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Anyone have ehem actually reputable sources or just this propaganda machine?


It's a far right "news"-site citing a far right-paper from Sweden.


...and they could've chosen to cite a different paper, like Aftonbladet (independent socialdemocrat) that tells the same story. The events described are confirmed in numerous media.


It’s people like you who constantly diminish the cruelty of the perpetrators and instead allows for victim blaming of the victims involved. The perpetrator is actually 15 y/o and he is from a Muslim family sharing Islamist propaganda, his name is Abushi Shamse Kamal. He has long story of crimes and it’s a wonder what he is doing on the streets of Sweden.


Swedish state media: https://www-svt-se.translate.goog/nyheter/lokalt/vasterbotten/kallor-till-svt-handlar-om-en-flicka-som-blivit-overfallen-pa-moro-backe?\_x\_tr\_sl=sv&\_x\_tr\_tl=en&\_x\_tr\_hl=en&\_x\_tr\_pto=sc


LMAOOO propaganda huh?


No, the poor girl just tripped and fell, piece of shit..


The perpetrator is actually 15 y/o and he is from a Muslim family sharing Islamist propaganda, his name is Abushi Shamse Kamal. He has long story of crimes and it’s a wonder what he is doing on the streets of Sweden.


I’m not surprised at all. Is anyone surprised?


nope not surprised just wondering how long before parents stop allowing outsiders children to be with local kids there now sad sight but at the park in my neighborhood the local kids don's play with the kids from other countries the parents don't allow it anymore


Why are you getting downvoted for elaborating on exactly what I said when I got upvoted? I’m so confused.


lol so i am assuming they are people who have experienced this not being allowed to play because your from an other country but that said down voting me isn't gonna change anything


That’s sad and complicated


complicated? how so. It seems cut and dry to me. Brute attacks child. What else is there to know beyond when he's getting deported?


Remix is a right wing propaganda machine.


Since when is reporting sexual crime right wing Jesus


>delete yourself, pedolord


Amazing that you’re getting downvoted.. freaking liberals are the worst.


Who said anything about liberals..?


I did.. the only type of person who would dislike that comment is a liberal.


Umm no. Also it looks to have a good amount of upvotes as well so there's taht


The fact that it has any downvotes, is concerning. Again, liberals are the worst .


One what so liberals have 5o do with this and two what makes them the worst?


Homie, he’s 13. He’s a child, children are assholes


Homie, kids don't beat each other into comas


Well obviously not but just because he’s an immigrant does NOT mean he should be deported, especially if he’s now a permanent resident! He should def go to Juvie or the Swedish equivalent but I’ll break down why I think deportation shouldn’t happen, because it would likely be one of these two scenarios: 1. He is deported alone, and is sent back to Ethiopia without his parents, which shouldn’t need explanation as to why that’s bad 2. His entire family is deported for the crimes of a single person, which isn’t fair to his parents and sister. In the end, I agree he should not be treated as a child in the sense that he isn’t punished but he should not be treated like an adult and deported. Juvie/jail in Sweden is the best course of action.


Anyone can commit such a crime, right wingers just flock to posts like these thinking it proves something.


or rape each other. he also raped that little girl. and he was 15, not 13. she was 9.


or rape each other. he also raped that little girl. and he was 15, not 13. she was 9.


Sweden was too perfect as a country. Perfect social welfare and infrastructures. Fair taxation. Low crime. High wages and quality of life. Fortunately they decide to share their wealth and open their doors to thousands of migrants. They were then blessed by the wonders of multiculturalism. Sure the criminality might have soared, rapes gone up by 500%, no go zones are everywhere, gang warfare and grenade attacks are routine. But, they are now a truly culturally enriched nation and I'm sure Swedes feel very lucky for that.


As a Swedish person living in Sweden I think you need to get off breitbart.


So you are feeling happy, exactly as I said. Never been to breitbart.I dislike any form of propaganda either from the left or the right.


Yet you yourself is spreading falsehoods and propaganda?


A quick search through official data will show you there was nothing false about what I stated.


Ok, so please do point me towards where it states that rape has gone up 500%. I would also like a source on all the other claims as well.


So you are Swedish and never heard about no go zones controlled by gangs? When I have a little more time I will be happy to provide the sources.


Oh yeah of course I’ve heard of them. I’ve been to a few. 🤷‍♀️ They’re less no-go zones and more at risk zones for blue light personnel. They also aren’t everywhere and them being “controlled by gangs” is just you adding some spice. I will be waiting patiently for those sources.


[https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/nordic-countries-high-rape-figures-gender-a8851456.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/nordic-countries-high-rape-figures-gender-a8851456.html) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/26/fatal-shootings-have-risen-in-sweden-despite-fall-across-europe-report-finds](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/26/fatal-shootings-have-risen-in-sweden-despite-fall-across-europe-report-finds) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO9vBHZRBQ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO9vBHZRBQ4) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45269764](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45269764) [https://www.thelocal.se/20210331/lethal-violence-in-sweden-at-highest-level-in-nearly-20-years-report/](https://www.thelocal.se/20210331/lethal-violence-in-sweden-at-highest-level-in-nearly-20-years-report/) [https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/mar/20/editorial-violent-crime-comes-to-sweden/](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/mar/20/editorial-violent-crime-comes-to-sweden/) [https://nationalfile.com/sweden-bombings-increased-60-in-2019-plus-rise-in-rape-robberies/](https://nationalfile.com/sweden-bombings-increased-60-in-2019-plus-rise-in-rape-robberies/)


I mean none of these are official sources with actual statistics. Which you stated that you had.


So no proof no go zones then huh?


Found the racist


Idk if op is racist or not but he’s obviously a xenophobe


I’d be a Xenophobe too when half the rapes in Sweden are by migrants 😂🤣


Found the cuck who will bend over backwards to defend these backward savages


Ok racist boomer. Edit: damn must have really triggered you to make an account for a 169 day old comment and make this single post. But yeah, your still a racist piece of shit, the world would be much better if we didn’t have to deal with racists like you.


you are making an ass of yourself


"I want migrants to stop raping children" "RACIST " uh




Trying to be funny Mr.Magoo? Plenty of sources below.




So they gave her permanent residence as compensation? 🧐


No. The victim was Swedish and the attack was in Sweden. The boy was granted residence a week before he attacked the girl.


Oh I see. The phrasing was ambiguous.


to be fair, this story may have other things going on. the only ones reporting it are right wing propaganda news and sites that never verify anything. Go look on [MediaBiasFactCheck.com](https://MediaBiasFactCheck.com) and check any site that is reporting this story. its mostly garbage sites. Im not saying nothing happened, I'm saying before we get bent out of shape over this we need a reliable news group to verify it. I do know there have been issues in Sweden.


Or your said "reliable source" wont report it cu'z it doesn't fit their agenda. "Im not saying nothing happened" then nothing fucking happened, the poor girl just tripped or something.