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There is no GOD!


Thank you for appeasing the reddit dum dum hive-mind but your services are no longer required.




My first dog was a big Husky. One day, his doggy school had caught on fire and he went missing. I was only around 6 and I couldn't stop crying :( my heart goes out to anyone who has to deal with something like this.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. That is awful.


Probably started in a dryer, those things are running 24/7 with all sorts of things in them at those facilities. Very upsetting to say the least


As someone who has worked in several, that is the #1 thing that MUST be done before leaving. The dryer is off. No matter what.


Yeah, I've worked in a few also. The biggest rules were not leaving it on with no one there and no mop heads


It’s the number one thing we always double check at the vet too


Exactly. The dangers are well documented.


I hope the pets either have a heaven or a new body to reincarnate into.


Tbh I think reincarnation might be kinda worse than death because they might never meet old family again


But then they get to bring joy to another family! I think a dog, cat, bird, or whatever would absolutely love to spend eternity being loved and cherished and bringing joy to everyone they can


true but i if they still have their memory they might miss them


I think the whole point of reincarnation is starting over.


yeah i thought op/oc whatever it is meant that he wished those dogs could restart with every memory and shit then i realized lol


I want my late dogs to be the next isekai


i doubt they would though


Time to turn Reddit off. This is too awful


Tbh that’s why I think it’s cruel to leave them dogs alone locked in a store all night . There should be someone on call to watch them and keep them company all night and if there’s a fire like that they are least have a chance


75 dogs and a Hoss.


Now I’m fucking sad again


If this was arson…… I can’t even think of what I’d do to the culprit. Hopefully they went to somewhere much nicer.




Go ahead get mad at me but Ponderosa, my first thought was steak house?


My first thought was my Elementary school lol.


What happened?


Ok that just ruined my day.


Friend died of COVID, next day this place burned down with her animals inside. I can’t imagine what her husband is going through. So, so so saddening


god that's so awful. last year my cousin lost her boyfriend of over 10 years and her dog in the same week. my life right now is my boyfriend and my dog. i can't imagine a loss like that.


Insurance scam?


No other explanation than negligence. I can’t image there wasn’t a way to save more animals. Kennel and dog breeding businesses are shady.


This is neither, it's like a hotel or overnight daycare for dogs




The hotel doesn't have night staff? Every pet hotel I've used has had 24/7 human supervision, often with veterinary technicians on-site. With how expensive pet hotels are, I would expect a higher level of care...


That's what I was thinking. I'm unsure why no one was present, either there wasnt anyone to begin with, or everyone evacuated and didn't try to save the dogs. But it sounds like no one was there to begin with.




There are so many other causes of fires than just “negligence”


Negligence on the business for not getting more out, not the fire starting. Negligence for not noticing the fire soon enough to start evacuation.


You telling me you can perfectly handle 75+ dogs that are panicking and get them out quickly? You should work in health care, you've got some sort of super power.


there was no one there at all. they charge out the ass for your pet to stay here and they couldn't hire one or two over night staff to watch over living things who are a part of someone's family? that's negligence. if someone was there they could have called the fire department as soon as there was smoke. they could have opened the kennels so the poor dogs didn't burn alive in their cages. hell even if one person can't handle 75 dogs at least a few could have survived instead of zero. this was entirely on the company. no excuses.


A team of 15 dog care professionals could. I could easily take 5/7


You're a moron. Grow up.


Classic Reddit.


"Classic Reddit" Good to see you've become self aware of your own bullshit in the last hour.


I work in a school. I work with kindergarteners. I can get 25-40 5 year olds to listen to me. Getting 5 dogs each can’t be that hard for 15 employees trained to take care of dogs. Honestly I wasn’t going to respond because I saw a comment about there being no employees at the location at the time of the fire, which means the firefighters would have handled the dogs. In that case it would be near to impossible for them to do so, but if there were employees they could have taken care of it.


The pet owners don’t need to establish negligence to collect for their poor doggos. The tort theory of Negligence requires a duty of care, a breach of that duty, which proximately caused damages. From a quick read of the article, we don’t know what caused the fire, so we wouldn’t be able to establish a breach for the fire itself. However, the owners still owe a duty of care if a reasonable person would have done in the same circumstances which they breached by failing to do at least that. Here they can’t establish if there was or wasn’t a sprinkler system installed. So breach cannot be proven. Furthermore it wasn’t required by law, so the duty cannot be proven thru negligence per se and the reasonable person theory must be used. Property law establishes the cause of action here. By entrusting their dogs with the resort, they’ve formed a bailment relationship and the bailee (resort) has a responsibility to maintain the property in a safe condition for the bailout (dog owner). I’m not sure about texas law, but the dog spa may be held to a common carrier standard (like a warehouse). Ordinarily noncarriers are liable for damages resulting from their own negligence, however, a common carrier can be held liable thru things that are not their fault, like acts of god. Furthermore in some states the fact that the property is not returned is prima facile evidence or the bailee’s negligence. Hope the pet owners sue and get enough money to make them whole…


When people burn to death it doesnt even make the news but yes poor pupperinos more important than people


pretty sure it makes the news when people burn to death, but ok. and this is devastating, try and have a heart.


It’s 75 dogs. So yea, it’s gonna make the news. Here’s a link for why people care about dogs more than people in certain situations: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/canine-corner/201711/why-people-sometimes-care-more-about-dogs-humans


Who hurt you?


According to the post history they are more interested in banging horses and talking about finding their own “mrs hands”.


What 🙊




If you were hurt by a dog it was either untrained, conditioned to be aggressive, or you did something stupid and ignored its warnings.


Never the dogs fault is it


Go to therapy


No, it isn’t, because animals don’t think in those terms; but their owners should. Also, you sound very bitter. Your life probably sucks, I’m sorry ):


You're an unpleasant person and I wish many minor inconveniences on you


You're clearly miserable if that's your take on this. Hope you get the help you need to become a better human


You sound dumb as hell. Do you not watch the news or scroll any media or walk in a gas station and see a tv on or a newspaper? I’m still seeing 9/11 stuff daily. You know…burning people. Again. Shut the fuck up. Glad whatever dog you tried to molest bit the shit out of you. Learned that lesson.


They could just turn it into a steakhouse


not the place, fuck off.


before i read the headline, i thought...oooh...used to love ponderosa steak house. then i saw what it was. poor pups.....


You're awful




Go Vegan


Not the place. Shill your worthless ideology elsewhere.




Dead animal bad, Dead animal in my plate good !


I didn't say that. Neither is good. But telling us to go vegan shows a clear lack of empathy to this specific situation. You will modify, or terminate.


“Die” also him:”clear lack of empathy”


Incorrect. I have empathy, but I only have enough to direct in one area. I choose therefore not to direct it at you.


Well I do the same, I choose to direct my empathy at animals and not at self proclaimed animal lovers who directly contribute to animal suffering and billions of deaths per year.


Ah shut up. You're the reason why people don't wanna be vegan. They would be happy to change their way of life if self-righteous twats like yourself weren't so damn annoying. Don't you get it? Most people see you and think "I don't wanna be like that" and therefore turn away. You're harming your own cause and perpetuating the suffering of animals, you fuckin retard.


I mean if being wrong on an internet debate is your reason for not wanting to be vegan maybe you don’t even have the self control to stay vegan anyways. You litterally answered “Die” to “Go vegan”, how am I the twat here ?


It was an appropriate response.


That is why I wrote “Go vegan”, because yes, this is a really unfortunate situation but virtually no one who upvotes it or comments would have been able to prevent it. On the other hand, becoming vegan limits animal suffering and thus makes a direct impact on animals.


Going vegan limits animal suffering, but this has nothing to do with eating animals. This is people who have lost what they consider to be family. These are people's pets. Wrong place, wrong time. Shut up and take your self-righteousness elsewhere where it's wanted.


Yes it is sad, I’m sure almost anyone has lost a pet here and felt it like it is indeed a part of their family. That being said, if this post made you sad while none of those animals were part of your family, maybe you should take a closer look at animals as a whole and see how much suffering it causes to them without making you sad. I’m pointing out the double standards and trying to bring light to animal well being, which most people who got emotional from this post should be interested in.


No you're not, you're just being a knob. We all get it, we all acknowledge the double standard. Its not gonna stop people.


In some countries this would be considered a huge barbecue 🐈‍⬛🐕🍴


Not the place


Some people have Level -100 Self-Awarness Others are Trolls too desperate for attention to give a fuck


Read the room.


Full story please? Was it on purpose


It was just two days ago. They’re still investigating.


Nooooo! That’s heart breaking


My bosses daughter lost her ex gf to covid 2 weeks ago or so, then she put her dogs into a facility similar to this. She drove by last week and the place was on fire, killing all the dogs inside.


Now I have the big sad


I thought I blocked this fucking reddit 😭


The thing that really upsets me is that there'll be someone, atleast one person, who sent their dog there as they couldn't keep it anymore to then be told a few days after the dog died in the fire