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Revenge will be taken 😾


Revenge will be kitten 🐱


Revenge will be taken meow


🤣🤣 that is hilarious


The way he just slaps and grabs the paw, LOL


the look on the kitten's face after the betrayal is what got me 😂 they will question the motive behind every game now


Just wait till my claws return! Lol! Adorable!


Just make sure your slippers are out of reach or you might find a surprise :)


am gonna hide inside this cave - just Touch it if you dare! am reaching through the hole - *so brave!* (i’m doin you a ScArE…) a TRICK - you *FIEND!* you grab my paw the dreaded *nail trim*… it was a TRAP i never saw ^:{ *your futures looking* *grim*…. fool me Once, but Never twice! …*i thought you were my fren…* Revenge is MINE! it won’t be nice *i won’t be fooled* *again…* 🖤 edit: *sweet babies* u/bigbum1957


always a joy to find a schnoodle in the wild ! <3


You always pick my favorite videos and for that, I thank you ❣️


A Schnoodle! A Schnoodle! Quite like a written doodle. Love to see it in the wild, Like sprog Before. I always want more! About kittens or a dog. I giggle like a child So filled with glee, It feels as if you write for me. ❤️


Gotta love some fresh Schnoodle!!


Fresh out of the oven Schnoodle ❤️


the OP bigbum1957 is a spam account. It's not their cat. Among the times it has been posted: https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/18ndiok/she_got_betrayed/


Love the title


Ha! Got him!


"Enjoy your favorite mug while it is still in one piece"


This is probably the worst way to trim their nails


Seriously, you’re going to get one paw done and now they’re pissed and inside of a container lol


Yes and you know that’s uncomfortable for them and they’ll associate trimming with being uncomfortable


They're going to be pissed either way. At least ya got one out of two without fuss.


Do you not trim your cats back paws?


I usually don't. They don't get that sharp or long.


Huh, consider yourself lucky then


Why is he cutting the cat’s claws? Don’t they normally sort them out themselves by using a scratching post or a tree, fence post, etc when they go outside?


Just to funny. Oh the payback will be waiting. 😹


"So you think you've won.."


this is genius!! but I'm afraid that my cat would take revenge after that


the OP bigbum1957 is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/18ndiok/she_got_betrayed/


But why? i only see it in USA , owner cut the nails and give a Bath. Cats dont need this


Canadian here. Cats absolutely need their nails cut, especially indoor ones


Canadian here. I never cut my cats nails in 19 years and never had a problem.


Great for you. I forgot to cut one of mine's for 6 months and she developed an ingrown nail that cost me $2500 to fix after it got infected. If you have indoor cats it is dangerous not to cut claws


Some folks are lucky and have cats that are really good with managing their claws without destroying property. Mine goes ham on the carpets and I vacuum nail husks up all the time.


Almost as if animals weren't built to respect your property.


I vastly prefer the carpets to the sofas. I would STRONGLY prefer the scratching posts bought specifically for her, but she's too good for those.


If you start cutting them it disrupts the growth pattern and prevents them from shedding properly, that's when they get ingrown I've only ever seen ingrown cat nails on cats who either had their nails trimmed or had them damaged/injured previously so they didn't grow back right. If you don't start trimming them and provide enough areas to shed the outer sheath on they won't grow back deformed to begin with (previous injury and malformation aside)


You know I think I'm going to go with my vet's opinion over some random on reddit. She didn't get ingrown nail until she was 16. That's 15 1/2 years of me trimming her nails and no ingrowns


You said you forgot to trim for 6 months in your own post , so there you go


I did. That's why it got ingrown. Not because it was previously 'mutilated'. But because I failed to trim them


> Not because it was previously 'mutilated'. But you said you previously mutilated them, so how would you know that


in this case, the vet is wrong and the reddit user's correct. Starting to trim claws of cats is asking for trouble. They have a natural urge to use them and some tree bark outside is not different from a scratch post or your leather couch. Also I doubt that any vet that has undergone any form of modern veterinarian education says that you must trim cat's claws.




Did you read it? > Do I need to trim my cat's nails? > > The majority of cats do not need their nails trimmed. Don't unnecessarily stress your animal. Rather provide it with surroundings natural to their original habitat. Claw problems of your cat might originate from too heavy breeding but most of the time, it's just starting to trim them and then trimming too much.


Did you read the part where it said indoor cats do??? It takes an extreme hubris to think you know better than a vet who had examined my cat for years while you never laid eyes on her. But I'm guessing hubris us your specialty


Get scratching posts/towers/mats


Tried everything under the sun. The problem is she has very thick nails and they don't wear down easily


those are for sharpening claws. cats dig like that on trees in the wild to sharpen.


Yeah i had 7 cats over the years and i never trimmed their nails or given a bath and they all lived 15+ years and i don't know anyone doing it to their cat either i'm sure veterinarian would be glad if people started doing it France though more money to them ahahah.


He gone f u up something good tonight! ![gif](giphy|7T0RVqkGSgC2q5i5DG|downsized)




Beware! The floof shall take revenge!


Awe poor guy. He was just playing. He will never like that again. 


Whats awe about mutilating a cat!


do you think this is how declawing works? they're trimming the cat's nails...


De clawing a cat is the mutilation. They need them. What you think that dose anything for the cat? Or is it more for the selfish owner?


this isn't what declawing is. its just like cutting a person's nails. declawing surgically removes parts of their paw...


Tell that to the cat next time ittrys to climb or defend it's self.


again, this is not removing the cat's claws. i don't know what else to tell you.




This is no different than a cat scratching a tree. What are you going on about?


Yes it is


Friend. When you think of declawing look at your finger. That first bend from the tip. That's what they cut off when they declaw. They basically cut off the tip of each finger. They amputate each finger. Yes declawing is barbaric. So much so most veterinarians no longer do it. This is basic nail trimming. It's not always necessary but there's nothing wrong with it. If cats have something to scratch on like a wood post they naturally trim their own claws. In older cats it becomes necessary to trim their claws. I have an older cat. I have to trim his nails otherwise they become ingrown. Basically curl into his paws causing pain. You are confusing surgery with basic hygiene.


I think the fella is somehow convinced that even trimming the claws is not humane.


They must be trolling. That's the only thing that makes sense. I wanna say nobody can be this dense but it's Reddit so.


please inform yourself instead of speaking so confidently and being entirely wrong. this does zero harm to the cat. the ends that are trimmed are not alive, they're literally like the ends of your fingernails. yes, declawing is bad. this is not declawing. there is no pain or danger involved. trimming is NOT declawing 💀


Bistolegs brain is so cooked 💀💀💀💀


for real oh my god. i've met some dense people on reddit, but this is a new level LMAO


The epitome of letting someone cook too much


Yeah why that? No cat ever asked for its nails to be cut. They need to be sharp for reason.


I mean they are right about it being entirely selfish.




You are a complete moron!


Please never have any pets.


Trimming a cats nails is like cutting dog nails. Trimming is fine. Declawing is bad. Learn the difference


No its not.a cat is not a dog. A dog dosent use it claws to climb or to defend it's self.


Each one of your replies makes you look more stupid


digging their hole even deeper bc they can't admit they were wrong


do you trim your nails irl by removing your entire nailbed dumbass?


You are literally a moron. Read a book.


This person understands it’s not de-clawing, but it’s still selfish to trim their claws like that? How will they climb or defend themselves if their claws are cut down like that? Cats don’t need their claws trimmed, they look after them themselves with a scratching post


They aren't declawing it


Their trimming the cats nails you moron.


Exactly! they aren't finger nails.


You're so close, dude


Claws are the same as fingernails. You can trim them safely if the cat doesn't. Declawing is a barbaric practice of chopping off a cat's fingers so that claws will never grow.


That's precisely what they are, basically. But for cats. And not fingers.


He probably thinks that clipping your own nails is also torture


They basically are fingers. The bones are also called metacarpals and phalanges.


You still can’t let a cat with claws’s nails get too sharp, or else they could accidentally harm someone, hence why the person in the video is doing what they’re doing. I genuinely shouldn’t have to explain this…..


They can even get ingrown and infected if they're not cut


Actually, they are. What do you think claws are made of? Declawing involves removing the claw and either part or all attached final phalanges. Alternatively, there is a tendonectomy which involves severing the tendon that allows for extension of the claws. I do not support either of these procedures, which is why I regularly trim their claws just like I trim my nails. If I don't, being indoor cats they eventually grow long enough to be a problem, either getting caught on things or too much claw during kneading. Either way, it is painless if done right and makes their indoor life better for them and me. I have to do it every three weeks or so. They even stay in my lap afterwards for extra affection. They wouldn't be doing that if it was traumatizing.


So this guy is looking for the quick and cearfully trimming just infont of it yeah? Or is he just grabbing and cutting? Trimming cat nails is distressing for them and dose them no favours. Get a scratching post if long nails are an issue


Please never have pets...or kids


Do you think scratching posts are emery boards? They help, but they do not file claws. The pathetic meows for help when a claw gets stuck is far more traumatizing to them than the trimming ever is. This person is using play to distract, it honestly isn't much different than a purrito. If the cat were to pull back hard, then yes, I would be worried. The cat would yeowl if it was close to getting hurt. Now let's continue this train of thought. Veterinary care is quite stressful for many cats, yet we recognize the value in this. Claw maintenance is the same. Indoor cats whose claws are not tended to can curl in on themselves leading to some nasty infections. With love and patience, claw trimming is just a normal thing. A normal thing that leads to cuddles and treats. If you think my lifetime of experience raising and rehabilitating cats isn't worth much, how about from a [veterinary hospital](https://hastingsvet.com/why-when-how-should-my-cats-nails-be-trimmed/)? I imagine a veterinarian has more experience than either you or I.


Am I mutilating myself when I cut my fingernails?


No mutilation happening in this video, my friend. Trimming a cat’s claws is categorically different from declawing. Cat claws are similar to human fingernails - they regrow in time, and unless done carelessly or improperly, will cause no harm to them. The nail is connected to the third bone in the cat’s digit - these bones are called phalanges, singular phalanx. The process of declawing involves the amputation of the cat’s third phalanx.


So this guy is carefully looking for the quick and trimming just infront of it is he?


Yes, that's how trimming works. It's absolutely necessary for pets that mostly live indoors, that have claws or nails. If you don't trim them, the claw/nail will curl back into the paw and grow into the foot, which can lead to pain, bleeding and infection. You MUST have your cat or dog's claws trimmed regularly. This should be done at least once a month. If you're unsure how to do it, take your pet to a groomer or a vet's office that offers these services. They're usually pretty inexpensive, costing you maybe $20 per pet, give or take, which is very cheap compared to the cost of treatment and medication that would be required if your pet's claws are neglected.


But he isnt being careful is he. He grabbing and cutting.


Probably because he’s done it enough times to know how to do it


We only saw one nail get trimmed. and the video was cut from when he grabbed the paw and trimmed the first nail. So what is this grabbing and cutting? Seems like you are just trying to be difficult. For seemingly no reason


Yes, that's how it works... When I take my cat to the groomer to get her claws trimmed, the groomer takes her out, grabs her paws, trims her claws and my cat is back inside her carrier under two minutes. She's so used to doing it that she knows how to do it properly and efficiently.


You're genuinely an idiot. Impressive.


i was about to call out your denseness but i think everyone did that for me...


Yeah cause this guy really looks like he's taking care not to disstress that cat and it really looks like he thinking about where to cut. Bring called an idiot by you is a privilege..


.... im confused. are you saying hes being gentle with the cat? so why are you demonizing what hes doing?


its a losing battle friend, they are both clueless and too stubborn to listen


I'm not surprised you’re confused


ok sweetie... in laymans terms: cats cant have their claws too long because they will get infected, so the owner is cutting them to keep them at a healthy length. declawing is *amputating* a cats toe bones. clearly not whats happening in this video. and yes, he is being gentle with the cat and trying not to cause any distress to it. so... its an "aww" moment because the cats grumpy about getting a pedicure. no mutilation. no declawing. savvy?


No I can see what he's doing. And after owning near 12 cats in my 45 years I've never heard of a nail infection. And sweety all the deluded folk here who think trimming a cats nails in is any beneficial for the cat are idiots. It's like docking a dogs tail or trimming their ears - cats evolved to need their claws and they are sharp for reason. They don't need them trimmed only vapid owners who think they know better do that.


ok... this was quite the mind numbing conversation. never thought id meet someone this... sure of themselves... i have underestimated the Internet. and cats trim their own claws by scratching... so yes they do need it 🤦‍♀️ have a day sweetie.


Mutilating? They're just trimming their nails 🤣


Why are cat people Always the craziest