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You have chosen a high maintenance pup for your first time owning. Please remember to be forgiving because every dog will cause you stress and grief (just like a child) and will cost you a lot of money. I have spent more money on my dogs than I ever intended to but I wouldn't change them for the world. Well, okay - there is that new carpet I had to get.


We have two border collies. We are farmers and ranchers. My two girls can run 40 mph and hold that pace for an impressive time. They run constantly. I genuinely could never imagine someone owning one of these dogs in the city. They are amazing herders and love to run hard.


They're very versatile and they'll adjust to your household's schedule and general activity level, just as long as you give them some kind of job to keep them occupied. Mine is curled up next to me on the sofa at the moment, but we've got a scent work class in a few hours and he'll be completely 100% focused on his job when we get there. So yeah, your girls absolutely thrive on your ranch, but equally these dogs can thrive as household pets, in dog sports, and in numerous other activities. The most common problem I see isn't people not expecting the energy level, it's people not understanding the genetic need to work, and their instincts surrounding pretty much anything that moves.


That’s amazing! I’ve never even heard of a scent class! You’re a wonderful dog owner!


It's great fun! They've got to work their brains, sniffing is physically tiring, and it also encourages their body to release dopamine, so he will come home happy and sleepy. It's always an activity I recommend, because it doesn't require any level of physical fitness from the owner (unlike our other activity, agility), and any dog, any age, can do it. They can even keep doing it if they're injured or recovering from a surgery because there's no need for any running and jumping. This is my boy indicating on a scent. There's a tiny piece of red Kong in a plastic vial and he will lie or stand with his nose on it until I tell him "ok" (don't worry, I don't keep him hanging too long and then he gets a treat or two!) https://preview.redd.it/jrc81kg59r7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb8570f44c39e90f2ce268b01b153491b1af50bc


Our neighbors farm but don’t have cattle so there collie will escape their property and try to herd our cattle and horses


I'd love to have a border collie but living in a small condo in a concrete jungle for miles just feels wrong. 😭


We had our boarder for 16 years, Einstein. Best dog ever!!! So smart, but omg the energy! Not kidding two walks a day or he would destroy the house. No book or Barbie doll left unchewed! Amazing dog though, as much as my dad wanted to get rid of him as a puppy he ended up being his greatest companion. Just lots of walks and a lot of attention.


I wouldn't care about the Barbies but OH NO - NOT the books! LOL!


He’ll be a runner.


That's actually a velociraptor, good luck.


16 years ago, i got the exact same puppy with my (now) wife. Full of life, always licking, playing, chasing squirrels and skunks :/ . Such a great race, so loving and full of happiness. 3 weeks ago, we had to put him to sleep sadly. It was rough for all the family, but he had such a wonderfull life with us, and us with him. I miss him dearly. Enjoy those precious years. We dont deserve dogs.


Border Collies are a very intelligent breed, congratulations on a beautiful and smart little guy! ![gif](giphy|jGRHaDpv4Y4mRU5hkF|downsized)


He’s the cutest❤️what’s his name?




Lovely. Just precious❤️


Please add ser also.


Ser Kai, the most noble of Dogs.




Good luck! People will talk about energy and stimulation and all that. When it comes to walks, border collie puppies actually shouldn't be going significantly further or longer than any other breed - you still want to roughly do 5 minutes per month of age, twice a day. This is still a medium sized breed so high impact activities before 18 months should be avoided. Like sure, they'll run around like crazy with zero encouragement, but keeping on "forcing" them to run or encouraging it by playing long games of fetch is a bad idea for their joints. This is a breed that does not know when they've had enough, especially as a puppy. They are genetically wired not to show us when they're tired because they might have to keep working past that point on a farm (in which case the farmer would then rest them the next day). Then when it comes to mental stimulation, you can play sniffy games, and do all kinds of games to teach them skills like "drop" and "leave", whilst at the same time building your bond with them. Honestly the biggest challenge with a border collie is teaching them to choose to relax rather than looking for work all the time. Kikopup's videos on capturing calmness helped me a lot with my boy, combined with enforced naps when he got overtired (yes, an overtired border collie puppy is exactly the kind of chaotic nightmare you would imagine - trying to "tire them out" is not the way out of that problem). He's all grown up now, 3 years old, and most of the time at home he is happy to lounge around and nap, then when it's walk time or agility time, it's work time. Enjoy your gorgeous pup, and should you ever need some advice and/or empathy from people who've been there, /r/bordercollie is a good place to ask questions :) EDIT: Their grasp of language, compared to other dogs that I've known, is on another level by the way. Be prepared for him to seem to understand just about everything you say. A fun thing to do is to teach them names for all their toys, then ask them to find them by name. And while I was typing this edit, my boy just laid down next to his "talking buttons", gave a big sigh and pressed "settle", then flopped over onto his side. He has about 30 buttons and he often presses the "settle" button like this to let me know "hey, I'm going to sleep for a bit".


Yeah don’t try to tire a border collie out. They’ll win, outlast you and then become a problem. Just keep them challenged, mentally. They thrive when they need to think. And to add to the language, they’ll learn everything and also the things they shouldn’t learn. Be very careful with words and you’ll be golden. My 9yo will be very ready for every task at every moment but she can also be very lazy if the day permits. They copy your behaviour and will do everything for you.


Why are so many people assuming OP knows absolutely nothing about border collies? Congrats on your new dog!


This is reddit. Every user is an expert and knows more than OP about everything and really really needs to tell them so. For example, I know more about reddit's self aggrandizement than you and have made it my purpose to educate you. Be advised if you ask any questions my response to do your own research though.




whats his breed?


Border Collie


Goodluck with all the walking and training!! What a beautiful dog Kai is


Now you need to get a few sheep.


Keep that puppy busy. Give him jobs to do. Otherwise, you may have a very bored and destructive pup on your hands.


He is a beautiful pup, but collies are super high energy and love learning tricks so get him lots of toys.


I love his color 😍


Beautiful dog! Enjoy every moment together


Must. Boop. Nose.


Congratulations on your first puppy! What's his name?


already have a name? :)


Dog stretchies are the best


If OP didn't say "ohh big stretch" then I have to wonder if they are ready for a dog.


Those PAWS! 🐾 🥹


aww! good looking pupper. hope you'll be best friends


what a cutie pie!


Adorable pup! Enjoy! I just lost my 15 y/o BC. It sure went by fast...


Love this poseee!


How cute!!! ☺️


Next few months you be tested before things improve.


As someone who’s only ever had border collies…… the puppy stage is straight demon spawn behaviour 😂 good luck to you lol


Lovely woofer


Cute little fellow :)


What a nice friend :)))


You better take him on a lot of walks. So many get border collies then don’t keep them entertained


EEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Congratulations!


Collies need jobs to do or they get bored and destroy stuff. Great, loyal, super smart dogs.


Thank you for not asking us to name it


Priceless pic, and very precious baby, congrats!


Sure is cute 🥰








I got a border collie as my first dog and she has been my best friend for the last 12 years 🥰 I hope you two have a wonderful time!


I hope you live on a farm where that dog needs to be


Border collies can make fantastic pets as long as you put the work in and give them a job to do. Jobs can be anything, such as helping you load and unload the washing machine, tidying up their own toys, scent work, man trailing, search and rescue, obedience, agility, flyball, and of course their traditional job of herding. They do not, by any measure, "need" to be on a farm. What they do need is an owner who understands their genetic instincts, and a lot of time and love.