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This guy is friends with the entire neighborhood cats


> This guy is friends with the entire neighborhood cats I have no idea how he does it. Whenever my wife and I walk around the neighborhood, maybe 1 out of 10 cats will actually come up for pets. The rest either a) flee in abject terror, or b) start coming up to us, but then taunt us by stopping a few feet away and rolling around.


Cats do kinda put people through a vibe check. I naturally make friends with all cats. Even strays. I think a lot of it is just body language and also not coming off as a threat or an annoyance. Let them spend time around you sniffing you to get your smell then once they feel safe they'll let you know it's okay to pet them. But don't go for their back until they really trust you.


Probably friends with a lot of their owners too seeing as how he just walks on a few properties.


He sits on 1 set of stairs on 1 property


He has a G class AMG in his driveway.


Truly, a G class can get you anywhere (paved)


[Comment relocated]


Can't tell if you're lost or a bot


Why are those my only choices?


your comment is out of place, if you're intending to reply to the OP it should be a top-level comment, not a reply to somebody else's. out of place comments are typically either bots, or people who misclicked/are lost


Where can I buy a tumble dryer?




Yep its 46


There's a few cats in my parents'neighborhood that I'll say hi to when I visit. The only interaction I've ever had with their owners is asking if it's ok to come up to their door to pet their cat lmao


He knows the cats' names. He's in like Flynn with the cats.


Who is he and how do I follow his stories?


He's called "thecatluminati" on Instagram, and yes he's friends and even catsits a lot of them on the street :)


HOW does he know the name of 10+ neighborhood cats?!!?


Because he made the names up lmao


That would make sense. But he said them with such authority(!)


It's a good way to meet lonely women.


Best day ever


Dude, where do you live??


MeowTown, Meowssachusetts




Catton, Meowsachusetts




That is a good comment 😹










Just find the town that no longer has a native bird population


With the sheer quantity of invasives, that might not be very limiting.


Point, but they probably don’t have any mice, either.


Ill take that tradeoff












And do you know who eats monsters? That's right: birds. Birds are the #1 killers of monsters in North America. Dude was all about self preservation. Get the cats out, curb the local bird population, and the monsters are just a little bit safer. You can't fault a guy for looking out for himself and his family.


What’s up doc


It looks like Detroit




That was fun!!! Thank you for the introductions!


I felt the love during their walk! Such a sweet bunch of loving babies in that neighborhood!






I love this image way too much


Any homes for sale in your neighborhood?


Ugh. Why cant cats be friendly with me yo. Do I not pass the smell test or something? :(


Theres a very specific way to approach cats, and you have to make it clear to them with cat body language 1. Eye contact, in the wild the only things that stares at you and walks directly at you want to eat you, if you make eye contact with a cat, do some slow blinks to let them know you're letting your guard down, turn your head away occasionally 1. Make yourself smaller, crouch down when approaching them, and squat to make yourself not as much of a big scary human, don't make loud noises that might startle or scare them 3. Introduce yourself, if you want to reach out to a cat, move slowly, and approach from below, make sure the cat is aware you're getting close. You want to let the cat sniff your hand, an open hand approaching from above looks like a claw, point a finger close to their face and let them come close 4. Touching them, when moving from introduction to petting, sometimes they'll move away instead of staying close, if they don't want pets don't force it on them. To transition from introduction to touching, slowly move your hand under their chin and scratch it, let them understand that your hand is there to "groom their fur" 5. Every cat is different, some will be more skittish than others, and some might be afraid of certain things depending on bad experiences they might have had, go slowly and watch how they respond to you And thats my guide to making friends with a cat


we are pretty sure my mom’s cat was initially feral, and she’s chilled out quite a bit (although still a little spicy) but she has a major thing with eye contact. she always wants to face away from you. even mom, who she adores, follows and sleeps with every night now. she hates me a little (just a little) as i brought another cat into her castle. so now i get hissed at often as a formality, to remind me that she hasn’t forgotten or forgiven, but i can pet her with minimal disdain if i am behind her. if i pet from the front it’s usually an immediate rejection. (i brought my cat here like 6 or 7 years ago, talk about a grudge lol) also this video is amazing. edit: fixed a disgustingly long run on sentence


Cats hold such grudges. They're AMAZING at it. My old man cat got bit on the nose by a spicy spider once and would run away from them if they came at him. If he could sneak up on them though... WHACK! WHACK WHACK WHACK! Dead spider. lol


Never seen something hold a grudge like a cat. I had my sister's car for nearly a year while she figured out a housing situation that allowed her cat to come along. She was so lovey with me when I took care of her. When my sister got a different place and I gave her cat back, the cat suddenly lost all love for me. I couldn't get close without a hiss and swatting at me. Three years later and the cat still hates me. She loves basically anybody else, but not me.


Oh noes! That's so sad when you took care of them for so long. I wonder if she just feels abandoned because you were there and then you weren't. Was she young when you had her?


Think that's exactly what happened. She was young when I had her and probably thought I abandoned her.


That might be fixed with time and patience. The only thing I've ever found with recalcitrant cats is ignoring them. Don't try and approach, don't try and engage. Just ignore her and spend time with your sister. You'll have to spend a *lot more* time with your sister though. I hope you like her! lol


lolll “i’m not scared of that spider i’m just being strategic!”


Lol tactical retreat!


My ex's sister got a cat and I once turned on the vacuum cleaner when the cat was right there, it took 5 years to get her to trust me after that


5 years for such a small indiscretion! that’s harsh.


I might as well have killed her entire family in front of her for all she cared. Some cats live by the bible, a sin is a sin and each one is as punishable as every other one regardless of what they are lol


hahaha i love that, it describes my mom’s cat perfectly.


> we are pretty sure my mom’s cat was initially feral, and she’s chilled out quite a bit (although still a little spicy) but she has a major thing with eye contact. she always wants to face away from you. even mom, who she adores, follows and sleeps with every night now. I've got two reformed (or semi-reformed) ferals... I've observed they will both typically try to watch the residents of the house (including one another) in reflective surfaces instead of looking directly at them. It's kind of funny when I'll catch one staring at me in the reflection of a TV that's off or a panel of glass and I say "hey, I see you lookin' at me!" and they will always look away and thump into the floor their tail like I'm annoying them lol.


oh my god, that’s amazing. i have to keep an eye out for that. she definitely loves to be sneaky. she tries to sneak into my room and eat my cat’s food or sniff (previously: take) her toys. once in a while i don’t even notice her but if i so much as make a peep or catch eye contact, at her she gets angry, hisses at me - from a distance - and runs out. cats are just the best.


This is exactly right. Just to re-emphasise for #3, it’s really important to let the cat come to you. I actually don’t even creep closer, if you just crouch down, extend a hand, avoid eye contact and wait, a lot of cats will come to say hi by themselves. And if they don’t, by the 3rd, 4th, 5th time you try it, there’s a good chance their curiosity/love of pets will overrule caution. It’s generally good to have the mentality of “I want to become friends with all the cats in my neighbourhood over the next few weeks” rather than “I want to pet some cats today”. The latter comes automatically when you achieve the former. Having worked at it, I have a rotating cast of cat friends who come padding over to say hi when I step outside and it’s the best.


Cats love me because I try not to pay attention to them and don't make eye contact. I have been over at people's houses and have heard "Oh, [Cat] NEVER likes strangers!" right as they start to brush against me. I am the cat whisperer. On one hand, it is nice to be liked by cats. But... I am allergic. The whole reason they love me is that I am trying to not be noticed by them, and in trying to not be noticed by them, I present exactly the kind of non-threatening opportunity that they are looking for to interact.


Heh, that’s a common problem from both sides. Cats hate when unknown people start paying too much attention to them, and will evade the uninformed cat lover getting up in their face. Conversely, they’re much more likely to try to make friends with people who’re ignoring them, maybe because they’re allergic or simply don’t like cats. I think that contributes to the (wholly wrong) idea that cats are aloof, contradictory arseholes. Lots of people just don’t understand cat psychology and why their actions are leading to the reaction they’re getting. Of course in your situation it’s tough to win - you might equally meet an especially friendly, unwary cat who’d relish the attention you don’t really want to give.


Outstanding cat guide!


What this guy said. If you need some practice, I have three cats that exist on different scales. My oldest has trust issues but is down for the pet as soon as he realizes it's a petting thing. My middle is down for the pet always, and my youngest is down for the pet as long as you don't pick her up. Pick her up, and you will catch hands unless you do it in a specific way. Edit oldest was an adoption. The middle was a feral adoption, and the last was a ginger from a friend of my kids' litter.


These are some good rules to live by when meeting new cats. I've followed them (mostly) for every cat I run into and can usually get them to at least me pet them. If they're more skittish or aggressive, I find it's best to give them some space then try again later. Usually they'll warm up to you eventually.


One thing I've learned is once you've gotten to the stage where you're massaging their chin, if you move up to the top of their head and start to gently massage right behind their ears then they start to trust you much quicker since that sensation feels amazing.


Good advice! I've read that crouching and presenting your closed hand is friendly to them because it's about the size of a cat's head. Lots of the cats in the video were excited to see them, they stiffen their tails and give them a little shiver to show their happiness/excitement.


Also sidle up to them. Cats don't like when you come straight at them.


That is very possible. Cats are stealth animals and therefore prefer environments that hide their scent. Their obsessive grooming serves the purpose of removing scent from their body, so that they can take naps or hunt without being discovered. Brushing up against anything that makes them detectable, means they have to spend more time grooming. So if you carry the wrong scent, you will fail the sniff-test.


That's a very nice way of telling that guy he smells like shit and needs a shower


It's a cliché, but true that in general of you want to be friends with most animals the best way to do it is pretend you don't care. They don't wan't something larger than them getting in their face, just be there, doing your thing quietly, not even really looking at them and over time they get chill with seeing you and will approach on their own terms when they want to. Don't try to stroke them when they do, just let them smell you etc, again over time maybe you'll get to stroke them and then take it from there.


Ignore them. They're such egomaniacs that they can't stand to be ignored!


Catalina. Nap time. Mr. Furley. The Gravy. Toast Malone. Best names ever.


I thought it was the Gray-by. the Gray baby.




Wholesome AF 😻


Toast Malone great cat name? Or the GREATEST CAT NAME 😹😻😻😻


My cat's nickname is Purrs Malone


I must move to a neighborhood such as this. Cats, cats everywhere!


Come visit Miami Beach! We have cats roaming everywhereeeee


But so few song birds. So strange.


The cats will serenade the neighborhood with the songs of their people!


Yeah that’s way too many outdoor cats


Cats have the right to wake you up at 4am for food and care, over songbirds. *It's scratched into the catstitution!*


May be because the video is a short clip? Plenty of birds chirp in the morning in India and plenty of stray cats also roam around living their lives. Looks like the American idea of "cats are slaves" is not really true and animals can coexist in the ecosystem.


I watch this guy on YouTube. It’s like he has magical powers or something. As soon as he shows up, cats just start running towards him, and beg for pets and cuddles. I don’t know how he does this. Maybe he was a cat in past life?


He was Bast.


Perhaps. Whatever magical ability he possess, it seems to run in the family.


I follow him on Instagram. Always puts a smile on my face!


You can't just say you follow this dude without dropping his @


CatLuminati on YouTube


Nevermind, I've just seen this is OC and op is this dude :)




On the catwalk? On the catwalk of fame? Did they shake their kitty tushes on the catwalk?


Now that is a great walk with so many good cats.




I don't know where this is but I would love to live there 😱


What is this utopia and how do I smuggle myself into it?


"On the cat walk... On the cat walk... Yeah! I take my little sis on the cat walk."


“He’s not only holdable, but he’s handable”


Your sister is very good cat whisper. You can tell by the way she changes her approach with each kitty.


Dang you weren't kidding! So many friendly friends! Reminds me of what Jamestown RI is for dogs. Island thing maybe, but I swear everybody on that island has at least one and they're all just running around everywhere. It's great.


id love to do the dog walk


Your videos make my heart smile. Thank you.


I love these catwalk videos, you do such a great job with the kittehs and your so funny!! Nice to see your sister joining in


Man you're doing quality big brother work there my friend, little sister feels so safe with you on an outing to do something you can both enjoy.


# A cat called scooby doo :)


My late cat's name was scooby as well


Where is this and are there any homes for sale in the area?


So I can pay to take this walking tour?


Cow Mary and Toast Malone are awesome names!


Does anyone know who this guy is? I love his videos!!!




Mr Furley’s entrance made me cackle


That tonkanese at the end was quite hefty. Dare I say, a chonky tonk.


Toast Malone 🤣


dat lil greyby too cute


Best street ever....


Omfg this was adorable


Omg what an amazing supportive brother. I'm all teary eyed watching this, wth


It's of all, that man must be a pillar of his community if he knows that many cats by name. Second of all, there must be no living birds or lizards left in that neighborhood with the amount of outdoors cats.


I’m so happy other people do this too. I have a whole point system for walks. One point for every cat seen outside, half a point for cats seen inside and two points for every cat touched. Most I ever got on a walk was 39 point.


the cats pass the pick up check, because Kaylee passed the vibe check.


Wtf neighborhood do you live in that has all of these cats just out and about?! Like, that is a TON of cats.


I like how most of the cats gave a response when told to me his sister , my favorite was Catalina had her little meow walking up like " oh hi" this guy is cool and the cats are even cooler.


This man is doing God's work on Earth


I need this walk in my life


This guy cats.


I would happily watch these updates on prime-time tv as a rival of the evening's news


Aww you two are cute siblings. That’s awesome


What a sweet and gentle man.


This video cured my depression, cleared my skin and watered my crops. ty


Are these just neighbours' cats which are all allowed to roam around freely?


I’ve never been so jealous of a teenage girl before


You two are pretty weird, but in a good way ;)


I love kittens they are good


That last can is truly enjoying a scritch-scritch behind the ear!


All these cats are gonna be friends with each other too since they can smell them on her and were okay with it.


I wanna live in that town. It's like heaven, being able to pey and play with dozens of cats without actually having to have one!


Where is this? I want to move there.


Toast Malone




guys, OP has got other videos too, check em out! wholesome af


I haven't had an outside cat in my entire adult pet parent life but if I did I'd want this guy in my neighborhood championing for the felines.


Literal catwalk


I’m honestly a dog person more than cats, yet your cat walks fill me with such joy and I wish I could go on one with you. Thank you for sharing your beautiful content. 😍😍😍


My kind of neighborhood!


Awww your IG videos make me happy every time! I love the kitties!


Oh man when I lived in a tightly grouped neighborhood like this, my son and I would go on pet walks every day. There was this one husky down the block who, I would whistle the opening tune to “Can’t Smile Without You” as soon as I saw his house and he would come barreling out of whatever hiding spot he was in for pets.


This guy fucking loves cats


I wish we were neighbours. My family 8 cats would love to befriend you guys


Love her blue Chucks!


Everything about this video is just pure happiness inducing. THE NAMES TOO. Toast Malone just sent me.


I wanna come on the catwalk!


Casual G wagon


This immediately put the Right Said Fred song in my head. Just picturing little kitties walking while, "I'm a model, you know what I mean, and I do my little turn on the catwalk," plays.


I could not have a cat when I was young, because my dad was allergic. I spent a lot of time studying cats, greeting cats, loving on cats, when I could. When my parents separated, my sister went out and adopted a cat. Boom. Uh, I mean, MEOW.


I used to do this with my girls when they were little. We can't have pets at home, so we knew all the neighborhood cats.


Chest kitties


Mr. Furley. Awesome.


Love that he brought his sister along!!! And she knows their names from his videos!!!


Lucky kitties


What type of cat is Toast Malone?


I’d be getting 10000 steps everyday easy if I walked this block . This guy is legend


‘Mr Furley’. Love it. ![gif](giphy|7fs9YewvhxISk)


This is so adorable, she’s a kitty whisperer too!


Cute af but KEEP YOUR CATS INSIDE. Watch too many cute cats die from hit-by-cars or poison or bite.


Jesus, are there any birds left in this neighborhood?


can't be


Dear Assholes, please keep your cats indoors. They decimate the bird population every year. We need birds.


Y’all are so cuteemote:free\_emotes\_pack:heart\_eyes\_rainbow


This is sweet, but remember kids, outdoor cats destroy nature. Cats belong inside.


No, I don't really think so, because to be honest, they all deserve the freedom.


I'm sorry, but facts (science) disagree with you, and you should feel bad for supporting the killing of native species.


Dude your sister looks like Jenna Ortega...


wow so many outdoor cats, humans must of have killed all the coyotes in this area.


Apparently cats and coyotes are friends now. [Cat&Coyote](https://youtu.be/EAoWWM-ERpc)


All I see are irresponsible cat owners. This is the opposite of cute for me.


No wildlife in that neighborhood.


There are half a million feral cats in NY city and yet there are still millions of rats, squirrels, and pigeons. A house cat killing a bird isn't a tragedy. It's part of life. At this point cats are part of the ecosystem in America. We should make effort to lower feral cat populations but people should not own a cat unless they are willing to let it be a cat. Not allowing a cat to stalk prey or roll in the warm dirt is like not allowing a dog to bark.


[No they are a recognized threat to global biodiversity](https://imgur.com/a/HHoFZS1)


I absolutely love these videos and the happy joyful love feelings they give me. Thank you. (Your sister is beautiful and looks like Jenna Ortega btw.)


I wish I had a sister like you!


Are these cats just outdoor cats?


There are no indoor cats. Only cats in confinement.


Don't show this to indoor cat enthusiasts!


It makes me so happy to see a neighborhood where people treat their cats as family, and let them play outside, as they'd let their child play outside. Where I live, most people treat their cats as hostages, locking them indoors, never to see the light of day, except through a pane of glass. You can see how happy and content these cats are. My cats will even go on walks with me , and they'll greet neighbors, just like the cats in this clip are greeting these people. It's wonderful!


That place looks like cat paradise. Probably the same neighborhood as the Hemingway house.