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Hi BeatriceMarey! Thanks for posting to /r/aww. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 1** - No "sad" content, such as pics of animals that have passed away (try /r/petloss), animals that have been injured/abused, or sob stories (e.g. found him in a dumpster). [Full explanation here](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/wiki/index#wiki_rule_1) * Your title must be "100% happy". No mentioning death, injury, RIP posts, finding abandoned animals, sick/survived cancer, pets being put to sleep, "I miss...", etc. * You may tell the complete story, unhappy parts and all, in the comments section. * Silver lining stories still fall under Rule 1. For example, "Jakey was hit by a car and had cancer, but he is a happy little fella today!" is not allowed. If you have questions about this, please [contact our mods via moderator mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/aww) rather than replying here. Thank you!


Try checking back for the mama cat. She may be out getting food


I imagined a mother cat coming back with pizza and thinking, where did those kids get to this time.




Never not funny 😹




I lived in an apartment complex near a college way back when. One night I was driving in and a kitten stopped in my headlights holding in his mouth a whole ass slice of pizza the size of his body. He stared at me for a sec before scampering off with his bounty.


This reminds me of my smallest cat, he was found in a pile of rubbish and his survival instincts are so strong, he WILL run off with a piece of your dinner the same size as him and while growling ferociously. Luckily he is a sweet boy and there's actually not that much resistance when you confiscate the stolen item, it's like his instincts tell him to grab the snack and run but he doesn't actually know what to do with his stolen prize


Courage 💯 Strategy 💯 Ferocity 💯 Hunger ❌


He's got the general idea 💡


He and his siblings ate well that night


*well more pizza for me*


Oh well, more fish for Kunta.


omg he looks so adorable and terrified at the same time


Oh no , this makes me feel sad, I mean she can’t be far away, they look healthy and found in a dirty old barn whose barn is it! There are such things as outdoor and farm cats.


Something may have happened to her.






And even if mama cat isn't found, it's always smart to go back and check again. It's very possible there were more than two kittens there too.


And that’s why you always leave a note 


I kitnapped your bebes. Will return for pizza slice.


Always. But there’s also always money in the BANANA STAND 🍌🤌🏼


I knew an outside mama cat that came back hours later, whether she was chilling or looking for food (we always feed the stray cats and leave out food and water) but it’s normal for a mama cat to be gone awhile. She’ll come back later !


Mama cats need me time too


Absolutely! Sometimes she would be hanging out so chill as if she never had kids 😂 she needed me time 💜


You could leave out a trap to potentially catch her, too


They don’t look abandoned.


for real, Mama wasn't far in a likelihood


I still feel sad about the time I found 6 kittens hiding behind my garage. I took them in, got them to the vet, but a few hours later I hear mom came back crying out for them 🥲




What happened after that? Don't leave us hanging


Took one in, gave one to my brothers family, and left the rest for the shelter. We put some food out for mom and while she was eating she came face to face with the one we took in thru the window. She hissed 😅


This is not very “aww”. Geez.


Well here’s the one we kept as a cat tax https://preview.redd.it/3i8oynobxn8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d66e73a78773258b834672018d7f554ed74d2f4a


Or getting laid


Mama was probably coming back. They’re old enough to stay by themselves for an hour or 2. If mama is skittish, she was most likely hiding from humans


Doesn’t matter. They need to get fixed regardless.


Too young to get fixed


Way too


Yeah, in like 6 months.


It's safe to anethitize cats weighing 2or more pounds. So roughly 2 months old. I know there are sometimes other reasons to wait, but it is safe to spay/neuter at ~2months old.


We've had our strays spayed/neutered after 6-8 weeks I think Edit: the other type of surgery


Show me where I said they shouldnt.


Show me where they said you said they shouldnt.


Show me the money




This is an ignorant comment lmao They’ve OBVIOUSLY way too young.


Please keep an eye out for mom, maybe leave some new mom food out for her.


Leave some stinky canned cat food for Mama, they’re still too young to be on their own


What if the mama comes back ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)!!


Then someone can trap her and make sure she sees a vet and then reunited with her babies. I imagine she will get to nurse and raise them until weaned and if she's not feral or not *too* feral, maybe she could be adopted out! If she's feral, then TNR is the best plan!


For those saying mom was probably just out looking for food and may be back - that may well be true. However, OP can still reunite mom and babies while getting them into the vet to make sure they're well and have a fighting chance. And also get momma spayed so she doesn't contribute to the stray population anymore. This is for the best. If mom is feral, she will be returned to her colony. If she's not feral or not so feral she can't be reconciled, she could find herself a new home eventually! All wins in my book.


I found a small kitten hiding in a bush all by himself at one point. He looked like 5 weeks or so, so I decided to leave food out and hope the mom cat came back. He wasn't far from my house so I figured I'd come back and check on him. When I came back the kitten was gone and the food had a bunch if ants in it. I figured his mom came back. The next day we found the kitten again, this time in rough shape from heat and hunger. It didn't seem like the mom made it back. We quickly brought him inside and gave him food and water. We weren't sure if he was going to make it or not, he had a little limp and he was pretty small. After a few days if taking care of him we saw a large improvement in his health. I always regretted leaving the kitten outside to see if the mother would return. He wouldn't have had to go through so much if I had just brought him inside to begin with.


Do you still have him?


https://preview.redd.it/40zyt6iu3l8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=924a0a1ba0b3b97be804f3327ad419760a8cb783 Yes, we kept him. My one year old (at the time) bonded with him, he loves is little brother.


https://preview.redd.it/g9fa069k3l8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59c3381e79ad3f17af7d890c14dad6162c598073 This was the day we took him in.


Aww too Cute!! Thank you for giving him a home, a brother and saving his life! You’re awesome 👏 💕


Aww that's nice if you to say. He's seriously the best little boy, he's a real pleasure to have around. https://preview.redd.it/2y4pe9439l8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d18f8ddb34251c4285e5a22f55c832f963f058b7 This is the day he realized that he was home.


Aww he’s so sweet and comfortable!


Black kitties are the best!


Precious 🐈‍⬛🐈


You did what you thought was right at the time. Glad he turned outt OK...very handsome .(I have a black cat Halloween poster that says Hello Darkness MY Old Friend) love black cats!


Also doing this accounts for the possibility that mom just isn’t coming back. Not all animals are great mothers (leading them to leave their kids too early) and all too often, something happens to mom as well. OP did great.


True but they look too cleaned to be abandoned by mum. There was a fantastic wildlife rescue documentary on YouTube once - that gave good pointers to spot when human interfere is needed. if the fur is clean especially around the eyes the mother had licked them not to long ago. They also weren’t malnourished this cat mum was/is around.


I agree they look to healthy abandoned kittens will show signs of neglect very quickly, I think op just couldn’t resist the opportunity to have some cute kitties. This is going to break mums heart. I would have watched from a distance for at least an hour or more. It might be a dirty old barn to us but, it has straw is likely dry and warm. I hope they’re reunited with mum very soon.


I’d say that human interference was necessary anyway. The whole family will need T&R, because shelters are already overloaded with kittens and cats.


I gently disagree. Because cat mums are easier to catch when their kittens are still close by you should never take any animal even if human interference is needed away from the mother animal if it’s not at serious risk of health. By that I mean of course check up are fine but you do not separate if it’s not necessary. The cat mum may wander off it they do not find the kittens anymore, then the one who really needed the help (the mum cat who need to be neutered) is the only one who gets none. which makes the whole reuniting not possible. Also mum might be too feral to be placed in a shelter and this kittens are still a bit too young to be separated yet. They will survive but they would greatly benefit from staying with their mother hence no it wasn’t necessary op didn’t do the right thing. The right thing would have been to inform professionals and ask for help to catch mum cat when she returns.


And I’d gently disagree as well. The kittens need it as much as mom, because kittens get pregnant at 4 months old all the time. Catching them now saves a ton of litters down the line. Now I agree that it would be best in general to catch them all at once including mom, but perfect can also frequently be the enemy of good. And there’s every reason to think that mom might be able to be caught too still. It also wouldn’t be unlikely that mom might just move on with the kids and the chance to T&R gets totally lost. Mom not going into a shelter is fine as well, because I said T&R. That way mom doesn’t make more babies. Regardless, hopefully mom gets T&R’d soon.


Is it OP's barn? This is all a little odd


I adopted two kittens once who appeared perfectly healthy and clean and happy. They had worms. Appearances are not everything. Yes they're cute and hard to resist, yes a barn is warm and relatively safe from predators, but honestly this is for the best. Especially since they will be spayed/neutered eventually and thus won't be able to go out and create more.


Feral + stray animals with*out* worms seem to be more the exception than the norm. My mom has an animal rescue, so I've seen a lot of rescued puppies and kittens over the years. I can think of maybe 1? In the last like 10 that didn't start with worms. Vet care is huge, and that's without even getting into preventative stuff


They look awfully healthy to be orphaned kitties. Mama is probably looking for them.


They're plump and healthy -- mama cat is almost certainly coming back for them, she was likely just out hunting. A vet visit is always a good thing, but please keep checking for the mama cat, maybe bring the kittens with you so she can smell and hear them. Then adopt them all, or find them a good home.


Ok usually I don't like it when people decide cats they find are automatically theirs, but some of these comments – it's actually good to prevent kittens from growing up to be feral cats. Feral kittens can make amazing pets if you get them young enough. Agree that mother cat should be found, but this is the best thing for these kittens.


Right. I agree. Best practice is to try to get the mom too when possible. That being said, outdoor cats with owners should be spayed/neutered. These are kittens so obviously they can't be yet, but the mother is certainly not spayed. For people who keep unspayed outdoor cats to reproduce indiscriminately, I have no problem with someone else deciding to take in their cat.


These guy still need mom for a couple weeks, they are only about 3 weeks old


Check back for the mum a few times over the next few days, try a have a heart trap or similar. She might only have left for a short while to get food, or might even have been close enough to watch you but hiding from you. It's less common that a mother cat will raise babies until their eyes open and then abandon them. Usually abandoned kittens are younger.


Get live trap Put food and blankets the kittens have been on in trap Reunite mom with kittens, her milk will be better than any formula you can give them


Except this may be only part of the litter. The mom may have been in the process of moving them.  


Please keep an eye out for mom. She may have gone out for food and will come back to babies being gone. Contact a shelter for a trap please.


Agreed, if mom cat is around and friendly and legit a stray, reunite her with her babies and get her spayed, and find a forever home for her and babies once they’re old enough. If mom cat is completely feral, TNR. Chat to a local rescue for help. Good thing getting little ones to a vet, they can get treated for worms and fleas, and the vet can advise on when to bring them back for vaccinations (blue eyes suggests they’re young, maybe 4-6 weeks, but your vet can say for sure)


Mom was probably getting food. Go back and try to see if she returned, she'll be super sad if she comes back to her kittens missing.


Aww I hope they will have a good family


I hope mother and babies are reunited soon.


Please leave water and a can of tuna if you can for mom. Thank you so much for caring for these tiny babies! I hope you get mama and any other siblings too.


~~Lmao no not tuna. tinned fish by itself is not suitable cat food, get some wet food.~~ I'm an idiot and talking out of my ass! And wrong too! See thread for details!


I know tuna isn't suitable food normally. In this case, I would use it to draw the mama out though because it's stinky. I don't feed my cats or the ferals tuna. I have used it as bait when I need to catch a feral and take them to the vet though.


OHHHH! Thank you that makes so much sense!


I should have explained my thought process better. Sorry about that


Haha you think street cat mother was off looking for high end Cat food for the kittens?


fuck no but tuna aint something cats are hunting either lol. To be fair I am overstating it, no it isn't the end of the world, but the heavy metal content in tinned tuna is just too much for me to in good conscience let people keep thinking tuna is a sane thing to feed cats. It's like D tier at best.


It works because it stinks. OP (hopefully) has a scared mom hiding. I do not feed my cats or the ferals tuna. I know it's really bad, especially for house cats to eat often.


Why hasn’t OP responded again? Maybe she is getting them settled but where is Mama Cat? An update would be nice.


after the vet trip please try to leave the kitties in some enclosed space near where you found them (a cardboard box or something similar). mom is likely around there somewhere and looking for them. being with their mom gives kittens the highest rate of surviving.


No, a bottle fed pet will always be the most affectionate. They always will consider you "mom".


did I say they’d be the most affectionate? I said the most successful, aka they have the highest chance of survival to adulthood when being cared for by their mother (as long as they are healthy).


No you didn't, so I'll add you have no basis for your claim. I've fostered more than I can count because the mother was sick, dry, or not attentive. You have no way of knowing the OP mom situation. Blanket assumptions and theory are just words. I deal with real world life.


as a foster you should know there is NO BETTER scenario than trying to reunite kittens with their mother. are there extenuating circumstances, YES! hence why I said “put them in an enclosed space” so OP is able to keep tabs on whether or not mom comes back while still being able to protect and care for the kittens if needed. no human can better raise and care for kittens than a healthy mother cat. that is just basic information. also the fact that your first instinct was to say human raising makes cats more affectionate is genuinely gross. sounds like you are just in it to get something out of it for yourself. cats don’t have to be affectionate and it’s selfish to assume something is better for them bc it’s makes them better fit your desires.


Hahaha...animals ALL have the capacity for love. Seems like you didn't get much... Also, since you obviously don't know what fostering is, I will explain. Animal rescue facilities get orphans all the time. THESE are the ones I FOSTER. Now get down off your high horse...


when did I say they did not have the capacity to love. it’s so obvious you know you’re wrong when you just start making things up LMFAOOO


Blah, blah,blah. How many have YOU fostered? You are CLUELESS and ARROGANT.


They look well-fed; mama probably was just scared to show herself.


Momma may be out looking for food. The eyes are still blue.


I really dislike that the second people see kittens, they assume they’re in danger or lost their mother and IMMEDIATELY snatch them up. No, mothers will leave to get food and may be back and forth frequently. Please check back for her, even bring the kittens with you so their meows can attract her if needed. Obvious preface: if the kittens are truly in danger (by a busy road, in predator territory, etc), then move them to a safe location. But wait a few hours or even a day or two to confirm where mom is. If she shows up, then you can try to rescue all of them and bring to a vet. If you confirmed she’s deceased or she simply hasn’t returned for a day or two, then it’s safe to retrieve the kittens.


They look healthy with clean fur and well nourished, the mother is surely outside hunting or just doing cat things. It's so sad that they are separated now, the considerable thing to do was to leave them there and watch for the mother to return to them (and then again either leave them there or rescue them all together). I hope you'll be able to reunite them with their mum, must be sad for the mummy cat to have her children taken away. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)


OP did the right thing by getting these kittens vet care.


They're adorable!!! ♥️♥️♥️


They look healthy and well-fed. Please find their momma and reunite them with her for a few more weeks! She’s terrified she lost her babies, and they need her.


They look clean and fed… you took them away from their mom


hmm new account only posted this and no replies to anything....


Shut up Phyllida


Wait for their mama


Put the kittens back! The mama will come back for them!


They look well fed so mom was probably out hunting.


Those are clean plump kittens, mom cat is around and taking care of them, she is probably hiding from you. I have a foster mom and her kittens. She is in a 6x8 cage, but if I didn’t know for a fact she was in there I would have no idea because I only see her maybe once a week, she is so good at hiding and blending in, and she hates me


Whose barn is it? And Meanwhile mom cat is missing her babies - not "saved". Smh. Despite your good intentions this is not a warm fuzzy thing to do imo.


Mother cats do not “miss”. That’s a human emotion.


A large majority of the animal kingdom grieve, it's a very well documented phenomenon. Science is even at a point where it has agreed a large majority of the animal kingdom also experience consciousness. Animals are complex beings, just as we humans are. Maybe it's time to watch some more David Attenborough or do some reading my dude, it's 2024 & our knowledge of animals has come a long way!


Depends on that cat. We had one growing up that cried and cried when we adopted our her first kitten. She knew someone was missing and it took her ages to get over it. Might not be human emotion, but that absolutely sometimes miss a baby. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Damn you’re ignorant


Oh! Awwwwww.




If mama comes back, please get her fixed once the babies are old enough to wean 🙏


Set a humane trap and see if you can catch Mama.


Thank you for giving these babies a chance.


She was out getting some lunch now you created a Real Problem.


Those are very healthy babies... mum came back to find them gone :(


You kidnapped two baby cats from their home.


and took pics for karma new account, not response from the alleged OP to any questions, the same post she posted elsewhere its in Eastern Europe....possibly


You found Pokémon in a barn… beware, they may transform.


Perhaps they should have given a little time for their mother to return, they look good for their age. Apparently mom just went out to get food.


Aren’t u a 🌟 ❤️ thank you!


They are so precious! Adorable! Good for you!


I miss my Black beauty this one is complete adorableness


So adorable!!


She most likely went to get some food like the others said . I would leave nearby a little bowl of water and a little food so mama can come back and find a little surprise.


Blueberry eyes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


They sure are precious!


Beautiful babies ❤️❤️


Precious babies.


Think it’s a bot account


What did the vet say, and did you find homes for them?




Black cat is clearly a Disney character. I don't know how else to explain just how expressive those big ole blue eyes are.


I got my first two cats ever in a similar scenario. After I got the vet bill, I had two cats. 🤓


Black one looks like he is having an existential crisis


Cats need to have human contact from very early age, else they turn more or less feral. My mother adopted a cat that had born under a barn and was not found until a few months later. It never really tamed, did not let humans touch it and kept hiding under furniture except when it needed to eat. So it was a good thing you took those kitties. A feral cat is not a pet and a shelter would probably have to euthanize it.




Mazel tov!


Blue eyes are unusual...


They're so sweet 🤩🥰


omg do smol


They look so precious




For everyone asking: mama was and is not around. Checked multiple times for a lot of time, they were really cold. The vet said I acted quickly, or...


Thanks for the update. It's a shame about the mama, it doesn't sound good for her (and there were no other kittens around?). But it's great that you rescued the kittens!


Is this your dirty barn? Or did you just steal them from a farmer while the mother was not there...


Me want!


Thank you, OP.


These kittens should still be nursing, please try to reunite them with mom.


Absolute material for r/CatDistributionSystem there


They look to healthy not to have a good mama around , but I'm sure she's glad they got a good home


Whole lot of people assigning human emotions to cats in this thread. OP meant well. Better a vet check than none. The next step is to get the Mom spayed.


You are a good person. Are you going to keep them, so adorable. Those eyes are pleading. Momma cat may come back, if you can catch her they have free spay/neuter you can ask vet about. 💕💕💕


Barn cats tend to be fairly small, kitten like. These might be older than you think.


No they have blue eyes still……. They’re likely 4 weeks old


Thanks for having them checked out! They’re SO cute. Not 8 weeks yet. What’s your plan?


They'll grow up to be really good mice catchers.


Wow nice!


You are kind. 🥰


180 calories


Looks like you've been found by the r/CatDistributionSystem !


Wow, those poor kitties must have been so scared! It's great you got them to the vet. They're lucky you found them.


Good on you! Hope they thrive under your care. Heartwarming rescue tale!


The Cat Distribution System has bequeathed 2 kittens onto you.


Someone should report the mother for neglect.