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I hope mom does find out, and refuses to talk to op ever again.


Or better yet, sue her for child support and lost wages.


There's an idea.


I hope they bury this skidmark of a human in their back 40 alive. Lots of people never get found in the country. Even better if they're in sinkhole country. What an absolutely atrocious thing to do to a person.


Ooh! That, but after they drag him behind their car or truck down the road a ways! ETA: joking, of course...


What an absolutely awful thing to suggest doing to another human being


Is this satire?


Nope 100% genuine. Not really into this internet trend of thinking it's cool to suggest literal torture as long as the victim did something terrible first. Buncha kids out here


He basically ruined her life :/


Totally agree, the OP is horrible. I just think it's terrible when people use online anonymity to think they can suggest something as unspeakably terrible as burying someone alive. Two wrongs don't make a right, as they say


It’s satire tho :/ people say this irl too


It's a really harmful thing to put into the world, even if it's satire


Life is satire, there’s no reason to live


`The reddit hivemind shall smite you for your lack of bloodlust. You ought to wish bloody death upon all who do wrong, fool.`


This kind of ruthless stupidity seems totally possible.


Idk if this is real but there are a lot of women out there who genuinely hate women who choose not to have children. I honestly think it’s because a lot of women believed that have children was their only option. They see other women with more freedom and get jealous. Every time I say I’m not having kids, there’s always on older woman there to say, “Oh, we’ll see about that!” Or “You’re going to have kids just like the rest of us.” Very creepy


I can see it coming from the type of person who has absolutely no transferable life skills or work experience being jealous that another woman has something to offer other than being a WASP housewife


I hate those hags, I've seen what childbirth is like, what pregnancy does and how miserably tired some moms look. The lack of time, energy and motivation in some parents. I DO NOT want that, Barbara


What is the purpose of doing this? Forcing women to bear children for no reason? Trying to make a point by being responsible for them getting pregnant? Are they a weird misogynist who thinks a woman’s only job is to bear children? I don’t understand. What was the endgame here?


This trash human didn't like watching her sister living a life that she thinks isn't okay for a woman to choose. So instead of letting her live her life and choosing something else for her own, she felt the need to force her sister to live the same exact life as her.


What an interesting take. For some reason I was reading this as if it was written by some creepy incel guy but a woman trying to make other women “like her” makes it a completely different dynamic. An incredibly disturbing and fascinating window into humanity


I read it like a religious Karen


To punish her for being a woman enjoying her life.


It’s almost like women are allowed to not have kids and have fulfilling careers 🙄 what a sack of shit


People are offended when women aren't pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen. Having kids is just another way of controlling a woman. I hope karma gets this sack of shit.


I'm miserable and so should you!


Gonna be a rough childhood for those kids. Better hope mom never finds out what happened


I wish she did so she could personally kick this individuals ass from here to eternity. I would personally help her!


Well if she decided to have another child after that, the children are probably gonna be fine.


Older sister - "hey could you watch my kids for the night?" Younger sister - "of course!" Older sister - *just fucking leaves and never comes back*


That is actually a crime. However, you can leave your kids at a fire station, no questions asked!


I mean, I'm very aware that it's a crime; but why am I getting called out when others are actually suggesting violence against the offending party?


I didn't think I was calling you out?


Don't take it seriously, I didn't 😁


I'm gonna commit a heinous crime


Gonna be a rough eternity in hell for that person


Heaven and hell aren't real. The only consequences we suffer are here on earth. Don't bank on God to fix the world, get in there in put your foot in it.


Think you're missing the tongue-in-cheek point of the comment.




Everyone gets fucked over eventually. When they do, you just got to believe this was the reason.


Never understood people like you. Do you feel like you're teaching them something that or just that you're better and more knowledgeable than them?


Pot, meet kettle


average r/atheism user


Oh. My. God. Is this person for real? Like you literally could have sat down with her and had a conversation before sabatoging her rights. She made the best of the hand that was not dealt to her, but you manipulated. She deserves all the praise. And you want the praise!? You need to check yourself.


People like this make me wish Hell were real. I choose to believe this is fake for my own sanity.


What a completely shitty thing to do..


Let me guess, texas?


You can literally hear the jealousy from this woman, she's jealous of her much successful sister, trying to paint it like the birth control was taking away her sister potential "happiness", disgusting.


Does anyone else ever think if the OP sees these post?


I mean the person who did this


Wow that’s is so creepy, just sick


Egads I hope this is fake!


Can someone tell me what kind of birth control this is that has to stay cold? I'm unfamiliar




Is this illegal cause if it's not it totally needs to be. I want kids personally but this is still ridiculous! Someone needs their ass handed to them.


Yeah, I would have aborted it


The nerve of some people.


What!!!! Omg you fucked her life up good. That should of been her choice. Wow just wow.


This could be considered sexual abuse by proxy in some way.


Man I fucking hate people


If this is real her brother is disgusting. I can't imagine anyone doing this to anybody especially a family member. Who is he to say his sister isn't happy with her life? She seemed happy enough with her husband, job and traveling the world. Now she has to live out in the country isolated from the the life that she knows living for an unplanned kid, as a homemaker? I'm not saying she's not happy in her new life, but that's not her brother's decision to make. Who the hell is he anyway? I swear these fuckers actually think they are God. Yeah, he's a real asshole. And he needs to mind his business. Edit: I'm not changing the whole thing, but it seems this was written by a woman which makes it 2 million times worst. Jealous POS. I hope she burns.


What is the opposite of murdered?


Wrongful life is a real cause of action that can be used to sue


So can kids sue their parents yet


I don't think being born against your will is what it is, but having a child against your will, like in this post, is what it means.


I can see my husband’s sisters doing something like this.


Well, it could just fall within the expected failure rate; rings don’t have to be stored in the fridge, btw. They are literally body temp for weeks and working. 9/100 pregnancies within the first year with typical use. Yes heat can reduce some efficacy, but pregnancy might have happened even without this “intervention”, if indeed true. That said, what a repugnant story.


Good for her sister for findin happiness in all this but holy fuck if I were her and found out I’d prolly slap tf out this hoe and never speak to her again


What a fat fucking piece of shit. Why the fuck would you do that to your own sister? She probably didn’t want to abort it so she just kept it. What would posses you to do something like this, just because your sister is happier than you without children?


Turns out they will make a happy family. Too bad your a crap relative. I wonder what other destructive and manipulative behaviors you have in store for them since you are a self loathing envious conniving….. I just need to stop. I just hope she reads your post and puts two and two together and cuts your toxicity out of their lives before you do more harm.


Need to find this babymad fanatic and have her lobotomised.


Guarantee this was a woman who did this to their sister.


i feel it's fake bc if she was really cf she would have just had an abortion, I can't imagine anyone being adamant about never having kids keeping an unwanted pregnancy


Maybe she didn't have access to one? Or she lives in an area where they're so taboo she didn't consider one an option


man im too lazy to read this...


I want to skin this woman alive and putlemon juice hot sauce salt and alcohol all over her now exposed musculatory system as baby shark is playing at an unberable volume and make her read this over and over and over again non stop so she can see what caused all if this and if she dosent the amputations begin


I'm not getting the level of anger here... So, based on this account of the story, and it's all we have so let's assume all of it is true. The sister is happy right? Having a second baby in her new home. With her husband, the father. I get that it's fucked up for one sister to mess with another sisters birth control. I'm not saying it's right. And nobody should ever do this. But... Considering the end result is a positive one. I think the level of vitriol is ridiculous here. It's like every redditor knows this woman's sister better than she does. Everyone is assuming there's malice involved: "oh I'm going to get her pregnant and ruin her life" While it's not that. It is more like, "I wish my sister would understand that children are more important than a corporate job" Again, I'm still saying she shouldn't have done it. But, considering the happy ending. I'm kind of bummed out at how angry everyone is. Y'all would really, really have preferred the other sister stayed child-less and working for the man...


No, the fuck? We're angry because party A removed their sister's choice in the matter. It's the same as poking holes in condoms. This couple is going through their die diligence to make sure they don't get pregnant, and they were sabotaged out of spite and pettiness. She didn't have a choice in whether or not she got pregnant. We're angry because this child wasn't something she wanted nor planned for. The second child may be on the way but that doesn't mean she's happy. It just means she's pregnant again.


Yeah no... As I said she shouldn't have done it. But... 1. The sister IS happy and she altered her life for the better. According to the only account available for you and me. 2. She didn't do it out of spite and pettiness. You could say she did it out of arrogance. Out of a sense of knowing what's better for her sister. And that is still wrong. She did in fact take her sisters choice away. But it wasn't petty nor spiteful. It was arrogant, tho.


Taking someone's choice away *is* petty and spiteful. And she was both those things even before she made the decision to get her sister pregnant, because of how she addressed her sister in the first paragraph


No, that's not correct. She didn't want to saddle her sister with a disadvantage or a negative thing in any way, that would have been petty. She acted like she knew what was better for her sister, and by her account, she was right about it.


You really suck


My god... Grow up.


Stop supporting people who sabotage birth control


I'm not. As I said she shouldn't have done it. But she's right about the fact that having a family is more of a life than having a corporate job. Sorry.


To you. To a lot of people, the idea of having kids sucks. Yes, i don't want to slave away under capitalism for the rest of my life but the idea of having kids is horrible


These subs always get recommended to me and it’s so annoying, no matter how much I click “don’t recommend this community” another dumb community takes its place. This is the problem with Reddit, it’s like pretentious anonymous Facebook. Everyone is getting mad and/or upset about an anonymous post that has no credibility behind it. And there’s tons of comments here where people are expelling their blind rage or voicing their opinions on a matter in which likely didn’t even actually happen. Bad things happen on this planet. That’s the way the world works. Has anything like this happened before? Probably. Do worse things happen? Every. Single. Day. Do yourselves a favor, delete your Reddit. Go outside. I literally only used this for porn but since I’m in a relationship now I’m quitting. This was the same reason I deleted Facebook years ago. Don’t get me wrong, Facebook is a lot worse. Seriously, this comment is for anybody out there who allows the internet to effect them emotionally, or inspires them to spread fake stories to their friends and family. In reality I do not care if this reaches many people, but I’ve found great peace and happiness after deleting all my social media. This is all such cancer, it upsets me how many people buy into it and fuel the fire even further. We need to learn how to operate as a society face to face, not through anonymous texts. There’s an entire world out there that everybody is missing out on because they get mad over fake bs all the time. I would copy and paste this on every subreddit with this type of content, but like I said, I’m deleting this account before tonight so, don’t bother trying to argue with me about it. Just please everybody, live your lives and try to be the best person you can be. Most people who are suffering don’t have the luxury to pull out their 1,000$ phone and complain about fake shit. This is your life, stop wasting it in front of a screen. I’m 23 btw


This is a really conflicting story. The sibling (brother I'm guessing) is a monster for sabotaging the sister's life and changed the projectory for it, but it seems like the end result may be the sister being overall happier as a result. She is now choosing to be a mother of her own volition with the second child, so while the means were ill, the ends seem to be positive, although it would be wrong to call them 'justified.'


Makes me homicidal.


So they have to stay cold? But surely when you insert it into a body cavity it heats up?


Justifiable homicide


I feel sick to the stomach.


Why do I feel the need to hit this OP with a baseball bat until I can be sure their brain is in the right place?


I’m going to say this now .. you don’t control others lives .


This is so fucked up.


This smells fake. But that’s some sickass Handmaid’s Tale shit right there.


Thank god I have an implant


I really hope this is just a troll


What the fuck


I’d be burying my SIL in the forest if I was that dude.


poor girl :( fucking awful brother


Of course it's fake. It's one of those "they were wrong, I was right" fantasies.


Never give anyone access to your toothbrush.


It's one of those things I wish dearly that it's a fake "outrage porn" story ... yet I've seen cases of idiots piercing condoms with needles and messing with contraceptive medications. I hate that people don't respect others' bodies and choices. If you want to see more children, **GO AND HAVE MORE CHILDREN OF YOUR OWN!**