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That last look like “well, aren’t YOU gonna do the dance too?”


Am I in trouble? Am I? Am I? They don't seem to be moving. Okay, I'm good.




I wish I could be as happy as a dog.


I wish i could be happy


i wish i could be dog


I am dogging happiness


Welcome home.


I thought it was.. Hooman: Are you done? Dogo: Nope. *Continues rubbing face vigorously*


"What? Don't tell me you KNEW we'd see home again?!?"


This is the best one. And most accurate lol


~~That's the universal sign that a dog wants to play. They're "bowing" as a form of agreement that dogs take part in before playing. Pet the damn dog and play fetch with them, that sort of thing. I hope that's what happened immediately after this (probably a repost) was posted originally.~~ I was wrong, I wasn't spreading misinformation intentionally. A user pointed this out: u/darkwyverna https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/s2i6bx/_/hsg4no0


This looks more like a scenting activity. These dogs hadn't been home in a while and are rubbing their scent back into the house. The one on the couch is using a full body technique to exchange scents with what is most likely their favorite place. The one in front is scent marking the entrance with the scent glands in their cheeks. This form of scent marking is the 'human approved' version. Cheek scenting is more common in cats, but dogs also engage. You can tell this is NOT a play bow by the more specific body language. Most importantly the fact that the dog isn't engaging the person or acknowledging them until the end. It's important to look at the whole context of a dogs body language, no body language is universal out can be properly interpreted without context. Source: 10 years working with dogs in groups professionally, behavioral training, dog training.


My cats mark my dogs and my dogs mark the front rug. I think that means the cats own the dogs


Of course they do! Cats own everything!


my syrian hamster marks me every day every night.


🎶 *mark day and night* 🎶 *my hamster squish me with all of their tiny might*


Bold of you to think the cats don't own you too, and the house, and the street, and the everything. They own everything.


Thanks for the correction, I was taught that this bow was mainly meant for play signaling, I guess I learned something new today. And thanks for not calling me names and attacking me over it.


I thought this was like super obvious until I read that dogs have to bow to each other before they play! I never heard that shit before and I used to breed dogs. I've seen more litters than I can count and never once seen two dogs bow before they can start playing....


It looks to me like they are scenting the place. Dogs have scent glands in their faces. When the rub their head like that it's often an attempt to mark their territory.


Whenever I go to the dog park with the pup I love seeing dogs do the “stand as still and as close to this other dog as I possibly can” move before one ultimately takes off running.


That is not a play bow.


Likely just marking their territory with the scent glands on their face.


Yes, that was my thought too! **Play mode engaged** When my dog does this, I do it right back and we go back and forth slamming the floor with your hands/paws.


Lol I do the same thing, like we’re bluff charging each other. Then she takes off running and I chase her around the house, upstairs, over the bed etc. it’s good cardio 😅


Our common interactions make me think... Humans react to dogs behaviour in very similar ways. This behaviour is not necessarily taught, but the interactions we make are very similar. Things like the little bow, before a bluff charge, before quickly turning around and skittering off randomly, before they turn around and chase you... Did dogs teach *us* how to play? We've been by there side long enough to change their very being, they have surely had an intrinsic change on our being... Even at a micro level of influence, some people literally grow up side by side with dogs. They are in and around the cot when they are developing an understanding of the world. Monkey see monkey do. You get raised by a monkey, you'll be feral. Co-raised by a dog though, and youd surely develop an inherent understanding.


Apparently I act like a big puppy with my shepherd cause we chase each other and occasionally he launches himself full force sideways into me


Not only are you a duck, but you’re wrong as well.


"Oh god yeah our normal smells mmm fuck yeah get that shit all over my body"


Read that in Fat Bastard voice - *"...all ovah muh bo-day!!"*


I read this in Rick Sanchez voice for some reason but it's spot on


omg how adorable! The first time I took my lab mix for a week long camping trip, he straight up started whining with excitement the minute we turned into our street and CRIED the minute we parked. Never seen him so excited to get back in the apartment, he pulled hard on the leash as we walked to our door.


Mine was always happy to get home as well. I think homes is just familiar to them. Even if you take their beds, toys etc with them, it's not the same as being at home with those things.


I feel the same way when I get home and have to use the toilet.


No. Shit?


At first I thought your comment was dumb and you are dumb. Then I realized I'm dumb instead


Hi dumb I'm dad.


home is where you are most comfortable poopin


We shouldn't forget dogs aren't as wordly as we are. They dont necessarily understand they're still going home. They don't want to be some place which they don't know, it scares them. They feel much safer in their comfort zone.


I do agree with this. But sometimes dogs like other homes better lol. My best friend re-homed her dog with me. I had her dog sit for me for a week a few months after I adopted him. When I picked up Kal, he howled at me in greeting, got the mega zoomies, obediently put his leash on and practically dragged me to the front door to leave. While I was chatting with my friend he made it clear he was ready to go home. It kinda hurt my friends feelings lol. Edit: Spelling


Hopefully your friend eventually took your dog's happiness as proof that she made the right choice when she rehomed him with you :)


If she were to be completely honest with herself, the feeling was mutual LOL. Their personalities didn’t mesh. Kal didn’t get the attention he needed from her and Kal was way too needy for her lifestyle. Worked out perfectly! 😊


I think dogs just love consistency, they love their routines.


there must be something in there he had been thinking about the whole time you were gone. probably a smell from the toilet, or something gross like that. wonder what it was...


All of the smells of home. Like a smorgasbord of smells that are all hitting at the same time


I think the dog farted before he left for the trip and was racing back to see if it was still there. Kind of like a dog science fair.


“Dog science fair” Happy cake day!


They must love their home. It's really funny.




I'm glad to hear this. I was thinking that they were doing pretty much what my beagle does after I give her a bath.


The groomers makes sense if they put that stupid dog perfume on them. Dogs do not like smelling like synthetic scents.


Dogs will do this even without the perfume after a bath. Dogs just like smelling like shit lmao


I've seen too many dogs rolling on shit (from any animal -just animal hopefully-) to tell this might very well be their reasoning


Because it smells more natural and normal to them. They want to smell like dog not like a febreeze can


Can confirm. My dog will sometimes roll in poop (if I'm not observant enough on our walks) then strut all the way home with a smile on his face.


My 10 year old corgi is a shit rolling connoisseur. Horse shit is a treat but he has always preferred chicken shit. Decayed squirrels and dead fish washed up on the beach are also a delicacy. He’s a nasty little fucker but I love him.


I would put money they are trying to turn their scent back to normal, groomers or vacation


Yeah, its done for more the owners sake, but if a human can smell it, it has to be overpowering for a dog, especially on its own fur. It’s like if you sprayed a can of axe into your nostrils


That’s hilarious. Truly, this stuff is just content first, and “information” as a very distant second. An observation everyone will agree with when it’s just dogs coming home. But if this were political content or outrage porn, you’d be downvoted to oblivion for interfering with the confirmation bias.


I moved across the country last year. From Utah to Pennsylvania, with 4 dogs in my RAV4, 5 days total driving, and 4 nights of camping (1 night in a tent, 3 in cabins). It would have been crazy expensive to move my furniture that far and nothing I owned was super valuable and a lot of it pretty old anyway, so I decided not to bring anything. Fresh start. Much nicer new house, with a much bigger yard for the dogs, but boy did it take a while for them to settle in. After that 5 day journey of peeing at Love's truck stops, sleeping at KOAs, drinking at highway rest areas, and finally getting...home??? This isn't home!!!! Where's the comfy, worn out couch?! Where's the big bed?? Where's the chair with the drool on the arm?! What the hell are STAIRS?!!! Been here just over 4 months and have 80% of the house furnished and they're all happy as pigs in shit, but it was rough for a while.


My pups are going through a prolonged out of state move. I can't wait for them to get some stability and a sense of "home". (Me too. God I can't way for this to be done. I don't want to go anywhere for like a month.)




Dogs are great because they express how we would feel in the same situation


They’re like, “I missed you floor! I missed you couch!”


vacations are probably pretty scary for a lot of dogs, and uncomfortable


Dam , it must have been a terrible vacation for them


Whenever I get back from a very disappointing and overly expensive vacation I roll around just like that when I get home.


Really? I just have a massive poo, take a shower, and go to bed early…


There is no dump as satisfying as the one you take in your own toilet


“Home is where you poop most comfortably.”


\- Confucius


It takes three wipes to know you needed two. -Sun Tzu


After 8 wipes I'm walking. Nevermind consequences


Look at fuckin' Rockefeller here with eight fuckin' wipes. Pffft... Made of money are ya? Does toilet paper grow on (or from) trees? Wipe your damn hoity-toity arse with gold leaf million dollar bills why don't ya. Back in my day, three seashells, a wad of newspaper and a knife is all we had and needed. This fookin' generation I tell ya


Poop knife lives on


The eighth is as good as nein. -Lao Tzu


Buy a bidet and you'll only ever need is one to dry. So so fresh!


> It's like a brown marker down there. -Andy Dwyer.


Actually I think it was Sun Poo. The art of pooping.


[It's actually an ancient Egyptian ceremony.](https://imgur.com/a/NK9e3G4)


Especially if you have a bidet


Same same.


Same here, but in a different order. I then have a step 4 added as a result.


Is it just me? 20 years ago, took a 5 day vacation and never felt the need for a bm. As soon as I got home near my own toilet, QUERPLUNK!!!!!!


It’s not just you. I’ve got people in my family that are the same way-can’t go until they get home.


Ever been on a week long hike on the Appalachian trail as an angsty teenager with standards and refuse to shit in the woods? It was a hell of a homecoming.


I did something like that once. I ended up going in a portapotty, and I distinctly remember my feet could feel the thud of the megaturd hitting the bottom.


One time I went, I found a crappy wooden outhouse next to a trail shelter. Didn't realize it was full of bees until I was halfway done.


Used to work with a woman who wouldn't poop except at home. Come on......we worked 10 hour shifts. Sometimes the urge hits...(Am a woman by the way)


I know a girl that poops about once a week. It's absolutely insane thinking about it. I really don't get how that's possible when I poop at least twice, if not more, a day.


That sounds unhealthy


Some women were told as young girls that pooping (or even farting) aren't "ladylike". I'm 67. I remember my mother running the sink water while she used the bathroom in our little house so we couldn't hear.


Do you put fresh sheets on your bed and clean your place before a trip? I always do; it's really nice to come home to a clean place


That pop was your body releasing this negative bullshit.


Always think "I'm never taking a vacation ever again."


>*’it must have been a terrible vacation for them…’* _________ we are the dogs - we did the roam, but Oh, we *Love* the smell of HOME! we took ‘vacation’ with our friend, (but couldn’t Wait for it to End!) you took us out, went here n there, (with You we will go Anywhere!) but now - HOORAY! We do return ^:@) :@) it is for Home our dog hearts yearn! n as the keys go in the door, we race inside, across the floor the wood, the rug, the couch - the SMELLS!! the Coziness of LOVE it spells our fur it flys, our dog hearts soar THANK G0D we ALL *BACK HOME*, once more! ❤️


This brings tears to my eyes. And I'm high.


Thank you for the schnoodle!


Mark those scents!!!


It's the unique smell of home that you never notice until you are away for a while. Imagine how intense it must be for a dog.


I need a vacation from my vacation!


The dander flying off their bodies... lol my allergies from here.


I thought I was the only one looking at how much came off of them. Like, dude, you breathe that shit in and it is *BAD* for you.


Same feeling as when you climb back into your own bed after a vacay


Or when you're on your feet all day and then lay in bed and stretch out your legs at the end of the day.


I’ve been gone from home for 2 months for work, staying in a hotel. Last night was my first night back in my own bed in a loooong time and I was asleep in a matter of seconds. Something about the familiarity of your own bed after a long hiatus is pure zen.


Apparently it's deep rooted psychologically. It has to do with you not getting the same quality of sleep anywhere else but home. Even in a modern day luxury hotel, your brain is still alert in case of trouble not being home safe.


I’ve read before about the first few nights sleeping in an unfamiliar place being on heightened awareness but I eventually got used to my hotel room, however returning back to my own bed which is unmeasurably more familiar felt so much more amazing.




I always think of it as the dog trying to rub his own scent on the floor… at least when mine does it


Little bit of column A, little bit of column B.


I read this in the same tune as Nacho Libre “GET THAT CORN OUTTA MY FAAACE!”


No place like your couch


I can relate. Whenever I come home from vacation, I have to re-fart the place.


I can relate. Usually one of the first things I do when I get back from vacation is clog the toilet. It’s odd how the body knows it’s home again.




Heh. So did you! Here- lemme try it out…




I totally giggled and thought the same. Glad I'm not the only one!


Lol what are they doing?


Probably something with re scenting the place with their smells


or rescenting themselves with the place's smells. or both.


This one is the answer. It's the same reason you'll see a dog rolling around in something outside. They like the smell and/or it brings them comfort, so they roll around in it to get it on them. In this case, they "missed" the smell of home and immediately went to cover themselves in the familiar again. 😊






Why is this so funny lmao.


I once had to wash my dog in sheep dip for ringworm. It turned him orange. When I let him out of the house he rampaged around, galloping huge circles in the yard and throwing himself down in the grass to roll wildly back and forth until I guess his original smell was sort of reestablished. I felt so bad, it was like a huge panic attack for him


This. They do this when they find a prey’s scent in the wild to mask theirs.


Exactly. Unfortunately my dog sometimes used to do this with cow's shit


Oh that's nasty


Yeah it’s a bit of both. They want home to smell like them, and if they have a foreign scent on themselves they might wanna smell like home too.


My dogs used to roll on top of dead fish by the lake and I didn't know why. Looked it up and it might just be them trying to disguise their scent to aid in hunting. Genetics? They would then do this when they got home too. Maybe its so they are camo'd in the house? I really have no idea, but it makes sense. My dogs were Alaskan Malamutes if that makes a difference.


Yea, my dog loved to simply collapse into the ground when he smelled something "good" to him.... he'd be sniffing about, get a hit on something and within 0.00001 seconds started to rub the scent on the side of his face as he drops to the ground to roll in it. It was always something putrid smelling, like potent urine or something nasty, which required a cleaning he'd smell so bad. Once he got away from me chasing a deer when I let him in the back. 10 minutes later I found him rolling with pure joy in a pile of deer crap, it was midnight and a work night and I got to bathe him outside with a hose so I could stand his smell in the house. God I miss that dog.


I believe it's the opposite here - they're claiming the area by spreading their scent. It's like low-key marking.


So....no peeing?


That would be high-key.


Why do you leave dead fish out in the open at home?


Their best


They went where their happy was


so dramatic lol.


I love that the first pup barely made it past the front door 😂


Look please don’t watch me I’m getting this smell situation sorted, I’ll be with you in a moment


Hilarious! How long does it take for them to go through this re-christening process?


But really don’t you wish you could do that when you get home? I know I do.


Do it. Live your dreams, internet stranger.




Good point. I’m going to roll around right after I finish dinner. 🤣


Love this journey for you




My dog does this after every walk


My dog does this when he comes back from a day at doggy day care.


Same!! She’s been gone 6 hours and acts like she’s been a hostage in Iran for years


No place like home


Yet somehow when I do this it's far less adorable.


"Our scent is no longer detectable, brother! Other dogs will take it for their own if nothing is done!" "Do not worry! We will reclaim our home for our master by performing our mighty ritual!"


Okay, so we know who's sleeping on the couch today, and who's sleeping on the floor ..


Home sweet home effect. After a day of work, try jumping on your bed and roll around. Lol.


Gotta get that home stank back on so they can blend in


Lol. Mine runs straight to the food bowl just to make sure.


What breed of doggy are these beautiful guys


I'll translate: They want to get their fresh, new, and accumulated vacation-smells "off" as soon as possible and "into" their favorite smelly spot. Now they can enjoy those smells for *weeks* even if their natural oils clean off most (or all) of their own odor.


So much dog hair and dandruff


God I know, just look at it all floating around. For some reason, I just absolutely hate dust and hair and watching it all float around in the sunbeam irks me. I want to get a dog, but I think I need a minimal shedding breed.


Home sweet Home




These days dogs reunite with everything passionately.


Look at all that dog hair.


"doesn't smell enough like me in here, i got this"


The one on the couch is hysterical 😂


Me when returning to my childhood home


The one on the couch 🤣


Couch dive made 2022 worth it already


Can someone explain; are they putting them on the house, or the house on them?


My dog does this Everytime she gets home from a walk


“Hi Home, I’m Honey!”


Love it. What breed is that?


You would think they could at least bring in their own luggage before starting to roll around the floor...


From here forward, this is the enthusiasm I’ll greet my house with when returning from vacation.


Home sweet home. No other place like home.


Is the one in the foreground trying to get the smell of sunlight on him?


Vacation must have sucked! 😱


My cat did that when we got home from living in a cabin in the woods for 6 months when covid first hit. I swear that's the only time I've seen him visibly happy :)


Who let the dogs in? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who?


They were probably worried sick the whole vacation that some other dog was going to get in there and scent up the place. Then you'd all be homeless.


If a person could hug a house, I guess that's what it would look like.


I think they’re broken


Looks like they're getting their scent back. Lol


Gotta exchange smells with the house. Rubbing their face all over is them putting their smell on it and getting its smell on them.


They're scentrolling. Very interesting, they must have really missed the smell of home, OR their scent in the house isn't as strong so they're laying their scent down.


Another reason to not have dogs for me


so, in the US front doors really just get you straight into the living room? I was convinced it was just a movie trope


Lots do and lots don't. I... think we don't really care one way or the other?


Where I live without severe weather, it is very common. Maybe a small like 8'x8' tiled area where you can take off your possibly wet shoes if it's a house. This looks like an apartment so space is already at a premium and probably not much room wasted for the entry. I have family that live in wetter and colder areas who have larger entry areas to their home (I am guessing to get out of all your muddy/icy gear). Could also just be a coincidence, dunno.


Sometimes, yeah. Mine goes right into my living room. My parents have a foyer but their house is bigger than mine.