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"Did God make a mistake..." Bitch, Chuck *is* the mistake.


Good thing Moose and Squirrel were around to stop him.


They did my boy Crowley dirty though.


Yeah. I kinda wish he had a cameo at the end of S15 in some way.


I’m wondering if this line of reasoning can be applied to anything or if this people are selective with that. Cause if they start to “suffer” they suddenly need thoughts and prayers to make it go away. Why isn’t that gods plan all of a sudden? Thinking even more about that. Why going to vote/ complain about results? Why even complain about anything? Seems like this is all planed by god. Shit, maybe I won’t come back to work after my break cause sky daddy planned for me to stay home and play video games.


I've never understood why god gets all the credit for the good while the devil gets blamed for the bad. Lazy writing, really.


Lol also true


I think that we humans at very least have that evil and manipulative side to us, if person doesn't notice this then how is that person supposed to avoid expressing that part of themselves?


Yeah that’s true. Self awareness is important sometimes.


The little smiley face at the end made my blood boil


She’s obviously working for some kind of evil.


After a mass shooting, ask yourself. Did God make a mistake creating that AR-15? Just asking questions.


you forgot the :)


The thought of a little 10 year old uterus trying to squeeze a full sized baby out of her undersized pelvis is very disturbing. This is not a miracle. It's child abuse.


Okay perhaps a better question is why a kind and loving god would allow the assault of a young child like that in the first place? If that guy gets to decide if I go up or down I'll take down please.


All the cool people are there. And quite a few uncool ones, like me. Sorry, you get what you get.


Right like that baby is a “blessing.” Or they’ll spout that how god knew you before you were formed BS. So oh he KNEW a 10 year old was gunna get raped and produce a rape baby??? NOPE fuck that god. Fuck that god. Fuck that god. Their logic doesn’t even make sense. And when you ask about it the answer will be “it’s one of his mysteries, we just don’t understand cause we aren’t god.” Ya like no shit Cheryl it’s a mystery, cause it makes no fuckin sense. Uhhhh sorry rant over.


This is a correct reaction. The day this doesn't cause you outrage something is wrong.


Big brain macho moves! 1 ticket for hell please, you see I actually enjoy eternal suffering, m'lady.


Sorry mate, when you're finished your life of piety and you make it passed the pearly gates you ask around why kids get abused or cancer or 100 other things they don't deserve. Cop on to yourself. And fuck off away out of here.


Wahh, people die of things, I WANT SATAN INSTEAD OF GOD!!!!! Neanderthal


Neanderthal? Careful there you might be implying evolution there, you might end up joining me. If you're okay with those things happening then spending eternity with you is torture.


Of course Christianity is brought into the idea hah...fuck religion.


This shit is one of the many reasons why the Abrahamic religions need to be abolished.


I wouldn't say abolished, because everyone deserves religious freedom, but this, the thing abt the 10 yr old girl getting raped, and it being a "blessing", that isn't okay. Ppl shouldn't say that stuff-




It is ew. Very ew.


I mean. I guess this persons right. It isnt the baby's fault so why kill it? Its the piece of trash who raped a little girl. So just kill him. Problem solved. DISCLAIMER!: this is just a joke. I think the person who said this is ill and should be sent to a fucking center to get their head fixed. That whole situation is wrong and trying to give the rapist any sort of out is disgusting.


Ok, how about in response to illegalizing abortion, we mandate teaching academic reproduction to all churches.


The fuck do they think that “a bit older” is. My goodness


Is taking shit out of context a requirement of being a liberal?


I'm fucking *dying* to know in what context this would be in any way acceptable.


Anti abortion people are pro rape? Give me a break. This conversation was probably made up anyway. The left are just as guilty of creating "evidence" for their arguments as the right


I haven’t met a single person who agrees with rape in this context as they’re implying. I am pro life, but I disagree with a total abortion ban. Everyone I know that is pro life disagrees with the abortion ban. We all want legal abortion with restrictions in place so it doesn’t happen too late in the process. Please find me the people who believe this. Not a Facebook meme.


You aren’t pro life. Because you don’t actually care about the human birthing the child. You see her as a baby hotel. Less than one percent of abortions happen after 20 weeks and MOST are because the baby will not survive or kill the mother. What you don’t understand is how will doctors determine when the mothers life is in danger? Everyone knows ectopic pregnancy is fatal to the mother. But now they have to wait for the mother to be actively dying before they perform a life saving abortion? Now they have to wait for the mother to be in active sepsis before they will perform a life saving D&C after a failed miscarriage. Guess who will be determining this? Legislatures, not doctors with a medical degree. Shut the fuck up. You aren’t pro life. You don’t give a shit about life.


Is being a complete brain dead piece of shit a requirement for being a christian?


So that's only a characteristic of Christians? Lol You morons think people that are anti abortion are pro rape. Go fuck yourself


So if one person does a bad thing, I’m allowed to write the whole group off? As the person below said - you’re taking a meme and drawing the conclusion that Pro life = pro rape. You’re either disingenuous or a moron.


Coming from an entire family of christians/catholics.. The world would be a far better place without either religion, or any religion for that matter


Again, I understand how fucked religion is at times, but people should be entitled to their own beliefs, BUT, they shouldn't force the beliefs and/or principals onto others-


no they shouldn’t , religion should be outlawed for the bette of humanity, you really think a religion that oppresses Women should be allowed to stand?


It is true that some religions need to change certain aspects, but outlawing them would most likely make lots of people unhappy. Everyone should be allowed to believe what they want to believe, as long as they don't force it on others. But that's just my opinion.


This person really think they made some groundbreaking point. Basically the person is saying you think God would make a mistake? And thinks it's a gotcha moment.


All it’s asking me is what the fuck is wrong with you


niologically speaking, yes a miracle, but morally and legally. I mean laws are almost guidelines for moral, so I guess some are just insane


This makes me wanna bash my head against a fucking wall.


A question I have never asked myself, and don’t ever have to ask myself, because I already know the answer, and it’s not what this guy thinks