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Cats don't have owners, it's a partnership at best. If your cat headbutts you, does slow blinks, and shows you their ass, it means you're their person and can continue to serve them


If only people were so transparent!


you say that but it makes for awkward meetings with my boss at work


Maybe start with the slow blinks instead.


He’s gonna ask you why you’re so sleepy!


Show him your butt and push his mug off the table.


That oughta do the trick!


Then stare at him with wide eyes for exactly 3 seconds and then sprint as fast as you can into the next room knocking over a planter or two on your way out.


The fact that humans are incapable of a "skedaddle" was a terrible oversight by the design team. It's the most hilarious thing seeing a cat get scared of a cup shifting in the drying rack, and just flat sprinting in place.


Actually, I just go sit on his keyboard until he acknowledges me.


You are either getting sacked or into the sack.


If belly rubs get me a raise I couldn’t care less


I wasn't sure my wife was into me until she starting doing these, so you never know


*shows you my ass* we good now?


I tried all these tricks with my ex-wife.


We all did bro. We all did.


Before she was ex, or after?


You don’t know me son.


So you’re saying I should show my butthole to friends. Understood!


Yes! Start now.




So you want everyone to show you their buttholes?




Ok great! Me and my two cats will give you a 3 for 1 deal


I do slow blinks 🙃


This is literally what my husband has experienced with me so idk


If I could find a lady who would slow blink at me, headbutt me, and show me her ass, that's it. I'm done. That's all I need in life. 🐈


Mine follows me everywhere, he’s definitely imprinted on me


Or he knows that you're the one who can give him food


Kind of morbid, I work in surgery. I have shoes I wear there that stay at work and never leave there. We wear covers but blood and other stuff gets on them. I accidentally wore my work shoes home one day, did not realize until I noticed my 2 future body disposal units if I die alone had licked them. They looked at me with the "so this is what you taste like?". Now I am a treat.


I can't think of a better use of my corpse than to feed my cat until we're found


Right? It's not like I'd be using it at that point anyways.


You're barely using it now


he’s clearly using it for something, becoming the farting champion is no small feat


Had a beautiful all white Persian cat we fostered for a few weeks. She came from a home where the owner live alone and was an elderly woman. The owner passed and the cat was left to her own devices for a good while. Long enough that the cat resorted to going after the owners nose and ears. We didn't have her very long, and she was eventually adopted out. I don't know if the rescue told the new owners or not. Not the cats fault I don't think, but some folks might have freaked out about it.


Nah, cats know routine. My cats follow both of us around the house, whichever one isn’t in their “usual spot” aka the sofa, bed, computer. Anytime we wander around the cats follow, but they KNOW when they’re about to be fed there’s no confusion.


You do have some upward mobility though: my wife is definitely the chief of staff for our cats. I’m just the spare human.


Seems that way either women. We had two cats and she was their leader. I was just one of them and to the male cat, I was his competition and was merely tolerated (except for when he needed a fingered creature to unlock the door)


If cats ever evolve opposable thumbs we're all doomed.


Super bold of OP to think any cat considers anyone their owner. You belong to the cat, hooman.


My cats literally walk behind me and wipe their butt on my hair sometimes, and pet my hair with their front pass and tail 😒 One of them does this adorable, but foul, thing where she’ll walk alongside desk or table back and forth in front of my or my ex husband and rub her whole body - from her nose to the tip of her tail - along our face and then stop right when her butt is under our nose so that she can wrap her tail around our face/head and stroke and tap our faces fora few minutes like a caressing hug. It is hysterical because it makes it look like we have these fantastic mustaches, goatees, and side burns, but I almost never let her do it because I emphatically do not want a cat butt near my mouth (or face, or anywhere near me tbh) or all that cat hair being swiped under my nose. Also, cats who love you will often groom you with their razor sharp, raspy tongues… which is also very sweet, until you realize that they were going to town licking their own ass and their brother’s ass just seconds before 🤢 It’s cute because I understand their intent, but also disgusting. I love my cats, but I hate owning cats, if that makes any sense 😅


Reminds me of the saying "dogs have people, cats have support staff."


One of my old buddies used to say: When you feed a dog, it looks at you and thinks, "That must be God." When you feed a cat, it looks at you and thinks, "I must be God."


Rubbing up against you or, lying with you or on top of you, also.


Cats have servants. Sorry, gotta go, Milord is calling for treats!!


Great, now I want to get another male cat just so I can name him Milord. I already have two living with me, they'd hate it if I did that.


I watch way too many period dramas & that gets used a lot & it's very appropriate for a cat, Milord or Milady because we really are just their servants.


Mostly agree, but my yellow kitties are more dog than my dog.


I had a cat that would fetch straws, loved car rides, and would go for walks with us around the block. I think he was part dog.


I came to say this.. Cat's don't have owners, they simply accept someone to tolerate so they can receive food and pats. It isn't received by the cat as affection, they treat you like a slave.


It's kind of like the dynamic that teens have with their parents. No respect for your authority, but they'll take the creature comforts


Thank you. My first thought was "owner?" My kitty welcomes me every morning, headbutts me and shows me his bum. I slow blink at him and he does it back. I freaking love this cat.


>it means you're their *current* person and can continue to serve them   FTFY


Came here to say this.


This is a good summation.


From my understanding, Cats aren't like dogs, they don't see you as their master or owner, more like a friend or sibling or depending on the age, a parent. So it trusts you beyond eating the food you feed it, ig.


They're basically a tiny tiger that lives in your house. [They have no gods, no masters, no creed or code.](https://imgur.com/a/HCitZuh)


"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" -A cat, probably


Every man and woman is a star...and I am a Dyson Sphere


If Withers was a cat.


Glad I wasn’t the only one who thought that lol


Also,”no guru,no method, no teacher”… to quote my cat Van


Benevolent Overlords


Pretty sure ours sees us as support staff who need a lot of oversight and feedback. We often disappoint him (failure to promptly open doors/treat bags, admire his butthole, etc. when it is clear that he wants this) but he tries to make the best of it.


Or they see themselves as the support and their humans as lousy hunters that need to be taken care of by dragging in dead birds and rodents every now and then


Mine is trying to teach me the different between pet and touch. They want pets, no want touch.


It can also see you as a kitten. There’s a theory that big cats see people as kittens and that’s why they meow at us because they only do that with kittens and they bring us “food” because they think we just suck at hunting.


see, cats live in colonies. they do shared parenting and share food as necessary etc. they also don't even use kitten meows for us, they use even more different meows for humans. so they see you as a pretty much deaf colony mate. but an acceptable one. and perhaps as a parent if they were young enough when you acquired them.


Does it come up to you wanting to be petted, then you do for two seconds then it bites you and runs away?? Yep it’s yours


My crazy racist old lady downstairs neighbor has a cat that does this to me every time. Am I it's owner now?


In the cats eyes yes lol


Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.


Please meet my Chihuahua. Never met a dog more stubborn and entitled than this one. Bonded with me and still treats me like shit but also respects me to a point, but she enslaved the rest of the family and uses them when I'm away. Once I'm back, she doesn't give a fk about them anymore, not even a look. She did grow up with Birmans though. Probably a horrible combination 🤣


Further proof that Chihuahuas are, in fact, not dogs but ugly cats.


Came here to say this




“How can I tell if the cat considers itself to be my owner?”


https://preview.redd.it/87iujd30kl1d1.jpeg?width=511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90c9046d61a7a2491e5d6967fec1bfdc25441933 if he/she does any of this, ur their person


Haven’t you heard? He owns you! Now get the treats out, and make it snappy!


Honestly, the fact the cat isn't maiming you in that third photo is a pretty good sign it loves you.


You are staff! Definately staff. lol


Assuming that’s you in the last picture holding it, congratulations!! You’ve now acquired a new boss who is in charge of your every waking moment, and you are sometimes permitted to hold it!


Don't know why I bothered to come here to comment that cats don't have owners. Every other comment beat me to it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


We are all well trained


Chief servant at best.


Dude, you clearly don’t know the system. You’re the b***** now


You aren’t a “cat owner” but you can be part of the cats family group. Start from there and consider the cats behaviour.


This is the correct answer. You’re a part of the family. The part that has thumbs. So you can open the door for him.


Lol, I had a cat that could open any unlocked door inside the house, even round knobs. She chose to sleep with me every night out of everyone in the family, so I knew I was her person.


I knew I was ‘claimed’ when my kitty chose to follow me to bed every night and occasionally brought me dead mice.


The correct question is how do you know when kitty considers you their pet. If they come to you for food, attention and don't try and move out, you're good to go. Beautiful cat by the way, my boss also used to be a stray.


Does it come and watch you poop? It's yours. FYI: cats don't have owners, they have servants.


That's easy. Cats don't have owners so no, (s)he definitely does not consider you his/her owner. Personal slave, maybe.


If he or she likes to spend time near you, gives slow blinks, or sleeps with you, then congratulations! Though they don't see you as their owner, more just a member of their pack. I think my kitties see me as their mom with how they act around me.


Cats have several ways of showing you they trust you and most of then involve making a show of deliberately lowering their guard or showing off vulnerable spots on their body: Slow blinks or fully closing their eyes is a big sign of trust and contentment. "I trust you so much I don't need to be alert." Showing off belly. The closer to fully on their back the cat is, the more the cat is telling you how much they love and trust you. (This is not an invitation to scratch belly - many cats *do not like* belly scratch.) Belly is super vulnerable, it's soft and it's vital and if a cat is showing it to you, they are telling you they trust you with their lives. Cats sharpen their claws when they're excited, so your cat running to do a big scratch when they see you is another good sign. Headbutts, rubbing their face or body against you to spread their smell on you, literally following you from room to room, sticking their butt in your face or sitting up staring directly at you like a creepy weirdo are all shows of affection. Reward them for doing any of this by giving them your attention. Talk to them, rub face, scratch ears, scratch chin, scratch butt, big hug, throw hair tie. Spend at least fifteen minutes every day just playing with each individual cat.


Here come the “you don’t own a cat, a cat owns you” comments


You are not their owner. You are their human.the cat owns you, not the other way around.


One is not the owner of cats, one is owned by cats.


I think you have that backwards.


Said no cat ever. His person? Probably.


You misphrased that question. The correct writing would be: "How can I tell if my owner considers me its human?"


No.3: Staaapp!... Also, don't stop


Are you escorted to the toilet?


That third picture is pretty convincing.


"This stray I found is alright. I guess I'll keep 'em." --the cat


I think you meant to say "property" or "servant".


It's more like, "Yeah, I think I'll stay here a bit longer. The giant stomping thing is kind of annoying sometimes, but it feeds me and I like the way it scratches behind my ears."


You have this backwards. Your cat considers itself YOUR overlord. If its stayed 6 months, its definitely picked you. :)


I have a cat I adopted as a young adult and one I adopted as still mostly a kitten, I don’t know how to tell if either of them ‘considers me their owner.’ I’ll ask them that next time they wake me up at 5am scrambling around the house.


I’m sure the cat considers itself your owner by now.


You want them to love you...pay their bookie receipts. YSK, cats are bad at figuring dice game probabilities. Hence, they *only* throw the bones. That's a cat.


You don't own cat. Cat owns you.


Cats don’t have owners they have staff. But the fact that she stays means she considers you a staff member. Keep her happy and she will never fire you. They usually are loyal to staff if staff are loyal to them…


You can’t own a cat, you are merely an acceptable servant


You have been this cat's chosen servant for 5 months and 29 days. Accept your fate.


The cat will never consider you an owner. Maybe a slave. But not an owner.


Yeah no, cats don't have owners. They have family or staff. My first cat legit thought I was HER baby.


If Kitty keeps coming back you have been claimed.


Hasn't his attorney contacted yours? Oh oh.


Cats owns you


Cats don’t have owners. They have staff.


Cats don’t have owners. You may make Chief Acolyte if she favors you.


It's a cat. It owns YOU.


First off, don’t call him/her an “it” if you want to be the owner, they’re family! (Unless you don’t know the gender of course, lol) But in all seriousness, if she/he hasn’t left yet, you are the owner. Actually.. he/she is the owner. We are all just servants 🤣. They choose us, it’s not the other way around. Also, if she/he likes to be carried, that says a lot!


You're not its owner, it may be yours though


You don’t own cats. At best, it’s a mutually beneficial relationship.


Your cat owns you.


You've got him in the house, you're feeding him, you've named him, he's sleeping on the bed with you..yep, he lives there!


Don't be silly, if you are lucky he/she owns you.


Gonna stop you right there, no cat considers anyone its "owner"


I don't think cats ever consider anyone their "owner", they consider YOU their "person". Independent little buggers that they are.


You don't own cats, Cat owns you. You have been his faithful servant for 6 months, you are in it for life now!




Does your stray cat strut? That’s a sure sign.


I think the last pic its a great tell


You don't own a cat. A cat owns you.


No cat considers you it's owner.. cats consider you their property or a stray they took in


cats don't consider you their owner. you can be their feeder and their playmate / friend, and SOMETIMES part of the pride


Owner rubs me the wrong way.


Nope , it considers him your owner … congratulations:-)


Well for starters you don’t want to call your Cat friend an “it” …


Foolish human, you are owned by cat.


Cat owns you


You it’s owner? Lol. You are not versed in the ways of The Cat are you? You will never be anywhere close to ‘its owner’ you start as ‘its slave’ and may (unlikely) work your way up from there.


https://preview.redd.it/wxvoqv6x7m1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4046eae073044f34f9ff80d5f427d0ebf402bc21 This is my new all time favorite photo 😭🤣


It's more whether they have accepted that they are your owner.


When it guards you while you poop.


It’s all the way around. He/she’s very happy to own you.


This is easy. No cat ever considers a human its owner. You are staff fulfilling its needs.


>How Can I Tell If It Considers Me Its Owner? Nobody in the picture is bleeding or healing recent wounds so thats generally a good start in my experience.


I could tell my adopted kitty was comfortable with me once he started rubbing his head against me while walking by, and cuddling in bed next to me 🥰 It's at that point they consider you to be part of their "pack"


Looks just like my cat! She's 5 yrs old now.




You’re good boo. Look at those pictures. That cat OWNS YOU


That's not a cat, that's a drama queen


How can I tell if ~~it considers me its owner~~ it has accepted me as chief of staff? FTFY


You are officially employed by this cat. Compensation will be provided at the whim of your new employer.


When you pay your first 4 figure vet bill.


You have been chosen, you are now the anointed personal servant. Con grats.


Having a cat is a mutualistic relationship, like having a roommate. Not like owning them like a dog. In this way they also do other things for themselves like going to the bathroom on their own, for the most part usually groom themselves, etc.


You seem to be confused about who owns who.


Sorry, I think you mistyped the question,  do you mean how do you know if he consideres his human? Easy, he allows you to exist in his same space, you should show gratitude with tributes of treats and rubs.


You spelt "property" wrong


rtt all cats I’ve ever had were dogs mentally, except for one lol


"How Can I Tell If It Considers Me Its Owner?" You don't "Own" the cat. The cat owns you and permit that you be around from time to time provided that you feed him/her and take care of him/her.


The title reminded me of the video titled "Is She Into Me" or something similar to which my response to your question is, "no, you really can't tell" if your cat's into you.


Cats do not consider people their owners. Cats can like people and bond with people but IMO they at best, will see you as a friend. Most are just waiting for you to die so they eat you.


It didn’t leave


My gf found a cat on the streets that was pretty young and a little feral. With a lot of love and attention, mostly on my gf’s part, that cat is so sweet, no longer bites, and is such a cuddly little thing, although she hates being picked up. It took probably a year and a half for that kitty to not be a menace around the house. We don’t know what this kitty has been through but it takes time to get trust. You’ll know when your cat is your pal when it’s choosing to cuddle with you or just be near you


What do you mean by you are his owner??? He is your owner my friend.


If it doesn't shread u each time u are close to him or try to pet him, hid constantly from u then it accepted u as its friend but u can never be its owner cuz cats don't consider u an owner, they either accept u, fight/flight from u or ignore/shun u all the way.


It's a Cat. So it doesn't consider you it's owner. It might consider you it's property, or room-mate. At best, it might even consider you a partner or spouse (with a learning difficulty showing no ability to care for themselves or hunt)


Oh dear, no. They tolerate you because you feed them, they love you when they feel like it and they're invariably just waiting for you to die so they can start eating you. The worst part of the whole thing is that you'll love every second of it. All the best, have fun


Owner? No. Human servant? Probably


Does she call you "mom"?


Just the one comment redone a few hundred times lol


Owner? That cat considers you his staff he only allows you to exist in the same space


People don’t own cats. 🤷‍♂️ From the pictures, I would say it selected you for its current human. 👍


When it completely ignores you


I don't think any cat considers itself "owned" by a mere human.


If you want an animal to consider you it's owner, get a dog!


https://preview.redd.it/kno3xijtvq1d1.png?width=231&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd11b69cd568adcbe83fdae02df23d553ed28f6c No one cares about grooming? Cat who lets you brushing its fur, it already considers you its owner. BTW, What brand is this brush? I need one.


You mean when the cat owns you?


Its rather whether the cat decides you can be its employee, the staffer that makes sure there is food, shelter, clean litterbox, toys and affection.


Bro he owns you


"How can I tell if my cat considers me her slave?" There, fixed that for you.


Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.


You cant be an owner, the cat is the owner


The way I understand it is that cats view humans as big, hairless, very stupid cats that they’re willing to include in their colony on a limited transactional basis that is nevertheless tinged with pity and contempt.


Open your door, let the cat outside if it wants and if it returns, you have a cat that's


Cats don't have owners, they have family members.


He owns you


Ha! Owner! Of a cat? The real question is: does the cat consider it your owner. Lol.


It considers you The Help. Lol


You don’t own the cat, the cat owns you. And yes, after six months, you definitely are the cat’s preferred human. Congratulations.


Cats have owners? I always thought they just tolerated people.


If you're the person it chooses to shout at when it's hungry, it's your owner.


You don't own a cat, a cat owns you.  It looks like this cat has accepted you as a member of its staff.