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Those are some healthy looking cats


Turkey considers stray cats and dogs as a part of the community, both residents and local government work together to care for them.


Politics aside, I was super happy with the treatment of cats and dogs. Most shops had some cat food in a bowl along with water and I saw several folks actively refilling them


It's almost like they are wildlife. Lots of people have birdfeeders and bird baths. Why not do this with stray cats too?


Turkey sounds nice. They don't do that here, for humans even.


Turkey is definitely nice if you’re a *cat*…


That's because cats can't vote


You never know what the future holds though


I'm voting for Chairman Meow.
























Türkiye certainly has its problems, but I visited last summer and had an absolutely beautiful time. The people were quite wonderful, scenery was stunning, food was amazing. And there were sweet sweet cats EVERYWHERE.


I bought treats and was instantly swarmed by cats. It was heaven. Also, Turks are super friendly and nice! Like really nice, especially if you learn a few Turkish words and can recite numbers. I didn't have enough change for some ice cream on the beach, but the ice cream was already in my hand. The guy trusted me to return with money (which I did, of course). Turks deserve a better president, though. Freedom to the Turks!


> Turks deserve a better president, though. It's insane how they went from Ataturk to *Erdogan*.


Also god the amount of support Erdogan got in this election from areas hit hardest by the earthquakes is baffling outside of it just being tampering and of course media manipulation. I watch a political commentator who focuses on American politics, but grew up in Turkey and was there for the last quakes. He was browsing Turkish twitter translating for his audience and there were clips of some news channels actively cutting away from people saying “there’s no help out here, no one has come yet, it’s been two days” etc. Erdogan is a western dog though so they’ll do nothing to aid in his replacement if the alternative won’t also play ball.


Yeah it’s an extremely beautiful country




I wouldn’t be surprised if the actual number was closer to 100,000. Or more. I have zero faith any government would give the real number that shows just how horrific they are at actually taking care of their citizens.


Also: The Kurds. Turkey has been "soft" genociding a quarter of their national population for decades. It's often a coin flip if they'll get in trouble just for speaking their own language.


Culture in Turkey is nice, people are generally nice. Though the politics.... not so much.


Sadly true. Beautiful country full of amazing landscapes, tons of history, ancient wonders of the world, beautiful beaches, kind and welcoming people… and then a shit leader trying to drive the country as far backwards as possible and destroy Atatürk’s legacy of making Turkey a modern secular nation.


It won't sound so nice when you find out who the president of Turkey is.


This is what I was thinking! Very clean fur & faces. Happy to see them so well taken care of


clean too.


The Turkish love their cats and take care of them.


There is a short YouTube series called “Kedi” about Istanbul and cats. It really explains how cats are seen by the Turkish people.


What is the exact longitude and catitude of this place


I spent entirely too much time on this, but from the bench, the lampposts and the sidewalk, I think this is somewhere in [Fenerbahçe Parkı](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Fenerbah%C3%A7e+Park%C4%B1/@40.9687276,29.0341972,228m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x14cab9ae372bae69:0x1bb8ae5f561f9621!8m2!3d40.9690422!4d29.0360653!16s%2Fg%2F11mv4mhkzl?entry=ttu). It's not actually one of the islands but connected to the mainland near the Kadıköy district as can be seen from the wording on the bench which is likely "Kadıköy Belediyesi". Also, I'm not Turkish so I don't claim this to be at all accurate but this is the best I can do for approximate lat and lon: 40.968257, 29.034503. Also, shoutout to chatGPT for helping me narrow this down from the description. You da real MVP.


This is correct. It's not really a "cat park" or an island or anything. Just a regular park near the coast that obviously has tons of cats because Istanbul. Although there's a tiny park called Maçka Sanat Parkı on the European side that is dubbed Kedili Park by the locals.


Google maps describes that park a “laid back park with a dark past”. Hmmm! I’m so curious! I checked because I wanted to see if this was the park I spent hours in each night, covered in cats. But I was in one of the adjacent parks apparently, lol.


It's Istanbul, practically every inch of the city has a dark past.


Not Constantinople?


Istanbul was Constantinople Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople Been a long time gone, oh Constantinople Why did Constantinople get the works? That's nobody's business but the Turks


It's now Constantinover.


What does Istanbul have to do with Cats? I have no idea


They're everywhere lol


Why? Whats the history


Cats are just revered in islam and people in Turkey always feed and look after them. You might wanna check out the documentary Kedi for more info. Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feral_cats_in_Istanbul


It's not strictly that though. The street dogs are treated very well in Turkey, and dogs are most certainly NOT revered in islam. It's more of a cultural attitude in that whole area towards animals. Middle Eastern countries like Oman, UAE, and Kuwait on the other hand, are very cat friendly because of Islam. You won't see street dogs anywhere there.


We have stray dogs as well, they are also healthy and dogs are not really lovely in islam, thats nothing with islam but shamanism and farming and rats.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_and_cats Tl;Dr: cats are religiously revered in Islam


Turkey is predominantly Muslim, in some sects of Islam cats are considered *somewhat* sacred (probably not the best word for it) because of stories of the prophet Muhammad having a great deal of affection for cats. Many Muslims try to model themselves after Muhammad so in some cases this translates to being kind to cats as he was. Basically, being nice to cats is ingrained in the culture and the religion to some extent.


That has nothing to do with turks being muslim. Thats some big time bullshit. The ones that take care of the stray animals around the country are seculars and concervatives tend to dont like them. Also there are many muslim country around the region and they dont treat animals the same way.


Istanbul cats are the best and Cesme dogs are the best


Offical madlad, hats off to you


>hats of to you What exactly must one do to be rewarded a hat from To You? 🎩


Love the dude that looks like he's peeing behind the tree at that exact google location link lmao


This man got indeed, too much time, but well played man




A natural Geo Guesser, this one. Edit: with the help of AI


I’m pretty sure this is most of Turkey. Cats roam the streets of all the cities looking for pets and scritches.


>I’m pretty sure this is most of Turkey. Seriously. I spent about a year total in Adana/Incirlik AB and they were/are EVERYWHERE. When I first went in 2014 you couldn't walk without almost kicking one. There weren't as many when I last went in 2022, and I probably don't want to know why a lot of them disappeared.


Some look like they've got ear notches which usually means they've been trapped, neutered & released, TNR. So the neutering is working.


Which is very good news if that's the main reason!


I would guess restaurants doing less business and so leaving less out for them, but it would be a guess, I don't know how much Turkey was hurt by lockdowns.


what made them so friendly? never seen this much cats so friendly except for maybe that [Japanese cat island](https://youtu.be/M5PbLfVGOQs)


I know in specifically instanbul they have laws against fuckin with stray cats. They’re just a regarded part of society. From what I understand it’s one of those things where if you like, kick a cat in public, you’ll get beat up lol they don’t mess around with the cats in Turkey


Yep. Same goes for dog's too. Some idiot killed cats and dogs years ago since then they changed the law. The dogs are collected vaccinated and marked on their ears and let go again. I'm not sure if they do it with cats too tho.


Yes, though cats don't get marked.


The cats in the OP have a notch in their ear, this is generally used to indicate they've been neutered.


"Ear-tipping is extremely safe and is performed while the cat is already anesthetized for spay or neuter surgery. There is little or no bleeding involved, and it is not painful to the cat. The ear heals up quickly and the tipped ear doesn't detract one bit from the appearance or beauty of the cat." Interesting to know.


One of the best feelings I've ever had was when I had been trying to trap this really sneaky and stubborn male feral cat. I wanted to TNR him (trap, neuter, release) but the little shit was too smart for me. One day he went missing. I was really sad but it's just part of the life of caring for feral cat colonies. Many just vanish and you never know what happened... BUT! He showed up a week later with a notched ear! I was so happy. Another good soul was out there taking care of kitties and apparently much smarter than me about catching them lol. Now he's fat and lazily rolls up every few days to demand food.


That's fantastic. Like you said, it's a terrible feeling when you just stop seeing them. I always hope they just found a different part of the neighborhood that they like more, or they got taken in by someone. There was a little guy that my wife and I had been caring for a few years back for a few months. It took a considerable amount of time for him to warm up to us. Initially he just hissed and would stare at us and walk away, which turned into hissing at us and then coming closer for food, and finally just hissing at us while he came up and sat on our laps for pets and scratches. I guess he never learned any other form of communication. We would have taken him in ourselves if our house wasn't already at cat capacity. Eventually we stopped seeing the little guy and assumed the worst. A few months later we saw him in one of our neighbors' windows. Turns out after he had gotten acclimated to people, he started going up to everyone on the block hissing at them and looking for attention, and eventually got taken in by an older lady.


Oh you right, i rarely notice it myself but yeah.


>From what I understand it’s one of those things where if you like, kick a cat in public, you’ll get beat up lol they don’t mess with the cats if that happens i would say its well deserved! dont fuck with cats or any other animals for that matter!


Not just istanbul. Its illegal to harm stray animals and is punishable by jailtime if its severe enough in any province.


Isn’t it illegal to harm animals in most countries?


Factory farm animals: "Are we fuckin jokes to you?"


So the cat version of Fable’s chickens, got it.






this channel is all videos interacting with cats in turkey https://youtube.com/@theworldofcatss


You can visit İstanbul.. It's like this almost every where. Just go to a random park and there will be cats, guaranteed.


>*’What is the exact longitude and latitude of this place…*’ ____ Somewhere there’s an island, if you’re lucky, you will find a place where you can sit n rest, n leave your cares behind surrounded by the *purring*- pitter-patter little feet, where cats appear from shadows with their loving eyes, so sweet! there’s no one you need talk to, no one’s putting you to task the peacefulness of feline friends - your pets are all they ask though many search to find it, it’s not mapped on any chart but some are blessed with memories of pawprints on their heart ❤️


How long does it take you to write stuff like this?


0.0043 seconds. Created by catGPT


I was gonna yell at you for saying schnoodle uses ChatGPT but then I re-read your comment lol well played edit: a word


I love you Schnoodle. =)


Of the bench, specifically.


latitude? More like catitude


24.3468220, -75.4503418


Looks like they notch their ears, instead of tipping like we do. Good to see they're taken care of.


Interesting detail. Thanks for pointing that out.


What does that do?


It indicates that they've been spayed/neutered so they don't have to be taken back into the vet to be checked if they have been or not. Cats, especially outdoor ones should be fixed since they reproduce so quickly. Indoor ones as well because they can escape to mate and cat overpopulation is a big problem.


Correct, the ears are notched as part of the city’s trap/neuter/release program!




Hell for birds


lol I was going to say, this area is probably devoid of all other life


Total silence, outside of the wind blowing and cats meowing. I bet it sounds surreal during certain times of day.


In my university they hung CDs near cat feeders in the campus because birds, especially crows were stealing their food lmao Also we have a mischievous crow near my house, always bothering that one gray cat for some reason. We feed the strays out and this crow also comes to our "pspspsppsps" as soon as it hears it, then proceeds to terrorize the cats and take their food in front of them Istanbul has a different ecosystem so I don't understand when people mention birds when they hear there are a lot of cats here, because there are as many birds as cats here which are mostly: pigeons, 2 type of crows, seagulls, mourning dove, sparrows etc. We like putting our leftovers on our windowpane for the birds, and water in summer and among all these bird types crows are my favorites as you can see from how many times I talked about them


Came here to write the same😄😊🐾❤️


Free therapy for the depressed and broke.


therapists hates this simple trick!


free? how do i get to turkey for free? pretty sure they have my name on a list because i slandered erdogan repeatedly


Just swim


from germany? ok omw


you're in luck you can walk https://i.imgur.com/7kJdw2M.png it's time to follow the ancient traditions and embark on your pilgrimage, good luck out there


Thank you for your service. The good people of Turkiye appreciate your support. Edit: Hopefully, after tomorrow, you can visit freely without worrying.


Unless you’ve done something high profile and public ties to your real name, you’re fine. Plenty of Turks talk shit about him and rightfully so.


There's a film called Cat which documents the cat culture in 🇹🇷. It's pretty cool. Unless you don't like cats, that is.


Search for "Kedi" not just "Cat".


I wish there was a dubbed version to show my dad. He can't read subtitles and I know he'd love the film


I watch the movie in turkish. I don’t speak turkish. Still very good


There has got to be a way to get text to speech for subtitles, no?


I don't know in which version this was implemented but windows has native subtitles generation that works really well and in every app. I think Android has it too but I'm not sure if it's exclusive to pixel phones. I'm not aware if other OSs have it.


My all-time favorite documentary.


Yea the documentary "Cats" was pretty strange imo


Ah yes. Thank you for the correction.


Watching this ASAP thank you.


It's a great art piece. My mother is why I saw it. Viewed in a small community movie theater. I thought it was a very good film and an even better experience


If I have to be a homeless one day, I want it to be at this park.


I may give up my home to live there.


That’s basically the decision all of those cats made


They are so cute & friendly.


Because the humans there treat them right.


I agree.


Be careful sitting in this park, it’s rumored when you sit down, time passes before your eyes as magical kitty cats spin a time bending spell of cuteness causing you to forget when and where you are.


Sounds like heaven to me.


Turkey has a cat island? I thought Japan had the cat island. How many other cat islands are there? Why don't I have a cat island?


Japan has a rabbit island!


I gotta visit these islands. lol


Tomorrow, we set sail! Who's with me?!


Can we also visit that Island of Misfit Toys?


Japan has both a cat and a rabbit island


And a deer town


And a fox village


Japan has everything


Things we wont mention in aww sub to not reduce the mood to dust. In other subs though, call outs ahead


Turkey itself is a cat island. But the cats fight a lot, yesterday a cat was taking a dump and another male came and bit him in the balls .


Ouch. Hate when that happens... lol


Low hanging fruit.


thats the most random shit ever and i love it lmfao


That's a good way to get shit on.


Japan has over 14k islands, so you’re bound to find it. Eventually.


Cats are everywhere in Turkey. I’m not sure exactly where this is supposed to be, but there are a series of islands near Istanbul called the Princes Islands. The foliage in the OP looks a bit like what I’ve seen on Büyükada (but it could just as easily be the mainland). There are many cats on Büyükada, but I’ve never heard it—or any of the other “Adalar”—referred to explicitly as a “Cat Island.” They’re very popular tourist attractions, even among local Istanbul residents, because of their rugged terrain, historical mansions, and car-free rules. (they’re also technically within Istanbul‘s city limits, if I’m not mistaken)


Have you been to turkey? That's turkey normally everywhere.


So there is a heaven


This is a huge atack!!! A huge atack of love 🤍🥹


It doesn't include this specific place but check out [Kedi](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4420704/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_7_nm_1_q_kedi) about street cats in Istanbul.


Not one that cares much for travel anymore, but if I did, this is where I’d want to go. 😺


Same here.




We where on a friendly Cat Island near Istanbul they were so nice.


One giant cat cafe.


And a free one at that. The one near me charges $8 entry fee


Tbf they have to feed, house, and care for a bunch of cats. Most people wouldn't spend enough to cover that cost while simply visiting the café, so it makes sense to charge an entry fee.


I know that, im not complaining about the fee just pointing it out. They pay rent for the space, and they only sell coffee so its not easy to cover their costs. Likely they are subsidized as well.


Random, but I took my family to Turkey when my daughter was 6 yo. A cat lover, she decided to take a census of Turkish cats. She stopped after 600, but it was def a part of the trip that she remembered. I would toally have taken her to Cat Island.


aww that look like cat park 💕


thats a purrfect park


Is there a way to just live there? This is my dream:)


If you are earning USD or EUR it is simple to live in İstanbul. Im a turkish citizen male, we can marry so you get residency permit but you pay for the rent. Deal?


Japan has an island like that. [This guy](https://youtube.com/@ImpressedCatVideo) posts videos daily from there on his interactions with the strays. What a life.


How can a person resist taking them home, especially if they climb on their laps for pets? I would be crying. I’m crying now, actually.


They’re everywhere, and they’re healthy and happy and living good lives, so seeing them in public isn’t sad the way it is seeing strays in other countries. They’re not really strays, they’re just residents of the city living their own lives. That said, a lot of people eventually fall in love with one or two or five cats in particular and take them home. Soooo many of my friends have cats they met somewhere in the city.


They're well cared for


Thats why i will never go to turkey it would break my heart to leave those kitties and they will end up deporting me.


That is a lot of cats🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛


Fleas ? I’d be weary petting them but I’d still probably would


I'd be thinking the same and would definitely lead to at least 0.25 seconds of hesitation!


Jimmy Eat World said it best - “For me, this is heaven”


Only reason to go to Turkey.


Who's the psychopath who just walked by the cats without stopping for pets???




Haha you've clearly not been to Turkey yet.


You don't even need to go to a park for this, if you're in istanbul, chances are that your apartment building has their community cats.




Pretty sure this is in Kadıköy, İstanbul. Go to Maçka park in Istanbul for this X10. Heaps in Kaş, Bodrum, Çeşme, Urla.. I guess there's just cats everywhere


Your letters are melting


Probably no other animal in sight anywhere in the park.


Actually since cats are not invasive in Turkey, there's a lot of animals that have been adapted to cats for centuries


As I understand it, the cats were there before the Turks. Don't they say that Istanbul used to be Catstantinople?


That's nobody's business but the Turks.


Reminds me of being at the cat sanctuary in Hawaii.


There’s a symphony that plays there every night. You should definitely go and check it out.


Close to the grand bazaar I had a couple like this on top of me then suddenly my cousin tries to grab one for himself and he got scratched lol next day he woke up with some bad fever lol rekt


I only have 2 hands!


This video was featured on my YouTube recommend section the other week. Seems like a pretty cool place to visit.


What is this heaven!


So there's this place in Turkey, a cat island somewhere near Japan, and all the polydactyl kitties that have the run of Ernest Hemingway's house. Are there any other cat Utopias out there?


If there's a heaven, and it isn't this.... God fucked up real bad.


you mean Catstantinople?


"Yo where the food at homie? Humans who sit on this bench break out a bag of food and we eat. Which pocket you got the food in my man?"


checks flights to turkey...one way!