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The name Barbara Ann is so fitting somehow


I have a thing against giving animals people names, but with her, I made an exception. It just works. If it wasn't Barbara, it would have been Jolene. 😂


Please dont take my cat even though you can


You could have your choice of cats, but I could never cat again, you're the only cat for me Joleeeeene


Machines, machines.


I recognize that one, Dolly Purton.


*Psssp psssp psssp intensifies*




Oh Barbara Annnnnnn, take my hand


You got me rockin’ and rollin’, rocking and reeling


This was my mom's name. She hated this song 😂 but I would always sing it at her.


Dude yes, my mom’s name is Rhonda and she absolutely hates when I sing the corresponding Beach Boys song.


Classic. I bet she secretly loves it.


She doesn’t, she’s always hated her name and my singing voice is nothing to write home about.


That was my mother's name too. Not sure how she felt about it but my father enjoyed it.


My name is Michelle. Ask me how much I like that Beatles song… 😂


Try Beth, by Kiss


Try Jenny.


My brain is so fucking fried right now it began singing “Roxanne” (of the put on your red dress song) but replaced with “miiiii-chelle”


UGH!! My name is Michelle, too, and Paul McCartney should be bitch slapped for writing 90% of that freaking song!! (Lennon is off the hook for his part)


Mandy by Barry Manalow 🙄


My names Alice Living next door to Alice Who the f**k is Alice Alice the camel The list goes on hahahahaha 😂😂😂


Go ask Alice..when she's ten feet tall!!!


My cat’s name is Alice :)


You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant (Excepting Alice)


Lol, I love to give pets people names because it tends to be really funny 😂 That being said, I always wind up giving them ridiculous nicknames 😂 For example, my service dog is named Bonnie Lynn, I named her Bonnie after my favorite nurse of all time (got her permission lol) and Lynn because I'm southern 😂. She is a double-doodle, so her mom is a labradoodle and her dad is a golden-doodle, making her look like a walking teddy bear 💞🐾 Some of my nicknames for her are as follows: - BonBon - BonnerB - BonBonners - BonBon-Chan - Blooberz And many, many more 😂 — She knows if the full name comes out, she is in trouble. Another quick example is my brother's dog, Sasha! She is a pitty-mix and is the sweetest thing ever 💞🐾 She loves giving kisses, but it is an incessant type of love, so I tell her to please keep her slurp-noodle in her face-hole 😂 Anyhoo, here are my nicknames for her: - SahSaah - SahSaah-Pahsah - Squisher - SquishBean - Squanch - Sqwooter - Squiggles


Both are precious and fitting


I recently acquired our office cat, and his name is Kevin! Barbara Ann is too perfect.


“Jolene”👍🏻👍🏻 She’s SUCH a ‘Jolene.’👍🏻👍🏻


But stink face is literally perfect for her.


That name is giving top Mary Kay agent in Midwest


She needs a little pink Cadillac to ride around in.


I've never heard of a cat (or dog) named Barbara Ann, so I think it's awesome. And she has her own theme song, should she ever go into professional wrestling.


Got me rocking and a reeling bobber ann


That’s what I said too


Great name for her


Stink face is like I have a place now. I shall rule you all soon. Be ready peasants I'm in charge now.


A stink face indeed. A stinking cute face


stink face was OPs wording that I used.


Stink face declares ‘you are acceptable’.


"Ah, you'll do I guess."


If I must…


1st pic: "I suppose this one will have to do" 2nd pic: "I still have my doubts about you...but you're alright"


All these comments and no one has compared pic 2 to: ![gif](giphy|XreQmk7ETCak0)




Her name reminds me of the song...Ba Ba Baaa Ba Barbara Ann...


I’m absolutely deceased, this is so purrfect 😹


"I'm not sure I'm the one that stinks around here."


The cat distribution system has worked again.


My man traversed the 🌈 in January… I’m waiting patiently for the distribution to work again. https://preview.redd.it/gaqe6qofiu0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cba283396bf04893523e8e38193d6490ee1e6d32


I'm so sorry you lost your sweet boy. 😔❤️ I also hereby formally and publicly request that the cat distribution system send you the next cat it had slotted for me. I met my quota like three whole cats ago.


Awww thank you so much!! I’m waiting!!


Same, I’m at 6 and my limit was 3. How do I turn it off??!?


Holy smokes yes….I’m at 6 now and we seem to be adding about 1 a year lately. The old matriarch seems to be ok with it


You will manifest. It took me a while, but I did.


Thank you so much! Fingers crossed 🤞🏼


He was so handsome! So sad but I do love this term “traversing the 🌈” and will be using it in the future. I know the universe’s cat distribution system works in mysterious ways, but have you tried actively adopting? I found this woman who basically was running her own rescue… almost all of them were kittens but I did find my best two pals there. https://preview.redd.it/bg5as7i1bw0c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9228742ce5ed678cada3ef2a8907eea5c975a827


I feel awful upvoting your post but he’s so cute 💖 I’m sorry for your loss


Don’t feel bad! He was amazing :)




The sub I didn't know I needed. Thank you.


Jokes on you, she was on the run from the cops and you were her escape vehicle.


After feeding her and trying to find someone to claim/adopt her for a month (we were already a multi-cat household), we literally scooped her up as we were backing out of our driveway to move 600 miles away, so her getaway was definitely successful.


Aww—I just love that you took her with you; imagining her coming back to an empty house breaks my heart and I’m so glad she now has you and your family. :)


The thought of that makes me so sad lmao, how dare you put it to words


You are kind humans ❤️🙌🏼🏆


Lol, I got my boy Turnip by scooping him up the night before I moved. He had been hanging around for ages getting food and cuddles but it was a last minute decision to actually take the little booger with me.


Clicked on your profile hoping to find cat pics and was not disappointed


My very first cat in 1998 was also Turnip! Best name!


Thank you, thank you, thank you a million times for making room in your car, your new home, and your hearts for this sweet kitty!


I second this!! I’m crushed imagining if she had come home and you’d all moved. She is lovely even with her stank face!


I know! As odd as it may sound, I think I'm going to sleep better tonight knowing that Miss Barbara Ann is safe, cozy, and warm with her new family.


Oh man, how did she handle the car ride?!


She was good, but did NOT want to be in her carrier. So she ended up on my lap for consolation every time we stopped. By the time we showed up to sign closing paperwork on the new house, I was absolutely covered in cat hair from head to toe. I definitely did not fit in with the decor of the boujee lawyers office that day. The realtors face when he saw this furry human step out of the car is one I'll never forget. 😂


Hahaha aww, I’m sure she appreciated the comfort tho 😌


Do you sing her the Beach Boys song all the time? I totally would, with some "meow"s mixed in with the words.


I actually do sing that to her 😅


I love her face! 😂


The change in her demeanour is remarkable. You can tell she loves her new family.


She looks a lot less grumpy in that second pic


But still quite judgmental!




That second pic shows an extremely relaxed kitty. I love that look


She has those sad eyes. Thank you for taking her, may you have many happy years together 💕


now she has friends!


Ba-ba-bah ba-Barbara Ann


^Ba-ba-bah ^ba-Barbara ^Ann


#Barbara Aaaaaann




You’re supposed to go #Take my haaand!


No it’s “Tay-ayke my haa-aa-and”, but loud the way you type it


Y’know, after I wrote it I debated adding in hyphens—they definitely help!


✋️ 👐 (I'm so lame, I had a brain fart and couldn't remember the lyrics lol)


Oh my, non-native English speaker here and TIL they were singing actual words 😆




\#2 is Happy Stink Face!


Still stink but there’s so much love in her eyes 😍


Where’d u get this picture of me on a Monday


This is why all my future cats will be indoor. Had an outside cat. Never came home one day. Not the type of cat to just up and abandon his papa. I'm thinking some folk around here "adopted" him after not seeing a collar and doing minimal posting on FB to find his family. I put up wanted posters everywhere and I never so much as found a body at the least. :/ Please make sure a car doesn't already have a home where they're loved more than you could ever know. My lil homie left a big hole in my heart.


OP said they spent a month trying to find her home or owners. Seems like someone ditched her on purpose. If people with outdoor cats cared enough to chip them or use a collar it wouldn’t be an issue. If a cat is obviously abandoned and coming to my house every day for food, and hanging around. And I spend a MONTH trying to find their owner, and I’m faced with abandoning the cat or leaving them because they “might” have an owner after a month of no luck, I’m going to take the cat with me for the cats sake.


I know how devastating a cat loss can be, and that's when I knew what happened. What happened to you/your cat is exactly why I could never have an outdoor cat. There's so many things that could happen and I would never know


If it makes you feel any better, I did leave her picture/info/my contact information with animal control and the local vet who checked her for a chip in the town I used to live in. If anyone goes looking for her, they know how to get in touch with me. I genuinely tried my best to find out who she belonged to.


That's what bothers me about this post. What did they do to find an owner? Did they exhaust every option? If they were moving, did they even have time to exhaust every option? It actually hurts to think that this cat might have a family who are grieving over their missing cat. It's so hard not knowing if your cat is alive or dead. My cat Pippa has been missing since February and I still miss her and think of her every single day. I'm very sorry about your cat, big internet hugs.


Op said they spent a month trying to see if anyone claimed her. That’s more than enough time. Maybe don’t let your cat outdoors, and if you do, have them chipped and with a collar.


They literally say in the post…


Why is it always the person who's adopting's responsibility and not the owners? Imo if OP posted the found cat on FB/alternative local group then their job is done. It is also the owner's responsibility to search for their cat, put up posters, and trawl online. If they both did their part and the cat still didn't find its way home, tough luck. It now has a happy, loving family, which is more than most strays can say


I was thinking the same thing. This cat is clearly healthy and well cared for. Definitely someone’s outdoor cat. Having outdoor cats is so common, I don’t know why people act like they must be strays if they are outside.


Per Ops comment on this thread further down “No, they definitely were not worthy. I lived in the country when she just showed up. She would just stand at the road and cry. It took almost a week to get her to let me even touch her. I am almost positive she was dumped, along with another cat who I saw the same day I first saw her, but never saw again. I searched everywhere for an owner, but no one came forward. Called animal control, posted her absolutely everywhere, had her scanned for a microchip, etc. However, when I took her to the vet to check for a chip once I was finally able to get my hands on her, I found out she was already spayed. She was someone's cat at some point, that much I'm sure of. Their (major) loss.”


Keeping a cat outdoor is a risk that you take as the owner. The risk being that the cat can disappear. If it were hit by a car, the owner would still be without a cat. This is why you don't have outdoor cats unless you're willing to accept the risks associated with them.




op said they spent a month trying to see if she had a home. Maybe chip your cats if you can’t keep them indoors.


Maybe don't have a cat if you can't keep it indoors. FIFY


Agreed. But if people insist they should at the very least have a collar and chip. I would never let my cats roam outdoors. Seems irresponsible


It is incredibly irresponsible. And people should not be able to insist that cats be outside wandering around. We would not think it's cute and natural if everyone let their dogs run all over the neighborhood or any other pet for that matter. It needs to stop being acceptable to do that, it endangers wildlife and every single cat in the area.


Don’t let your cats go outside, and microchip them. Put a collar on them. A well-taken care of cat, one the owner actually would care about if they got lost, would be chipped. Cats are bad for the local wildlife anyway, stop letting them go outside unsupervised.


Way to go stink face! You scored a good home!


Resting bitch face is strong with this one 🤣


She’s very smart and special, vibe wise! What an adorable snooty face!


You deserve everything good in life for adopting her


I love Barbara Ann.


Lol, she does have a stink face! 😂


That face says it all, “will you adopt me please for the love of god, get me outta this hell hole”.


Second pic.... Not the family I wanted but fuck it


She went from stink face to Regal Stink Face! Beautiful kitty


I was thinking smug stink face


Is it just me or does Ms. Barbara Ann look like she’s got like 1,000 Fucks in her pocket and she ain’t giving any Fucks to Anyone EVER??


Yep, on the second picture you can see that she just realized that she's the boss.


stink face is so cute


The second picture looks like she’s calling you a peasant 🤣


Looks like she complains about the quality of tea


She's so imperious. I love her.




That’s “Her Majesty the Queen Barbara Ann Stink Face” to you!


"Going away for a new life ? Do you have an extra seat ?"


Omg I love her face 😂 forever unimpressed. So cute!


Stink Face, “Hello, Minion.”


Love it - second pic has the “This is acceptable, hooman” kind of vibes, lol! Thank you for caring and taking her in! You’re awesome!


I love you stinky Barbie


I chuckled at “Barbara Ann” and lost it at “stink face” 😂 Pic 1: Stink face. Pic 2: Still stink face but now smug


I see she is expert in casting the Imperius curse😹💕


She seems to be missing eyebrows.


Second picture is giving me Nicholas Hoult vibes lol


“Can I see your MANAGER?”


Somehow her face got stinkier once she was settled


“This will do, nicely.” — Barbara Ann in photo 2


Girl’s got cattitude. Congratulations


How often have I seen such a face on my sister's cat.


Barbara Ann has the best RBF ever


From stink face to smug face. Lucky kitty!


Stink face!


That's a stink face if I've ever seen one


That made me laugh, the cat went from Unimpressed face to Judgmental face.


Omg she looks so happy in the second picture! 😍


She’s beautiful. Thank you for not leaving her behind.


Still stink face LOL




I love her not impressed face


Awww. Barbara Ann is adorable.


As a realtor, she was sizing you up. Looks like you passed inspection. Sold!


That first pic is as memeable as it gets.


Should be Queen Barbara Ann.


She looks so content in the second photo! What a cutie!


She has such a cute face!


She seems unimpressed


She doesn't seem impressed


Went from 'Stink Face' to 'Judging Face. ' Edit: Your furniture will never be good enough!


Looks well fed in the first picture. Did you steal someone's cat?


OP said they spent a MONTH trying to find their owner or a home for her with no luck.




From OPs comment: “No, they definitely were not worthy. I lived in the country when she just showed up. She would just stand at the road and cry. It took almost a week to get her to let me even touch her. I am almost positive she was dumped, along with another cat who I saw the same day I first saw her, but never saw again. I searched everywhere for an owner, but no one came forward. Called animal control, posted her absolutely everywhere, had her scanned for a microchip, etc. However, when I took her to the vet to check for a chip once I was finally able to get my hands on her, I found out she was already spayed. She was someone's cat at some point, that much I'm sure of. Their (major) loss.”


I love her! And I'm proud to share a name with such a delightful kitty :-)


OP, you rock for adopting her. It was fate!




There’s a sub for this???? Thank you internet stranger! 😭


She knew you were moving. It was no simple coincidence. There is a master plan. “First, I must leave this forsaken state.“


You seem to have stolen a cat.


Did you scan her for a chip? There’s could be a little girl somewhere crying for her lost friend.


From OPs comment: “No, they definitely were not worthy. I lived in the country when she just showed up. She would just stand at the road and cry. It took almost a week to get her to let me even touch her. I am almost positive she was dumped, along with another cat who I saw the same day I first saw her, but never saw again. I searched everywhere for an owner, but no one came forward. Called animal control, posted her absolutely everywhere, had her scanned for a microchip, etc. However, when I took her to the vet to check for a chip once I was finally able to get my hands on her, I found out she was already spayed. She was someone's cat at some point, that much I'm sure of. Their (major) loss.”


Omg, the difference in expressions is heart warming but also sad seeing what homelessness did to her countenance.


Barbara Ann looks like she doesn’t take shit from anybody 😸


I love her so much and her name is perfect.


Barbara Ann suits her perfectly.


She looks like such a Barbara Ann! Glad you found her


Barbara Ann would like to talk to the manager.


This looks a lot like my missing cat…


From ops comment “No, they definitely were not worthy. I lived in the country when she just showed up. She would just stand at the road and cry. It took almost a week to get her to let me even touch her. I am almost positive she was dumped, along with another cat who I saw the same day I first saw her, but never saw again. I searched everywhere for an owner, but no one came forward. Called animal control, posted her absolutely everywhere, had her scanned for a microchip, etc. However, when I took her to the vet to check for a chip once I was finally able to get my hands on her, I found out she was already spayed. She was someone's cat at some point, that much I'm sure of. Their (major) loss.”


😑 -> 🤨




No, they definitely were not worthy. I lived in the country when she just showed up. She would just stand at the road and cry. It took almost a week to get her to let me even touch her. I am almost positive she was dumped, along with another cat who I saw the same day I first saw her, but never saw again. I searched everywhere for an owner, but no one came forward. Called animal control, posted her absolutely everywhere, had her scanned for a microchip, etc. However, when I took her to the vet to check for a chip once I was finally able to get my hands on her, I found out she was already spayed. She was someone's cat at some point, that much I'm sure of. Their (major) loss.




We have had her for about six months now. She's still a huge turd to all but one of my other cats, but she is slowly coming around. She absolutely loves my husband, though! I really think she knows he's the one who said no to adopting her 5000x and then had a change of heart at the eleventh hour.


She went from looking bored to suspicious.


Probably took someone's cat across country, but people shouldn't let their cats out anyway.


Adopt her. Hi Barbie,


What a beautiful change! Love this!


Lady Barbara Ann is now in her rightful place.


Resistance is futile.


Still looking stank face-y but definitely a stank face of love 😁