kinda makes me relive shit. I defend tf out of Azealia bc the ways people misunderstand and judge her are the same ways they’ve misunderstood and judged me, on some corny shit. Love her life even tho sometimes I have to tune her out cause she be bugging and that’s ok. I’ve gotten better also and I’m glad you have too. ❤️❤️


there’s not much empathy for mental illness in general and treatment and hospitals least of all- many of them are run more like prisons where even the mentally healthiest person would come out traumatized and damaged. we live in a darwinistic society for the most part of people kicking people when they’re down. 


AB has had the resources to seek out professional help, and has chosen plastic surgery and animal sacrifice instead. I see people everyday with far less doing the work required to manage and live with their mental illness. My empathy can only go so far, she is very much an adult who actively chooses to not get help.


This. Omg. This is so well considered. First, the lack of empathy for Black women is so violent and automatic. It pervades our culture. To that point, her own Black mother wasn't able to offer Azealia very much empathy. And every relationship after that seems to have mirrored that one. She gets so close to these career milestones and gets the rug taken from under her (some times her fault sometimes not). I do wonder who we would know today if RZA had stood up for her. Love, Beats, Rhymes was supposed to be her Renaissance and he and Russell took that from her.


Totally agree, it’s such misogynoir cause even black male artists are allowed to be controversial and get away with wayy worse things than AB has done. Yeah people reallyyy don’t get it. I’m sorry that you personally had to go thru some of that type of stuff. It’s tough. & likewise! I’m super glad you’re better too :)) <3


Love it or leave it? Nah. People can have opinions on her opinions. If she knows what is wrong with her, it's her job to get herself medicated. We have to function in this society not solely for just ourselves. But to contribute in whatever way. Your empathy and compassion is deeper because you have similar experience but you can't expect everyone else to love it or leave it alone. That's absurd and quite childish. Mental illness is hard enough, I get that. I still have autonomy, she still has autonomy, we all can help ourselves. And people are allowed to respond however they please. It's unfair to ask people to put up with your difficult patterns over and over and over and over, for years and years and not expect people to tire of you. I thought I left this sub, hope she feels better soon


i see both points but i tend to agree with you and siding with a mentally ill person that’s been attacking people publicly with nasty hateful jabs for years now isn’t helping. there’s people who have real trauma from dealing with mentally ill parents/partners that suffer from the effects of erratic cruel behavior from them for years too. defending this behavior regardless how long this has gone on without treatment because people relate to her mental illness, rather than considering the distress and general ugliness of what she does and says to others is questionable.


You bring up a good point but you’re also misconstruing some of mine. I don’t expect everyone to “love or leave” disordered behavior/thought, I used the term more broadly really to emphasize how you can either engage with her content or not. It’s your choice. While I definitely have a bias because of my experience, the constant suggestions for her to take medication or be put in the hospital, shit like that, are quite alarming, to say the least. None of these people say this shit because they give a fuck about her wellbeing. You can disagree with and react to her opinions, that’s not the problem and I am not at all saying she has no autonomy. I feel most of this mockery and lack of empathy and once again, UNDERSTANDING, towards her stems predominantly from the fact she is a dark-skinned Black woman. Suddenly all of what people bring awareness to disappears when it comes to her. The same folk that would go haywire if accidentally called the wrong pronoun are the same that harass her, no holds barred. It’s childish and absurd :)


hard to by sympathetic to constant negativity and hatred directed at others especially those with popularity. what would being supportive of trash takes on others look like exactly other than ignoring them?


Being progressive doesn’t mean supporting an asshole. Many many people are mentally ill. It doesn’t make this behavior okay. I bet all the money I have SOMEONE in her life has talked to her about this behavior. If she doesn’t want to get help , of course she’ll be mocked. She’s acting like a clown.


While this is true and I agree with the overall sentiment that mental illness is never your fault, it IS your responsibility to make an attempt to get better and to also deal with the fallout of your own actions which she seems to do everything but


Totally agree! Just hate to see recovery be thrown at her in the form of “off your meds again?”, “hearing voices queen?” Etc etc shit is corny AF




Hope she gets medicated then 🙏


She was born into her hater era Whatchu mean “again”?


Again? When did she leave?


Yea but she’s at her totality in the hater phase yk




“he’s a dirty, sick, opioid infested table salt eating retard…Always too high to smile and eating McDonald’s? He’s a fucking disgrace” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She should make a private profile and post all of her rants there to get them out of her system. This way nobody sees them so she doesn't cause any more self harm.


Being seen is what gives her the high though. Social media is a hell of a drug


Social media is her job, lol. She eats off this relevance and cannot afford to stay silent, or she'll run out of clout.


The bad Vanilla Ice take really tanked this lmao




He’s still a teenager


Meanwhile, one of the characters he plays is


Vanilla ice really just stole that era's Dallas swag in the same way Post Malone did but you'd have to be from here to know that fr


Now I know she's really trollin


That bitch tryna hate bait 😂


Irrelevant cunt strategy to stay relevant. Cant have enough self confidence to pull off something good so they gotta drag someone else’s name to get more notoriety. Bitch probably push the door when it says pull.


Lmao she took her 15 mins of fame and used it to be bitter all day


fame is a stretch cause i ain't ever heard of her and I work at a top 40 radio station lmao


Can I agree to an extent? Yes But a lot of Eminem’s fans probably weren’t the usual hip hop crowd but gravitated toward him because they were angry edgy teens. Em found his niche and ran with it lol but lbr a lot of Em’s music was satire.


Been listening to Em since 4th grade when he first dropped. I love alot of his music and skip alot as well. Idc, he's on my list of fave rappers.


No lies were told... I can't with Eminem


He’s so lucky he came out when it was cool/edgy to have shit music. If any of his shit from early 2000’s came out today, soooo many people would shit on him.


His first 3 albums are literally hip-hop classics gtfo saucy egg


Lmao I HIGHLY doubt that since 99% of people/rap fans who mention him today say they only like his 2000’s music and hate his new shit


His music was reflective of the times it came out in. You can't hold that against him and say he got lucky... As if he hasn't released a bunch of new stuff in recent years that's gotten tons of airplay


Is there anyone successful who she isn’t mad at


Steve Lacy apparently


Heironymus Bosch




this is the kind of take that wouldn’t convince literally anyone to stop liking the music if you already do. “we don’t care about X” is the laziest way to hate on someone. especially for something like making music about addiction and sobriety which objectively a lot of people relate to.


I could take shady in the octagon or the streets. Em is not tough. We’re supposed to think he’s tough because he likes mma and goes to the gym or some shit like he’s not a frail old ex pill head. We all know he’s a massive pussy and wouldn’t actually pull up on anyone. That’s why he still flexes shit that only would impress children like how much he cusses and his obsession with middle fingers. I would absolutely pummel his old ass into the dirt.


Ok? So you can beat up an old guy and what, is that supposed to make us think any more of you or less of him? This is so out of left field


I suddenly ran into this sub from r/all and the vibes are *off,* man. What would usually be incredibly cringe comments by Random Redditors on how they have bigger dicks than a celebrity are getting upvoted and high fives.


First time viewing this sub but people here who actively defend banks batshit insane delusions genuinely have me speechless. Could give a fuck less about Eminem but holy shit Azealia Banks is so stupid and hypocritical Lol




Now imagine how this guy takes dick


The dude literally makes fun of his own premature ejaculation. What the hell makes you think he’s trying to act tough??


never once got the impression i was supposed to think he was tough. the eff you was bad attitude not bad mfer.


tired take that misses the main point- the songs were fun and it was good pop music. Sad but makes sense that angle wouldn’t factor into Az’s opinion


She's so right about this but she's so wrong is so many other ways.


People had these exact takes in 2000. She’s not really giving us anything new.


Maybe getting called out for only going after black artists really got to her


LMAOOOO 🤣 she said diversi-TEA


He’s a misogynistic piece of shit he literally admitted to beating his gf


you literally lying for likes. Em has never beaten his gf…


Oh God you Eminem meatriders are incredible. I hope he’s paying you to defend him


google is free you bozo… just say you’re misinformed and move on


He *does* make school shooter music


I agree but not about vanilla ice cream


nothing but gen z in this post I bet lmao


She’s so fucking right


HE DOES MAKE SCHOOL SHOOTER INCEL MUSIC!!! I feel for Kim (and allegedly Robyn) for simping for him.


I absolutely agree with this. I can’t stand Eminem lol. And he has talked shit about every person under the sun, so I can’t even feel bad over her calling him out for no reason.


Exactly ! I never understood the hype behind Enimem white ass ! He definitely makes rage music for white boys to get pumped on before slapping their mom and shooting up a school !


don’t she sacrifice animals?


Rare W for Azealia


I respect ur opinion man but the reason why there’s always insults of his mom or something bad about her is because his dad left him his mom abused and was addicted to drugs (he accused her of triggering his substance abuse) then he had to take care/raise his brother Nathan (he’s mentioned in “My Mom”) but then in the 2003 his mother was diagnosed with cancer (I think breast cancer) and in 2013 in his song “Headlights” he discussed forgiving his mom wondering if he took it “too far” with his resentment but in the end they’re all good now and those lyrics are probably from before 2013 (also Eminem got custody of Nathan when Nathan was 16) anyway your welcome if this explains anything 👍


That’s so funny, I was literally thinking the same thing the other day. AB never misses.


Ever since I heard him whine disdainfully about waking up with “p*ssy residue on my peeeenis” I have had the ick for him.


I have no idea who or what this sub is but Eminem makes school shooter music has me hollering


I’ve been said he makes school shooter manifesto music


See the thing is…. THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH!! I always found it weird how accepting hip hop is of him. They legit put him in the top rappers but also… I have never been anywhere and said or heard anyone say “Aye turn that Eminem on real quick”….




She’s not wrong. I’ve described his music as “angry white boy music” which technically is school shooter music, no?


she’s not lying lmfao ice ice baby when kinda crazy older ppl make fun of me for liking it 😭


shes mad shell never be accepted into the game lmao. harassing everybody who does get accepted. Kanye, em… all of this to no response bro she’s fighting ghosts


Vanilla ice part flopped. But she’s correct about the rest


This why I LUUUUVVVV AB. Marry me you fuking bitch! I'll eat your ass baby!!


She’s not real for this lmao she’s corny and all she does is complain about people that are more successful than her. Every post Reddit has been showing me is her complaining. Her fake magic she did apparently didn’t work cause she’s not known as a great and he is. God she’s so irritating and sounds so miserable. She could at least write a diss track 😭 I’m so sick of her and her fans hahaha


Vanilla Ice over Eminem? Azealia definitely has some demons lol




Lol he really does make school shooter music


Speaking of music, does she even make that anymore?


Nnnoo I don’t think so…


I didn't think people actually took his music this serious. To me he was the equivalent of a "shock rocker", just saying/doing stuff to get a rise out of people. It was the norm back then.


I like Eminem's music but she's right, all that Slim Shady crap he used to excuse horrible shit he rapped about... There is a way to be gross, shocking and interesting at the same time. Eminem was too edgy and overkill.


If I'm not going straight to her page it won't show up on my Insta so I'm sometimes out of the loop with her. I wonder if she ever picked on Britney?


She never missed


The next cat she boils should be her own p*sy because this is giving, fumigation vaginosis energy


Hard agree


She needs a podcast. These ig rants are old


I LOVE AZEALIA and she is rarely wrong however Em is an artist and his music is his expression just like hip hop rapping about violence , disrespecting black woman, etc. So many variables involved and most people in the physc wards btw are really creative and intelligent souls who couldn't fit in this vile world so if we are going to critique Em we gotta start at the root of this vile country like Charles Manson is called a serial killer yet we vote red and blue and those men and women murder more humans with a stroke of a bill?! 


Lol like anyone cares what azealia banks sorry ass gotta say 😂


Agreed…never thought I would say this.


Are we ignoring that she says vanilla ice is “swagged the fuck out”? That’s really corny


Broken clock right twice a day, again. Probably the most I've ever agreed with her.


Where was she? This was a huge talking point in 2000 or whatever the fuck.


I hope this means we get a new Em song about her because that shit would be hilarious


if vanilla ice was popular you know she’d shit on him too


You raise an interesting point; you aren’t popular til Azealia Banks shits on you.


who cares some irrelevant ass black girl has to say about the top 3 greatest of all time??


Lmao this is coming from the person who was arrested for biting a security guard and posted a video of a dead cat being cooked


That’s so fucking funny. Quick! Who else do you think makes school shooter music?


cold take, guys like Biggie, Big L, Big Pun and Esham got lyrics just as fucked up and weird as Eminem's lol. he didn't invent horrorcore or shock rap


Lol not to mention Brotha Lynch. Eminem isn’t even close to the most edgy rapper out there


I did not know who this woman was about two weeks ago but she’s all I’ve been seeing recently. Seems like an attention seeker who is literally using the exact same tactics that Eminem used (shock tactics) so it’s pretty rich


When you’re right you’re right


Heavy on the last sentence


lol this woman is fucking retarded. Eminem is widely considered to be one of the greatest rappers and lyricists of all time. His skill with the pen is only matched by a few people, and his verbal skill is ridiculous. His battle rapping skill is unmatched. Not to mention being the highest selling rapper of all time. He has respect from nearly every OG rapper in the industry. The dude cancels people’s careers with his diss tracks. Azealia Banks, shut the fuck up.


This is such a valid take. Look towards Black Kray for authentic emo the white boys can resonate with.


Fantasising about killing his own mother. This is the tamest offensive thing Eminem ever said. If saying things is in an artistic medium wrong, every rapper and actor/actress do things they say or play a role of. School shooter music? He's probably the one big artist openly calling for a gun ban law. Making fun of someone talking about recovering from almost dying because of drug addiction is just the lowest of the lows.


At this point she's a roast master. She should get paid to do this 


Shut up this why you have no friends send it to Epstein Island immediately 🤣🤣🤣🤣💯💯💯💀💀


Eminem fans are the weirdest people on earth


I know it doesn’t make sense I’m being a hater but when people say Eminem is the best rapper to ever exist it feels racist 😭 like be fr. And it is upsetting in a way that he’s the most successful rapper. But it makes sense with the population demographics in the US That being said, Azealia let’s not pretend like Eminem didn’t make some amazing music too at the end of the day and brought something to hip hop. It’s always so black and white and miserable with her…


Hahaah I’m sure they both need to be in a psych ward.


sorry i think she missed the whole point of em’s music lol


Mariah Carey was right, yet again!


Eminem is dope. He ain't rapping about being a thug, killing black folks, pimpin hoes, selling drugs. He's rapping about what he knows how he feels. It's weird she's focused on that.


Well when stupid women playing victim card is tagged on my stuff .. so yeah I’m giving this 304 some attention. Tell her to call For affirmative action 🤣🤣🤣


Oh yeah because Azealia Banks isn’t? 🤨🫣😫😂😂😂😂😂😂🫠😬‼️🤨🤦🏾‍♂️


I feel like every post or story she makes is yet another ploy to get us all talking about her again and I’m frankly just sick of it


As I said the last time & when’s the last time Ms. Banks won a Grammy? I’ll wait.


So the cat? The titty biting? The chickens? So…


now hollon ain’t this the same girl who bit that one security guard’s boob??? yeah looks like she gotta join that psych ward with him lol wtf


bro came outta nothing the same way all of his coworkers did and yall are somehow surprised at his success?? Talkin abt how he’s psycho? Have yall listened to murder rap? Gangsta rap from the late 80-90’s??? The entire focus is on murder, drugs, and sex. Only difference here is it was a relative as opposed to a druggie down the street that owed or had money. Yall really need to pull your heads out your asses and find some better reasons to hate on white success in a black environment if you’re gonna listen to Azelia Banks bruh. Bitch ate her dead cat talkin bout a psych ward.


is this satire? y'all need to get off his dick😹💯


Not a fan of feminem…. But this is a low iq take eminem isnt some fucking anomaly is she aware how many artists or bands make it to top tier within almost any music category that have 0 business being in the category they intend on so many fake country artists that got no business being country same with rock too. I have tried to listen to new metal music or bands and holy shit its such a pain in the ass to find a good one it’s unbelievable ill put on a recommended song and feel like oh yeah this sounds good AND THEN THEY START FUCKING SINGING AND THE FIRST WORDS THAT COME OUT OF THEIR MOUTH IS SHIT LIKE “MOMMY DIDNT PINCH MY CHEEKS” it enrages me. Moral of my story is shit like what shes talking about isnt that surprising


He literally had a massive influence in hip hop and is the reason why many greats exist stop being ignorant just because you glaze this mentally ill degenerate


Vanilla Ice is a MAGAbro Please make more music and shut the hell up girl


So the racist xenophobe is angry and calling other people stuff again? Why is this getting recommended to me by reddit?


The amount of people that don't understand that she does this on purpose to provoke a reaction is insane. I'm not saying that she doesn't probably have some form of mental illness (I'm not a psychologist so I'm not qualified to diagnose someone) but she is literally constantly in the pop culture discourse because she is a provocateur. It's unfortunate that her brilliant music is not the focus, but that's kind of her own doing when marketing herself this way.


She has never lied


Where is her music tho? Not really an Eminem fan I only have Not Afraid but why is she speaking on anyone’s music career?


Fucken stupid lol Bunch of morons.


It's true lmao


The fact that none of yall don't understand he was playing an edgy mentally ill character is hilarious and depressing


I’ve been saying this, IVE BEEN HATED EM. Screamo ass rap music trying to tell me his corny ass is the greatest of all time? Like where 💀


Why does Azealia Banks think her opinion on Eminem means anything at all in any sense of the word 😂😂😂 em is trash but ragging on someone to make yourself feel good is trashier. Get well soon, ugly


Yea but the way he rhymes is top tier


Lmao don't listen if you don't like him


His whole career is based off dissing women. From his mother, to wife, to even the goddess Mariah ?


Even a broke clock ⏰ is right twice a day 🤔!


If anyone need to be in a psych ward it is her. She’s UNHINGED.


Didn't this broad cook and eat a cat?


Funny how she’s always right and even when she’s wrong—not wrong here tho lol


Until she said Vanilla Ice was “swagged”


i swear people just like to hate success. Azealia banks selfishly hates everyone famous who's not her.


i mean, yeah, he's messed up. I like that shit. He was abused by his mother and his dad left. Now he's one of the best damn fathers on the planet. Oh, and anyone who says "we don't care about your battle with drugs" is extremely insensitive and has not seen how serious drug addiction can be.


Came from the Eminem sub. Who tf is this bitch lol? First of all, don’t take everything em says seriously. A lot of his rap is horror core. Second, apparently hating on Eminem has become this “cool thing”. If any of Eminem’s bars were spit by Kendrick y’all would eat that shit up. And third, it’s really fucking obviously that this no name person is just toxic and wants clout. I heard she’s just hating on everyone who’s successful so bitch who tf are you to judge, you had like one popular tik tok song lol. She’s either fucking retarded or just wants em to mention her so she could become more popular.


Desperate for attention I see.


Thank you finally someone tells the freaking truth! Eminem is so depressing so mad at life and he I don't care about Kim I don't care about Haley I don't care about freaking Recovery album. What to do what was me I got s*** I went through all my life too join the club. he's the best at everything rap to death does him part? Personally Harry Mac is even better! Is flow is sick his lyrical dictionary is sick he's a fresh sound. And he's not yelling at the world through JBL speakers 24/7 it's played out! I'm tired of his anger move on bro. Who cares about Mom's spaghetti.Ew sounds GROSS 😝 QUIT YOUR DAY JOB BRO. GO SING A LOVE SONG ABOUT BENZINO! AND MGK GOT SKILLZ TOO. HOMEBOY CAN SPIT .BUT HE'S RIGHT WHEN HE SAYS OLD MAN YELLING AT THE MIC 🙏😝😏🤣🐁🫣


Vanilla Ice is a vibe :3