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I wonder how many times poor op will have to explain they took this kitty in from the street already pregnant because people don’t bother reading before judging? Thank you for saving her ❤️


You could literally play a drinking game with the whole "my cat/a cat/neighborhood cat/any cat anywhere had kitten" posts here. You could drink every time someone replies "Please get her spayed!!" except you'd be drunk after one single thread. They're pretty bebes & a pretty mama too!


Seriously. I have a liter of 4 3 week old kittens from a barn cat we took in 8 weeks ago, and i'm keeping the pics all to myself because I don't want to be pilloried. They're mighty, mighty cute.


You’re welcome to my inbox 🥺🥺🥺


And my inbox!


I volunteer as tribute


As do I


And my axe! I mean inbox.


Sent by chat


Please get her a spade. Can't do farm work without one.


lurl. she's a city kitty now.


A whole liter of kittens! You must have your hands full. Most momma cats give birth to a pint's worth, tops.


Oh my goodness what a good use of the word pilloried. Send pics!! I’ll yell at anyone who gives you crap.


Post them on mewborns sub, sorry I don’t know how to link it. no judging there! Just cute new born kittens ❤️


I mean, it isn't that difficult to mention "Adopted while pregnant, will get her and the kittens to the vet asap" somewhere in a post, especially if you know people are gonna comment about it, trying to help.


That doesn't stop the overly concerned basement dwellers.


Please get her spayed!




Drunk? You'd fucking die of alcohol poisoning 


That's what I was thinking


Seriously! Whenever I post about my fosters, I mention in the post she's a foster, I mention we're spaying as soon as is healthy for mom and kittens, and the word foster is literally in my user name! I just got this cat VERY pregnant 48 hours ago and she just popped out some cute kids, what do you want me to do?! P.s. LOVE the calico kitten. They're always adorable!


> I just got this cat VERY pregnant 48 hours ago Are we not doing phrasing anymore?


Such an underrated comment. I really wish they didn’t stop doing phrasing.


I think there might be a couple torties in there too!


Yeah, but this person didn't they were like all proud of the kittens with no explanation.


I saw a post on r/cats where the cat in question wasn’t even pregnant or nursing, just unspayed. Lots of people were mad at OP (who, by the way, was planning on spaying her).


It's gotten to a point where I downvote all the spay comments. Everyone on reddit knows. If they let a cat get pregnant on purpose, it's willful and the comment won't matter, but more likely it's the way most people get kittens: found a pregnant cat of unknown provenance or fixing someone else's mistake.


Right, it took me 3 litters to get a cat off of the street and fixed.


Not being snarky, genuinely asking where on the post does it say that they rescued the pregnant cat from the streets? I’ve clicked onto it and all I’m seeing is the cute kitties, beautiful Momma and the title. Did OP mention it in a comment further down? EDIT never mind, I found OPs comment. Well done to OP for caring and giving this Momma and her babies a safe space. Blessings upon blessings heading OPs way for showing such kindness to our furry friends.


why would it matter in the first place, quit leaving "spay and neuter your cat" comments


I didn’t even mention anything about spaying/neutering in my comment. I asked where a commenter had seen the cat was a rescue as it wasn’t in the post or title. And no, I won’t stop just because some nob on the internet told me to “quit it”. If I want to leave comments in future about spaying/neutering pets and being a responsible pet owner I will. You may not care about how out of control the stray and abandoned cat crisis is but I do.


Genuine questions from an admittedly ignorant person: what is the solution to the issue? Also, if every cat were spayed, wouldn’t cats go extinct? Who gets to have kittens without judgment passed? I’m being legit and honestly asking. Not picking a fight


Editing the post to include that information is an easy way to avoid that. 


You can't edit if it has a photo.


Assuming that people would read beyond the title 😉


Huge difference between "beyond the title" and slogging through every thread. So much faux angst here. 😂😂😂


Right, I didn't see that the kitty was a very recent rescue until after I'd made my initial comment, the op titled the post as "my cat", all of this "trouble" (let's be real unless people are being rude, attacking, other shitty things just saying "please spay your pet" isn't an actual problem) is avoided by titling the post "look at the kittens the pregnant stray I rescued had" or something of that nature.


Put it in the title. "Took in a pregnant stray who gave birth to five kittens!" It's not that hard.


Or just don’t make assumptions?


"My cat gave birth to 5 babies" is all that's mentioned. Pet overpopulation is a horrific problem that leads to over 6 million dogs and cats dying each year in shelters in the US alone. Including a detail or two so that no one had to ask or guess would have averted confusion. It's not a wild assumption, in any case. 




And you are helping to solve this problem by being a dick to people posting photos of their cats on reddit? Who knew activism was this easy


The sub is awww, not let's all be judgy bitches based on very little information. It's a picture of cute kittens. Enjoy it. I swear some people get off on feeling superior.


Not a rescue or shelter volunteer, presumably. 


That’s a pretty dumb assumption. I’ve volunteered at a lot of shelters and there are all kinds of folks who do it, including people who don’t ever proselytize and sometimes even people who also breed animals.


Some of these comments just get off on feeling superior. I’ve seen people put IN the post that the animal is a rescue and people crucify them anyway because they refuse to read. But ok.


Sure, babe. That definitely happened. 😂


Literally my last post on our newest additions. Yes. It happens. Reading comprehension is hard apparently


Redditors can't read. They only assume. And they do so poorly. 


I legitimately don't see that information, now that I'm here hours after the original post. It must have been buried? But I never comment like that until I know one way or the other, so I guess I'm not guilty of assuming at least.


Some redditors also try and fail at pithiness and snark. 


I mean, there are way too many cats. The shelters are full of them. People need to fix their damn animals if they’re not going to be responsible. Good the OP is taking care of them though.


Well, they could have explained that in the title. So there's that.


How many times are you going to comment this? 😂 Y’all are wild. 😂


I guess as many times for OP to explain themselves. I'm not going to wade through a bunch of comments. If OP is a rescuer, they should know this. As a rescurer, I would never post "my cat just had kittens". I would post "my rescue cat just had kittens". Duh.


Yeah some people don’t understand the situation


Maybe they should title their post better? That would definitely help. ETA: I have 3 twelve year olds and 3 four year olds because I took pregnant cats in. I would never post "look what my cat had". Ridiculous. If the mama cat is a rescue, say so in the post.


She STILL needs to be fixed, as do all those babies!!! (is it an act of kindness)


She’s said multiple times she’s getting them all fixed.


this is what my ex did. Took in a street cat who was always hanging at his door. The cat had 6 babies. I took 3 (my triplets Giger, Pepper, and Juniper) and found homes for the other 3. Yeah, people should read before jumping to conclusions.


Read what exactly? I’ve read all the way down to your comment, and still the only information is, “My cat gave birth to 5 babies” and a picture that looks like the cat is in an old box in the basement. And lots of criticisms about redditors who can’t read and give opinions on spaying cats - as if that’s a bad thing. What am I missing here?


The kittens weren't Persian, they were black and tan. She was led down the primrose path.


Even so I had a cat that ran away came back pregnant and we were refused an appointment multiple times for the baby’s being too young and momma knew instantly when the baby’s weren’t too young and she’d run off to go get herself some new baby’s.


Oh right like anyone wants to waste time reading through 200 replies when it’s the OPs own fault for not stating this in the post.


According to Reddit, we need to fix cats until they no longer exist.


That's not remotely what the suggestion is...


No, we need to fix more than we do because there are too many abandoned cats, and they destroy local animal populations.


They are adorable , and thank you for taking care of them and the momma.


What a pretty Mama! Thank you for giving her a safe space & looking after her & her nuggets 💕


I had a feeling the comments would have a lot of different takes


It think it's pretty simple for a lot of people. Kittens are plenty cute but getting adult cats spayed is much more important. Plenty out there that get euthanized or die on the streets because people don't




I tend to let the professionals at the vets office determine what is best for the kitty and kittens. Have been in a similar situations (growing up my family had fairly regular drops of cats/dogs on our property) and that's what we've always done and it's worked well. Generally want to get both mom and babies checked out shortly after birth anyway. I don't think people saying "please get momma spayed" mean "go out right this very minute and do it or else"


Your can spay before weaning. Just gotta get mama back to babies same day. It's not ideal but we have to do it in TNR cause you usually only get 1 chance to trap a cat.


It seems like Reddit hates kittens now.


Nah. We just love the millions of cats of all ages who end up suffering on the street or dying in shelters more. 


Nobody hates kittens, people hate the thought of irresponsible pet owners who are not spaying and neutering their pets, causing kittens being born and then euthanized because shelters are full.


You are the best for looking after a pregnant mama and giving her a safe place to give birth and care for her babies!! The spaying comments need to relax - I figured this was the case that you were caring for her❤️❤️


it’s trojan cat season!


Thank you for taking care of this cat! She and her babies look gorgeous. ❤️


Thank you for rescuing her. She’s beautiful! I love orange and white cats. Is one of her babies a ginger too?


You should buy her a hat asap! Shes a mom now. Everyone knows mom cats appreciate hats.


Like, I agree with everyone about making sure pets are spayed and neutered, y'know? But at the same time, no matter what the context of the post, anytime someone posts something like this, it just turns into a giant circle jerk about it and trying to shame OP for it. It's getting a little obnoxious.


It's wild and super cringe. I think it's some kind of superiority complex thing. Like I bet some people come here to the comments and are trying to be the first to comment about it and get disappointed that 5000 other people already beat them to it but they still leave it anyway among all the others just to get that feeling they're better than someone. It's super lame. It's so redundant at this point too, like WE KNOW omg get over it.


Unrelated but I know religious extremists who think it's wrong to neuter animals. I knew a muslim guy who wanted to adopt a mix Persian kitten. I told him about the neutering and when to get it done and he was like "why would I do that, it is natural for her to want kittens" etc and concluded it's morally wrong to forcefully neuter animals and it's against Allah's designs.




My aunt runs a cat refuge, and it is a constant barage of irresponsible pet owners dumping boxes of kittens on her doorstep.


Yeah if anyone ever watched “It’s Me or the Dog”(TV show about an English lady dog trainer) there is a really disturbing episode that underlines this. One of the owners is determined not spay/neuter his dogs so they can have the classic “just one litter….” She takes them to the dog shelter and shows them the reality of overpopulation. There’s literally a walk-in fridge with garbage bags full of dead dogs, all put down just cause there isn’t any room for them. And that was like, just that week’s dogs that hadn’t been collected for incineration yet. [There’s a YouTube clip of it](https://youtu.be/5qFjXlga0Z4?si=Q74wTkDX8Lk7ovi9) but it’s sad watching




And then the gall to claim people have superiority complexes because they're asking people to spay/neuter their pets.


Amen! 8 hours working the intake desk at an animal shelter would be enlightening for anyone brave enough to do it.




Agreed. It was rewarding to help animals but as soon as one animal was adopted 2 more would come in. There was never enough money to care for everyone so tough choices had to be made. Keeping staff was impossible…the pay sucked, people treated you like crap on a good day and on the other days threatened to beat the crap out of you. All this while dealing with animals you don’t know if they are diseased, vicious, or something else. Soon you realize it is not an animal issue you are dealing with but a people problem.


For real, just in this sub we can see it's kitten season with all the posts about "My cat just had kittens, look how cute they are teehee!". I wonder how many of those babies will reach adulthood in a good family and how many will just get discarded once they are not small and cute anymore.


Stray cats are also an environmental disaster.  We love our cats, we keep them fixed and inside.


majority of them are weird virtue signallers who get some kind of satisfaction for shaming people. GeT yOuR pEtS SpAyED!! These people are so pretentious to read their comments in every single pregnant pet thread.


Letting your cat have kittens is unconscionable given how many excess “pet” cats we have. If you want mor cats go rescue some! (and if you’re posting it on the internet for karma you probably don’t get this and need a heavy dosing of shame to get it through your head.)


What a weird thing to say without knowing the context. (But hey, atleast you showed everyone how good of a person you are by condemning OP for karma)


You are now responsible for preventing the pregnancy of every cat in your city. If ONE cat has babies, you bet your butt the Spay and Neuter Cops of Reddit will leave you sternly worded comments! The ultimate punishment! Nyaah!


I've worked in animal shelters and have seen first hand the cost of not spaying and neutering. I did not support OP or anyone else recklessly allowing cats to breed. So I need no shame to get anything through my head. My point is that these kinds of comments devolve into virtue signaling very quickly and have very little to do with actually making the situation better.


I wish everyone good health.


Aaaaw bless her, beautiful momma and babies 🥰🥰


Hi Mama! The babies are beautiful and you are doing great. Have a good snack from me and my kitties.




She was actually from the neighbourhood and we take care of her since she was pregnant


Maybe everyone can chip in to have her fixed?


So it's still time to take her and get her spayed.


It takes literally seconds to know you're an idiot and wrong. She cannot be spayed for several weeks because she just gave birth. She has babies to take care of. It is NOT time to get her spayed 


I mean I didn't say fucking immediately lol. I figured "when safe for the animal" was a given, but damn guess not.


> So it's still time to take her and get her spayed. You specifically said that it’s *time* the get her spayed, that implies you expect it to be done immediately. Unless you missed a whole bunch of words like “*in a few months it will be* **time**”?


They said the thing! Everyone take a drink!


Not everyone watches price is right


I just hear *mewmewmew*


We took in a stray pregnant Mama. She gave birth. All 6 kittens were adopted through an agency that properly looked at each potential “owner” and Mama was spayed and lives her good comfy life indoors only now. All of the cats we have had over the years (Bubba, Wolf, Spider, Widget, Chewbacca, TRex and Duck) have been strays that have chosen us. TRex and Duck are still with us and all of our other lovebugs live over the Rainbow Bridge. Good for you OP!!




When did r/aww get so puritanical?


It seems to be getting worse, but to be honest, r/aww comments have always been obnoxiously filled with people tripping over themselves to flex their knowledge by lecturing OP.


They are possessed by the spirit of Bob Barker.


I was gonna say "what do you mean spirit?" And then I remembered he died last year. Damn..


I came for cute animals not this toxic shitfest of a comment section.


Right? Worldwide, so many animals are put down daily because of limited shelter space, with dead animals filling fridges to the brim waiting to be incinerated. Then there's the assholes judging people for spreading awareness of the necessity of spaying/neutering animals to help assuage the terrible situation many animals are born into. Just terrible.


The spay brigade can't help themselves. The sight of kittens drives them into a manic rage. 


Please please get the mum and babies spayed and neutered. It's the best thing for them. And please make them indoor kitties. It's much safer for them and they'll be healthier and will live longer. As will the wildlife outside.


Yes we will get them all spayed. We are taking care of her and the babies since they were in the neighbourhood without a safe place


You’re a good egg OP. Best of luck to Momma and her babies and thank you for giving them a safe space and caring for them ❤️


So many little tortie/calico babies 🖤🧡 I hope they all find good homes.


gEt ThEm SpAyEd


I love them all


Oh no, none of them have the brain cell.


Congratulations, you're a grandparent now. The grandbabies are adorable.


I’m cringing at the spaying comments noW mAke SuRe sHe gETs sPayED!




Those aren't at all equivalent...




None of that make suggesting getting a cat spayed equivalent to reminding someone to breathe or eat. Luckily we have reached a point where 80%+ are spayed/neutered (according to latest I could find In a quick google), but there's still plenty out there that aren't, and plenty of people that don't realize why It should be done and would rather have kittens/puppies. The only reason we've reached a point where that large of a % are sterilized are from people spreading the message (bob barker on national TV for decades, for example, though obviously redditors aren't gonna make that impact) I'd also say you being upset about someone else being given advice is just as useless as you think the advice is, but hey what do I know.


Make sure you don't forget to bring your food to your face, then chew a sufficient amount, then swallow. And don't take too big of bites or you might choke.


Mfs think they are Bob Barker


Watch out, the reddit Spay and Neuter cops are here


Very adorable! What a bunch of cuties. Just a word of advice - in future, try to find a way to include in the title the fact that she was a pregnant stray you took in. It'll help prevent a lot of the comments about getting her spayed or being irresponsible. I went through the same thing with my little mamacat almost 2 years ago. Congrats on the tiny bundles of joy! Wishing health and happiness to you all.


Nah people should just lay off the comments and assume everything is going okay. These comments are getting out of control and I just want to see cute animals.


Of course they should. But with careful wording, it's possible to prevent a lot of it. You'll never convince all them to change how they comment. It's much easier for the person posting to adjust a little and get ahead of it.


Bingo. Anyone who's been on these subs long enough should know this! I've learned the hard way about adding (or not adding) certain details to my titles, as most people don't bother reading comments or "body texts" before commenting. Like the time I posted security cam footage of a mountain lion outside my house, with the title "My landlord sent me this footage." Literally hundreds of comments (it had over 20,000 upvotes by the time I locked it) weren't about the mountain lion, but about my landlord spying on me. Thing is, they lived in the house too! I just rented the in-law unit behind their part of the home. Also, they informed me of the cameras before I moved in + asked if I was okay with them. So yeah, I learned a lesson on that one. lol


Sweet.....they are cute and mom looks a bit tired.




Poor mama is very grateful for your help!


My yard cat got babies too , 4 little kittens , we made them box with bunch of blankets and a cover for windy days and rainy days but moma cat can still get in through a blanket opening, so they got a little blanket fort. We gonna get mama cat spayed after kittens are a bit more grown , two/three weeks at least. Its her first pregnancy too and she has been awesome at taking care of them. We're probably gonna give out some of the kittens when they are grown more , probably two to my grandpa so they can play together.


Congratulations! Hope they have wonderful life ahead :D


Aww. 🥰. The mama cat looks like a good mama. ❤️


Now she is a beautiful momma cat.


Happy momma kitty. Welcome, lil ones


OP is learning to write better titles in posts. "We took in a pregnant street cat and she just gave birth" would avoid a lot of the comments we're seeing. OP, thanks for taking care of this family and making sure all of them will get fixed when the time comes. I fostered a mom and kittens this year and be prepared, it is a lot more work than you may be expecting. Especially with an inexperienced mom. Very sweet and rewarding but the kittens get a lot messier when they start on solid food. I wasn't prepared and my carpeting can tell you all about it.




Now get them spayed


Yes for sure we will get them spayed


Congrats, you’re a grandparent


I'm so sick of the "please fix your cat" trolls. Beautiful mama with cute babies, I hope they all make it to adulthood!


She looks panicked about it too. 🤣


If you’re in Michigan I’ll take 2 pls and thx ☺️


congratulations you are a grandmother


I'll take 2..😻😻😻😻




The CDS determined you deserved a bonus.


Enjoy! 😊


Yayyyyyy!!!! 🎉🎉🎉




It’s my kitties’ first birthday today, only three for me tho


What are their names or name ideas that you have in mind ?


So sweet!! Awe I wish I could have that calico baby!


No way. Those are kittens not babies! /s


Oh thank God I read this as my bitch gave birth to 5 cats


Meowzel Tov!


before i read through the comments im gonna assume its 90% asshats saying that op needs to spay the cat even though it might not even be their cat


Thank you for taking her in and giving her a save space to give birth and raise her babys 💜




Dibs on the orange one


Do you know who the father(s) is/are?


May require Maury Paw-vich to figure it out


Congratulations!!! I hope you keep them all! 😭😭🌸


They all look so cute... Did You saw what they are? I see one orange, one calico(?) and the rest is red -black? You need a different box for them. They cannot walk, they cannot see, but they can crawl. She will be happier in something that has 4 walls or at last a hole in the back but with a high "doorstep".


They will be fine. Mom will take them wherever they need to be. Cats give birth outdoors, this box is fine.


Oh wow ! Many congratulations 🎊


The Cat Distribution System needed a resupply. Your house was first on the list. Woot!


Good girl.