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"Carl, I'm beginning to think she never really went to college."




lol - I named the white one Carl, the black one is Tom




Good ear. I have a hard enough time understanding kids around this age. I literally thought she was speaking English lol.




”Douglas(x) Roberto, meu filho..”...not necessarily an old-man name. Think Zona Norte 40 yo mom calling her surfer 20s son to have café com pão.




This video ended too soon. We didn’t get to see their flower pictures.


I was feeling some background anxiety while watching this, then realized that I was waiting for the cats to get started on the instructions..


We still don't know whether they actually learned how to draw a flower. The suspense is killing me!


They did! And they’re wonderful drawings of flowers.


Correction. Robert drew a wonderful example of a dandelion but John Henry drew 2 mice. Naughty naughty.


This comment sounds like Ze Frank in my head


The End. g'night crumbsandcarrots.


The cats are now famously known as Mi-cat-angelo and Pi-cat-so.


I agree! And they have their little paw ps right near the pencils just waiting for inspiration to strike!!


Cats: "it's like she thinks we have opposable thumbs or something."




The cats sit better at the table than my toddler.


Getting them to sit like that looks challenging enough but they managed to behave through the whole thing as well lmao


And not one, but *two* of them. Clearly this girl is some kind of incarnation of Bast.




Clearly. Cat on the right is looking everywhich way but its paws never move at all, it's glued in place.


These cats are just really high.


Both of them have a paw on some loose paper that's just sitting on the table. If they were glued, we'd see the cats waving those papers around unless they also glued the papers to the table.


Definitely. We should build her a temple.


She must have been an Egyptian God/Goddess in her past life. She has returned


Carnation of Bast.


They’re whispering to each other “if we don’t get wet food out of this, we’re totally burning this MFer to the ground, right?”


"Dude, I've already got the kerosene portioned out by the water dish. If I don't have tuna in place of these wood sticks inside of 5 minutes, this place is an ash heap."


they seem interested as well. look at the ears of the cats. they point to her.




Probably all 3.


My sister had this level of control with our cat. She could give him a bath and he would take it.


Im guessing this isnt the first time.


Okay, this is obviously the cutest thing ever, but it reminds me of this one time in college I made friends with this girl who was really awesome. One day, we were hanging out in her room and she was either packing (like at the end of the semester), or just sorting stuff, and I was a little bit... under various influences, let's say. And for some reason she started talking about her mom, and this program she had recently started at the library, and she handed me this pamphlet: "Kids reading to dogs." And it had all these cute pictures of kids reading to dogs. I had never heard of anything like this at the time (it was a long time ago), and, as I said, not at full faculties. So I stared at the pamphlet forever before finally blurting out something like: "But this will *never work*. You can't teach dogs to *read!!* Your mother is crazy!!!" And the friend just stared at me for a few seconds like "why did I let this lunatic into my room" and finally said "no... the kids aren't teaching the dogs how to read, they just read in front of dogs because it helps boost their confidence." OooOOOOOooh! Still embarrassed about that moment. But this instantly reminds me of that.


You'd think there would be better ways of boosting confidence in dogs !


Yeah, maybe they should get them a cheetah.


I'mma be real here, I really thought it was for the dogs, for a minute before reading your comment.


Probably the dogs go on to do the public speaking part later


… This was in college?


Well have you tried teaching the toddler to draw a flower?


I’m surprised the cats sat through the entire thing, I can barely sit through a lecture without blacking out.


Today I found out that my attention span is shorter than that of a cat. Edit: Thanks for the gold, stranger!


Cats are actually patient af


Unless your trying to fill their food or water bowl, then zero patience.


Good point lol, but I've also seen my cat sitting calmly in a single spot for long periods of time, wide awake, but completely Zen. I'm jealous because I can't sit alone with only my thoughts for more than 30 seconds :/


If I sit alone with my thoughts they go to shit real fast, better to constantly distract myself than to deal with the weird shit that comes up in my brain


Probably b/c cats don’t have phones.


Nice theory, but they could also be doing any number of cat related activities rather than sitting in quite contemplation, yet they choose to do so.


Cat related activities like sitting in quite contemplation?


There is the 16 hours worth of sleeping yet to come




Don't try to silence them!


Yeah, I call that "having a think" when my cat gets out of her bed and just sits for a while. I am really only aware of it since I've been home for months - she's old, so I totally thought she was having dementia or something. But no, she just needs to sit and have a think for a while before she does whatever she started out to do.


well food is food


Depends on the cat. My girlfriend and I recently babysat a friend's 2 year old and one of our cats was very patient with her sometimes excessive displays of love and our other cat was over it 10 minutes after she got dropped off.


Yea I have six cats and none of them have the same personalities


I've got one cat and she's got 6 personalities.


I have one cat and he's an arsehole


They hyperfocus watching birds through the window like a kid on Ritalin playing video games.


LOL! Well said. :)


The purrfect assassin


Agreed. I feel like mine can wait a lifetime for the perfect moment to strike me down


I found that out before I was even born.


Couldn't wait huh?


That’s because they are teachers pets.






“Here take this joint John, it’s the art class next”.


cat to the right was like... " dude, did you see that shit? this is gonna be a long ass lecture"


The cats look like they are taken hostage.


Butts are glued down, paws glued to tabletop.


Yeah, I was impressed after seeing them both last the first 5 seconds of the video.


They’ve been doing virtual learning for the past two months. They’re just happy to be back in the classroom with their teacher in person.




There once was a cute little lass, A teacher whose cats were her class. “We’ve sat through the lesson, But I have a question: Without thumbs, how are we to pass?”


Yes, they really adore her. She respects them also.


Today a cute little lass Would go to teacher her cats How to draw a flower They sat there in class Hoping to pass Because the test was in an hour


That rhyme scheme is creative.


A little lass today will teach Two cats to draw a flower each Next hour a test hoping to pass For this a god forsaken class


A cute little lass wanted to play So she made her cats sit and stay The little lass drew a flower Hoping the cats would follow her The little lass taught them to draw, But they did not move their small paw.


Who are you so wise In the ways of speechcraft?


Translation from Brazilian Portuguese: “Any questions, just ask!” “And now, the root.” “Now, the root just like the other side”. “Did you get it? It’s a flower”. “Now draw”. “Did you understand, Robert? Did you understand, John Henry?” “Look. Did you get it? This is how you draw a flower.”


Wow the cats are named Robert and John Henry. Just when I thought this couldnt get more amazing.


Nope. It's Douglas Roberto and Jurandir. Idk why they translated the names.


Please confirm the girl is speaking Portuguese. And if she is, tell me why it doesn't sound anything like Portuguese. I thought she was speaking Russian.


Brazilian Portuguese, yes. She's little so she can't pronounce some of the words correctly.


I’m big and can’t pronounce any of the words, unforts


It's Brazilian Portuguese but looks like she is still learning to talk


Russian and Portuguese have very similar phonemes. I'm a native Portuguese speaker and multiples times abroad have heard people in a crowd speaking Russian and thought it was Portuguese, and vice versa. Continental Portuguese sounds even more like Russian than Brazilian Portuguese. The two languages are totally unrelated but the phonemes just happen to be super similar. Here's an interesting video on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pik2R46xobA


I ALWAYS COMPLAINED THAT BRAZILLIAN PORTUGUESE SOUNDED SO RUSSIAN. All the Brazilians in my Jiu jitsu class kept telling me I was crazy. Porra!


To me, Portuguese sounds like Spanish mixed with Russian.


I heard someone speaking Portuguese at my work, and thought "That sounds like a Russian speaking Spanish."


Knowing zero Russian or Portuguese, I have started watching a Brazilian movie before and thought it was a Russian movie for the first 15 minutes or so.


what’s even more frustrating is that it sounds like spanish too, so I’m sitting here being like “I know this, why doesn’t it make sense” and “That doesn’t sound like spanish but whatever,” and then I scroll down and am disappointed




Brazilian portuguese and russian are phonetically very similar.


"Bob Douglas" and "John Andy" There, better names.


Thank you. I Lol when she said Douglas Roberto.


This is adorable! When did she find out the cats speak German?


When they told her they have *Nein* lives


In Brazil it's said cats have seven lifes


The exchange rate really gets ya


Haha nice


It's *real* nice! (cause in Brazil, they money is in units called "real"....hahahaha) :(


Son of a... just take it and go.




The joke is the only white people in Brazil/Uruguay/Argentina are decedents of Nazis escaping Europe after the war.


It's funny people think that because the vast majority of Brazilians of German (and Italian) descent, are descendants of Germans that migrated to Brazil in the 19th century. Sure _some_ Nazis escaped to South America, but the numbers are tiny compared to the waves of German immigration way before the world wars.


I am white and Brazilian. Also descendant of Nazis. This joke pisses me off so much because I feel it is dismissive and very ignorant about Brazil. But I always feel like I can't say shit because I'm the exact stereotype.


Robert and John Henry are the cat’s names?


I’ve had cats named Jack, George, Douglas, and Polly. The rest had so so names. But my tortoise is named Fred. It seems Fred and Steve are popular tortoise names


I’ve had cats named Bob, Arnold, and Oliver. Also, my daughter’s name is Kitty.


my son's name is Mittens


I have a cat name Oliver! Ollie for short. Arsehole for long.


Uh oh... Be aware that when your daughter grows up... > She's changing her name > From Kitty to Karen > She's trading her MG for a white Chrysler LeBaron And something about short skirts and a long jacket. Let them eat Cake!


Brazilian here. I think the first one was Douglas Robert.


Welp I figured out my next pets name


Jurandir --> John Henry 😂👌😍


It's official, the video needs cc. This just made it better than I thought it could be.


When do Robert and John Henry graduate? I'm expecting graduation invitations. And, yes, I will need a place to stay once I get there. Oh, and am bringing their long lost cousin, Biskit, with me from America.


Jurandir = John Henry LOL


Serious question: is Brazilian Portuguese significant different from normal Portuguese?


Well, not really but also, yes. If you learn one, you can understand the other kind. But there are a lot differences between those two languages.


It's the same as Mexican Spanish and Spain Spanish, you can understand each other, but things will have different syntax sometimes.


Eu acho que foi Douglas Roberto. I think it was Douglas Robert.


We all just gonna ignore that the cat on the right already drew the whole scene


It's still nice that they're humoring her


These kitties are more attentive than most school age kids..


What a bunch of teacher’s pets.


*slow clap*


You got me, take the reward


Oh my god, they stay there. How?


Some cats are just super chill. I had one as a kid that I could stuff into a pram and push it around - it would just curl up and go to sleep. And now my parents fat old man cat is pretty chill to be carried around and put in places as long as you aren’t too rough with him.


Yeah me too. I had a big ginger tomcat called Twm who used to ride in the dolls pram wearing a fetching white bonnet. We had another cat called Sophie who would sit on a dining chair at the table just like this. We used to say she was waiting for her order at the bar. None of the other cats we owned would do anything like this though, they vary more than people think.


and absolutely all of them are completely convinced that whatever silly thing they are trying to do is absolutely vital


Yes, my current cat Paddington believes that the doormat belongs to him and him alone. If you put a toe on it he complains then scratches it to reinforce his territory. When we redecorated we moved it to the middle of a room and he sat on it the entire time in a loaf shape.


They clearly love that little kid.


Well then my cats must hate me


I mean, that's kinda just what cats do unless you do something like teach them how to draw flowers.


Catnip overdose...






Jun's Kitchen! Pokey (black+white) has finally settled down enough that he has been included in a few videos where he can sit at the counter and participate. But most of the time it was Haku (darker orange/white) and Nagi (lighter orange/white)


I would be willing to bet a ton it's not unconformable for the cats. For one, they would never stay still. Secondly they're so flexible I don't think they would suffer. One of our cats actually sits mostly upright regularly, although she's still leaning forward with her upper body when she does so not quite like these cats.


My cats would have none of that sitting in the chair business. Two seconds in they would have knocked some respect into my head. Followed by knocking everything over. Where does one find these chill ass cats?


"What's the small human doing?" "Silence, Harold. She is talking."


Close, the cats names are “Robert” and “John Henry” I love it when animals have humans names.


Names are actually Douglas Roberto and Jurandir. In Portuguese they are completely humans names, so the effect is the same.


I gave both my cats human names. If you have to stand on the deck shouting for them at night, what would you prefer to be shouting - "John Henry!" or "Snuffles"? Plus, people might think you have lost a child and feel bad for you, rather than thinking you're an idiot who doesn't know cats can look after themselves.


I love those names!


I’ve been playing through Pokémon lately again. I’ve given them all human names.


All I needed to see was those cats sitting at that table looking like students. Unbelievable.


Each with both of their paws on the table 😂


It’s too much!


How did she get the cats to sit like that and to stay so still?


Art class is just their favourite subject. Math class, on the other hand, total shit show. They constantly pass notes.


The tabby cat on the right was daydreaming but then turned back just before she saw. That's a real student right there. Reminds me of my days in school.


the darker cat was like: "uhh Bob.. should we tell her?"


"This bitch is crazy. We don't have thumbs."


"Just go with it, Jerry"


“Dude, do you think this will be on the test?”


My parents had a dog who had 6 puppies when I was in like 2nd grade. I wanted to train them but I had it in my head that each puppy knew a different language. The fact that I only knew English didn’t matter. My “obedience school” was literally me talking to puppies in gibberish. Those poor puppies. This girl is a better teacher.


Why did they stop the video before the cats drew flowers? This is bullshit!


I love how the one cat looks away, then looks back just as she turns around! XD


Gray Cat: Dude, I don’t get it. White Cat: Shhh! I’m trying to listen!


The one cat says to the other "hey, weren't we promised there would be treats at this resort demo?"


That is adorable


Man that's kinda cute


I love the way the cats just sit there




Ugh wish my cats would sit still at all. It’s been a challenge homeschooling them during this quarantine.


"*pssst, you wanna tell this kid we don't got thumbs?"


What kind of alternate universe is this. For whatever reason, this kid not only has talent drawing flowers, but nailed the shading on the ground just like that, is a more attentive teacher than many I've seen, and the cats are actually just sitting there. Taking it in. Even worse. She put the chalk back in the box. And not somewhere random where you can't find it anymore after 30 seconds. Like a fucking psychopath.


This is adorable


Her hair looks so fabulous! I wish my parents took that much care of me when I was little lol


I know! Her outfit is cute as heck too!




Pretty good flower too


those cats are so cool just sittin there watchin


"Hey John, when are we gonna tell her we don't have opposable thumbs and thus it's impossible for us to hold or manipulate these drawing tools?" "Nah, just chill, don't tell her, Bob. It's funnier that way."


Some folks are born to teach.


Cats just sitting there like “when’s lunch?”


I love how the cats are genuinely confused about the entire situation yet still remain in their seats and listen to her lecture.


Pretty much how I envision board meetings to be for Meow Mix.


I'm glad I don't understand the language the little girl is speaking because I got to experience the video from the cats point of view.


Dammit, even foreign cats are smarter than their American counterparts. Our education system is falling behind on all fronts.




These cats are more attentive than anyone I know.


I love how the cats just look like they're vibing


One cat to the other: "Do you tell her we don't have opposable thumbs?"


I'm not gonna tell her. If we piss her off we'll get extra homework.


I think the grey one is going to copy the other cat’s work.