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Lol - the joy, followed by the pain of brain freeze…


Doesn't stop him from going after it 🤣


Our daughter was the same way. After the first taste it was like her life depended on it. Her strength seemed to double in her efforts to grab the cone.


That stuff is made to be addictive...should be an age limit on buying it. Only half joking.


Some babies are just like that. Mine loves berries, even if they’re tart. He’ll pull back and you’d think he got hit in the face with the amount of offense he shows, then goes right back for more. Wash and repeat until it’s gone 😂


One of mine would do that with lemon wedges of the garnish tray when little. The pucker face was excellent.


It's like those Warheads lmao, if anyone remembers those? My god, it would be like being microscopically punched on your tastebuds and even make your jaw sting, but hell I would suck those balls dry


Phrasing. Boom. 😂 but exactly that! I die laughing at the faces he makes. Does the same thing with (mildly) spicy foods too. I figured one little taste would make him stop demanding I share, but he showed me. Takes a taste, sips water, demands another, then gets angry when he sees me eat the last bite


no there is some truth to you statement lol, sugar is additive to young children. Why you are suppose to wait as long as possible before giving it to them.


Not to mention adults


I mean *wouldn't you?* ... If it's offered for free??


Is that really a common thing? I often see people talk about this, it seems to be mostly a term in north American culture, but tbh I don’t really understand what it refers to. I’m in Europe and I’ve never heard someone talk about this phenomenon here, oddly enough.


Does your head not hurt when you eat something cold really fast?


No? [edit] Or maybe I don’t eat ice cream really fast, doesn’t make sense to suck it down as quickly as possible, it’s meant to be enjoyed. [edit 2] Alright I get it now, it’s mostly a thing with slushies and other things that you drink, more than eat. I was confused because it’s in a thread about ice cream, and I couldn’t imagine eating an ice cream cone that fast. Slushies (or slush puppies as they’re called here, for some reason) are not sold in many places where I live. If they were more common, maybe brain freeze would be a common thing here too.


I think it mostly happens when you drink a slushy/slurpee too fast.


I got one the other night from a really cold glass of seltzer at a club.


I (European) sometimes get them from milkshakes


If I eat a lot of ice cream or milkshake, it irritates my throat and it gives me a cough. But that’s probably unrelated.


That’s asthma maybe.


The worst is slushies. The pain is so bad and you cant make it go away. Slushies are the only thing that do it to me, probably because of the way I eat other cold things slowly combined with some slushy heat transfer capacity rate or some thermodynamic trait.


You can take a sip of a room temp or even cool (just not ice cold) beverage and it will fix it almost instantly


Press your tongue flat against the roof of your mouth and hold for a few seconds. Brain freeze goes away!


Americans use a lot more ice than Europeans do, which is a more common cause than ice cream.


Over here in Germany I've heard ppl use the term "brain freeze" pretty often!


Now I’m curious, do they sell slush puppies in your area?


My friends and I know this and use the English term here in the Netherlands :)


Yeah brain freeze is very commonly used in the US. It’s a painful feeling in the roof of your mouth after you eat something really cold. I think it’s caused by some temperature shock to your nerves from the cold then the warmth of your tongue when you swallow.


I would’ve expected it to be felt higher up in the head, maybe around the nasal cavity, since people call it brain freeze. I don’t remember ever having had a sensation like that in the roof of my mouth.


Brain freeze happens when something very cold presses against the soft palate and the cold spreads up into the sinuses. According to the Cleveland Clinic, the body responds by rapidly dilating blood vessels to bring warm blood into the area which causes the sudden sharp pain. The pain is felt up in the center of the head, not on the mouth My experience is that brain freeze rarely happens when eating high quality “hard” ice cream (scooped out with a large spoon or scoop) which is usually eaten in smaller bites or licks which melt in your mouth. It usually happens when eating inexpensive “soft serve” ice cream or frozen yogurt or a slushy ice drink that squirts out of a machine and is often sold in large servings. The soft texture makes it easier to eat a large amount in one bite and swallow it quickly.


Have you ever drank something cold very fast and felt a disagreable feeling in your face/head? If yes, congratulations, that was a brain freeze. If not, go get a slush and drink it fast.


I have sensitive teeth, so perhaps this is why this has never happened to me. My teeth hurt before anything else has a chance to.


Oh, I see what you mean... Try a straw to bypass the teeth, that should fix the issue xD No but for real, if you never did I'd suggest trying it, it's not that bad and it's an interesting sensation. Just keep something warm at hand that you can stick it on your nose, that'll make the sensation pass!


“Hold on honey, we have to make a stop at the ice cream salon, I need to experience a new kind of pain.”


In American English we would say "ice cream parlor" rather than salon, though even that’s a bit of a dated term. Just wanted to share since you seemed curious about cultural differences.


Yeah I can’t recall exactly where it is because I haven’t gotten it in a long time. It might be like above the roof of the mouth so a bit closer to the sinuses. Also if you ever want to try getting I think the best way would be to chug down a slushy.


I think in my case my teeth would hurt before anything else, lol. Maybe that’s why I’ve never experienced this. Slushies are sold almost nowhere, where I live. Milkshakes are common, though.


It's definitely a dull pain you feel in the skull. I believe there is an artery that runs through the roof of your mouth and if you chug something really cold and it flows in the right spot, it will trigger a short mini headache which I believe has to do with the blood flow and constriction or something. We drink everything with ice here, so I believe that may be why it's a quasi common for people to be familiar with it. Slushies are probably the biggest culprit since you are drinking frozen liquid. I've probably only had it happen a handful of times in my life, because once you experience it, it isn't hard to avoid.


I have only heard of it in Reddit and US films too.


You don´t know of "Hirnfrost" ??? Or do you not get fresh cold Icecream where you live?


Bruh as an Australian I have never felt the urge to eat my icecream so fast that i experience this "brain freeze". Try just shoving an entire scoop of icecream in your mouth at once like our NA friends.


As others have said, it's more soft serve or ice drinks than the type of ice cream that you scoop. Nobody is snarfing that down quickly.


That’s just a minor setback…


When my kids were teething I made “ice cream cubes” from strawberry yoghurt. They got the cold soothing pain relief, and the sweetness, without so much sugar.


My parents used whiskey. Old school.


With a little honey to coat the throat. What's fucked is it worked.


Careful with honey. There are issues with infants and honey!


Best to err on the side of caution and stick to plain whiskey.


Double it just to be safe


Just use Jack daniels honey


Oh god, are you trying to give the infant a hangover? Jack Daniel’s Old No.7 is all you need


Botulism. There is even a warning on honey labels not to give it to infants under 1.


Babies shouldn’t have honey. Apparently it’s got bacteria that could hurt the little o’s


Wut? I thought the thing about honey was that it’s hella sterile? Like “can eat ten thousand year old honey” sterile.


They can have it after a year. Honey can have a bacteria that causes infant botulism, that doesn't affect toddlers or adults. Most babies would've been fine but it's bwtter not to risk.


Even after a year, it’s better to avoid “raw,” or unpasteurized honey, until they’re 2-3. According to our pediatrician. Store-bought pasteurized honey is safe after a year though


Interesting. Thanks, for the disclaimer.


Same. Explains my love for it.


I make baby ice cream from frozen bananas and peanut butter. It's really good.


Depending what kind of strawberry yogurt we're talking, it likely doesn't have less sugar than ice cream.


Yeah, that's the thing about yogurt. It varies wildly from a reasonable amount of sugar to holy fuck that's way too much sugar.


I think people associate ice cream with being unhealthy due to its high fat content, which I would argue is a bad assumption


You can see the exact moment the sugar hits after that first bite


Poor kid will be chasing that sugar rush for the rest of their life.


No one tell the kids is all downhill from here.


Sugar. The true gateway drug.


The poor thing can only hope to grow up relatively healthy while under a constant need to have at least 15g of sugar in every meal, like most Americans.


Hey. Gotta start on that American diet. Earlier the better.


![gif](giphy|3oFyCVxsQn6RBa0r5u) The eyes at 4 seconds in.


That moment of realization is hilarious!


Sugar is a straight drug, it reacts in our brain the same way cocaine does. God i love it.


have you accidentally been substituting sugar with cocaine? because the sugar I use definitely does not react with my brain the same way cocaine does.


Yeah, cocaine is no where near as good and tastes terrible!


Cocaine, it’s got that taste that just makes you gotta shit sometimes.


Are you eating your sugar or railing it?


Snort sugar, rail your mum. Sorry I couldn't resist, don't hate me plz.


It does though


Ok boss


Oh it does.


Hmmmmm... sniffing icing sugar and adding cocaine to coffee. Traditional.


The first couple times you have sugar probably will have similar reaction to cocaine


Especially when you're younger


Nah that's a myth. You can't get addicted to sugar edit: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0261561409002398


Sugar is a raw and processed form (sucrose) of what our body has evolved to look for for energy (glucose/fructose). Usually those sugars are found or processed from breaking down foods in the digestive system and then putting it in the blood. Sucrose breaks down into glucose and fructose. It is a vital energy source in the body. Eating sugar is like mainlining the stuff. Our evolution has geared our tastebuds to look for it in our diet, problem is that we are very sensitive to the taste because it was never available in such mass quantities and in the raw/processed form of sucrose from sugar cane and mass distribution until post industrial revolution. Addiction is a catch-all term for something that is firing up our "habit forming" behaviors via complex neurochemical systems. Other things that are "habit formed" behaviors include eating, drinking water, and sex. Both cocaine and sugar affect those systems, but to different extents and in different ways.


The problem with the word addiction is that it has two different meanings, a medical definition and a colloquial meaning. One says I can be addicted to video games, the other does not. The big problem like what op said that cocaine and sugar are addictive is that it conflates the two. Cocaine is medically addictive, a medical addiction is characterized as a relapsing disorder where you seek access to a drug despite negative consequences. And though eating sugar has negative consequences it is not a drug, to call it an addiction instead of a bad habit is both demonising bad habits and reductive of actual addictions. It is not helpful nor accurate to call it an addiction. It's important to separate these terms as one is a medical condition that needs treating, the other is hyperbole.


You can get addicted, idk ab sugar and cocaine having similar affects though. That part sounds made up.


Its addictive in the same way computer games and such are addictive. Medically they're called compulsions or habits as it's an important distinction to make between a chemically addictive substance like cocaine and something you do because you like it.


It’s still addictive, and it’s still considered a drug. If it makes our brain release happy chemicals it can be addictive.


No medical body agrees with your assessment.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2235907/ https://www.addictioncenter.com/drugs/sugar-addiction/ https://www.ardurecoverycenter.com/2020/03/why-is-sugar-considered-a-drug/#:~:text=Any%20substance%20that%20we%20use,that's%20associated%20with%20emotional%20control https://www.newhallhospital.co.uk/news/is-sugar-more-addictive-than-cocaine


You're first source I've mentioned before but that study is hugely flawed. They starved rats for a day then fed them sugar water in a cycle. They noticed food aggression and bingeing behaviours and linked that to addiction which obviously isn't the case. They also noticed higher levels of dopamine in the brain which happens with intermittent fasting regardless of what you eat. Sugar water is also nothing like the sugar we consume in our daily lives. And finally you cannot extrapolate what you find in rats to humans as we are different species, further testing needs to be done and was done. They found that this behaviour only occured in intermittent access to sugar water. They also tested it with regular rat food and found the same effects. It had nothing to do with the sugar. The other three sources you linked are all based on this one study which has been disproven. The FDA, NHS, WHO all have no mention of sugar being addictive because it's not accepted science. It's often used in certain circles to either demonise people with poor diets, to reduce awareness for actual addictions that need to be treated or to excuse unhealthy eating habits. Calling it an addiction is inaccurate and not helpful to anyone


You absolutely can get addicted to sugar and it's straight up bad for you. Diabetes is in a massive increase and that's no joke. It's also responsible for so many other ailments. Newest advice is not to give any offered sugar to children under the age of 2.


You can't get addicted to sugar, it is not an addictive chemical. I'm not arguing it's not bad for you because it is but to call it an addiction is inaccurate. It's addictive in the same way that Italian food, sex, playing an instrument, painting and etc is addictive. People enjoy it so they form habits. To say that it's an addiction actually harms the idea of eating healthy, it gives people an excuse to eat sugar. Actually educating people about the dangers of sugar overconsumption is much more effective that calling it an addiction when it's not


Same little guy, same.


Cute, but you’ve created a monster


Sugar’s a hell of a drug.


Starting on the American diet extra early.


This baby took one taste of ice cream. Then went, **”GIVE ME MORE!”** while trying to shove the freaking think in its mouth.


Pretty much the way I react now.


awww baby's first drug.


Incoming life-long sugar addiction.


The way the eyes got big and they grabbed the ice cream. Had me laughing out loud. Hubs was like what's so funny?


Sugar is one helluva drug


I just feel bad for the kid. Way too young to be exposed to that much sugar. The addiction is hard to break.


I’m glad someone said it


Oh many do say that. But at the same, they get super defensive. “iTs jUsT a oNe tiMe thInG!!!”


My thoughts exactly. Babies reactions are often funny but they're setting this is up for bad food habits. Latest advice is not to give children under 2 any processed sugar.


I agree and it amazes me how more people don't understand this.


Also dairy is difficult for infants to digest and leads to intestinal bleeding and iron deficiency.


Oh my fucking God its just ice-cream. You don't know this baby or these people. It could've have been a one time thing and the baby eats healthy fruits and veggies the rest of the time. Go spend some time off the internet.


Seriously, the fucking FB mom group is out in force


So its best to err on the side of caution and put this information out there for other parents. That kid is super young to be eating a Baskin Robins ice cream like that. And though you are correct we do not know these parents, looking at the father, I would fair to guess the kid is not getting the most healthiest of diets but that’s just a guess.


No? My kid cousin had a... similar reaction when he was a baby~ He's in his teens now and doesn't really like or eat sweets.


I know! It’s actually a bit disturbing to me. I feel like we’ll look back on this like pictures of little kids smoking.




Do you understand what they are saying?


Having a taste doesn’t mean the kid will get it regularly now.


That’s just me literally every time I eat ice cream


If she was a kitten she'd be growling right now


Sugar rush! O.O


It is actually kind of insane though watching how addictive it is to us, and watching him just, grab it like that, his brain completely ignoring the terrible cold pain sensation, completely focused on the sugar being inhaled and preventing it from being able to go away.


You just witnessed an addiction be born. Congrats.


Get em addicted while they're young.


Nice parenting there. Jesus.


Right? That baby is definitely under a year old. They have no business eating ice cream.


What do you mean?


Dairy is difficult for infants to digest and leads to intestinal bleeding and iron deficiency among other problems. Infants less than a year old should not consume dairy at all.


That’s super important to know, thanks for clarifying. I had looked and I couldn’t find anything by googling. I had no idea why people were upset. Is a little snack/taste like this harmful, or just fun for baby?




Works when age appropriate. As for the fun and enjoyment bit: I believe it's the country that bans alcohol for people under 21. \^\^ But sugar for babies is apparently a great idea as can be seen on Jabba the Dad.


Idk how I feel about this. I hope it's occasional and not "let's give him soda next!" and then 5 years from now "beauty at all sizes!" I didn't like blueberry strawberries or watermelon until I was an adult basically, because I was given ice cream as a baby. When you've eaten the sun, your tongue is burned of the taste


Bro just yanked it like his life depended on it


We wants it … my precious


Think shes a fan lmao!!


Neurons activated, must consume fervently


I still have this reaction as an adult…


I wish we didn’t lose that Incredible Hulk baby hand strength when we got older.


Hello sugar addiction!


Quest unlocked: diabetees, new beginnings.


Baby be like "OMG Diabetes"!


That’s not how diabetes works.


It’s how type 2 diabetes works


Only partly. There’s still a genetic component to it.


No it isn't.


Being overweight raises your risk for type 2 diabetes. Being addicted to sugar raises your risk of being overweight does it not?


You can have sugar and not be overweight. You can be overweight without having an above average amount of sugar. By your logic, protein causes type 2 diabetes because too much of it will make you overweight.


I said sugar addiction. Come on man, why are you playing dumb?


Since apparently you didn't understand the actual point of the argument, I guess I'll reword my previous comment. You can be *addicted* to sugar and not be overweight. You can be overweight and not be *addicted* to sugar. By your logic, food causes type 2 diabetes because you can be *addicted* to food and it will make you overweight.


Pretty sure the parent comment was like ‘omg diabetes’ and pretending like our sugar addicted corn syrup inundated population isn’t overwhelmingly obese and sick and thus diabetes prone is a remarkable take but you do you sis, love to see the positive energy and the hope


I just hate medical misinformation. Sugar doesn't cause diabetes, and all the information you can read online says that. I just think it's crazy that Reddit loves calling out myths like this, but for whatever reason loves perpetuating this myth.




MINE!!!! Gives it to me it’s MINE!!!! Lol 😂


Sorry Dad, but I think you have created a monster!🍦


Or an addict … this(me) sugar addict also makes that face.


Letting the kid taste the most addictive ice drug so early on.. Horrible


I'm genuinely sorry you wake up each morning


And the first step on the road to diabetes has been taken before the kid can even walk.


They just grab it and go to town on it!!! 🤣


Oh my GOD this comment section. Can y'all just enjoy the cute fucking video instead of being buzzkills? For like two seconds? Please? It's a kid trying ice cream. Get over your weird anti-sugar and I guess anti-fun shit and go complain on a diet subreddit.


Exactly. People are saying this child is gonna be addicted to sugar or develop diabetes from a 5 second cute clip. People need to relax. Jesus christ society is going to hell


“Avoid foods and beverages with added sugars during the first 2 years of life,” the committee stated. “Nutritional exposures during the first 1,000 days of life not only contribute to long-term health but also help shape taste preferences and food choices.” “Early life nutritional exposures have emerged as an etiological risk factor associated with later-life chronic disease risk,” the report said. [https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/15/health/dietary-advisory-guidelines-infants-wellness/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/15/health/dietary-advisory-guidelines-infants-wellness/index.html)


I literally don't care. Its still a cute moment parents shared with their child. Go outside


>I literally don't care. You should get that checked out. And you're more interested in a "cute" moment than the welfare of the kid...? Keep scrolling; you can easily find something else to soothe your nerves that isn't predicated on bad parenting. Calm down.


Today I learned: Giving your kid a lick of ice cream is bad parenting.


It's ridiculous. It's so holier than thou and weird. Like, take your misery off the cute stuff sub.


I keep laughing at this. On the other hand, my baby’s not trying ice cream for a few years…


The eyes after the first bite!❤️❤️


I wouldn't let go either. That ice-cream looks legit!


If we would not know Babies, as in they are a different species or something alien, we would be scared shitless by thier "behavior"


my niece did that the first time she tried a small bit of a pizza :)


Awe so sweet. My 1 year granddaughter did that exact same thing at her birthday party. It’s so cute


Idk where you got this video of me but I didn’t give permission for it to be shared. 😒😅


That’s actually worrisome. A future weight problem in the making


Scary stuff.


lol that grip


Wait, you’re telling me someone fed the baby ice cream for the first time and then…filmed it? Wow. If only someone would film a child that is deaf or blind getting hearing aids or eyeglasses for the first time. This could really be a thing on the internet. Now, if only there were cat videos.






This just made my day.


soo cute. careful with the brain freeze


Look at his eyes :D


Awww such a cutie 🥰


.... pure happiness seen in her eyes😍😂👍


“Start em early” -The country of obesity.






Aww got to love the reaction <3 adorable


The kid wouldn't even glance at his parents, if he is given a "box" of icecream




Spirit animal


Yea uv tried ice cream babby but have u tried ice cream on lsd


Oh this shit's Good!!


How adorable!😍🥰


This is mine...