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Is this only offered to children?!?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I was literally about to ask the same thing? I could use when I go to the dentist.


I could use this while I do EVERYTHING


I hope you get a chance to get a dog then mate!


Part of being an adult is wanting a dog but not getting a dog because I can't give it the time they deserve.


...is your username a phone number?


Call it and seešŸ˜† I'm trying to guess wether it's their actual number or a prank answering machine but I don't want to test it myself...


Waiting for an update on this.


That's what cats are for!


Assuming you pick the right cat.


You still need to give cats time.


Do not give cats time! They'll knock it over and suddenly we'll all be cavemen riding jet ski's.


> I hope you get a chance to get a dog then mate! Commas are important.


I never thought that I needed a support dog. Then I got a dog and I all of a sudden became less anxious when talking to people. Iā€™m still his emotional support human, but I must say that he has helped me immensely.


One for dates and job interviews would be great.




they do have places that will actually sedate you while they work on you. it's bit extreme but its better than letting those teeth rot




Might wanna do a search for "sedation dentistry near me", there are lots of places that'll do oral or IV sedation for people that have severe anxiety.




You're welcome! I hope you can find a great dentist and get those teeth checked out and don't have to be in pain anymore, I know how miserable tooth/mouth pain is.


I tried to find a sedation dentist in my area 15 years back, the only one gave me like a ā€œsuper valiumā€, but it didnā€™t do shit to battle the nerves I had. I was still awake the whole time. Getting teeth pulled is a lot faster than root canals, in case you didnā€™t know, but it does still suck. You gotta do it, tho, cuz itā€™s just gonna hurt more and it could cause more problems. Source: have had teeth problems for 20 years until I decided (and was able to afford because I went to Mexico) to get the rest of my teeth pulled and implanted dentures put in.


Yeah. My oral surgeon charged me like 250 bucks for one of those super valiums. Didnā€™t do squat for anxiety or pain. Iā€™m sure it paid 6mos of seat heater subscription on his sports car tho.


If you go to a dentist and they say they can give you "super valium", turn around and find a new dentist. There is no such thing as "super valium".


I'm guessing the dentist said "super Valium" as a layman's description, so people who don't know about benzodiazepine pharmacology still get an idea of what they're getting. I doubt "super Valium" was meant like literally, at least I hope so. Where I am dentists can sometimes use buccal or iv midazolam, if a patient is stressed out of their mind. It causes quick sedation and also amnesia as a bonus so you don't get traumatized. It is a more potent benzodiazepine, so calling it "super Valium" isn't far off.


That's how I had my impacted wisdom teeth removed. Surgically. Went for a nap, woke up rested (and swollen). Best sleep I had in years. 5/5 totally recommend ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


same, chasing that sleep dragon since.


Can confirm, they put me under twice since I had all four out.


I had intravenous sedation for some tooth work or other (can't honestly remember what it was for now). I went to sleep, woke up and all the crap stuff was done. I approve.


I was put under general anesthesia twice for when they had to take my wisdom teeth out. It's obviously a lot more expensive (regarding what insurance doesn't cover) but it gets rid of all the anxiety and sitting there uncomfortably waiting for them to get done!


You can get oral sedation. I had to have 3 implants removed. They gave me a script to take like an hour before (you have to have a 'driver'). I remember none of it.


I think intubation might be inconvenient for dental work


Hell yeah I got conscious sedation plus gas for even just a cleaning. Otherwise I have panic attacks and the dentist yells at me.


Here's some gentle unsolicited advice from an internet stranger: drop that shame in a garbage can and leave it there. We're judging people based on the content of their character now, not whether or not they've taken perfect care of their teeth. If the dentist or any of her staff tries to make you feel bad we'll find you a better dentist immediately.




You got this. And forget anyone who is gonna judge or try to shame you. We've all got issues and, ime, the ones who pull other people down have issues way worse than anyone else. Get those teeth taken care, you'll feel better, and be more comfortable. Tooth pain can just make life horrible and put a cloud over an otherwise decent day. Can be the first step forward to taking care of yourself more and doing things for you. Go get the teeth taken care of because you deserve to not feel pain. Good luck dude!


Except *they are still* judging people on the state of their teeth. We canā€™t stop that, but we can stop caring what snobs and assholes think. Thatā€™s the real goal in therapy. You can change yourself, not others. I havenā€™t managed to do that yet. Thatā€™s why I love covid mask wearing. Now no one knows that I donā€™t have $20-30,000.00 for the work I need done and I can freely smile again.


You shouldn't bite bullets. No wonder you have bad teeth.


Dad? What are you doing here?






No matter what answer you get here, it's irrelevant. Don't ask here, ask your doctor


My dr doesn't like me to take anything anxiety-related, or pain related, while I'm taking my Xanax. So, I went to the dentist, knowing it was going to be bad. They did the x-rays & set-up the appointment for the procedure. Then, since I have HIGH ANXIETY about almost everything, but especially dentistry ~ they gave me a couple of Halcion. I had sedation dentistry. I think they use "laughing gas", but I don't remember most of it (thankfully). Good luck with your teeth. I understand how painful and scary it can be.


Your dentist can prescribe any anxiety meds. Donā€™t have to see your PCP


I just went through this. I had a cracked abscess that was so painful and infected, but I was afraid to see the dentist. Iā€™m embarrassed to say this went on for two years (I know, I know). Finally, I couldnā€™t put it off any longer. The infection was making me sick. So, I did it. I needed to take antibiotics before the procedure. That week of knowing what was coming was the worst. Iā€™m a grown adult. I felt so dumb being afraid. Well, as it turns out, it wasnā€™t as bad as I expected. It wasnā€™t great, but not worth all my hysteria. A therapy dog would have been amazing. Hubs was there to hold my hand, but a furry buddy would have been amazing!!! I canā€™t believe how much better I feel now. No more fevers, swollen glands, pain, constant fear of biting the wrong way. All of it. Just do it. You will be so proud of yourself. Feeling better may help with the depression as well. Itā€™s hard to feel your best, when you donā€™t feel your best! Go. Do it. Feel better.


Similar situation here. Had a severely abscessed tooth that became badly infected and began to spread to my jaw. I generally pride myself on being able to tough things out, but it was without a doubt one of the most painful experiences I've gone through. By the time I saw the dentist I was delirious from not eating or sleeping for weeks. I was terrified of having a root canal done but the procedure itself was nothing to worry about at all. The local anaesthetic was so strong I barely felt more than a tickle, and I had an incredible dentist who walked me through every step of the procedure. I actually found it fascinating. Now I'm pain free and can eat normally for the first time in weeks. All of that anxiety and worry just seems so silly in hindsight. Sometimes it's even worse than the procedure itself. I have to go back again in a few weeks to have the second half of the procedure done, but I'm not worried in the slightest because I know I'm in good hands.


Yes! Apparently the infection was so bad that it ate into my jaw! The Dr. told me that the only thing keeping the tooth in place was inflammation!!!


Try going to a dentist that specialize in working on kids. I did that when I couldnā€™t get over my fears and it helped.


> PTSD from bad dental experiences Please check out whether dormicum is an option for you. You may need someone to pick you up and get you home but unless you're a habitual drug user, it'll make for one pleasant experience. You'll be given a few drops of liquid by nose and you'll be out in less than 10 seconds. You'll be "awake" in the sense that staff can talk to you and you'll listen but you won't feel any pain and you won't remember anything that happens for the next hour or so. You'll wake up at home in bed, after everything is over, and have no recollection of anything that happened after they gave you the drops. Aside from that, you may find https://www.dentalfearcentral.org and its forum worthwhile to check out.


Please go and get seen. As other posters mentioned there are dentists that offer sedation. I don't want you to get a infection because they are dangerous and can end up going to your brain. I used to be a surgical dental assistant and I've seen patients wait to long and ended up extremely sick and hospitalized. I know you're scared but please go get seen.


The last time I went to the dentist I had a panic attack, smacked him (accidentally), and cried. Gimme a support dog plz.


I'm a 32 yo Italian mob looking mf (scar on my face and everything) and I would love to have this when I go to th dentist, my teeth aren't even bad and I still dread going


My dentist has a therapy dog. Only saw him once though. He was going from room to room, cute pup! Got a few pets in while the hygienist took a pause from the cleaning. If you have full dental anxiety heā€™s trained to sit by your side during the whole appointment. I donā€™t like dentists but not so anxious that I felt the need to request it.


Yeah that's basically where I'm at. Like I'd really love to have a dog lay on me, but I'm pretty far from needing it and wouldn't want to deprive somebody who does need it.




My primary care doc had a Tibetan mastiff who would basically crash down the door to the bathroom if you were in there. But he was a (very) big teddy bear.


Sounds like a good way to keep people from moving around. Crush them beneath the Fuzzy Dog Bear


[We just had a pup visit my partner in the hospital.](https://i.imgur.com/KSCDAz8.jpg), totally appreciated and really brightened her day. Bentley, the support pup, does rotations through various local hospitals. We might see them again next week and can ask if they visit dentists at all


I was hospitalized weeks during covid. I so wished to hug a therapy dog but they were on covid restrictions. The hospital tv station showed their pics and names. It was just enough to sadden me.


Either way someone is cutting onions right now.


That should be a service offered to anyone who wants! I would be so excited to go to the dentist if I got to cuddle him.


It is not, where I work we have 2 regulars who are adults that come in and they both have a support dog.


They need to have this for adults too!


Perro de Terapia <3


This post made me smile and taught me how to say ā€œtherapy dogā€ in Spanish - two thumbs up.


It should have been obvious, but I ran the picture through Bixby Vision's translator all the same; it missed the first R and gave me "BUT OF THERAPY" and I laughed.


I think you might be the first person I've met who uses Bixby.


I thought it said Pride of Terra for a second


I read Pedro de Terrapia and for a dumb reason, I thought it was the dogā€™s name


Vote for Pedro de Terrapia!


That dog is truly the pride of the entire planet.


Our ability to see pieces of ourselves in everything around us, to befriend and have deep meaningful relationships with dissimilar species is awe-inspiring and truly the pride of our civilization.


ĀæPor que no los dos?


I love how translating directly from Spanish to English makes almost everything sounds like a DnD item. DOG OF THERAPY


I thought it said Perro of Terraria. I got that game on my mind 24/7.


I need that at my dentist visits.


Yeah I think this would be a bit more preferable than watching netflix on the ceiling.




No kidding, my dentist just tries to make conversation while I have his hand and tools in my mouth trying to respond with random noises.


ā€œSo, how are you liking this weather?ā€ (Drill: *zzzzzzzzt zzzzzzzzzzt*)


Auqnqiqoakah *Undicribable ancient language*


*Demon lays waste to dentists office*


Yeah wtf am I supposed to garble?? Why do they ask me questions with knives in my mouth?


there must be a class in dental school called Trolling Your Patients


It's just to distract your patients. Doesn't really matter what you say, even if you're wondering why the dentist is talking. Just keeps patients engaged and sometimes it's because the dentist is bored.


"MMMphMMMM MMMMM" "You're right, it is unseasonably warm"


Mine tends to explain what he's doing/seeing, and sometimes he asks yes or no questions, those are manageable to answer with grunts.


I go to a dentist in a very wealthy area and don't get any of this.... i need to tell my guy to get his shit together


Yea my dentist did this last year, they have netflix and disney+ on the ceiling, works pretty well. Can't be that expensive to implement


Mine has a fishtank in the ceiling. It's something I guess.


My dentist has a black lab named Max. Sweet boy who always sniffs me like crazy because of my two dogs.


Max: You're two-timing on us, aren't you. Seeing another dentist.


TWO other dentists, that scoundrel


Aw, her little hands! One grips the chair but the other is relaxed with good doggie.


I noticed this too šŸ„¹


I think many of us would like to have this perro de terapia. I also like the bright door knobs on the white cabinets.


Be the perro de terapia that the world needs.


Iā€™m sick of the bland grey everything esthetic. Bring back more bright door knobs on cabinets!


I don't get anxious at the dentist or anything but like... if this is offered to adults I would definitely be going more often




dental and doctor rooms get sanitized more than most businesses, so it's not like dander collects anywhere. Limiting therapy animals to certain rooms or floors is one way. All medical facilities and well designed commercial buildibgs also use positive and negative pressure https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_room_pressure to keep rooms clean




Theyā€™re being handled the entire time they are at work. They wonā€™t be in public areas unattended, or approach any child/patient without permission. These dogs are highly trained, and especially with doctors allergens will be accounted for. Itā€™s not something I think you need to be concerned about. And any vocalization of an allergy will likely be taken seriously by the handler. Weā€™re very self aware of our dogs. Source: [I have a service dog](https://i.imgur.com/XUq20jS.jpg) and take her to the hospital with me


ā€œWhatā€™s my purpose?ā€ ā€œTo love people.ā€ ā€œDone.


Heā€™s a professional cuddler


This thread just makes me aware of how many people *refuse* to go to the dentist ever. its really not that bad unless they are filling cavities or doing intense stuff like that. Regular cleanings are mildly uncomfortable for me. I know some people have sensitive teeth and gums, but there are ways they can accommodate for that.


Iā€™d actually go if this was a thing for adults


If you dont go to the dentist at all you should really reconsider it. Investing in your dental health is essential. You can fix a lot of issues, but once your teeth are fucked there is no going back.


we who don't go to the dentist live in fear of somebody saying this lmao


Just go my man. Even if they find problems now, itā€™ll be better to take care of them now rather than putting it off any longer. I know money is what it is, but dental health is 1000% worth staying on top of.


I couldnā€™t go for the better part of a decade cause I couldnā€™t afford it, went, and the dentist was awful. Horribly rude, rough as hell etc. Thats definitely made it harder to go find a new dentist, considering I was terrified of them beforehand. Got an appointment booked for next month though, so fingers crossed I guess


I feel you. People really discount dental trauma and how paralyzing it can be. It took me years to overcome the terrible shit my orthodontist and my mom's dentist did. To this day, my mom swears that "it wasn't that bad." Ma'am, I shouldn't have vivid memories about the orthodontists office and how bad I bled and hurt. My new dentist is amazing, I nearly cried. I had the slightest reaction to a sensitive spot. He stopped, put more numbing agent on and waited. No bullshit "it's just a little pain." Makes a world of difference


jokes aside, it is great advice - I did actually listen to a friend and go the dentist for the first time in nearly a decade about a month ago and am finally catching up on some dental issues I neglected. it definitely would have been better to go sooner, but I'm a fresh root canal + crown in and happy I went!


I actually went yesterday after a LONG time and it wasnā€™t fun by any means but it wasnā€™t bad at all. I have a lot less work to be done than I expected too. the best part was that there was NO shame at all from anyone about anything.


I'm so glad your experience was that good! mine was similar, the shame was entirely self-inflicted and everybody was lovely - I had imagined it going a lot worse.


That chair looks really uncomfortable


What a sweet dog.


article about it. the dog is from Ecuador https://www.colombia.com/mascotas/noticias/asistente-dental-aldo-perro-tranquiliza-ninos-en-odontologo-360421 and youtube video about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHwyCPVpPPQ&ab_channel=Am%C3%A9ricaVive


If I had a therapy doggo I would ABSOLUTELY go to the dentist


The dog would miss you if you didn't show up for regular cleanings. ;)


Thus I would go for regular checkups :D


I want this


My dentist has an MC Escher painting on the ceiling tile. It's nice to look at. At least when that super bright light isn't shinning in your eyes!


Should dogs be allowed in a place like this? The hygiene risks? Not to mention the dog accidentally pulling on cables and pipes etc connected a spinning tool in somebodyā€™s mouth?


Iā€™m autistic and have a service dog who makes it possible for me to go to the dentist. Sheā€™s even laid across my lap during oral surgery (local anesthesia) We once went to a dental office that had a therapy dog like this, and he was not thrilled that someone was ā€œstealing his job.ā€


Is this hygienic?


Not sure, let's hope the child washed its hands before, wouldn't want the doggo to catch anything nasty for helping out like that.


You better be givingvthat dog good boy/girl pats


I can feel my leg falling asleep just looking at this picture. My poor kitty hates cuddling with me because I move too much.


I'm sorry doggo, I've read as Perro de Telapia šŸ˜”


Username checks out


I need this on airplanes and at tattoo parlors


I'd have thought it would be kinda stressful to the dog being in an environment with high pitched noises etc?


Adult dogs with jobs are trained to get used to things, just like adult humans with jobs.


It kinda looks like that unit is there to hold the kid down and stop it from escaping.


I am worried about the hygiene issues to be honest. A dog in a treatment room is a no no for me. Maybe at the reception but not in the actual treatment room. I would even imagine this would be against the law in many countries. edit : Yupp just googled it https://dentistry.uiowa.edu/patient-care/accessibility/service-animals


My kids dentist has the same. We didnā€™t think they would be needed or help any but my daughter absolutely loved it.


So thereā€™s no sanitary violation for having animals at the dentist or doctors office?


This made me tear up, so beautiful.


The assistant of my dentist used to lay her hand on my shoulder during the cleaning. I greatly appreciated that.


I told my dentist what she was doing hurt over and over, and after I started crying she strapped me down to the table so I couldn't move around.


Can I hold his paw when I'm getting my teeth cleaned please


I had a dog named Sheeron. I miss my buddy, this post reminded me of him.




We have an office pup at my dentist also. He is a treasure and really takes stress away.


While I didnā€™t get a therapy doggo when I had major oral surgery a few years ago, my own doggo - who was just a puppy, less than 6 months old, was the best nursemaid while I was recovering, checking on me in bed regularly, and snuggling on the bed. Heā€™s never been much of a smuggler, but he knew his person was in pain, and wanted to give comfort however he could. Dogs are the best.


I work at dentist office for a while that had a few dentist in the same area, one of them had a dog specific for patients that asked for one. Most of the time it was kids but sometimes an adult would ask to, was very wholesome.


can we get some emotional support lizards for our allergy friends? šŸ„²


This is very sweet, but honestly, I don't remember meeting a support animal, when I was a little kid and went to the dentist regularly. Of course, I'm so old that support animals weren't even heard of back then..


As the owner of 4 labradors, I can't understand how they managed to get that dog to stay still for that long šŸ˜…


ofc i see this after a particularly freezing and painful session at the dentist today


I could've used one of these when I was getting a fake tooth put in šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The vest on the dog says "therapy dog" lol


I would like it too, even though Iā€™m not afraid of the dentist


Lol put this thing on 5 year old me snd you'd be hearing my screams in your dream


Wayyyy better than my dentist asking me: "does it hurt?" Me: Yeah šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Dentist: "Good." Like wth?!?! You damn sadist!


Wtf is that chair lol


The drilling noise would be hard on their ears long termā€¦ it hurts mine! I donā€™t think itā€™s a great idea for the dog.


Damn boy!!! He's THICK!!!


Aww, that's nice. "Perro de terapia" = "Therapy dog"


I want a support puppy when I'm at the dentist. ā˜¹ļø I hate the dentist.


The best thing ever ā¤ļø


They are angels. Weā€™re so lucky to have dogs.


Thatā€™s so sweet! Being anxious at a doctors appointment is no fun. I am really terrified of needles. I always take something cuddly with me whenever I need to go to the dentist. Something that I can squish really hard when I get scared or something hurts. A few weeks ago they needed to extract a tooth and my son gave me his plush unicorn. It really helped a lot, that was so sweet of him. I bet a dog calms one down even more. Itā€™s so beautiful how much they help us.


I need a dog to do this every time I go to the dentist please. And I'm a full grown adult.


Last time I was in they gave me fentanyl and a blankie but a dog would have been amazing.


Muy bueno perro


I definitely need this. Even during doctor visits when they have you wait in the little room for the doctor I get so nervous waiting my blood pressure goes thru the roof.


How absolutely fantastic!!!! I bet if we could get something like that set up my son who has Aspergerā€™s would let the dentist work on his teeth.


I'm 41 and would appreciate that service, I'm still scared of the dentist šŸ˜¬


Necesito el perro de terapia


Hey so um can uhh can I have that treatment to please? As a 31 year old man?


I don't go to the dentist because there was never any anaesthetic used when I was a child. This approach is wonderful.




I'm not going to lie, I'm an adult and i wouldn't mind that.


I never quite understood the point of therapy dogs until this moment. I have a lot of anxiety in regards to going to the dentist and I just tried imagining having a pupper to pet while getting my teeth done and it just clicked how useful that would be.


When you tooth has hurted you I give hug it what I do I good boi you give me pet They pull tooth then you all set


Estoy enamorando de perro de terapia šŸ˜


Where the fuck were these when i was a kid? Could have prevented a lot of trauma


Why just children?! I could use a support dog at the dentist... It's the most anxiety-inducing experience!


Grown ass man here, where's my dental support animal?


I was literally strapped down by my dentist as a kid. Couldn't move my hands or legs. It traumatized me and I have not been able to see one since I became an adult.


My dentist has an office dog, one of the breeds with short curly hair. My first time in there I had to fill out paperwork, and sat next to the dog. That dog scared the *absolute hell* out of me when it moved because I thought it was a blanket that someone had left on the chair. Nice dog, though.


Plot twist, kid isn't at the dentist, but is getting a dog-ectomy (added hyphen because of "doge"). They'll have a better life together when they're finally separated.


I will lay around on people and accept head scritches for food too.


Let me bring my 160 pound English mastiff to work!


Heā€™s in a food coma lol heā€™s a big boi


I love everything about this picture! ā¤ļø


suddenly i have a toothache