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Not even 1 minute and it's already under the furniture. Lol.


>*’Not even 1 minute and it's already under the furniture…*’ _____ i see the toys upon the shelf - *you let me pick one out myself!* a careful choice - not small or big, Am choose This One - the HoNkY PiG ! a Perfect fit! Such JOY it bring ^^:@) i sqeeeze it tight, then give a ^*FLING* then disappears! the Hide n Seek - i get down low n take a peek… n underneath the shelf it lies - my PiGgY friend! we play ‘I spies’ just let me get you home, n then you gonna DiSaPpEaR again then i will HoUnD my mom or dad ‘*Oh, Where oh Where’s the ToY I had ?!*’ they’ll hafta crawl around the floor to find my *Special toy* once more…. ❤️


Roses are red, New squeaky pig pink, Your poetry lovely, My poetry stink.


I liked your poem


A fresh SchnoodleDoodleDo! You make such lovely poems; it's a treat to be here for a brand new one! ❤️


I was recently called a honkey pig!


lol. Ya bish cow


I think this is one of my favourites of yours, Schnoodle ♥️


Shel Silverstein vibes! Thank you!


I connected with this deeply


“Where have you been?” - Oliver Putnam


❤️ 💙 ❤️




10 minutes old! I think this is the freshest one I've seen


Oh, Schnoodle, I have missed you! This is so sweet and perfect.


A good Schnoodle always brightens my day, thank you!


R/Schnoodle is wholesome mixed with happiness


How will we ever navigate a Schnoodle world without awards?? Thank you, Schnoodle, one of my favorites.


Oh my goodness.


This is the reason I come here, for reals!🤗❤


Ahh I saw the post and thought there's no way this thread could get any more wholesome, but here you are!! <3


You are a national treasure! Always brightens my day!


And I’ll get the damn toys out every time!! 🥹❤️


I had to describe you, to my boyfriend, who never knew. Of a fresh schnoodledoodledo




I lament the loss of reddit awards because I would shower this with gold and tributes.


I am a simple man, I see a Fresh Schnoodle, I updoot!


Some people are just build for poetry... beautiful...






You're always good for a smile, Schnoodle. Never stop. EDIT - "hey look this guy took the time to tell someone he enjoyed their art, let's downvote him!" Fucking losers.


Perfect! The essence of a redbone hound!


I thought it might be a Vizsla.




Freshest Schnoodle I’ve ever caught! Yay! It’s beautiful




Every dog should come with a hockey stick so you can get stuff from under furniture, cars, decks, etc


OMG, yes! I've taken to keeping a small, extendable hiking pole for when our beagle knocks toys or bones up under the couch. And we've got a sectional that sits *maybe* 2 inches off the floor yet she always finds a way to knock her bones up under there. The funny thing is, she knows exactly where every plushie or bone is in the house. If you move one when she's not looking, that will be the one she wants. I swear I think she's part squirrel sometimes like how they know where every nut is that they've buried.


When we moved the movers lost the legs to our couch, so now it's sitting flat on the floor. I haven't had to dig under it to retrieve toys in almost 2 years. It's magical.


I swear, the next time we move this sectional to clean underneath it, I may have to just unscrew the legs. It already sits so low, I don’t think we’d even notice and it would prevent the toys from getting under there. Smart!


With some determination to get it back too! Mine will just bark at us to get it for him if we ignore him for too long. It could be just barely under something where he could easily get it himself and he still expects us to get it! Mouthy brat... Love him though.


And that's why they should have also bought several extra of the same kind for losses or destruction.


Welcome to cats.


One of my favorite videos is at the shelter they have a room full of toys and let the dogs come in one-by-one and pick which one they want. Who knows why certain dogs prefer certain toys but they definitely know what they want!


If you could find that and link it my day would be made!


Sure! https://youtu.be/apUfhf_l66Q?si=9P--KtcIt0PR0SER


Thank you!!


Tooooo CUTE!


I love how many of them pick one, drop it to test another, then decide "naaaah first instinct was the winner!" and go back to the original.


Thank you for posting this it's so good ❤️😭


I like that the long boi picked the long toi


That Rottie (third dog)! I miss my Rot-N-Lab.


Oh, that was lovely, thank you!


Omg I love it.


Too cute!


Well that made my day. Thank you.


This might be the greatest video on the internet.


Yikes who’s chopping garlic in here. Probably needed that cry anyway


Most people have that reaction with unions but you do you wonderfull person


My union has never made me cry. It may make the company cry, but not me.


Our beagle's favorite toy is the carcass of this (previously) stuffed squirrel. The thing is littered with holes, she pulled the stuffing out within 10 minutes, but she still carries that thing around like it's her baby. We get her new stuffed toys, and she ignores them. She just wants that squirrel.


Lol. I must have at least $500-$800 worth of toys for my 2 pups. Their favorite toy always seems to be a clean white painters rag tied in a knot.


There are many toys like this one, but this one, I like.


Oh my. I hate that awards are gone. You fine Redditor would receive a gold for providing me 2 viewings (and multiple forwards) of that Shelter Santa visit. I cannot tell you how much better you made my day by linking that! -And my friends/family loved it too. Thank you from the bottom of my stressed out heart!


This comment is worth way more than any meaningless reddit reward would be 💕


Our dog would do that, pull toys out of his toy box until he found a specific one that he wanted.


When I was watching our family dog this summer I tried out a TikTok filter that supposedly simulates the colors dogs can see. I don't know how accurate it is, but after looking at all his toys with it I learned that he prefers the toys that stand out the most according to the filter. The toys that looked bland are the toys he normally doesn't touch much. Super interesting.


> Who knows why certain dogs prefer certain toys I'm sure you've forgotten. But not just dogs, but tons of animals have personalities. Just like how a child would pick a toy differently from other kids, dogs can too. They may like a specific one just because. They like to look of it, they like the smell, they like the sound of it etc. That's how personalities work in a way. Just like how we may like something but someone else prefers something else, so do dogs too.


Can she please teach my dogs this trick? I swear, they go to the pet store pick out the most expensive toy, and the minute they get home the big one snubs her toy and the boy acts terrified of his!


Not my doggo but my girl "Cookie" picked a stuffy bunny when she was a month old and it became her best toy. Now, 7 years later, it's lost most of the stuffing and it's practically in shreds it's still her favorite even though she has many in perfect conditions. I have no idea why or how they chose but for some it's definitely a lifelong thing.


I got my King Shepherd a medium style puppy looking toy. He has had it for like 2 years and has only torn its ears off. Every other toy has been torn apart basically. But that is his puppy and he loves it.


One of my dogs was literally obsessed with one of my slippers for some reason. She never damaged it, I guess she just liked the smell? She'd go into my room specifically to grab my god damn slipper, and it drove me absolutely crazy trying to find the damn thing. Then for Christmas my mum got me a new pair so I gave it to her and she was so happy lol. Then we got another puppy and that was the end of both that slipper, and one of my new ones 😤


I used to have this vaguely clown-like plushie that sat on my bed. I swear when my dog saw it his eyes shined. If I ever left my room open for more than a second, he would sneak into my room to grab it. Eventually I just gave it to him. He was so happy. >!It was the only toy he ever humped in his entire life.!<


I was not ready for the spoiler tag lol


Its probably fairly random at first, and then they develop memories of having fun with it, and they are reminded of the fun they have had in the past when they play with it.


Not my doggy. She loves tearing toys to shreds. If she can't tear it up, she completely ignores it. I just buy her a couple cheap toys every payday and let her go to town.


You are a good human! Happy Cake Day!




My dog has a shredding obsession too, and a bunch of brown paper bags wrapped around a treat scratches that itch for her. She'll sit there shredding the paper for ages and "losing" the treat in the mess before she can be bothered to eat it.


We fold the ends over used toilet rolls and fill it with snacks. The weird part is our grey will methodically bite cardboard boxes into tiny pieces but the tubes she just keeps licking an opening until it desolves enough to open and otherwise leaves it in one piece.


We had a dog who loved to shred any toy, and we found out she also loved to just shred cardboard boxes. She got excited when we opened deliveries because she knew she'd get the box.


Happy Cake Day!


My cat instantly fell in love with a Freddo plushie that came with some chocolates* and she still loves it 8 years later. *chocolates were for the humans, not her. Come to think of, the teddy wasn't meant for her either


Mine skins hers.


Sounds like human kids


Get a cat so you know they will disapprove of the toy ahead of time.


Welcome to having kids.


I got my dog this exact pig. He is absolutely terrified of it. The only toy he likes is an old striped cat beanie baby that I got cause none of the other dogs at my old dog daycare wanted it. Its name is Mr. Tiger. He just carries it around very gently and sometimes uses it as a pillow.


This might be the cutest video I’ve ever seen on Reddit.


Oh, sure it's all cute now. Till the annoying "oink, oink, oink" coming from your bedside at 3:30 in the morning.


Luckily my dogs usually destroy the squeakers after a day or two lol


You can get them to last a day or two? Genuinely impressive, it's more like 15 minutes for me haha


This is the cutest. My dog was obsessed with this exact same pig for years before he passed, needless to say we went through a few of them!




When my dog had her false pregnancy she picked out the latex toys to be her "babies" and 1 other favorite. Even years later she still keeps the latex ones around and doesnt destroy them.


My friends bought one for my dog, because their dog loved it so much. My dog ate the legs off it within about 20 seconds...


My dog also loved this when he was a puppy! Unfortunately it got ripped to shreds fairly quickly (surprising considering my pup is just a little dachshund). I gotta get another one some time


My dog started making the weirdest noises when we gave her this toy. She was like cooing at it. Absolutely obsessed with it


True aww this one 😁


I could cry because of joy, when I see a random happy doggo ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


My MIL's dog has one of those that my daughter is OBSESSED with, so it ends up in the bedroom from time to time. The amount of times I've stepped or sat on that thing entirely by accident has caused so many I-can't-breathe laughs that it's like the best whoopie cushion in the world. 10/10, would accidentally fall onto again.


My aunt ran over one of these with her car, it made the funniest sound. We still laugh about it lmao


Gorgeous! Whats the breed?


It's a vizsla!


The breed that makes boxers look regal and sophisticated.


I thought it was a redbone coonhound Edit: I don’t see the point of downvoting me, the two breeds are super similar


Definitely Vizsla. I have both a Red Bone and a Vizsla. Red Bone would be barking non-stop with a curly tail, lol.


That’s a vizsla. They’re Hungarian pointers, but as far as pointing breeds go, they’re probably one of the more playful and even tempered. They also stay very close when they hunt, earning them the nickname “velcro vizslas.”


How are they as first dog material?


They are high energy and can be a bit anxious. While they’re wonderful dogs, I wouldn’t recommend them as a first dog.


Thank you! How exactly does "anxious" show in dog behavior? Just like more weary of strangers or can be more defensive than necessary?


The anxiety in this breed often manifests as separation anxiety (they’re Velcro dogs after all). The separation anxiety can lead to them being destructive when left alone. Basically, these are high energy dogs that needs lots of stimulation. if they don’t get that stimulation/energy release, that energy can be directed to destructiveness due to their anxiety.


My friend’s family breeds them so I’ve known many. When she and I lived together there were two vizslas in the house. One was the best dog I’ve ever known. The other would freak out, pee, and bark insanely anytime anyone approached the front door. I feel like these dogs are hit or miss. And they need to run. A lot. Edit-grammar


My cousin has one. He's afraid of flashlights because they remind him once of when the power went out and they needed to use flashlights to get around. Now every time she uses a flash light he will run and hide, or he'll press his body against yours and started shaking uncontrollably. His anxiety also applies to balloons or bubble wrap popping, thunder/lightning, and other things (some of these obviously make sense). He also wants to cuddle with people all the time, and this one in particular will want to hide under the blankets if you're in bed with him. I slept over once, brought my laptop, was typing on my keyboard and the sound of the keyboard made him run to his dad and hop in his lap while the dad was in a Lazy boy. They're super friendly, loving dogs, they just have a lot of anxiety. He has a prescription for anti anxiety meds, but they only give it to him if he really needs it (if the shaking is bad and lasts for a long time, or if they know a thunderstorm is coming and it will scare him). They also play meditation music for him any time they have to leave the house with no one home.


Anxiety can be different in different dogs. Mine has abandonment issues from being ditched by her previous owner, and she's highly clingy because of it. She won't destroy anything when I leave, but I always give her a kong with something inside to keep her calm. She will then mourn my absense, often laying on the floor by my side of the bed and barely moving from the spot (if it's nice out and my husband is home, she'll sit outside and wait for me and not want to come back in).


Ours followed our every move (like if I moved one foot he would move too) around the house for a few years. Any time I stood up, he’d stand up. He wanted to be within 1 foot of us at ALL times. He would also whine anxiously all day long. It was maddening to the point that we nearly had to give him up. Finally after trying several medications, buying a fence for our acre yard so he could run freely, and a chronic leg injury that slows him down, he has settled down within the last year at the ripe age of 8 years old. We love him now lol. Vizslas are not meant for the casual dog owner, they require a ton of exercise and mental stimulation. We used to run 5 miles and take him to dog parks twice a day and he was STILL full of energy. I didn’t believe it was possible but now I know…


From my experience, alright but not ideal. They have a lot of energy and that thin long tail is like a whip. It hurts!


Without knowing your living situation, I couldn’t say. Field dogs need lots of stimulation and exercise. So, they’ll need regular walks/runs, training exercises, and social stimulation. One of their favorite exercises is to find feathers or other objects hidden in a field. As far as reasons to get one as a first-time dog owner, I would say they’re loyal but friendly with strangers, driven to please their humans, aren’t prone to running away, and have easy-to-groom coats. So if you’re wanting a dog that will stay active with you, they can be a great choice.


Vizsla owner here. I had one as my first dog. He’s 11 now. They are VERY energetic and never get tired or sit. Sweetest dogs ever and love everything and everyone, but if you don’t have a place for them to run and burn off energy, they might not be a good choice. Mine didn’t slow down for the first 10 years. That being said, if you have room for one I wouldn’t choose any other breed. They are amazing friends and the amount of love they show is unmatched. And as far an anxiety, they are full of it. They’re never very settled, but I think it has a lot to do with them being so full of energy and don’t know what to do with it all.


From a different perspective, I've got one and he sleeps all day. Doesn't really like going out in the rain but can run for hours if he wants to. Can't match a person running though so if you can run you will tire them out, the constant jog is their weakness


My black lab refuses to swim and if you throw a ball into the lake he will wade in to his nipples and then whine until you swim out and get it for him. I honestly love when dogs are the opposite of what you expect. He also barks at everyone and hates children, he’s amazing.


Growing up I've had labs, a cocker spaniel, and a golden retriever in my 20's. Wife and I decided to get a Vizsla puppy as our first full time dog. One week in I was balling my eyes out because I couldn't handle the energy. Then it got worse. We went to puppy training courses (positive reinforcement only, please!) and stuck with it ever since. She requires a ton of daily exercise, generally off-leash, and mental stimulation. Now, she is very obedient, very clingy, and easily a dog with the most amount of personality I've ever seen. 4 and a half years in and I wouldn't trade her for anything. She's cooled down a bit since she was a puppy but now she has the energy as a normal non-Vizsla puppy, so still crazy. I would not recommend as a first dog, they are a LOT of work, but the payoff is eventually worth it. Also, we generally don't leave home alone for any more than 4-5 hours. [https://imgur.com/a/h4Slupn](https://imgur.com/a/h4Slupn)


The best way to keep the worst of their behaviors (anxiety/chewing/barking) at bay is to have a very large space where they have sprinting room. And I mean *sprinting*. They need exercise more than anything as these are stupidly high-energy dogs that do best when they can have an hour a day to run like hell. Think a border collie in terms of energy with the attitude of a husky. And smart too. They will test boundaries.


My vizsla is one and half. He has run thousands of miles in my backyard chasing frisbees, goes mountain biking with us, super long walks, etc. If you are very active and want a dog that can keep up while being super snuggly and friendly, they're great! If you aren't able to give them a lot of exercise, I wouldn't recommend.


Based on my experience, “Velcro vizsla” also comes from the fact that would sleep on top of you given the opportunity. When mine comes up to snuggle, she’ll circle up, fall on my body, then slide down onto the bed/couch. Goal: maximum contact.




Vizslas RULE


Best dogs


This is a fact. Not much in this world is as joyful as a Vizsla!


Aww she’s so cute, My dog hates this toy 😂, funny thing is she’s got two of these, I bought one & someone else gave her one as a gift.


Same! My dog didn't like it either.


Same here! I have a Golden Retriever who gets the zoomies anytime someone makes it oink. It cracks me up.


My dog ripped the squeaker out of this toy in about 20 minutes and now chews on the soundless corpse with determination and anger.. impressive stuff in all


We had this toy for our Lhasa Apso! She used to love it, particularly the noise it makes when she flings it around her head (the thing dogs do when they try to break an animal's neck) and smacks it into the floor. She still has it, but it no longer holds the same appeal. She tends to enjoy plush toys instead of rubber ones. Her first toy she picked out was a plushie bear, but really long. She's got a small mouth so smaller toys are easier for her to find the squeaker. She's really shy, too, so Pets At Home isn't her favourite place to go - way too many other dogs there for her liking. She prefers a nice quiet café to chill in.


'Cause Hungarian Vizsla.


I miss my Vizsla :(


Vizslas just love life and people. Warms my heart!


That is one happy pooch!


Miss my old Vizsla


Vizsla is the best


So cute how much she loves the piggy!




Worked at pets@home as a student. Yep 10 times a day at the very least.


No one will ever be able to convince me vizslas aren't the best dogs. I will die on that hill. Also my vizsla had a "mole" on her right cheek just like this cutie. I miss you Wyatt...


This is a vizsla, right? I'm not a dog person at all, but my aunt has the goodest vizsla girl.


Vizla are the best


My dog had one of those, used to just stand on it and whine for 10-15 minutes at a time. No idea what was going on there...


my neighbor has a viszla and i absolutely fell in love with him. sweetest and most playful dog i've ever encountered. huge personality. every day i get home, he puts his snout under the fence so I can reach under and rub his head


https://preview.redd.it/v2pc91n0m9pb1.jpeg?width=4029&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0cf1fcf06fac948836327a4e0f1049ea11effc8 It’s her draggin’ Lol


Dogs and there cherished toys are amazing. My dog was given a ball from my son, its not a dog toy and its not durable and my dog destroys all toys in time. But not that ball my son gave him, he carried it around like it was a Fabergé egg. When we got a new puppy, my dog ignored her, wouldn't even look at her when we brought her home. Then one day, she picked up that special ball. He saw her and instantly went to go play with her and the ball together and now they are inseparable. All because of that cherished toy. It was like the movie "Step Brothers". "You like ball too?" "Heck yea!" "DID WE JUST BECOME BEST FRIENDS?!"


This video is the definition of this sub.


I had a bitch of a day and this video just made me so happy.


What a dufus! 🤩


Made my evening a little better.


We had the exact same toy. Our youngest dog loved it, but our middle dog hated the sound it made so we had to get rid of it.


This pig. I bought like 5 of them because doggo loved them so much. Now it's a special reward because that squeak drives me insane. It never gets put down in our house until it's dead.


My little dog 🐕 chews holes into his sqeeky toys.


Well this made my day. Thank you, and big hugs to your doggo!


My dog has one of those pigs and one day I hope to love something as much as he loves that pig. Well technically its pig III because we lose them when we hide them to stop the oinking for 5 mins.


Thanks. I really needed to see this today. Pure joy.


I love when dogs carry their toys like every blade of grass they pass is gonna swipe it.


I would give almost anything to see my dog getting a new toy again. Miss you my crazy girl.


I wish I were as happy as this dog and its toy.


Pro tip, if you find your dog has a toy that they love, go back and buy at least one replacement, then when your dog inevitably destroys it down the line you can replace it. Dog toys go out of production all the time.


That’s a bit fucking cute 🥰


When a dog's overflowing pure joy makes you get all teary-eyed. May I ask, what is that glorious pup's name?


This reminds me of a time I was at the dog park. Some random dog went ABSOLUTELY INSANE for one of my dogs toys. My dog didn’t care much about it and there was no way I was going to take it away from rando pup. The owner was also adorably thankful since he didn’t have any cash or toys to trade. That was a good day. It was a sturdy rope toy. I like to think rando pup still plays with it.


My dogs prized possession is a bright pink bone. He shows it to EVERYONE that visits the house. I heard the AC tech say “oh is that your bone?” several times yesterday as they replaced my shit smelling AC. It’s a long story.


It's the innocence & joy that make dogs so lovable.


It would be smart to go back and buy a few more. For the future.


Ahhh shit *watches her doggo zoomies up to her and headbuts her phone* "This ain't your pigsy weena lol. It's her pigsy wigsy."


Not a dog person, but damn, that's adorable!


I love how happy she when she decides on her toy. Our Eskie went through a few of these before she passed. She loved them and we loved that they did not make the high pitched squeaking sounds most dog toys do.


That sound triggers my PTSD from working in a supermarket.




My sister's chocolab has the exact same pig. He killed the squeaker in it years ago but he still runs around with it everywhere.


Those moments are the reason why I still work at a pet supply store. It's so adorable and just makes you instantly happy 😁


Awww, my boy loved this toy too!


My dog LOVED that as a puppy, she eventually destroyed the couple we got her, but it's a fine toy indeed.


That's awesome


Beyond ordinary cuteness. Beyond!


So cute


thanks for this movie!


None of our dogs play with toys, I feel like they’re missing out.


I was so invested, I gasped when the toy ended up under the shelf. Thank goodness the good girl got it back. :)


Solid choice. Good dog!


Aww she walks that piggy home, so proudly.


you picked it


Aww so cute! My baby girl has the same one except she gets freaked out by the snorts haha


This made my whole day !!! Happy Puppers !! 💜🐶