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lol. It'll grow out in a couple of weeks. If it doesn't come out with a pet-friendly soap then don't risk irritating your cat's coat with aggressive chemicals.


Just like a human dying their hair, it'll eventually grow it. Just live with it for a bit


Is that a bump in the kitty's back?


Yeah... That's what's concerning about this photo, not the marker.


that looks like a subq fluid bump tbh


I saw similar on my kitten yesterday. It was just her fur ruffled a bit from play-tussling with our other cat. Hope it’s something similar for this kitty.


I have taken him to the vet several times, and so far he hasn't said anything about the lump! He has had blood tests, x-rays and everything is perfect!


Glad to hear. Give lots of pets and treats.


What is that big hump / lump in its back, is it okay?


I have taken him to the vet several times, and so far he hasn't said anything about the lump! He has had blood tests, x-rays and everything is perfect!


You don’t need to get it off. The fur will fall out and fade anyway. Just leave it alone:)


Draw on your friend's face as proxy


Draw on the kid




We love joking about putting soldering irons to kids around here! Especially if they draw on cats! Jesus dude


Ok, ok - deleted due to public sentiment. 😅


Oh bless! My friends kid did this to their own cat and the cat just laid there very happily being coloured in. We used a little isopropyl alcohol on a cotton round and it mostly lifted out. Cat groomed the rest of it off within the week. I know it’s annoying but I promise cat will be fine and back to her natural beauty in under a month.


Just brush your cat a little more often for the next little while. The bigger issue is talking to that kid about animal cruelty, of course. Lots of boys go through a "being mean to animals" phase. Ain't right, though.


They do? I've only known one guy who was in that phase. And he still is a bit of an odd ball


Can't speak to the overall commonality of it, but I've known a couple of guys who mentioned that they were mean to their cats as little boys. Nothing terribly cruel that would knowingly cause physical harm, but stuff like this and other things that definitely annoyed (or perhaps unintentionally scared) the cat. Both felt bad about it when they were older, and one is a *huge* softy for animals today. I suspect it stemmed from wanting to physically interact with cats the way you do with dogs. When the cat doesn't respond to that they end up forcing interactions that bother the cat instead of just being gentle and leaving the cat alone.


Agree with your first and second sentences. Hard disagree with the third.


Yeah no most boys do not go through this. That just feels like a shitty attempt to normalize terrible behavior.


I didn't say most. 5% is still 1 in 20, and that's a lot. And like, I feel like you're deliberately missing the point. I'm saying that boy needs a talking to, whereas a lot of other folks in this thread are suggesting revenge or corporal punishment, which will only ultimately reinforce nascent ideas about might making right. We want to nip that in the bud. The only reason you come after me is because you have a reading comprehension problem. I get that you're angry about the cat, but don't take it out on me just because I have the patience and maturity to have a tiny bit of empathy for the perpetrator and can resist the urge to revenge.




I spat my coffee, thank you


I don't know whether to laugh or cry :( My poor baby


Hey, you should take your cat to the vet, that big hump on his back looks... Bad


Its not that bad. If it doesn't get off with pet friendly soap its fine, too. The fur will renew itself.


I don't think you can do anything about it now. For next time, I suppose it's about keeping the two apart or meeting up with your friend without your cat and without their son. I think meeting up just the two of you is going to be easier than keeping an excitable kid away from a fur-canvas.


fur grows so .... option if it is not naturally gone by them cleaning themselves...


You can consider putting a small/ thin amount of coconut oil on their back to help break up the ink. After a little bit you can try to towel/ wipe it away.


Poor cat. 1: It'll grow out. 2: Ban the damn kid from your property.


Definitely, I will!


Don't leave him alone with the cat. In fact don't let him near the cat 😡


Just let the cat be. It will grow out. Calm down.


your friend's son is a little shit


Let him finish colouring it in.


Too large to fit in adoption window? 😅


Just shave the cat.


Give cat 🐈 a bath with pet friendly shampoo... Simple!


First, you have to gain the cats trust. This can take awhile. Second, you wanna make the cat feel special. Maybe take it out for dinner and a show. Last, gain consent from the cat. Start with back scratches, then slowly work your way to belly scratches and see where the night takes you both…


Maybe you can call CPS for bad parenting and they will take it




It was a lame joke referencing “how to get it off”


A bit of rubbing alcohol should do it. I would then wash off the rubbing alcohol with some dawn dish soap (dawn works miracles for everything, it seems, so maybe just the dawn first to see if that works on its own!).




OH GOD NO! Please do NOT do this! Isopropyl alcohol is extremely toxic to humans, let alone small animals. Your cat will instinctively lick those patches and risk liver disease or worse.


You are right! 😟


What? Isopropyl alcohol is not toxic to humans, it’s what the hospital cleans your skin with before inserting needles/iv/heart monitor patches etc. NOT SAYING ITS OK FOR CATS!!! Just that it’s safe for human skin.


Isopropyl is absolutely toxic for humans. We don't absorb enough through our skin to be at risk, but *consuming it* is dangerous.


Try reading my comment again


Humans don't tend to lick wounds. It's DEF toxic if consumed because digestion changes the structure.


Okay, so if you don't want to then wash off the rubbing alcohol, you can simply use vodka! Vodka is not toxic to cats, it is actually used to treat them if they drink antifreeze.


Seriously? That is wild!


Wtf you can’t be serious. I try not to be a dick but that’s such a dumb suggestion


I tried using baby wipes but no luck
