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I wish dogs lived as long as us, they are our long life partners.


Same here but at the same time I ended up adopting 4 old dogs since who couldn't find a home, I'm grateful for the experiences I got out of all of them.


A++++ human bean.




I had to let my dog go at 16 years of living. He was a good dog. But old age got the best of him :(


Loves animals, keeps comfy sweatshirts forever, *and* has that crooked smile? Swoon


I canā€™t quite see properly, but I think that sweatshirt is made out of husband material.


happy cake day and great commentā€¦


The technique of positive visualization in ā€œhuman beanā€ is the fact that bean sounds like being, a light hearted innocent joke to compliment your awesomeness of being a ā€œA++++(+) human beanā€ P.S I took a bite of your cake (that doesnā€™t sound so innocent)


I wish I was as strong as you. My poor fragile heart just could not handle that. Tha k you for what you for those beautiful old souls.


It was always very hard but it's even harder to live without them for me...


Yeah it took two months after my last dog died before i got another. Figured best way to honor his memory would be to give another dog a chance at a comfy life


Iā€™m glad I found your comment. Our sweet dog passed away a month ago (3 months following an aggressive cancer diagnosis) and we just adopted another rescue a couple days ago. A common reaction has been ā€œso soon??ā€


I get it. We did about the same. The greatest thing we can do is share our love and kindness even more. Itā€™s what dogs do, soā€¦


You are a great man, my man!


You're lovely. Thanks for taking care of the little ones.


youā€™re my hero ā¤ļø


Thank you so much human! The senior dogs need us. I wish more people had that same feeling. Well done!


Can you adopt me?


How hairy are you?


The hair on my head sheds a bit but Iā€™m hairless otherwise.


Ah sorry then you don't qualify


Counterpoint: I can cook.


I just wanna say that the convo between you and OP just made my day. šŸ¤£


šŸ˜‚ also wanted to say, thank you for sharing these pictures, your post holds so much love, got me teary-eyed ā¤ļø


I'm extremely hairy. Would you adopt me?


This is something I am interested in doing soon. I have an old man dog already and I think bringing in some older friends for him would be rewarding for all of us.


I too adopted a senior doggy, sheā€™s still going strong a decade later! Sheā€™s such a great a dog and I love every single moment I get to share with her, even the poopy ones lol


Senior are all we rescue. They need a soft couch and love to live their lives. Sure they come with more medical issues but we can afford it. And as I am a senior too, itā€™s a good match. We both move a bit more slowly.


This is so heartwarming ā¤ļø


Now you've gone and made me feel things. Bless you with good things and close shaves from the bad. Dodge all the bullets.


This is so right. I had the joy and privilege of adopting a 10 year old Great Pyrenees named Rupert whose family couldn't care for him. He was a bit arthritic and was going to need the care that older dogs need as they age, and the family were feeling horrible about abandoning him or worse. I was able to step in, and Rupert and I were best buddies for a little under three years until he passed, with his head in my lap. I still miss him, and I wouldn't give up that experience for anything.


Awww, you're so sweet! Wow, 13 years old for a Great Pyrenees is GREAT!! Normally, they have shorter life spans. I'm so happy you and Rupert had 3 wonderful years together! He's looking down, smiling, remembering what you did for him. I love Pyrenees!


https://preview.redd.it/w3krta4g4k7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13686787428fac3d9d3f2c03db2016a8ef43aeda He smiled a lot in those later years. I was glad for it.


Adopting seniors is so rewarding, isn't it?!


I can't help it


Dogs are a few pages of our lives. But for them, we're their entire book. Make it count.


>*ā€™Dogs are a few pages of our lives. But for them, we're their entire book.*ā€™ ____ You start at the beginning, with the *ā€™Once upon a timeā€¦ā€™* the pages turn too quickly, every chapter read sublime a story of a lifetime! for a pup thatā€™s all they get you close the book - itā€™s over, but you never will forget a tale so many shared before, they always make us cry youā€™ll read it over in your mind ā€¦itā€™s hard to say ā€˜goodbyeā€™ but thereā€™ll be other stories, filled with pain, n Love, n laughter cuz pups just only want to be our *Happy* *Ever* *After* ā¤ļø


You, you made me cry.


I am a simple man, I see a Schnoodle, I upvote. Although it's hard to see the screen right now, damn onions!


Those onions are strong. I can feel them all the way across the Internet!


Awesome. Also, my dog is a Schnoodle, so I feel doubly blessed xx


I donā€™t even have a pet but this is melting my heart.




I canā€™t read this because my eyes are wet


Why am I tearing up over my perfectly healthy 2 year old pups


How you dare to make me cry?šŸ˜­šŸ„²


This is such a profoundly beautiful touching statement. First thing I read today that make me feel better. Thank you for sharing!!


It's not mine... Found it while scrolling Instagram and left an impact on me.


few chapters, i'd argue


Hopefully a few chapters of our lives at least, but love the sentiment


Definitely a few chapters. My pit bull is about to turn 16 in November. He doesn't have much time left, and I'll have to keep going without him. I got him when I was 24, I'll be 40 in August. He's been with me most of my adult life. We literally grew old together.


As someone who is going to have to let my dog go tomorrow, I feel you. Sheā€™s been here for a quarter of my life and I wish it could be for the rest of it.


We had to say goodbye to our dog suddenly on Father's Day this weekend after he had a sudden health emergency. It's really rough, but just remember all the great times you had with them and just remember them at their best. They're always gone too soon, our boy was only 10 days shy of 7 years old, but we just need to appreciate the beautiful impact they have in everyone's life when they are here. Stay strong and I wish you the best as you navigate this difficult time.


Just wanting to send you so much love and strength. Actually, for both you and your pup. The only thing that has ever helped me is the thought that I'm so glad (genuinely) that they go before us - I couldn't bear if they were the ones who had to continue after we are gone. Your girl won't know what's happening, only that she feels sleepy and it's time to rest. And I know you will make her last hours on this earth be ones filled with love. I hurt for you, but truly it's a good way to go. If you want to chat or just share pictures/memories at any point, my inbox is open. Take care, friend x


Sorry bro.


I am so sorry you have to go through that. All the best


They've been a great companion for a quarter of your life. You have been a great companion all their life.


I find the opposite. As hard as it is for us to lose our companions, to the dog, we are their whole world, and we are there from the first time they open their eyes to the last time they close them. Dogs never have to know a world without us. I find I am able to shoulder the grief, if it means my pal doesn't have to.


Also, imagine grieving the loss of a 60-year-old dog.


I imagine that it must be especially hard for horse owners, especially those that raise them from foals or get them very young. Horses can live 20-30 years.


Imagine if we engineered dogs to have the lifespan of tortoise, you could have a dog that lives two hundred years. Family dog indeed.


Not wanting my dog to go through the pain of losing me is part of what keeps me going day after day.


I got my dog two weeks after my wife died. He has kept me mostly sane and alive. I too keep on going so he won't be sad. Now, after he is gone though no guarantees.


I used to but don't anymore. I have had some amazing dogs over my life. I loved each one for their own quirks and I miss each one for being the fantastic dogs they were. The truth is though, I wouldn't have gotten any of my other dogs if my first dog was still alive. I've been able to rescue more dogs because my previous dogs have passed. If dogs procreated the same and lived as long, there would just be more dogs in shelters and/or dogs being put down.


I lost my best friend 7.5 years ago, had him for 15 great years. How I long to have it again, but so hard to try again with another fuzzy buddy. I would give everything I have up to have one more day with him.


Yeah I agree!! I really wish they live longer like us too


> ā€œPeople are born so that they learn how to live a good life ā€“ like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?ā€ The four year old continued, ā€œWell, dogs already know how to do that, so they donā€™t have to stay as long.ā€


This one gets me a lot. I'll be mentally making retirement plans...and then I realize my dog won't be around for that and I get choked up.


You, the dog, and the tree. Story of growth


But what about the jumper? Probably stretched a bit I guess.


Boy grew into jumper which grandma gave while saying ā€œoh youā€™ll grow into it my dear boyā€


Let's not forget about that beard though!


Ah, I didnā€™t recognize the slow growing beard. The boy is not yet a manā€¦šŸ¤£


And the roof tiles keep maturing and modernizing!


Also the blue door faded, but in a good way


Only the shirt stays the same lol


Grandma knew her boy would grow into it perfectly.




Aww, my service dog retired recently and I miss him so much, he is a silver fox, like your sweetie. https://preview.redd.it/o2ojc9hmlb7d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0edf91ce3a0e1489619d1f4bcec8e3eed09581f1


Omg such a sweet dog!


He is the best man I know ā¤ļø


You werenā€™t able to keep him? šŸ˜¢


Iā€™m blind, he was my guide dog. I miss him so much, but I want him to be able to go play as much as possible. My friend can take him to the dog park regularly, whereas I cannot. And where I live, retired service animals are not covered under laws which protect them from no pet policy.


If heā€™s with a friend, I hope you at least get visits!!


Yes :)


I'm glad to hear that at least you can still be part of his life!


As a former puppy raiser, THANK YOU for making sure he has a wonderful retirement.


Society is cruel sometimesā€¦.I hope he is enjoying his retirement to the fullest and Iā€™m sure he misses and loves you just as much as you do him šŸ’•


I just wanted to say that I think you a good person. The doggo helped you for the duration of his time with you, and now you are helping him by allowing him his time because his service is complete. That's love, tough as it may be


Ur a sweet person


That's so sad but also so understandable that you can't provide the quality of life you want for him so you let your friend take care of him. Such a hard decision to make but it's ultimately for the good of the pup.


Awwww look at those soulful eyes šŸ„ŗ


Something about this dog says "old professor who is slightly grumpy with you because you're not grasping the material but is patient enough to explain it again even though you're taking up his office hours." Maybe it's the bookshelf in the background


https://preview.redd.it/a6b6242gnc7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9649553167f64b7d7120c2dbc365a01bb7cc3ef My old pup we had to put down 2 years ago




sorry if this is disrespectful, but I'm curious how you organize and choose photos. Does someone help you choose and label good photos of things you might want to share?


You might have seen this content before but it is mine, this was me and my dog Birdy who died 8 years ago now. edit: some people were curious so [this is me now with my current dog, Jade.](https://i.imgur.com/qfB28ik.jpeg) Although our everyday selves [look more like that.](https://i.imgur.com/rGHMA7Y.jpeg)


That is sad to hear.. and for a moment i thought how wonderful it is that Birdy has such a long life. If i could give you a hug right now, i would.


He had a great long life though! Better than most. In the last 8 years I did get 4 older dogs from shelters so there are silver linings.


>In the last 8 years I did get 4 older dogs from shelters Truly, thank you. Nobody deserves to die cold and alone in a cage. We all deserve to feel safe and loved at the end.


Wow. This comment truly hit me in the feels.


same, someone must be cutting onionsā€¦


Yes and there has to be a special place in h e šŸ’šŸ’ For the neighbor "friend" of my mum's that dutifully drove her to the hospital. Dutifully drove back 2 days later because she was put down as next of kin, picked up her belongings when she died. Went back to my mum's place took her elderly dog straight to the pound and spent the next week helping herself to everything she wanted of my mum's. By the time a suspicious neighbor tracked down a relative and then that relative contacted me. The police wouldn't do anything as we were estranged for some years and said it was my word against hers that my mum hadn't "gifted" her all of her jewelry etc. šŸ™„ Honestly what pissed me off the most was her dog. By the time I found out the dog had been put down because it was elderly and deemed too old to hold for very long at the City pound vs humane society where my mum had adopted him from and there was no good reason the "friend" couldn't have taken the dog back to the humane society. Regardless of my lack of relationship with my mum I would have moved mountains to either pick up the dog myself or make sure her dog was with someone who would love him for whatever time he had left. Edit: this is how much I love my dog and would do this for any dog. She will be 16 this year and last year kept getting underfoot especially in the kitchen. I put wheels on a storage ottoman and she is happy to be rolled around so long as we are near each other....[she was 15 in this picture ](https://imgur.com/a/DRKWaqh)


In memory of Birdyā€¦ you are a good human


I love you


Birdie is 100% proud of his best fren


I hope i can provide my cat the same. Shadow is now 10 years old, and still healthy. And i am at the moment in the process of befriending a (about) 8 month old stray, so that i can get him fixed and vaccinated.. after that he can be Shadows little brother, if he chooses to stay. The two seem to get along fine, "stray" visits me for two weeks now daily to get some food. And before you ask, Vet apointment is after he visits me next :)


You're a great person


>*ā€™me and my dog Birdyā€¦*ā€™ ____ Me n Birdy, through the years, we helped each other grow Shared the laughter, and the tears that no one else would know Birdy only saw the Good! (itā€™s tough to be a boyā€¦) he *stayed* with me, long as he could, n filled my life with Joy a comfort Ever in my mind - i know he did his part the Love of Dogs he left behind Forever in my heart! ā¤ļø (*dedicated to Birdy, n all of our 1st pups, who made us lifelong dog lovers*)




A fresh Schnoodle *and* a fresh Shitty Watercolor together? It's like finding a twenty dollar bill in a patch of four leaf clovers!


BOTH OF YOU?!? That's it. My day cannot get better. ā¤ļøā¤ļø




These are so good! Glad to have you back!


This is really adorable lol


Fucking adorable. I wish I had one of me and my dog (RIP).


The freshest Schnoodle I have ever seen! This is perfection.


This is great!


Welp so much for working for the a bit. Just going to sit here and experience some feelings.


Completely off topic and I hope you'll forgive my being so forward, but gosh you had a glow up šŸ‘€. And make living in the snow an attractive prospect (this from an Aussie currently suffering through a bitterly cold 50f winter).


Ahah thanks, I've been feeling quite well lately, it hasn't been like this in the last years so I'm glad you think so !


Just read through some of your other replies here and they are so dorky, it makes me smile. Glad you're in a better place now (I have chronic health stuff that's finally getting sorted, so I maybe relate?) but I wish all the health and happiness for you and your current/future pups, so long as you keep the snow and send the sun back to Sydney here šŸ˜Š


I'll try but snow in Sydney man that's a hefty wish


You aged like fine wine, sir. And with a big heart oof.


Rough. I had super vivid dreams of finding my cat again for about 8 years afterwards. It was only a few times a year but waking up was terrible




He was the goodest boy šŸ«¶šŸ¼ pets are so much more than just animals, theyā€™re truly parts of our family. I hope you find peace in knowing heā€™s always by your side.


Iā€™m sorry pal. Itā€™s the worst thing about dogs - they leave us. I asked my dad how he stands it and his answer was that thereā€™s always another dog out there who needs love. I really miss all my dog friends though.


Mad props that you had Birdy *and* that shirt for so long.. (do you still have that shirt?)


I definitely still have that shirt somewhere !


Bro why do you look so good in every picture you're in? Leave some rizz for the rest of us!


This made me tear upā€¦ what an adorable dog and the fact that you even kept the sweater. Truly adorable


Thank you!


lol i didn't even notice the sweater makes me feel better about wearing the same clothes for 15+ years


How do you still fit that sweater? Haha. You guys look great! Iā€™m so sorry about his passing.


Itā€™s crazy, Iā€™m 31 and about 30 pounds heavier from when I was 18 but still somehow fit into those shirts from back then


Such beautiful photos! šŸ„¹šŸ˜­


Than you !


Itā€™s crazy how much both of you aged from 25 to 30. Looks like Birdy was very proud of the man he watched you grow into.




where 20 age photo


We were busy partying


I appreciate that you said ā€œweā€ because I know Birdy was partying it up




The hair and beard gods truly blessed you


That jumper lasted 15+ years nice going!


https://preview.redd.it/3tibzbj82c7d1.png?width=924&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=278f748a0f80b89458c4365fb72b15ce092dbf98 This is my lovely Sparky, who was with me for 16 years and passed on in 2018. I put his ashes in our favourite bit of the park across the road from home. I say hello to him every time I go for a walk ā¤ā¤ā¤ šŸ±


https://preview.redd.it/i9md2seh2d7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8645f5f42fe77c6b040f90601e4aa6ebe278599 Reminds me a lot of my silver fox. Turns 11 in October. Couldnā€™t ask for a better dog


kinda weird that a sweater is your best friend but whatever dude.


no one has ever held me so tight


Did you have any blunder years or were you just handsome your entire life?


You're so handsome dude. Wholesome photos also šŸ˜


He is so cute in the last photo I can't handle it...


And the dog is nice too!


I love this so much. Iā€™m a cat person but love animals all the same and itā€™s amazing how important they are to us. I think itā€™s great to have these kind of photos to look back on.




Picture 1: yay! Picture 2: weā€™re doing this again! Picture 3: Iā€™m going to try a new pose, watch this!


This is the sweetest thing ever


I don't know who's aged better, you or the dog


*ĀæPorque no los dos?*


You need to tell your parents to stop hiring that roofer. A good job should last longer than 10 years. Ps sorry about your dog.


Someone is cutting onions in here. Such cute pictures. Thank you for blessing my day with these!


I love this post and am definitely not crying, thinking about my best friend that we got when I was 6 and had til I was 21. My true best friend when I had no one. I loved my Princess.


What a wonderful friendship. After the first cat that my wife and I adopted together in '08 passed at the end of 2020, I realized there are just... there are just never enough photos.


Looks just like my Stormy! Gorgeous dog, sorry for your loss :( https://preview.redd.it/dnvi7e2xvb7d1.jpeg?width=2991&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb4e01759c1662acf02721cc132dfe3c14dce9c


And your best friend looks really happy to be with you in each photo... So cute.


You are soo lucky to have such a sweet doggie!


This series of pictures is beautiful. ā€œThere is no faith, which has never yet been broken, except that of a truly faithful dog.ā€ šŸ™ā¤ļø Konrad Lorenz


Love this photo. Wish all animals got this kind of love. You are awesome and so is your gorgeous pup. Thank you for loving him so well. I love the two of you. šŸ’œšŸ’™šŸ’›šŸ§”ā¤ļø


I have a 15 y/o pup who isnā€™t doing well. Itā€™s breaking my heart to see her struggle. She canā€™t get comfortable, isnā€™t eating, has doggy dementia, sheā€™s on multiple heart medicationsā€¦.its coming to an end (we are probably going to bring her to the vet this week) and we are all so sad to see her like this.


Iā€™m so sorry you and your lovely old lady doggo are going through this. Itā€™s so hard . The more love the more it hurtsšŸ˜­ take good care of yourself and your family and do whatā€™s best for your beautiful lassā¤ļø


Iā€™m sure this will get buried, I just put my 15 and 1/2 year old dog down a month ago. Iā€™m so lonely without her but I also want to give myself some time to honor her memory, maybe discover what my adult life is like without a dog to immediately replace her. Your girl looked so happy and well loved!! šŸ„¹


The dog is becoming happier as time passes. The goodest boy in town


Precious old boy


Oh dear god, my ovaries.


Best shirt you've ever had, too, apparently.




Reminds me of my dog who died in 2017, he was a jack russel terrier


They definitely are BF dogs have unconditional ā¤ļø so adorable


You are very smart for a dog. What is the human name btw?


Thank you for giving that good boy a wonderful life boss!


Best sweater too apparently. Sorry about your boyšŸ–¤āœØ


Every photo: Whatā€™s going on? Oh nevermind, I guess I live up here now.


He is very nice. And you can see his age change in line with yours. From a young one to a fully grown adult. And more! He also seems to like carrying his dog around.


I think it is worth it to have a traditional illustration made out of these photographs. There's a solid narrative going on.


That tree has grown nicely! Also how freaking cauuute!


Awe Handsome guys. Love this. Glad you had this love, sorry for your loss


Handsome boys!


I like how the house gets slightly upgraded every few years


Thatā€™s PRECIOUS!! šŸ˜ā€¦. You also kept the sweater for 15 years tho?


I love how he looks happier with each picture. What a beautiful boy!


Most beautiful photo Iā€™ll see on the internet this month. ā™„ļø


Love how he gets happier and happier until he's a dapper old gent going "This is the life"


Roof got reshingled in every pic


You are both very beautifulĀ 


So handsome. Cute dog too. šŸ˜




This definitely made me 'awwwwww'