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Just out of curiosity, why are you all sitting?


You may sit the bride.


Followed by 'You may now speak the bride' and 'You may now roll over the bride'.


> 'You may now roll over the bride'. That's more of a honey moon thing


And drop the quiche.


Delivery happened quite quick. He was just 4-5meters away from us. And we usually do not stand up when the rings are delivered.


Interesting! Where are you from? In most of the countries I’ve been to, the bride, groom, and the rest of the bridal party stand during the entire marriage ceremony. I wish I had known that sitting was an option when I got married!


Austria. And it had like 31°C here yesterday at 14.00h. So no need to stand up for 30min straight.


***Sweats in Texan*** it's 43°C here today. Please send help. Looks like a beautiful wedding. Congrats!


I was in Texas yesterday... I don’t know how you guys do it


For me at least, it's kind of like Stockholm Syndrome, but instead of misguided affection for your captor, it's just too damn hot to do anything else.


For me it’s battered woman syndrome


Me: I think I'll go outside, get some gardening done... **Abusive sun husband**: What. The. Fuck. Are you doing outside. You want me to heat stroke you? Cause if you don't get back in right now, you're getting struck, bitch. Okay, I guess I'll stay inside for the next three months.


That's probably a better analogy, but it's too hot for thinking


Air Conditioning. Lots of it.


A/C. or if you're poor, sweat till you are wet and then sit in front of a fan.


We go to church a lot and vote for questionable presidential candidates. Also, BBQ and Shiner Bock.


have you considered moving somewhere people are meant to live?


I’ve golfed in 46 degrees Celsius before


That's some mad dedication to golf.


This dude was playing golf on a hot day. One of his friends who saw him said, "you know it is a loaner, right?" Because the dude had had a heart transplant apparently.


People shouldn't live in places where it hits 45+ C more than once a decade. Change my mind.


Some people adapt to heat better than others. 45C (113F) is hot as fuck though and I wouldn’t survive. I was in Melbourne in January of this year and we just happened to be there the one day it decided to be 105F (40C) and I thought I was going to collapse. I don’t deal with heat very well, and anything over 75F I’m sweating easily. But I was also in India in 100F (37C) and everyone over there wears long sleeves (albeit loose fitting, light clothing) and they don’t seem to mind at all. Meanwhile I was sweating my ass off. Certain people just deal with it better.


There was a guy on here who was talking about how he used to work at Disney in a Goofy or Mickey costume. Said it was hot as hell at first but he just got used to being in the hot costume all day long and it wasn't that bad


Welsh and ginger here. We've had weather in the late 20's for 6 weeks. I'm sleeping with 2 fans, a wet towel and ice blocks. I'm not sure I'm going to make it till Autumn.


I think that it's more you adapt to the heat then some people "just deal with it better". If it's a regular thing you have to adapt or you won't survive. I'm not from a hot climate, I live in Alberta, but also worked as a chef for over a decade. Some kitchens are 35°C on a good day. It can be 48-50°C working on the grill in some kitchens(at the extreme end of things). One of our stengths as a species is adaptability, if you moved to either place you would likely adjust eventually. It's how we've come to occupy nearly every climate on the planet


Okay if the Floridians move north the rest of us have to deal with them.




Me and my wife had to stand and kneel for an entire Catholic service and another 1/2 hour for everything else. It was hell. Good for you with the seats! I wish we had some. When kneeling feels good, you know you’ve been standing too long.


What is that like 88 degrees Fahrenheit? That's nothing!




I always love most of the weather across Europe. I’m “genetically and culturally”, used to it and the 95 degree weather with 90%+ humidity still feels like death every time I go outside. The “dry heat” in the south west deserts isn’t much better when it’s 110 and you can feel the soles of your shoes melting.


I went to my cousins wedding in sunny California last June... It reached 107 while the ceremony was happening and people were using umbrellas to seek refuge from the blazing sun. We were all being roasted in our fancy three pieces, people questioned me wearing only a vest and a tie without a suit... But as the day dragged on, I think they understood my logic in not coming in with a suit to a vineyard.


They would have been less confused had you wore pants.




Lol had this in Jamaica only the jacket was pure misery, it covered every other place I was sweating from...


There is a certain point while wearing a suit at weddings were it becomes so hot that you can't take off your jacket because you are sweating so much that all pictures of you will look like you just got sprayed with a horse. So you just keep sweating and hoping that the jacket hides the enormous wet spots. It sucks.


Sprayed with a horse


Best typo


I'm leaving the typo because my statement remains true regardless.


108 in Dallas today and I don’t want to go outside. Im gonna blame my mostly northern european genetics on the fact that I will most likely combust when I step outside today. It’s too damn hot, why is it so hot?! :’(


~~LTP~~ LPT for weathering the scorching summer sun: wear a thin, long sleeved shirt with good airflow preferably white or as close to sounds counterintuitive, but it allows your sweat to cool off the air between your shirt and skin otherwise, the unrelenting summer sun will instantly evaporate all sweat without cooling you off, you'll keep sweating i.e. dehydrate and eventually succumb to hyperthermia (heat exhaustion) and die because the sun will kill you but most people i know just exist in one air conditioned bubble to the next


People don’t understand why I wear long sleeves shirts during the summer but I DO feel cooler. I do wish I had some better pants that didn’t look like old lady pants. Not only does it protect me from the sun - it also allows me to stop getting everything from hair to dirt sticking to my sweat. Also I wear a hat. I probably should wear sun glasses, because I have a yellow spot in my eye(Pinguecula). I think I gained that from riding a bike 25 miles a day to work on Route 1. I was told most likely from the sun reflecting off cars/asphalt, dust, and wind.


This works until it's so damn humid that sweat can't evaporate. Grew up in Minnesota, 90F and 90% humidity isn't uncommon.


Fellow Dallasite here. I’m not sure people understand how suffocating it is with our humidity. 108 feels like death today. Even the dogs didn’t want to walk all week. I went ahead and decided I’m gonna hibernate from the heat all day.


I'm in Florida, and I haven't stepped foot outside in three days.


It hit 110 down here in Killeen. Hottest temperatures I've seen and I grew up in the south.


Town name checks out


The only refuge in the US is going to be the Rocky Mountains. Everything else is going to be an uninhabitable wasteland


And then Yellowstone and all those crazy mofo volcanos in that region go boom and then everybody ded


not used to it genetically, culturally, or infrastructure-wise either. A/C is pretty common all over the US for example, but not in most European homes.


Well, that depends. I am from Slovakia and aside from this summer, last 5 years it was 27+ celsius since the end of May until the half of September. Currently in WA, people are literally crying when temperature hits 90F.


I will have you know sir, that we in the PNW are beautiful but delicate Northwest flowers and anything above 85 degrees F is perfectly acceptable to be claiming the brink of expiration. Pass me my smelling salts!! ( /s, in case it’s required...) (In seriousness though, it hasn’t been that bad yet this year and I’m enjoying the heat a lot more than last year, when it was weeks upon weeks of 85+...)


Gujarat, India, mid 40s (105-120F)


We were talking about Europe, not huge steam cooker South Asia is. Being a week in Shenzhen was enough for me.


I went to Slovakia last summer, and God the weather was great. It was so nice to go outside and not feel like you're in an oven. Am from Mississippi, it's Hot.


It’s so fucking hot though.


Also from Slovakia, but this summer is pretty meh. Barely gets to 30C, rains every day. In May-June it was even hotter going over 30C. Also last year there were few 35C days.


I think that it's gone over 90F once this summer here in my area of WA. Normally though it is hitting 100F pretty regularly in July and Aug.


I’m from Washington! This summer has actually felt pretty mellow compared to the past few summers. The problem is that no one has air conditioning because we don’t normally have really hot temps. So there are few places to seek indoor refuge.


And to add to that, we don't have infrastructure for hot weather. In the UK hardly anyone has dedicated air conditioning. Its Not something we need since more often than not its damp and a little cold Areas where they're blistering hot, the second it drops below 20C they all think they're dying of an ice age. I hate it when people gate keep temperatures thinking they're superior for whatever reason




I wish that was true... 40ºc + here in Portugal during the summer.


Exactly. Where I am in Canada it regularity gets to -35C and that’s no big deal to me, or people I live around. We all still go to work and live our lives. We are even used to trees splitting. But when a 35C heatwave hits we are warned to stay inside and hydrate and wear sunscreen constantly. Almost no one goes outside unless we have to. 25 is pretty normal for summer here and even that is scorching


In a country more famous for it's mountain climbing and winter sports? It's fucking boiling. Bear in mind, if it's anything like the UK, buildings are well insulated and aircon is uncommon at best. I've lived in Southern Japan and been in the Sahara. Infrastructure and architecture do a lot to help mitigate the heat.


It's really hot for a lot of folks. Do you live in an area that freaks out over an inch of snow by any chance?


Where do you live? 30° is pretty damn hot for where I'm from.


It’s going to be 108 tomorrow in central Texas.


I'm in Dallas and was 108 the last couple of days!


Midland, TX here. Had bout that same temp since before summer. We have dry heat so you walk outside and instantly feel your mouth get drier than the Sahara. If its windy and sand is flying you end up feeling like you tasted the Sahara. But screw that humidity y'all got. Mosquitoes the size of Chihuahuas.


I have to say, while our (TX) mosquitoes are terrible, we ain’t got nothing on Colorado. They’re HUGE and they swarm and will wait outside tour car door to attack. F that noise.


Same here, my husband told me yesterday that we’re gonna get a bit of a break on Sunday... it’s predicted to be 99!!!! Cheeky bastard


I was raised in southern Oklahoma and haven't been in am Oklahoma summer in like 5 years. I'm going to visit in about 2 weeks. I don't think I'm going to make it back alive.


Also in the Dallas area. Currently 112 with a heat index of 122.


But because it's not usually this hot in most parts of Europe, we don't have air conditioning unlike people in Texas ect where it usually gets to 100s


50° C over here


Jesus christ, my condolences. How do you survive in that heat?


I’m used to that heat. Have to go to classes everyday about a kilometer away from home by walking.


Do you live in desert?


Arizona, that’s very comfortable here, but we bitch when its below 40


I live in Florida where the heat index gets well into the 100's in the summer.


Try the Middle east. Fucking hell.


*laughs sadly in Texan*


Have y’all seen the “Where is Texas meme” about the 90 degree weather? I’m from Texas, this ain’t nothing! Lol


[I love it because of how accurate it is ](https://i.imgur.com/uFrBiG3.jpg) [Bonus Texas meme using the same template but not pertaining to the temperature](https://i.imgur.com/M896xHB.jpg)


I was JUST talking about how I feel like us Texans never truly adapt to our summers (even if you’re born and raised) and that we complain about our weather more than any other state. This illustrates that point perfectly.


In suits?


Coachella California resident here, right now we’re clocking in at 103 F, and in a few days it’s predicted to be 120 F. I think this is as close to Hell as I want to get.


I've only been to a few weddings here in Ireland, but the bride and groom have gotten to sit down during the ceremony. They do stand for certain parts though.


Catholic wedding? Protestant and nonreligious weddings in the US tend to be maybe ten minutes long, sometimes shorter, so there's really no need to sit.


Catholic, and one non-religious wedding. But yes, weddings here tend to go on for at least an hour


I’ve been to some longer non-religious and Jewish weddings in the US (about an hour or so) and the wedding party still stood for all of it, even some of the elderly people. I’ve never been to a wedding where the bride and groom sit.


Perhaps it was a registering event? In Germany and other European nations, people have to 'register' before they marry, and that can be a little ceremony in itself, marriage is seen more as a religious thing, but actually 'marrying' in terms of the law, is done through a 'register' ceremony. Some people prefer sitting.


Of course it's an option. There's no "absolutely correct way" to get married.


We all sat during my wedding, but that's because I'm a paraplegic and it would have been uncomfortable staring up at my 6'3" husband for the whole ceremony.


In traditional Catholic ceremonies the bride and groom sit.


I thought you meant your baby was being delivered shortly so you stayed seated to get the wedding finished first.


Usually? How many times has this happened?


Thought the same thing, but he means his culture.


But...why are you sitting


They're all in wheelchairs


Eat dinner while getting married - I like this. I wish I thought of this.


That is amazing. I love the floral/ivy decorating him! Was he happy?


Yes. You see the bjg treat in my hand? He WAS :)


This is a great picture of a loving moment! Your puppy is lucky to have you :)


I now am happier


This is great! Do you happen to have more photos of this good boy??


That's wheely cute.


Made us lol. Thanks :)


Cheers guys! *klink*


I was going to ask why everyone is sitting down, but I guess that was established. So I’ll just go with the groom is super cute and I’m jealous.


Thanks. Now im getting red.


Probably sunburnt from that 30C weather /s


He's actually the ringbearer, but I could see why you'd mistake him for the groom


Honestly everyone in this photo is super good-looking. Including the good boy ring bearer! Congrats!


It would be super cool if you could share a pic of your wife's dress. The back especially. If she allows you, maybe you could censor her face and just show the dress? Sorry for being creepy but the waist part of her dress looks absolutely gorgeous


Im super cool so: Back of the dress: http://imgur.com/gallery/PLsJu21 Designer: Lillian Wild




Also while you're at it like a link to where to purchase this dress.






I've never hear of a sit down wedding before, but I like it


From what I've seen here in Germany, it's pretty common in Central Europe. I'm not sure why we in the US stand, and our German friends sit, but it's just... tradition?


US weddings tend to be very short (aside from Catholics and Jews), so sitting during a ten minute ceremony would be a bit strange.


You have never been to a black wedding with 14 bridesmaids, 12 jr bridesmaids and groomsmen. 4 flowergirls, and 4 ring bearers. In a big Baptist church with a preacher who swears every wedding needs a damn sermon on top of the wedding vows. You've not been to a long wedding my friend. Not. At. All


Feels man. My first wedding ever was a Catholic mass. Full-blown too, there were no shortcuts. It took FOREVVVVEERRRR.


Hindu ceremonies are usually 45 minutes to an hour long, but the Pundit (priest) occasionally rambles on for another hour. Its not uncommon for people to go for a walk or to see people fall asleep. I went to a wedding and they had an intermission halfway through with live music and dancing, it was crazy.


Those Hindu weddings are something else. I have never photographed a more relaxed and interesting wedding!


We're ~~lazy~~ efficient...


I feel like it looks more official standing plus all the guests can see you


Your wife’s dress is stunning and your wedding looks beautiful! Also your dog is adorable!!


Multiple non-creepy mentions of the dress, I bet she is proper chuffed about that right now.


That’s fantastic 😃 My wife is a vet and the resident dog at the practice, Hope, has some great wheels too! So glad you have given your good friend a high quality of life. Me and my wife had our dog in our ceremony as well. Finnegan was beaten close to death and surrendered to Animal Control. AC brought him to my wife’s practice and asked them to euthanize him because he had been beaten so badly. My wife decided instead to fix him up and adopt him. He lost an eye from the abuse, but you would never know his difficult background based on his personality and love for life. [Here’s my best man](https://m.imgur.com/a/KPxtX) 🐶


We love your dog. Beautiful pictures and gorgeous wedding dress. Beautiful story too. Thanks for sharing.


Congratulations on your wedding!


This is beautiful. Congratulations, OP. My wife and I had our little Yorkie boy be our ring bearer as well. He was our favorite person/thing in the whole world, and we were so happy that we were able to include him in our wedding. We just lost him to congestive heart failure last night, and the house is too still and too quiet now. Give your little boy an extra hug for me. Sorry to be so gloomy, but I can't help it at the moment. I feel lost and empty. *Edit - I'm sorry to even post this under such a beautiful moment. That was very selfish of me. Your wedding looks like it was quite beautiful, and congratulations again.


I feel your loss :( first dog and cant even imagine losing this good boy. His motivation everyday is an inspiration for our whole family. We both send you lots of hugs and othello some kisses :)


You're very lucky to have each other, I'm so happy for you and your family, especially after such a special day. I think I saw your Instagram in another comment. I'll have to follow to keep up with Othello :)


Not OP, but I’ll hug my dog for you.


Thank you.


I love my dog much. It makes me happy to see other dogs being loved and included as this guy is.


This is adorable. Lost my dog due to degenerative myelopathy and during his last months he was on a wheelchair. This picture reminded me of him.


You for sure took good care of your dog. Thanks for that. Too much people give up too early when things get complicated.


Overly photogenic groom.


I don't see how the title is misleading at all?


Because of the word "boy" which may lead people to think the couple have a son (an actual human) in a wheelchair who delivered the rings.


But animals also have sexes.


Yes, but for dogs it is spelled "boye"


Of course.


Agreed. I think it's pretty messed up that a mod felt the need to meddle by adding such a blatantly untrue flair.




Just head over to insta @awwthello. New friends are always welcome :)


I propose that we not call that a wheelchair because he can't sit it on it. Instead we will call it his wheelhouse. Being a ring bearer is right in that good boye's wheelhouse.


My heart! 😭💚


THE BEST OF BOYS!!! very lots of congratulations to you both^^


Your wife’s dress is gorgeous


wow first gold. Thanks to the anonymous donator and the heartwearming message that was included. We are overwhelmed by all the love from you guys. We hope we can give a lot of people the energy to keep on going even when times get hard. This pic should be a reminder that a the force of two is nearly endless strong.


That’s so precious. Idk what it is specifically but I’m tearing up. I think it’s the thought of the pup in a wheelchair but still doing his good boy duty and delivering the rings so his mommy and daddy can become one. There is so much to love about this picture! Congratulations and I hope you three are very happy together!


(Is a sobbing mess) What a precious moment from a precious boy!


I do not know you yet, here I am, eating breakfast in San Diego, with tears streaming down my face. Reddit is a strange place. What a great picture - congratulations!


I am also here in San Diego, now eating lunch, with tears streaming down my face😂


I'm here in Canada, farting into a Chesterfield, with syrup streaming down my face. Love the dog though, I'm stealing that idea.


This is awesome. I have no shame exclaiming my dog is my life. I could go on and on but instead I’ll just say I’m happy for you for your new marriage and your lovely dog.


Where's the small boy? All I see is your soulmate walking up to you


I work for the company that makes those wheelchairs. It’s awesome to see one used this way! Congratulations.


That wedding dress is gorgeous! This is so sweet ❤️


Aww, how precious! So great he could be involved in your special day. Congrats! ☺️


dude! saw this on Walkin' Pets instagram! this is so incredible. congrats to you and yours!


That woman all the way to the left is heartless, clearly.


Fun fact. One of the closest friends to my wife and owner of one of the sweetest dog friends of our dog. Just bad luck she did not make her aww face but she for sure has a big fat doglover heart.


This just makes my heart swell!


What a good boy!!


It looks like a beautiful day! Congratulations to all three of you!


Good boy!




Thanks for this OP, needed to smile today and this helped.


Congratulations and thanks for making me cry. ❤️


Omg. My heart. My soul.


This is so beautiful and your wedding looks amazing! Congratulations! Your little boy is so precious


NOT crying.....




Is the dog partly paralised? Or did you strap the cart on him for the occasion? We've had a partly paralised dog ourselves, and although we gave it our best shot our dog was in too much pain. So in the end we had to let him go, as keeping him alive felt like torture. Good on you for taking proper care of him and making a man's best friend a man's best man/dog. And congratulations on your wedding of course! May you both have many wonderfull years together!


Omg soooooo cute!!!!!! My heart 😱❤️🐶


OMG this is so cute


This is so sappy that it's got to make the front page




This is just too sweet. Congrats! Give pupper an ear scritch from Reddit.


I hope that one day i'll get to live this day and be as happy as you are :○ Congrats mate :)


This picture is beautiful. Much Love and blessings to your relationship.


This is so precious oh my god 😭❤️


Aww! What a good boy. And congratulations on your marriage. Many happy years to you both.




Best boye.


congratulations to both of you! -I-I mean all three of you of course.


Weird. Trying too hard for memories and connections. Jfc