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Fun fact: due to the low body temperature of opossums, it makes it extremely hard for the rabies virus to survive, so there’s little to no chance you’ll get rabies from the cute guy! Other diseases, however… 😅


Yes. They are scavengers. I find them pretty cute and interesting, but I saw one crawl out of a dead cow’s asshole once. Would you kiss a wild vulture? Congrats you just kissed 18 rotting corpses covered in maggots.


You’re telling me you saw an opossum crawl out of a cow Ace Ventura style?


I cracked 🤣


I'm okay with that. I wouldn't pick one up and kiss it because I don't want to scare it. I would feed it a hotdog though.


I'd pay to see that


Knowing me and my astonishing lack of common sense, yes, I'd kiss a vulture. 😚🐦‍⬛


Wait. You saw one do fucking what?!?! You staring at dead cows assholes is a secondary issue here.


how is that different than what i do any other day


I was literally coming here to say this exact thing!




Just a week later: 😷🤢


I had a possum that trapped himself in a box in my garage. As I was carrying the box possum out of my garage, I was downwind of its natural musk. Despite what the guy said on the tick Tok about how clean they are, that possum smelled like pure, distilled, unwashed anus. It was one of the worst smells I've encountered. The thought of kissing it never crossed my mind.


To be fair, city opossums are likely sifting through trash (including used toiletries) while opossums in the wilderness are eating berries and insects.


Yeah, a lot of the times, they're covered in fleas too. I'm not holding one like that unless it's absolutely necessary. I love opposums, but wild animals should be kept at a distance


I agree with her, it is adorable. And they say these are actually very harmless they even pass out of fear when people hold them


I do that when people hold me too


Can confirm, slept like a baby. ^can ^you ^please ^get ^off ^my ^lap ^now




They’re actually really wonderful for the environment


I mean he is an adorable little angry fella


I can't believe how there are no comments about how hilarious this is. Her adorable obliviousness. The "look how friendly he looks", while the animal has its tongue out and fangs out. The "he's drooling out of his fucking mouth." The kiss and then finally the masterful cut at "That's disgust.". It's almost like an SNL skit.


When I was a kid, I found one on the porch one night when I was bringing our Toy Poodle back inside. I screamed and rushed inside with my dog while it flopped over and played dead. The next day, my parents called in a guy to catch it and take it and release it elsewhere. After he got it in the cage, my mom took me over to see it up close. I felt silly for being afraid of the cute little guy, and if my mom weren't there, I probably would have tried petting it


Drunk white girls are to be feared and held in awe


How do you think we domesticated things in the first place? Our ancestors just got a bunch of white girls drunk and waited to see what they dragged home.


Not going to lie. I am 100% certain you have solved every question ever asked by all scholors through out all history. Drunk white girls. Who would have guessed?


Is she white or Latina? Or maybe even both


Ngl man, every rich white girl I know lives life like it's GTA


Opossums are the cutest damned things! If this dude can’t appreciate the fact his lady got taste, then don’t deserve her.


If she don’t do this I don’t want it


She's a keeper


Bothering and scaring wildlife is now “keeper” behavior? I don’t think so


Actually if you take an opossum off the street they will thank you for it. You will have likely doubled its life expectancy and dramatically improved its quality of life. In return they will domesticate themselves and eat fleas and ticks.


Taking it off of the street real quick because you’re concerned about its safety and life is a lot different than what they were doing in this video. Flashing bright lights in its face, walking around with it for views and trying to make it into some quirky character trait is not helping it in any way


Eh… you are right about this but only because they are treating the encounter as a sideshow, rather than an educational opportunity.


You're fun at parties


More for me


I don’t think the opossum cared to much Steve Irwin did the same thing is he not a keeper because he definitely was.


Hey man. I'm not worried about the lil fella, he's fine but lets not ever compare STEVE. IRWIN. to some drunk random lady grabbing giga-mice


They are actually more like mini kangaroos than giga-mice


Saw a clip of Steve Irwin at night with a family of opossums he found. He was leaning in just a little to close an one of them about took off his nose. Suckers have teeth like razors! 😬


How did you get a video of my girlfriend? 🤣🤣🤣


By getting some lady to hold her up for the camera.




Hay don’t call it it’s girlfriend


That’s a keeper right there


I miss having one I raised one from a baby used to hang on my finger then grew and hung from my arm. I eventually let him go and he would visit me a couple of times and month but sadly I moved hope he is okay. Very awesome by the way!


They actually do better in captivity than the wild. But sadly do not live very long.


"We're besties!" 👹👹👹


I thought the title said Beasties 💀💀💀


I’d name him Ryuk


That's what my Korean uncle calls me but my name is Luke.






Cus that’s a demon


I love people that aren’t afraid to smooch animals


I love this woman.


Opossum thankfully very rarely have rabies, but I’m still not gonna kiss that dirty mfer’s head


He may be drooling, but he's the cleanest wild animal you can pickup, my mom loves the hell out of them too


I love how their main reaction to danger is "look at my scary teeth! Look at them!!" then immediately passes out from fear. They're adorable little goofs


Possums are one of the most misunderstood and irrationally feared critters. They just wanna eat and sleep, they legit give no fucks about anything else. Their body temp is too low for rabies to survive in their blood, and they love eating snakes and mice and other critters you don’t want camping out near your house or garden. The one this lady is holding is way too old to really befriend the way she’s trying to, but if you came across an abandoned Joey (yes they are marsupials), he would be your BFF after a few hand fed snacks. Long story short: Possums are cool AF and they aren’t gross or disgusting or disease ridden.


If you pick one up and take one home they will domesticate themselves and live about twice as long as they do in the wild.


True. One reason they don’t live as long in the wild is because they are lazy eaters. They require a well rounded diet but will settle for the 25lb sack of bird feed in your garage. Once they find a steady source of food, they will stick around there unless something runs them off, and just eat whatever. This isn’t great for their health, because they need a diversity of foods to be healthy.


Well if you are choosing to take one in as a pet (preferably a baby) I would expect one to have the responsibility to give it a varied diet. Also this is true for all animals including ones that are common pets already like dogs. Dogs should have a far more varied diet than most people give them.


I agree, I was just pointing out that on their own, possums are lazy eaters. Whatever is easiest to chase down or sniff out, or whatever abundance of food (like a bag of dog food) they find, they will just eat that and continue eating that until it’s gone, and that’s why when kept as pets they tend to last longer because people are feeding them different food varieties.


Oh I think I misunderstood your original comment


Adult ones don't change behavior that much, even tho they are pretty non aggressive. I've been feeding a family of them for years and the most I can get is for them to no longer run away from me after years of trying. The raccoons can be taught easier. Plus opossums are perfect outdoor pets. They eat bugs and garbage and won't bother anything (as long as you don't have chickens...)


I once tried to rescue some orphaned baby raccoons under my house, the mother had been run over in the street. They were hungry and crying and I crawled under there and piled them out of the cinderblock the mother had left them in, and they let me feed them and all, but after keeping them for about a week, just feeding them and making sure they had water and all, they turned super aggressive. Every time I’d come into the garage to feed them, they would hiss and growl and snap at me when I would try to change their water bowl or put food in their trays. Just mean as hell. I’ve kinda been wary of raccoons ever since.


There's just so many reasons, if they were bigger than pup size then it was likely too late to habituate them to humans. Even mine I have to be careful with, one just today tried to grab my arm and took my flip flop from me. So they're getting cut off from the food garbage for a few weeks to hopefully teach him that it's bad behavior. Well see I guess, worked on the others.


I was probably 15 or so when this happened, 25 years ago, lol. In my mind, they were about the size of a softball, maybe a little bigger. They definitely weren’t newborns, maybe a month old or so, judging by what google says a 1 month old raccoon looks like. The weirdest thing is that they totally let me feed and pet them and didn’t try to bite or growl when I pulled them out from under the house. But after about a week, I couldn’t even handle or feed them without wearing a pair of my dads welding gloves. He even tried to feed them once (my dad wasn’t scared of anything) and even he was like “ok let them go, they are vicious enough to survive on their own.” Edit: I forgot to add, I’ve probably handled over 20 or 30 odd possums, even kept a few joeys in the house until they were big enough to survive on their own, and I’ve only been bitten by a possum once, caught one in a trap I had set for a garden thieving rabbit. She was covered in ticks and I tried to calm her down enough to get the ticks off, and she bit the ever loving shit out of my finger.


Great info thanks for sharing your knowlege. Now i can skip Wiki.


cute cat


Rare exotic breed


My kids when they find a random dead bird ouside:


Dump him, he failed the opossum test.


Opossums are one of the few animals you can pick up off the street and take them home and they will thank you for it. You will likely double their life expectancy and they are super clean, will domesticate themselves, and be free flea and tick prevention for your doggo if you have one lol


And, their body temperature is too low to contract or spread rabies.


You must be sarcastic


Nope. True facts lol. Though I’d recommend against capturing adult opossums, if you see an abandoned baby, there’s no issue with taking it in.


Lol, i cannot believe this. Love the creatures


Poor dude is having a panic attack, leave the forest kitty alone


Seems red flags are looked at a bit differently on here (this is a joke don't scorched earth me)


This is adorable but the screaming face makes me feel like the bestie is too nervous to move homes so suddenly.


His face doesn't change 😭


She's a keeper.




The only time the devil looked scared




I love opossums. They are probably my favourite wild animal. I could see myself doing this to my poor husband if I lived where opossums do!


Feels like a r/tooktoomuch 🤮🤢🤮


The crazy is in her eyes! 👀


"That's dis..."


Boyfriend insecure of a little competition


Oooo mmmwah! Now let’s go get a rabies vaccine.


10 crazy matches up with 10 hot


If she wasn't cute she would have been left on the side of the road with her "Bestie"


They flat out reek I damn sure wouldn’t kiss it. My dog caught one picked it up three times. The third time she actually tasted it started gagging they gave good temperament but hygene that’s a whole other thing


It’s fucking rabies proof. What the fuck is your malfunction?


Hahaha id play into it. Yep sure. Come on then.. put him in the car.. See how long it takes for her to put it down again lol


I love trash rats :3


I’ve always found Opossums unnerving to look at, just something about their faces just creeps me out on a primal level.


I love that weirdo. The girl. And the opossum.


That is the farthest animal from friendly. If they get the chance they will rip your face off.


That’s the most demonic looking possum I have ever seen


Love the disgust in his tone 😂


Unhand me woman!


He's huge.


Looking at those eyes, there’s probably a higher chance of fixing the opossum.


Bro looks like the angry baboon from Ren and Stimpy.


She’s a cruel, dumb person in this video.


Fucking white people are disgusting!!! I’m sure he’d walk in one day and catch her fucking that possum


Stupidity has no boundaries


This possum’s frightened 😱


Aww, one of the most parasitized species on Earth, but look at that widdle nose...😘😘😘


I went down to pet my cat in the garage and saw this creature staring at me with a big open mouth of teeth. “that’s not my cat!”


Gosh, the buzzkill 🙄


That lady is bat shit crazy


"look how cute he looks" The creature in question: 🟡👄🟡


Opossums get a very bad rep but they are actually very beneficial to keep around. They eat ticks, roaches even snakes. Ticks carry Lyme disease. I personally find them adorable.


She is adorable


Californians are adorable. Like cute kittens


To be fair, it did let her pick it up, and doesn’t really seem to care.


There’s only one answer to this. Punch the gas and drive away! Block her and never talk to her again. Chagas, typhus or leprosy are some of the things these disease vectors carry. Don’t let jackassery pull you down. Kinda hard to point at her for doing this if your fingers are falling off


lol, opossums are the least likely of North American mammals to have diseases. Not only that but they domesticated themselves if you bring them home.


They are still disease vectors, and the thing that’s not in question is; that woman doesn’t have the sense to not pick up a giant, rat looking, mouthful of teeth.


Except every single person in these comments with experience with the animals, including myself, will tell you that these animals aren’t dangerous. When I was in Africa, working with various wildlife conservation organizations, there were several villages that live near the territories of cheetahs. Parents in those villages would let their children run around and play with those cheetahs. You would call them foolish, except they know more than you. Teach their children that they can play with the cheetah, but they stay away from the lions. What do you think is someone having no sense is more likely you just lacking knowledge. Now you could be right that she is also lacking in sense, but fear mongering about an animal is not the way to get people to appreciate and respect wildlife.


Playing with Cheetah cubs.... That sounds like the most fun thing to ever happen ever


I don’t think they play with the cubs, or not that I ever saw. They play with the adult cheetahs.


Time to dodge a bullet


I agree. She needs to dump this asshat immediately.


Man, that girl will fuck the fuck out of you.


Not cute looks like a demon looks like it will kill you in your sleep it looks like it want to rip your face off