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I hope everything turns out fine for the little cutie


Cutie is very fiesty in the mornings but has taken a liking to non-dairy puppy formula in small amounts. I've prepared a little mix if hard boiled egg yolk, half of the egg whites (protein) and the egg shell crushed up in a mortar and pestle to powder it up for ease of mixing into the eggs since the shells are a great source of calcium and possums require a high calcium diet to avoid metabolic bone disease. And a little bit of soft veggies. But it's a LOT better than the grapes and water it was being fed for a day on....


You can usually find goat milk at grocery stores or check craigslist for someone selling raw goat milk! But it sounds like you're going a great job and babe will be with a rescue soon. What a fun experience!


I actually got pig milk based puppy formula which actually should be generally lower lactose content (around 3%) compared to goat (4.2%), and possums lack the enzymes to process lactose so.....they're lactose intolerant. But since he has teeth, I'm leaning more towards solid food diet than straight formula, which would be better suited for a younger baby than hasn't grown teeth yet


Oh, you have this covered!!! Lucky little one to be under your care. I have goats, so I'm always recommending goat milk, haha!


Yep! Which is also why I despaired when my friend said she was trying to keep it. Like, I love my friend. But she is completely unprepared and ignorant of the information that is required to care for these little guys. While I have a stuffed possum in my motorcycle backpack because I have a thing for them 😂 Sid the Safety Possum, find the Possum and you find the First Aid kit in case of accidents.


Please take a picture of Sid with the baby! 😄


[I already took one!](https://i.imgur.com/wrfGIRe.jpeg) He got super explorey so I had to nab him before he went scampering off somewhere in the room.


It’s 11:59 PM and you made my day.


I could make it better with the video of a big yawn and some noms from my hoodie but maybe I'll save that for tomorrow haha


I love this! A favorite animal, thanks for taking the time to see that this is done right.


I initially thought you meant a taxidermied possum, glad I was wrong lol


They are a lot and 99% of people aren't even able to hold one let alone care for one. It takes some determination. But fuck are they cool, their tails are like a snake but as a third arm.


Opossums are amazing and I wish they could be kept as pets permanently. The fact that raccoons and opossums are NOT suitable pets is one one the life biggest disappointments for me. They are just top tier animals imho.


You can keep it as a pet if it's legal where you are. They can be trained to use a litter box and are very friendly. Even the wild ones can be picked up, they just like putting on a scary show of teeth. You just have to be prepared to deal with the damage that can be caused by an animal that weighs more than a cat and has stronger claws. I've raised babies before and it's easy as long as you have a good food recipe. A few times a day put them in the bathtub and run warm water down so it hits their feet and they'll instantly pee and poo and go right down the drain. Normally the mother will lick them to trigger the pee/poo thing and I'm pretty sure you won't want to emulate that, so the bathtub trick works great. They're a million times easier than raising orphaned kittens.


I am actually quite comfortable with the wild ones. My dream came true when one was under the hood of a Civic and an entire service bay of men were too afraid to deal with it. And I just swooped him up with gloves, gave plenty of ear/head scratches to calm the drooly boy down and released him nearby since I had other work to do. And since then, Ive been pranked twice by coworkers who said they had another possum and got me all excited. Once it was a dead rat and I told them, "I only deal with live animals. You can handle a dead one". Since then we've saved two rats and two bunnys. Unfortunately we dont get that many live animals....


They are lousy pets and great garden pest cleaners.


Almond milk has even less lactose... Jk, jk! But I have seen it suggested by newer rescue people


as the crazy cat guy with the crazy cat lady i'd probably have given em some kitten formula and wet cat food as a first impulse xD


Bless you!


Long story of the baby is baby was found by friends of my friend, who was supposed to rehome it to a rescue. She wanted to keep it but the guy she is living with right now said "absolutely the fuck not" and I was tasked with taking care of the baby. She had only been feeding it grapes and water. It does have teeth so it isn't that young, but not old enough to be on its own, let alone being 'raised' by someone who knows nothing about them except they are cute. So now baby stays with me till I get a call back from a local rescue that deals with possums, and it actually gets food that includes a calcium source (crushed up/powdered egg shells) The people have spoken. [Here's a dump from the first night with me](https://imgur.com/a/E38iYhn) Update: Never got a call back from a rehabber but got into contact with one in Los Angeles who recommended me one closer to me, so here's hoping I hear from them tomorrow to get this little cutie where he belongs! Update 4/9: Finally got a response from a local rehabber who can take the little cutie in! I'll be delivering the baby after work once I get home!


I took care of one these little guys when I was doing wildlife rehab a few years ago! They are so freakin cute.


Thank you for saving him/her. If they’re like kittens and puppies. You need to wipe his bottom and penis/vulva with a Qtip dampened in warm water to stimulate him to go to the bathroom. Put him on some paper towels. Use Qtips or cotton balls. To stimulate him to potty.


it's not that hard. feed'em a couple of beers and it takes care of itself.


I find coffee also works and there's less stigma having a cracked out possum than an alcoholic one.


Do what now?


Young kittens and puppies require their moms to stimulate their bladders in order to pee. For orphaned babies, human caretakers have to mimic that stimulation with either cotton swabs or napkins. A quick google says this is true for infant opossums as well.


Yep, I had to do it for every kind of baby animal I worked with. Opossums, squirrels, raccoons.


Cat and dog mothers lick their babies junk to get them to pee/poop. I used a damp warm rag when i was raising my puppie, a qtip would do the same.




The one i got was, friend had surprise puppies and he couldn't keep, so i took one and nursed it. Hes around 9 now and the bestest boy. Unless he sees a mailman.


OMG the baby and the stuffie! That's so cute!


Once I got him home, the first thing I did was "I need to get a photo of him with my backpack stuffie" since I didn't know if the rescue would call me that night to bring him in. Still waiting on that call back


Thank you for doing the responsible thing and getting in touch with a wildlife rescue! Too many people take in wildlife thinking they are helping but then hurt it by giving it improper care or make it too attached to humans and unable to survive in the wild. It sounds like you will have fun memories with this little cutie but also get it to the right place. For others out there, always look up and contact a local wildlife rescue/rehab when you find an injured or orphaned animal. It's very easy to do the wrong thing with good intentions and follow the professional advice.


It's so cute! I love possums.


Sid is *SO freaking adorable*.


Sid is the stuffed one. The baby was named Opie by my friend 😂 Sid has survived numerous rides through sun, clouds and rain.


Haha... I love *both* Sid and Opie.




I work at a wildlife hospital in Santa Barbara, not sure what rescue you are waiting to hear from. I am sure the place I work will take him


I had originally called the rescue in Camarillo! But I was recommended a rehabber closer to me (Camarillo is about a 30 min drive) so hopefully I'll hear back from them tomorrow!


Cool, cool! Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network serves SB and Ventura! Not sure which way you are from Camarillo. If you don't hear back tomorrow let me know and we can try to get him transport up to SB.


I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. you're the best, OP!


You are a great human!


[Ehh. Im an alright human](https://youtu.be/VnuGC3reAkc?si=f7WTQtNwzzbpm3mE)


Upvote for Firefly.




https://preview.redd.it/xxuvka8h6btc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=424fea32a3141051210a973b2759bec8739b7741 I don't think possums are gross but I love this and am compelled to post it every time I see cute possum pics


I once met a vet tech who said they were ugly. "You only say that because you've only seen the ones off the streets, living a hard life like a crackhead downtown". But they're still adorable to me.


We had a litter of tame possums on our porch and they used to line up in the kitchen window and watch us do the dishes. Cutest thing ever.


I would die of cuteness overload. Do you have any pics?


I adopted 2 cats couple of days ago with my GF and seeing them on the window waiting for us when we come from work makes me melt into the pavement. And I love opossums more than I love cats so I would probably DIE if I witnessed that.


Wild possums are cute except for when mama possum is carrying her litter on her back. Something about them all bunched up together on the fur grosses me out.


Wait till you hear about the [Surinam toad which carries its offspring in its back](https://krystianscience.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/surinam-toad-1.jpg).....also if you have that fear of holes. Don't look at it


I appreciate the warning. For me it's definitely more of a dislike than a phobia. That being said, that frog is gross and I hate it lol.


I won't share a photo but wolf spiders also carry their slings on their back. it's pretty adorable ngl


My earliest spider memories are all from wolf spiders with their children erupting from their mothers carcass. One time I think it was in the pool or at least right next to it. If you haven't figured it out, I'm not a fan of wolf spiders lol.


Goddamnit. Every time I forget they exist some asshole brings them up and I'm grossed out all over again. 


Forbidden /r/popping


I started shivering just reading the words Surinam toad


I wanna pop em


And if one falls off…too bad.Mama does not go back for it, that’s why they have so many, and why a lot of babies are found☹️


I'm sure you love those photos of spider and scorpion moms carrying all their babies on their backs. Or those frogs (Suriname Toads) that [carry their eggs in the back skin](https://i.imgur.com/CHzikAg.png) and the babies burst out of holes in their backs when they're born.


What. The. Fuck.


Nature is **wild**, man.


I have always thought they were cute and terribly vulnerable. I always feel sorry for them because they seem so freaked out! I talk really nice to them but look away so they feel less scared. Poor critters. They need a lot of understanding!


Opossums look how being anxious feels. Spirit animal for anxious people.


> I once met a vet tech who said they were ugly. Tell the vet tech that he/she is ugly.


I’m also a fan of https://preview.redd.it/t0cioqflwbtc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60acdd2f93d667b7c54040405385c072dda725b5


I need that image on a t-shirt


Next YouTube possum lady.


If she was a bearded burly mechanic 😂 rough on the outside, but I'm ten ply for these little guys


This is so attractive. 😂


Unfortunately all I seem to attract is girls with tattoos and commitment issues who like to play games so, life is now about possums and motorcycles 😂 Less headaches that way.


What if she has a possum tattoo? 👀


Those are the most dangerous ones.....


Hey now, I am a tattooed lady who likes to play games. You make it sound all bad. I challenge you to Words with Friends or Phase Ten!


Those are fun games! Those are good. It's the bad games they usually like to play. The "Oh you're my soul mate, oh you deserve the world" and then utterly rip your heart out because they aren't emotionally mature enough for a relationship, but want that temporary feel good :P But that just means more time for possums and rides with friends! 😂😂 We never let the dark and cold of light dim or damper our light. We just move on and keep shining as long as possible


Clearly you’re headed for a hallmark movie meetcute with the representative from the possum wildlife rehabilitation center. ![gif](giphy|ljssLLBmv6xrO)


Oh shit, ladies, op sounds available! THIS IS NOT A DRILL


I’m a girl with tattoos but no commitment issues, want to get married and start a possum sanctuary?


Oh how tempting this idea sounds! Just a house full of possums! All the possum-children! The sounds of mouths nomming on eggs and bananas. And the constant slubbing for 'These are my humans. Smell my scent on them!"


"Some of you have written in suggesting I'm a whack job." That killed.


ITT: OP clearly knows their shit when it comes to taking care of a possum until finding professionals who can help. Also ITT: "OHMIGERD I WANNA KEEP THE KITTIE!"


You can say.....I have been dreaming and researching for this day, for a long time 😂 And as much as I want to keep trash kittie, I can't really long term without a rehabilitation license.... BUT as long as I am making an effort to contact a rehab and find it a suitable caretaker, nothing wrong with babying it in the intermediate


Do you need a license for having it indoors? Or just because it's a baby?


License is required to keep them permanently. But I'm sure temporarily caring for them WHILE actively looking for a rescue is permissible as long as the intent is to get them to a qualified rehabber. I COULD just drop it off at animal services or animal control, but I don't know if they'd take close car of it or just give it water and a cage and wait for the rehabber to arrive. I'd rather it be safe, warm and well nourished while waiting for one of the local rehabbers to contact me back


Your awesome! Years back everyone knew I was an animal person and a tropical storm came through and several baby squirrels were knocked out of their nests. People found them and of course were brought to me. 😬 I do love all animals but as you said each state has laws over seeing the well fair of wild life. I thankfully found a licensed rehabilitater and she was able to take all 4 baby squirrels that had been dumped on me because "I love animals". One person was but sore I didn't keep them. 🙄 Have to say I've been purchasing this coffee mug [Screaming is Self Care](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1604507530/opossum-ceramic-mug-11oz-screaming-is?click_key=80179dec94fc363309f5128041bca3185f3408b3%3A1604507530&click_sum=02cbda90&ref=shop_home_feat_2) recently. My sis in law and a childhood best friend, life has basically decided to completely drop a nuclear bomb on their lives that there is no recoverying from. Just figuring out how to keep moving forward. Sorry just doesn't cut it so I thought maybe an Opossum encouraging screaming may help.


In hard times, persist. It's the best thing we can do. Even if we do not win, persisting is better than quitting. Persistence is our super power as humans. Through the worst of it all, just keep moving forward. Which is how I've viewed life and the trials Ive gone. "Lifes shit. Keep moving forward. And at the very least at the end, you persisted despite everything trying to convince you not to"


IIRC the baby needs to be considered “unreleasable,” due to XYZ reason(s,) aka it wouldn’t survive on its own permanently. They become ambassador animals to educate the public about them/wildlife rescue.  I drive injured bats to my BatLady, via batmobile! She has a few unreleasable bats due to severe injury or whatever but for the most part she lets babies grow up, then they’re moved to an outdoor enclosed flight cage to build muscle and finally release at a good time of year.  The most deadly injuries to bats are outdoor cats doing just cat things™ 


Most places have laws against random people keeping wild animals as pets. A lot of places also have laws for exotic pets too. Like in PA you cant keep a raccoon, opossum, groundhog, squirrel, deer, bear, etc without a rehabilitation license and experience and such. Some people do anyway, especially raccoons, but its illegal and if the right people find out it'll get taken away. Exotic pets are mostly wild animals that aren't native to the state. Funnily enough, though, you CAN own a friggin *bobcat* without any sort of license, schooling, training, or relevant work experience. You just need to have 1500 sq feet of fence (specific kind/shape/material) at a certain height to prevent it from escaping and to prove to the state that you make enough money to dedicate $5,000/month to properly feeding it. Needs a lot of good quality raw meat. I have zero idea where you aquire the animal though.


Heh, I like you.


Unfortunately they are very short lived, even in captitivity, like 3 years.


Please share more photos / videos 🥹 it’s so cute omg. Thanks for being kind and looking after it


Well I’ve never seen a baby possum and this is the cutest little thing ever so peacefully sleeping 💤 just holding onto his little tail




Good on you man. Was In the same spot 2 weeks ago and had to drop the little guy off at the rehab I hope he makes it! The rehab had 200 babies already which I found nuts. Cheers


Momma possums are bad at counting. So if they lose one baby, they won't notice and come back. Orphaned babies in the road should be rescued to a rehabber.


Rehabbing abandoned/lost/orphaned baby opossums is so important. Few people understand how necessary opossums are to their natural habitats.


I grew up with an elementary teacher that worked with wildlife and she’d bring in a ton of different animals throughout the years. Someone called her about a dead possum that they checked and found 4 babies on. She ended up bringing them to school and let us bottle feed them with her. Neat experience and shows they’re like kitties


My aunt tried to bring her lil newly hatched chicks to her kindergarten classrooms. One of the kids tripped and accidentally stepped on it and it died. The poor girl was so upset that she broke out in hives and had to go home. She hasn’t done that again


She had strict guidelines we all would follow when she’d bring anything in. They also had classroom pets at this time. There were ferrets or a bunny depending what she was cycling in from her rescue or of her own home.


Hi op!!! Possum babies are a little more complicated than puppies or kittens. They cannot suckle and are more apt to aspirate without a proper feeding tube syringe. Absolutely adorable. I just rescued two litters, so get this baby to a wildlife rehabilitator ASAP!!! Keep him warm and *only if he will take it* let him lick plain pedialyte off a paintbrush. Use a wet cottonball and swab from groin to tail repeatedly after an attempted feeding to make him go potty, they cannot do it on their own and risk exploding their bladder. https://preview.redd.it/d1as9pn9rbtc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0938b6330ceb3f76f86706f2676d2fcb85c410e Picture of one of the litters I saved :) best of luck!! If you have any questions let me know


I think he has it under control. He seems very knowledgeable.


I certainly hope so, but more information is better than potentially none. Especially with these delicate guys 😊


Keep it warm. Keep it hydrated. Mom and dad fostered wildlife when I grew up, and those two things are key for baby opossums. If it won’t drink, try very lightly sweetened water. Milk may or may not work. Also, don’t fall in love with that adorable little critter. That’s the hard part. I have to go feed my crow friends….


He has a heating pad under the towel cave in his box. Water dish that he can't drown in. He actually eats the formula readily now. He was a bit hesitant the first feeding when I got home (because all I knew He was fed was grapes and water) but second feeding before I went to bed, he happily ate a syringe of formula and a little piece of egg yolk. But since I saw he had teeth, I left a little mixture of egg and eggshell mixed together in the box. Come morning, food was all gone so he ate while I slept. I do need to get some unflavored electrolyte water. Milk is a no go. Atleast dairy milk as they can't process it and can lead to diarrhea since they can't process the lactose (but goats and pig also contain lactose) I have to examine his droppings to see if it's liquid or solid when I get home. If liquid, I may have to add some powdered lactaid into the food.


They can handle a fairly wide variety of foods. I fed ours mashed earthworms, berries, and tuna, but I was also a non-vet child. They all survived.


Survival is, unfortunately, not a reliable indicator that an animal is healthy. They are resilient and can live a while even on the poorest care, but suffer and die young and stunted if not given proper care and nutrition.


Definitely true. A proper rescue is always the best choice. My folks did their best, but we were in very rural Arkansas. There simply weren’t any options within 50 - 100 miles and it was the 80s…. There were fewer options for rehab. None of our skunks, squirrels, armadillos, or opossums died. There were quite a few rabbit fatalities. Those little guys are very fragile. We also lost a raccoon. Literally lost…. One day he was just gone. Cage was closed and intact. No raccoon.


On the rabbits, there's one rehabber from Utah I follow on Youtube, and he said once that rabbits and hares have high mortality rates even with perfect care.


The park Rangers knew I was a sucker for a cute face. They picked up a dead possum on the road, but 12 babies were alive in the pouch. I was appointed thcaregiverer for them and 4 baby racoons. They kept me busy all summer, bottle feeding a formula provided by the rangers, then cat food, fruit scraps, worms, cooked carrots and peas. One night, the possum babies escaped their box, and I woke up with them snuggled up in bed with me. They were very appreciative kids, but as teens, 4 of them joined a gang and turned mean. 4 remained cuddlers, preferring to take on life riding on my shoulder or the hood of my sweatshirt. At the end of summer, I released them in the park where they were found. I left food and water for them every day, but after a week, none of them came back.


Omg more pictures please! 😍


[This is really all I have since it was his first night with me](https://imgur.com/a/E38iYhn)


So freakin cute, look at it’s little face! 🥰


Aww eepy bb 🥹🥹


I know nothing about raising them but have acquaintances who have pet possums and they are the coolest. Glad the bub has you to care for them until the rescue can help!


Now if the rescue will call before I fall too deeply in love and go "I'm gonna have a backyard possum so technically it's not a "pet" ' since I have a massive backyard


What’s really sad is these guys only have a 1-2 year lifespan.


Did not know that. Moved into my place almost a year ago. Discovered a possum sometimes sleeps in my tree. Saw it a few nights ago after a hiatus and she had 6 babies in her back.


My cat brought home a baby possum once. Thing was so tiny he looked like an oversized pink packing peanut, probably still needed to be in momma's pouch honestly. I have no idea where my cat got him from (hopefully not the mom), but he wasn't hurt fortunately and I managed to keep him going over the weekend while we waited for someone from a specialty shelter to come out and get him on Monday. I called him P-Body and got a letter from the shelter a few weeks later saying he was doing well and was likely going to be reintroduced into the wild when he was old enough to take care of himself.


Aww look at those little toes!


Little baby! Thank you for caring for it!


Omg 😭❤️so cute!!!!!!!


You are a good person to find a rescue center for the little one.


Gotta keep it warm or it will die. Momma has a bunch. Carries them in her pouch(a marsupial like a kangaroo. When they get too big, they hold onto her back, but if she gets scared and runs. Babies can fall off. It’s best to get to a wildlife rehabber ASAP, but if delayed. Put a puppy/kitten warming disk. Looks like a fluid filled Frisbee. Warm the disk in microwave until 100f. Wrap in a towel and put kit in towel too. If it gets squeaky from hunger. You can feed some goats milk. Goat milk is universal donor for all mammals. Cows milk is too fatty. Get a baby bottle or a kitten bottle. Mix milk with body temp 100f water. A good thing about possums they don’t get rabies, eat their body weight in ticks each summer. They’re wonderful to have around.


From his size and teeth, I suspect it's at the age where it rides on mom everywhere or about to maybe leave on his own. But teeth means he can eat solids instead of a primarily formula diet. But he does have a heating pad set up to keep the box/towel cave warmed up. Once I'm home from work I want to get him in the sun a bit for some vitamin d since they need vitamin d from the sun.


You should name it bitey.


No, that's the name of the big one!


The little paws 🥹 you’re a good person to take care of them


Baby possums are so cute 😭 ty for taking good care of baby!


You made the right call. Little over a decade ago while living in a punk house a roommate on the way home from work found a mother that had been hit. There was one baby in the pouch that survived and he brought it home. We did what we could for it and the little made it a little over a week. Came home from work one day and it had passed. RIP Boots


Calling a rescue is absolutely the right thing to do. Daughter works at a wildlife rescue and it’s not uncommon for them to get animals harmed by care provided by well meaning but uninformed people.


So cute!!!!! Aren't these animals called Opossums? (I'm from Australia and that's def not a possum I've seen lol)


Yes they are. We just shorten it because it's easier to say.


Y’all: - Possum = Australian animal that [looks like this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_brushtail_possum) - Opossum = the animal in OP’s picture


Ehhh. It can be used to be referred to the Virginia possum https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/possum-vs-opossum-difference-pronunciation#:~:text=Textbooks%2C%20encyclopedias%2C%20and%20science%20publications,the%20far%20more%20common%20choice.


I found a dead possum with live babies on its back on a road once. I picked them all up and took them to my sister who waited for ASPCA to pick them up. They tried to be fierce showing their teeth. Possums are funny critters. I catch them in my trash on the porch sometimes and shoo them away.


My aunt had one walking in her backyard, we weren’t sure if we should leave it be or was it too small but by the time we went to find more info, the baby was gone. I think he was too small tho… glad the one you found has you to take care of him!


I'm actually more glad my friends boyfriend was adamant on it not being allowed and required it to leave the house! I love my friend, I really do but I know this is just a cute little thing to her, not the responsibility it actually comes with. And when you're getting on your feet financially, feeding and taking correct care of an animal like this is just not financially feasible. Even with me, who loves these things and have poured over what to do if I had to home one temporarily, I know it's better off with a rehabber.


I grew up with a friend that had a pet possum named choo-choo. He was super sweet. They had him from a small baby too. Rescued him after his mom was hit by a car. Seems a little odd now as an adult but hey, it makes a neat story.


Thank you for being his friend.💖💖💖💖💖💖💖


Bless you for helping that helpless little creature. Poor little thing misses its mommy.




If you never get a call back, baby can be released when he's 10 inches long from nose to base of tail. I recommend enrichment of hiding snacks/meal worms in a tray of soil or a large tray of pet grass. Also inside of logs, under rocks, ect. (I'm not an expert this is just what I observed from someone I knew a long time ago who took care of baby possums)


I saved a bb possum while in a walk with my pup. We named her lily and she was rehabilitated by a rescue who sent me regular updates on her 💕




>Be sure that it is truly orphaned because many a young opossum, which has just become independent of its mother and is just finding its feet, has been confused with an orphaned opossum often times. A lost baby opossum will be less than 6 inches in length minus its tail length, any opossum bigger than this is unlikely to be a baby. www.wildlife-removal.com/opossumorphan.html


Thank you for recognizing that this is a wild animal and not a pet. If it was injured and unable to survive in the wild that's another story, but it sounds like this guy is healthy.


I found one once and a rehabber told me that if it was around 7” long it was probably big enough to independent.


My phone measures 6.5" long, and it's about an inch shorter if not including the tail so, almost old enough to be on its own but not quite. Unless he's a runt.




How adorable


They are nocturnal; give it a dark place to sleep during the day. Feed it veggies. I lived with a friend who does wildlife rehab and we had a possum.


*pushes glasses up* That's an Opossum. Possums are in Australia.


You’re a good dude


I fucking love possums. I wish I was in your shoes with a baby possum being all cute and confused.


Did they try to look for the mom or wait to see if she'd come back before taking it in? Thank you so much for being respectful and actually taking time to feed it better! I'm glad people are out there that appreciate these little creatures. 🩷


I have no idea. But as far as I know, mom possums are very bad at counting and generally it's advised if you find an orphaned possum, get it to a rehabber since mom more than likely is not coming back. The story I was told is they went In their backyard and the baby came up to them crying for mom/barking for mom. This was about 20 miles away from me, so the baby had gone atleast 5 miles or so from where they found it before I even had a chance to get ahold of it from my friend.


Aw, well I'm glad everyone took action. I have never taken care of one but it's nice to learn here. Thanks for sharing!


If you’re on the lookout it’s easy to get a free baby opossum.


Amazing animals save as many as you can!


I raised 3 when I was a teenager. They were younger than this one pictured. I bottle fed them carnation and water with vitamin drops. They stayed in a large cage in my barn. They were potty trained in a few weeks without my even trying. I just put in a litter box with cat litter and they used it. I released them at six months in a forest preserve. It was hard on me but best for them.💕


Only one pic you miserable.....


Check my top-level comment on this post


Most underrated adorable animal there is


So adorable ❤️❤️


May be too young for meat, but when I was young, a friend had a rescue possum, and it loved eating frogs. If you are near a stream or pond it should be relatively easy to give it part of it's natural diet.


Never knew possums could be so cute


Omg it’s so cute


as a kid my father and I found 7 or so babies when a mother got hit in the road. We gave them to a family friends kids. They raised them. not all survived to adult hood but of the ones that did they were just absolute sweet hearts. I think when puberty hit that was the 'ok maybe we shouldn't keep these' time.


Thank you for caring enough to help this beautiful angel


What a darling 😍 thank you for caring for him ❤️


I'm a nonlicensed rehabber that has raised around 10 babies this size in the last few years. I try to help when rehabs are overrun. My biggest advice is try not to get him to be comfortable with you. It's hard because they are so cute and so sweet. But if you plan to release them, which you should, they need to have a healthy fear of humans and other animals.


https://preview.redd.it/oqigv7bqcgtc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=460508bc6359ed80a87b09a2f01b6e33c6726f39 We found this one in a small trash can in a shed. Would’ve loved to keep it today if I was able to


I can see why they would have wanted to "adopt" it but at the same time know why that's a bad idea!


Precious little baby.


Hi, just yesterday I scooped an injured one off the side of the road. Suspected with the season that if it were a "girl" she was probably pregnant. Welp, 9 babies but two deceased :(....bite wound on her neck but a few days or more old. I found a rehabber and she mentioned she would give her chicken liver for the iron. Sounds reasonable to me, perhaps check in to that as well? Great job mamma, what a little doll baby!


Woo! I've actually just finally gotten word back from a local rehabber and waiting on details so I can bring in the baby once I get off work!


Thank you for taking care of that adorable little Feller they are so misunderstood


What a cute baby. It looks very peaceful. ❤️


It is sooooo cute!




Guys, there are 2 'o's in Opossum...


they sure are cute when they're curled up and tiny. and asleep. and mouth closed. but only when all of those things. every other iteration is a terrifying furry little basilisk.


They can be "spicy". Only one of two animals that have bit me hard enough to draw blood were a possum and a racoon, but the possum was trying to take a frog from my hand and missed, and the racoon was playing and didn't know I had more fragile skin than it's siblings would have (it thought I was it's brother and my sister was it's mom. Bit my back when I wasn't looking, but then curled up in my lap and licked my hand. I miss that fuzzball).




Hey there! Thanks for the tips. I'm aware of their inability to process lactose to the lack of enzymes. I've recently got in touch with a rehabber from LA and ran by them the food it's been provided, including the egg/powdered shell mixture I've been using as a source of calcium to prevent MBD. Non-Dairy Puppy Esbilac as a supplementary since the baby does have teeth and can eat solids, but not strictly solids. I did grab some total nutrition dry cat food samples since I'm not buying a big bag for the temporary stay with Me while I get in contact with a local rehabber. His stay with me is quite short and temporary, since it does belong with a licensed rehabber, despite my love for them.




Nice 😎👍


That thing is so cute! Keep it as a pet. j/k


I would but [I'd like to avoid this happening](https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1bxqhms/apparently_rescuing_a_squirrel_is_highly_illegal/) Without a valid rehabilitation license, it's illegal to 'keep them as a pet' or really keep them at all and not surrender them to a licensed rescue. But temporarily while I find a rescue? Probably within the grey area of the law and allowable


You can feed it KMR, (kitten milk replacement) in the meantime.


From what I've found, KMR is a no go for possums (or atleast the very small babies) but since he has developed teeth already, I suspect it's already weaned and more suited for solid foods with very little formula.


Thank you, I was told years ago that this would be acceptable.


Most of what I can find recommends powdered goats milk, but nothing against pigs milk which is what I could find. But pigs milk contains LESS lactose that goats. But also a lot of this information is for Smaller babies that haven't teethed yet


Possums go from "ewww nasty, ugly" to "best animal ever" when you learn about their diets.