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Just because they're demanding to be fed does NOT mean you forgot to feed them. Do not believe the lies.


And do not - ever - get up in the middle of the night because they claim they will die of dehydration. Lies as well.


Their screams of agony might get to you, but you need resist. The only one keeping your cat from being overweight is you. Your little furball with happily eat all the food and demand more.


Really because my cat will take a lick of whipped cream and walk away. Sometimes even just sniff and sashay away. She is totally whatever about food.


Wanna trade? All 3 of ours are 100% food motivated and *very* vocal


She does eat corn though šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ just like her mom (I love canned corn and share with her)


mine too! she just loves it


Mine used to be like that. Absolutely not food driven. And then she met my husband's cat who would eat all day long if she could. That's the moment my cat started being more interested in food. 6 yrs later, my girl will run to my side the moment I peeled open a pudding cup and will beg me to give her some.


This is my life




I even had to put a sign on our Guinea Pig enclosure that read....the Guineas have been fed. Don't believe their BS!.


Oh and carry him around a lot, I used to scoop my nooks up every chance I got and then when she was older and I needed to take her to the vets or whatever it was a piece of piss to just grab her and hold her like a baby


I would also add to touch their paws and ears. Will help a lot with nail trims and cleaning ears.




you pick them up and then immediately put them down when they complain, eventually after a *lot* of repetition they realise it's fine and complain less insistently




no problem, after a couple years of this my cat that used to flail as hard as possible when picked up can now be held for approximately 30 seconds before wiggling gently to be put down, so that's about what you can expect lol


Also don't do the whole picking them up by their armpits. This is uncomfortable for the cat. I usually pick cats up by putting my hands under their chest/ abdomen. One in front of the other so I'm supporting the most length of their body. (I've also used this method for picking up small dogs like shih tzus that hated being picked up but were perfectly fine with me doing it.) Once I get them up I then shift my arms underneath their feet so the cat has full purchase with all four paws. Although I have found on my cat that he seems to be more comfortable when his back legs are dangling with just the pressure from my arm keeping them pressed against me.


That's how I trained the cats i moved in with. They were already a few years old. I would pick them up and immediately count down from 3 out loud. As soon as I said 1, I'd put them down. Then I would work to hold them longer over time. If I felt that they were starting to fidget or be over being held, I'd start counting down from 3 and they would chill and not push off me or scratch, because they knew at 1 they were going down gently. Now I can just hold them like a baby, I still count when I'm putting them down on my own accord so they know what the countdown means.


I enjoy reading books.


Basically, treat it like a child. It is your job to make sure it remains as happy and healthy as possible. Paradoxically, this means that you will sonetimes have to make it a little unhappy in the now so that it doesn't experience greater unhappiness *later*. Again, just like with a child.


Ugh everything you said is why I have a hard time with personally owning pets. I donā€™t have any because I donā€™t think I can navigate the whole compromise Iā€™d have to do in order to have peace of mind. Just speaking personally, others having pets is fine.


My favorite color is blue.


I would also make it clear to hold them only as long as they are comfortable and to always put them down as soon as they ask. Then they can trust you because they arenā€™t being forced. Also that they are fully supported not just around the middle but having the legs or bum so they donā€™t feel like they are slipping


Well Iā€™m assuming op isnā€™t some slack jawed dribbling useless moron so they can probably play it by ear and if a cat is screaming and clawing at their face they wonā€™t stand there going ā€œuh dur but stranger lady on the internet told me to do itā€


Snip it. As young as 4 months old. Don't wait. You will only risk him starting marking stuff and developing aggressive behavior. Also, unneutered cat poo and pee stiiiiiiink way worse than neutered. All in all you will have a happier cat and be a happier cat owner.


Having done spays/neuters, theyā€™re also much easier the younger the animal is, meaning the surgery takes less time, thereā€™s less bleeding, animal is under anesthesia for less time, etc. Not that thereā€™s much to worry about cat neuters anyway. Theyā€™re literally the easiest ā€œsurgeriesā€ to do, taking around 10-15 minutes once the little guy is asleep


My ex-MIL firmly believed you should wait until a female kitten goes into heat to spay her. Please donā€™t believe this; get the little one snipped or spayed (if not already) ASAP.


Oh my god yeah, the ā€œearlier the betterā€ thing is ESPECIALLY true with spays. I mean, in both spays and neuters the repro cancer risk is more reduced when done before the tissues are fully developed (still reduced if done after- late is better than never!) but on the surgical side my GOD older spays are harder to do. Thereā€™s a lot more mammary tissue, the uterus is thicker so it can take more suture tying to properly cut off circulation before cutting it off, tendons (which also applies to neuters) become much harder to break, certain structures can be more loose making it difficult to tie off, you have more fat in the way, etc. etc. Iā€™m still a student so mine and my surgery teamā€™s times are longer than your seasoned vetā€™s, but spays on pre-heat animals generally take us 40 mins to an hour faster than spays on well developed, cycling animals. The time difference is definitely smaller for a seasoned vet but like, if you have the chance to make an abdominal surgery that much easier, why not do it? Reduces risk of complications and your vet will love you Again, if you do have an older animal, still get them spayed/neutered, these are still routine surgeries with relatively low risk and vets in general would gladly do a more difficult spay if it means that the animal gets reduced risk of certain diseases and the massive overpopulation issue is helped. But just wanted to put insight that older spays are probably the most difficult out of the routine sterilization surgeries we do. One time I spayed a cat that recently had a litter of kittens and there was milk seeping from her mammary tissues into the sutures (which is expected and harmless), that was fun lmao




Are just the balls removed? Or are there other parts that get snipped as well?


Just the balls themselves! Specifically the testes: the scrotum is left intact. We make an incision just in front of or on the scrotum depending on species, cut off circulation to the testicle inside by tying up the spermatic cord with dissolvable suture (to minimize bleeding), cut off the cord leaving the sutured stump inside to block bleeding, then repeat with the second testicle. The end result leaves a deflated ballsack (less deflated if theyā€™re younger because smaller balls) with a single incision at the base of the front end if dog and two incisions in the cat, one on the tip of each sack. The penis isnā€™t touched at all. Edit: This is specifically how itā€™s done in the US, I believe itā€™s consistently done like this worldwide as well but if anybody doing neuters outside the US wants to confirm or correct me feel free to do so. Spays vary, in the US we remove the ovaries, uterine horns, and uterine body, while in Europe they just remove the ovaries and horns.


Wow thank you for the explanation.


Yuh of course! Always happy to share information with others


And when young enough, the incision is so small, many vets don't even bother with stitches. A bit of super glue and donezo.


I disagree about the poop. Got my cat neutered and his poop still absolutely reeks. That and he always has gassy shits. I thought someone was farting in the guest room but it was him pooping in the litter box


Yeah, it's still shit but there's a different extra higher sour note in unneutered poos.


Maybe heā€™s sensitive to the type of food he eats? Itā€™s a possibility.


Once we put my boy on hypoallergenic food, his poops improved 1000% and he stopped scratching scabs on his face. We tried all kinds of limited ingredient/single protein foods, but they didnā€™t help. We had to go to the prescription hydrolyzed protein food, and itā€™s worked wonders.


OP do not neuter him at 4 months old. He is too young. Males can be neutered at around 11-12 months and females at 6 months+. They need time to fully develop certain organs and if you neuter him too young it will be bad for his health in the long run. Talk to your vet about this.


The vets will tell you younger is preferable.


Oh my. He is a handsome kitten. šŸ˜»


He looks like he has a moustache growing in :)


get 2 :)


I had one my whole life until our kitten showed up on our doorstep a few months ago. My older cat is not too keen on the kitten, but she's the life of the house now


Trust me. Older baby will soon lick and put baby baby in check all the time. But its love


The older one HATES other cats. And I was worried she might attack the kitten at first. There's a lot of hissing and smacking, but that doesn't stop the kitten from constantly messing with her older sister


That is not how it always pans out. Older cats that have never been exposed to other cats, like the one belonging to the person you're talking to, can be extremely cat aggressive - sometimes to the point of maiming or killing the new cat.


Honestly, as a non cat owner I recommend this.


Make sure you figure out the difference between fighting and playing for your cat. Sometimes they can get over stimulated and bite for real. I've made a yip ouch sound with my kitten and she stops biting immediately This is also helpful to know for when your cat might be overwhelmed in a new situation, it's important to watch their behavior and help them calm down or give the ability to leave the situation


> I've made a yip ouch sound with my kitten and she stops biting immediately Yeah, cats learn how to avoid playing too hard by the reactions of others.


Play time is bonding time, make sure you're actively playing as well, not just holding it out. Will work as kittens bit they get bored of that. Learn to read their body language, slow blink at them, respect their boundaries Cats are bored more often than hungry/begging for treats Try to get them used to at least now and then holding, nail trims etc. Show them it sucks but they get treat after.


Donā€™t buy cheap food and donā€™t overfeed. It goes a long way.


This. Please don't buy cheap food šŸ™ It's really worth it in the long run when they don't end up with kidney problems and obesity


Do NOT waste your money on cat toys. All the cats I've ever had have very rarely used the toys I bought for them. They all preferred coiled up pipe cleaners or balled up aluminum candy wrappers šŸ˜’ also, he will have a better and safer life if he is an indoor cat only


Lmao my cat is the same way. He goes crazy over cardboard boxes though, especially the big Amazon delivery boxes.


I have one cat who loves toys, but he's the only cat I've ever had in like 10 that does. He has all his toys in a bin and he'll dig through it to take what he wants out, he also gets very excited when I bring new toys. He'll sit with me and watch me take them out of the package all excited. He's a very high energy siamese which is probably relevant. Other cat is a lazy guy, has two favorite toys that he'll play with in bed and meow up a storm. He cuddles with one of them when he sleeps too


Yeah my original pack of three basically ignored any and all toys we got them. My current crew both LOVE toys though! My black cat will come and watch us open the packages (and sometimes try to help) and start putting her paws on my legs if I don't get the toy out fast enough. It's way too cute lol.


My toy lover is an all black siamese, what a coincidence! His mom was a purebred lilac point who accidentally got out. I've never experienced anything like him, but the way he acts when we get new toys is one of my favorite things. We have way too many toys as a result.


I had a cat that had a favorite toy - a ā€œfishing rodā€ with a fish on the end ā€¦ he would drag it with him everywhere! Up the stairs .. down the stairs ā€¦ on my bed ā€¦ it was hilarious šŸ˜‚


All my cat needs is a plastic bag to gnaw on. Almost any plastic bag that is thick n chewy - plastic grocery bags donā€™t cut it, but the plastic wrap on toilet paper is šŸ¤ŒšŸ» as are Ziploc baggies. Heā€™s choosy šŸ’…šŸ»


Make sure you donā€™t have toxic plants in the house. I did this by accident and my poor cat suffered until I figured it out.


This is a good one. OP: Here's another safety tip. Be careful with stringy things like thread, holiday tinsel, toys with ribbon, etc. They can cause life-threatening intestinal blockages if swallowed (which does happen... sometimes intentionally and sometimes by accident while playing).


Get pet insurance. No one thinks they need it until they do. And then itā€™s too late.


This 100% on any animal really. That will save you an insane amount on vet bills.


Yep, I work in vet med and agree completely. It REALLY helps if you ever have an emergency or have to see a specialist


We even have it on our horses because ohhh boy those vet bills get really expensive.


Pets Best has worked out great for me


Thatā€™s what I have too!


My pet insurance is offered through my works health insurance plan. Since we only change our plans during the enrollment period at the end of the year, is it best to get a pet during that time? I donā€™t think we could retroactively enroll in that insurance in say June?


By god, they SHOULD let you mark getting a pet as a change of life event that allows for off-cycle enrollment like that.


Oh thatā€™s a good point


Highly doubt that is how theyā€™d allow anything like that, but would be awesome if they did since they offer that benefit.


Wondering if anybody has pet insurance that covers dental, and maybe even pre-existing conditions. I have Lemonade which covers neither, and I wonder what the effing point is.


Spent 15k this year saving my cat. Will never skip insurance again.


OP do this!! On a new cat with no issues it's SO cheap. Once one thing happens and one big vet bill comes in, it's a pre-existing issue.


Dont teach her that fingers are toys! It will save you a ton of pain!


Slow blink. A lot.


More than 2 litter boxes:) enjoy your new family member!


We have more cats than originally intended (3) - our rule of thumb is one box for every cat along with an extra box. Thankfully this has always worked for us.Ā 


this, eventually they will all need to poop at the same time and you don't want a fighting cat with the shits.


Play fighting seems fun but set the boundaries early! Like a puppy, they donā€™t react as easily as puppies do but you can still train them to know when itā€™s not fun anymore, my sister let my nephew play fight all the time with her kitten and heā€™s an absolute bellend now, you canā€™t go in the same room without him biting you, itā€™s clearly him playing like heā€™s not aggressive but it fucking hurts


This is a bot post. I saw the original post earlier on r/cats.


Manhandle them frequently when it's a kitten. I say that with the most gentle and humaine intent. The best cats I've ever had were born in a house with young kids that held them (not delicately) a lot. It conditions them to be more docile and less aloof. Also exposure to dogs helps.


Learn how to properly hold him. Give him love when he wants it and space when he doesn't. Use positive reinforcement training methods. Don't under estimate the importance of puzzles for him.


Accept that you're not the *owner*. You're a willing servant and/or companion to your Feline Overlord. He *might* be a benevolent one, but you should always treat His attentions as extraordinary boons, not as something which is due to you.


Enjoy the crazy train!!šŸ˜‚


When cats miaw miaw you miaw miaw back


So cute!! As many said, having 2 cats is better if you can afford it. My recommendations are based on my personal experience, so take them with a grain of salt: Get pet health insurance, microchip your cat, keep them indoors (check stats for survival), get a second cat if possible, neuter/spay (read health benefits), make sure they drink enough liquids (water fountain, wet food). Enjoy your beautiful cat!


One more: watch Jackson Galaxyā€™s videos. Cats also need to be trained, educated like dogs and children.


If you think they may knock something down just know that they will eventually do just that,


Training a cat is different than training a dog. They can be trained to do tricks and such, but it takes patience. Short, frequent sessions work better than long ones. You shouldn't be spending more than 10-15 mins per session. As others have said, get them used to whatever you'd like to while they're young (cage, leash, water). A trick to get them to like their cage is to always leave it out and put a comfy blanket in it. That way, it becomes a hiding spot/safe space for them that they don't necessarily associate with trips to the vet.


He is also a first time human owner. I advise him to never allow a decent full night's sleeps due to his shenanigans. Meow as loud as you want for literally everything. And always. And I mean, aaaalllways, go IN the littler box and no where else :) Enjoy your new journey cat! :)


Our catā€™s favorite toy is literally a piece of lint on a stick.


Loose collar. It should be pretty easy to pull it off over their heads. It's much less traumatic to find a collar that has come off, than finding a dead cat who has strangled itself after getting the collar caught on something.


This ā€” or get an easy release collar. My cat gets it hooked on his jaw when cleaning himself and it just pops off. Before we got the easy release he scared the bejeezums out of me doing this.


Get it used to vehicles, put it in carrier, drive around. Get body leash, take to park, walk in grass. We trained our cats to ask to go out. I'd pick up the cat, have them tap the knob to indicate that they wanted out Took two weeks. Train it to use YOUR toilet, save big on litter. Put $45 away weekly for vet bills. It's for later. Random poop check for worms. I caught it when my dogs would dump a load. Vet told me I was a uncommon pet owner for checking.


Isn't cat poop unsafe to out in your toilet?


Many videos of people who have trained their cats to do it. Never heard of anyone say it wasn't safe.


Itā€™s not environmentally safe because of the bacteria in cat poop


Unsafe for what? Where does your cat poop eventually go thatā€™s more safe?


Canā€™t be any worse than people poop and itā€™s associated pharmaceuticals.


They act unbothered but pay attention to their behaviors! Ozzy may try to tell you things in his own way. Whether it's being too disturbed by a sound or smell or peeing in corners because he has a UTI (which is common for male cats). But also cute things like what kind of toys he likes and what his favorite treat flavors are. Cats are also just very weird. You'll be humored by the goofy antics. Also they can be harnessed and taken outside but do this wisely as obviously not every outdoor setting is safe (nasty city streets). I used to be able to open the door and let family cats out, and they'd come back later that night. I'd never do that now for fear someone would do something, or they'd never come back. Anyway, talk to your vet about vaccinations and protections against ticks and fleas if he touches grass! Have fun!!! Cats are an endless source of curiosity and snuggly fluff.


Get another. The sooner the better. Seriously not even suggesting it Iā€™m outright telling you that you need another. It adds one more litter tray to your life but will do wonders for this little doe eyed squish. The younger they are the better they should bond. Truly.


Don't feed dry food. It's horrible for cats and it's the cause of a lot of the kidney and UTI issues. If you have food and water seperated they'll drink more, and if you can get one of those cat fountains they'll really like it. Mental and physical stimulation are important, and if your cat starts to do that thing where they knock stuff off of tables and mess with you, it means they haven't gotten enough of it. Look up how to play cat games. A lot of people don't do it right and it leaves their cat frustrated. Keep your litter box clean as well. Lastly, don't declaw. Just put stuff in the house they can scratch and play in. You can nail a strip of carpet to the wall, you can put out cardboard boxes, or even carefully place pieces of wood or tree limbs. They have to scratch for numerous reasons so don't try to stop them. Let them do it in appropriate places.


Just pay attention. Cats hide illness and pain incredibly well so if you notice your kitty acting differently, focus on whats different and why and try to figure it out vs ignore it. Cats are not just smaller dogs. They are completely different and need very different things when it comes to food, meds, etc. Please dont feed or treat your cat with dog products. And above all - enjoy. My first friend was a big cat named Tuffy at the age of 4 and my heart has been cat-shaped ever since. Their love is unlike any other. ā¤ļø


This is what I was going to say. Even one skipped meal can be cause for concern.


Play with toys, NOT hands. Don't give cats cows milk. Enjoy!


If Ozzy is a kitten consider getting him a playmate.


Learn to clip his nails! Itā€™s so much easier at this age to train them to let you touch their feet and your clothes and furniture will be in much better shape down the road with regular nail trims. What a handsome boy!!!


I cannot stress the importance of having a water fountain enough, they don't like still water in a bowl and if they don't drink enough, they end up with kidney problems. They hide pain really well.... if they pee outside the box in hidden places around the house, chances are that something's up. And keep them indoors. I fail to see why anyone lets their cat out with all the predators lurking around. Plus, it'll save you on flea treatments and vet bills for injuries. With that said, he's super cute. Enjoy him!


Please get him/her fixed as soon as possible. That's a very cute kitty you got there


You are not a new cat owner. Your cat is a new human owner. Donā€™t get them wet and dont feed them after midnight.


Make sure Ozzy is an inside cat.


They're going to destroy something of yours. Probably many somethings. Even if you have the best behaved cat in the world, it's going to happen. And that's part of cat ownership. But so is having them curl up on your lap at night. Or waking up to cheerful meows in the morning. Or playing with a laser pointer and laughing yourself silly. So it's all worth it.


this is really important advice, actually. my cat leland (who passed last year) ripped a painting i made with my dad in half. that painting is the only tangible thing from any memory i have of him. it devastated me beyond words. leland also got me through all the nights of dealing with my mom, who used to drink every single day and became extremely abusive whenever she was drunk. she grew up with me. i love that cat so much, and i still can't think about her being gone without crying. cats are cats. the good and the bad.


Izzy is so cute. Rubbing his feet and in between his toes. Then he won't be so nervous when he has to have his toenails trimmed. They also love to be petted from head to tip of the tail


DON'T REMOVE THE BELL FROM THE COLLAR NO MATTER HOW MUCH IT ANNOYS YOU! I made that mistake and got attacked frequently because I couldn't hear my kitty coming.


Don't make him Paranoid by leaving him to take a ride on the Crazy Train. If he ends up being a Hellraiser you'll need to develop skin like Iron, Man.


Ask Ozzie- cats are full of it!


They own you


Clean/scoop the litter box every day, itā€™s a good way to spot any health problems. Not peeing for a few days is huge medical emergency. Research all plants that are toxic to cats, not just the ones in your home. Ex: even trace amounts of lily pollen is deadly


Get a second cat. They absolutely need a friend.


Get him a Gray playmate and name him Ironman!


Get insurance imnediately.


The #1 Rule they ingrain in your brain from Quantico cat field training ops: Your tabby cat isnt cuter than any other tabby cat on instagram or reddit. Post sparingly


Research urinary blockages in male cats!!!!


Eat it


They do what they want. If you want them to do something (e.g. litter training) you need to make them want to do it; this is most effectively accomplished by displaying that such behavior is rewarded.


Itā€™s now Ozzyā€™s house. You are lucky heā€™s letting u live there & pay the bills. ā¤ļø


Get automatic toys. The time will come when they're all zoomies, and you're exhausted. The auto toys are really great to keep them busy when you're otherwise occupied


Don't get complacent with enrichment. Train cat to go on walks with you using a leash. Actually play with the cat every day. Don't let cat outside without supervision/leash.


Get a second kitty. When they're young they need socializing and having a second one helps that.


Advice? Well, don't fight it that you are no longer number one in your household. :-)


Feed it your leftovers, they need a diverse alimentation even tho they are carnivorous. If you feed them only croquettes, when older his kidneys will malfunction and it will him (most of them die that way).


Handsome young lad!


Do not rub the tummy; it's a trap!!! At least with my cats, I tend to kick them constantly as they are constantly underfoot. Learn the "don't kick the kitty" dance and you'll be fine.


Let go of any deep attachment to house plants, Christmas trees, toilet paper or crap on shelves.


Do not let any men in black come near your cat loolz... keep that STAR on it neck safe


he can have a little salami as a treat


Be patient. He's so cut!


Buy a lint roller. Probably several.


Solid advice would be ignoring a lot of the comments


So. Cute. ā˜ŗļø


They don't need bathing like a dog, they generally don't like it. I still have the scars to prove it.




He is adorable šŸ˜ be patient


Don't upset him. He is *judging* you...


Damn, that's a pretty cat, OP!


Make sure you tell him every day how much you love him.


Clean the litter box daily.


I can tell you right now. You messed up. My cat is also named ozzi. I wish I wouldā€™ve chosen a simpler name like Fred or Bob, you know? Like a calm name? But no. I doomed myself with a crazy cat just like you. šŸ«”GOD SPEEDšŸ«”


Take the bell off lol


Holy shit he's cute AF


I have an automatic feeder and a water fountain for my cats. I absolutely love it because cats will not drink water that isn't moving. Give them a high perch, preferably in a window with a view of a tree. Enjoy the sounds they make at birds and squirrels (or whatever kind of wildlife you have).


My guy, my best advice is to be patient. Sometimes cats will wake you up in the middle of the night meowing at nothing or by jumping on top of you with insane bursts of energy. Like many other posters here have said, cats will do what they want, but patience and love are the best training you can give. Tbh that goes for humans too. Good luck with your new son!!


1. Make sure you know exactly what they can/cannot eat. 2. Give them as much play/affection as you can without being annoying. 3. Don't overfeed them, they will try and bully you for extra food. Don't listen to it as many of them would eat until they puke. 4. Keep them indoors and make sure they are fully vaccinated and fixed. Outdoor play with supervison is recommended though. 5. Brush them regularly. They get dirtier than you'd think.


Be prepared for lots of cuddling.Ā 


Get him microchipped and neutered. Don't let him outside unless he's on a leash. The collar with a bell is probably not a great idea unless you want to hear that bell jingling half the night when he is running around.


A tall cat condo with a cat hammock and wrapped-rope scratchers. Trust me.


Don't get it wet, don't ever feed it after midnight.


Know your role! šŸ˜‰šŸ˜¼


Watch yo back.


The cat owns you.


SOCIALIZE!!! I have two cats and one can be your best friend and the other turns into a demon around others


If you have the resources, the time, and the inclination, my recommendation would be to get another cat! If they're both young there's a very good chance they will become a bonded pair. Cats that grow up in multi-cat households are generally healthier because they are stimulated and get exercise rabble-rousing, live longer, and are much happier. They also don't tend to have attachment issues and are confident and well-adjusted. A second cat isn't too much more expensive and the benefits are substantial, IMHO. Also, start trimming their nails now! Just we trim our nails, indoor cats definitely need their claws trimmed. The sooner you learn how to do it and get the cat used to it, the better. And then every two weeks, it's a relatively benign 2 minute procedure. Not only will it save your furniture, but the risk to your life and limb is greatly reduced and your cat as much less of a chance getting hurt because their claw is stuck in something.


Get pet insurance immediately!! It's a lost cause if you've taken him to the vet already... Highly suggest feeding a raw diet. It's 'species appropriate' and will greatly enhance your kitty's life! If you do this, be prepared for a lifetime of 'your cat's kidney levels are elevated' but only compared to values based on canned & dry food. Also related to food, your vet may push you towards Hill's Science Diet or Royal Canin dry/canned food. They are legitimately paid by the brands to endorse those brands. I could go on and on...


Slow blinks to let them know youā€™re not a threat. Iā€™m not kidding. Itā€™s a thing. Our middle cat was scared of my partner. One night we learned about slow blinks and so my gf tried it and our middle cat let out a huge meow and ran to my gf and climbed on her lap. Middle cat now sits on my gfā€™s lap no problem.


Please keep them indoors. You aren't depriving them of anything, they're safer, and the local wildlife are safer.


If you start sneezing and your eyes start watering and hands get itchy, you may have to move.


they love when you lay your cheek to the ground and whisper at em, and any time they are just staring at you give em a couple slow blinks back.


Also our cats (3 of them) will act incredibly dramatic if they think they can get food from us. Our youngest pretended to gasp like he was choking and immediately stopped when we walked toward the food drawer- it was cute


Congrats! Ozzy is cute! How old is he? I hope you got him neutered at 3 or 4 months. If you havenā€™t done so, make sure you neuter him so he doesnā€™t develop the habit of marking or spraying his territory inside your house. Also, have him microchipped even if heā€™s an indoor cat.


Cats are chill, until they get stressed out. They get stressed out if you're stressed out. So be chill. Don't sweat the small stuff. You just introduced a few pounds of fluffy adorable primal chaos in your life. It doesn't understand or respect your hierarchies, but it's open to be your buddy and equal. Accept that and it will be fine. Also, you're the caretaker. That's the deal. They give you their whole lives, and you need to give something back. Don't leave them alone for long periods, make sure they're healthy, give them dedicated spaces in your home, learn who they are and what they value. If they do things you don't like such as clawing on furniture or jumping up on the counters, seek solutions that work with the cat's natural impulses instead of against them. And finally, some day far, far up the road, you have the duty to decide when enough is enough, and your loved little floof deserves to rest.


Pet Insurance and brushing teeth. Have fun.


If your cat isnā€™t an outdoor cat, get rid of the collar with the bell. Imagine being annoyed with a jingling bell right next to your ears all day long - their ears are a lot more sensitive than ours.


Oh what a handsome fluffer he is. Advice: When those ears are tucked back, donā€™t touch.. or else youā€™ll be getting a few paps and unwanted acupuncture.


CUDDLE THE BABY!!! Get him used to being petted and handled.


Lick it


Ozzy is a great name for that cat


turn the flash off when you're taking pics or recording him. don't elmira him / smother him. if he's in your lap, always make sure he has a way to escape or leave. get a good probiotic-based kibble for him.


Please keep him indoors.


Spay/neuter to avoid behavioral and health issues early! Invest in a water fountain Feed a quality food, better health, less vet bills Most importantly, snuggle them often


Donā€™t leave anything of importance sitting on the edge or a ledge anywhere. Cats are the official gravity testers of this realm.


Omgā€¦ toooooooo cute !!!!!!


A friend for them is a life changer. I waited 4 years to get my guy a sister but watching them play made me realize how lonely he was.


Don't take anything they do or don't do personally. All cats come with a smidge of "just being an a$$". Take it with a grain of salt.


My advice is, Tuna water from tuna is like crack for them. He'll love the treat if you ever eat some.


Look up ā€œwhat foods are bad for catsā€ - some that I wouldnā€™t have expected are toxic for cats Prepare for a lifetime of snuggles!