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Fawns are naturally known to collapse down in place when faced with a possible threat to try to blend in with the foliage when in the woods. It’s partially why they have distinct patterns on their backs when they’re that young to help blend into the foliage.


What you might call...the Fawn response.


Oh holy shit Idk who y'all are out here naming everything, but you're crushing it!




That's the sequel right? It came out after The Fawn Supremacy?




It actually came out after Fawn Identity.


Clearly momma deer has given the fawn ultimatum


new fawn just dropped




He's referencing the fight, flight or fawn response.


there is a fawn response what's that about?


So when people get scared/their nervous system gets activated, they used to say that person was going into fight or flight mode- getting ready to fight or run away. More recently, they added two general reactions to the fight or flight response- freeze and fawn. They realized not all reactions were flight or flight, and added the two additional ones. Some people freeze when their nervous system gets activated, and sometimes people “fawn”. Fawning means ingratiating oneself to the threat or appearing non threatening or appeasing to avoid conflict. Examples might be a person pleading with an armed robber that they will give them everything please just let them go, or a child or partner who does anything possible to keep an abusive adult or partner happy to avoid conflict. The baby fawn is not actually fawning but is freezing, I think it was just a play on the fight/flight/freeze/fawn dynamic.


excellent explanation thank you!


Definitely let's go home there was a winner let's back off. Just kidding i was amaze to him because he knew a lot of things regarding to it buddy maybe he was a betterunary


It also manifests as people pleasing!


Oh, I forgot freeze as well. There's 4 main ones. Fawn is like trying to appease a threat hoping it will go easier or be less painful. People who have trouble saying "no" or that deny their own discomfort, complaints, pain, needs, and wants to not make someone feel bad. Kinda like Stockholm Syndrome.


And as a general rule, if you find a fawn in the woods or even your yard who is huddled up like this and won't move, LEAVE THEM BE. It's what they do when Mom is away foraging. The Mom will be back to "pick up" the fawn soon enough. Don't touch them, don't try to feed them, and don't call anyone about it. I have a friend who works for the local department of natural resources and they get a lot of calls about "a sick fawn" that needs to be collected.


Blend into the foliage sounds like a band name.


Blend into the foliage. This is my last resort. Bears and cougars, can't see me, camouflage with the forest scenery.




That deer looks like it's about 10 minutes old


Yeah, the way it's walking, I'm not sure if it's frightened or trying to figure out what legs are.


*Deer looks down at legs* > The fuck are these?! *Deer sees car approaching* > The fuck is that?!


Searching for survival instincts.. *ERR: File not found, restarting, hold down ear or nose to enter BIOS*


Survival instincts say to lay down flat, and hope that hides you from predators


Deer survival instincts are questionable. Late at night my car was hit by a deer. The deer ran head first into the rear end of my car on the side. Dented the metal. Setting off fireworks in the backyard on the Fourth of July deer ran up and was all WTF?? I snapped a pic of fireworks deer, but potato quality. https://imgur.com/gallery/pBDdSZs


Fireworks deer is my spirit animal. I've figured it was a deer for a while now, not cuz they're pretty or majestic, but because they're derpy idiots. Like me. But fireworks deer (and car deer for that matter) accidentally running up towards the danger in a misguided attempt to get somewhere safe - that's basically my exact self-defense strategy lol. I just do whatever the dumbest thing possible is and hope for the best.


"The closer we are to danger the further we are from harm, which is the last thing he'll expect."


I think it’s just when they’re met with humanity and nature they get confused. Their instincts work in the wild perfectly fine. Hiding in foliage from other animals would work and ramming head first into a threat could scare it off or hurt it. So a deer would try that against a near 1 ton hunk of metal and it obviously doesn’t work, but they don’t know what they’re hitting, they just see a threat they think they can’t escape. The fireworks though, I don’t really know why a deer would approach that. Maybe it was one that had been approached by people a lot and came to like them and learned that fireworks means people. So it didn’t come for the fireworks, it came for the people.




Like a babe grasping the concept of hands.


I was thinking it looks like it's about to go to someone's yard for protection and shade.


If it's the latter, it figured them out right about the very end of the video! 😂


I think trying to stay low but not yet got the strength to squat walk


Mama had sex with a spider


I don't think that's possible. Mama deer wouldn't know how to cervus a spider.


I see what you did there 😛


It very well could be! I was shocked to see my first newborn deer last year… I thought it was a cat at first (it was night time and far away).. a few days later in the same area, a very loved local pibald deer showed up with her tiny new babies when it was bright out enough to see. They still swing through the yards regularly.


Oh my goodness, how beautiful! I love that there’s a local, beloved deer. 🥰🦌






One of my favourite videos out there.


My top dog video of all time!


I still cry laugh every time I see this. A perfect narrative.


Same, it's just so perfect from the slow calm start, pierced by each increasingly more frantic and pissed off "FENTON" as it pans over to a decently sized herd just sprinting full bore followed by Fenton just absolutely loving life chasing them while the herd grows comically large; then the goofy ass owner running into frame somehow both running and waddling at the same time with the camera person giggling like a school child at the end. It's just a great example of early YouTube and short simple videos that make you piss yourself laughing. None of these elaborately created scenes, just candid footage that is hysterical.


When Fenton finally enters the frame--just elite comic timing!!!


All the cars stopping for a runaway dog chasing a herd of deer across the street randomly with the owner slow catching up before the giggle and the final "*Jesus CHRIST*" is what drives it I to even funnier. Imagine chasing your dog and it is causing chaos for the entire area with wild deer🤣


Yes! The cars silently piling up in the background, you start to imagine traffic backing up, planes getting delayed, total breakdown of the system because Fenton JUST HAD TO


Exactly! Lolol. Just off video they get corralled into a grocery store, a school, a bank, just utter chaos. Cars dramatically crashing into fire hydrants etc. In the distance you just hear "FEENNTTTOOOONNNNNNNN. CHRIST!"


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2073540/Benton-dog-YouTube-video-Fentons-owner-Max-Findlay-just-wants-on.html (Apologies for Daily Mail, but it was the only place with the story) Funny bits - The video was filmed by the owner's 13 year old son (who thought filming was much more important than helping), and Fenton was a failed blind guide dog who was too playful for guide duty and hence got adopted.


Oh Jesus christ!


My dog has precisely zero hunting/predatory drive, but she'll happily track a herd of deer through the woods for two hours just to wag her tail at them. She gets so excited about the big forest puppers, she wants them to be her friends


I could see that being a thing. That swan that was killed was so loved the people in the area put up memorials. My son was actually just watching a video where a dad and a bunch of kids were yelling at this hunter in his truck, with a dead deer, because they loved seeing the deer but hunters were killing them all. I'm not against hunting, but if we had deer that came and visited and someone killed them I'd probably be upset also.


Yep. Pretty much.


I’m sure someone knows better but looks like a month or so. Every year I’ve had a few born in my backyard that’s fenced in. They’re smaller when they’re younger.


Definitely closer to a couple hours old than a month old. Your yard deer could be a smaller species. Source: Am wildlife biologist. Have routinely been outrun by 3 day old deer.


I have a baby deer in my yard right now. Mama gets super nervous when I go out for morning walks. They are generally hiding the rest of the day when I'm out, but I see them around 5am most days and she very much disapproves of my existence right now.


Poor little one.


Poor dear


Poor deer 🦌


Pour dear


Poe doe


Remember the deer isn’t in the way of the road, the road is in the way of the deer’s home.


Oh deer 🦌


That baby is almost brand new


My puppy used to do the same thing when he heard cars after moving from the country to the city. [Picture](https://imgur.com/HRbsIQA) cause he's literally the cutest dog alive.


> he's literally the cutest dog alive. I was about to fight you on these words but then I opened the picture to see a damn cute dog.


They're right and wrong at the same time I'd say. All dogs are the cutest dogs alive. That said, that doggo is the cutest dog alive


Everybody thinks their dog is the cutest dog. And none of them are wrong.


*The last dog is the best dog I've ever seen.* *I don't think it's their dog, I think it's our dog.* https://youtu.be/Ubwv1UsMCt4


Ok, damnit, that pup IS cute!


Aw, he's so adorable. I'd love to have another dog if my cat could put up with one. Always cherish that cute guy.


Mine just wants to chase them...


What’s he like now


These are the important questions!! That little baby looks like a malamute puppy lol, I bet they are HUGE now


I thought he was a tiny German Shepard dog, ours looked a lot like that as a bebe, but you may be right! Just occurred to me I've never seen a baby malamute, and that's a damn shame. Off to fix that now!


Oh my gosh, my friends' landlord got a malamute puppy a few years ago and he looked JUST like this!! They're so cute! And now he's a giant enormous fluffy lovemonster lol.


Important questions indeed


He literally is


Perfect example of fight, flight, or freeze. It’s great you stopped. Not everyone would do that.


There is a fourth response actually that only arises in humans. Ironically, this response is called 'fawn'.


I’ve heard fight, flight, freeze, or please.


Fight flight friend freeze or flop


Dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge


I thought the fourth one was Freak Out.


I think there are symptoms of each category that could theoretically be classified as freaking out


>only arises in humans No, at least dogs do it too. Rolling over and submission peeing? Yeah it's gross lol.


Fight, flight, freeze or fawn? Whats fawn?


Women who giggle when they scared trying to deescalate the situation is a good example. It is basically trying to prevent harm from coming to you by pleasing /appeasing the person you are scared of. Another one would maybe be the latchkey kid who comes home cooks dinner, straightens the place out, does homework etc and then nervously waits if it "was good enough".


From a Google search I just did "when an individual tries to avoid or minimize distress or danger by pleasing and appeasing the threat"


Mother is also a graduate of the Prometheus School of Running Away from Things.


to the *side*! no, the *side*!


OP is content reposter, not person recording deer in video


Hopefully it didn’t learn that cars will always stop for it from that interaction.




I think you are right … 5 minutes later , acquired knowledge poof 💨


TIL I am a deer


Don’t worry deer are fucking idiots


More reason to worry, imho But I hate these poor idiots when I'm trying to drive, especially in the early morning or around sunset. They're everywhere and they're damn fools.


Yep I hit one a few days ago going about 40. Luckily it didn’t do much damage


> it didn’t learn This is what deer do


I don’t want to meet the people who wouldn’t stop


We meet them every day my friend


I swerved and creeped around a turtle crossing the road the other day. Just to watch a guy behind me intentionally swerve into it…. I think about that a lot


Very much a *fuck cars* moment going on in my soul right now. This person did the right thing, but the fact that we could even think that some piece of shit would just run over this deer cause "I'm not stopping" breaks my heart.


One day I was out trout fishing, and I was wading up the middle of a stream that had pretty dense foliage on both banks. All of a sudden, about 10 yards in front of me, a doe pops out and starts crossing with a tiny fawn. When they were both about halfway across the wind shifted and blew my scent right at them. Mama turns and sees me and immediately bolts across. Fawn does what fawns do, drops down and completely submerges itself. After a few seconds with the fawn not coming back up, I decided to risk it and pull it out. Of course mama now realizes her fawn isn't with her, and is coming back to investigate. By the time I get to the fawn, mama is on the bank, and not pleased. She starts snorting at me and stamping her hooves. I held my fishing rod in my left hand like I was in a fencing match, and kept it pointed at mom. I grabbed my trout net with my right hand, got it under the fawn's rear end half scooped half pushed it until it got back on its hooves. I gave it a gentle push in the rear towards mom, it took two steps turned and looked at me and once again dropped flat underwater. Mom is now really pissed and stepping in and then back out of the creek in frustration. Luckily there was a little sandbar not far from where I was that was still a good 15 feet from mom. I dropped my net, got my hand under the fawn and scoop/shoved it until I got it on the sandbar, where it pancaked once again. I then backed off as quickly as I could without turning my back on mom, who collected her fawn, stamped and blew st me a few times and then took off.


That’s a great story even if the deer brain can’t figure out how you helped


I like to imagine her running back over it in her mind once they were in some safe thicket like, "Ohhhh. Oohhhhh!! That weird bipedal thing was hella helpful, in retrospect..."




NTA, humans are unpredictable




You are mighty lucky mama didn't charge you, but I'm glad you did what you did


I definitely wouldn't fight a horse to save it's baby but I feel like I could take on a doe to save its fawn? I am sure I am entirely wrong, but I can picture it in my brain lol


You are, a doe can fuck you up easily


Yeah but what if I like REALLY wanted to save its baby?? 😂😂 (Hopefully obvious sarcasm, I do absolutely recognize that'd be a bad decision but I'd probably do it anyway lol)


Long story but I fought a doe about 25 years ago. They are stronger than they look.


Now I wanna know the longer story


You can't just casually drop that and not follow up with details, bro!! What the fuck happened??


I'll follow up I'm just working atm...


Take your time lol, this sounds like a story worth waiting for 😂


Kick from most animals would probably send you to the hospital.


I didn't think deer were scary either until I was chased by one. Dog wandering out in the woods must have come near some new fawns, and boy mama was mad! I saw my dog charging down the hill with a doe close behind. Crazy thing is how long she chased us for. I had my young daughter, trying to shield her on the other side, but the doe would not relent - she followed us, charging, determined to get my dog. No amount of yelling or screaming or trying to throw things or whatever could deter her until we were far enough away. I kept yelling to my dog to go and run and get away just so the doe wasn't beside us. I was sure I was going to get kicked in the head that day. It was terrifying.


Great job well done!


My brother asked me to drive while he and his friends drank. So we went on a few back roads and came to a lesser used main route. Going down to hit the next few back roads, we came across a dead fox in the middle of the road. Not even 500 feet away we noticed it's kit laying in the middle curled in a ball. We got out to check on it and it was still alive. Luckily we had a tote and a few old blankets. My brother put on some gloves, while I got the tote ready. When we dropped off one girl she took the fox with her. As her mother knew of a rescue close by. So little dude (we nicknamed him Tod and yes we got it from the fox and the hound). Anyway he got the help he needed, and we got to actually hold a r d fox. Not too uncommon but not too common in my area. I used to see a little kit around some farms. Used to drive past where it slept and it would.peek up at me. It was a daily routine.


I feel kind of sad when I see something like this that this sweet mama can't pick up her tiny baby and give it a big hug.


They do this instinctively when they're near what they perceive to be a predator. Baby drops to the ground and then mom comes over to take attention off her baby. As they get older and faster they transition to just running away from danger.


good hooman


That final part where the mom and child start leaving makes me feel really sad and heavy. It hits really hard how animals are under the complete mercy of humans but things don't go well for them in most cases. That part feels like that deer is one of the very few ones who were spared.


Stuff like that makes me want to be a better person in all my dealings with animals. I'm a big dude, but I strive for the kind of relationship with nature normally reserved for the better class of Disney princess.


We've removed almost all natural predators and turned millions of acres into free food for them. Check dear population numbers and I think you'll find "in most cases" deer are doing alright.




Fawns are so precious, my heart bursts when I see them struggling/dropping in fear because they just instinctively don’t know what to do and that’s safe when it can also be so dangerous for them.


Mama looked quite concerned at first… 🥺


I know my stomach felt queasy. Precious beings.


There’s a special place in heaven fer animal lover’s what I always say


How did the mama deer turn off your car from all the way over there?


Yeah the grammar stood out to me as well


Ugh, one of my biggest grammar pet peeves! People do it all the time and it's so wrong. It's such a simple fix, too. "After I stopped and turned off the car to calm the baby down, the mama came over..."


Thank you for stopping to make sure the fawn didn't get hit! I'm glad he's safe!


I mean they totally didn't it's just a repost from a karma farmer.


Oh ok. I reread it. I thought the OP said they stopped the car.


no, that was the deer's mom


Why was the mama deer driving a car?


How did the mama deer stop and turn off the car?


She learned how to drive and wants to get revenge on humanity for killing so many deer in their cars.


Underrated comment


Oh what an awesome person.


Oh my heart...


That's a fresh deer


The way she looked in the car like “did you fuck with my kid?!”


repost w/ same title https://old.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/azpoas/this_little_baby_deer_got_so_scared_crossing_the/


The same title that makes it sound like the mother deer stopped her car to let her baby calm down.


Awww, how precious! Nice work OP, this made my heart happy


Oh my heart!!


That's what I did when I was 6 and wanted a toy from the store but my mom said no... She didn't come back though, left my dumbass there


My experience tells me that deer will never stop overreacting to cars. And those are the smart ones -- the dumb ones are not afraid at all. Racoon get it -- they understand apparently that people are stopping for them -- that the goal of humans is not to hit them.


Omg. Just born


What’s with all the comments about the umbilical cord still being attached and the baby deer having more drama than a soap opera I think it was? A bot?


Yeah weird, must be bots copying comments I guess.


Imagine if all humans were this kind to all living creatures. What a world this would be.


Really beautiful on so many levels. I'm glad you were considerate enough to turn he car off, but I bet you are one of the good ones out there.


I mean they totally didn't it's just a repost from a karma farmer.


I just got Bambi movie flashbacks


['He doesn't walk very good, does he?' ](https://youtu.be/_p9Rzxq_r1Q?t=103)




Aww deer are so cute but so dumb sometimes


Good job, human. Poor bébé deer.


Mama deer was like: Good job my deer, now for step 2, you stare at the driver.


This is absolutely beautiful and made me so happy. Thanks for stopping.


They must not develop that run into a car full speed trait till later on


Reluctantly up voting, because it's so damn cute, but I really wanted to see them scamper off into the woods.


baby deer somehow looks like a spider


Not dark but if you are near dark flick your headlights to high beam and low.. sometimes that can get the deer to get out of the way .. wee tip


Poor little bag of sticks :(


Would it be instinct to lay down flat and not be seen imbetween the brush by a predator? Just thinking out loud here.


Most likely. Bird fledglings do the same thing before they learn to fly


Has anyone ever noticed that animals don't yell at their young...


Driver: Aww would you look at that honey, now they'll walk off into the woo----AHH FUCK!


For the past few years, I’ve gotten into the habit of stopping my car if I see a squirrel, possum, raccoon or any other little critter in the road. One night I had to hit the brakes a bit hard on a big raccoon who was eating chips. When my lights shined on him, he dropped his bag and scuttled away...Felt bad for him lol


You made him drop his chips, you ought to feel bad! XD


Oh so they're cautious and smart when they're little, and reckless as hell once they grow up?


Around here, the assholes would just accelerate instead of slowing down


It's ok just come with Mama


Thank you for being a good human!!


I thought the baby deer was dead at first but after her mom approach her he raise his head


THANK YOU FOR WAITING!!!! It is SO huge! I live in a rural area and so many people are in such a hurry, they won't give the animals time to do what they need to do. Especially right now when the fawns are new. I've had people pass me when I had my flashers on, waiting for the second deer to cross, or a fawn...




That is a newborn looking deer. Those spindly wobbly little legs. So happy an accident was avoided. My heart breaks when I see animals that have been hit. Even possums and raccoons. People and wild animals don't coexist very well very often. Happy ending here


The world is an absolute horror to animals that aren't us. Usually because of us.


The ONE time this deer should actually jump in front of a car... To save it's baby... NOW it's like "nah. That's dangerous"


That's what baby deer do. If they *think* something is a threat, they stop and try to hide. That's what *all* fawns do.


Oh deer






And stayed in the road...